

CVE-2022-35874: TALOS-2022-1581 || Cisco Talos Intelligence Group

Four format string injection vulnerabilities exist in the XCMD testWifiAP functionality of Abode Systems, Inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9X and 6.9Z. Specially-crafted configuration values can lead to memory corruption, information disclosure and denial of service. An attacker can modify a configuration value and then execute an XCMD to trigger these vulnerabilities.This vulnerability arises from format string injection via the ssid and ssid_hex configuration parameters, as used within the testWifiAP XCMD handler



Four format string injection vulnerabilities exist in the XCMD testWifiAP functionality of Abode Systems, Inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9X and 6.9Z. Specially-crafted configuration values can lead to memory corruption, information disclosure and denial of service. An attacker can modify a configuration value and then execute an XCMD to trigger these vulnerabilities.


The versions below were either tested or verified to be vulnerable by Talos or confirmed to be vulnerable by the vendor.

abode systems, inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9X
abode systems, inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9Z


iota All-In-One Security Kit -


8.2 - CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:H


CWE-134 - Use of Externally-Controlled Format String


The iota All-In-One Security Kit is a home security gateway containing an HD camera, infrared motion detection sensor, Ethernet, WiFi and Cellular connectivity. The iota gateway orchestrates communications between sensors (cameras, door and window alarms, motion detectors, etc.) distributed on the LAN and the Abode cloud. Users of the iota can communicate with the device through mobile application or web application.

The iota device generates a significant volume of diagnostic logs, which it displays on its read-only physical UART console. These logs are formatted and put on the serial line inside of a function (located at offset 0xA3270) which we refer to simply as log. The log function operates as a wrapper to vsnprintf and puts with the added functionality of prefixing supplied log messages with severity and task strings. The log function is variadic, and it crafts the final log message by passing the supplied format and variadic arguments to vsnprintf. If an attacker can inject content into the format parameter, they could potentially leak stack memory and write arbitrary memory.

/* Examples:
        log(6, 13, "Initialized SSL");  ->  [DBG!][NET ]Initialized SSL
        log(3, 13, "SSL init error: %d", error);  ->  [ERR!][NET ]SSL init error: {error}
void log(unsigned int severity, unsigned int task, const char *format, ...)
  char log_buffer[520];
  va_list var_args;

  va_start(var_args, format);
  if ( severity <= g_LOG_LEVEL && ((g_TASK_LOGGING_ENABLED_BITFIELD >> task) & 1) != 0 )
    // Prefix the message with the SEVERITY tag
    if ( severity >= MAX_SEVERITY )
      severity = MAX_SEVERITY;
    memcpy(log_buffer, g_SEVERITY_PREFIX[severity], 6u);

    // Prefix the message with the TASK tag
    if ( task >= MAX_TASK )
      task = MAX_TASK;
    memcpy(&log_buffer[6], g_TASK_PREFIX[task], 0xCu);

    // Populate remainder of message with format and var_args
    vsnprintf(&log_buffer[12], 499u, format, var_args);

    // Put crafted message on to UART

It is important to note that all output from format string injections stemming from misuse of the log function will only be available to a physically present attacker who has partially disassembled the device and connected to the UART console.

The iota device receives command and control messages (referred to in the application as XCMDs) via an XMPP connection established during the initialization of the hpgw application. As of version 6.9Z there are 222 XCMDs registered within the application. Each XCMD is associated with a function intended to handle it. As discussed in TALOS-2022-1552 there is a service running on UDP/55050 that allows an unauthenticated attacker access to execute these XCMDs.

An XCMD, by virtue of being commonly transmitted over XMPP, is an XML payload structured in a specific format. Each XCMD must contain a root node <p>, which must contain a child element, <mac> with an attribute v containing the target device MAC Address. There must also be a child element <cmd> which must contain an attribute a naming the XCMD to be executed. From there, various XCMDs require various child elements that contain information relevent only to that handler.

The testWifiAP XCMD is used to validate the existing wireless network configuration, and it does not expect any parameters. The XCMD appears as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <mac v="B0:C5:CA:00:00:00"/>
    <cmd a="testWifiAP"/>

The handler associated with testWifiAP is located at offset 0x104830 of the /root/hpgw binary included in version 6.9Z, and its decompilation is included here.

int __fastcall testWifiAP(xml_node_t *xcmd, xstrbuf_t *response)
  const char *err_str;
  wifi_config_t wifi_config;

  // [1] Copy the current wireless configuration into `wifi_config`

  // [2] Pass the wireless configuration into the vulnerable function
  if ( do_test_wifiap(&wifi_config) )
    err_str = strtable_get("XCMD_ERR_WIFI_AUTH", 18);
    xml_construct_error_response(response, 0, 82, err_str);
  return 0;

The handler itself is very straightforward. At [1] it collects the current wireless configuration and passes it to a delegate function we’ve named do_test_wifiap. It is the do_test_wifiap that contains the vulnerability, but this function is only executed when the testWifiAP XCMD is received.

