

#Mobile Security

New Android Spyware Poses Pegasus-Like Threat

PhoneSpy already has stolen data and tracked the activity of targets in South Korea, disguising itself as legitimate lifestyle apps.

#Cloud Security#Vulnerabilities#Web Security#ddos#Vulnerabilities#Web Security#vulnerability#Malware#Mobile Security#android#git
BrakTooth Bluetooth Bugs Bite: Exploit Code, PoC Released

CISA is urging vendors to patch, given the release of public exploit code & a proof of concept tool for bugs that open billions of devices – phones, PCs, toys, etc. – to DoS & code execution.

Beyond the Basics: Tips for Building Advanced Ransomware Resiliency

Joseph Carson, chief security scientist and advisory CISO at ThycoticCentrify, offers advice on least privilege, automation, application control and more.

Feds Offer $10 Million Bounty for DarkSide Info

The U.S. State Department ups the ante in its hunt for the ransomware perpetrators by offering a sizeable cash sum for locating and arresting leaders of the cybercriminal group.