

CVE-2021-44526: ServiceDesk Plus readme | Service desk release notes | ServiceDesk Plus latest version read me notes | IT service management release notes | Service desk current version

Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus before 12003 allows authentication bypass in certain admin configurations.

  • All
  • Behavior Changes
  • Enhancements
  • Issue fix

You can now view the readme content based on their type such as Behaviour Changes, Enhancements and Issue Fixes. However, this classification applies only to version 11200 and above.


(Released on 29 December, 2021)

Enhancements :

  • SDF-99099 : You can now increase the number of assets fetched via global search by updating the “paramvalue” for the entry below in the GlobalConfig table.

    category = “Asset_Workstation_Global_Search”
    parameter = “searchLimit”
    paramvalue = “<any_value_up_to_1000>”

    Note : For better performance, it is recommended to set the paramvalue to the default count of 500.

  • SDF-99062 : Contract custom report now supports Description and Support columns in the column chooser.

Issues Fixed :

Changes :

  • SD-99250 : Pre-approved changes are not automatically approved in the approval stage in some scenarios.
  • SD-98955 : Unable to sort change requests based on Completed Time from the global search list view page.
  • SD-99529 : In Changes configured with a workflow, deleting an approver does not result in auto approval of the change stage.
  • SD-99139 : Unable to schedule the next review date for Changes in the Firefox browser.
  • SD-99292 : When a change proceeds to the next stage via approval without satisfying closure rules, alert notification is not thrown.

Solutions :

  • SD-99499 : Content overflows for the Topic Name field in the Add New Topic and Change Parent forms under Manage Topics in Solutions.
  • SD-99526 : Global search results in the Solutions module are not listed based on relevance.

Assets :

  • SD-99038 : While adding workstations/servers via web form, the NIC address added in Network Adapter details is not retained under the Hardware tab in the workstation or server details page.
  • SD-77914 : Unable to add relationships between Virtual Hosts and Virtual Machines via V3 API.
  • SD-99302 : Asset ownership details are removed during auto site allocation.
  • SD-98990 : Error thrown while accessing a group if the technician is assigned to more than 1000 sites.
  • SD-98074 : In assets, allowed Virtual Machines and Installed Virtual Machines are not listed in the details page of a Virtual Machine host.
  • SD-59463 : Unable to update switch details via Asset scan.


  • SD-98369 : Some of the CI relationship entries are missing in the list view under the Relationships tab when multiple CIs are added under different relationship types with same relationship name.
  • SD-99685 : Unable to add relationship between two CIs when the CIs have same names and are located in different sites.

Admin :

  • SD-99232 : IP address is not displayed under the Subject Alternative Name attribute after a SSL certificate is imported.
  • SD-98396 : Invalid key exception is thrown during backup if the user changes the database server and reverts to the initial database server without running the application.
  • SD-99540 : User import from the Active Directory fails if the predefined password for Local Authentication does not meet the password policy set under Security Settings.
  • SD-98409 : Improved description content for the EnableCMDB role under Admin > Users > Roles.

General :

  • SD-99260 : Unable to start ServiceDesk Plus due to hinderance in starting an internal service, when proxy settings are disabled.
  • SD-100295 : In versions 12004 and above, restore process fails due to missing i18n files in the backup.
  • SD-99618 : An error occurs when accessing Admin, Reports or Community pages if configuration files relating to Advanced Analytics integration go missing.


(Released on 22 December, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-100195 : Administrators are required to reset the default administrator and guest password reset before applying license.
  • SD-65286 : Users can import and edit signature via HTML from the Personalize tab.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99071 : Sensitive information leakage in ServiceDesk Plus - DC integration page, SCCM configuration page, and Domain scan page.

Requests :

  • SD-99080 : Alignment of single column additional field gets truncated in print preview of a request.
  • SD-99238 : In request details page, conversations containing HTML tables is distorted.
  • SD-99559 : Executing API call to obtain request meta data invokes redundant queries.
  • SD-99553 : Executing API call to obtain meta data of custom function invokes redundant queries.
  • SD-99256 : Customizing request list view by adding or removing columns is not working when the number of unselected columns exceeds 300.
  • SD-99225 : Request creation via email is not working when the email is sent to a group email address of an inactive site.
  • SD-99839 : In version 12000 and above, breakage in custom trigger notifications configured with Reporting To and Org Head roles as recipients.
  • SD-100245 : Groups are not populated in the Group drop-down for some sites.

Tasks :

  • SD-99053 : In task list view and task details page, the placeholder texts Days, Hrs, and Mins are not getting translated when the application language is set to browser default language in non-English environments.

Project :

  • SD-99655 : Query to fetch the user details is executed every time a user without default project role accesses the application.

Admin :

  • SD-99145 : Unable to edit business rules and custom triggers in Non-English setups.
  • SD-96832 : Unable to insert links to the custom trigger notification template.
  • SD-99210 : The Assign option in the task template does not work properly in Non-English setup.
  • SD-99108 : Error thrown while viewing task dependencies in incident/project templates. The issue occurs only when a task template associated with the incident/project template is deleted.
  • SD-99479 : When multiple support groups with the same name are present across various sites, the group name is not displayed in task templates if one of the support groups is inactive.
  • SD-99234 : Unable to set default values for the site, group, and technicians fields via field customization popup in incident templates during the first attempt.

General :

  • SD-99720 : Theme color is not applied to the footer in the Raise a Request catalog.
  • SD-99291 : Non-compatibility message in Internet Explorer is not prominent enough.
  • SD-90704 : An error is thrown when the size of deluge script source code exceeds 8000 bytes in setups that use Microsoft SQL Server.


(Released on 14 December, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-98969 : The To, CC and Email IDs to notify values populated in the request details page from the instance Mail Server Settings are now removed when the request is moved across instances.
  • SD-100022 : Support for executing scripts or class via NotificationActionPlugins.xml while sending push notifications is deprecated further.
  • SD-97512 : Upgrading to ServiceDesk Plus 12004 or above now includes additional configurations. Click here to learn more.

Framework Upgrade Information :

  • SD-94350 : Tomcat upgraded to version 9.0.54
  • SD-88445 : Bootstrap upgraded to version 3.4.1
  • SD-90233 : Jquery UI upgraded to version 1.12.1
  • SD-96987 : Jquery validation upgraded to version 1.19.3

Enhancements :

  • SDF-85182 : Matrix Report now supports the percentage in summary type.
  • SDF-99594 : Technicians can now place outgoing calls to requesters phone or mobile from the right pane in request details page.
  • SDF-39779 : Date field is now listed under Date Filter in Summary Reports.
  • SDF-99063 : You can now access ServiceDesk Plus from any domain by setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin to Trusted in Security Settings.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-96556 : User enumeration vulnerability in login page.


  • SD-98611 : My Approvals widget is missing in Home tab for users after migrating to 12000 build.
  • SD-99110 : Unable to search incident and service templates from the home page after searching the templates in the Report a Service and Report an Issue pages. The issue occurs only in the requester login.

Requests :

  • SD-98618 : Request auto approval does not work if the approvals are added via custom trigger.
  • SD-98701 : Unable to create a request using default template if a service category associated with the default template is deleted.
  • SD-98776 : Unable to archive requests if the approvals are configured using older data model and if the approvals are present in Changes.
  • SD-97062 : The customized text in a request resolution is not retained when the request template is changed.
  • SD-99049 : Search autocomplete is deprecated in the request list view filter drop-down.
  • SD-98951 : Error thrown while searching for a user in the Editor field from requester login.
  • SD-98985 : Error thrown on executing script from custom triggers, custom menus, and custom schedules in some cases.
  • SD-99142 : Split request operation fails if the default template does not have a Group or Technician field.
  • SD-98664 : Requester field search is not working in the new/edit request form, if the search fields are configured via Global Config table.
  • SD-93435 : During request bulk edit, the mandatory field alert is thrown while closing a request even after all fields are filled in.
  • SD-98810 : The notification message is not aligned properly while resending notifications from request conversations.
  • SD-98779 : Incorrect error message is displayed while creating a request if the requester does not exist in the service desk instance.
  • SD-98814 : While associating assets to a request, the All Sites filter is displayed instead of Not associated to any site filter if the asset count is high.
  • SD-98552 : When request templates contain mandatory fields that are hidden from requesters, the requests do not move to On Hold status automatically when approval is pending despite the necessary configuration in the self-service portal settings.
  • SD-98687 : When an org role is removed from an approval stage in request templates, other org roles associated with the same stage are also getting removed erroneously.
  • SD-98307 : White space appears in the request template while adding or editing a request if all the fields in a section are hidden via Field And Form Rules.
  • SD-98492 : When selecting approvers in request form, user approvers are appended with org role values in certain scenarios.
  • SD-98302 : An error is thrown when Is Shared and Update Reason columns are chosen using the column chooser in request classic view.
  • SD-98686 : Request kanban view does not load when the list is sorted based on multi select fields.
  • SD-97933 : If the technician selected in new/edit request form is not associated to any site, the Site drop-down displays all sites configured in the application.
  • SD-98775 : Incorrect SLAs are applied to request when an SLA has multiple query IDs.
  • SD-98388 : Unable to update the Status field or use Request Life Cycle (RLC) transitions when a Field and Form Rule with add/remove status actions is configured for an RLC-associated template.
  • SD-95698 : The default Group value configured in the request template is not getting updated based on the requester’s Site value.
  • SD-98106 : The template default values for Group and Technician fields are not getting populated if the template was updated via a business rule.
  • SD-98690 : Unable to search for assets in add/edit request forms when the Show only associated assets option is enabled in the Self-Service Portal Settings and the asset count exceeds 100.
  • SD-98716 : Request Custom Triggers configured for reply received event do not work even if the criteria is satisfied. The issue occurs when the logged-in user cannot access the field configured in criteria.
  • SD-92787 : Performance issues in field and form rules for requests.
  • SD-97635 : Breakage in field and form rule configured on form load to remove fields based on the selected site.
  • SD-98954 : Unable to close the keyboard shortcuts pop-up using the Esc key.
  • SD-97489 : Unable to add or edit the following fields via email commands:
    • Subject
    • Description
    • DueBy Date
    • First Response DueBy Date
    • Callback URL

Changes :

  • SD-88116 : In requester login, an error is thrown when a change associated with a request is accessed from the request details page.

Projects :

  • SD-79541 : The text size of the content under Projects Gantt View is smaller.
  • SD-98497 : Additional field goes missing in the Projects List View page if the list view is not personalized before adding the additional fields.

Assets :

  • SD-99580: The error messages and troubleshoot messages displayed with respect to Desktop Central functionalities are improved.
  • SD-98499 : Data is not populated for the Warranty Expiry Date field in Workstation and Server while pushing data from remote server to central server.
  • SD-99247 : DC agent based scan takes longer than usual when the scanned device matches a scan disabled asset.
  • SD-97970 : Desktop Central Agent version is missing in Asset details page.

Purchase :

  • SD-98615 : In purchase request details page, the scroll bar in the Requested Items section is hidden if the item description is too long.

Contracts :

  • SD-98494 : The horizontal scroll functionality is missing in the contracts list view despite adding multiple additional fields to the list view via the column chooser.

Admin :

  • SD-98702 : The HTML content in emails appear as plain texts if the emails are fetched via Exchange Web Services (EWS).
  • SD-99070 : Request push notification statuses (excluding approval notifications) are not updated in the notification panel if the request is viewed from the details page.
  • SD-99582 : Resource sections height is not adjusted when Show/Hide Field action is applied via Field And Form Rules.
  • SD-98363 : Personalization does not work properly for time related fields if a timezone is selected.
  • SD-98973, SD-98800, SD-98765 : Unable to customize notification templates under Admin > Helpdesk Customizer > Notification Rules in Standard Editions of ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-98712 : In business rules, the tool tip for enable/disable toggle button displays incorrect text in certain scenarios.
  • SD-98860 : In versions 11304 and above, scheduled backups are not automatically deleted even after the duration to retain the backups is completed.
  • SD-99567 : Image preview in product tour is not clear.
  • SD-50977 : Unable to select an e-mail address with apostrophe in the Email IDs to notify field while creating a request.

Reports :

  • SD-71944 : Some separator lines are not visible in a tabular report when exported as PDF file.

Mobile App :

  • SD-99910 : The Apple push notification certificate is updated.

General :

  • SD-98873 : Unable to log in to ServiceDesk Plus via Internet Explorer.
  • SD-98763 : An email ID with a valid OAuth login credential of another user gets saved when OAuth is configured for Zoho Analytics Integration.
  • SD-49521 : Recently accessed requests are not getting removed from Recent Items even after deletion.
  • SD-99607 : Telephony Integration : The Add as Requester option in the call pop-up is not working for technicians without SDAdmin role.
  • SD-99119 : Unable to start ServiceDesk Plus after silent installation in Linux environments.
  • SD-99556 : Performance issue in retrieving theme settings from database.
  • SD-98935 : Unable to start the application in some cases when the pg_hba.conf file is customized.
  • SD-98908 : MSSQL backup is interfered during application data backup.
  • SD-99231 : In MSSQL setups, the application backup process fails for users with lesser database privileges.
  • SD-99265 : Application backup fails when the database name contains '-'.


(Released on 03 December, 2021)

Issue Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99853 : CVE-2021-44526 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain admin configurations.
  • SD-99811 : Remote control history and summary can be added without proper authentication.


(Released on 27 November, 2021)

Issue Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99665 : Unauthenticated file uploaded (only .tmp files) to windows temp directory


(Released on 16 November, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-97251 : The default value of Backup Scheduling is now set to 7 days.
  • SD-97367 :
    • The size of TableDataCount.html and FailedQuery.html files is now restricted to 5mb inside the log folder.
    • If the file size exceeds 5mb, old content will be replaced with new content in the file.
  • SD- 98119 : The following changes are applicable for the configurations under Admin > Discovery > Scan Settings > General
    • All actions configured will now be recorded in the system log.
    • Modified the “Delete/Dispose workstations and servers that have not been scanned in the last <number> days” text to “Delete/Dispose assets that have not been scanned in the last <number> days”
    • When selecting the Delete/Dispose assets that have not been scanned in the last <number> days option, the schedule to delete/dispose of the assets will now run only after 24 hours. An appropriate alert message is also added for this new behavior.

Framework Upgradation :

  • SD-98415 : Postgres upgraded from version 10.16 to version 10.17

Enhancements :

  • SDF-66374 : You can now import AD attributes of Integer type.
  • SDF-97404 : Impact, Urgency, and Priority Matrix are now available in Standard license under Admin > Helpdesk Customizer.
  • SDF-98081 : New query reports are added under the Reports by site, support group and technician folder in Custom Reports.
  • SDF-98218 : A new query report is added under the Login Reports folder. This report shows the technicians details, their last login time, and their login names available under each support group.
  • SDF-33758 : Introduced an option to modify the product type of assets.
  • SDF-70376 : You can now edit the price fields of items when creating purchase orders from purchase requests.

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-98475 : Domain user enumeration vulnerability in login page reported Oscar Ridderheim.
  • SD-98506 : Cross site scripting vulnerability in Secondary Email ID(s) field under Add/Edit Users form reported by Kailash Bohara.

Requests :

  • SD-96824 : Site description character limit is increased to 2500.
  • SD-98008 : Custom triggers are executed twice when approved or rejected is set as execution action and While a request is waiting for approval, stop the timer and set request status to onhold is enabled in the Self-Service Portal.
  • SD-98177 : Canceled is not listed in the Status drop-down while bulk-editing requests.
  • SD-97496 : Unable to assign technicians in Preventive Maintenance Task templates configured for site with ‘Refer to’ settings.
  • SD-97509 : In certain scenarios, first response time is not updated after the technician responds to the request.
  • SD-97591 : When creating a request for on behalf of user, the corresponding assets are not auto-populated in the asset field.
  • SD-96045 : Leading space goes missing while selecting and deleting a word in the description field. The issue occurs in Chrome and Edge browsers.
  • SD-97457 : Requesters are able to view all the assets from the Asset field while creating a request, even if the Show only associated assets is enabled in Self-Service Portal Settings.
  • SD-98359 : Unable to process request/conversation attachment via mail if the attachment file name exceeds 255 characters.
  • SD-97351 : The support groups are listed under the technicians details/edit page even after changing the site settings to refer.
  • SD-97840 : Unwanted space is appended besides HTML tags when string characters are enclosed within special characters in Notes.
  • SD-98194 : Browser page freezes when a pick list value is edited in a request and the pick list contains large number of options.
  • SD-98176 : If the same user is configured as technician and requester for a request and another user replies to the request via email, the request is not indicated in bold font.
  • SD-98010 : In the self-service portal, the user details pop-up for the on behalf of user is getting incorrectly populated with the logged-in requester details.
  • SD-97869 : Updating inline images or any content at the end of the Description field is not getting captured in request history when the description filed content contains more than 64000 characters.
  • SD-97020 : Field and form rules configured over the On Field Change events for the Priority field are getting applied when the priority matrix is also configured.
  • SD-98387 : Unable to share requests with requesters or technicians when the requests are accessed via the kanban view.
  • SD-98063 : Options for UDF fields are getting listed in alphabetical order in the request spot edit and mandatory field pop-ups.
  • SD-98073 : Requests are not getting closed when updating Status along with other fields mandated by closure rules via the EditRequest email command.
  • SD-98878 : Request custom trigger is not executed if the criteria is set to approved/rejected and the approver does not have view permission for the request.

Changes :

  • SD-98410 : Error thrown on adding a user as CAB member from a site where the logged-in user is not associated with.
  • SD-98689 : When configuring a change approval level, the Auto-approval rule (%) field is getting populated with all values irrespective of whether a workflow is configured or not.
  • SD-96865 : The default description for the Significant change type has been updated to "Changes with high impact, usually approved by CAB members".
  • SD-97135 : To address of an incoming email is appended as To address of a reply email while replying to an email in Changes.
  • SD-98227 : Unable to access the change non-login approval link in certain scenarios.

Solutions :

  • SD-95439 : In request resolutions copied from solutions, non-english file names of attachments is garbled.
  • SD-96871 : Unable to add solutions in ServiceDesk Plus instances after migrating to 11200.

Assets :

  • SD-99295 : Inline search issue of CI attributes in the Assets and CMDB List View pages.
  • SD-98563 : The Label and Description fields in Asset-Additional Fields and Workstation-Additional Fields are encrypted if the field value contains special characters. The issue occurs if the Save button is clicked for the second time after adding a new additional field.
  • SD-98215 : Unable to search mobile devices using IMEI and SerialNumber in Global Search for Assets.
  • SD-95073 : Asset Owner is not retained on modifying the CI type of an asset.
  • SD-58416 : Translation issue in Firewall details page.
  • SD-97070 : Unable to view the CI details from the Asset/Workstation relationship tab in the Professional edition. This issue occurs if the CMDB module is not enabled.
  • SD-80737 : An irrelevant alert message is thrown while searching a workstation under Asset.
  • SD-73396: During scan, the Red hat machines are not added as Linux workstation/Linux server CI types. This issue occurs if the operating system name does not contain the keyword Linux.
  • SD-98114 : Unable to update asset fields via Update CI API operation.
  • SD-96462 : Web RDP sessions are not shown in the asset history.
  • SD-98364 : Introduced All States option under the All Assets drop down in the Assets list view page to filter the assets from all states.
  • SD-95554 : Added proper alert message to convey that custom software CI types cannot be deleted when they are already in use.


  • SD-97987 : The software list view in CMDB displays csv import option, which is misleading.
  • SD-98628 : Asset and CMDB Asset list views are loading slow.

Purchase :

  • SD-82805 : When a PR is associated with a PO after its creation, the PO items are excluded and only the PR items are marked as received.
  • SD-96608 : Unable to create Purchase Order from Purchase Request when an software other than Managed type is selected as the PO item.
  • SD-97481 : The purchase order ID is displayed instead of purchase order number in the asset details page.

Admin :

  • SD-97228 : In business rules, the criteria does not list departments when the selected site is configured with ‘Refer to’ settings.
  • SD-98118 : Inactive support groups and support groups with refer site configuration are listed along with active groups in technician details and edit request pages.
  • SD-97766 : Unable to add PM tasks when a deleted service additional field is not removed from the corresponding table.
  • SD-97446 : Unable to bulk-delete credentials from the Credential Library as the default Cisco Phone Credential is also selected.
  • SD-97950 : If a rule group contains a business rule with inactive notification action, the business rules after the inactive rule are not executed.
  • SD-69068 : Users are able to add duplicate values in asset additional fields of pick list type.
  • SD-97665, SD-97223 : Multi-factor authentication fails when password reset is enforced for users during the first login.
  • SD-97934 : Unable to create a request via preventive maintenance task if the additional fields configured in the preventive maintenance task are removed.
  • SD-92684 : Irrelevant information is displayed in the Reset Password window while resetting the user/technician’s password.
  • SD-68650 : Web remote help card content is not translated in non-English setups.
  • SD-70393 : Unable to disassociate a user from the Owned by field in the Support group edit page.
  • SD-98695 : Database maintenance activity gets executed a day prior to the scheduled day.
  • SD-97977 : Failure in reindexing healthmeter displays an error.

Reports :

  • SD-97338 : Unable to generate custom reports if the displayed column name exceeds respective column limit in the database.
  • SD-98707 : While exporting custom reports as CSV or PDF files, the fields containing non-English language values are broken.
  • SD-39539 : Everyday/Every Month check box is selected automatically on selecting a day/month in Weekly/Monthly reports under Reports > New Schedule Report.

Mobile App :

  • SD-96965 : The request details are not displayed for an approver in the mobile application. The issue occurs if the user does not have permission to view the request.


(Released on 25 October, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-93672 : The option to add/delete attachments is removed from the Add/Edit purchase orders, contracts, and license agreement pages.
  • SD-98812 : The API operations ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE for admin entities in ServiceDesk Plus can no longer be used in any custom functions.
  • SD-98830 : AD user import success/failure details will now be notified to SDAdmins (in non-ESM setups) or SDOrgAdmins (in ESM setups) via bell notifications instead of showing progress on a separate page.
  • SD-98578 : For ESM setups, the telephony configuration will now be available only under the IT instance.
  • SD-98526 : Actions button is removed from Relationship and History tabs in CI details page for non-asset CI types.
  • SD-98900 : In Purchase Orders configured without any approvals, technicians can order, receive items, and add invoice/payments.
  • SD-99413 : Administrators are required to reconfigure JIRA integration configurations and replace jiraimpl.jar, Create_Jira_Ticket.html and Create_Jira_Ticket.js files post migration to 12000 and above. Click here to know more.

Enhancements :

  • SDF- 27495 : Release Management in ServiceDesk Plus

    ServiceDesk Plus now supports Release Management in the IT help desk. Release management allows you to plan, build, test, and deploy releases to the production environment. A release can be defined as the process of delivering a set of authorized changes to IT services in a controlled environment. You can use release management to deploy hardware, software, documentation, processes, guidelines, policies, and other components to service operations. Throughout its life cycle, the release process is closely associated with the change management process.

    ServiceDesk Plus supports the following 9 stages that are essential to any release process :

    • Submission
    • Planning
    • Development
    • Testing
    • UAT
    • Deployment
    • Training
    • Review
    • Closure

    Each stage in the release management contains statuses that indicate the progress of a release within the stage. Besides statuses, each stage has its planned schedule, roles, approvals, tasks and in some cases, downtimes.

    You can create a release request easily by using pre-configured templates, associate workflows with release requests to define the direction of the flow of the release process. Using workflows, you can include statuses in each stage, set up approvals, allocate stage-wise permissions to users, and configure notifications.To learn more about release management, Click here.

  • SDF-98842 : Zia Bot

    Zia, Zoho’s AI assistant for business, is available as a virtual conversational support agent, Zia Bot. You can now ask Zia to perform 20 different help desk operations including raising requests, assigning technicians to requests, viewing solutions/announcements.

    To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-66420 : Group Roles and Organizational Roles API

    Create Group Roles (support-group based roles) and associate them to support groups & technicians to use them in support group notifications, SLA escalation notifications, request life cycles, custom triggers, backup technician assignments, dashboards(share dashboards), and approvals. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-95715 : Webhooks

    Administrators can define a webhook that enables the user to call an external URL or API to facilitate communication between ServiceDesk Plus and any third-party applications.

    The webhook is configured for the request module. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-97299 : Callback Custom Function

    Create callback custom functions using Deluge scripting that allows you to manipulate data in ServiceDesk Plus whenever an event occurs in external applications. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-98830 & SDF-73345 : Active Directory Import Enhancements

    • Delta Sync in AD User Import : Administrators can now update changes in the user details from Active Directory into ServiceDesk Plus via Delta Sync. Delta sync minimalizes data payload transferred during an import. It is scheduled along with Full Scan and imports the changes in data every 30 minutes to keep your user repository up-to-date. You can track the last import time and the next schedule time of the AD Import from Users > Active Directory from ESM Directory or Admin tab. To learn more, Click here.
    • Support for LDAP SSL in AD User Import : LDAP security protocol can be enabled while importing users from AD. If LDAP SSL is enabled, the ServiceDesk Plus will connect with AD through port 636. To learn more, Click here.
    • Schedule Deleted Users Import : Administrators can schedule the syncing of deleted users independently from the user import schedule. The last import time and the next schedule time of the deleted users sync can be tracked from the Active Directory configurations page.
    • Schedule LDAP Import : Administrators can now configure AD and LDAP schedules separately. LDAP imports can be scheduled from Users > LDAP under ESM Directory or Admin tab. To learn more, Click here.
  • SDF-89635 : Exporting data to a new Instance :

    In ESM-enabled setups, you can now export your help desk data in request and admin modules from an existing instance to a new instance using instance-specific backup and restore methods.

    • For instance-level backup : instanceBackUpData.bat (Windows) or (Linux)
    • For instance-level restore : instanceRestoreData.bat (Windows) or (Linux)

    To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-95210 : Attachment settings in Admin / ESM Directory

    Configure which file attachments you want to allow and which ones you want to restrict in the application. For non-ESM setups, you can find the settings under Admin > Attachment Settings. For ESM setups, you can find it under ESM Directory > Attachment Settings > File attachment filtering.

  • SDF-48165 & SDF-82208 : Flexible Column Layout

    • You can now configure upto 4 columns in Incident, Service and Release templates.
    • Also, you can configure flexible column and add upto 12 fields in a single row with various customizable options.
  • SDF-98828 : Assisting users on self-service portal

    • Create customized product tours for your users to familiarize themselves with the Self-Service Portal.
    • Create tours in multiple languages and automatically serve requesters with an appropriate tour based on their language personalization.

    To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-91700 : Advanced Matrix Report Enhancement

    • Users can now add up to 5 columns while grouping data in Advanced Matrix Reports.
    • Users can select the Request field in the Columns drop-down under the Column Grouping section for all modules that support matrix reports.
    • The Date Format drop-down will be displayed only if a date field is selected as the column.
    • Users can also add up to 5 rows to group the data in the Group by section.

    To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-96351 : Introducing PII/ePHI for User Additional Fields

    Administrators can now mark out the user additional fields that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Electronic protected health information (ePHI) to identify the sensitive information collected and stored in ServiceDesk Plus. The personal data of users (both technicians and end users) in PII/ePHI marked fields are handled in accordance with privacy regulations such as the GDPR.

    To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-89079 : Asset and Purchase Admin revamp

    • Revamped UI for admin entities: Purchase Default Value, Cost Center, GL Code, Currency, Vendor Services, Contract Type, Product Type, Product, Vendor, and Asset State.
    • You can now delete default contract types.
    • Support for maintaining deleted contract types as inactive when they are already associated with contracts.
    • Support for V3 API for admin entities under asset, purchase, and contract management.
  • SDF-82456 & SDF-25173: Notification Sound

    You can now configure notification sounds for Chats, Broadcast messages, Announcements, and Technician Notifications. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-93672 : Attachment API Revamp

    • You can now upload up to 10 files in a single action as attachments across the application.
    • Upload the files using a simple drag-and-drop method.
    • Preview is available for attachments of certain file types.
  • SDF-95210 : Attachment Settings in Admin

    Users can now configure the black/white list attachments from UI.

    Double extension filtration issue occurs in the attachment section.

  • SDF-98900 : V3 API support available for Purchase Order.

  • SDF-93241 : V3 API support for Assets.

  • SDF-98706 : Added support for fetching original client IP addresses using network load balancers. The original client IP addresses are fetched using the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header configuration on your load balancer. Use the following syntax to configure the header : X-Forwarded-For : <client_ip_address>, <proxy1_ip_address>, <proxy2_ip_address>

Issues Fixed :

  • SD-98725 : Fail over service (FOS) is not getting started after upgrading to build 11307.
  • SD-97300 : The external widget title in the technician home page does not support non-English characters.
  • SD-97298 : Unable to input more than 100 characters as parameter values in Custom Functions.
  • SD-94113 : Reporting To field is not imported if the UserPrincipalName attribute is null in Active Directory.
  • SD-93827 : User import from AD fails if the AD server is not pingable.

Purchase :

  • SD-98600 : In versions 11306 and above, the approval link in Purchase Order approval notification is broken for some users.


(Released on 03 December, 2021)

Issue Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99853 : CVE-2021-44526 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain admin configurations.
  • SD-99811 : Remote control history and summary can be added without proper authentication.


(Released on 27 November, 2021)

Issue Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99665 : Unauthenticated file uploaded (only .tmp files) to windows temp directory


(Released on 15 October, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

Assets : Agent :

  • SD-98715 : When DC server is configured in https mode, the DC Agent based scan takes longer than usual.
  • SD-98857 : Scan fails when the device reachable via DC server cannot be pinged from ServiceDesk Plus server.

General :

  • SD-98549 : Upgrade failure due to duplicate entries in customreport_details table.


(Released on 01 October, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-97594 : Columns get truncated and the horizontal scroll bar goes missing in the request advanced search list view page.

Changes :

  • SD-96840 : Auto approval is not working when an approval is deleted from an approval level that has been configured with “Everyone to approve” rule.
  • SD-97226 : Custom trigger is not executed if the status is set via workflow.

Projects :

  • SD-97183 : The order of Work Logs/Project additional fields is not retained in the Work Log/Project add/edit form.

Tasks :

  • SD-97477 : Unable to add/edit/close tasks in non-English setup after entering a value for Estimated Effort field.

Solutions :

  • SD-97387 : Inline images appear broken and are not stored in inlineimage/Solution folder when a solution is created from request resolution.

Admin :

  • SD-97960 : Null pointer exception thrown while editing business rules if the support group configured as the criteria is deleted.
  • SD-97801 : Error thrown while navigating to the workflow tab of an incident template if the tasks under the workflow tab are sorted using template ID.
  • SD-97963 : Unable to associate task templates with a request template if the support group associated with the request template is different from the support group associated with a technician.
  • SD-97194 : Multi-line description is not supported for Impact, Roll Out Plan, Backout Plan, Check List, Review, and Close in field update node of change workflow.
  • SD-97806, SD-98619 : Mail fetching stops when to/cc fields contain duplicate mail addresses with different letter casing.


  • SD-97834 : Unable to assign users to organization roles from ESM Directory.

General :

  • SD-98694 : Unable to login to application due to cache problem.


(Released on 24 September, 2021)

Behavior changes :

  • SD-96393 : Support for NTLM SSO is deprecated further. Going forward, users with NTLM SSO configured in their applications are advised to configure SAML SSO.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-97937 : A new rule is introduced in the password policy to restrict the use of username/part of username as password.

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-95985 : $Description parameter in custom reply template replaces the conversation thread with the request description while forwarding the technician conversation.
  • SD-94401 : Info message about requester login in request life cycle is not displayed if the timer stopped status is configured as start node of request life cycle.
  • SD-97493 : Requester conversation is not fully displayed in the request details page if the content size exceeds 64kb.
  • SD-97737 : Forwarding requests with attachments fails in non-IT help desk instances.
  • SD-71459 : The troubleshoot link in WebRDP failure messages appears broken.
  • SD-97255 : Unable to preview images added as attachments before printing them.
  • SD-97078 : Technician Auto Assign does not work if the Assign technician only after Service Request approval option is configured in a service template.
  • SD-97944 :
    • Alert message is now displayed on attaching or deleting an attachment in Requests, Assets, and CMDB modules.
    • Alert message now displays the name of all the files that are not attached due to the exceeding file size.
  • SD-98149 : Unable to view attachments in conversations appended from live chat.

Solutions :

  • SD-97751 : On editing a solution, ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols in the description are not rendered properly.
  • SD-72856 : In solution details page, type, status, and view type values are displayed in English even after changing the application language to non-english.