The function we refer to as fetch_wifi_config is located at offset 0x1C722C of the hpgw binary included in firmware 6.9Z. Its very straightforward decompilation is included here.

void __fastcall fetch_wifi_config(wifi_config_t *config)
  fetch_config_value("WL_SSID", config->ssid, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_SSID_HEX", config->ssid_hex, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_AuthMode", config->auth_mode, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_WPAPSK", config->wpapsk, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_WPAPSK_HEX", config->wpapsk_hex, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_EncrypType", config->encryp_type, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_DefaultKeyID", config->default_key_id, 191);
  fetch_config_value("WL_Key", config->key, 191);

These Wi-Fi configuration values may be modified a few ways: by the user via mobile application or Abode web application; through the setWifiAP XCMD; and via either the /action/wirelessPost or /action/configPost endpoints of the device’s local web interface. None of these mechanisms implement useful sanitization or sanity checking on the values. For the purposes of the following vulnerabilities, we assume that the remote attacker has manipulated these parameters prior to triggering the vulnerable testWifiAP XCMD.

These configuration values are passed to the function we’ve named do_test_wifiap, which is located at offset 0x1c7d28. The relevant portions of the decompilation are included below.

int __fastcall do_test_wifiap(wifi_config_t *config)
  int result;
  const char *static_command;
  int retry;
  int con_suc;
  const char *str_err;
  int wireless_enabled;
  char cmd_output[32];
  char command[256];

  wireless_enabled = 0;

  // [1] Ensure that wireless is enabled, otherwise exit early
  get_config_as_integer("WL_Enable", (int)&wireless_enabled);
  if ( !wireless_enabled )
    return -3;

  // [2] Ensure that one of `config->ssid` or `config->ssid_hex` is provided
  if ( !config->ssid[0] && !config->ssid_hex[0] )
    log(7, 31, "No SSID!");
    return -2;


  memset(command, 0, 0x80u);
  // [3] Identify whether the SSID is provided via the `config->ssid` or `config->ssid_hex` configuration value
  if ( config->ssid_hex[0] )
    // [4] If via `config->ssid_hex`, inject directly into the command buffer
    log(7, 31, "with hex string");
    vsnprintf_nullterm(command, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 ssid %s", "wlan0", config->ssid_hex);
    // [5] If via `config->ssid`, inject directly into the command buffer
    log(7, 31, "with acii string");
    vsnprintf_nullterm(command, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 ssid '\"%s\"'", "wlan0", config->ssid);
  // [6] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [4] or [5]
  log(7, 1, command);

  memset(command, 0, 0x80u);
  if ( strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPA") && strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPA2") )

    // [7] If `config->auth_mode` is WPAPSK or WPA2PSK
    if ( !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPAPSK") || !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPA2PSK") )
      // [8] then inject `config->wpapsk` directly into the command buffer
      vsnprintf_nullterm(command, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 psk '\"%s\"'", "wlan0", config->wpapsk);
      // [9] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [8]
      log(7, 1, command);
      p_command = command

    // [10] Otherwise, if `config->auth_mode` is SHARED or WEP
    else if ( !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "SHARED") || !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WEP") )
      log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");
      popen_write("driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");

      // [11] Construct a command buffer by injecting `config->default_key_id` and `config->key`
        "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 wep_key%s '\"%s\"'",

      // [12] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [10]
      log(7, 1, command);

      memset(command, 0, 0x80u);

      // [13] Then construct a second command buffer by injecting `config->default_key_id`
        "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 wep_tx_keyidx %s",
      // [14] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [12]
      log(7, 1, command);

      if ( strcmp(config->auth_mode, "SHARED") )
        goto LABEL_19;
      log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 auth_alg SHARED");
      p_command = "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 auth_alg SHARED";
      log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");
      p_command = "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE";

CVE-2022-35874 - config->ssid/config->ssid_hex

The first misuse of the log function occurs when logging the construction of an OS command meant to configure the device’s Wi-Fi AP SSID. The SSID can be provided via either the config->ssid or config->ssid_hex configuration values, with ssid_hex taking priority if both are provided. Below is a partial decompilation of the do_test_wifiap function, with annotations.

memset(command, 0, 0x80u);
// [3] Identify whether the SSID is provided via the `config->ssid` or `config->ssid_hex` configuration value
if ( config->ssid_hex[0] )
    // [4] If via `config->ssid_hex`, inject directly into the command buffer
    log(7, 31, "with hex string");
    vsnprintf_nullterm(command, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 ssid %s", "wlan0", config->ssid_hex);
    // [5] If via `config->ssid`, inject directly into the command buffer
    log(7, 31, "with acii string");
    vsnprintf_nullterm(command, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 ssid '\"%s\"'", "wlan0", config);
// [6] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [4] or [5]
log(7, 1, command);

First, at [3], it is determined whether to use the ssid_hex or ssid configuration value. In either case, the selected value will be used at [4], or [5] to construct the command buffer. Finally, at [6] the injected command buffer is passed as the format parameter to the log function, resulting in attacker control of the format string.

