2019 年のリリース スケジュールは「セキュリティ更新プログラム リリース スケジュール (2019 年)」をご覧ください。
Today we are launching the [ElectionGuard Bounty program](«> >). In May 2019, we announced the release of ElectionGuard, a free open-source SDK to make voting more secure, transparent, and accessible. ElectionGuard enables end-to-end verification of elections, open results to third-party organizations for secure validation, and allows individual voters to confirm their votes were correctly counted.
Today we are launching the [ElectionGuard Bounty program](«> >). In May 2019, we announced the release of ElectionGuard, a free open-source SDK to make voting more secure, transparent, and accessible. ElectionGuard enables end-to-end verification of elections, open results to third-party organizations for secure validation, and allows individual voters to confirm their votes were correctly counted.
Right before Black Hat USA 2019, we announced our new researcher recognition program, and at Black Hat we announced the top researchers from the previous twelve months. Since it’s easier to track your progress with regular updates than with just an annual report, we are excited to
Right before Black Hat USA 2019, we announced our new researcher recognition program, and at Black Hat we announced the top researchers from the previous twelve months. Since it’s easier to track your progress with regular updates than with just an annual report, we are excited to
Over the course of my internship at the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), I worked on the safe systems programming languages (SSPL) team to promote safer languages for systems programming where runtime overhead is important, as outlined in this blog. My job was to port a security critical network processing agent into Rust to eliminate the memory safety bugs that had plagued it.
Over the course of my internship at the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), I worked on the safe systems programming languages (SSPL) team to promote safer languages for systems programming where runtime overhead is important, as outlined in this blog. My job was to port a security critical network processing agent into Rust to eliminate the memory safety bugs that had plagued it.
We have released the October security updates to provide additional protections against malicious attackers. As a best practice, we encourage customers to turn on automatic updates. More information about this month’s security updates can be found in the Security Update Guide. As a reminder, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will be out of extended support and no longer receiving updates as of January 14, 2020.
I interned with Microsoft as a Software Engineering Intern in the MSRC UK team in Cheltenham this past summer. I worked in the Safe Systems Programming Language (SSPL) group, which explores safe programming languages as a proactive measure against memory-safety related vulnerabilities. This blog post describes the project that I have been working on under the mentorship of the SSPL team.
2019 年 10 月 9 日 (日本時間)、マイクロソフトは以下のソフトウェアのセキュリティ更新プログラムを公開しまし