Assets :

  • SD-97100 : Unable to close/disable a header message related to Desktop Central in the Professional and Enterprise editions.
  • SD-97297 :
    • The Agent Configuration page is grayed out even if the Desktop Central is configured.
    • Network Scan, Windows Domain Scan, and group scan show no progress.
  • SD-96542 : Typo error in the scan status message displayed to the users.
  • SD-97389 : In some cases, the error code is displayed instead of an error message when the remote control session to an asset fails.
  • SD-71677 : The additional field does not display the default option on edit page for Software License and License Agreement.
  • SD-97866 : Error in translating the texts under Switch and Router in the Assets module.
  • SD-95262 : The software version of the operating system is not fetched while scanning Windows machines.
  • SD-58417 : Error in translating the texts under the Router in the Assets module.
  • SD-94544 : The value of the Description field in assets exceeding 250 characters is getting truncated.


  • SD-97579 : Upon failure of CI import, the error logs are downloaded in .csv format
  • SD-97071 : History details are not displayed in the print preview of a CI in the Assets and CMDB tabs.

Purchase :

  • SD-83801 : The tax rate is not reflected in purchase orders on selecting a product/service/vendor if the purchase order is created from a purchase request.
  • SD-71484 : Unable to perform actions on purchase orders if purchase requests associated with the purchase orders are closed/canceled.

Contracts :

  • SD-96762 : In asset details page, unable to differentiate between two contracts with the same name.

Admin :

  • SD-72919 : Survey languages are not listed in the survey configuration while entering the languages in the message column.
  • SD-98424 :
    • Unable to create preventive maintenance tasks with technicians in the requester field. The issue occurs if the Show technicians in requester list while creating a new request option is disabled in Self-Service Portal Settings.
    • Unable to create preventive maintenance task with priority value when Allow requesters and technicians to override the Priority Matrix is disabled.
  • SD-95143 : The user multi-line additional field limit is increased to 3500 characters.
  • SD-47614, SD-47615 : Mistranslated text in Software Compliance graph in Italian personalization.
  • SD-97294, SD-97342 : The deleted user list from AD is not listed in the popup window on clicking the bell notification received from AD scheduled import.
  • SD-97951 : Preventive maintenance tasks are not executed properly in some scenarios.
  • SD-97337 : Preventive maintenance task template is not displayed properly if the template has a picklist additional field with more than 500 values.
  • SD-97158 : Info message for using the “For the first time” option is missing in the custom trigger and business rule pages.
  • SD-96851 : Irrelevant text is displayed while hovering on “Add notes to linked Requests” checkbox in the request notes page.
  • SD-94730 : In some scenarios, the instance specific navigation menu is displayed while accessing Users and LDAP pages under ESM directory.
  • SD-97580 : Duplicate values are created in the selectable type additional fields. This issue occurs if the additional fields are added/updated inside the incident/service templates.
  • SD-97453 : Add new reply template option is displayed inside the request reply window even if the “Allow technicians to create reply template” option is disabled in Self-Service Portal Settings.
  • SD-21284 : On updating the location of a backup schedule, the time gets updated to the current time.
  • SD-97253 : Unable to edit notification rules for custom portals in SDAdmin login, if the license of the default helpdesk portal is expired.
  • SD-91295 : User Additional fields of field type Date/Time are rendered as null or empty if the date is set before 1970.
  • SD-97421 : White space is displayed in business rule groups after a rule is deleted.
  • SD-96972 : Font changes done to headers in template customization do not reflect in the request templates

General :

  • SD-98498 : Unable to access ServiceDesk Plus in the Chrome v.94 and Edge v.94
  • SD-96468 : Password encryption does not work properly in applications configured with Single-Sign On.
  • SD-98443 : Unable to login to the application immediately after logging out.


(Released on 11 September, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-98283 : CVE-2021-44077 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain application URLs


(Released on 08 September, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-98196 : When a user with profile picture creates a request or replies to a request via email, the email is not fetched into ServiceDesk Plus.

Admin :

  • SD-94291 :
    • Notifications are sent for requests created from bounced email addresses.
    • Mail fetching is not stopped when an unknown error is thrown while creating requests via email.


(Released on 03 September, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-97133 : The Accept header value is changed to “application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json” for rest API calls

  • SD-71960 : The contract ID is now prefixed to the contract name.

  • SD-95739 : The configuration page for Telephony integration will be moved to ESM Directory after the ESM Portal is created.

  • SD-95932 : When configuring a script under custom actions, you must now upload the command as a text file in the given text box. Place the text file under [SDP_Home]/integration/custom_scripts/executor_files. The application will fetch the command from the given text file during execution.

  • SD-95751 :

    • The Logical Processor column can now be chosen only for the virtual host list view.
    • The Operating System column is no longer supported in the list view page of any asset.
    • The Comment column is no longer supported in the list view page of any asset.
  • SD-90790 : Backup, Restore, and Migration Changes

    The following changes are applicable for build 11304 or newer.

    • Both scheduled backup and manual backup will now use the native backup and restore mechanisms of the respective databases (PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL) as applicable.

    • The backups will now be stored in EZIP files instead of DATA files.

    • In the case of Microsoft SQL, the backup data will be saved in the SQL Server itself and the corresponding file attachments will be saved in the configured backup location.

    • The backup files will no longer have cross compatibility between PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server databases.

    • In Postgres setups, the scheduled backups are not cross-compatible between 32 bit and 64 bit architectures. However, dump backups that are taken using standalone tool are cross-compatible between 32 bit and 64 bit architecture.

    • Old backup and restore mechanism is supported for migration between PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server and vice-versa via manual process using the following commands:

    • For backup: backupdataOld.bat (Windows) or (Linux)

    • For restore: restoreData.bat --dbmigration (Windows) or --dbmigration (Linux)

    To learn more, refer to backup, restore, and migration guides.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-95473 : Added support to search disposed assets in global search.

  • SDF-95865 : Delete option is now available in the asset list view pop up under dashboard and summary page.)

  • SDF-94779 : When logging in as a technician associated to a site that refers to a custom site and permissions to access all in associated site, the request form lists users who do not belong to the site.)

  • SDF-96353 : Added support for Reason for Change variable in change notifications.

  • SDF-97494 : Enable/disable and show/hide options are now supported for the site field in Field And Form Rules.

  • SDF-51221 : Users can now select Contract ID and Contract Type columns to be displayed while generating contract custom reports.

  • SDF-97733 : Approval comments for the Approve action in Purchase Orders can now be made optional by updating “paramvalue” for the entry below in the GlobalConfig table.

    category = “ApprovalAction”
    parameter = “MandatePurchaseApprovalComments”
    paramvalue = “false” or “true”

    Note : For the Approve action, comments become mandatory when the “paramvalue” is set to “true” and become optional when it is set to "false". For the Reject action, comments are always mandatory.

  • SDF-89950, SDF-53046, SDF-84746, SDF-27699 : You can now connect to MSSQL database via Windows authentication.

  • SDF-67346 : Users can now view the comments added to invoices and payment details from the list view of Invoice and Payments sub-tab in purchase order details page.

  • SDF-96301 : In SCCM integration, pro support warranty type is given priority while fetching warranty of DELL assets based on the service level description. V_GS_DELL_ASSETWARRANTYINFORMATION0 can also be used to fetch the warranty information.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-93454 : Dynamic report related files and folders are generated under Root and Custom folders.
  • SD-96819 : Persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in asset name fields.
  • SD-95569 : CSRF vulnerability in the application login page.

Home :

  • SD-93268 : User is unable to access the homepage if the user’s role is switched from technician to requester. The issue occurs if the last viewed tab is Resource Management.

Dashboard :

  • SD-97026 : Widgets added via Organize Widgets option in shared dashboards are not displayed to other users.
  • SD-96660 : Removed padding for matrix reports for improved rendering.

Requests :

  • SD-97231 : Unable to preview/download attachments under request conversations and request notifications, if the configured attachment path is not default.
  • SD-97365 : Unable to add comma separated values to a multiselect field in Request Edit form if the multiselect field contains more than 500 options.
  • SD-95705 : Request Edit form does not load properly when the request description or resolution contains huge content.
  • SD-93308 : When replying/forwarding a request from the request details page, the cursor gets lost when the alert message “Draft Saved” is displayed.
  • SD-96459 : Formatting added to the second line of a note is not applied properly.
  • SD-96340 : The request image is not displayed at the center of the screen while previewing it in Arabic setup.
  • SD-96573 : Unable to hide the site field in edit request form using Field And Form Rules. This issue occurs only in requester login.
  • SD-96850 : The dependent field does not work properly in the request details view page, if the field dependencies are set using Field And Form Rules.
  • SD-96551 : Attachments do not load properly when a request is created via email with a group email address in the To/CC field.
  • SD-70637 : Technicians without access permission for requests are unable to view a service request associated with a purchase order.
  • SD-65175 : Unable to add attachments to a request when the request is emailed from a printer.
  • SD-95702 : Unable to fetch site value using Field and Form Rules in requester login.

Changes :

  • SD-95378, SD-77688 : The strikethrough font style does not work in the change module and request description.
  • SD-96151 : Unable to send the notifications configured via change workflow to Change Manager, Change Owner, Change Requester, when the default display name is modified.
  • SD-96264 : Invalid input error is thrown while saving change workflows in some scenarios.
  • SD-96309 : $StatusSetBy and $StatusComments variables are not replaced in change notifications.

Projects :

  • SD-61749 : The term ‘passed’ is mistranslated in the Projects module in Turkish personalization.
  • SD-95499 : Resource Management under Projects does not load in Chinese or Traditional Chinese setups.

Assets :

  • SD-96298 : Unable to create workstations via API.
  • SD-95893 : After performing a global search for a different entity from assets tab, the search criteria is not reset to assets.
  • SD-96263 : Asset group is shown multiple times for the technicians with SDSiteAdmin role.
  • SD-93666 : ESXi scan fails with duplicate key exception.
  • SD-95897 : The SCCM scheduler doesn’t advance from the “Scanning in Progress” state.
  • SD-85375 : In some cases, the scan success/failure message is not translated in non-English setups.
  • SD-95738 : Unable to reconcile workstations in Professional Editions if CMDB is not enabled.
  • SD-58532 : Changing software type from Managed to any other type is not taking effect when the corresponding software assets have license agreements or purchase orders associated with them.
  • SD-94131 : Adding asset/software license/license agreement additional fields containing characters with accent marks.
  • SD-46378 : In the Add New Server form, the options in the Model drop-down does not list the elements in alphabetical order.


  • SD-97067 : Technicians could not edit non-asset CIs associated with them even if they have EnableCMDB role and full permission to assets across sites.
  • SD-95740 : In CMDB’s asset/workstation list view, the bulk actions Modify State, Add To Group, Change Scan Credential and Excluded from Scan are not working. This issue occurs only in the professional edition.
  • SD-95451 : Search/sort in asset list views and CMDB list views of asset type is not supported in 11200 build.

Purchase :

  • SD-95752 : The Purchase Order link is loading too slow when accessed from the asset details page.
  • SD-82505 : An inappropriate alert is thrown after entering a correct value in the Discount field.
  • SD-57368 : In Purchase Order details page, the invoice list view does not load after adding an invoice/payment from the Invoice and Payments tab.

Admin :

  • SD-97725 : In some cases, multiple mail fetching schedules start to run in the background for the same instance if a user stops and restarts mail fetching from the application UI.
  • SD-97179 : Outlook integration fails if the hosted domain URL contains port number.
  • SD-97447 : Page script $CS.hideUnansweredFields([“properties”]) function is not working in the Firefox browser.
  • SD-36899 : Mistranslated text in Admin module in Portuguese personalization.
  • SD-97069 : Unable to delete support groups when a non-English language is set as the locale in PostgreSQL.
  • SD-96483 : Translation issue in Polish personalization.
  • SD-72064 : Extra exclamatory marks are removed in some language personalization.
  • SD-71456 : Translation issue in French personalization.
  • SD-96354 : The field values of a binary (yes/no) question in a survey are interchanged in the translation tab.
  • SD-97013 : In some scenarios, an error occurs while creating a business rule with a sub-category field in the Criteria section.
  • SD-94535 : Users can now add ewb:// protocols in all editors present in the application.
  • SD-96656 : An error is thrown when adding or updating windows domain in non-English setups.
  • SD-95231 : Unable to edit user additional field pick lists if the pick list contains more than 10 options.
  • SD-95441 : Refresh token is not found when Gmail/GSuite account is configured in the Mail Server Settings.
  • SD-95858 : File not found error is thrown while executing Custom Schedule scripts. The issue occurs if the ServiceDesk Plus installation folder contains a space.
  • SD-96760 : Mobile App under Notification Rules goes blank after upgrading to build 11300.
  • SD-95489 : The default logo is displayed to users instead of the company logo while previewing incident or service templates.

Reports :

  • SD-97248 : Query report generation fails if the executed query contains more than 10000 characters.
  • SD-96968 : The time values in reports and request SLA will now be precise to milliseconds.

Community :

  • SD-70910 : Detailed traces of mail sending failure will now be recorded in the system log viewer.

General :

  • SD-90236 : Moment.js library dependency removed.
  • SD-48080 : Technician Availaibility Chart is missing under Quick Actions for technicians associated with SDCoordinator role.
  • SD-97323 : In non-English setups, unable to login when domain is not selected.
  • SD-96352 : During login, the login form is missing when all authentication modes are disabled.
  • SD-89044 : An unwanted error message is displayed in the command prompt while executing shell command in Linux to run the .sh files.
  • SD-96495 : In certain scenarios, license is not fetched properly resulting in unsuccessful login.
  • SD-58505 : The term Request Catalog is mistranslated in Spanish personalization.
  • SD-94782 : Caching fails after upgrading to build 11140.
  • SD-51260 : Unable to configure the login credentials in non-English characters from changeDBServer console.
  • SD-96140 : Unable to translate the content in the login page if the application has only a single instance.
  • SD-96376 : Unable to upgrade to 11300 build or above if a service desk instance of type HR is created and User Management service category is deleted from the HR instance.
  • SD-49107: User can now apply the configured application’s language to the login page as well.

Mobile App :

  • SD-97252 : Unable to login to ServiceDesk Plus mobile app via SAML when multiple service desk instances are set up.


(Released on 26 July, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-96248 : OrgAdmin can now create 15 service desk instances in the ESM portal

Framework Upgradation :

  • Postgres upgraded from version 10.12 to version 10.16

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-92045 : CVE-2020-25696 : Arbitrary SQL injection vulnerability
  • SD-92100 : CVE-2020-25695 : Arbitrary SQL injection vulnerability
  • SD-91919 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in user API.
  • SD-93751 : Users are able to upload files with extensions that are blacklisted in the Global Config.
  • SD-96346 : Found privilege escalation vulnerability in private summary, CI history, and audit reports.

Requests :

  • SD-93115 : On converting an incident request into a service request, the default SLA associated with service requests is not executed.
  • SD-95498 : Unable to load conversations in the request details page.
  • SD-95261 : Last updated time is incorrectly updated in the request details page.
  • SD-96511 : The Site field in requests is not getting populated when the requests is raised via email by users who are associated with a site/department.
  • SD-96565 : The Field Update action in business rules is not getting applied when the requests are raised by requesters over templates whose mandatory fields are non-editable to requesters.
  • SD-96184 : On creating/updating two requests simultaneously, the description of the first request is replaced with that of the second request. The issue occurs only when the description of both the requests exceed 16000 characters.
  • SD-95535 : On changing the SLA for a request that is resolved before due by time and closed after due by time, the request is marked as overdue.
  • SD-96594 : In the request list view for technicians,
    • Requests are not indicated with bold font when a requester replies to a request.
    • If the technician and the requester is the same user and the user replies to the request, the request is appears in bold style.

Assets :

  • SD-96826 : Agent : DC Agent scan fails in ServiceDesk Plus when SSO is enabled.

ESM Directory :

  • SD-94188 : Under ESM Directory, the Service Desk Instances page has invalid characters

Reports :

  • SD-95344 : API Call Limit error thrown while re-syncing large number of data with Advanced Analytics
  • SD-96121 : Advanced Analytics sync fails in specific scenarios.
  • SD-94909 : In some predefined reports, the data generated from list view is different from the data generated by editing and running the report.
  • SD-95362 : Unable to save default CI History report and Audit report after editing.

Integrations :

  • SD-96484 : Unable to add new users from request detail page using Custom Actions for ADManager Plus.

General :

  • SD-96055 : The selected tab text theme is not getting applied to the currently accessed modules.
  • SD-96571 : The header message related to Desktop Central Settings is displayed in Standard edition.


(Released on 21 July, 2021)

Vulnerability :

  • SD-96823 : CVE-2021-37415 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in few rest API urls reported by David


(Released on 12 July, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-65233 : Comments for purchase approval actions is now mandated by default.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-95511 : In accordance with ISO standards, the date format is updated in the application.

  • SDF-84776 : You can now include attachments when creating a JIRA ticket from ServiceDesk Plus. To learn more, click here.

  • SDF-89420 : ServiceDesk Plus server details will be preconfigured in the application’s Android app if installed via MDM.

  • SDF-93521, SDF-95391 : Admins can now customize the default image preview resolution for inline images across the application. This configuration is based on the GlobalConfig table entry :


    parameter ="defaultImageOption"

    paramvalue = “bestfit” or “original” or “smallfit” or “fitTiWidth”

Issues Fixed :

Dashboard :

  • SD-95874 : Unable to apply support group filters to dashboards in ServiceDesk Plus build 11205 or later.

Requests :

  • SD-95081 : Requester is unable to close a resolved request if the dependent requests are not in the requester’s permitted scope.
  • SD-94896 : On editing a request using the Actions menu in the list view, the acknowledgement message is not closing automatically.
  • SD-95265 : Files attached to conversations are not accessible to non-login approvers from the request approval page.
  • SD-95397 : Service requests created from an incident request are not getting linked to the incident request automatically as expected.

Changes :

  • SD-95388 : Breakage in Field And Form Rules configured to remove/add options in Change requests.
  • SD-95662 : Approval Section for Changes will be hidden if no approvals are configured in the associated workflow.
  • SD-95660 : Unable to expand the approval level and view the disabled approvals.

Assets :

  • SD-95368 : Unable to import assets via CSV files in the Professional edition.
  • SD-96254 : The application header keeps loading for a long time if Desktop Central server is not reachable.
  • SD-95200 : Disk space(GB) field value is not displayed in asset list view in 11200 build and above.
  • SD-95500 : Unable to search assets using state in global search.
  • SD-94900 : Unable to sort assets and workstations alphabetically using User, Department, or Site column in list view.
  • SD-95556 : In the Professional edition, if the CMDB module is not enabled or the associated license does not support CMDB for the portal, CI details in the asset relationship popup in the details page throws an error.
  • SD-95346 : The value of is loaned field is inconsistent in Workstation list view and detail view page.
  • SD-94919 : On updating an asset’s product type as Consumables, the associated barcode entry is retained as an orphan entry in the barcode table.

Purchase :

  • SD-66337 : In Purchase Order notifications sent to owner/vendor, non-english characters in the html attachments are garbled.
  • SD-76280 : Purchase order cancellation email is not notified.
  • SD-78753 : Associated PR status and Due Date are not displayed in PO under the Requests tab.

Admin :

  • SD-95426 : The change role names are updated incorrectly while editing Change Roles in non-English setups.
  • SD-79948 : Incorrect info message is displayed if the Name field is left blank while creating a new service category.
  • SD-95390 : No success message is shown to users when saving a rule under the Field and Form Rules section in change templates.
  • SD-94928 : Error while importing users in ESM setups if more than 100 departments or sites are configured as criteria in an instance
  • SD-95492 : The value of the Date additional field is not updated correctly during the scheduled AD import.
  • SD-95997 : Users are unable to login to ServiceDesk Plus iOS app if two-factor authentication is enabled.


  • SD-96441 : After migrating to version 11206, Analytics Plus integration fails in setups configured with certain special characters in currency.
  • SD-96096 : SDAdmins cannot access Reports in setups configured with hidden CI types.
  • SD-96049 : Technicians are unable to generate tabular reports under Surveys if they are associated with a role where Allow technician to view permission is configured as All in group & Assigned to Technician or Assigned to Technician.
  • SD-93630 : Query reports are handled to generate reports even if old table schema (ChangeResolution table) is used in queries.

General :

  • SD-96255 : The 32-bit download URL is provided for 64 bit computers while prompting users to install DC in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-88708 : Restore failure due to unique constraint violation of SB_Applications table in PostgreSQL-based builds.

Mobile App :

  • SD-96276 : In certain conditions, role mismatch error occurs when users log into ServiceDesk Plus iOS application.


(Released on 28 June, 2021)

Behavior changes :

  • SD-96062 : Changes due to Enhancements in Request Business Rule

  • For sites configured with Copy default settings option, the business rules associated with the default site will be copied to the new site only when the site is created (or) the settings is updated from Refer Default/Custom Settings to Copy default. Changes on business rules associated to the default site will not reflect in the copy site.

  • SDSiteAdmin cannot view or configure incident business rules.

  • In business rules with custom action to update the request template, all fields except the fields which the requester can set will be updated. The existing values will be retained for fields that the requester can set.

  • In business rules with custom actions to update the request status, the new status will be updated even if the Override field values with Business Rule values option is disabled.

  • For custom scripts configured with $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE as an argument in ADD operation, only the user given fields and fields filled by system will be provided as input to json file.

  • In business rules, custom actions to trigger notifications is no more supported. However, existing rules with custom actions to trigger notifications are retained where you cannot modify the notification details except To and cc fields.

  • When updating the request status to a completed status via business rules, time calculations such as Resolved Time, Completed Time, and Time Spent for each status update will be calculated all at once.

  • In request API, configuring repeated options for a multi-select additional field will throw an error.

  • Splitting requests with conversations added by an inactive user/user without permissions to access the request will throw an error.

  • When a request resolution is copied from the associated problem’s resolution via problem closure rules, automation actions such as Business Rules, Custom Triggers, Request Life Cycle transitions, etc., will be applied separately.

  • In custom triggers, you can now update any field using Custom Scripts, including fields that you cannot access.

  • Post migration, newly created business rules with 'is not’, ‘not contains’ in criteria will also apply to request fields with ‘None’ as the value. For existing rules with similar criteria, a sub-criteria to exclude fields with ‘None’ will be added to the criteria.

  • While creating users in AD via ADMP integration, the V3 API Field Name generated for default/additional fields is required for mapping the field values in the admp.xml file. For mapping additional fields, the following format must be followed: ${{udf_fields.[API-Field-Name]}}. For example, an additional field with API Field Name as udf_sline_001 must be mapped as ${{udf_fields.udf_sline_001}}

  • While mapping user fields in JIRA integration, the default and additional fields are now mapped via V3 API Field Name in jira.xml file.

  • SD-96063 : Changes due to DC Bundle

  • AE agents used for scanning Windows machines have been removed and the new DesktopCentral agents have to be used.

  • Support for WMI scan for Windows machines and SSH/telnet scan for Linux and Mac machines have been removed. Linux and Mac machines also have to be scanned using the new DesktopCentral agents.

  • The scripts used for scanning have been moved out of the build.

  • Support for “MAC Address identification during scan” under scan settings has been removed.

  • Option to choose machines for remote control prompt is removed. Alternatively, enabling/disabling remote control prompt for all machines can be performed under Admin --> Agent configurations.

  • As agents and scan mechanism have changed, configurations “WMI Timeout” and “Automatic Delta Scan” under scan settings and configuring TCP protocols and ciphers have been removed.

  • SD-96064 : Changes due to Asset Auto Site Association feature

  • Option to choose site during network scan have been removed.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-96031 : DC Bundle

  • ServiceDesk Plus now uses Desktop Central Agents for Asset Scan. The ServiceDesk Plus’ agents for scanning and the remote control tool will now be replaced with the Desktop Central’. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-83850 : Zia Category and Template prediction

Zia can be trained to predict the relevant category and template while creating a request.

  • The predicted category will be suggested while creating a request through webforms. In other modes, Zia will apply the category automatically.

  • Templates will be suggested by Zia only for requests created or being created using the default template.

  • SDF-89615 : Request Business Rule

  • Business Rules and Custom triggers for requests are now enhanced with a new look for better usability. Categorize, execute, and configure cascade execution on Business Rules and Custom triggers for requests based on rule groups.

  • Rich Text Format and Multimedia attachments are now supported in the description box for Request Life Cycle notifications. Also, you can configure field update actions for ‘during’ event and turn on cascade execution for rules within a transition.

  • SDF-95978 : SDP Outlook Add-In

  • ServiceDesk Plus is now available as an add-on in Microsoft Outlook. Using this add-on, you can raise requests and track their progress in ServiceDesk Plus from within the Outlook mailbox. Technicians can perform actions such as edit and pickup/assign requests.

  • SDF-95983 : Encryption support for user additional field

  • Encrypt user additional fields (single/multi line and pick list) with sensitive information.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-81208 : Project custom trigger and Project Custom Function

  • User can now configure custom triggers for Projects to automatically trigger actions on a project using a script file or a custom function.

  • Project custom functions can be executed via project custom triggers to access any data from ServiceDesk Plus and schedule periodic customized actions.

  • SDF-72138 : Task custom trigger and Task Custom Function

  • User can now configure custom triggers for tasks to automatically trigger actions on a task using a script file or a custom function.

  • Task custom functions can be executed via task custom triggers to access any data from ServiceDesk Plus and schedule periodic customized actions.

  • SDF-89359 : Microsoft Teams Enhancements

  • Raise requests and execute approval actions in ServiceDesk Plus from within Microsoft Teams.

  • In the chat window of Microsoft Teams, click a command in the help card to execute the corresponding action.

  • SDF-70192 : Reusable Resource sections and Questions

The resource questions and resource sections can be reused in multiple service templates and managed globally from Admin >> Service Catalog.

To learn more, refer to the links below :

  • Resource Questions

  • Resource Sections

  • SDF- 95976 : Header Revamp and Layout Personalization

  • Revamped UI for header quick links, global search, user profile panel, ESM portal page, and ESM instance page.

  • You can now change the orientation of the header pane as topbar, sidebar, or sidebar lite. To learn more, Click here

  • SDF-91268 : User Management Enhancements

  • You can now include or exclude specific users when importing users from the ESM Directory to non-IT help desk instances.

  • Added support for removing users from the non-IT help desk instances.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-68939 : Project Import Enhancement

The Import From button is added as a drop-down in the Projects List View page.

  • You can now import project additional fields via MPP import.
  • You can also import projects, milestones, and tasks via XLS, XLSX, and CSV files.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-95979 : Change roles Enhancements and closure rules

Change roles can now be associated with :

  • Technicians based on the change request’s site/group
  • Support Groups

The mandatory fields in Change Closure Rules are updated for Planning and Review stages.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-22422, SDF-43984, SDF-29290, SDF-56484, SDF-91670 : Report Enhancements

  • Added support for sorting columns by ascending or descending order in custom tabular reports.

  • Users will be notified via email with an appropriate message instead of an empty report attachment when data is not available for scheduled reports.

  • Users with SDAdmin role will now have permission to all custom reports, query reports, and schedule reports created by other technicians.

  • Revamped Scheduled Report list view page with options to filter, edit, and delete schedules based on roles.

  • SDF-88993, SDF-89609 : Checklist Enhancement

  • Associate checklists to an existing request from the request details page. The associated checklists will be listed in the right panel of the request details page.

  • Incident Template list view now displays an icon to denote templates associated with checklists.

  • SDF-38697, SDF-67029 : Software reconcile

  • In assets, you can now reconcile two software from the scanned software list view, retaining the details of the latest added software.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-84954 : Diff Object in Request Update Notification

Email notifications sent when a request is updated can be configured to contain the updated details by including the $UpdatedProperties message variable.

  • If the notifications are sent to a requester/technician, the updated details are displayed in the user’s personalized language and time format.

  • If the notifications are sent to group, the updated details are displayed only in English language

  • When the description or resolution of a request is updated, the users will notified that the fields are updated. However, the updated details will not be included in the email notification.

  • SDF-90184 : Custom Schedule - Deluge support

  • Administrators can configure Custom Schedules Functions using Deluge, Zoho’s built-in scripting language, to manipulate data in ServiceDesk Plus and external applications. Click here to learn more.

  • IThe custom schedules functions can be executed via Custom Schedules to access any data from ServiceDesk Plus and schedule periodic customized actions such as sending notifications, reopening requests or updating asset details. To learn more, Click here.

  • SD-95980 : Auth token support for third party

  • Administrators can generate Integration Keys, a token based authentication for performing secure REST API calls while configuring integrations with external applications.

  • SDF-83786 : Automatic Site Association for Assets based on IP Address

  • You can now automate the association of IT assets to sites based on their IP addresses. To do this, create a configuration under Admin >> Discovery >> Scan Settings >> Auto Site Allocation.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-78625 : Move blocking email to different folder

  • You can now move error emails that stop mail fetching schedule to a separate folder and continue processing the next email. Configure this option under Admin >> Mail Server Settings.

  • SDF-72084 : SDP Survey in A-Plus

  • Advanced analytics integration for ServiceDesk Plus now supports Survey data. Users can now create reports and dashboards in Zoho Analytics/ManageEngine Analytics Plus using the survey data from ServiceDesk Plus.

  • SDF-85914 : Asset Notification Enhancements

  • Added support for new content variables for basic asset-related information.

  • Added new variables that display data in a customizable tabular format namely $Loaned Assets, $Loan Expired Assets, $Expired Assets, $Assigned Assets.

  • Added Notify Before and Frequency fields for notifications involving asset expiry, warranty expiry, and loan period expiry.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-68402 : Asset Categorization Enhancements

  • All workstations will now be classified into Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, and Others computer groups.

  • Workstations now support the Chassis Type field.

  • In reports, the Is Laptop field is replaced with Computer Group and additionally, the Chassis Type field has been added.

  • New default reports Computers by Computer Group and Computers by Chassis Type are added under All Computers (Workstations and Servers).

  • In products, the Is laptop field is removed and replaced with Computer Group.

  • SDF-84904 : Antivirus scanning for file uploads in Admin

  • Attachments will now be scanned for virus before uploading into the application. If virus is detected, the attachment will not be uploaded.

  • Administrators can configure antivirus scan settings under ESM Directory >> Security Settings >> Advanced tab.

To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-90427: Approval current stage info in custom trigger input JSON

  • The current_stage and approved_stage keys will be included in the request JSON during custom trigger execution.

  • SDF-90074 : Redis Cache Management in Request Module

  • Added cache management using Redis for the GET LIST API calls that improves performance for technicians when accessing classic view, kanban view, and the filter view on left-pane in the details page in the request module.

  • The cache will be maintained when the total records returned by the API do not exceed the count of 2000.

Note : These changes are applicable only for new installations of ServiceDesk Plus.

  • SDF-95982, SDF-95981, SDF-51486 : Problem API.

Added support for Problem REST API V3 with all operations.

Column changes under Problem module related table schema

The table and column names related to the Problem module are updated so using old table/column names will throw an execution error. While generating reports, query using the updated table and column names.

Query reports using old table schema should be manually updated to the new schema by users.

Refer below for the changes in the ProblemResolution table :








































* Primary Key

Refer below for the changes in the ProblemFileAttachment table :




















The data related to Problem module in SDPNotes table is moved to ProblemNotes table and columns have been mapped accordingly. Users can query using the new table and column names while generating reports.

Refer to the table below for the column names in ProblemNotes table :


(Table Name : SDPNotes)


(Table Name : ProblemNotes)





















Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-94096 : CVE-2021-20109 : Heap Overflow in agent reported by David
  • SD-94095 : CVE-2021-20110 : Integer overflow RCE in agent reported by David
  • SD-93693 : CVE-2021-20108 : Remote DOS vulnerability in agent reported by David

Requests :

  • SD-65241 : Repeated execution of the same business rule triggers redundant notifications.
  • SD-93664 : Attachments are missing in incident resolutions copied from associated problems/solutions.
  • SD-87099 : Reopening/replying to an onhold ticket from requester login does not trigger notifications to the technician.

Changes :

  • SD-94946 : When Site field is configured with a default value in a change template, users are unable to create a change request with that template via API if Roles key is not present in input_Data.


(Released on 03 December, 2021)

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99853 : CVE-2021-44526 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain admin configurations.
  • SD-99811 : Remote control history and summary can be added without proper authentication.


(Released on 25 November, 2021)

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-99665 : Unauthenticated file uploaded (only .tmp files) to windows temp directory


(Released on 27 September, 2021)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-98498 : Unable to access ServiceDesk Plus in the Chrome v.94 and Edge v.94


(Released on 23 September, 2021)

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-98283 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain application URLs


(Released on 21 July, 2021)

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-96823 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in few rest API urls reported by David


(Released on 25 June, 2021)

Issue Fixed :


  • SD-95450 : Admins can now disable security banner by clicking Remind me Later option.


(Released on 23 June, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-94530 : Select Approvers field will not be mandated further while adding approvals in change workflow.
  • SD-94889 : New configuration added to allow users to delete approval levels completely while revisiting a stage in change requests.
  • SD-94636 : Non-CAB members can also be added as approvers in a approval stage from the workflow.
  • SD-95234 : A re-login is required after migrating to 11206 or above if the Keep me signed in option is enabled in the login page.
  • SD-94644 : Administrators can now be notified about connectivity issues while fetching emails. Click here to learn more.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-21785, SDF-90680 : Users can now customize the width and height of the chart in tabular reports.
  • SDF-76783 : The time format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM is now introduced in the application with respect to the ISO standards.
  • SDF-94764 : Users can modify the order of data model sequence in Zia’s approval prediction.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-93569 : Unauthenticated users are able to access inline images in the application.

