

DNS Amplification Scanner

This Metasploit module can be used to discover DNS servers which expose recursive name lookups which can be used in an amplification attack against a third party.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Exploit::Capture  include Msf::Auxiliary::UDPScanner  include Msf::Auxiliary::DRDoS  def initialize    super(      'Name'        => 'DNS Amplification Scanner',      'Description' => %q{          This module can be used to discover DNS servers which expose recursive          name lookups which can be used in an amplification attack against a          third party.      },      'Author'      => [ 'xistence <xistence[at]>'], # Original scanner module      'License'     => MSF_LICENSE,      'References'  =>          [              ['CVE', '2006-0987'],              ['CVE', '2006-0988'],          ]    )    register_options( [      Opt::RPORT(53),'DOMAINNAME', [true, 'Domain to use for the DNS request', '' ]),'QUERYTYPE', [true, 'Query type(A, NS, SOA, MX, TXT, AAAA, RRSIG, DNSKEY, ANY)', 'ANY' ]),    ])  end  def rport    datastore['RPORT']  end  def setup    super    # Check for DNS query types byte    case datastore['QUERYTYPE']    when 'A'      querypacket="\x01"    when 'NS'      querypacket="\x02"    when 'SOA'      querypacket="\x06"    when 'MX'      querypacket="\x0f"    when 'TXT'      querypacket="\x10"    when 'AAAA'      querypacket="\x1c"    when 'RRSIG'      querypacket="\x2e"    when 'DNSKEY'      querypacket="\x30"    when 'ANY'      querypacket="\xff"    else      print_error("Invalid query type!")      return    end    targdomainpacket = []    # Before every part of the domainname there should be the length of that part (instead of a ".")    # So divided is 3isc3org    datastore['DOMAINNAME'].split('.').each do |domainpart|      # The length of the domain part in hex      domainpartlength =  "%02x" % domainpart.length      # Convert the name part to a hex string      domainpart = { |b| b.to_s(16) }.join()      # Combine the length of the name part and the name part      targdomainpacket.push(domainpartlength + domainpart)    end    # Convert the targdomainpacket to a string    targdomainpacket = targdomainpacket.join.to_s    # Create a correct hex character string to be used in the packet    targdomainpacket = targdomainpacket.scan(/../).map { |x| x.hex.chr }.join    # DNS Packet including our target domain and query type    @msearch_probe = "\x09\x8d\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" + targdomainpacket + "\x00\x00" + querypacket + "\x00\x01"  end  def scanner_prescan(batch)    print_status("Sending DNS probes to #{batch[0]}->#{batch[-1]} (#{batch.length} hosts)")    # Standard packet is 60 bytes. Add the domain size to this    sendpacketsize = 60 + datastore['DOMAINNAME'].length    print_status("Sending #{sendpacketsize} bytes to each host using the IN #{datastore['QUERYTYPE']} #{datastore['DOMAINNAME']} request")    @results = {}  end  def scan_host(ip)    if spoofed?      datastore['ScannerRecvWindow'] = 0      scanner_spoof_send(@msearch_probe, ip, datastore['RPORT'], datastore['SRCIP'], datastore['NUM_REQUESTS'])    else      scanner_send(@msearch_probe, ip, datastore['RPORT'])    end  end  def scanner_process(data, shost, sport)    # Check the response data for \x09\x8d and the next 2 bytes, which contain our DNS flags    if data =~/\x09\x8d(..)/      flags = $1      flags = flags.unpack('B*')[0].scan(/./)      # Query Response      qr = flags[0]      # Recursion Available      ra = flags[8]      # Response Code      rcode = flags[12] + flags[13] + flags[14] + flags[15]      # If these flags are set, we get a valid response      # don't test recursion available if correct answer received      # at least the case with bind and "additional-from-cache no" or version < 9.5+      if qr == "1" and rcode == "0000"        sendlength = 60 + datastore['DOMAINNAME'].length        receivelength = 42 + data.length        amp = receivelength / sendlength.to_f        print_good("#{shost}:#{datastore['RPORT']} - Response is #{receivelength} bytes [#{amp.round(2)}x Amplification]")        report_service(:host => shost, :port => datastore['RPORT'], :proto => 'udp', :name => "dns")        report_vuln(          :host => shost,          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :proto => 'udp', :name => "DNS",          :info => "DNS amplification -  #{data.length} bytes [#{amp.round(2)}x Amplification]",          :refs => self.references)      end      # If these flags are set, we get a valid response but recursion is not available      if qr == "1" and ra == "0" and rcode == "0101"        print_status("#{shost}:#{datastore['RPORT']} - Recursion not allowed")        report_service(:host => shost, :port => datastore['RPORT'], :proto => 'udp', :name => "dns")      end    end  endend

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