

IWCC 2024 Call For Papers

The 13th International Workshop on Cyber Crime, or IWCC, 2024 call for papers has been announced. It will take place July 30th through August 2nd, 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

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[APOLOGIES FOR CROSS-POSTING]CALL FOR PAPERS13th International Workshop on Cyber Crime (IWCC 2024 - be held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference onAvailability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024 - July 30 - August 02, 2024, Vienna, AustriaIMPORTANT DATESSubmission Deadline  May 12, 2024Author Notification  May 29, 2024Proceedings Version  June 18, 2024Conference    July 30 - August 02, 2024WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONThe societies of today's world are becoming increasingly dependent on onlineservices, where commercial activities, business transactions, governmentservices and biomedical diagnostics are realized. This tendency has beenevident during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. These developments, along withthe growing number of military conflicts worldwide (Ukraine, Israel, etc.),have led to the fast development of new cyber threats and numerousinformation security issues that are exploited by cybercriminals. Theinability to provide trusted, secure services in contemporary computernetwork technologies has a tremendous socio-economic impact on globalenterprises as well as individuals.Moreover, the frequently occurring international frauds impose the necessityto conduct investigations spanning multiple domains and countries. Suchexamination is often subject to different jurisdictions and legal systems. Agood illustration of the above is the Internet, which has made it easier toprepare and perpetrate traditional - but now cyber-enabled - crimes. It hasacted as an alternate avenue for criminals to conduct their activities andlaunch attacks with relative anonymity, a high degree of deniability, andthe opportunity to operate in a border-agnostic environment. Worryingdevelopments in the abuse of artificial intelligence and machine learningtechnologies lead to the increased capabilities of malign actors wholeverage these tools to design and propagate disinformation, which isespecially dangerous (and effective) during emergencies and crises of allkinds. The developments in Generative Artificial Intelligence have alsoenabled the increase of criminal capabilities in the production,dissemination, and weaponization of high-quality, convincing fake contact(text, audio, images, and videos), which translates not only to the truthand trust decay among the affected societies but also to the enhancedcapabilities in orchestrating the sophisticated cyber crimes. Furthermore, nowadays, the majority of life-science-based techniques andresulting data hinge on information technologies. Despite their considerableadvantages, dependence on cyber technologies also exposes vulnerabilities.Various threats in the digital realm could target biomedical systems,leading to adverse consequences. The field of CyberBioSecurity wasestablished to assist bio-related sciences in comprehending potential cyberthreats and formulating defense approaches, recovery protocols, andresilience strategies. The increased complexity of communications and thenetworking infrastructure is making the investigation of these new types ofcrimes difficult. Traces of illegal digital activities are difficult toanalyze due to large volumes of data. Nowadays, the digital crime scenefunctions like any other network, with dedicated administrators functioningas the first responders. This poses new challenges for law enforcement and intelligence communitiesand forces computer societies to utilize digital forensics to combat theincreasing number of cybercrimes. Forensic professionals must be fullyprepared to be able to provide court-admissible evidence. To make thesegoals achievable, forensic techniques should keep pace with newtechnologies. Prevention, mitigation, and interdiction of new and emergingthreats necessitates an increasingly thorough and multidisciplinaryapproaches, but also requires the collaboration of all relevant actors andstakeholders in designing the technology regulation and cyber governancemeasures.The aim of this workshop is to bring together the research outcomes providedby researchers from academia and the industry. The other goal is to show thelatest research results in digital forensics and cyberbiosecurity amongstothers. We strongly encourage prospective authors to submit articlespresenting both theoretical approaches and practical case reviews, includingwork-in-progress reports.TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:- Big Data analytics helping to track cybercrimes- Protecting Big Data against cybercrimes- Crime-as-a-service- Criminal abuse of clouds and social networks- Criminal to criminal (C2C) communications- Criminal to victim (C2V) communications- Criminal use of IoT, e.g., IoT-based botnets- Cyberbiosecurity- Cybercrime-related investigations- Cybercrimes: evolution, new trends and detection- Darknets and hidden services- Fake (incl. deepfake) and disinformation detection- Generative Artificial Intelligence and cyber crime- AI-enabled crime and terrorism- Mobile malware- Network anomaly detection- Network traffic analysis, traceback and attribution- Incident response, investigation and evidence handling- Internet governance- Novel techniques in exploit kits- Political and business issues related to digital forensics andanti-forensic - techniques- Anti-forensic techniques and methods- Identification, authentication and collection of digital evidence- Integrity of digital evidence and live investigations- Privacy issues in digital forensics- Ransomware: evolution, functioning, types, etc.- Steganography/steganalysis and covert/subliminal channels- Technology regulation- Novel applications of information hiding in networks- Watermarking and intellectual property theft- Weaponization of information - cyber-enhanced disinformation campaignsWORKSHOP CHAIRSArtur Janicki, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; Kacper Gradoñ, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland;Katarzyna Kamiñska, Warsaw University of Technology, PolandSUBMISSION GUIDELINESThe submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for theARES conference. They can be found at

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