Requests :

  • SD-95063 : Request list view is not refreshed after merge operations when the refresh button is disabled in the globalconfig table.

  • SD-94572 : Asset field is not displayed in Add/Edit Request form if the application is updated from Standard edition to Professional edition.

  • SD-93375 : Approver’s name is not displayed with the organization role in the Select Approvers field of a Service template.

  • SD-93622 : Users changed to technicians are not listed in Add Request form.

  • SD-94627 : Error thrown on accessing the kanban view from non-IT help desk instances if an additional field is set as a criterion for the request custom view.

  • SD-95713 : Requesters are unable to reply to requests when solutions are hidden in the self-service portal.

  • SD-95312 : Invalid asset error thrown while creating requests, if there are more than 100 assets associated with the user.

Changes :

  • SD-94731 : Approvals are not triggered for a change when the trigger criteria are met if a non-administrator updates a change request.
  • SD-95066 : Approval level addition in change requests from the workflow fails when the approval action is performed via non-login URL.
  • SD-94966, SD-95074 : In some cases, Zia approval prediction is not applied when a change approver replies to the approval email.

Tasks :

  • SD-95067 : In tasks list view, the filters Completed Tasks and My Completed Tasks do not return any results.

Solutions :

  • SD-93572 : Error while copy-pasting the solution URL from one instance to another.

Assets :

  • SD-94899 : When the software in a workstation details page are sorted by Software Name column, the software are not sorted properly.
  • SD-94890 : Unable to perform global search for assets if the column Operation System is enabled in the workstation list view.
  • SD-94127 : The asset list under software/hardware audit changes from the Scan Summary page does not displays more than 12 rows.
  • SD-94421 : An error is thrown when searching for an asset or workstation using their Service Tag via column search in the asset list view page.
  • SD-94215 : When sending email notifications to users of a scanned software asset, the E-mail Users pop-up is not fetching all email addresses if the user count exceeds 25.
  • SD-92800 : Unable to invoke the drop-down lists that allow you to switch between the type of assets and time period in the Audit History page.
  • SD-94564 : When editing an asset, changing the vendor displays incorrect purchase cost information.
  • SD-94234 : BIOS date column missing in the Workstation list view.
  • SD-94403 : Submit button in the CI Import Wizard is displayed even after the form is submitted.


  • SD-94539 : Unable to update custom CI attributes of child CI types via the parent CI type. The custom CI attributes are set to the first CI attribute when the custom attributes of the CIs are updated via bulk-edit.

Purchase :

  • SD-93121 : Purchase request additional fields are not displayed while raising a purchase request from the service request details page.
  • SD-94773 : The approval page does not load when the approver tries to log in via the PO approval link in email.
  • SD-94835 : Vendor details are not populated in Add Purchase Order form when the purchase order is created from a purchase request.
  • SD-94041 : When closing a purchase order, the mandatory fields pop-up erroneously shows non-empty purchase additional fields of the picklist type.

Admin :

  • SD-95466 : IndexOutOfBoundException stops the scheduled mail fetching process.
  • SD-95453 : OAuth based mail fetching with proxy configuration fails after 1 hour.
  • SD-95263 : Mail sending fails via EWS protocol when the email message contains End-of-Text character (0x03).
  • SD-94543 : Error thrown on saving mail server settings using OAuth authentication in a new portal.
  • SD-95309 : Technician names are not listed in Choose Technicians field in Admin >> Notification Rules.
  • SD-94932 : Unable to save Telephony integration configurations in Asterisk version 16 and above.
  • SD-93459 : Drop-down fields get disabled in service templates if the Allow requesters and technicians to override the Priority Matrix option is unchecked.
  • SD-94265 : The UI text Requires Scan and State are not properly translated in some German personalization.
  • SD-93398 : State is mistranslated in Asset Module in Polish personalization.
  • SD-95028 : User surveys are not getting sent if “Exclusion Criteria” is configured after upgrading to 11202.
  • SD-94834 : Email Notifications with non-English characters in email subject are not displayed properly.
  • SD-92204 : SAML authentication does not work in the request view tab of Microsoft Team

Reports :

  • SD-94832 : On saving a report, unable to export it in formats other than PDF from the bottom panel.
  • SD-94786 : In Professional Edition of ServiceDesk Plus with Change module as add-on, technicians whose roles do not have access to Change module are unable to generate reports or perform advanced search in requests tab.
  • SD-94804 : Advanced Analytics configuration fails in ESM setup if help desk name exceeds 50 characters.
  • SD-94907 : Error thrown while creating change additional fields in some scenarios.
  • SD-93497 : Advanced Analytics sync fails when complex queries are generated in some scenarios.
  • SD-88706 : Advanced Analytics sync fails while adding/updating/deleting software license.
  • SD-95100 : Error thrown while accessing the Reports page after upgrade.

Mobile App :

  • SD-95697 : In some environments, users are unable to log into the mobile app after upgrading to build 11200 or above.
  • SD-95234 : Weak algorithm vulnerability if Keep me signed in is enabled during login.

General :

  • SD-95497 : The header icons are barely visible when accessing ServiceDesk Plus from Chrome 91.
  • SD-94140 : Clicking the application’s desktop shortcut multiple times before the server starts kills the application.
  • SD-94581 : Broken Inline Images are present in Request Module. Inline images are not moved from the temporary location to the permanent location after the Request is saved.

Note to Users!

  • While updating the build, the migration of these images to the permanent location (inlineimages\WorkOrder) will occur only if the images are present in the temporary location (inline\request or inline\WorkOrder).
  • To ensure all the inline images are located in the temporary location, retrieve the images from the backup folder and merge the data with the temporary location before updating the build. Contact support ([email protected]) for more details.


(Released on 01 June, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-94158, SD-94659, SD-94658, SD-94160 : Security banner will be displayed to SDOrgAdmin to mandate several security settings


  • SDF-93136 : Users can now choose the time format as DD:HH:MM:SS (Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds) and HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) for time elapsed fields setting in custom report settings.
  • SDF-93391 : Users can now choose the time format as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SDF-93402 : Administrators can now disable forwarding of solutions for requesters from Admin >> General Settings >> Self-Service Portal Settings.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-93708 : CVE-2021-20081 : Remote Command Execution vulnerability in custom schedules reported by Chris.
  • SD-94888 : User enumeration vulnerability in Requests, Problem and Change modules.
  • SD-94039, SD-94040, SD-94042 : CVE-2014-0114 : Arbitrary code execution vulnerability

Requests :

  • SD-94699 : Field And Form Rules are not executed for request closure if the request is closed via keyboard shortcut.
  • SD-94904 : In some cases, the request-related operations using email commands are getting failed after migrating to version 11202.
  • SD-94735 : Request templates do not load properly after deleting values of pick list fields in the template.
  • SD-94605 : In request list view page, hyperlink in the Subject field contains double &.
  • SD-94212 : Comments regarding linked requests are truncated in the request history if the comments contain colon (:) character.
  • SD-94162 : Custom triggers are not triggered when the criteria is configured with To, CC, and Sender fields.
  • SD-94060 : Request ID is not auto-filled when the asset is accessed via DC remote control from right panel on the request details page in builds 11140 and above.

Solutions :

  • SD-94647 : On editing the solution description. the description font style is reset to Roboto font.

Admin :

  • SD-94051 : Connecting to third-party applications using Servlet API needs to be restricted.
  • SD-86528 : HTML tags are shown while translating First Response SLA violated and Resolution SLA violated strings in Portal Translations.
  • SD-94836 : Unable to load Desktop Central console from ServiceDesk Plus when Desktop Central is hosted on the default port (443,80).


(Released on 26 May, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-94092 : $Recommend_Template_Link variable in Recommend Template will be hyperlinked while customizing the notification template.
  • SD-94540 : Support for V1 Request add attachment API is discontinued further.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-94152 : Additional Heapdump files(.hprof) under [SDP_Home]/bin are occupying extra disk space.
  • SD-93032 : Secure attribute is enabled for all cookies.
  • SD-93440 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in ESM Directory >> Application Settings.
  • SD-93441 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in ESM Directory >> Security Settings.

Requests :

  • SD-95082 : Error thrown on clicking Actions >> Export Requests on request list view in Chinese personalization.
  • SD-94922 : Unable to send emails from Requests tab in non-English setups.
  • SD-94251 : UI improvements in the Solution auto-suggest pop-up displayed while creating requests.
  • SD-94209 : Unable to close the details pop-up for resources with images in service request templates when the system’s display settings are scaled to 150%.
  • SD-94178 : Stage 1 approvals are not set for requests when the template is edited via Recommended Template or from the edit request form.
  • SD-94538 : Approvals are automated in request before the approval levels are added via Custom Triggers.
  • SD-94142 : Unable to add approval stage through custom function action in custom trigger in some cases.
  • SD-94150 : Technician assignment notifications are sent incorrectly to the default technician of unapproved service requests when the request was raised from the requester login.
  • SD-93124 : When the Group field is removed from the request template, the values in Technician field are not set based on the site.
  • SD-93588 : The site API call always returns “Not associated to any site” along with required values when searching with any site value.
  • SD-94252 : The attachment icon in request conversations does not work when the conversations are collapsed.
  • SD-94157, SD-94069 : When the template of an existing request is changed for more than three times, the existing values of Category and Sub-category fields are not retained. The issue occurs when the fields are marked as Requester can set.
  • SD-94075 : When creating a request, the Site field is automatically set as Not associated to any site, if the requester is not associated to any site.
  • SD-93810 : When changing the template of an existing request, the Email IDs to notify field is reset.
  • SD-91829 : The JSON file is not created under [SDP_Home]/integration/custom_scripts/request when $HTML_DATA_JSON_FILE is configured in the request custom menu executor.
  • SD-95243 :Description of a request is replaced with template description if the request template is changed more than once during global edit.

Tasks :

  • SD-94089 : Unable to export task dependencies map to PDF when the application from a URL with alias port number.

Changes :

  • SD-94654 : Change status comments not displayed on hovering over the progress bar above the Stage name in change details page.
  • SD-94840 : HTTP 400 error thrown when CAB members try to access the change approval link.
  • SD-94231 : Unable to access approvals from My Approvals widget when the approval level name contains ampersand character (&).
  • SD-94602 : In the change workflow editor, the Field Update node lists different fields of the same label “Description” without the required classification.
  • SD-94536 : Unable to set multiple approval levels for a stage from change workflow if the level one approver does not have edit permissions for the relevant stage.

Projects :

  • SD-94743 : Performance issue due to the Lucene Index Search.
  • SD-94046 : Delay in triggering project/milestone/task notifications.

Solutions :

  • SD-93347 : Inline images in Solutions are not visible on upgrading to 11140 build or above.

Admin :

  • SD-88620 : Unable to add more than 50 members to the Change Advisory Board (CAB).
  • SD-94652 : The Approve and Reject buttons in the Actionable Cards are missing in the Outlook desktop application.
  • SD-94609 : Outlook Actionable Cards are not showing when a relay server is used in Outgoing Mail Server settings for Office 365 setups.
  • SD-94908 : Unable to delete users, merge users, and remove user login in MSSQL setups on migrating to 11200 build and above.
  • SD-94145 : Slave machine failure notification is sent incorrectly to configured users in the event of network latency.


(Released on 4 May, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-94183 : Privilege escalation vulnerability while downloading attachments in Purchase Requests reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-92146 : Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability detected in request API URLs.
  • SD-93761 : CSRF vulnerability while detaching projects from requests.
  • SD-93762 : CSRF vulnerability while changing the Notes visibility as public.

Home :

  • SD-89618 : Tasks created via Change module are not reflected under Home Page >> Scheduler.
  • SD-93494 : The announcement created date is displayed instead of the start date while notifying users via email.

Requests :

  • SD-93698 : If the Request url is copied and used between different instances, it throws an error.
  • SD-94239 : “Add Comments” is not translated in non-English setups.
  • SD-67560 : Field mandated in the Request Life Cycle while closing requests is mandated when the request is reopened while editing the closed request.
  • SD-94091 : User phone numbers and mobile numbers appear reversed when the application is set in right-to-left languages.
  • SD- 94233 : Formatting styles added to the Description field are not applied when the corresponding request is subjected to Field and Form Rules that are configured with Add Options or Remove Options.
  • SD-94161 : Site field label is visible in the request list view even after hiding the field using scripts via Field And Form Rules.
  • SD-94106 : Unable to create service requests using templates configured with Field And Form Rules to hide and mandate any field on form load.
  • SD-94098 : Adding notes with only images to a request throws an error.
  • SD-94090 : Creating a request with comma separated values populated in a multi-select field throws an error stating 'Invalid Input’.
  • SD-93427 : Incorrect error message displayed while picking up or assigning requests from the list view or advanced search results.
  • SD-93577 : In some cases, the HTML9 format is not maintained for the resolution in Notifications or Conversation threads.
  • SD-93763 : Request reply is not recorded in the Conversations section of the request details page when the request status is changed and then reverted to the default value in the reply pop-up.
  • SD-94125 : When a requester raises a request using a template where ‘Requester can set’ and ‘Requester can view’ permissions are disabled for the Group field and the Alert group members by e-mail when a new request notification rule is enabled, the notification is not sent to the group members after the request is assigned to them.
  • SD-94805 : In some cases, inline images are broken in Requests and Planning tab in Changes.

Changes :

  • SD-94254 : Approval notification emails are not sent when approval is added via workflow after the change moves to a different stage.
  • SD-94270 : $changelink variable is not replaced in status override notification emails.
  • SD-94225 : Notification variables are not replaced in approval notifications when the approval was added via change workflow.
  • SD-94243 : Change Approval level is set in In Progress state even after the level was auto-approved via the change workflow.
  • SD-94272 : Error thrown when the status is updated in a change request that is not associated with any workflow.
  • SD-94007 : When field and form rules are configured to remove a selected option from the Services Affected field, the existing values were also removed.
  • SD-94201 : Inline images added to change requests appear broken for all users other than the uploader.
  • SD-94084 : Change approval details are missing in the input for custom functions.
  • SD-94352 : Triggering Change notifications throws inappropriate error when the Change attachments contain special characters or non-English characters in the file name.
  • SD-93238 : Unable to add attachments to a change when the file name exceeds 100 characters.

Assets :

  • SD-93726 : Asset Ownership History does not show comments when assets are moved to a state that doesn’t mandate ownership.
  • SD-94168 : The value of the Model field is getting changed to numbers after adding/editing workstations through forms.
  • SD-93267 : When editing a dynamic group in assets module, the site filter is not shown if the criteria value is set to None.
  • SD-94176 : The Site field is now added into the assets-to-barcode mapping document which is available during the barcode generation for existing assets.
  • SD-94173 : The IP Address field is displayed during CSV import of non-it assets and components.


  • SD-78045 : CIs not associated with any site are not listed via CMDB API in requester login.
  • SD-91736 : The Mac Address, IP Address, and SubNetMask fields in network devices are reset as null when the Business Impact field is updated via CMDB API.

Admin :

  • SD-89704 : In requester login, the Department Name drop-down is not getting populated when the option to allow requesters to edit their own profile is enabled.
  • SD-93777 : $Assets and $Services variables is added to change notifications in notification rules, stage and status and workflow builder.
  • SD-92598 : Token calls are not sent via proxy when OAuth is configured in mail server setting.
  • SD-93381 : List view column headers are not translated.
  • SD-93395 : Text with special characters are removed in requests created from emails.
  • SD-93372 : Automated email replies from Outlook are not detected as automated emails in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-93758 : In non-ESM setups, clicking notifications about technicians deleted during scheduled AD import leads to an empty page.
  • SD-93690 : Performance issue in Request Template list view.

Reports :

  • SD-93697 : Data is not synced with Analytics Plus properly when more than 90 requests are merged in the list view.


  • SD-94221 : The search results of ESM Portal Search are inadvertently rendered with HTML markups.

General :

  • SD-94186 : Unable to approve Purchase Orders, Purchase Requests, and Changes by using the respective approval links from Microsoft Teams.


(Released on 13 April, 2021)

Enhancements :

  • SDF-93590 : In reports, you can now customize the label length for stacked bar charts under Custom Settings >> Bar Chart/Stacked Bar Chart Settings.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-93307 : Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability detected when uploading images across all modules in the application.
  • SD-93473 : Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability detected when adding images via keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V) across all modules in the application.
  • SD-93757 : Users are able to associate requests with problems that they cannot access and vice versa.

Home :

  • SD-94083 : In the home page, links to the corresponding entity from a reminder does not work.

Dashboard :

  • SD-93627 : In Dashboard widgets added via reports, pie charts/ring charts display values in percentage even after updating the report to display in numbers.

Requests :

  • SD-92043 : Multiple request detail snippets are shown simultaneously while hovering over requests in list view.
  • SD-93052 : In some cases, an error occurs while modifying a dependency in the dependency mapping page.
  • SD-93086 : Error thrown on duplicating requests/changes when the request or the Planning tab in change contains attachments and the file attachment path is updated with a non-default location.
  • SD-93248 : The tab key inadvertently selects fields from top-to-bottom instead of the expected left-to-right direction.
  • SD-93250 : Both request closure and request cancellation notification mails are sent when a request is canceled.
  • SD-93252 : Task Completion icon in request list view is not legible.
  • SD-93358 : Inline images added to a request’s resolution by pasting into the editor appear broken.
  • SD-93449 : Able to add cyclic dependencies for requests.
  • SD-93493 : While creating requests, assets owned by the user are not loaded properly based on the asset name if there are more than 100 assets associated with the user.
  • SD-93586 : Request Field And Form Rules are not executed when Approval status field is set as the condition.
  • SD-93587 : Site field is not set via Field And Form Rules if the field value is loaded dynamically.
  • SD-93637 : On changing the template of an ongoing request to a template with the same Request Life Cycle, the request status is reset to that of the starting node of the Request Life Cycle.
  • SD-93696 : Uploading a request resolution with only images throws an error when the resolution field is marked as mandatory.
  • SD-93752 : When adding/editing a request, the help text displayed on hovering over the info icon of a particular field hides the field contents. The issue occurs only when the field is on the right side column of the request form.
  • SD-94099 : The options in default system fields are not listed in alphabetical order during template preview and while adding/editing a request.

Assets :

  • SD-92961 : Need to remove IP address and network details of assets added in/moved to disposed state.


  • SD-92549 : Error thrown while updating CI via CMDB API if the criteria contains a string ending in double quotes.
  • SD-93142 : Unable to modify CI type when more than 20 CIs are selected from the CMDB list view.
  • SD-93378 : Unable to import software relationships from XLS files if the technician is not associated to any site or if the software name is similar to any CI name.

Purchase :

  • SD-87726 : Required By field name is translated wrongly in Purchase module in Spanish setup.

Admin :

  • SD-82740 : Service Level Agreements are missing in templates copied from an existing template.
  • SD-84550 : Searching for users in the user list view does not fetch any results if the keyword is exclusively numeric and user records contain numeric additional fields.
  • SD-91646 : The default location of the file attachment pathway is rendered incorrectly.
  • SD-91649 : Password is not mandated further during scheduled CSV User Import.
  • SD-92048 : When custom trigger notification templates are configured with Organization Roles, notification emails are not sent if the Organization Role’s associations were imported via XLS files.
  • SD-92649 : In some cases, clicking on the ellipses icon in the Users page to view the total count of users throws “Extra Key found in JSON” error.
  • SD-93151 : Insert Link option isn’t working in the description part of resource questions in service template.
  • SD-93289 : In RLC, additional fields are not displayed in the criteria section of the UI.
  • SD-93305 : Unable to add an email ID that contains an apostrophe (') symbol in User/Technician form.
  • SD-93570 : Syncing between ServiceDesk Plus and Analytics Plus fails after upgrading to build 11139.
  • SD-93578 : When editing live chat settings, switching between Exclude/Include in Chat Criteria removes the existing field values.
  • SD-93581 : Custom widgets appear with incorrect size in Self service portal when the Home page is accessed from the Requests tab and the widget is untitled.
  • SD-93643 : Periodic sync in Advanced Analytics fails for setups without Asset license.
  • SD-93669 : Custom Schedule Scripts triggered using query reports fail when the query contains a longtodate function.

Reports :

  • SD-64324 : Rendering issue occurs with charts when reports are converted from Stacked Bar Chart 2D/3D to Bar Chart 2D/3D.
  • SD-89400 : Query with the keyword “Similar” does not work in query reports.
  • SD-91768 : Advanced Analytics Sync fails if additional fields are created with the same name as that of the default fields in the respective Analytics module.
  • SD-92042 : Query with the keyword ‘for xml path’ does not work in query reports.
  • SD-93015 : Advanced filtering is not applied to problem requests in Reports when the logged-in technician has “All in Group & Assigned” permission associated with their role.
  • SD-93394 : In Windows environment, changes made to reports are not getting reflected in print preview and exports in file formats other than PDF.


(Released on 09 April, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

General :

  • SD-94210 : In some cases, images which were copied and pasted in the description field of a request go missing.


(Released on 07 April, 2021)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-95451 : Search/sort in asset list views and CMDB list views of asset type is not supported. It would be supported in one of the future service packs.
  • SD-56663 : If the change request is canceled, tasks in In Progress state will be automatically moved to Canceled state.
  • SD-92908 : Approval/Approval Level addition will be restricted in change details page if a change workflow is associated with the change request.
  • SD-93506 : Image checkboxes are changed into normal input checkboxes for uniformity.
  • SD-90562 : Logout from SAML button will no longer be displayed by default while logging out from ServiceDesk Plus unless the Single Logout URL field is configured in the SAML settings.
  • SD-71913 : From this version, the extra parameters are not supported in V3 API operations (URLs starting with/api/v3). Sample extra parameters include : format, OPERATION_NAME

Asset UI Revamp

  • Instance Attribute will not be supported further for new assets/CIs and the attribute data for older assets/CIs will not be shown on the details page.
  • Disposed assets will no longer be displayed in list view and their count will not be included in dashboards.
  • The existing list view personalization will be removed for assets list view.
  • Users can now search up to 500 assets using global search.
  • Assets tab from the application header will now redirect to the assets list view. If the user has accessed the Assets tab earlier, the list view last seen by the user will be displayed.
  • Users can access the asset summary from the Summary tab in the left panel.
  • Asset module links will now be opened as a pop-up window on the Dashboard.

Framework Upgrade Information

  • Mickeylite upgraded to version 4180.
  • Tomcat upgraded to version 9.037.


Change Workflow

  • Create a complete change life cycle, along with its stages, conditions, switches, notifications, approvals, and field updates in a workflow by using a graphical editor. You can create general or emergency workflows and associate them to change templates to establish the workflow process of various change templates. Click here to learn more.

    Column changes under Change module related table schema

    The table and column names related to the Change Workflow are updated so using old table/column names will throw an execution error. While generating reports, query using the updated table and column names.

    Refer below for updates in the Change Workflow Data Model :





















Telephony Integration

  • Integrate ServiceDesk Plus application with your organization’s telephony server such as Asterisk or Avaya to enable call notification pop-ups within the application. The feature is only available in the enterprise edition. Click here to learn more.

SDF-89373, SDF-81168, SDF-89372 : Asset UI Revamp

Asset list view, details page and CMBD list view UI revamped for ease of operation and improved performance.

  • Bulk-edit is now supported for assets in Assets and CMDB list view.
  • The User Interface of the Assets list view and details page are updated based on V3 API.
  • Users can now filter assets using Custom Filters from the list view.

Session Management in Mobile App

  • Allow automatic generation of API Key option has been removed from Self-Service Portal Settings/Application Settings.
  • Users can now login into the mobile app without generating the technician key.
  • You can now configure session idle timeout for the mobile app under Admin/ESM Directory >> General Settings >> Security Settings. For fresh installations, the default idle timeout for the mobile app will be set to 30 minutes.

Request Report enhancements

While generating custom reports,

  • A report type called Request Metrics Report is introduced to provide cumulative data of completed requests based on certain grouped request values.
  • Request Tasks are newly added as a sub-module under Tasks.
  • Users can now generate request reports using all request properties mentioned on the request details page and also using derivative request properties based on SLA violations/on hold time/unassigned time/request age.
  • New columns are added to request reports.

To learn more, click here

Associated Task Closure for Changes

  • The associated tasks of a change will be canceled if the change is canceled.

Chat Enhancements

  • Technicians can now leave an ongoing group chat/collaborators chat.
  • Use the manage option to remove existing collaborators, add technicians apart from collaborators, or edit the title of a collaborator chat. Click here to learn more.

Key Manager Plus Integration

  • Automatically log requests based on SSL Certificate alerts raised in Key Manager Plus for expiry or vulnerability.
  • Remotely deploy SSL Certificates or initiate Vulnerability Scan.
  • Remotely renew self-signed certificates or Microsoft CA certificates.
  • Sync certificates from CMDB with Key Manager Plus.

To learn more about this integration, click here

Mandate Approval Comments

  • You can now mandate comments for request approvals. SDAdmins can enable this option under Admin >> Self-Service Portal Settings. For ESM setups, the OrgAdmins can enable this option for a specific instance under Admin >> Self-Service Portal Settings.

Last successful/unsuccessful login date

  • Users can now view their last successful/failed login attempt details as a banner upon logging into the application. The banner will auto-close after 10 seconds.
  • If multiple login attempts are made into an user account when a user session is already active, a warning message will appear on the banner across all ongoing user sessions. This banner can only be closed manually.
  • The details regarding a user’s last successful/failed login attempts will be present under the Logout section.

SDF-90182 : UPN-based login is now supported for SAML authentication.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-93706 : CVE-2021-20080 : XSS vulnerability in IP address field reported by Chris


  • SD-94054 : Technicians assigned with AnnouncementConfig role are unable to add/edit announcements.


  • SD-92875 : IP address is not captured in request history while creating requests in build 11138 and higher.
  • SD-89582 : In MSSQL setup, technicians are unable to export the requests assigned to their group from request list view when they are associated to a custom role with 'All in group & Assigned to Technician [Requests and Changes only]' permissions.
  • SD-84584 : Under Admin >> Service Catalog >> Service Level Agreements, unable to associate templates to a Service Level Agreement after re-ordering the templates.


  • SD-84039 : Images of SVG type are not supported.


  • SD-61966 : Duplicated columns are displayed on the workstation list view page in Professional Edition.
  • SD-92501 :In the list view of any IT Asset, clicking New Scan before the list is fully loaded throws an error.


  • SD-90160 : Users can now logout from SAML when logged in using their email address.


  • SD-94122 : In some pages, Site, Group and Technician field names are mistranslated in Polish language personalization.


(Released on 03 December, 2021)

Issue Fixed :


  • SD-99853 : CVE-2021-44526 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain admin configurations.
  • SD-99811 : Remote control history and summary can be added without proper authentication.


(Released on 26 November, 2021)

Issue Fixed :


  • SD-99665 : Unauthenticated file uploaded (only .tmp files) to windows temp directory


(Released on 27 September, 2021)

Issue Fixed :

  • SD-98498 : Unable to access ServiceDesk Plus in the Chrome v.94 and Edge v.94


(Released on 14 September, 2021)

Issue Fixed :

  • SD-98283 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in certain application URLs


(Released on 22 July, 2021)

Issue Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-96823 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in few rest API urls reported by David


(Released on 09 April, 2021)

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-94210 :In some cases, images which were copied and pasted in the description field of a request go missing.


(Released on 01 April, 2021)

Issues Fixed :

Mobile App

  • SD-93675 : Since Apple is stopping the support for sending push notifications using legacy binary implementation, we are changing our push notification implementation to latest HTTP/2.0 based implementation.


(Released on 26 March, 2021)

Enhancements :

  • SDF-79071 : Import of SSL certificates now supports automatic download of intermediate certificates that are referred through URL in PFX files.
  • SDF-91787 : ServiceDesk Plus now supports Azure SQL server.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-93399 : Privilege escalation vulnerability while associating purchase requests to Purchase Orders reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-93446 : Unprivileged users are able to view inline images reported by Manuel.
  • SD-93436 : Privilege escalation vulnerability when adding attachments to Purchase Requests reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-93430 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in Purchase Request history reported by Ranjit Pahan.

Requests :

  • SD-93223 : Unable to save a transition rule in request life cycles without configuring Criteria even when it is not mandatory.
  • SD-93264 : In requests created via email, attachments with leading space in the file name are downloaded as empty files from the application.
  • SD-93265 : Field and Form Rules configured to set/unset tasks does not execute in requester login.
  • SD-93291 : When the template of a request is updated, the request template’s resolution is not retained in the request.
  • SD-93433 : Unable to add request from the Requester login if the Email ID to Notify field contains space.
  • SD-93149 : Technicians are unable to view all the requests in their site while configuring request dependency.

Changes :

  • SD-92071 : Unable to use add/remove options for the fields Change Owner and Change Manager in custom scripts under field and form rules.

Admin :

  • SD-93224 : In service requests, Field And Form Rules using inbuilt addMoreResource script does not work.
  • SD-93504 : Mail Fetching stops when Zia Reopen prediction is enabled and a requester replies to closed/resolved requests with empty content.
  • SD-93574 : Unable to send two-factor authentication emails when EWS Protocol is configured in the Outgoing Mail Server settings.
  • SD-85498 : Survey emails are not sent if Support Group value is missing in requests but the survey configuration criteria contain “Support Group” column and “is not” condition.
  • SD-88459 : Unable to add 300 plus technicians at the same time to a support group.
  • SD-91785 : In Admin >> General Settings >> Security Settings, description for Session timeout configuration is misleading.
  • SD-92207 : Reporting To field is not set for users imported from AD in 11132 build or higher.
  • SD-93009 : If password protection is enabled and EWS Protocol is configured in the Outgoing Mail Server settings, attachments are not received when the request is forwarded via emails.
  • SD-93365 : In some cases, the application header is not translated in non-English setups after upgrading to 11138 build or higher.

General :

  • SD-94093 : Notification email for user’s disk I/O performance is disabled further.


(Released on 12 March, 2021)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-92805 : The character limit for Comments column in Approvals list view is increased to 150. If the character limit exceeds 150, the show more link appears that will display the entire comment in a pop-up window.
  • SD-92788 : Login authentication has been removed and API Key authentication has been introduced for pushing data from a remote server.
  • SD-92830 : Device domains fetched during scans (except domain scan) will now be added as private domains.
  • SD-92586 : Approval actions can no longer be performed after a request is moved to any of the completed statuses (Completed to Closed/Resolved/Custom Completed).

Enhancements :

  • SDF-89681 : Option to limit the number of workstations’ data fetched while generating Audit History by Workstation report under Performance Settings.
  • SDF-92192 : Support for reindexing of all database tables is now included in the scheduled database maintenance operation which can be configured under Admin (or ESM Directory) >> General Settings >> Performance Settings.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-92581 : URL parameters are not validated properly while adding or editing request dependency.
  • SD-92578 : URL parameters are not validated properly in change details page.
  • SD-92579 : Incorrect error message and status code displayed for invalid requests.
  • SD-92576 : URL parameters are not validated properly in calendar page.
  • SD-92580 : Incorrect error message displayed for invalid requests.
  • SD-93033 : Vulnerability issues in Cross Domain Messaging.
  • SD-93366 : Unprivileged technicians are able to access the asset list view.
  • SD-92575 : Incorrect error message displayed for invalid requests.
  • SD-92785 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in canceling Purchase Order reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-92719 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in adding attachments in Assets module reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-93428 : XSS vulnerability in purchase request history reported by Ranjit Pahan.

Dashboard :

  • SD-92966 : In some cases, the request count in the Request Summary widget differs from the count in request list view

Requests :

  • SD-93129 : Site, Group and Technician fields are not populated while bulk editing requests in a newly created portal.
  • SD-93054 : Unable to update the status of a request to Open via bulk edit form.
  • SD-93030 : Templates are not listed alphabetically in the Template drop-down while adding or editing requests.
  • SD-92682 : Field options are not maintained in the order they are configured and listed alphabetically during template preview and while adding/editing a request.
  • SD-88481 : Approvers are unable to preview or download conversation attachments from the request approval page.
  • SD-93045 : Mode field is not set automatically when a request is created via chat.
  • SD-92985 : Email signature is added by default to the recommend template description.
  • SD-93261 : Unable to add request on behalf of a user belonging to a different site.
  • SD-93229, SD-93116 : In certain scenarios, inline images are missing in notifications triggered by the application.
  • SD-92970 : When merging requests, applying group-based filters to the request list view displays an inappropriate error.
  • SD-92864 : “Seen by Technician” record is not updated in the request history tab.
  • SD-92860 : In some cases, technicians are able to assign multiple projects to a single request.
  • SD-92868 : Email notifications are displayed in plain text for Notify requester when a request is moved to another instance notification.
  • SD-93123 : Unable to add more than 100 technicians in Technician Auto Assign.
  • SD-93258 : Ticket creation via email is getting failed when the corresponding request template has been configured with a completed status as the default value and some fields are mandated using closure rules.

