


AVideo WWBNIndex Plugin Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability in the WWBNIndex plugin of the AVideo platform. The vulnerability exists within the submitIndex.php file, where user-supplied input is passed directly to the require() function without proper sanitization. By exploiting this, an attacker can leverage the PHP filter chaining technique to execute arbitrary PHP code on the server. This allows for the execution of commands and control over the affected system. The exploit is particularly dangerous because it does not require authentication, making it possible for any remote attacker to exploit this vulnerability.

Packet Storm
GHSA-f98p-2hc5-fm7v: AVideo cross-site scripting vulnerability in the view/about.php page

The PHP file view/about.php is vulnerable to an XSS issue due to no sanitization of the user agent. At line [53], the website gets the user-agent from the headers through $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and echo it without any sanitization. In PHP, echo a user generated statement, here the User-Agent Header, without any sanitization allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into the output of a web page, which are then executed in the browser of anyone viewing that page.

GHSA-7v7m-pcw5-h3cg: Pusher Service Channel Authentication Bypass

The service offered by Pusher provides "private" channels with an authentication mechanism that restricts subscription access. The decision on allowing subscriptions to private channels is delegated to customers, who implement an authentication endpoint. End-users request a token from this endpoint to join a specific channel. The token is an HMAC signature of the end-user's connection ID (socket_id) and the desired channel. The issue arises from a lack of validation in the libraries provided to customers. This vulnerability allows a malicious end-user to submit a malformed socket_id field, leading the customer to unknowingly sign a string. This signed string grants access to a different private channel than the one the end-user is ostensibly requesting. Consequently, a malicious end-user, with permission to subscribe to one private channel, can forge permission for any private channel owned by the same customer. Additionally, the HTTP API is secured by requiring a signature with each...

GHSA-7vw7-qx38-37vr: Propel2 SQL injection possible with limit() on MySQL

The limit() query method is susceptible to catastrophic SQL injection with MySQL. For example, given a model User for a table users: ``` UserQuery::create()->limit('1;DROP TABLE users')->find(); ``` This will drop the users table! The cause appears to be a lack of integer casting of the limit input in either Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criteria::setLimit() or in Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\MysqlAdapter::applyLimit(). The code comments there seem to imply that casting was avoided due to overflow issues with 32-bit integers. This is surprising behavior since one of the primary purposes of an ORM is to prevent basic SQL injection. This affects all versions of Propel: 1.x, 2.x, and 3.

GHSA-ww6p-q26w-fr6m: phpxmlrpc/extra XSS in class documenting_xmlrpc_server

Versions preceding 0.6.1 of the phpxmlrpc/extras project are susceptible to a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. This vulnerability exists within the class documenting_xmlrpc_server when processing the GET methodName parameter.

GHSA-f5pp-pmq8-gp46: Passbolt Api Retrieval of HTTP-only cookies

Passbolt uses three cookies: a session cookie, a CSRF protection cookie and a cookie to keep track of the multiple-factor authentication process. Both the session cookie and the mfa cookie are properly set HTTP-only to prevent an attacker from retrieving the content of those cookies if they managed to exploit an XSS. The /auth/verify.json endpoint returns a JSON that, among other things, contains the cookies sent in the request. (similar to the TRACE HTTP method) An attacker who manages to leverage an XSS vulnerability could retrieve the session cookies of a legitimate user, effectively granting them the ability to retrieve information (such as encrypted password list or group list) without requiring user interaction. This vulnerability has a low impact, but no immediate risk due to it requiring the exploitation of an XSS vulnerability that has yet to be found.

GHSA-g48f-pgwh-wwxx: onelogin/php-saml signature wrapping attacks

Vulnerability in onelogin/php-saml versions prior to 2.10.0 allows signature Wrapping attacks which may result in a malicious user gaining unauthorized access to a system.

GHSA-9wrw-p9rm-r782: onelogin/php-saml Improper signature validation on LogoutRequest/LogoutResponse.

In order to verify Signatures on Logoutrequests and LogoutResponses we use the verifySignature of the class XMLSecurityKey from the xmlseclibs library. That method end up calling openssl_verify() depending on the signature algorithm used. The openssl_verify() function returns 1 when the signature was successfully verified, 0 if it failed to verify with the given key, and -1 in case an error occurs. PHP allows translating numerical values to boolean implicitly, with the following correspondences: - 0 equals false. - Non-zero equals true. This means that an implicit conversion to boolean of the values returned by openssl_verify() will convert an error state, signaled by the value -1, to a successful verification of the signature (represented by the boolean true). The LogoutRequest/LogoutResponse signature validator was performing an implicit conversion to boolean of the values returned by the verify() method, which subsequently will return the same output as openssl_verify() under mos...

GHSA-6cj3-rc4p-f38f: Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities in Neos

It has been discovered that Neos is vulnerable to several XSS attacks. Through these vulnerabilities, an attacker could tamper with page rendering, redirect victims to a fake login page, or capture user credentials (such as cookies). With the potential backdoor upload an attacker could gain access to the server itself, to an extent mainly limited by the server setup. ### Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (SXSS) with authentication A Neos backend user with permission to modify content can insert JavaScript instructions into content elements. The browser will execute the script in "Print" preview mode. A Neos backend user who can modify his profile information ("Title", "First Name", "Last name", "Middle Name", "Other Name") can inject JavaScript instructions in those parameters. Once set up, an administrator who wants to edit this user account will execute the code. Both attack vectors require a valid Neos backend user account. ### Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (RXSS) without authentica...

GHSA-3c5g-73f7-grvm: Neos Information Disclosure Security Note

Due to reports it has been validated that internal workspaces in Neos are accessible without authentication. Some users assumed this is a planned feature but it is not. A workspace preview should be an additional feature with respective security measures in place. Note that this only allows reading of internal workspaces not writing. And for clarification, an internal workspace is a workspace that is non public and doesn't have an owner. Given that an internal workspace exists in your installation, it is possible to view a page in context of that workspace by opening a link in this format: https://domain/path/to/page.html@workspace-name The issue is quite problematic when exploited but at the same time slightly less impactful than it sounds. First of all there is no default internal workspace, so the issue affects only workspaces created by users. That also means the workspace-name, which will also always include a hash is individual to a project and an exploiter must get hold of t...