Lack of proper input validation and constraint enforcement in Apache Ambari prior to 2.7.8 Impact : As it will be stored XSS, Could be exploited to perform unauthorized actions, varying from data access to session hijacking and delivering malicious payloads. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.7.8 which fixes this issue.
Pig butchering scams are usually tied to cryptocurrency investments that make for big business with victims on both sides of the line.
By Owais Sultan Entering the world of cryptocurrency might seem straightforward, but ensuring the security of your crypto funds is crucial.… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: A Comprehensive Guide to Investing Securely in Digital Assets
Apache Airflow, versions before 2.8.2, has a vulnerability that allows authenticated Ops and Viewers users to view all information on audit logs, including dag names and usernames they were not permitted to view. With 2.8.2 and newer, Ops and Viewer users do not have audit log permission by default, they need to be explicitly granted permissions to see the logs. Only admin users have audit log permission by default. Users of Apache Airflow are recommended to upgrade to version 2.8.2 or newer to mitigate the risk associated with this vulnerability
In mongo-express 1.0.2, /admin allows CSRF, as demonstrated by deletion of a Collection.
Nteract v.0.28.0 was discovered to contain a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability via the Markdown link.
GitHub on Thursday announced that it’s enabling secret scanning push protection by default for all pushes to public repositories. “This means that when a supported secret is detected in any push to a public repository, you will have the option to remove the secret from your commits or, if you deem the secret safe, bypass the block,” Eric Tooley and Courtney Claessens said. Push protection&
By Waqas In an exclusive statement to Hackread.com, CutOut.Pro denied the breach and labeled the leak as a 'clear scam.' This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: CutOut.Pro AI Tool Data Breach: Hacker Leak 20 Million User Info
The UK’s privacy regulator says the government did not take into account the intrusiveness of ankle tags that continuously monitor a person’s location.
### Impact A user could type HTML into a field, including the field for the user's name, and then that HTML could be displayed on the screen as HTML. The HTML can also contain `<script>` tags allowing JavaScript to execute on the page. ### Patches The vulnerability has been patched in version 1.4.97 of the master branch. The Docker image on docker.io has been patched. ### Workarounds If upgrading is not possible, manually apply the changes of [4801ac7](https://github.com/jhpyle/docassemble/commit/4801ac7ff7c90df00ac09523077930cdb6dea2aa) and restart the server (e.g., by pressing Save on the Configuration screen). ### Credit The vulnerability was discovered by Riyush Ghimire (@richighimi). ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [docassemble](https://github.com/jhpyle/docassemble/issues) * Join the [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/docassemble/shared_invite/zt-2cspzjo9j-YyE7SrLmi5muAvnPv~Bz~A) * Email us at jhpy...