Tasks :

  • SD-93031 : Error thrown when a technician adds worklog from the Home tab if the Allowed to view cost per hour option is enabled and the Not associated to any site option is not selected for the technician.
  • SD-92194 : When the task list view is sorted with Group field, the Owner field is not displayed with the selected values during inline edit and vice-versa.

Changes :

  • SD-71628 : Change attachments in CAB Approval Notification are unnecessarily retained in their temporary location even after the notification emails are sent.
  • SD-92480 : CAB members are not sorted according to their user names in the Add CAB Member pop-up, approval level list view and in the approval levels.
  • SD-92980 : Database Configuration added. If set true, the approval level status will not be reset when the change request moves down a stage.
  • SD-92981 : Database Configuration added. If set true, approvals with status Pending will be completely removed when deleted instead of being greyed out.
  • SD-93114 : Approval link is broken in approval email if the Approval Level name contains space in it.
  • SD-92597 : Notification triggered incorrectly when change fails to get copied due to approver being deleted from the application.
  • SD-93016 : Unable to configure approval levels in approval stage as CAB role is not listed for non-administrator users.
  • SD-92978 : Unable to add attachments in Change via V1 API.
  • SD-92547 : Success message displayed incorrectly when the approval sending is failed due to invalid email address or invalid file attachment name.
  • SD-92570 : When the Mini Calendar panel is expanded/collapsed in change calendar view, the Calendar Strip is not rendered accordingly.

Projects :

  • SD-92661 : Error thrown while editing projects if any option in an associated picklist additional field is added or removed.

Assets :

  • SD-92872 : Unable to import assets via CSV file if the URL is invoked more than 5 times.
  • SD-92111 : Issue connecting to agents via Telnet/SSH protocol when the SSH credentials contain private key.
  • SD-92138 : Unable to save monthly asset scan scheduled with Day option.
  • SD-92495 : Site details are not saved while loaning an asset from the asset details page.


  • SD-92027 : Improper error thrown if the CI type is invalid while fetching CI details via CMDB API.

Purchase :

  • SD-78626, SD-91865 : Unable to receive Purchase Order if the selected product is deleted before the Purchase Order is saved.

Contracts :

  • SD-92610 : Error thrown while updating contract if the number of days in Notify Before field exceeds 10.

Admin :

  • SD-93147 : When more than 10 SLAs are associated with request templates, only the first 10 are listed during request creation.
  • SD-93148 : Breakage in Field And Form Rules configured with Group as the condition and Not Specified as the value.
  • SD-93095 : In requester login, breakage in Field And Form Rules configured for Email IDs to Notify field.
  • SD-92975 : After upgrading to version 11139, custom security response headers are missing in the login page.
  • SD-92900 : On removing the Department Name column from the users list view, the Site column is rendered empty for all users.
  • SD-92986 : Option menu is not rendered while adding resource questions if Software is selected as the product type.
  • SD-92973 : Field and Form Rules are not applied while previewing request templates.
  • SD-91645 : Requesters are unable to view a request when the V3 API is with a template ID, when they don’t have permission to view the template of the current request.
  • SD-92490 : Error thrown on adding/editing resource questions if the question contains products as options and images are enabled.
  • SD-93397 : Issue processing emails from new users when new user addition is disabled for the specific instance.
  • SD-90403 : Notifications acknowledging new requests or technician assignments are not triggered for requests that are moved from another instance.
  • SD-91433, SD-91557 : Unable to save the Requester layout of Request templates if Requester can set is disabled and description field height is changed in Technician layout

Reports :

  • SD-91143 : Unable to generate custom CMDB reports when the Business Impact column is added to the report.
  • SD-89681 : Error thrown while generating Audit History by Workstation report if a large number of data is present.
  • SD-91030 : Unable to generate query reports using database functions in restored builds between 11120 and 11129 builds.
  • SD-92804 : Custom Widgets added to the Dashboard from Reports contains incorrect data if any advanced filtering criteria in the report contains Null as one of its values.
  • SD-92528 : When an Advanced Matrix Report is generated with Time as its date format in the Column Grouping section, the report contains 12h time format without AM/PM indication.
  • SD-91420 : Unable to edit/delete reports in certain customer environments.
  • SD-91808 : Request export from the request list view fails in certain scenarios.
  • SD-91963 : The Stack On field is missing when editing custom reports with Stacked Bar Chart 2D type charts.
  • SD-92053 : In query reports, the SQL queries containing a line break before the FROM clause are not working.
  • SD-32087 : Columns displayed in the Report Wizard will be listed alphabetically.
  • SD-93055 : On setting the Column Name as Status in the Advanced Filters section while generating change custom reports, the column data in the Value field are displayed with overwritten text.

Mobile App :

  • SD-92742 : In professional edition, unable to add assets using barcodes via ServiceDesk Plus mobile app.
  • SD-92865 : Approvers are unable to add comments with more than 72 characters while performing approval actions via the mobile app

General :

  • SD-92604 : Unable to access Grammarly extension in Rich Text Area.
  • SD-93205 : Unable to switch portals in Chrome and Edge browsers.


(Released on 19 February, 2021)

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-92197 : DoS vulnerability while deleting sites in API Requests.
  • SD-92463 : Privilege escalation vulnerability found in Custom Menu when accessed via API calls.
  • SD-92806 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in deleting CMDB attachments in Assets module reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-92754 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in deleting User attachments in Assets module reported by Ranjit Pahan.
  • SD-92723 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in deleting Purchase Order attachments in Assets module reported by Ranjit Pahan.

Requests :

  • SD-93067 : Request description is distorted in the email notification when sent from Outlook desktop app.
  • SD-93044 : Request redirects to incorrect URL from the list view if the request description contains <base> tag.
  • SD-92828 : Unable to create new requests via Add Request form in the self-service portal if the On-behalf-Of field is empty and the application is configured to show only the assets associated with the requesters.
  • SD-92070 : Request list view in the left panel of request details page fails to load when a custom filter with the template name of the displayed request is applied.
  • SD-92909 : Unable to create requests via email when the requester email and the group email mentioned in the request are mapped with two different sites.
  • SD-92858 : While creating requests via email, the task templates associated with the request template are not added as tasks under the request.
  • SD-93029 : Mail fetching stops when a closed request receives a bounced email as reply if replies to closed requests are configured to be created as a new request in Self-Service Portal.
  • SD-92577, SD-92588, SD-92590 : Incorrect error message displayed for invalid requests.
  • SD-92720 : Unable to add/remove options in Subcategory and Item fields via Field And Form Rules while creating or editing request.
  • SD-92807 : Unable to upgrade to 11138 build and above when dependant tasks are associated with a request template.
  • SD-92055 : Able to close requests with empty Resolution field even if it is mandated by Request Closure Rules when the corresponding request templates contain formatted Resolution field.
  • SD-92394 : When technicians are assigned to requests from the list view, the subsequent Merge operation involving those requests gets failed if it is performed in the same window.
  • SD-92115 : The requester profile picture appears truncated while viewing the PDF print preview of the request.
  • SD-93293 : In request details page, conversation section fails to load on selecting System Notifications when users apart from technicians are tagged in the request notes.

Changes :

  • SD-91856 : Text fields under Planning stage of a change is not loaded properly, which leads to overwritten content.
  • SD-92012 : The application favicon is broken while accessing the Problem or Change module.
  • SD-92213 : In Chinese setups, Approval Summary and other details are not displayed under the Close stage in change details page.
  • SD-91485 : When the change calendar pane is expanded/collapsed, the solution topic pane is also expanded/collapsed accordingly.

Assets :

  • SD-92110 : You can now restrict sudo privilege for commands used in Linux/AIX/Solaris scan.


  • SD-68836 : Unable to configure notifications for support groups imported via CSV files in CMDB.
  • SD-91514 : In CMDB module, the Software CI types list view is not getting filtered for any value chosen using Filter by Software drop-down.
  • SD-91680 : CSV user import fails when the department name or site name contain trailing spaces.

Purchase :

  • SD-91836 : In purchase request details page, content overflows for Item Name and Description fields under Requested Items.
  • SD-92165 : During requester login, the currency symbol is displayed incorrectly for purchase approvers under My Approvals.

Admin :

  • SD-38546 : Aruba is not listed in the Country drop down.
  • SD-70394 : Custom Settings is selected by default during Sites bulk-edit.
  • SD-92657 : Breakage in built-in methods belonging to Field and Form Rules namely hideSection, showSection, enableSection, and disableSection.
  • SD-92680 : Asterisk symbol is missing for mandatory resource fields in service requests.
  • SD-92681 : Breakage in FAFR configured to hide a resource section and a field from the same section.
  • SD-91989 : Unable to add multiple incoming mail server addresses under EWS protocol in different portals if the email user names are identical.
  • SD-91640 : Default user fields are added to the SDLDAPFIELDMAP table during LDAP import.

Reports :

  • SD-91197 : While generation reports, the formatting in change description appears with extra spaces.
  • SD-91603 : On setting the Column Name as Status in the Advanced Filters section while generating change custom reports, the column data in the Value field are displayed with overwritten text.

General :

  • SD-92603 : Unable to log into the application when the login page is customized.
  • SD-91859 : The ‘Select your domain’ message displayed during login is not translated to the browser language in non-English setups.
  • SD-92667 : AnnouncementConfig role assigned to requesters after upgrading to build11138 or above.
  • SD-91677 : Password reset notification email fails to trigger when the password contains special characters.
  • SD-92411 : The login UI text for SAML Single Sign On is aligned to the left when the credentials login form is collapsed and aligned at the center when the credentials login form is expanded.
  • SD-92857 : When SAML is the only mode of authentication, users are redirected to the login page with the Login with SAML button missing instead of redirecting to the IDP.
  • SD-91510 : Wrong Destination error thrown during SAML login when externalizing application via proxy server (say azure app proxy). To learn more, click here.


(Released on 1 February, 2021)

Framework Upgrade Information

  • SD-92271 : Lodash upgraded to 4.17.20
  • SD-92195 : Jquery upgraded to 3.5.1.


  • SDF-90631 : OAuth-based authentication protocol is now used to integrate ServiceDesk Plus with Zoho Analytics. To learn more, click here.

Note : Existing users will be required to re-configure their Zoho Analytics integration using OAuth. Otherwise, their data will not be synced as configured.

  • SDF-91469 : Australia and China data centers are now supported while integrating ServiceDesk Plus with Zoho Analytics.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-92101 : HttpClient library upgraded to 4.5.13.jar version.
  • SD-92274 : Possible brute force attack detected in mobile authentication API.


  • SD-92003 : The Request Inflow by Time widget in the Helpdesk dashboard displays incorrect data when Last year and This year filters are applied.


  • SD-92190 : Error thrown while rejecting request approvals via API.
  • SD-92352 : Unable to view the archived requests associated to an asset.
  • SD-92049 : Error thrown on adding a new custom filter in IT instance if an incident additional field is added to the column chooser and a service category containing an additional field with the same column name is deleted.
  • SD-91828 : Help Document link for supporting date formats under Requests >> Actions >> Import Requests is not working.
  • SD-91734 : Checklist items are not visible in the Available Checklist Items section if the list contains more than 100 items.


  • SD-91668 : XLS solution import fails when the XLS file contains topics that are not available in the application.


  • SD-91662 : When common additional fields are converted as incident additional fields, they are not removed from the technician layout of the service templates they are associated with.
  • SD-87374 : The SSL Keystore password now supports dollar ($) sign while quotation mark (") and backslash (\) symbols are unsupported further.
  • SD-91691 : Breakage in Field And Form Rules for Schedule Start Time and Schedule End Time fields.
  • SD-92106 : During dynamic user addition, SAML login fails with error code 52 in the first attempt.
  • SD-92162 : Help card content is missing under Admin >> HelpDesk Customizer >> Announcement Type.


  • SD-90761 : In certain scenarios, system update notifications are not triggered for some users.


(Released on 25 January, 2021)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-88316 : In ADD request API, the template default values will now be applied before Business Rules, Request Life Cycle, Request Closure Rules, etc.,
  • SD-51486 : Support for V1 API is discontinued. However, custom scripts written for custom trigger will be supported.
  • SD-92114 : ESM Directory >> Translations is renamed as Common Translations and Admin >> Translations is renamed as Portal Translations in ESM setup.
  • SD-60888 : If Technician Auto Assign is disabled, the configured settings will not be retained on re-enabling it.
  • SD-92104 : If Zia is enabled, closed/completed requests will be reopened or retained in their status based on Zia’s results.
  • SD-70191 :
    • Convert Incident to Service and Convert Service to Incident options are removed. You can now convert requests between incident and service templates using edit form.
    • When changing the request template, all pending tasks from the old template will be removed. Also, only the values of fields that are configured as “Requester can set” are retained and all other field values are set based on the new template values.
  • SD-84537 :
    • Service requests can now be edited through email commands.
    • Service requests can now be created by mentioning the service templates.
  • SD-82817 :
    • Email this note to the technician option is removed. You can now mention users by typing the @ symbol followed by their name or specific placeholders
    • Changed API v3 keys : Object name request_note changed to note, attributes created_by and created_time changed to added_by and added_time, introduced new attributes last_updated_by and last_updated_time.
  • SD-91150 : The maximum number of files that can be attached via API calls is restricted to 10 files per minute. Attaching more than 10 files will lock the API URL for a period of 5 minutes.
  • SD-72105 : For default roles other than SDAdmin, only the “View” permission is enabled. To add, modify, or delete announcements, AnnoucementConfig role must be associated with the technicians.
  • SD-89004 : In additional fields, duplicate entries for pick list field options will be restricted. Note that this is not applicable for additional fields under Users.
  • SD-92526 : Support for description field in custom filter is removed for task and project.
  • SD-92808 : While duplicating incident requests, an add request form opens with the parent request properties auto-populated in all fields. Users can modify the properties if needed and click Save to duplicate the requests. Only one copy of a request can be duplicated at a time.
  • SD-94571 : Requesters will be allowed to raise requests for sites they are not associated with only if:
    • The site value is configured by default in the template.
    • The request is raised on behalf of a user in different site.


  • SDF-63109 : Two-factor authentication

    Users can now be mandated to use an additional authentication mode such as Google Authenticator or email-based OTP along with regular passwords to log into the application. To learn more, click here.

  • SDF-59658 : Kanban View

    Technicians can view requests in a billboard format where the requests are grouped as cards based on assigned technician/status/priority. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-92104 : ZIA Reopen

    Zia can now evaluate user responses to closed requests and automatically reopen requests that need further processing. Click here to learn more.

  • SDF-84267 : ESM at Advanced Analytics

    Integrate Advanced Analytics with all service desk instances and sync data instantly across several instances. You can also choose to have a common/separate account for each instance.

  • SDF-92108 : Microsoft Calendar Integration

    Technicians’ leave records maintained in Microsoft Calendar can be synced and managed from ServiceDesk Plus Calendar. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-92143 : Actionable Messages for Outlook

    Users can perform help desk actions from Outlook mailbox via actionable mails sent from ServiceDesk Plus. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-70191 : Recommend Template

    Technicians can now recommend a template via email to update the request. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-92114 : Portal Specific Translation

    Translate texts across all service desk instances (under Common Translations) or for specific service desk instances (under Portal Translations). To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-79617 : ESM - Global Search across instances

    Users can now search for requests, solutions, projects, and announcements across instances based on their scope. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-90428 : Service additional fields support in the custom trigger

    Service Catalog additional fields can now be used as Criteria or variables for SMS or Email Notifications under Custom Triggers.

  • SDF-92105 : Change classic and color settings

    • Technicians can now view change requests in Classic View. Classic view displays change requests as an extensive list where the vital information is displayed as fixed columns, while further information can be viewed under the subject. To learn more, Click here.
    • Technicians can search through classic view using Advanced Search by selecting the column, criteria and the appropriate values.
    • The SDAdmin can color change requests in list view and classic view, based on various categorizations. To configure/view the color settings, click Color Palette in change list view or classic view. To learn more, Click here.
  • SDF-76346 : Details Page Layout Customization.

    • The right panel in request details page can be hidden if needed.

    • Technicians can customise their own layout of request details page.

      To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-60888 : Technician Auto Assign Enhancement

    • SDAdmins can include technicians or requests while configuring Technician Auto Assign functionality.

    • Group field added as a column while enabling exceptions under technician auto-assign.

    • UI revamped for ease of operation.

      To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-82817 : Notes Enhancements

    Added support for attachments for request notes. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-72105 : AnnouncementConfig Role

    • Introducing a new role “AnnoucementConfig” for managing announcement-related operations such as view, add, edit, and delete announcements. This is a non-editable role.
    • Announcement related permissions can be configured for each role independently.
    • Additionally, on migrating to this patch, existing announcement roles for the custom roles are removed and AnnouncementConfig role is added to all the technicians. To learn more, Click here.
  • SDF-90076 : Default Catalog Widgets for Technician Login

    Technicians can add request catalog, incident catalog, and service catalog as default widgets on the Home page. Click here to learn more.

  • SDF-84740 : Portal landing page customization for users

    The Organization Admin can configure a default landing page for all users in the organization from ESM Directory >> ESM Portal Customization in any of the following ways :

    • Set the ESM portal as the default landing page for users.

    • Allow users to set an instance as their own default landing page, or

    • Select an instance as the default landing page for all users. Users can override this setting by selecting their own preferred landing page.

      To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-84600 : Login based reports as default

    New query reports based on user login are added as default Login Reports. To learn more, Click here.

  • SDF-55884 : Customizing the Trashed Request Deletion Time Limit

    You can now customize the time frame for permanently deleting trashed requests under ESM Directory >> Application Settings (in multi-instance setups) or Admin >> Self-Service Portal Settings (in single-instance setups).

  • SDF-92109 : Request API for attach and Inline

    Added support for API operations to add request attachments and resolution attachments. To learn about the related API changes, Click here

  • SDF-84777 : Admin - Helpdesk Customizer

    Under Admin >> Helpdesk Customizer, sub-lists of a list will open as a sub-section on the same page. Also, forms will open in pop-up boxes, retaining the existing screen in the background.

    To learn about the related API changes, Click here

  • SDF-89319 : Reminder UI Revamp

    • Reminder list view and Add Reminder form UI revamped for ease of operation.
    • Add Reminder form will now open as a pop-up from list view and from Reminder widget in Home page.
  • SDF-92107: Live Chat Support

    • ManageEngine’ Live Chat support channel can now be accessed within the application.
    • To access it, go to Community >> Chat Support >> Live Chat or Help >> Live Chat. To learn more, Click here.
  • SDF-51486 : Change API

    • Added support for New Change REST API V3 with all operations. Please refer the product API Documentation for operations and details.
  • SDF-84360 : Project API

    • V3 API format changed for projects, milestones, tasks, worklogs, comments. Click here for more details.
  • SDF-92116 : Users can now obtain values of fields such as email ID, domain name, and server time of the logged-in user using scripts. Click here to learn more.

  • SDF-84537 : Email Command Enhancements

    • EditRequest operation now supports attachments.
    • Support for Editor and EditorEmail keys for service requests.
    • Add or edit resources in service requests based on service templates. To learn more, Click here.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-91588 : In REST API documentation, the sample response for the attachment field under Get Resolution API is different from the actual Get Resolution response.
  • SD-92178 : Unable to set values for Email ID to notify field via execute script option in request form.
  • SD-91916 : Unable to set On Behalf Of field’s value if the on behalf of user is not associated to any site.
  • SD-91293 : Cost of item is wrongly displayed when we view the details of the item under resource info of a Add/Edit Request form.
  • SD-88316 : When a technician with low privilege access creates a request, the request is moved to the unassigned group. The issue occurs if the template used to create the request has a pre-populated value for the group field.
  • SD-85547 : While converting an incident request to a service request, the site, support group and technician compliance is not checked. This results in technician not being able to view requests.
  • SD-92074 : The selected attribute is not updated to pick list fields via Field And Form Rules while adding/editing requests.
  • SD-92396 : While duplicating incident/service requests, the attachments are removed from the duplicated request.


  • SD-92059 : Unable to add/edit solutions and problems with multiple attachments.


  • SD-89467 : In some scenario, when a change request created via API is edited, the group field is is reset to nil value.


  • SD-89176 : Unable to sync data with Advanced Analytics when SSL is configured for the SDP MSSQL Database Server.
  • SD-70695 : Office 365 integration : Emails sent from the ServiceDesk Plus application are not present in the sent folder of the Outlook.
  • SD-92145 : Unable to copy Field And Form Rules from a request template when the rule event is updated from On Field Change to other events.
  • SD-85558 : While approving a Change in Submission stage via V1 API, the date fields are reset automatically.


  • SD-89747 : Mail notification is not sent to technicians during Analytics Plus integration.
  • SD-90406 : Uploadtool fails while syncing data during Advanced Analytics integration when API calls exceed the configured limit.
  • SD-89448 : Requests moved to trash and cleared after 24 hours are not updated via the scheduled sync in Advanced Analytics.


(Released on 13 January, 2021)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-92392 : SSL security certificate is signed with SHA-1 in 1.0.33 for agent-server communication.


(Released on 08 January, 2021)


  • SDF-91651 : Approval action comment length is increased to 500 characters.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-58817 : Unable to add or edit decimal additional fields of a request with values less than 1 using Email commands.


  • SD- 91799 : When attempting to close a problem violating problem closure rule, session expiry error is thrown.


  • SD-89528 : The message body in the change notification email for recommendation from CAB is not populated from the respective template.
  • SD-90744 : Change approval links throw an error when the approver is from instances other than IT Helpdesk or when the CAB Approval Level name contains white spaces.
  • SD-91487 : In certain scenarios, change history is not displayed when the change moves from one stage to another.
  • SD-92024 : Error thrown while approving the first approval level in change request when multiple approval levels are present.


  • SD-91690 : The configured text color of the Save button is not applied while editing email template under Admin >> Incident Management >> Business Rules.
  • SD-90875 : Need to increase the maximum number of approvers to 100 for a change approval level.
  • SD-71870 : Mail fetching stops if an email does not have a domain name in the From address and the Disable new request creation through email option is enabled in the Incoming Mail Server settings.
  • SD-70547 : Spam filter fails to match the criteria value if space is entered after a comma when multiple criteria are present.
  • SD-91591, SD-69566 : User import from Active Directory (AD) fails when an AD field mapped to the Site field has more than 100 characters.


  • SD-91788, SD-71050 : Unable to report an issue from the Community tab.


  • SD-91191 : Fail Over Service file replication throws an error when file-events file log exceeds 9999 logs. To learn more, click here.


(Released on 31 December, 2020)


  • SDF-89083 : New SYSOID added to SNMP device Identification data.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-92056 : In requester login, clicking Report an Issue from My Assets Widget in the home page throws an unknown error. The issue occurs when the requester can access only the default request template.


  • SD-91491 : When technicians collaborate on a request where the Resolution is mandated in Closure rules, the resolution appears empty in the Close Request dialog box and status changes to any of the completed statuses are not updated when another technician updates the resolution.
  • SD-91681 : Modifying the SLA of a resolved request results in SLA violation, thus marking the request as overdue.


  • SD-91426 : Mail notifications are triggered when an asset state is updated even though the owner remains unchanged.


  • SD-91924 : Unable to access Approval tab from approval link in PO approval notification emails using non-login url.
  • SD-91921 : Issue in PO reconciliation when more than one workstation is selected.
  • SD-91848 : Unable to add items while editing a Purchase Order in Partially Received or Received status.


  • SD-91665 : Error thrown on searching for assets while adding assets to Contracts in non-English setup.
  • SD-91917 : Unable to import contract details through XLS import in non-English setups.


  • SD-89507 : When DC is integrated with incorrect or expired API, the user and technician list view page appears broken or loads slowly.
  • SD-91918 : In non-English setups, the block heading “Integrations” under the Admin tab is not translated.
  • SD-91831 : Error thrown on raising Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request.


  • SD-91941 : Advanced Analytics sync failure after upgrading to build 11132 or later.


  • SD-92154, SD-90835 : Unable to upgrade ServiceDesk Plus due to file inaccessibility error.


(Released on 18 December, 2020)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-91136 : Users are able to download attachments in Solutions ad Changes modules via non-login URL when non-login is disabled.
  • SD-91137 : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability when downloading file attachments.
  • SD-91948 : CVE-2020-35682 : Authentication Bypass Vulnerability during SAML login reported by Zikos


  • SD-89583 : Unable to view solutions via the View Solutions widget in the requester login if the requester portal is customized by technicians.
  • SD-91470 : Self Service Portal Search widget is not loading when HTTP server URL is mapped to HTTPS server.


  • SD-90590 : The word Pending is mistranslated in French language.
  • SD-91596 : HTML format is not retained while forwarding a conversation from the request details page when the character count in the conversation description is greater than 62000.
  • SD-91705 : $CS.hideUnansweredFields([“properties”]) function is not working on updating/canceling in Request Details page via page scripts.


  • SD-68677 : When a problem analysis is edited , the corresponding entry in the history tab is displayed with HTML tags.


  • SD-51869 : After associating a product to vendor with cost details, the vendor and cost details are displayed incorrectly while creating/editing an asset based on the associated product.
  • SD-89546 : The OS name of a Virtual Machine in its details page does not correspond with its OS name in the Virtual Machine tab of the Virtual Host details page.
  • SD-90479 : Unable to download the asset attachments in the asset details page.
  • SD-90800 : Unable to select Product in a duplicate asset device details page if the asset is renamed with an existing asset name.
  • SD-90857 : In scanned software list view, the compliance type filter is applied even when we switch from Managed filter to All Software filter.
  • SD-90865 : Assets associated with a user/department are displayed while creating a new loan using Scan Asset(s) barcode option.
  • SD-91091 : When a loaned asset state is set to In Store, changed to any other state (with owner details update) and reverted to In Store state, the previous asset state is retained but the owner details are removed.
  • SD-91998 : Agent : SSL security certificate upgraded for agent-server communication.
  • SD-88180 : Unable to select assets using barcode in the Return Loaned Assets form.


  • SD-84472 : Unable to process attachments in incoming signed emails processed via the EWS protocol.

  • SD-91089 : User authentication fails in the Teams integration if Active Directory single sign-on is enabled.

  • SD-91144 : In some cases, Job Scheduler is unable to parse JSON causing failed notification mails, custom triggers, and push notifications.

  • SD-91508 :

  • Unable to view more than 10 departments/sites in User Groups.

  • Inactive departments are displayed in User Groups.

  • SD-91558 : Unable to set E-mail Id(s) To Notify field using Field And Form Rules during requester login.

  • SD-91598 : When a support group’s email address is configured as an alias address to the primary email address, the requests processed from the emails sent to the support group email address are not assigned to the support group when the mails are fetched using EWS protocol.

  • SD-91614 : Unable to save SMS Notification Settings if Unicode Checkbox is disabled.

  • SD-91860 : HTML content is displayed in the description field of edit request forms.


  • SD-89356 : The display unit of time in TIMESPENT and ONHOLD TIMESPENT columns is changed as minutes under Request Time Analysis reports.


  • SD-88953 : Users can customize the login page by arranging the elements within the login form, collapsing the credentials-based authentication section, and emphasize the SAML Login section.


(Released on 04 December, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-89751 : An alert message stating maximum number of assets that can be added via barcode generation is displayed under Assets >> Barcode >> Barcode Generation >> Generate barcodes and add assets.
  • SD-89502 : Password is not mandatory anymore while importing users via CSV files.


  • SDF-91315 : IP address field is added as a column to the Mapping Document generated after printing barcodes under Assets >> Barcode >> Barcode Generation >> Barcode Generation for existing Assets.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-91671 : Able to download arbitrary file attachments reported by Machiel
  • SD-91141 : Security vulnerability in client logging.


  • SD-90784 : Error thrown when non-admins attempt to email announcements after migrating to 11127 or above.


  • SD-77531 : Excessive whitespace removed from Associate Incident to Problem pop-up window.


  • SD-90244 : Change Status Comments limit is increased to 2000 characters.
  • SD-90220 : The Asset Involved type is changed from TEXT to MULTIPLE SELECT and the setting values are modified accordingly in Admin >> Change Template >> Field And Form Rules. Existing Field And Form Rules must be updated for the behavior change to be applied.
  • SD-90067 : The ‘Filter Showing’ criteria is not applied in Associate Problem to Change pop-up window if a category is selected for the problem.
  • SD-89496 : If an excessive number of users are associated to a change role, the Change Role field turns blank while editing the request.
  • SD-85024 : While associating assets to change, the ‘All Sites’ criteria is applied when the ‘Not Associate to any Site’ criteria is selected.
  • SD-91612 : Date fields and Status Comments field are displayed gray while adding or editing change requests.


  • SD-90176 : New CIs added under Application Server, Database Server, and File Server are not reflected in the CMDB List View.
  • SD-85524 : While editing support group via CMDB, the edit form name is displayed incorrectly.


  • SD-91127 : Unable to receive service items if the quantity contains decimal values.
  • SD-68981 : Excessive parameters passed when a software license is received in Purchase Order.


  • SD-91298 : Requests are not generated from contract expiry notifications sent to application mailbox.


  • SD-91303 : Unable to send notifications when the Office365 mail server is configured using SMTP in some cases.
  • SD-91302 : SDP monitoring fails in Application Manager.
  • SD-91270 : Unable to view data in survey reports after migrating to 11129 builds and above if the browser cache is not cleared.
  • SD-91034 : Import of scanned data to Central Server fails due to invalid XML characters.
  • SD-90765 : User Personalized Time format is applied to AD Import schedule.
  • SD-90717 : Clicking $AutoSuggest link in acknowledgement mail sent to requester on submitting a new request displays an error page.
  • SD-90023 : Unable to select department when creating user groups in non-English setup.
  • SD-89465 : Unable to associate users to Organization Roles from Admin/ESM directory as the ‘All Entities for this Role have been associated’ message is displayed incorrectly.
  • SD-91149 : Inactive sites are listed in the Site drop-down while associating users to organization roles.

Mobile App

  • SD-91444 : The Apple push notification certificate is updated.


(Released on 19 November, 2020)


  • SDF-89680 : Feature Policy security response header is added to Advanced Security Settings to allow/restrict features in various browsing contexts.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-90489 : Password is sent as plain text over the network during scan and in User module.

ESM Directory :

  • SD-90178 : Unable to dissociate portal license from retired portals.

Dashboard :

  • SD-91201 : Dashboards are not disabled via dashboard settings if more than 10 dashboards are present.

Requests :

  • SD-91425 : Request description given in the mandate alert popup via the resolution tab of the previous request is duplicated on navigating to another request from the navigation panel and performing spot edit.
  • SD-90825 : The number of tasks that can be added to a request is now limited to 250.
  • SD-90737 : Request details are updated incorrectly if a task worklog is edited and the ‘Consider worklog addition as first response’ option is checked.
  • SD-90733 : Unable to submit requests for approval from the request details page after upgrading from 11100 to 11129 build.
  • SD-90743 : Checkbox for ‘Add resolution to linked requests’ option is not getting displayed under Resolution in Request details page.
  • SD-90008 : In non-English setups,
    • Tooltip content in request classic view is not translated.
    • In the helpdesk dashboard, the X-axis in the Request Summary and Request Inflow by Time widgets is not translated.
  • SD-89958 : Error thrown while saving resolution if the network path is not accessible.
  • SD-89204 : HTML content is not displayed when the network path restores after failure.

Tasks :

  • SD-90660 : Tasks that are reopened from their closed states after the Scheduled End times are not marked as overdue tasks.
  • SD-90478 : Unable to upload inline images in Task Details and Work Log Details in change requests.
  • SD-90230 : Tasks completed before their Scheduled End are listed under overdue tasks custom view.
  • SD-90577 : Assigned task owner/group gets removed while trying to edit the fields using the inline edit option.

Projects :

  • SD-90526 : Inconsistency in fetching project global search results in some cases.

Admin :

  • SD-91131 : Error thrown while accessing ADMP actions.
  • SD-90764 : Request notifications are not sent in some cases.
  • SD-90463 : In request notification rules, the selected technicians are not retained upon reloading the page after saving if the corresponding checkboxes are not enabled.
  • SD-90368 : The variables $FirstName, $LastName, and $MiddleName are not replaced properly in notifications sent using the ‘Notifying requester when a new request by mail is rejected’ template.
  • SD-89413 : Unable to load the summary page from the filename provided in server.xml when the SSL certificate is loaded manually into the application.
  • SD-88582 : Unable to switch to Advanced settings and Password Policy tabs in Security Settings when the application language is set to Japanese, Chinese or Traditional Chinese.
  • SD-89682 : Unable to access approval page from notification bell icon when the application language is set to Chinese.

Reports :

  • SD-90405 : The ‘Timespent in minutes’ column in Analytics Plus is displayed in milliseconds.
  • SD-90238 : While exporting data from assets, only the latest configured range in the ESMSequenceConfig table is taken for criteria.


