

CVE-2023-26801: my-vuls/LB-LINK BL-AC1900, BL-WR9000, BL-X26 and BL-LTE300 Wireless Routers at main · winmt/my-vuls

LB-LINK BL-AC1900_2.0 v1.0.1, LB-LINK BL-WR9000 v2.4.9, LB-LINK BL-X26 v1.2.5, and LB-LINK BL-LTE300 v1.0.8 were discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the mac, time1, and time2 parameters at /goform/set_LimitClient_cfg.



Vendor of the products: LB-LINK

Vendor’s website: (Global) (China)

Reported by: WangJincheng([email protected]) & ShaLetian([email protected])

Affected products:

LB-LINK BL-AC1900_2.0




Affected firmware version:

LB-LINK BL-AC1900_2.0 V1.0.1 (the latest release version)

LB-LINK BL-WR9000 V2.4.9 (the latest release version)

LB-LINK BL-X26 V1.2.5 (the latest release version)

LB-LINK BL-LTE300 V1.0.8 (the latest release version)

Firmware download address:

LB-LINK BL-AC1900_2.0 V1.0.1

LB-LINK BL-WR9000 V2.4.9

LB-LINK BL-X26 V1.2.5

LB-LINK BL-LTE300 V1.0.8


LB-LINK BL-AC1900_2.0 V1.0.1, BL-WR9000 V2.4.9, BL-X26 V1.2.5 and BL-LTE300 V1.0.8 Wireless Routers were discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability. The vulnerability is caused by the lax check of the mac field. An unauthorized attacker can send crafted requests to /goform/set_LimitClient_cfg, executing arbitrary commands on remote devices.

Vulnerability details

The vulnerability was detected in the file /lib/

In the bs_SetLimitCli_info function of /lib/, obtain the contents of the mac, time1, and time2 fields from the JSON data passed in.

When the time1 and time2 fields are both 00:00-00:00, the contents of the mac field are spliced into a format string without any checks and executed as an argument to bl_do_system.

In the ftext function, the entry to the /bin/goahead program, the formDefineCGIjson function is called to define the corresponding handler for the URL /goform/xxx.

The /goform/set_LimitClient_cfg URL corresponds to sub_44DB74.

In sub_44DB74 function, the content of fields in POST request is obtained by websGetVar, then converted to JSON format, and the JSON data is passed to vulnerability function bs_SetLimitCli_info.

In summary, if the time1 and time2 fields are both 00:00-00:00, malicious commands can be injected into the mac field and executed.


Send the following as a POST request to the URL /goform/set_LimitClient_cfg.

time1=00:00-00:00&time2=00:00-00:00&mac=;telnetd -l /bin/sh;

Just set the Cookie to user=admin, and the program has no special checks for Cookie. This means that no authentication is required to exploit the vulnerability.

Attack Demo

Before attack, we scan ports and ensure that only ports 53 and 80 are enabled.

Then, use BurpSuite to send the above POC.

After that, we scan ports again and dectect that the port 23 which represents Telnet service has been opened.

Finally, the attacker can log in to the remote device directly through telnet and control it entirely.

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