Supplying a config->ssid_hex or config->ssid value of %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x… results in the following log message being generated:

[DBG ][WEB ]driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 ssid '"7148d871.7148d950.333a4143.252e51.0.33.76c46000.3a224e50.252e78"'

CVE-2022-35875 - config->wpapsk

This misuse of the log function occurs when logging the construction of an OS command meant to configure the WPAPSK of the wireless network. While the configuration values support the creation and fetching of a config->ssid_hex value, it is not used in this function. This vulnerability may only be triggered via the use of config->ssid. Below is the relevant portion of a decompilation of the do_test_wifiap function, with annotations.

if ( strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPA") && strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPA2") )
  // [7] If `config->auth_mode` is WPAPSK or WPA2PSK
  if ( !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPAPSK") || !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WPA2PSK") )
    // [8] then inject `config->wpapsk` directly into the command buffer
    vsnprintf_nullterm(command, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 psk '\"%s\"'", "wlan0", config->wpapsk);
    // [9] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [8]
    log(7, 1, command);
    p_command = command

At [7], it is first confirmed that the type of authentication required for the Wi-Fi AP is either WPA or WPA2. If so, then at [8] the config->wpapsk configuration value is used to construct the command buffer. Finally, at [9] the injected command buffer is passed as the format parameter to the log function, resulting in attacker control of the format string.

Supplying a config->wpapsk of %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x… results in the following log message being generated:

[DBG ][WEB ]driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 psk '"7148d870.7148db90.333a4143.252e51.0.33.76c46000.3a224e50.252e78"'

CVE-2022-35876 - config->default_key_id / config->key

This misuse of the log function occurs when logging the construction of an OS command meant to configure the WEP key management for the wireless network.The WEP key is provided via the config->key configuration value, and the key identifier is provided via the config->default_key_id. Below is the relevant portion of a decompilation of the do_test_wifiap function, with annotations.

// [10] Otherwise, if `config->auth_mode` is SHARED or WEP
else if ( !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "SHARED") || !strcmp(config->auth_mode, "WEP") )
    log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");
    popen_write("driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");

    // [11] Construct a command buffer by injecting `config->default_key_id` and `config->key`
      "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 wep_key%s '\"%s\"'",

    // [12] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [10]
    log(7, 1, command);

At [10], it is first confirmed that the type of authentication required for the Wi-Fi AP is either WEP or SHARED. If so, then at [11] the config->default_key_id and config->key configuration values are used to construct the command buffer. Finally, at [12] the injected command buffer is passed as the format parameter to the log function, resulting in attacker control of the format string.

Supplying %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x… for both the config->default_key_id and config->key configuration values results in the following log message being generated:

[DBG ][WEB ]driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 wep_key7148d88c.7148ddd0.7148de90.252e51.0.33.76c46000.3a224e50 '"252e78.7148df54.1.223a2243.220a2c22.5f534d4d.73736150.3a226477.a2c2222"'

CVE-2022-35877 - config->default_key_id

The final misuse of the log function within testWifiAP occurs almost immediately after the previous vulnerability, when logging the construction of an OS command meant to configure the WEP key management for the wireless network.The WEP key index is provided via the config->default_key_id configuration value. Below is the relevant portion of a decompilation of the do_test_wifiap function, with annotations.

// [13] Then construct a second command buffer by injecting `config->default_key_id`
    "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 wep_tx_keyidx %s",
// [14] Call the log function with the format string injected with attacker-controlled configuration values at [12]
log(7, 1, command);

At [13] the config->default_key_id is used to construct another OS command. At [14] the injected command buffer is passed as the format parameter to the log function, resulting in attacker control of the format string.

Supplying a config->default_key_id of %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x… results in the following log message being generated:

[DBG ][WEB ]driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 wep_tx_keyidx 714ad874.714addd0.714ade90.252e51.0.33.76c66000.3a224e50


2022-07-20 - Vendor Disclosure
2022-10-20 - Public Release

Discovered by Matt Wiseman of Cisco Talos.

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