(Released on 03 November, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-90530 : User consent while saving OAuth settings will not be required if Admin consent is granted in Azure AD.


  • SDF-90084 : Support for both SAML single sign-on and NTLM single sign-on.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-90388 : XSS attack vulnerability in Name parameter of Network Scan page.


  • SD-89631 : Requesters are unable to view the following details via API:
  1. 1. Details of other requesters
  2. 2. Their own details if they are the On Behalf Of User.
  • SD-90537 : When two requests configured with the same Request Life Cycle are edited consecutively from list view page, the assets of previous request are assigned to the other request.
  • SD-90536 : The print preview of a request is rendered without Subject if the “Response DueBy Time” is violated.
  • SD-90460 : Cost details are not displayed in the Approval preview window of Service Requests.
  • SD-90246 : Unable to close the ticket if the Field And Form Rules contain conditions for "Emails to Notify field".
  • SD-88416 : Unable to filter changes by category while associating to requests.
  • SD-89183 : Unable to update checklist item name using a different letter case.


  • SD-88975 : Error thrown while adding a change request if the requester name contains more than 100 characters.


  • SD-89548 : Unable to view solutions from recent items in technician login.


  • SD-90637 : Error thrown on clicking scanned Operating System software name in some cases.
  • SD-90541 : Domains are not listed after selecting sites while adding or editing assets.
  • SD-90455 : While scanning HP-UX workstations, 1) Invalid data is populated for some fields. 2) IP address of the workstation is not fetched in some cases.
  • SD-90391 : Error thrown while configuring depreciation for workstations. This occurs only if ServiceDesk Plus Professional license is applied.
  • SD-90159 : License List view in Software details page keeps loading when additional fields are selected in Column Chooser.
  • SD-89688 : While authenticating SNMP devices, the application does not authenticate using version 2 credentials if version 1 credentials fail.
  • SD-89452 : Unable to delete attachments from the Software license details page.
  • SD-89049 : Users are able to modify workstation type while adding/editing workstations in remote server.
  • SD-88332 : Unable to remove asset loan details, without modifying the Asset Owner.
  • SD-89749 : Asset Loan expiry notifications are not sent for recently expired assets if the periodic notification is disabled.


  • SD-90473 : Error thrown while fetching CI attributes of MSSQL devices.
  • SD-90158 : Incorrect error message is displayed if the product name is not provided while adding CIs.


  • SD-88848 : In Purchase Orders, the approval levels and number of approvers in each level is now limited to 10.


  • SD-89461 : Unable to remove default value of a field in add/edit change forms using Field And Form Rules.
  • SD-90595 : Unable to save Performance Settings after upgrading to 11129 build.
  • SD-90555 : Unable to hide resources using Field And Form Rules actions.
  • SD-89689 : Notification sent to the user is hardcoded if the size of the attachment sent by email is greater than the configured one.
  • SD-89498 : While adding bulk options to fields in Request Templates, the existing options are overwritten.
  • SD-89455 : Unable to update change requesters role to ‘Technicians Only’ user type.
  • SD-89394 : Unable to save edited scripts via ‘View Script’ pop-up in Field And Form Rules of change templates.
  • SD-89206 : The Impact Description field length is increased to 3500 characters under Admin >> Impact.
  • SD-89084 : The Signature field length is increased to 10000 characters in User Profile.
  • SD-88573 : Error thrown while dissociating technicians from associated sites.


(Released on 27 October, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-83377 : Comma separated multiple values can be added in Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header under Security Settings.


  • SDF-90007 : Option to edit the name, description, and image of the default category “Others” in Request Catalog by updating “paramvalue” for each entry in the GlobalConfig table.

Category : Others_Category_Default_Value
Parameters : Name, Image, and Description
Note : Images must be placed under /custom/serviceicons

  • SDF-90031 : Option to enable/disable “Keep me signed in” feature under Admin>>General Settings>>Security Settings.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-89127 : Clear text password vulnerability in group mail notifications.
  • SD-90390 : Privilege Escalation vulnerability when adding attachment for Purchase order.
  • SD-89464 & SD-89409 : Security response headers have been added for few URLs.

Requests :

  • SD-87871 : Request conversation/notification content added as attachments are not getting deleted when a request is deleted.
  • SD-89505 : When a request with zero SLA response time is resolved and reopened via requester’s reply, the due by date is set a value rather than becoming unavailable.
  • SD-89703 : Unable to create/update a request when the number of characters in the Assets field exceeds 100.
  • SD-89880 : Backup approvers receive invalid approval links when they are configured to receive pending approvals from other technicians.
  • SD-90086 : When creating or editing a request from the requester self-service portal, the asset list view pop-up could not fetch more than 10 assets.
  • SD-90231 : Error thrown when too many options are selected in multiselect fields while adding or editing requests.
  • SD-90340 : If an invalid email address is configured for request approval, a random user is set as the approver. This occurs only when custom scripts are configured.

Changes :

  • SDF-90079 : Users can navigate back to Change List View from Change Details page by clicking the back button.

Solutions :

  • SD-89548 : Unable to view solutions from recent items in technician login.

Admin :

  • SD-89689 : Notification sent to the user is hard coded if the attachment size is greater than the configured one.
  • SD-89468 : Performance improvements in request templates cache.
  • SD-89545 : Unable to scroll Survey Reports.
  • SD-89758 : Unable to configure “Expect-CT” response header under Security Settings.
  • SD-90389 : While configuring Technician Auto Assign, an error is thrown if an excessive number of technicians are excluded.

General :

  • SD-90735 : VIP user icon is missing in the Requests/Archived Requests/Request Trash/Asset list view and Archived Request details page.


(Released on 08 October, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-89130 : Pagination Import is enabled for all LDAP servers.


  • SDF-89971 : In Site Details pop-up, the Web URL field is changed as clickable link that will redirect the user to the mentioned webpage.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-90429 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in Requests list view

Requests :

  • SD-89534 : Line breaks are not retained while formatting worklog descriptions in list view.
  • SD-88588 : Inline images in the resolution/description sections are broken when sent as email notification via EWS.
  • SD-89691 : If a user attempts to close a request, cancels the process and navigates to another request via the left navigation panel, the mandatory fields of the previous request are displayed for the other request.
  • SD-89967 : Unable to update Service Request status from the right panel and Resolution tab if the request has Field And Form Rules configured with Select Approvers using Add option in Actions section.
  • SD-89605 : On clicking the Spell Check icon, the content in the Editor is deleted.
  • SD-89348 : On exporting requests, Scheduled start time and Scheduled end time are shown in UNIX format.
  • SD-89246 : Approvers are not removed from the Request Approval tab when Select approvers field is cleared while creating a service request.
  • SD-89506 : Requesters are not listed in the Editor field during requester login if site is enabled.

Projects :

  • SD-87379, SD-88712 : Exporting Gantt View as PDF from the project details page of a single project contains information from all projects.
  • SD-89686, SD-88843 : Error thrown while searching for requests from the Associate Request to Project pop-up window.

Solutions :

  • SD-89411 : Adding bullets or numbered list inside a table leads to breakage in the columns.

Assets :

  • SD-88699 : Unable to remove the Vendor associated with an asset from the Edit Asset page.
  • SD-89185 : In some cases, OIDs configured in Device Inventory are not applied during SNMP scan.
  • SD-89472 : Values entered with a line break are displayed as a single line in several fields in License Agreement details page, Software details page, Service Pack details page, and License details page.
  • SD-87868 : Unable to change Asset State from Asset list view on migrating from 11114 to the latest build.
  • SD-88479 : Error thrown while updating an asset via API when only the Asset Tag is used as the criteria.
  • SD-89186 : Unable to auto-assign assets in bulk when the display filter is set to show 250 assets in the asset list view.
  • SD-89241 : Bulk-deleting assets before the asset list view is loaded redirects to the Session Expired page.
  • SD-90006 : Certain assets are moved to the disposed state before the time period configured in the option Delete/Dispose workstations and servers that have not been scanned in the last <n> days under scan settings.


  • SD-89466 : Unable to create new default CI attributes under Admin >> Configuration Items in certain scenarios.
  • SD-88924 : Unable to push data from the remote server to central server when the remote server which contains custom CI Attributes created via SNMP.

Admin :

  • SD-89317 : When two servers are configured for handling ServiceDesk Plus services, the system notifications from one server are not processed in the another server.
  • SD-89320 : Scheduled mail fetching stops when there are connectivity issues during the mail fetching process.
  • SD-89323 : In some cases, emails sent via SMTP are delayed due to DNS lookup during EHLO command.
  • SD-89478 : Email validation fails when the last part of the domain name is more than 4 characters in send a sample mail section.
  • SD-89148 : Approval prediction by Zia fails for Change Recommendation when Change Custom Triggers are enabled.
  • SD-89168 : Employee ID field and User Additional Fields are not updated during LDAP User Import.
  • SD-89392 : The Search Filter field limit is increased to 2000 in LDAP.
  • SD-90197 : The system notification mails received by an alias email address is not identified by the application if the alias email address is not configured in Mail Server settings or with relevant support groups. This issue occurs in 11123 build and above.
  • SD-89057 : While adding SSH credentials to the Credential Library, multi-line input is not accepted in the Private Key Field.
  • SD-88069 : Error thrown while removing inactive support groups during technician update.
  • SD-89350 : Unable to edit the name of a custom created role.
  • SD-90016 : Unable Add/Edit Roles when the application language is set to French.

Reports :

  • SD-69724 : Unable to generate Audit Reports after restoring backup data.
  • SD-88476 : URL generated from the Search Query Reports drop-down in Query Editor is not updated in the application.
  • SD-89151 : The cell width of encrypted columns is not aligned properly with the header in Query Reports.
  • SD-89529 : Unable to view Query in Frequently Asked Reports.
  • SD-90017 : Unable to access the Reports tab from non-IT portals in some cases.

General :

  • SD-89369 : Upgrade fails if any folder is present under ServiceDesk\lib\resources\backup folder.


(Released on 29 September, 2020)

Behavior Changes

The $nonloginlink variable is removed from Change Notification Templates for new setups.

For migrated setups, the variable will not be replaced with link from 11128 build and above. Existing email notifications with this variable will now redirect to the login page.

Framework Upgrade Information

Tomcat upgraded to 9

jQuery upgraded to 3.4.1

Multi Level CAB Approval

Add multiple approvals to any change stage. Apart from the CAB approval, you can add up to 10 approval

To learn more, click here

Problem Support Group

Support groups can be assigned to work on problems and group-based permissions can be configured for problems. Reports can be generated for problems based on Group column

The variable $group is added to notification templates for Problem module.

To learn more, click here

Stage-specific approval

Added stage-specific approval notifications for service templates.

To learn more, click here

Resource summary in notification rule

New variable included to add a table summarizing the resources associated with a request.

To learn more, click here

Announcement Revamp

  • Added new fields namely Announcement Type, Priority, and Services Involved.
  • Revamped UI: Announcement forms are now launched in pop-ups instead of new windows.

To learn more, click here

Disable Concurrent Login

You can now disable concurrent user login from different IP addresses.

Password protected file attachment

File attachments in the application server is now password protected. A random password is generated and stored under Admin >> Security Settings. Instance Owner/SDAdmin can view or change the password if required.

To learn more, click here

Resource Management Enhancements

  • Added support for right-to-left languages.
  • Changes in Time settings are now preserved.
  • Users with SDSiteAdmin role can also view the Resource Management view under Home tab.
  • Added confirmation prompt for changing owner using drag-and-drop in Resource Management view.
  • Upgraded DHTMLX Scheduler component to version 5.3.6

Issues Fixed


  • SD-89480 : $ApprovalLink is not listed as a variable while customizing request approval notification templates.
  • SD-90187 : Old approvals are not displayed in the Approval Page of any non IT instance (ESM Setup only).
  • SD-89790 : Formatting issue in the description field of a request if a table with non-symmetrical columns is added.
  • SD-89705 : The Go Back button in the approval action acknowledgement page is not working for non-login approval action.


  • SD-89160 : Incorrect translation for certain admin configurations in French language.
  • SD-89398 : During AD import, the progress bar in not updated when AssetExplorer build is configured as remote server


  • SD-88802, SD-87603, SD-87573, SD-87575 : Language preference set to browser default language is not reflected in the listview columns if the browser default language is non-English.

  • SD-89051 : File not found error thrown during patch upgrade in 11110 build and above.


(Released on 22 September, 2020)


  • SDF-89458 : Catalog titles are now named as Incident Catalog, Service Catalog and Service Categories based on the widget type.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-85081 : While replying or forwarding a request, $Description variable is replaced with request description instead of conversation thread description. This occurs only during requester login
  • SD-86822 : When a requester replies, the draft is not deleted if it saved and sent from the same window
  • SD-87911 : If a requester opens a request in On Hold status via requester reply, it is not captured in the Request History
  • SD-88840 : Error thrown when status change OnHold comments contains more than 100 characters during global edit
  • SD-89080 : Approvers without View Request permission are unable to preview or download attachments from the request approval page
  • SD-89192 : In some cases, when a page script rule is created using $CS.hideUnansweredFields([“properties”]) property, the mandate additional fields are not visible in Close Request popup
  • SD-89305 : “You are not authorized to view this page” error is thrown for approvers trying to approve a request before the approval action page loads completely.
  • SD-89353 : Unable to close tickets when close link is generated in non-login scenarios
  • SD-89410 : Error thrown when creating/editing request with attachment name containing more than 100 characters
  • SD-89449 : If Asset field is hidden in a request template using Field And Form Rules, the Requester Name field is also hidden during requester login
  • SD-89463 : The phrase top-1 is displayed along with the title while hovering over the lock and unlock icons of the solutions list in request details page
  • SD-89613 : Collaboration chat notifications are not displayed by default under Request Conversations
  • SD-89355 : notes:// protocol links are converted as null in Editor
  • SD-49758 : Unable to set the service category icons if the service catalog module is not available for a particular license.


  • SD-82284 : User import fails when the user has an undefined value in the mapped field in AD for a respective picklist field
  • SD-89028 : Notification emails fail if the $RequesterMail variable is present at the start of the description or subject in the notification templates
  • SD-89404 : Zia Notifications are not displayed in Admin and Support pages
  • SD-89572 : Unable to merge users in non-ESM setups


  • SD-88407 : Unable to set timezone during PGSQL setup upgrade when installing a 32 bit binary file in 64 bit OS


(Released on 04 September, 2020)


  • SDF-36714 : You can now clear the date additional field’s value in request templates.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-89208 : DoS vulnerability

Home :

  • SD-88175 : Error thrown while searching solutions from Popular Solutions widget in Home during requester login.

Dashboard :

  • SD-88214 : Unable to edit the report widgets from Dashboard.

Requests :

  • SD-89159 : When multiselect fields contain more than 500 options, the comma separated values can be selected multiple times.
  • SD-88498 : On clicking Enter in the description field while adding or editing requests, the page scrolls to the bottom when the content is larger than the field. This occurs only in Firefox and Edge browsers.
  • SD-88382 : In Chrome and Internet Explorer, the ‘Mail to Requester’ pop-up height is more than the screen height.

Tasks :

  • SD-89313 : When a task exceeds the scheduled end and notifications are enabled, the task overdue flag is not set in some scenarios.

Solutions :

  • SD-87992 : Expired solutions are not listed while viewing all solutions via API.

Assets :

  • SD-88028 : Font and text alignment discrepancies in ‘Am I Compliant’ pie chart under Asset >> Software Summary >> Software Dashboard.

Admin :

  • SD-89181 : After migrating to 11122 build or above, notifications configured in business rules are not triggered for requests created via emails.
  • SD-89144 : Field And Form Rules fail to work in a template for Email ID to notify field during inline edit.
  • SD-89062 : When a approver replies to a notification email with HTML content, ZIA is unable to predict the approval status.
  • SD-88679 : Error thrown on clicking the notification showing the deleted technician-count after AD import.
  • SD-87211 : If a survey with binary (yes/no) question is updated after publishing, the field values of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ are interchanged.
  • SD-85192 : During AD Authentication, user with login name containing diacritic characters are duplicated when login name is entered with normal characters.
  • SD-89470 : Unable to add/update description for custom triggers.

Reports :

  • SD-88358, SD-88380 : Performance issue in Query Reports.
  • SD-88027 : Queries are modified unnecessarily in Query Reports.

Community :

  • SD-87571 : Language preference set to browser default language is not reflected in the Health meter if the browser default language is non-English.

General :

  • SD-89051 : ‘File not found’ error thrown during patch upgrade in 11110 build and above.
  • SD-87647 : LDAP login fails if the password contains non-english/unicode/special characters.
  • SD-48399 : New accounts are created when logging in using UserPrincipalName (userLogonName@domainName).


(Released on 25 August, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-88328 : requestservlet API is no longer supported.
  • SD-88800 : The default custom view for requests is now set to ‘My Pending Requests’ for requester login.


  • SDF-82344 : ServiceDesk Plus now supports multiple MSSQL instances for SCCM integration.
  • SDF-89025 : Ability to set duration after which the user will be logged out of an inactive session.
  • Admin --> Security Settings --> Session timeout configuration
  • SDF-88182 : Allocating the same OID for two different devices is now supported.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-89052 : Error thrown while importing requests from XLS files when item field is mapped.
  • SD-88442 : When requesters try to access New Issue form after Disable default request template option is disabled and enabled, an error is thrown.
  • SD-88381 : Searching requests with a specific closure code is not supported via API.
  • SD-88322 : When the status Open is renamed, all requests are created with Closed status during requester login.
  • SD-88216 : Technicians who do not have Edit Closed Request permission are allowed to edit task details in task list view under Tasks tab in closed requests.
  • SD-88215 : Technicians who do not have Edit Closed Request permission are unable to view task details page under Tasks tab in closed requests.
  • SD-88097 : During global edit, when a technician edits a request with a template which is not within his scope, the template of the request changes.
  • SD-87188 : Notifications triggered by request notification task flow are sent via default mail configuration, since the Instance ID is not reset when threads from one instance are reused in other instance.
  • SD-88574 : Under Request Layout Customization >> Technician Layout, the Checklist tab is duplicated.
  • SD-89402 : Unable to add attachments to resolution tab in Requests upon migrating from 11010 or older builds to 11124.


  • SD-89048 : The Available tab under Assets >> Software >> Scanned Software >> Software details page >> Licenses keeps processing for downgraded software.


  • SD-88703 : In Purchase Request approval notifications, the additional fields added as variables are not fetching the purchase request details.


  • SD-82572 : In Contract Notifications, the contracted date and expiry date are displayed in incorrect format.


  • SD-89377 : AD Authentication fails if Enable Domain During Login option is disabled in Security Settings.
  • SD-89040 : Error thrown on clicking Show assigned only option while associating workstations to users.
  • SD-88060 : During asset scan, non-pingable SNMP and Cisco IP phones are added as unknown devices if the asset scan fails.


  • SD-87616 : Date filter criteria in custom reports is not based on user’s time zone.
  • SD-88562 : In reports, the date filter does not work properly for US timezones.
  • SD-88405 :
    • a.) None criteria fetches invalid results in request Custom Views and Advanced Search.
    • b.) In Advanced Filters in reports, the None criteria change to Null criteria is not handled for existing reports.
  • SD-88099 : If the details of a printer associated to workstation is edited, the changes are not reflected in Audit Report.


  • SD-89019 : When more than two requests are merged and synced with Analytics Plus, duplicate requests are created in Analytics Plus.


(Released on 12 August, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-87553 : When a technician whose login is disabled is re-imported via Active Directory, the login permissions will remain disabled.


  • SDF-88581 : Option to configure recurring email notifications to users for N number of days before and after the expiry of an Asset, Loan and Warranty from the globalconfig table.
  • SDF-87639 : The grand total cost of the items is displayed in Purchase Request details page.
  • SDF-84541 : Glowroot is now bundled with the application.
  • SDF-82161 : The newly added work log will be displayed on the top of the list if the sorting order is not defined.

Issues Fixed

Requests :

  • SD-89017 : Under the Resources section of service requests or templates, when View Details is clicked, the displayed pop-up is mispositioned on the screen.
  • SD-88150 : When a user tries to reply/forward an email from the request conversation, the attachments added to the mail are not sent.
  • SD-88115 : Unable to take remote control via Desktop Central from request details page to the associated assets.
  • SD-88377 : While editing a request in the details page, the Field And Form Rules from a previously edited request are not overwritten.

Tasks :

  • SD-88312 : Task Details fetched successfully popup alert displayed while opening a task is removed from the application.

Projects :

  • SD-88217 : During MPP file import, Project Import Failure error is thrown when sub-tasks belonging to 2 different tasks have a dependency or when tasks that contain sub-tasks have a dependency.
  • SD-80230 : Unable to export projects Gantt View as PDF via Alias URL.

Problem :

  • SD-88614 : Unable to download attachments under Analysis and Solution tabs in Problems module.

Assets :

  • SD-88705 : Security error thrown when decimal values are added to the barcode label properties.
  • SD-80143 : Assets having printers with same name but different server names get overridden.

Purchase :

  • SD-88510 : Unable to create PO from PR if vendor services item names has more than 150 characters.
  • SD-88461 : If a requester chosen as an approver of PR, the next level approval notification is not be sent.
  • SD-87570 : The Close PO button under Actions menu in purchase details page is not translated to the browser default language.
  • SD-87184 : Product Types are not listed alphabetically in the Purchase Order form.

Admin :

  • SD-88589 : Unable to add or edit Change Types in non-English language setups.
  • SD-88501 : Request approval gets reinitiated even without updating the resource questions.
  • SD-88462 : Non-English characters in sites configured in central server are displayed as ? in remote servers.
  • SD-88162 : CI attributes are displayed under Service Category if CMDB is not available. The issue occurs if the user has access to the Admin module and not for the CMDB module.
  • SD-88152 : An unclear error message is shown if the .pfx file used to install SSL certificate has unsupported password encryption.
  • SD-87933 : When importing users along with their managers via LDAP import, the Reporting To field of the user details is not updated.
  • SD-87380 : Changing a technician to a requester results in duplicate entries of the action in User History.

Community :

  • SD-87844 : In some environments, Health Meter fails to load with a null pointer exception.

General :

  • SD-88516 : Masterkey password is not validated during MSSQL database configuration.
  • SD-88375 : Performance issue.
  • SD-88314 : In some scenarios, login via SAML fails for specific users in Chrome.
  • SD-85912 : In MSSQL setups, the threshold notification email for log file size displays an incorrect value.
  • SD-88915 : Restore fails with inappropriate exception in MSSQL database when duplicate entries are found in softwarelist/softwaremanufaturer table.


(Released on 05 August, 2020)


SDF-85246 : EWS connection protocol is now supported in Linux setups.

SDF-39481 :Cancel Request

  • Option to move unnecessary requests to Cancelled status. SDAdmins can grant request cancel permission to users. Click here to know more.

Theme Enhancements

  • Using theme settings you can customize the application’s default color and font. You can apply the theme settings for all users or allow each user to select their own color and font. Click here to know more.

Allowing requesters to view tasks in the request

  • Option to enable requesters to view request tasks. Click here to know more.

Add Tasks only after Request Approval

  • Option to restrict the addition of tasks only after request approval. Click here to know more.

Change Password Redirection

  • Option to redirect users, who log in for the first time, to the change password page.
    ESM Directory >> General Settings >> Security Settings >> Password Policy.

SDF-84497 : SMS Notification in Custom Trigger

  • You can now trigger SMS notifications using Custom Triggers.

SDF-37155, SDF-43511, SDF-50557, SDF-62229, SDF-66199, SDF-70514, SDF-88567 : Rich Text Area Support For Task And Worklog Description

  • The description fields in Tasks, Worklog and Task templates now support Rich Text mode. Users can format text, add images and hyperlinks.

SDF-29571 : Survey URL in Request Closure Notification

  • Option to embed the survey URL in the request closure email notification.

SDF-65432 : Worklog Additional Fields Revamp

  • The worklog additional fields are now dynamic. Users can determine maximum count of additional fields that can be created.
  • A new type of field for decimal values called Decimal is introduced.
  • The additional fields will be displayed in worklogs. Users can choose to view them as columns in worklog list view. Click here to know more.

SDF-84160 : Incident/Service Catalogs as Widgets

  • Option to display Incident/Service catalog as widgets in the requester self-service portal.
    Admin >> Self-Service Portal Settings >> Self Service Portal Customization.

SDF-33370, SDF-58517, SDF-61015 : Browser Title customization

  • The default browser title can be customized to display the selected module name. For details page, you can also configure the browser title to display customized dynamic titles using variables such as request id, asset name etc. Click here to know more.

Reports Enhancements

  • Option to reorder all reports under a folder and also personalize the reordering by user.
  • Option to search reports and report folders from the reports global search.

Clear text password transmission

  • Encryption support added for user password on the application login page.

Editor Upgrade

  • Editor toolbar now has selectable font name and text direction.
  • Image alignment and the Fit to width options are added to the Insert image pop-up. Links can be added to the inserted images as well.

Request Print & Approval Preview customization

  • Under self service portal settings, configure sections that must be selected by default in the Request Print preview and Approval preview.

SSP Settings UI Revamp

  • Self Service Portal Settings is split into four tabs for easier categorization and accessibility.

Request Approval UI Revamp

  • Request Approval pop-up is revamped for ease of operation.


(Released on 28 July, 2020)

Framework Upgrade Information

  • SD-88193 : Handlebars upgraded from v4.0.5 to v4.7.6


  • SDF-88486 : Edit HTML button is added to email notification templates.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-88475 : Error thrown while clicking the Site dropdown under Technician Filter in Resource Management


  • SD-88161 : While replying to a request, if the status change comments are mandatory but not added after updating the status, the Send button gets disabled and stays the same even on adding the comments.
  • SD-88141 : When a request is reopened several times, the time spent on the request and the resolved time is updated incorrectly.
  • SD-88140 : When a request status is changed from Completed to Closed/Resolved/Custom Completed, the time spent on the request is recorded incorrectly.
  • SD-87994 : The timespent values under Time Analysis tab are now stored in milliseconds instead of minutes.
  • SD-87944 : When a request is reopened, the timespent period of group/technician is updated incorrectly in Time Analysis tab resulting in a miscalculated OLA due by time. The issue occurs when the group/technician is changed recently.
  • SD-87906 : When a request is configured with SLAs having different Operational hours/holiday/weekend configurations, negative timespent is updated for grouch/technician under Time Analysis tab.
  • SD-88631 : Unable to archive older requests after migrating to 11120.
  • SD-88464 : Unable to create requests from Quick Create when Assign technician to request they created from closed chat is enabled.
  • SD-88384 : Unable to create requests from email command when Assign technician to request they created from closed chat is enabled.
  • SD-88275 : Mandatory field alert thrown when changing the request status to Resolved in the resolution tab even after all fields are filled in.
  • SD-87525 : Scripts configured in Request Life Cycle does not get executed in transitions that happen automatically.
  • SD-87568 : Language set as Browser Default is not reflected in the request details page.
  • SD-87330 : SLA Response due by time is wrongly calculated in some scenarios.
  • SD-83797 : Request “_total_count” API is not working as intended.
  • SD-82643 : Multiple word search does not work in Column Search under Request Add >> Asset field pop-up.
  • SD-87995 : While copy pasting the request title in the Reply window, huge gap occurs in between ID and title. The issue occurs only in firefox.
  • SD-87847 : The ‘New’ and ‘Search’ button on the request detail page while associating a change or a project looks broken. It happens only if the application is set to the Chinese language.


  • SD-88515 : Unable to add more than 250 characters in worklog description via API


  • SD-88296 : In some cases, the Support Group filter is not updated in the Dashboard.


  • SD-87869 : Unable to dissociate a task template from a request template if the task template is configured with Field and Form Rules.
  • SD-88411 : Unable to raise issues in JIRA when Cascading Select and Multiple Select are enabled in JIRA
  • SD-87054 : Unable to save request templates when more than 100 user/support groups are associated with it.
  • SD-88759 : Microsoft Teams integration : When AD SSO is enabled in ServiceDesk Plus, the bot in Microsoft Teams does not work.
  • SD-86732 : Job Scheduler throws an error in the presence of invalid jobs causing failed notification mails, custom triggers and push notifications.
  • SD-88036 :In certain scenarios, the request custom triggers list view page displays an empty list.

Mobile App

  • SD-87939 : Instance icons are not displayed in the instance list of the iOS app.


(Released on 08 July, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-85818 : MDM Integration : To avoid factory reset devices from MDM getting detected as new devices in ServiceDesk Plus, the device’s IMEI number will also be considered along with the UDID for replacements.
  • SD-85916 : Loaned assets need to be returned or moved to the In Store status before getting transferred to other users by using CMDB API.


  • SDF-60586 : Option to expand the message body section in Request Reply Template editor

Issues Fixed

Requests :

  • SD-77495 : Status change comment mandatory pop-up is not shown when a requester tries to close a resolved request without comments.
  • SD-88401 : Unable to download the sample XLS file during request import via XLS
  • SD-88367 : Adding closure code from Actions menu in the request details page throws an error
  • SD-84446 : Hitting the back button from the request details page after searching a request using the global search does not redirect to the search results list view.
  • SD-87956 : In the text editor across requests, quotation creates a line break that needs to be manually removed.
  • SD-86821 : In Korean setup, the error message triggered upon request deletion is broken.
  • SD-87311 : The organization logo is displayed in exported requests report when the requests are exported from the Requests tab, even if the logo is disabled under Organization Details.
  • SD-87950 : In some cases, a mandate alert is thrown in the request global edit page even after the values are provided to the fields.
  • SD-87920 : For domain user login, clicking on the remote desktop icon from the request details page is redirecting to the PMP login page instead of launching a direct RDP connection for asset.
  • SD-88125 : In IE11, the priority field is not set based on priority matrix when the priority field is disabled using field and form rules.

Changes :

  • SD-86593 : Unable to add more than one inline image to the Change request description.

Assets :

  • SD-86955 : Technician is not notified when an asset is assigned, even if the Notify user when the asset is assigned to the user notification is enabled
  • SD-86908 : During CSV import, the site details of the assets is not updated when the location field value is not given.
  • SD-85764 : Unable to edit Site details of an asset when the asset state had been changed from In Use to In Repair.

Purchase :

  • SD-87020 : The PO acknowledgement mail URL becomes invalid as the &section parameter is converted to §ion in some browsers.
  • SD-85398 : Unable to remove cost-type purchase additional fields in the admin module.

Contracts :

  • SD-88179 : Unable to save contracts if values of additional fields contain more than 100 characters.

Admin :

  • SD-87799 : After importing the SSL certificate from Admin >> Import SSL Certificate page, the import summary is not getting loaded. The issue occurs if the SSL certificate does not have an alternate subject name
  • SD-84791 : Users deleted in the Active Directory are not shown in the deleted users window in the AD import pop-up.
  • SD-88016 : Page scripts configured for requests pending approval are not executed.
  • SD-86700 : The audit status of assets imported into the central server from a distributed scan is set to success, even though the assets have no audit information.
  • SD-88363 : Unable to save notification rules for requests in non-english setups.
  • SD-88271 : Unable to hide unanswered fields in request details page using Page Scripts configured for requesters.
  • SD-87806 :
    a. Schedule Scan is not disabled when switching from Enterprise edition to Standard edition.
    b. Exclude devices feature under Admin >> Windows Domain Scan >> Add/ Edit Domain is displayed for Standard edition.
  • SD-85626 : Site24x7 Integration : An incorrect URL is passed when multiple monitors are configured in Site24x7.
  • SD-85607 : In Postgres setup, the database connection is not closing automatically even after successful restoration from a backup file.
  • SD-85381 : Bounced and automated emails are unnecessarily processed by Zia for approval predictions.

Reports :

  • SD-85085 : Unable to generate a saved report if both the custom report and query report are executed in parallel.
  • SD-86964 : Error thrown while generating custom reports when the character count of filter criteria under advanced filters exceed 1000.

General :

  • SD-88446 : Desktop Central Integration : When deploying and uninstalling software from workstations in Tickets from the Custom Actions Menu, “Unknown error” alert is thrown.
  • SD-88047 : LDAP user import stops after importing a user whose email address matches that of a non-login user in the ESM Directory.
  • SD-85348 : No records get fetched when System Log Viewer is filtered based on Performed by attribute with the value “System.”


(Released on 30 June, 2020)


Microsoft Teams Integration

  • Set up the ServiceDesk Plus integration with Microsoft Teams to leverage the collaboration app from Microsoft as an additional channel for IT and enterprise support. Through this integration, you can view service desk tickets, pending approval, and chat with help desk technicians-all from within your Microsoft Teams accounts.
  • Click here to know more.

User Bulk edit

  • You can now edit details of multiple requesters or technicians simultaneously. Bulk operation support is also added for other actions like Change as Users, Change as Technicians, Assign to Department, etc. Click here to know more.

Deluge for ServiceDesk Plus

  • Deluge, our in-house, high-level scripting language, is now bundled with ServiceDesk Plus. Deluge is easy to use and enables non-programmers to code with minimal learning. Using Deluge scripting, you can build Custom Functions that can manipulate data within ServiceDesk Plus and external applications. You can use Custom Functions in Business Rule, Trigger, and Request Life Cycle to automate workflows, customize business processes, and integrate ServiceDesk Plus with external applications.
  • Click here to know more.

Scheduled Request Data Deletion

  • Option to schedule request data deletion for both active and archived requests. Click here to know more.

Request Reports Enhancements

  • New default request reports related to time spent on request /time elapsed analysis are added. New fields and criteria are added to existing reports and date filters (for custom reports only) respectively.

Checklist in Request Closing Rules

  • You can now mandate the verification of checklists in request templates by accessing Request Closing Rules and selecting the Associated checklist should be verified option under mandatory fields for closing requests.
  • Click here to know more.

Pending Mail Count View

  • Option to show pending mail count in the configured incoming mail server.

AnalyticsPlus Quick Installation at ServiceDesk Plus

  • Now you can easily integrate AnalyticsPlus with ServiceDesk Plus if you choose to install Analytics Plus in the same server as ServiceDesk Plus. Quick setup wizards will help you set up analytics plus in no time. Find quick setup wizards in the following sections:

Reports >> Advanced Analytics >> Download down arrow >> Try Quick Setup


Admin >> Advanced Analytics >> Setup Advanced Analytics >> Try Now

Issues Fixed


  • SD-85946 : The order of items in Checklist is not retained in Request Details page.


  • SD-88176 : Chat is not working when it is embedded as an external widget.
  • SD-87943 : Able to create users without any role in ESM enabled setups.


(Released on 24 June, 2020)

Behavior changes

  • SD-86807 : Support for Asset Servlet API is discontinued from this version.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-57705 : Cross Site Scripting vulnerability while adding attachments.


  • SD-88145 : Unable to add or update announcements in non-English environments.

Requests :

  • SD-85468 : Task ID is not available in Tasks tab under Archived Requests’ details page.
  • SD-85636 : When a request created via email is duplicated, the description is replicated twice.
  • SD-85644 : While duplicating a request, the text with bullets and numbering in the description are removed.


  • SD-87324 : In Dashboards >> Task Summary, the tasks count includes the project tasks for instances without project license.


  • SD-85287 : Only the technicians under the not associated to any site are populated for selection in the Change Owner field of a change template. The issue occurs if the Group field is removed from the template.
  • SD-84959: Invalid URL error is thrown while downloading attachments in ServiceDesk Plus mobile app.
  • SD-85880 : Hashtag removal from change ID in change notification templates does not reflect in the notifications.


  • SD-87246 : In Tasks, Scheduled End is not auto-calculated when Scheduled Start is updated from empty to some value.
  • SD-87415 : “Actual End Time” is auto-filled for tasks despite being mandated using task closing rules.


  • SD-85632 : SMS notification mails are not sent if only the EWS mail server is configured for outgoing.
  • SD-87628 : Non-english survey questions of radio button type are not sorted properly.
  • SD-84811 : Failure in Approval Prediction via ZIA due to an error in processing email signatures.
  • SD-87717 : Unable to configure task dependencies in service catalog when one of the task templates is deleted.
  • SD-88065 : “Request will not be considered…” error is thrown while creating or updating a PM task using a service template which has a service SLA associated to it.


  • SD-87058 : Unable to make copies of existing reports using the Save report as option.
  • SD-85510 : Unable to generate custom reports when the value of criteria is selected as ‘None’ in Advanced Filtering.


  • SD-85902 : Upgrade to 11105 build or above fails in Windows due to the presence of colons (:) in attachment filenames.
  • SD-85903 : Unable to take backup in Windows when a file contains a period(.) at the end of its filename.


(Released on 18 June, 2020)

Behavior changes

  • SD-85858 : The number of associated assets displayed by My Assets widget in the self-service portal has been increased to 100.
  • SD-87665 : Option to allow non-login users to view solutions will now be disabled by default for fresh installations. The SDAdmin can later configure it under Admin >> Self-Service Portal settings.
  • SD-89683 : If any custom widget is configured with the “/” URL, then the operation param “/” must be included in the URL or else an error message mentioning “you are not authorized” will be thrown.


  • SDF-55748 : Option to disable the SLA time stamp banner for requesters in service requests.
  • SDF-62184 : Option to show/hide section based fields in the request form using field and form rules.
  • SDF-69545 : Option to execute FAFR actions at the section level of the request form.
  • SDF-82816 : Option to enable/disable asset(s) field in request form using field and form rules.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-88033 : Non-English characters in the widgets in the requester home page are garbled.
  • SD-87804 : Unable to customize the technician’s home page by reordering widgets.
  • SD-87576 : In Home >> All Tasks, clicking the task subject after the page is auto-refreshed throws an inappropriate error.

Requests :

  • SD-88064 : Unable to add Jira issues from requests using the custom menu.
  • SD-88056 : Unable to copy images to the Description field.
  • SD-87859, SD-88111 : Unable to add approval stages to already approved service requests.
  • SD-87682 : Non-admin technicians couldn’t view a request’s site from the request details page.
  • SD-87443 : After migrating from 10514 to 11112, the task button on the top bar of request list view page is not displayed for technicians not assigned with SDAdmin role.
  • SD-87418 : In some scenarios, unable to update the Asset field in a request using sectional edit/inline edit.
  • SD-87013 : Unable to add/edit forms when the number of sites configured in the application exceeds 100.
  • SD-87565 : On configuring a Field And Form Rule to execute script using $CS.removeAllOptions(“GROUP”), accessing the technician pop up in the associated request hides the Group field.
  • SD-86949 : User is unable to perform Field and Form Rules involving Due by Date field if they don’t have edit permission for the same field.
  • SD-86359 : In Outlook client, emails are getting deleted when they are dragged into the attachment section of the request details page.
  • SD-85857 : In Chrome browser, Currently Viewing (invoked by collaborators icon) information under request details page is not dynamically updated when technicians status changes from viewing to not viewing.
  • SD-85835 : In some cases, selected formatting options are not applied to reply messages under the request details page.
  • SD-86962 : Incorrect calculation of Response Dueby Time when a request is closed without a response.

Problem :

  • SD-87679 : Users without login credentails are able to access problem notes.

Changes :

  • SD-85390 : In change list view, the task status bar is not tracking closed/completed tasks properly.

Assets :

  • SD-85633 : In Windows workstations, scan data generated by the standalone audit is not posted to the server despite returning a success message.
  • SD-88117 : Unable to add workstations by scanning barcodes if the “Barcode as ServiceTag” option is enabled.

Purchase :

  • SD-84768 : Issue displaying all users in the requester combo-box when a purchase request is created/edited by a user with SDAmin role.

Admin :

  • SD-88103 : An error occurs while saving a request status with description length more than 100 characters.
  • SD-87507 : Deleting an organization role from the application removes the service request approvals assigned to that role.
  • SD-87321 : When customizing the self-service portal, unable to save draft after removing a custom widget.
  • SD-87166 : Breakage in Field And Form Rules configured for two radio/checkbox fields with similar field names.
  • SD-85771 : Customizing service catalog by reordering service categories and associated templates fails for admin users without permission to create requests from templates.
  • SD-85627 : Help text message overlaps with multi-select drop-down options when the multi-select field is configured with long help text message on the right-hand side of an incident template.
  • SD-85060 : Unnecessary options are displayed when updating the subject field in incident/request templates if the language is set to Portuguese or other non-English languages.


  • SD-88022 : Unable to add attachments that have round brackets "()" in their filename.


(Released on 10 June, 2020)

Behavior changes* Options to search and sort requests are now available under Actions>> View Requests by Requester.

  • SD-87209 : Global search for solutions render results only for the topic selected in the left pane of solution list view page. Issues Fixed


  • SD-86637 :Privilege escalation vulnerability in admin module reported by Abdulrahman Nour


  • SD-87876 : Self Service Portal search widget is not loading in non-default instances due to a security constraint


  • SD-85662 : The Link and Module columns under Show All Tasks in home page disappear after the page gets auto refreshed.


  • SD-87289 : Unable to update request fields through Business Rule and Request Life Cycle scripts that use return JSON.
  • SD-87214 : Using requests/group API, unable to fetch the allowed values of groups for a site configured with ‘Refer Settings’ for Support Groups.
  • SD-86954 : In some cases, the inline images in the resolution/description section are broken when sent via email.
  • SD-86116 : When moving a request from one instance to another, the operation fails if Email Ids To Notify field is disabled in the target instance.
  • SD-85214 : Business rules configured with recipient fields such as ‘CC’ are not executed.
  • SD-84712 : During request bulk edit if we update a custom site without support group, then the request site gets moved to "Not associated to any site".
  • SD-78484 : Worklog timer calculates time incorrectly when ‘Include non operational hours’ is enabled
  • SD-87188 : Notifications triggered by request notification task flow are sent via default mail configuration, since the Instance ID is not appended in the conversation thread.


  • SD-86967, SD-86950 : Unable to send recommendation emails for change requests when subject exceeds 100 characters.
  • SD-86832 : Error thrown while adding assets to a change if the character count in the Assets field exceeds 100.
  • SD-85974 : Unable to save a change request while editing if we delete the attachments.
  • SD-85860 : Unable to send notification by invoking Actions>>Send Notification in change details page when the subject line contains more than 72 characters.


  • SD-87706 : While exporting the Gantt View and Task Dependencies in projects, the exporting PDF pop-up stays on the screen even after successful export.


  • SD-87801 : An error message is thrown while scanning a machine from the Actions tab under Assets in a Spanish language setup.


  • SD-87858 : Unable to add/update a Purchase Order if the order ID has a string value in it


  • SD-87993 : Unable to save contracts in non-English setup as regex value for addContract and updateContract parameter failed.


  • SD-87593 : While selecting Groups in an Operational Level Agreement (OLA), only the first 100 Groups in the system are listed.
  • SD-87934 : The user API key is not getting saved if the key is generated from the user form.
  • SD-85301 : The Edit Project Role, Project Type, and Task Type screens do not open if a multi-line project description is given by pressing enter.


  • SD-87067 : Upgrade fails as the file ZohoReportAPIClient.jar is not accessible.


(Released on 29 May, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-87014 : IE 11 support is deprecated with this release.

Framework Upgrade Information

  • Postgres upgraded from version 10.5 to version 10.12

Issues Fixed


  • SD-85770 : Clickjacking vulnerability found in web customization pages.


  • SD-87724 : While creating a request if a request field’s multi-select value with more than 100 characters is selected, an error is thrown.
  • SD-87702 : Error occurs while duplicating a request in Non-English language setups.
  • SD-87657 : Unable to update a request after deleting more than one attachment through the global edit.
  • SD-87421, SD-87873 : Broken image is shown for custom images in service categories for requester login.


  • SD-87235 : Duplicate users are created in Desktop Central while enabling MDM/ DC permission for technicians. The issue occurs if the technicians are domain users.


(Released on 19 May, 2020)

Behavior Changes

  • Custom Settings button in scheduled reports will be displayed only for users with SDAdmin access.
  • Going forward Purchase Request / License Agreement additional fields can only be added from the Admin tab and not from Purchase Request/License Agreement.


  • SDF-87329, SDF-86613 : Option to edit task templates from under the request template’s Workflow tab.

Issues Fixed

  • SD-87233 : An error is thrown while submitting a service request from requester login. The issue occurs if the request template used to create the request has an editor field and the requester can set the editor field value.
  • SD-87090 : Unable to change the review date/expiry date of a solution to any other month after the first click.
  • SD-66823 : BREACH attack vulnerability.
  • SD-87472 : An error occurs while adding a new support group.
  • SD-87303 : CVE-2020-14048 : Unauthenticated users are able to change the installation status of deployed agents reported by “Luis Alfredo Nunez Rincon”


(Released on 08 May, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

Admin :

  • SD-87281: An authentication error is thrown while configuring OAuth and signing in using the authentication pop-up window.


(Released on 05 May, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-72752 : HTTP to HTTPS redirection is not done for a particular URL in the application login page.
  • SD-84874 : Clipboard Data Stealing Attack vulnerability.
  • SD-85331 : Path-based vulnerability found in web customization pages.
  • SD-85900 : Path-relative stylesheet import vulnerability found in few pages.

Requests :

  • SD-85354 : Auto suggest solutions will now list solutions based on the technician personalization (entire content/title/description/keywords) on solution list view.

Changes :

  • SD-85647 : When we Close/Complete a change as per Workflow, a NullPointerException error message is thrown.


(Released on 23 April, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-82883, SD-84437 : Hidden directory detected vulnerability.
  • SD-86635 : Stored XSS vulnerability in Asset Contracts.
  • SD-87302 : CVE-2020-13154 : Users with low or limited privileges are able to view the file protection password.

Home :

  • SD-38075 : Improved usability while adding reminders. Under the Notify before scheduled start field, the default option will be 15 minutes instead of Never.

Requests :

  • SD-86755 : In Internet Explorer, the Request Catalog page is displayed blank.
  • SD-85646 : Breakage in the approval action configured for workflow of incident templates.
  • SD-85106 : Improper translation for Next Transition in the request details page in vietnamese language.
  • SD-85515 : Two service requests created at the same time with the same approver have the same approval key generated.
  • SD-85654 : The Service Level Agreement of a service request is not reset on changing the template.
  • SD-77764 : Performance improvements.
  • SD-85253 : The solution suggestion window does not pop up when a request form is saved.
  • SD-84465 : In the request add page’s user drop-down, searching for users with the wildcard character asterisk(*) does not fetch matching results.

Changes :

  • SD-85891 : Unable to send a change for recommendation to multiple users, if the length of ‘To’ field is more than 100 characters.

Solutions :

  • SD-83179 : Solution article is broken if accessed from the request resolution.

Assets :

  • SD-84120 : Performance enhancements in Assets module.
  • SD-85210 : Unable to change the product type from non-consumable to consumable while editing the product details.
  • SD-84442 : During Asset Scan, the Cisco IP Phone asset attribute is not updated with the scanned value.
  • SD-84868 : In Assets module, the i18n keys for the string Warranty Expiry Date have different values in ‘Add Asset Form Page’ and ‘Asset Details Page’ when the language is set to Chinese.
  • SD-84906 : During bulk import of workstations and servers from CSV files, the Asset State gets reset to In Store.
  • SD-85814 : Unable to fetch Manufacturer Serial number for Cisco switches.


  • SD-85507 : Technicians with full asset module permission and EnableCMDB role cannot view the Add Relationship button or the List view for users CI type under CMDB > Users.

Admin :

  • SD-84231 : Performance improvements.
  • SD-84220 : Performance issues while loading the list of users in user popup.
  • SD-85630 : The value for security response headers under Security Settings is limited to 100 characters.
  • SD-85267 : In Credential Library, the private key is not encrypted for Telnet/SSH credential type.
  • SD-84802 : Unable to edit/save draft in Request Life Cycle after it is published if the page is refreshed subsequently.
  • SD-85679 : Under Admin >> Integrations >> Desktop Central, the link to help documentation redirects to incorrect URL.
  • SD-85550 : The criteria for request custom triggers does not list the Service Category in Standard Edition.
  • SD-85442 : Query update for creating new requests when a user replies to an already sent email does not work.

Reports :

  • SD-85225 : Site values are listed instead of vendor values while choosing the vendor field in advance filter under purchase module in custom report.
  • SD-85543 : Space issue in table alias name while generating query for Analytics Integration.
  • SD-85481 : When we run a summary report or matrix report from the “Reports” module and then try to invoke an API call to fetch the asset details and mention a multi-value field like “IP Address” under the <returnFields> tab, it throws an SQL syntax error.
  • SD-85649 : Error thrown while adding multiple email addresses in scheduled reports.
  • SD-86133 : Unable to generate custom/query reports while using the application in Internet Explorer.


  • SD-85243 : Unable to add new requesters via Request V3 API.


(Released on 16 April, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

  • SD-86636 : SQL injection vulnerability detected in unused source.


(Released on 02 April, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-84742 : Users with HelpdeskConfig permission can now update/delete reply templates.

Enhancements :

  • Unified Activities for Request & Tasks

    Technicians can now view requests in Classic View or choose to view both requests and tasks in Combined View, depending on their convenience. Click here to learn more about the classic view and click here to learn more about the combined view.

  • Move Requests Across Instances

    Option to move a request raised in a wrong instance to a correct instance. Click here to learn more.

  • Form Color Customization

    You can customize the font including its size and color, background color, and field orientation of incident and service templates. Click here to learn more.

  • Proxy Configuration for Mail Fetching

    Proxy can be configured for Incoming and Outgoing Mail Servers.

  • Reply Template Enhancements

    1. Option to show inactive templates in the reply template list view.
    2. Option to edit the reply message using HTML editor in reply templates.
  • SDF-84657 : Option to restrict technicians from creating their own reply templates.

  • SDF-83300 : Support for attachment preview in Live Chat.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-84667 : Broken Access Control vulnerability while closing work orders.

Requests :

  • SD-85254 : Approval action notifications incorrectly displays Guest as the sender of the notification instead of System.
  • SD-85242 : While adding a service request, if two columns are present with multiple fields in the resource section, the tab button is not working properly
  • SD-85392 : The Link Request Action window can be accessed from the Request Details page by pressing lowercase L.
  • SD-85497 : The Print Preview of requests will limit the displayed conversations to 10. Further conversations can be viewed by clicking Load more conversations.
  • SD-84822 : Unable to mandate attachments when updating a request using field and form rules.


(Released on 26 March, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-85634 : Unable to create a request in requester login when the application runs in Internet Explorer.

General :

  • SD-85628 : Migration to 11108 fails in certain scenarios.


(Released on 20 March, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • During AD import, UTC coded time fields mapped to single/multi-line user additional fields previously imported as date format will now be imported as an equivalent long value.

Issues Fixed :

Home :

  • SD-85247 : Unable to add Service Categories as a widget in self-service portal.
  • SD-85080 : The contents of Home Page and Dashboard are misaligned on initial page load.

Requests :

  • SD-84361 : Formatting issue occurs when content from a Excel sheet is copied and pasted in a request’s description field. The issue occurs only after submitting the request.
  • SD-85061 : In field and form rules, the function $CS.getValue(“REQUESTER”) does not return the requester name when On-Behalf-of field is enabled.
  • SD-84796 : In request details page and print preview, multi-line fields are displayed in a single line.
  • SD-85194 : When a request contains multiple conversations, any user expanded conversation collapses automatically if a request property is updated.
  • SD-84795 : Resizing reply or forward window does not resize the corresponding message editor.
  • SD-85391 : Under request actions, unnecessary scrolling in the pop-up window to Link Requests.

Assets :

  • SD-85248 : When an SNMP device with an unknown model is scanned, no warning is shown.
  • SD-85096 : Assets with the Requires Scan option disabled under the asset state are getting scanned when brought in through the delta scan.
  • SD-84793 : In some scenarios MAC addresses of SNMP devices are getting populated with empty values during an SNMP scan.
  • SD-84714 : When we try to print barcodes ( 7 - 8 characters) that have been generated, the barcodes do not get printed within the label in some cases.


  • SD-85311 : Unable to obtain IP address field values through CMDB API in ESM setup.

Purchase :

  • SD-85050 : Unable to embed templates in purchase email notifications.

Admin :

  • SD-84881 : Mail fetching stops when a new user raises a request through email.
  • SD-85302 : In some cases, unable to edit User in ESM portal if an Active Directory field containing multi-line data is mapped to a field in ServiceDesk Plus during the User import.
  • SD-85264 : Unable to add more than 10 items in User Additional Fields of pick-list type.
  • SD-85059 : Unable to delete Department after migrating to 11000.
  • SD-85215 : Updating a Preventive Maintenance Task resets the associated assets.
  • SD-84374 : After migrating to version 11.0, unable to import Active Directory attributes of type UTC coded time mapped to additional date/time fields.
  • SD-84629 : Unable to update Survey configuration when the number of users exceed 500.
  • SD-85401 : Unable to save a support group if its name is used in an other site.

Reports :

  • SD-84321 : Query report fails when column alias name contains a space.
  • SD-84377 : In reports, numeric fields erroneously display ‘0’ instead of ‘null’ for undefined values.
  • SD-84364 : In report charts, boolean fields contain the database column name instead of the display name.
  • SD-84468 : Inappropriate results are shown for query reports that contain terms like Requester and Technician.
  • SD-84385 : The Longtodate function in a query does not work if the query contains another function with more than one argument.
  • SD-85266 : Error thrown when CMDB API variable is executed immediately after generating a chart type custom report.

General :

  • SD-85563 : Upgrade failure occurs due to orphan entries in database.
  • SD-85466 : Logging in via SSO throws a security error due to the redundant SkipNV2Filter request parameters.


(Released on 18 March, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • Agent Uninstall and Agent Remote Control functionalities have been removed from the application.

  • Task templates:

    Task templates in incident/service/project templates can only be mapped and not edited anymore. Task templates are now grouped under Modules: General/Requests/Projects. A general task template can be associated with all modules. A request/ project task template can be associated only with their respective modules.

    When a task template associated with a request/project template is marked inactive, then the association will be removed as well.

    After migration, similar task titles without any field value differences will be grouped together. If there are any field value differences then the templates with varying field values will be considered as separate entities and the associated template name will be the task title appended with numbers at the end [E.g, Update Software, Update Software 1].

Enhancements :

1) Operational-level Agreement

Configure Operational Level Agreement to ensure that the SLA is achieved by the internal groups working on the request. Operational Level Agreement related widgets are also included in Dashboards.

To know more, click here

2) User Addition from instance based on ESM directory application settings

Under ESM Directory >> General Settings >> Application Settings, you can enable the manual user addition for specific instances. This option will create a new permission in user roles, using which technicians can manually add users to their instances.

To know more, click here

3) Group Chat and few more Enhancements

Technicians can now chat in groups among themselves. Also, request collaborators can start a group chat from the request details page.

To know more, click here

4) Request Properties in Task

While mapping task templates to request templates, you can associate request properties to tasks so that technicians working on tasks can view the request properties.

To learn more, click here and here

5) Check List

Checklists allow you to configure and add little tasks or to do things in request templates for technicians to follow before closing/completing a request.

To know more, click here

6) Custom View For Change List View

Create and manage custom views for change requests.

To know more, click here

7) Add Notes while assigning a technician

Add additional information via notes when assigning a request to a site, group or technician.

To learn more, click here

8) Fine Grained Access such as Adding Approval and Deleting Approval

Allocate fine-grained permissions, such as Adding Approval and Deleting Approval, to technicians

9) Request Auto Approval

Auto-approve requests if already approved by the same approver at a previous stage or if the requester is also the approver.

To know more, click here

10) Integrate with Site24x7

Integrate ServiceDesk Plus with ManageEngine Site 24x7 to firefight incidents and monitor critical application servers from a single console.

To know more, click here

11) Integration with Desktop Central in the Standard Edition

Integration with Desktop Central will now be available in the Standard Edition, as well.

12) Html for Requester Notification

Requester notification templates will now show HTML renderings of the template. Currently it is available only in fresh builds.

Issues Fixed :

  • SD-84773 : Attachments added to a conversation via email are not getting added.
  • SD-82988 : Remote code execution vulnerability in windows agent scan (CVE-2020-8838) reported by Sahil Dhar (xen1thlabs).


(Released on 10 March, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • Windows agent upgrade option has been removed.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-85104 : You can now configure Always On Availability Group (AOAG) from the User Interface.
  • SDF-37014 : Option to add images in the notes section of a request.
  • SDF-77957, SDF-84163 : You can now configure the mail server with Modern Authentication (OAuth 2.0) for secure and delegated access.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-84460 : Internal file path disclosure vulnerability in attachments.
  • SDP-85258 : Directory Traversal vulnerability in web remote.

Home :

  • SD-84121 : Performance improved while loading Scheduler under the Home page.

Dashboard :

  • SD-85100: Clicking on the total number of requests in the Unassigned row under the Helpdesk tab in Dashboards does not list the unassigned requests.

Requests :

  • SD-85087 : Field and Form Rules fail to work in FireFox and Internet Explorer when a page script rule is configured
  • SD-84803 : UI issue when displaying task owner drop-down menu in Task List View under Requests module.
  • SD-84854 : Alignment issues in ‘Print Preview’ under Requests module when Status and Priority fields contain lengthy values.
  • SD-81793 : In some cases, the conversation and notes sections are not displayed in the request details page.
  • SD-83143 : Issue while creating a Request Custom filter with the Created Time as previous Month.
  • SD-84673 : History tables of request and request life cycle operations and error logs are updated without using ‘suspend’ and ‘resume’ transactions.
  • SD-84856 : When an RLC-associated, SLA-violated request is moved from On Hold to Open upon the requester’s reply, the request’s due time will not change.

Problems :

  • SD-84595 : While associating incidents to a problem, the category based filter displays all incidents irrespective of their categories for the first time.

Changes :

  • SD-60829 : Limited change status comments to 3500 characters.

Solutions :

  • SD-84447 : The Edit HTML text field in HTML editors is no longer resizable.
  • SD-84448 : Content within the <blockquote> tag is not formatted in HTML editors across the application.
  • SD-84554 : After adding a new solution, the data is resubmitted with every browser reload. Hence the solution gets duplicated.
  • SD-84731 : Incorrect entry in Type field of system log viewer when performing global search for Solutions.

Purchase :

  • SD-82501 : If the Part number is not chosen in a purchase order then it is displayed as undefined in view page.

Admin :

  • SD-84745 : AD Import gets failed if the user is created through request mail fetching.
  • SD-82997 : Under Admin >> General Settings >> Performance Settings, configure email notifications to be sent to the organization admin when the application hits a prespecified disk usage. In an ESM setup, head to ESM Directory >> General Settings >> Performance Settings to configure the same.
  • SD-84968, SD-85240 : UI issue in ‘Change SLA Page’ under Admin module, where certain fields in Escalations section appear out of place.
  • SD-81296 : Incomplete translation and reduced functionality of Auto Suggest dialog box when customizing email notification template in Japanese environment. Admin>>Notification Rules>>E-mail requester when a request is appended by reply.

Reports :

  • SD-84637 : Removed a column called ‘Old Status’ from custom reports of the Changes module.
  • SD-84849 : In non-english setups, running a custom time spent report throws an error.
  • SD-85025 : Custom Report fails when choosing Date field in Advanced Filters.
  • SD-85196 : In Reports module, the text None is wrongly translated in Japanese language.


  • SD-84869 : When we try to update the network details of IT assets other than workstations and servers using the doctool API, the network details do not get updated even though a success message is displayed.
  • SD-83895 : Update CI operation cannot be performed.

General :

  • SD-84698, SD-84700, SD-83404, SD-82357, SD-83400 : Performance improvements
  • SD-84943 : While performing Global search, the Request submodule automatically switches Default search to Request ID
  • SD-84961 : Unable to view the whole list in Zoho Creator App drop-down menu
  • SD-84676 : Removed the transactional property from the FlushRecentItems scheduler.


(Released on 25 February, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-84063 : Mails fetched by EWS will be permanently deleted.

Enhancements :

  • SD-84050 : Option to configure and append .msg/…eml type attachments in description by modifying the globalconfig table in the database which will have three values : processboth, processcontentalone, and processattachmentalone.
  • SD-84711 : Scale of decimal fields for resource questions and cost fields in service templates and request additional fields are now configurable by modifying the ‘Decimal_Additional_Field’ category in the GlobalConfig table from 2 to 6.

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-84092: Searching for a solution under a particular topic and then returning to the Resolution tab of a request displays only the solutions related to the particular topic searched earlier.
  • SD-84683: The On-Behalf-Of field in requests is not updated with the right user if the user has a duplicate display name.
  • SD-84599: Request replies will be sent for review only once.
  • SD-84542, SD-85032 : In some cases, reply/forward templates are not available in request details page.
  • SD-84725: Reason for updating request is not captured in the request history when an attachment is added or deleted.
  • SD-84760: Unable to create service or incident request having additional fields with pick-list items ending with a backslash.
  • SD-84722: Performance improved in loading Archived requests in the request list view page.


  • SD-84213: Unable to create a purchase order with non-English characters in Requested By and Owner fields.


  • SD-85213: After the the latest update, Desktop Central and MDM Links are not displayed at the left side panel under Admin module. The issue occurs only in Professional edition.
  • SD-84118: A support group’s configuration is lost if any exception occurs while saving the support group with the same name as that of an already existing group.


  • SD-84903: Users cannot log in using SAML after migrating to version 11102 and above.
  • SD-84659: Restore failure on GlobalPersonalize table in MSSQL.
  • SD-84327: Unable to take backup of files attached in emails (processed as requests) if the file name has (:) character in it. The issue only occurs in the windows environment.
  • SD-84181: Performance improvements.


(Released on 14 February, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-79133 : Search functionalities like spot search and column chooser are missing under Advanced Search in Request List View.
  • SD-84618 : In some scenarios, the user info listed under currently viewing section in the request details page is not getting removed even after the user moves out of the request.
  • SD-84893 : Applying specific HTML styles to the description of email requests are reflected in the request details page.
  • SD-84585 : Search results of global search for requests based on notes, resolution, etc. also includes default search results.

Assets :

  • SD-84215 : Current book value is not getting updated accordingly in asset financials after the depreciation period ends.
  • SD-84400 & SD-84402 : Asset loan information is not changed/modified on editing a loaned asset.

Purchase :

  • SD-84159 & SD-83749 : Users without login are unable to download attachments from the PO approval page.

Contracts :

  • SD-70009 : Unable to remove attachments in UI when the original attachment files are deleted in Contracts.

Admin :

  • SD-84787 : Unable to save Request Life Cycle (RLC) when undefined users are selected for email notifications in a transition rule.
  • SD-84326 : Applying priority matrix when creating a request template throws an inappropriate alert.


(Released on 07 February, 2020)

Issues Fixed :

Tasks :

  • SD-84723 : Unable to access show all tasks page when the request is appended with the parameter SkipNV2Filter=true.


(Released on 06 February, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-84260 : Zia : ##AP## string in the subject of the notification mails is removed.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-83455 : In user drop-down fields, the default behavior to list results containing the keyword can now be modified from the globalconfig table to list the results starting with the keyword [Criteria=contains or start_with]

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-84331 : CSRF vulnerability in login form.
  • SD-84444 : CSV and XLS formula injection vulnerability in reports.

Requests :

  • SD-84419 : Custom trigger does not work on service requests that have SLA enabled on them.
  • SD-84388 : Pending approvals of closed requests are moved to the backup approver queue.
  • SD-68312 : Same file name is not maintained while downloading a resolution attachment if the file name consists of special characters. The issue persists till the page is refreshed.
  • SD-84434 : IE Edge-specific issue : Unable to close requests after entering a resolution and changing the status from the right pane if the request closure rule is enabled.
  • SD-84794 : Inline images added to request mails are getting removed from the description.

Projects :

  • SD-75069 : While adding or editing Projects, auto-suggestion is not working in the Requested By field from requester login.

Tasks :

  • SD-83893 : When a task is scheduled for the first time, a ‘task rescheduled’ notification is triggered.
  • SD-83857 : When global edit is performed on a task, the navigational arrows disappear.

Admin :

  • SD-84191 : When a valid email address starts with special character, it is considered invalid at the security level check due to the regex given for EWS email address in security-generalaccess.xml.
  • SD-84614 & SD-84601 : Unable to perform Save, Save and Add New or Cancel operations while adding or editing task templates in non-english setup.

Reports :

  • SD-83416 : For a technician with edit report permissions, edit icon is missing in the first page of a report.
  • SD-84178 : Performance enhancements in Reports module.
  • SD-69373 : Data in reports will now be shown based on the user time zone instead of the server time zone.

Mobile App :

  • SD-83316 : The ServiceDesk Plus mobile app only lists the solutions based on the topic that is currently chosen in the desktop version of the application despite choosing All Solutions filter.


(Released on 30 January, 2020)

Enhancements :

  • SDF-84026 : In portals other than IT Helpdesk, the keyword Non-IT Assets is replaced with Assets.
  • SDF-84019 : Custom Reports will now include Technician assigned time as a column.

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-83127 : CSRF vulnerabilities in all list views.
  • SD-83128 : CSRF authentication is not enabled for the URL /


  • SD-83771 : When customizing the theme for requester home page, the selected theme retains the edit icon.


  • SD-84313 : When an external widget is added via a URL with multiple parameters, the page is not getting loaded.


  • SD-84367 : Requesters are unable to view conversations in archived requests.
  • SD-84320 : Multiple notification emails are sent to users as the Send button is not disabled after the request is forwarded.
  • SD-84189 : When user tries to create a request with a requester email which has apostrophe in it, then the requester details like department, mobile number are not populated.
  • SD-84187 : Editor’s Asset is replaced if requester does not have any assets when editor tries to edit the request.
  • SD-84059 : After automated close, requests with logged-in technician’s history has wrong “IsRead” value when compared to the requests with other technician’s name.
  • SD-83833 : Unable to attach more than 10 files to a request resolution at the same time.
  • SD-83802 : When changing the request status using global edit, the status change comment box pops up without displaying the cursor and hence, typing results in overlap of the status drop-down list.
  • SD-83711 : When HTML specific $variables are used, the HTML tags are not removed from the subject field of System Notifications.
  • SD-83396 : Unable to update the status using global edit when the resolution field is mandatory in RLC transition.
  • SD-83219 : Unable to open associated archived requests in Projects under MSSQL setup.
  • SD-83201 : Inconsistency in format of notifications when the rich text is changed as plain text under Notification rules.
  • SD-83166 : Unable to close popup using close button in email notifications.
  • SD-82949 : Unnecessary wrapping of table content in email conversations for Requests and Changes if the width is too long.
  • SD-79193 : Hyperlink to meeting invitation is changed as plain text in the request description panel

Changes :

  • SD-83050 : Bulleted list in rich text fields of Change and Problem are displayed as numbered lists in record history.
  • SD-82768 : CAB member is able to reject a change that has passed through the approval stage.
  • SD-84205 : The New Change button is displayed in English in non-english setups.
  • SD-83256 : When two action take place in a change at the same time, only one action is captured in the change history.
  • SD-83406 : Unable to reset the date field in a Change using Field and Form Rules.

Projects :

  • SD-83918 : Incorrect translation of the word Left in terms of context in Spanish language.
  • SD-61640 : The values in the Projected On column in Project list view is wrongly translated in Italian language.

Assets :

  • SD-83235 : Unable to push distributed server data into central server if the AD authentication credentials of users are given for central server settings.
  • SD-42636 : Unable to read non-english characters while running SCCM scan.
  • SD-84214 : Unable to add a new vendor while importing assets via csv, even if the technician has permissions to add vendor.

Purchase :

  • SD-84223 : Unable to change the Cost center in purchase requests when we have the same cc ID and owner ID.
  • SD-83309 : Error occurs when creating a purchase order with an existing order number.

Admin :

  • SD-83945 : Unable to edit a product containing & symbol in its name.
  • SD-83775 : In Admin >> Notification Rules, unable to customize the template for Notify Requester when SLA is changed for a service request and Notify Technician when SLA is changed for a service request.
  • SD-81366 : Technicians are not notified via SMS when a request is assigned to them, even if the option Alert technician by SMS when a request is assigned is enabled under Admin >> Notification Rules.
  • SD-84622 : Connection established with a mailbox via POP/IMAP protocol is not properly closed, resulting in intermittent mail fetching.

Reports :

  • SD-83725 : Reports exported into PDF files contain missing Vietnamese characters, even when the application language is set to Vietnamese.
  • SD-83182, SD-83865 : When generating reports, a line break is added after every line in the textarea.
  • SD-75439 : In some cases, Database sql queries.xml file is corrupted.

General :

  • SD-83192 : While performing user global search, an error is thrown if the search URL size exceeds 8kb.


(Released on 20 January, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • API V2 Removal : Rest API V2 will no longer be supported.

Framework Upgrade Information

  • JRE Update : JRE updated from Oracle jre 1.8.152 to Zulu openjre 1.8.222 [This is a free version].

Enhancements :

Resource Images

  • Add images to all available resources in the Service Template. To learn more, click here.

Resource Planning

  • Under the Resource Management tab, you can now easily manage your resources; their availability, load and utilization, and task assignment. To learn more, click here.

Request Tagging

  • Add tags such as engineering, development, printer, router, network issues, and the like to requests. Using tags, you can search requests in the global search and also draw up a list of similar requests, including service and incident requests. To learn more, click here.

Page Scripts

  • Page Scripts allow you to customize the application page-wise as per your requirement. You can modify the UI elements as well as the functionalities of a page in the application using custom scripts for end users. To learn more, click here.

Reply Template

  • Admins can configure private and public reply templates. Also, technicians with view permission for requests can configure private reply templates under Quick Actions >> Manage Reply Templates. To learn more, click here.

My Assets Widget

  • List all the assets associated with a user under My Assets widget in the requester self-service portal and allow the user to raise an issue related to those assets from there. To learn more, click here.

Local Authentication Password Policy Configuration

  • Configure and enforce a password policy for all users to ensure better security of the user data.

ServiceDeskPlus Application Cookies

  • Option to view the cookies used in ServiceDesk Plus. Community >> Troubleshoot >> Cookie Policy.


  • Add Password Manager Pro and OpManager menus to the application’s menu bar to enable technicians to easily access the integrated apps. You can enable the menus inside the corresponding integration page under Admin.

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-78163 : CSRF vulnerability in some request life cycle operations.


  • SD-83952 : The value attributes for checkbox fields in resource questions under requests are not encoded.
  • SD-77808 : Resource question options are not sorted while editing service requests via the inline edit option


  • SD-81253 : Unable to view next page of CIs from relationship list view of an asset instead a error 500 is thrown on clicking the next button.


(Released on 22 July, 2021)

Issue Fixed :


  • SD-96823 : Authentication bypass vulnerability in few rest API urls reported by David


(Released on 07 January, 2021)

Issue Fixed :


  • SD-91948 : CVE-2020-35682 : Authentication Bypass Vulnerability during SAML login reported by Zikos


(Released on 02 January, 2020)

Behavior Changes :

  • SD-49108 : Pending request count for a particular requester will be displayed under Actions >> View Requests by Requester, requester details section in request details page and near the requester field in the request add page.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-83058 : Option to rename the default IT instance name.
  • SDF-83784 : Option to delete a workstation/server or move to Disposed/Expired state, if the asset is not scanned for N days.
  • SDF-83706 : Font sizes 8 - 16 added to the HTML editor.
  • SDF-83417 : Global search now allows you to search configuration items by name, type, and site.
  • SDF-83785 : Option to skip adding unknown assets by unchecking Add unknown Asset under Admin -> Scan Settings.

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-80684 : Weak SSL ciphers vulnerability.
  • SD-77123 : CSRF vulnerability in non-login pages.
  • SD-83942 & SD-83943 : Passive mixed content vulnerability.
  • SD-83959 : CVE-2020-6843 : Reflected XSS vulnerability in the Reports module.
  • SD-83133 : CSRF vulnerability occurs when actions are performed on solution topics under Solutions >> Manage Topics.
  • SD-83941 : Information disclosure vulnerability in JIRA integration.


  • SD-83896 : Under Home >> Scheduler, scheduled problems are displayed for technicians even after the application is downgraded to the Standard edition.


  • SD-83289 : Regardless of the option selected in the close wizard, the right panel displays Closed without Requester’s acknowledgement when a request is closed.
  • SD-83718 : Status update is not reflected in the Onhold status scheduler popup if RLC is configured for the request.
  • SD-81126 : Unable to preview PDF attachments in Approval page.
  • SD-78956 : If attachments in incoming emails (new requests and request conversations) are dropped due to size limit, the email sender will be notified.
  • SD-83948 : Requester detail gets truncated instead of getting wrapped in the right pane of the request details page.


  • SD-83780 : Zero installation software removed from scanned software in software list view.
  • SD-83712 : An error is thrown when updating Windows Agent Configuration settings in non-windows OS
  • SD-83225 : The correct application architecture (32 bit or 64 bit) is now displayed in the healthmeter under the community tab.
  • SD-83782 : Error thrown while rendering Unknown OID list when sysDescription value is null.
  • SD-83778 : While scanning the assets, Graphic card info is not fetched from Linux Machines
  • SD-83777 : Unable to connect to SNMP devices using SNMPv3 credentials on MIB Browsers.
  • SD-84174 : After a configuration item (CI) of the default OS-based CI type is deleted, CIs under other default OS-based CI types couldn’t be edited.


  • SD-84188 : Under CMBD, you can now stop seeing the business view tutorial by clicking Skip.


  • SD-83914 : Unable to save more than 250 characters under Email Address in the incoming mail server settings.
  • SD-84173 : Under Admin >> Credentials Library, additional encryption protocols namely AES256 and AES192 are made available for SNMP V3 credentials.
  • SD-84091 : Under Admin >> SNMP Configurations >> Configure product for unknown sysOID, users could duplicate models across different product types.
  • SD-83781 : Under Admin >> SNMP Configurations >> Device Identification, you can now configure Model OID for SNMP devices.
  • SD-84123 : Conditions containing resource questions/service category specific additional fields (applicable to service FAFR) or tasks (applicable to incident and service FAFR) are removed while converting a service/incident field and form rules into a global field and form rules.


  • SD-83165 : In some query reports, columns couldn’t be sorted in ascending or descending order.


  • SD-83884 : Global search from the home page redirects to Solutions module in non-english setups.
  • SD-84148 : The Chat icon is displayed for requesters even when Live Chat is disabled.
  • SD-84023 : Mail fetching stops after processing an incoming email with an existing workstation’s IP address in the header.


(Released on 18 December, 2019)

Enhancements :

  • SDF-83398 : In reports, default reports of Computers with less/more than 256 MB RAM are replaced with Computers with less/more than 4 GB RAM.

Issues Fixed :


  • SD-83136 : CSRF vulnerability in base currency of Purchase Orders.


  • SD-80481 : In some cases, error message thrown while viewing the print preview of Archived requests.
  • SD-78523 & SD-78486 : Performance issue in Data Archiving and Auto-close.
  • SD-83057 : Error occurs when choosing Request type as a criterion under custom filter.
  • SD-83853 : Date filter in custom view is not as configured.
  • SD-83328 : Error occurs if a resolution with more than 100 characters is submitted.
  • SD-83389 : Request id is not mentioned in auto_close operation failure system log.


  • SD-82529 : The print button is missing in the print preview page of change request.
  • SD-79033 : When replying to change conversation, the To and CC fields are not populated automatically.


  • SD-83352 : Performing an API call to modify any asset field also modifies the Total Memory Size and Virtual Memory of the asset.
  • SD-78118 : When technicians edit details of an asset assigned to them, an incorrect notification mentioning that the technicians have returned the asset is sent out.


  • SD-82969 : Received quantity of a purchase request differs from the quantity in the purchase order when the license gets exhausted in-between the receiving process.
  • SD-83397 : The value entered in Russian language in the Created by field of a purchase request is displayed as special characters in the approval notification.
  • SD-83365 : In purchase orders, alert message on entering invalid price does not close until the page is refreshed.


  • SD-75830 : Changes in list view of Business rules under default site are not reflected in the copy site.
  • SD-83351 : Unable to add FAFR to change template when the ID is shared by a service template.
  • SD-76552 : The Site field is not updated to the change template if the default location of site field is occupied by another field.
  • SD-83242 : New organizational units imported from AD are hidden in ServiceDesk Plus if the Domain Controller’s letter case had been changed during the import.
  • SD-82776 & SD-83766 : Improved the French translation of a few admin configurations.
  • SD-83250 : Task notifications are not sent if Exchange Web Services (EWS) is configured in outgoing mail server settings.
  • SD-83088 : Under Admin >> Notification Rules >> Contracts, saving message ID in the notification table throws a null pointer exception.
  • SD-83719 : Technicians imported from the Active Directory via scheduled import are auto-assigned with SDGuest role.
  • SD-82710 : Editing the asset details of a user triggers an inappropriate email when the option Notify user when an asset is disassociated from the user is enabled under Admin >> Notification Rules.
  • SD-82981 : Assets under custom product types are not getting synced in Analytics plus integration.
  • SD-83063 : Exception occurs while updating a support group which is associated with a template and also when a support group is given a name which is greater than 50 characters.
  • SD-83252 : Performance issue occurs while loading the tabs.
  • SD-83415 : On enabling the option Alert group members by e-mail when leave is marked for a technician under Admin >> Notification Rules >> Request >> Technician Notifications, the notification is sent only to the first technician in the group with the recipient field having repetitions of the mail address.
  • SD-83792 : Translation error: End Date text is displayed instead of To in Japanese language under Request Life cycle.
  • SD-83288 : Unable to add more than 250 characters in the request closure comment field.


  • SD-80107 : When we choose incident or service request filter in reports, the resolved time is displayed twice.


  • SD-83082 : In certain cases, the backup fails due to connectivity issues.
  • SD-83200 : Unable to run the changeDBserver command in console mode when the application is running in https mode.
  • SD-83721 : Unable to start the server as a FailOver Service after applying the ESM license.


(Released on 12 December, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-84068 : Under Admin >> Discovery, Audit Settings is now renamed as Schedule Scan.


  • SDF-83306 : Going forward, the configurations required to send mobile push notifications will be customizable.
  • SDF-80660 : The summary by column in custom reports will include decimal values.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-83077 : CSRF vulnerability in change request deletion.
  • SD-83074 : CSRF protection added while sending approval emails to technicians.
  • SD-83076 : CSRF protection enabled for approval emails validation.

Home :

  • SD-83292 : Unable to close tasks from the home page if the ‘Closed’ status has been renamed.
  • SD-83186 : The self-service portal customization page displays the option to raise a service request in standard and professional editions.

Dashboard :

  • SD-78988 : Under Dashboard >> Helpdesk, the legends in some widgets are misaligned.

Requests :

  • SD-83279 : In technician login, history of deleted tasks is not captured in the request history when then task is deleted by a technician with permission to delete request task.
  • SD-78284 : Total Time Taken of work logs is sometimes not the summation of individual work logs.
  • SD-83227 : Auto-saved draft of a request reply displays the cursor in the beginning of the message.
  • SD-83238 : Unable to search with resolution fields using Advanced Search in Request module.
  • SD-83873 : Paste operation in the editor is executed twice when the content is copied from other tools like MS Office and MS Outlook.

Changes :

  • SD-83369, SD-81394 : Scroll bars in change list view are not visible in chrome.

Projects :

  • SD-82999 : In some scenarios, the tasks under a milestone are imported directly into the project or another milestone.

Solutions :

  • SD-83392 : The application performance has been improved in the solution list view.

Assets :

  • SD-83913 : Agent : SSL security certificate upgraded for agent-server communication.
  • SD-78583 : Unable to import CSV files of assets with empty numerical fields.
  • SD-80905 : In the professional edition, under Actions in purchase orders, the Associate Service Requests button is displayed even though the service catalog is not purchased.
  • SD-82446 : Unable to resize the Available CIs column when adding relationship to an asset.
  • SD-78541 : A dynamic asset group configured for the ‘server’ product type does not include servers of the ‘workstation’ product type.
  • SD-82966 : Error occurs after copying a workstation and reopening the details page of the copied workstation.

Purchase :

  • SD-81734 : In the purchase order list view, POs due in next 7 days and POs due in next 30 days filters include rejected, canceled, and closed purchase orders.

Contracts :

  • SD-73561 : The print preview of contracts does not include Description and Support fields.

Admin :

  • SD-83234 : When customizing the email template for comment notifications in Admin >> Notification Rules >> Tasks, including the Project/Milestone/Task owner’s name displays the owner ID.
  • SD-83387 : Upon upgrade, some technicians configured under Admin >> Users >> Technician Auto Assign >> Exclude following technicians are removed. The issue occurs only if more than 35 technicians have been excluded from the auto-assign configuration.
  • SD-83130 : Unable to restart mail fetching when EWS is used.
  • SD-82942 : Spam filter criteria that includes Description does not work.
  • SD-82873 : LDAP authentication fails if ‘CN’ was mapped to any field during user import through LDAP protocol.
  • SD-82561 : Request custom menu list view does not display more than 10 entries.
  • SD-83383 : Unable to add additional fields in the Admin tab.
  • SD-79005 : Preventive Maintenance tasks scheduled for the same time are not executed properly.
  • SD-83410 : Unable to save custom trigger after selecting a notification template in Admin >> Custom trigger >> Email notification.

Reports :

  • SD-80738 : Croatian characters are not displayed in reports.
  • SD-76078 : While generating custom reports, the advanced filtering lists requesters in the technician’s column.
  • SD-82836 : Issues in replacing old schema to new schema in Query reports.
  • SD-82943 : In IE, an inappropriate error message pops up when the Reports module is used.
  • SD-82437 : Issues while generation reports due to the presence of single quotes in additional field names.

Community :

  • SD-82849 : In the System Log Viewer, you can now view the details of a successful user import through LDAP.

General :

  • SD-80408, SD-76175 : Unable to attach files having [] and {} in the file name.
  • SD-80923 : HTTP to HTTPS redirection settings are not retained after the upgrade.
  • SD-83038 : SAML single sign-on option is not supported for integrated live chat.
  • SD-82150 : Dynamic notification count is not shown on the bell icon for non SDAdmin users.


(Released on 03 December, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-33420 : Improved a few tooltips displayed under Helpdesk Dashboard >> Requests Closed in Last 20 Days and Requests Received in Last 20 days for better clarity.
  • SD-83060 : Provision to add a new remote control is discontinued.


  • SDF-80742 : Service catalog templates under a single service category will be expanded on clicking the service category in the list view and card view layout.
  • SDF-83138 : When a new owner is added to a portal, the existing portal owner will be notified through email and broadcast. The Orgadmin can add any owner to any instance.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-81637, SD-77407 : A DOS vulnerability is found in the attachments section.

  • SD-57988 : SLA applied to a service request is not automatically updated when the request is edited.

Dashboard :

  • SD-80798 : Requesters are not able to access the hyperlinks of certain widgets in dashboards shared with them.
  • SD-79497 : In Dashboards, the Requests by Technician widget lists technicians who are deleted or converted to users. This happens only when the corresponding request is in a custom completed status.

Requests :

  • SD-81976 : Forwarding a technicians response on a request with $Description variable does not include the threaded content.
  • SD-76882 : When creating a service request from the incident request details page, template names with certain special characters are displayed as an empty line.
  • SD-80893 : Performance issues for requester login in Request list view filters.
  • SD-67759 : Reopening a completed request sustains the technician who is deleted or converted into a requester.
  • SD-77358 : Performing global search of requests without using the request ID displays inappropriate error message.
  • SD-83062 : Incident additional field’s vertical orientation configured in templates is not maintained while creating a request using the same template.
  • SD-83189 : Help text are not displayed for a request’s subject and description.
  • SD-82998 : In request email notifications, inline images of the request resolution are broken. The issue occurs only if the notification is sent after a status change that called for the ‘Close Window’ pop-up.
  • SD-82995 : Editing a request using global edit does not retain the previously added assets.
  • SD-82409 : When an email fetched by EWS is converted into a request, the EML and MSG files in the email are not saved as request attachments but rather appended to the request description.
  • SD-83709 : Changing the request status from Resolved to any pending status results in wrong Due by Time calculation.

Assets :

  • SD-82992 : Web RDP is not shown under the remote control option in asset details page if the OS name does not contain the word Microsoft.


  • SD-79892 : Disabled CIs are shown when we try to add a relationship for a CI under the CMDB tab.

Purchase :

  • SD-73568 : Page crashes upon clicking Receive Items in Purchase Order.

Admin :

  • SD-82712 : When the language is set to Japanese, importing category from CSV file displays an error.
  • SD-81127 : Unable to associate the template with RLC when the template name length exceeds 100 characters.
  • SD-76784 & SD-77881 : Whenever a non-OS based CI type like Application server or File server is scanned or its OS is modified manually the CI type of the device changes.
  • SD-76601 : Unable to reorder surveys if more than 10 surveys are configured.

Reports :

  • SD-74128 : Purchase order Created date is available as Ordered date in Reports.

General :

  • SD-83010 : Unable to create new users through SAML login When the domain is not available in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-82793 : In some cases, an invalid certificate error is thrown when applying CA certified IdP certificate in the SAML configuration page.
  • SD-78409 : The default response code for auto redirection from HTTP to HTTPs is changed.
  • SD-83223 : The Apple push notification certificate is updated in this build.


(Released on 25 November, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • The Recent Items option now has a new icon.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-78122 : Zia, Zoho’s AI assistant for business, has been implemented in ServiceDesk Plus. Zia inspects each incoming request and applies her learning to understand and respond to the user’s needs. Currently, Zia can perform approval actions by using users’ responses to the approval email.

    Configure Zia under Admin >> Zia Configurations

    Learn more about Zia

  • SDF-81210, SDF-78055, SDF-76301 : Chat Enhancements

    • You can now add hyperlinks to a chat.
    • You can now choose to include or exclude chat for sites, groups, and technicians under Admin >> Chat Settings.
    • Requesters can now close an unpicked chat which will be marked as a missed chat.
  • SDF-82636 : HTML editor added under Reply template.

  • SDF-79610 : Option to filter active/in-active/all templates.

    Admin >> Service Catalog

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-80748 : Content spoofing vulnerability in error message pop-ups.

Requests :

  • SD-82653 : Technicians are not listed in the editor field for users with requester login.
  • SD-82827 : SDAdminusers are unable to close a service request in some scenarios.
  • SD-82035 : Field and form rule set on form load is not applied for select approvers field when adding a request or editing a request using the global edit option.
  • SD-71683 : Actionable buttons in the bottom of the work log section under the resolution of a request are given a floating design.
  • SD-76089 : Technician with request “view permission” can see the Add New Request button in the request list view.
  • SD-82996 : Editor focus is not set in Resolution tab in request details page.
  • SD-83123 : Deleted technician profiles are listed in technician dropdown of request module.

Changes :

  • SD-83218 : Typing the change description displays the characters in the reverse order.

Assets :

  • SD-82661 : Creating a product type with square brackets in its name leads to security related error while accessing an asset of that product type via the asset list panel.
  • SD-82510 : Unable to import asset data from CSV if the extension of the file contains uppercase letters.
  • SD-82686 : When importing an asset from CSV, the asset loan details are not retained.
  • SD-82830 : Values entered with line breaks in the asset/workstation multiline additional fields are displayed without the line breaks in the asset details page.
  • SD-81660 : Unable to create a relationship between any two CIs using “Runs or Runs on” relationship type from XLS.

Admin :

  • SD-82638 : Service catalogs are getting reordered while trying to reorder incident templates within a specific service category.
  • SD-82637 : Reordering of service catalog templates is getting failed in some specific scenario.
  • SD-82822 : Service Catalog templates cannot be opened in different tabs by right clicking on the template name.
  • SD-78315 : In safari browser, on downloading the attachment from preview section the attachment file name is changed to 'true’.
  • SD-79528 : i18n key value is displayed in Request Life Cycle’s discard changes window.
  • SD-70032 : In Admin >> Chat Settings, the drop-down list in Site, Group, and Technician fields closes after each entry.
  • SD-83308 : Unable to save the configurations under Admin >> Problem/Change Management >> Change Closure Rules.
  • SD-83212, SD-83305 : The Request notification rules are not getting saved.

Community :

  • SD-81867 : Invalid link provided under Community >> Resources option.

General :

  • SD-78866 : In request, problem, and change modules, hovering over the title after performing any action displays HTML tags along with the request details.
  • SD-83080 : In some cases, data backup of application migrated from 10.5 to 11000-11005 fails to restore.
  • SD-83137 : Due to partial deletion of resigned users data, some of the technicians profiles are migrated to 11000 as portal owners.
  • SD-83148, SD-83125 : Mail fetching stopped when a new user tries to raise a request.
  • SD-83262 : Due to usage of non-licensed SSO jar, only 25 technicians are permitted to log in.
  • SD-83224 : Upgrade fails when a setup has any retried or expired license in an instance.


(Released on 07 November, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • Enabling SAML authentication will not disable Active Directory/LDAP authentication and vice versa.
  • Enabling SSO under Active Directory authentication will disable SAML SSO and vice versa.
  • SD-57988 : SLA applied to a service request is not automatically updated when the request is edited.

Enhancements :

  • SDF-76315 : Request Details Page Customization

    Customize the Request Details layout by moving around the following :

    • Fields in the right panel
    • Resolution, Tasks, Worklogs, Approvals, Dependencies, Time Analysis, and History tabs
    • Description, Conversations, and Properties

    You can customize the Request Details layout from within any request details page.

  • SDF-57988 : Multi SLA

    Include multiple Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for service templates.

  • SDF-71102, SDF-71096 : Global FAFR

    Create Field And Form Rules common to all incident/service templates.

    To configure global field and form rules for incident templates, go to Admin >> Incident Management >> Field And Form Rules.

    For service request templates, go to Admin >> Service Catalog >> Field And Form Rules. Click here to know more

  • SDF-39461, SDF-46108, SDF-60895 : Backup Approver

    Add a backup approver for users to ensure seamless processing of approval actions even during the approver’s unavailability.

    Home>>Backup Approver

  • SDF-70808 : Test Mail

    Test your mail server settings by sending and fetching a sample email.

  • SDF-83181 : SSP Themes

    Customize the requester self-service portal by using the newly added themes.

  • SDF-78285, SDF-77796 : Template Enhancements

    Option to copy and change an existing incident template as a service catalog.

    Option to inline edit the UDF options using the edit field pop-up under form customization.

  • SDF-82631 : View Support Logs

    Technicians with SDOrgadmin role can now view logs under Support >> Troubleshoot >> View Logs. The logs will be displayed as a text file in a new tab.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-82765 : Prototype pollution vulnerability.

Requests :

  • SD-82723 : When an excel table is pasted in the request description, it is pasted as an image instead of a table (only in Chrome).
  • SD-81270 : In some scenarios, the mandatory field values (for Request closing rules) in completed requests cannot be removed.
  • SD-82679 : Field and Form Rules with certain conditions are not applied.

Changes :

  • SD-81388 : Search results in the Change list view reloads automatically to list all Changes.

Admin :

  • SD-82354 : Under Admin >> Incident Managemet >> Chat Settings, choosing all the 100 sites from the drop-down list in Exclude chat for sites does not list the next available set of sites.
  • SD-82714 : Clicking the back button after adding/editing a role and then clicking the Add New Role button opens a window with the previously entered data.
  • SD-79198 : While adding a radio question in a survey, the order of options in the ranking list changes when the sort button is clicked but the ranking value does not change accordingly, resulting in incorrect survey report calculation.
  • SD-78412 : Emojis are not encoded properly in survey radio questions.

General :

  • SD-82071 : While configuring the database in build 10500 and above, the username is configured as the database name hence an error message is thrown.
  • SD-82847 : Mail fetching is stopped when internet message headers are missing in an email.
  • SD-82660 : Encoding issues when logging using single sign-on (SSO).
  • SD-81174 : Unable to send announcements that contain URLs in some scenarios.
  • SD-82937 : The Performed by column name in the System log viewer is updated with an incorrect name.


(Released on 01 November, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • The subject of email and SMS templates for business rules is now limited to 150 characters.
  • SD-80706 : When the request status is moved from resolved to any completed state, due by time will not be re-calculated.
  • SD-77362 : Global search for archived requests now includes Request ID and Default Search options.

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-78697 : Custom text formatting used in notifications for add/update request operations is not preserved when the notification is sent.
  • SD-81261 : Recent Items is not updated when a request is opened from the left panel of another request details page.
  • SD-80834 : Group notification sent when a technician picks up a request or assigns it to another technician does not capture the request assignment details.
  • SD-71156, SD-72371 : If the logical operator ‘OR’ is used in advanced request search, it automatically switches to ‘AND’ in consecutive searches.
  • SD-83131 : If you add notes to a request and then spot edit any field, the notes replace the description.
  • SD-78701 : If you reply to a request while EWS is configured for the incoming mail server settings, the email address configured in the EWS gets auto-populated in the CC field.
  • SD-81274 : Service requests in which the technician is mandated and assigned after approval are not closed upon rejection, as defined in the request closing rules.

Assets :

  • SD-81379 : Technician with due permission is not able to exclude a workstation from a scan.
  • SD-81387 : If several assets are disabled for scan, the system might encounter an Out Of Memory (OOM) error during a scheduled scan in some scenarios.
  • SD-82445 : Clicking on the “Add New Network” button while attempting a new asset scan leads to an error.
  • SD-82633 : Unable to push AE data to central server when the proxy is configured.
  • SD-80661 : VMware machine’s hard disk details are not fetched in workstation scan.
  • SD-82641 : Issue occurs when two machines are scanned using an agent scan as the auth token generated is same for both the machines.
  • SD-82721 : Linux machines are not scanned in some scenarios.
  • SD-80898, SD-81992 : An inappropriate error message is displayed upon searching an asset in the global search.
  • SD-82453 : After successful completion of the SCCM scan, the acknowledgement message is not displayed.

Admin :

  • SD-81453 : Under Admin >> General Settings > Data Archiving >> Allow Exception, deleted criteria is restored.
  • SD-82116, SD-82715 : Unable to update e-mail and SMS templates for Business Rules.


(Released on 29 October, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-82310 : Privilege escalation vulnerability occurs after Desktop Central is integrated with ServiceDesk Plus.

Requests :

  • SD-74804 : Closed/resolved/on-hold requests are reopened on receiving bounced/auto-generated emails.
  • SD-82349 : The solution suggest window is not properly aligned.
  • SD-81360 : Unable to update the status of a request by using the RLC transitions in the details page if a dependency script is executed on form load.
  • SD-80323 : If you edit any description or request resolution and save without any changes, an entry is created in history.
  • SD-77469 : Improved the message displayed when a technician clicks a linked request that is beyond the technician’s scope.
  • SD-82223 : Notifications are not sent to the email addresses added under the E-mail ID(s) to Notify field of request forms if incoming mail server settings are not configured.
  • SD-82477 : If there is any exception or negate action performed for an SLA Escalation action, then the schedule goes into a loop trying to process the same request again and again.

Changes :

  • SD-67811 : Unable to add or “No response” error occurs while adding Risk, Reason for Change, Change Roles, Change Stage, and Change Workflow to a change.
  • SD-73346 : Incorrect Email notification content is sent for notifying change owners and incident requesters on the addition of a new incident to a change.
  • SD-75303 : Viewing the change calendar in the Week view and swapping the change list filters thrown a ‘Null’ alert.
  • SD-75305 : In change conversations, if an attachment has special characters, it gets removed from the mail.
  • SD-78934 : Unable to update a change template when the assigned technician profile is deleted.
  • SD-78974 : A technician with view access restricted to a group cannot create changes outside the group.
  • SD-80265 : The “Auto-approve change request when all CAB members recommend it” option stays checked when editing the workflow in Change Management.
  • SD-80739 : A technician with complete access to change and associated to a particular site is not able to select a change approver for the associated site.

Projects :

  • SD-82012 : When projects are imported from MS projects, the schedule start time is same for all the associated tasks.
  • SD-82235 : When associating a change to a project, the All Changes filter lists only the open changes.

Tasks :

  • SD-82401 : Task filters are shown in English even after choosing a non-English language as the default browser language.

Solutions :

  • SD-80726 : Solution expiry schedule does not work after applying the ppm on any build over 10005 or below.
  • SD-76330 : The Last updated on time in a solution is getting updated every time the solution is opened.
  • SD-77567 : The APIs corresponding to Solution Module failed to work after the 10005 update.

Admin :

  • SD-81316 : In scheduled LDAP import for two domains, the empty fields of a user in the second domain gets updated with the fields of the corresponding user in the first domain.
  • SD-79749 : Spam filter select pop-up is not closing automatically after clicking the Save button.
  • SD-82630 : In few cases users are unable to edit request templates.
  • SD-81385 : The browser default language does not apply to the conditions and the actions in the field and form rules.
  • SD-75840 : In the request life cycle pop-up window, the template association section contains an inapt title.
  • SD-81411, SD-82180 : The Complete Json File is not accessible from Custom trigger Script when SDP is installed under Program Files.

General :

  • SD-81994 : Unable to preview the PDF attachments if the file extension name is in the Uppercase.
  • SD-82478, SD-81276 : Unable to go back to the search results after opening an entity’s details page.
  • SD-81488 : The size of the ‘backupfilepath’ column in the ‘backupschedule’ table has been increased to the maximum size defined in the database.
  • SD-77617 : After the application data is restored through the command prompt, the command prompt does not close.
  • SD-81709 : Unable to login via SAML when the application runs in the default http and https ports.
  • SD-81232 : Non-English users logging in through the Internet Explorer face an error stating "Error while fetching domain".
  • SD-80235 : Backup failure occurs when a file is saved as “blog” in the inline images folder.
  • SD-78399 : The mail to link in the email notification does not invoke the default mail client page.
  • SD-80048 : Wrong translation for the word Others in the Swedish language setup.
  • SD-78548 : Error in email parsing when the XML response contains the characters ‘&’ or '#’.
  • SD-78048 : During integration with Desktop Central/Mobile Device Manager Plus, accessing the Mobile Device Manager tab displays inappropriate error message.


(Released on 11 October, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-79214: In Reports list view page, public query reports are listed for technicians without permission to create query reports.


  • SD-77786: Help text provided for request fields will be displayed upon hovering over the field.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-76409: In versions 10000 and later, the API response of Request details for Sites and Department properties is null if the database value is a hyphen (-).
  • SD-80621: Dependency map was unavailable to technicians to whom dependent tickets were already shared.
  • SD-80902: Navigation buttons in the Merge window do not display the relevant results during search.
  • SD-81150: Custom trigger is not working if two python scripts are invoked in parallel.
  • SD-82253: Privilege escalation vulnerability in notifications under request module.
  • SD-75321: When creating a request via quick create, multiple requests are created on clicking the Save button multiple times.
  • SD-70666: In service requests with pre-configured approvals, approval stage/s are not created if the organization roles added as approvers are not associated with any users.
  • SD-74684: The approval notification configured to be sent upon a service request creation will now contain the system as the sender.


  • SD-82034: The Solution Add and Edit forms will support field resizing alike.


  • SD-82746: Unable to add user when the email ID contains special characters.
  • SD-80889: The field and form rule configured to remove options from the Group field does not work in requests and changes.
  • SD-81282: In request templates, bulk addition of options is supported for all Multi Select and Pick List additional fields.
  • SD-81190: Any custom SSP message in Japanese is garbled in the service catalog page.
  • SD-81380: Service templates with a resource description exceeding 200 characters couldn’t be saved. The character limit has been increased to 1500.
  • SD-82348: Remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability during SCCM scan initiation (CVE-2019-19034) reported by Sahil Dhar (xen1thlabs).
  • SD-82224: In Advance Analytics integration, Instance/Scheduled sync fails even after successful completion of initial sync.
  • SD-82763 : Unable to add general instructions in service templates for technicians and requesters simultaneously.


  • SD-70572: Newly generated report automatically scrolls to the bottom of the page.
  • SD-71475: In non-English language setups, when a Report is generated with the date criteria, the date appears in the report having both the From and To in English.
  • SD-79593: On generating reports, single quotes in the description fields across modules is replaced with its relevant ASCII code.
  • SD-80136: Exporting a matrix or advanced matrix report into a PDF does not contain the page margins.
  • SD-81104: Remote Code Execution(RCE) vulnerability in reports module.
  • SD-81194: In some scenarios, multiple scheduled reports generated on the same time contain incorrect report titles.
  • SD-81196: In some scenarios, unable to run reports with null in the query.


(Released on 04 October, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-81249, SD-80324 : Description of a request is not properly visible from the details page if fonts with different colors and formats are used in it.


  • SD-76470 : In Asset Loan, changing the timezone results in mismatch of loan dates.
  • SD-78392 : Zero (0) is not accepted as a value in the asset additional field pick list.
  • SD-80736 : Inconsistency in the order of fields during CSV import of assets.
  • SD-81610 : In Assets >> Barcodes >> Print barcodes, clicking the print button displays the page instead of the barcode preview. The issue occurs only in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
  • SD-81932 : In Assets, the height of the Groups widget is inappropriate.
  • SD-82002 : When we add assets by generating our own barcodes and then try scanning them, the generated barcodes get dissociated from these assets but continue to persist in the database as orphan values.


  • SD-80931 : In Purchase request notification, after approval action, the notification is sent to approvers & Created by mail IDs instead of notifying the purchase request’s technician.
  • SD-81123 : Able to modify the quantity ordered value lesser than the received quantity value in purchase orders.


  • SD-80900 : Contract expiry notifications are sent even after disabling them.


  • SD-82669: User Criteria configured under Admin >> Users do not work when the application is viewed in any non-English languages.


  • SD-80908: The text line is overlapped by the next highlighted text line in HTML editor across modules.
  • SD-82551, SD-82459: Header is not visible , if the bundled administrator or guest login name is modified.
  • SD-82681: After the upgrade, if there are any old unsent feedback submitted through Product OverView >> Feedback form, the license switches to Enterprise version.


(Released on 30 September, 2019)

Behavior Changes

In the following table, we have documented the behavior changes between the upgraded Version 11 and Versions 10.5 and earlier.


Version 10.5 and earlier

Version 11 (ESM)


Naming Conventions

Requesters and Technicians


User Additional Fields


Maximum limit: 250 across instances.

AD Import

Users with attributes mapped to a Pick List additional field are added dynamically.

Users with attributes mapped to a Pick List additional field will not be added, and the import will fail.

For such cases, the possible values for the Pick List additional field must be already added before the AD import can happen.



Assign to any Technician, even when no sites are configured.

Role will be available ONLY when sites are configured.

After migration, when no sites are configured, the All Modules role will perform all SDSiteAdmin tasks. When new sites are added, the SDSiteAdmin role will become available.

View Technicians across all sites.

View all Users/Technicians associated with sites mapped to SDSiteAdmin.

Convert any Technician to Requester.

Convert as Requesters only the Technicians associated with sites mapped to SDSiteAdmin.

Associate departments across any site to a Requester.

Associate departments to Users in sites mapped to SDSiteAdmin.

Unable to change Requesters to Technicians.

Change Users to Technicians.

Advanced Permissions>>Adding Requesters

Add fine-grained permissions.

Not available.

Technicians>>Adding Requester

Can add new requesters.

Not available.


CI Types

Referred as People, Requester, and Technician.

Replaced with Users.

Child CI Types

Create Child CI types for Requesters and Technicians.

Create Child CI types for Users.


Change as Technician

Unable to change Requesters to Technicians.

Change Users to Technicians in bulk.




Requester/ User






User CI (CMDB)



Requester Servlet API



Technician Servlet API




Flash Reports


Not Available.

Custom Reports

Generate Technician-related reports.

Not Available.

Self Service Portal

Requesters are allowed to: Edit/View profile

The My Details tab available for the Requester.

Replaced as My Profile and available under the user icon.

  • Admin configurations in ServiceDesk Plus 11 are reshuffled and grouped for better user experience.
  • Using old table names will throw an execution error. Under ESM, table names have undergone extensive changes. Therefore, while generating reports, query using the newly created ESM tables.

New Features

  • SDF-42635: ServiceDesk Plus now brings you Enterprise Service Management (ESM), which extends the best practices of IT service management (ITSM) to other business functions, such as Human Resources, Admin, Finance, and Facilities.
  • SDF-35387, SDF-39629: The SDAdmin can now color-code requests in the list view page, based on Category, Group, Priority, and Status. To configure the color settings, go to the request list view page and click Color Palette.
  • SDF-59809: Add Technicians as VIP User.


  • SDF-76318: In the Request form, you can now search for requesters using these fields: Name, Email ID and Employee ID.
  • SDF-59939: Multiple email ID support now available for Technicians also.
  • SDF-81176: Allow Requesters to view or edit their Additional Fields. Configure under Self-Service Portal Settings.

Issues Fixed

  • SD-74682: On deleting the administrator account, unable to save the changes made by the user with SDAdmin role in the dashboard, technician homepage, and self-service portal customization.
  • SD-82114, SD-82231: Editing a request from the request details page displays checkbox field values as plain text.
  • SD-53018: In the request details page, the requester details displayed on the right panel now include the ‘Reporting To’ user.
  • SD-78475: Execution of FAFR defined for Requester field change is fixed.
  • SD-77948: Global Config requester search functionality fix.
  • SD-69847: The Search button in the Users list view page is auto-focused when the page is loaded.
  • SD-82447: In some scenario, Default Request template is unnecessarily listed in the request catalog drop-down.
  • SD-75776: Unable to add or update a technician associated with more than 300 sites.
  • SD-82112: Unable to add attachments in some sections of the application for non-English personalizations.

Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

After upgrading to ServiceDesk Plus version 11, you can implement enterprise service management (ESM) in your organization.

ESM enables you to bring ITSM-like help desk service to other business functions in your organization. Each business function can have a dedicated service desk instance with templates, categories, and configurations specific to that function. For example, you can have a template to request for new hire orientation under HR and request for air conditioner service under Facilities.

Before you can create these service desk instances, you need to configure the ESM Directory, which will now be the central repository of all organizational data, including user information, service desk instances, and user association to these instances.

All users can log on to the ESM Portal to access service desks to submit specific issues. User permissions to instances are configured in the ESM Directory. You can configure the application with a single service desk instance or with multiple instances.

The following table lists module-wise differences between single instance and multiple instances under enterprise service management.


Single Instance

Multiple Instances

Feature Update under ESM


VIP User

Configure under Admin>>Users

Configure under ESM Directory

Available for all users.


Secondary Email ID

Additional Fields

Configure under Admin>>Users>>Additional fields.

Configure under ESM Directory. Configure instance-level additional fields under Admin tab of specific instances.

  • Available for Users and Technicians
  • Additional field data will not be available under CMDB users.

AD Import

Configure under Admin>>Active Directory.

Configure under ESM Directory.

All user data (Users and Technicians) will be updated during the Active Directory (AD) import.


Add Users

Not Applicable

User Management done only under the ESM directory.

Relationships and Attributes

All People, Requester, and Technician relationships and attributes will be mapped to Users.

Schema changes

  • Any query reports saved in the old schema or any new query report on the old table schema will now be redirected to be executed in the database using the new schema.
  • Errors during replacement are tracked in the FailedQuery.html file under logs.
  • All old schema queries successfully tracked are available in the SucceedQuery.html file.
  • Querying the following tables is not possible anymore: Requester, Technician, HelpdeskCrew, and UserAdditionalFields


Replaced With




NILL (Not handled)


UserAdditionalFields and PortalUsers(for ciid)


NILL (Not handled)


UserAdditionalFields and PortalUsers(for ciid)


NILL (Not handled)

Column changes under ESM table schema
























All columns except CIID


Equivalent columns can be found in UserAdditionalFields.json file under logs directory

Note: The “TechnicianId” column of the “HelpdeskCrew” table is moved to “UserId” column of the table “PortalTechnician”


(Released on 28 December, 2020)

Issue Fixed


  • SD-91948 : CVE-2020-35682 : Authentication Bypass Vulnerability during SAML login reported by Zikos


(Released on 12 November, 2019)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-82224 : In Advance Analytics integration, Instance/Scheduled sync fails even after successful completion of initial sync.
  • SD-81194 : In some scenarios, multiple scheduled reports generated on the same time contain incorrect report titles.
  • SD-82937 : The Performed by column name in the System log viewer is updated with an incorrect name.


(Released on 12 September, 2019)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-82155: While approving the recommendation for a change from a user login an irrelevant error message is shown.
  • SD-81135: A duplicate Item can be saved under Others Category by adding some extra space in the Item field.


(Released on 03 September, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-80777 : An error message is thrown while an approver takes approval action from the home page.
  • SD-80743 : In some cases, a blank approval notification email is triggered.
  • SD-80672 : Comments entered by the previous stage approvers are not shown properly in the approval action page for the next stage approver.
  • SD-71986 : In service requests, the approval process is paused if approvers of an intermediate approval stage are deleted.
  • SD-80289 : A service request with the Assign technician only after Service Request approval option enabled in its workflow is not assigned to a technician/backup technician based on the date of approval.
  • SD-80906 : Disabling the default request template from self-service portal settings displays an error when the requester tries to add a new request.


  • SD-80233 : In Admin >> Service Catalog >> Service Categories, editing a business service category displays IT service category in the header.


  • SD-81673 : In MSSQL setup, Upgrade freezes in Non-English OS.


(Released on 20 August, 2019)


  • SDF-65927 : ServiceDesk Plus now supports SAML 2.0, which is an easier alternative to conventional sign-in methods already available for online services. Users will no longer have to provide passwords specific to each service they access. Configure SAML single sign-on from Admin >> Users >> SAML Single Sign-On. To learn more, click here.
  • SDF-58535 : Clear button introduced for all date fields in the Project module.
  • SDF-81252 : Feature Overview Videos :
    SDAdmins can now watch feature overview videos for admin configurations, including request life cycles and field and form rules from within the product. Videos on effective incident management and service management processes are also available.
    The videos will auto-play on application startup and upgrade but can be skipped. SDAdmins can access the videos anytime from the request list view page.
  • SDF-72081 : In Admin >> Survey email configuration, the skip survey link is now listed as a variable which you can choose to include in the email content. You can also customize the email content in non-english languages.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-80778 : CSRF vulnerability in Tasks under Notification rules while performing add/edit/delete operations.


  • SD-69351 : An error message is thrown while editing the reminder page.
  • SD-80256 : In requester login, when an user minimizes and maximizes the self-service portal page, it gets stuck there and expands only after a refreshing a page.


  • SD-80678 : Performance issues in request fields configured with dependency using field and form rules.
  • SD-80658 : Requester details are not changed as per field and form rules while navigating to other tickets via the left-side panel.
  • SD-49227 : The copied images from outlook are not getting pasted into SDP.
  • SD-80231 : Text wrap is not applied for notes when the font and size are changed.


  • SD-80052 : A status change notification triggered by a change workflow is sent to users configured in other change workflows besides the correct users.
  • SD-80363 : Unable to open the Change Calendar View in Chrome.


  • SD-80501 : In Gantt view of Projects, navigating between milestones from the popup displays an error message.
  • SD-80429 : Performing column search in Members tab under Projects >> Project Details Page does not display the row count in some scenarios.


  • SD-80785 : In tasks, when a technician without SD Admin role creates a task filter with Group as a condition, the group drop-down does not load properly.


  • SD-79205 : In Assign Ownership pop-up if we click the Save button multiple times, the application creates multiple loaned assets.


  • SD-80358 : In Admin >> Users >> Active Directory, clicking the refresh button starts importing users from the Active Directory. Also, unable to import users if the Move Assets option is disabled.
  • SD-80648 : Under Admin >> Users >> LDAP, unable to import users by mapping the Reporting To field when the manager of a user is disabled.
  • SD-80125 : Unable to delete multiple user groups from the Admin configurations.
  • SD-80814 : Unable to assign more than two organization roles when creating a new site/region.
  • SD-75206 : Null pointer exception occurs while sending a periodic survey.
  • SD-77471 : Technician list view page takes longer time to load.
  • SD-81192 : Not able to change inactive sites to active sites.


  • SD-80356 : Performance issue in Reports.


(Released on 06 August, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-78239 : CSRF vulnerability when performing add/update/delete operations under some admin configurations.
  • SD-78181 : CSRF vulnerability in Admin >>Support Groups while performing add/update/delete operations.


  • SD-80433 : When the ‘Save’ button in the asset-user association pop-up is clicked more than once, multiple entries are added.
  • SD-69467 : Virtual machines (VMs) are duplicated instead of getting updated in the following cases:
    • Failed resolution of a VM’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the initial or subsequent scans.
    • Scanning a VM after renaming it in its host.
  • SD-77556 : Asset and warranty expiry notifications are sent every day from the configured date instead of being sent only on that day.
  • SD-80313 : Under assets, using Unassigned filter option in the list view page displays an error message.
  • SD-80209 : Under assets, providing an invalid entry for the cost field does not display an error message.
  • SD-79086 : While adding a new scan credential an irrelevant error pop-up is shown.
  • SD-79768 : Workstations with Mac OS are not getting inventoried if the soundcard details are missing in the workstations.
  • SD-78286 : Unable to view all IP addresses of an asset in the asset details page. You can now view them by expanding the IP address(es) displayed in the asset title or by clicking View More under the IP Address field.


  • SD-79670 : Users with full permissions to the purchase module are unable to export the purchase list view data.
  • SD-79352 : Under Purchase Requests, date fields except created date are populated with incorrect dates.


  • SD-79361 : Unable to add asset tag by using CMDB API.
  • SD-79356 : Unable to add/update VM hosts and virtual machines by using CMDB API.
  • SD-80405 : Unable to add/update an asset’s IP Address by using CMDB API.


(Released on 01 August, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-70756 : Requests in resolved or completed status will be moved to open status (Or the start node if RLC is configured) when they are duplicated.


  • SDF-78979 : Help text fields will have a rich text area in Incident and Service Templates.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-80226 : Privilege escalation vulnerability while viewing requester details section.

Home :

  • SD-38684 : Technicians are not able to select user groups for creating announcements.

Requests :

  • SD-80302, SD-79281 : Requesters are not able to access archived requests list view.
  • SD-80599 : If the default request template name is changed, then the default request add page is not getting loaded for requesters.
  • SD-80745 : Technicians could close requests without the required permissions.

Solution :

  • SD-72003 : The number of views for each solution is not updated across the application.

Assets :

  • SD-80460 : SCCM integration does not populate asset data.

Admin :

  • SD-78582 : Survey outgoing emails contain garbled values for certain fields in non-English languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
  • SD-80396 : Under admin configurations, error messages are displayed in popups meant for success messages when copying rules between templates.
  • SD-76740 : While configuring Notification Rules for Mobile App, some of the notification rules are not getting saved.

General :

  • SD-78981 : Unable to reindex modules.
  • SD-79989 : Unauthenticated sensitive information leakage during FOS replication. Please follow the instructions mentioned in this doc for the replication to work seamlessly.


(Released on 23 July, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-79620 : Going forward, the approval action page will be shown while clicking on approval notification (bell notification).
  • SD-78128 : In requests, problems, changes, projects, and project milestones, while adding a task by using the Add Task(s) from Template link, you can preview each task template in full screen.


  • SDF-68783 : You can now disable, enable, hide, show, mandate, and non-mandate the On behalf of field in the request form by using the FAFR rules.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-77197 : Vulnerability in query report generation.

Requests :

  • SD-79896 : In the request details page, unless you collapse and expand the conversations, Reply and Forward icons of individual notifications are not displayed.
  • SD-80157 : Under requests, an empty line is added to the resolution whenever it is updated.
  • SD-79663 : In requests and request templates, an error is not thrown when non-numeric data is copy-pasted to a ‘Numeric’ field.
  • SD-76153 : Under Requests, adding the resolution using a template for the first time displays an alert.
  • SD-78319 : When Allow requesters to close their own resolved requests? is set to No under Self Service Portal settings, and a technician without request closing permission tries to close their own request, an inappropriate error message is thrown.
  • SD-77804 : In some scenarios, technicians are unable to close their own requests using the link in the notification mail.
  • SD-80167 : Error is thrown when updating a request using V1 API.
  • SD-79996 : Approval is not sent to service approvers while adding a request via API. The issue occurs if the service approver is also an org role holder.
  • SD-80162 : After taking the approval action (From approval tab under Request details page) and clicking on Go to home page from the thank you page, the home page gets loaded on the thank you page instead of closing the thank you page and redirecting to the main home page.

Admin :

  • SD-79531 : In request templates, unable to add negative values in decimal fields.
  • SD-80628 : When configuring the default request template, the name and description fields are editable.

Reports :

  • SD-80239 : If the application runs on a PostgreSQL setup, custom schedules and scheduled reports that use query are not executed.
  • SD-63602 : Under Reports, error in the schema displayed for Changes data model.

Integrations :

  • SD-80088 : Scheduled data sync between ServiceDesk Plus and Zoho Analytics fails in certain cases due to API call limit.


(Released on 16 July, 2019)

New Enhancements

  • SDF-27342 : While associating incidents with a problem or change, you can click an incident to get a full-screen display.
  • SDF-42233 : Under Admin >> Organizational Details >> Operational hours, a new entry 59 minutes has been added to Start Time and End Time.
  • SDF-75862 : A PDF file can be previewed only if the browser supports the file.
  • SDF-78856 : In the Dashboard, Technician Home Page, and Requester Home Page, headers of unnamed custom widgets are hidden.
  • SDF-79685 : Under Personalize tab, the Danish time format is included in the Set Time Format drop-down.

Issues Fixed

Dashboard :

  • SD-78943 : Clicking on the asset count in any asset related widgets in Dashboards is not getting redirected to relevant list view page. The issue occurs only for non-SDAdmin users.

Requests :

  • SD-77177 : If you open the request catalog menu while you’re on the request list view page, the request catalog does not scroll.
  • SD-78318 : Unable to add attachments if the attachment name contains ‘+’ character.
  • SD-74543, SD-80072 : Under mail fetching, inline images from Outlook and Gmail are not fetched properly into the application when the image name contains space.
  • SD-79625 : On configuring editor and approver when creating a service request, notifications are sent to both the editor and the approver simultaneously.
  • SD-78848 : In request creation form for service requests, Select Approvers field is slow to load when the number of approvers exceeds 6000.
  • SD-78642 : In the approval page of a service request, the entire comment of the approver from the previous stage is not shown when hovering over the comment.
  • SD-77440 : Under notification rules, unable to include approver comments in email template of Notify requester when a request is approved/ rejected option.
  • SD-79730 : No error is thrown when a request is updated with an invalid requester name. The existing requester’s name is preserved even after updating the request.
  • SD-79990 : Unable to create a request using the default request templates in some scenarios.
  • SD-76874 : Clicking on a request from the advance search request list view and hitting the back button from the request details page does not redirect to the advance search request list view instead it redirects to the main request list view page.

Projects :

  • SD-78977 : Bullets added to a project description are not displayed in the project details page.
  • SD-79510 : Scheduled End Time field is not populated for the associated change under Project >> Change that initiated this Project section.

Assets :

  • SD-76865 : Improved the UI of Add Asset/Component pop-up window, accessed from Assets >> All assets In Store >> New >> Add asset through form.
  • SD-78292 : While trying to import a non-IT product type via CSV, it gets added as an IT product type.
  • SD-78503 : French characters are not displayed properly for auto populated fields (Department/Site) in the Assign/Associate pop-up.
  • SD-79417 : In MSSQL setups, clicking the Relationship tab for any CI/Asset under CMDB & Assets module throws a blank page.

Purchase :

  • SD-70968 : Purchase Request additional fields are not getting reflected in the Purchase Request details page after migrating to the latest version.

Admin :

  • SD-79906 : When configuring Field And Form Rules, a system-defined field with more than 500 values is populated with the value ID.
  • SD-78520 : On updating user information via LDAP import, additional fields other than the updated fields are reset.
  • SD-79776 : Unable to add multiple email IDs in the Exception List under Admin >> Mail Server Settings. The issue occurs when the Disable request creation by email option is enabled and if the total character count of the email IDs added exceeds 100.
  • SD-77927 : Inactive departments are shown in the Departmental Roles section under Organizational Roles.
  • SD-79802 : Changing the application language to Chinese displays special characters in Desktop Central Actions drop-down.

Others :

  • SD-80296 : Migration fails due to inconsistency in the purchase module data.


(Released on 03 July, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-72644 : A user account locked after ‘n’ failed attempts cannot be accessed from a different IP address now. New Enhancements

  • SDF-78411 : Option to show the business rule applied under the History tab of a request.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-70573 : Vulnerability issues in Reports.
  • SD-79017 : (CVE-2019-12537) XSS vulnerability in search fields of the Purchase module.
  • SD-79021 : (CVE-2019-12595) XSS vulnerability under Admin >> Discovery >> Remote control tools.
  • SD-79022 : (CVE-2019-12596) XSS vulnerability in the software list view page.
  • SD-79023 : (CVE-2019-12597) XSS vulnerability in select actions of the asset details page.
  • SD-79018 : (CVE-2019-12539) XSS vulnerability in using global search for Purchase.
  • SD-78402 : (CVE-2019-12959) SSRF vulnerability fixed.
  • SD-78593 : SSRF vulnerability (CVE-2019-12994) while configuring central server settings in the remote server.


  • SD-57004 : Under Home >> Scheduler, any dates displayed in requests, reminders, tasks, problems, changes, or backup technicians are not in the personalized format.


  • SD-74894 : On enabling the Allow Self Approval of Requests option under the self-service portal settings, the approver details of a service request get swapped when the requester/on behalf user/technician is one of the approvers.
  • SD-79195 : When a request’s template is modified using global edit, fields such as Created Date, Responded Date, DueBy Date, Response DueBy Time, Completed Date, and Resolved Date disappear.
  • SD-79283 : If you delete a service/incident/project additional field while the application is displayed in any non-English languages, you get a response message that contains only question marks.
  • SD-78995 : Request Collaboration view contains technician names who had left the associated request details page after updating the request.
  • SD-31165 : When Add/Edit request form is submitted without filling out any mandatory Date fields, the corresponding field is not automatically focused for the user.
  • SD-78669 : The Advanced search does not display results when you provide select request criteria and hit ‘Enter’ instead of 'OK’.
  • SD-78555 : A technician without the scope to create requests is able to split a request from the conversations of another request.
  • SD-78570 : Unable to access the resolution attachments through Attachments API (GET operation).
  • SD-79002 : Unable to add or modify a negative decimal value in a decimal additional field via inline edit.
  • SD-77817 : Request gets created in the logged-in technician’s name if the permission Add Requester role is disabled for the technician.
  • SD-77618 : Custom-created request filters are not shown in the Merge Request dialog box when we try to merge requests from the request details page.
  • SD-77926 : Requesters can reopen closed requests through the portal.


  • SD-78527 : Unable to edit custom filters under projects/tasks list view page.


  • SD-79066 : Unable to preview a request template from inside Field and Form Rules of the corresponding template.
  • SD-79190 : Field and Form rules that contain asset-based resource criteria do not work.
  • SD-79589 : Field and From rules configured for the Group field to add select options does not work. The issue occurs only if the site associated with the group refers to default settings.
  • SD-78647 : In custom triggers, while showing the criteria for technicians, only the technicians from the default site and "Not associated to any site get listed.
  • SD-70842 : Under Admin >> Helpdesk Customizer >> Custom Triggers, the positions of Add New Action and Organize Actions buttons are swapped.


  • SD-77343 : Additional filters are not working properly for default purchase reports.
  • SD-77188 : Under Reports, filter criteria of custom reports are displayed in English after changing the language of the application.


  • SD-79436: Asset details fetched in the delta scan by Desktop Central are not updated in ServiceDesk Plus while being integrated with Desktop Central. This initiates a full scan by Desktop Central.


  • SD-47525 : Unable to add product by using the Quick Actions menu.
  • SD-79165 : Unable to upload the profile picture in Edge and Internet Explorer.
  • SD-79470 : Unable to send messages in Live Chat after downloading files shared in the chat.


(Released on 25 June, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-79252 : Clicking on Edit filter button in Junk notification filter throws an error.
  • SD-78963 : On changing the application from HTTP to HTTPS via Admin Security Settings, outgoing email notifications are not appended with HTTPS as expected.
  • SD-78750 : Not able to update the survey email configuration if the email description length exceeds 3000 characters.
  • SD-79993 : Unable to update fields under Admin » Organizational Details » Organization Details.
  • SD-79498 : Unable to update the organization details under Admin >> Organization Details.


  • SD-77997 : Performance issue in CMDB, Requests, Admin Role, and Work logs.


(Released on 20 June, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-79563 : When using $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE for Execute Script action under Request Custom Triggers/Business Rules, the temporary JSON file will contain "resolution":{"resolution_attachments":[],"content":null} instead of "resolution":null for a request without resolution.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-78798 : SLA Escalation mail is not sent if the Escalate After/Before time is configured as 0 days 0 hours 0 mins.
  • SD-78637 : Unable to edit a request if the associated site of the request is already deleted. The issue occurs if FAFR is applied to that request to remove a technician.
  • SD-78580 : Worklog gets added twice when adding a resolution with worklog.
  • SD-78083 : Encoded content is displayed while editing a resolution containing special characters.
  • SD-78075 : Overdue tickets which are in closed status shows incorrect delay by time.
  • SD-78495 : Font size is not maintained while sending mail from the request module.
  • SD-79163 : Performance issue occurs when a request has a huge description.
  • SD-78007 : When a technician replies to a request after enabling a status change to follow, the Request Type gets reset.
  • SD-78721 : On configuring Execute Script action using $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE under Request Custom Triggers/Business Rules, the temporary JSON file contains fields that are not included in the template with field value as null.
  • SD-79459 : While accessing Incident / Request Catalog, the page goes blank if Other category is present in the catalog and when the logged-in user does not have access to any one of the templates listed under a category. The issue occurs only when Reorder option has been used.


  • SD-79439 : Unable to select support groups in Live Chat.
  • SD-79294 : Incident and Service’ default icon is in PNG format.


  • SD-78705 : Site and Group filter values are not loaded in Tasks while choosing filter condition under New Custom filter.


(Released on 13 June, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-79242 : Change List View UI Revamp

Change list view now sports an enhanced UI for better user experience.

  • SD-41949, SD- 70880 :

  • Going forward the ticket escalation time will be pre calculated when a SLA is associated with the request

  • When a SLA gets changed for a request, all the escalation levels in the new SLA will be processed.

  • Configurations changes done to the operational hours (Working time/Working Day) & SLA configurations (Escalate before/Escalate after) will be considered for new requests alone.

  • Escalation notification configurations done for processing escalations during operational and non-operational hours will not be considered anymore.

  • Previously if a SLA escalation schedule falls on a system down time, it will be skipped. Now after starting the system, it will be processed.

  • SLA Escalations occurring during the time when escalation option is disabled will be processed once the option is enabled.

  • SD-79980 : The Error code 4002 (Unauthorized) which is shown in Request API V3 when an input template is not allowed for a user is changed to 4001 (Invalid input).

  • SD-82931 :To increase the use of preconfigured templates among users, the New Incident button has been removed from the incident catalog and the request catalog. To create a new incident request, use the Default Request option under the Others service category.

New Features :

  • SDF-55752 : Service Catalog Layout Customization

Customize the service catalog portal layout by using the three different styles: Card View, List View, and Panel View.

Admin >> Service Catalog >> Customize Portal Layout To learn more click here

  • SDF-58392 : Incident and Service Template Enhancements

Option to copy a template as inactive so that it isn’t instantly made available for users after copying.

Admin >> Incident/Service Template. To learn more click here

  • SDF-68642 : Option to assign only the technicians who are currently online via the technician auto assign feature.

Admin >> Technician Auto Assign.

  • SDF-77834 : Help Texts in Templates

Include help text or instructions in service/incident templates for technicians.

Admin >> Incident/Service Template. To learn more click here

  • SDF-69242 : Broadcast Message Enhancements

You can now broadcast messages to a particular site or a group.

Quick Actions >> Communication >> Broadcast Message. To learn more click here

  • SDF-72412 : Adjust the height for Description and Multi-line fields in incident and request templates.

Admin >> Incident/ Service Template.

  • SDF-70928 : Control the size of multi-line fields using execute script action in field and form rules.

Admin >> Incident/Service Templates >> Field and Form Rules >> Execute Script.

  • SDF-57857 : Enable/Disable Incident templates right from the templates list view.

Admin >> Incident Template.

  • SDF-53936 : Option to copy Incident templates.

Admin >> Incident Template To learn more click here

  • SDF-68346 : SCCM Integration

Extend the capabilities of ServiceDesk Plus to manage desktops and Windows-based applications through integration with Microsoft System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM). You can use SCCM for asset discovery and also simultaneously update asset data in ServiceDesk Plus.

Configure SCCM integration under Admin >> Discovery >> SCCM Integration. To learn more click here

  • SDF-67735 : SNMP Device’s OID configuration Enhancements
  • Configure and map Object IDs (OIDs) to SNMP device attributes, which have so far been reserved to the database. This configuration allows you to reassociate available OIDs with the right attributes and also configure OIDs for new attributes.

Admin >> Discovery >> SNMP Configurations. To learn more click here.

  • MIB Browser

The MIB Browser tool allows you to upload and browse MIBs and lets you perform all SNMP operations by configuring SNMP v1, v2 or v3 credentials. Also the tool lets you view the data available through the SNMP agent running on a specific device.

  • SDF-79241 : Asset Module in Analytics Plus and Zoho Analytics Integration

ServiceDesk Plus integration with Analytics Plus and Zoho Analytics now includes the Asset module.

Admin >> Integrations.

  • SDF-70345 : Chat as an external widget

Load ServiceDesk Plus live chat as an external widget on websites.

Admin >> Chat Settings >> Integrate Live Chat. To learn more click here

  • SDF-65428 : Disable the API key generation under the Personalize menu for technicians.

Admin >> General Settings >> Security Settings >> Advanced To learn more click here

  • SDF-73620 : Quickly preview the HTML, HTM, and XHTML request attachments in request details page and in the requests list view. To learn more click here
  • SDF-77655 : Values in drop-downs fields of a request are now searchable in global edit.
  • SDF-76461 : Option to expand all conversations in the request details page.
  • SDF-75749: Dynamic Loading of Huge Additional Fields.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-79020: XSS vulnerability in request module (CVE-2019-12540).


(Released on 06 June, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-78500 : Cannot assign or pick up a request from the request list view, when mandatory group field is empty.

New Enhancements

  • SDF-77576 : Under Personalize, a new date format (dd-mm-yyyy) has been added to choose for the application.
  • SDF-78600 : A linked request when viewed from the parent request is displayed with details such as subject, technician, group, and status, along with the request ID and comments.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-78572 : XSS vulnerability while accessing older APIs.
  • SD-77811 : Privilege escalation vulnerability has been fixed.


  • SD-77748 : Unable to archive requests whose associated survey comments contain more than 500 characters.


  • SD-78394 : In projects, timesheet tab does not render the technician’s work logs when sorted by the time spent.


  • SD-73075 : Unable to receive Purchase Orders placed in Assets Category if item name exceeds 100 characters.


  • SD-78050 : Line break is missing in the description field of mails sent from Reports module.


  • SD-77433 : Unable to update the product cost under Admin >> Asset Management >> Product.
  • SD-79004 : Tasks and worklog tables data are not pushed in Analytics.
  • SD-78521 : In some scenarios, mail fetching stops.
  • SD-78487 : IDs present in paragraph tags are cleared in scripts used in field and form rules.
  • SD-77947 : Line breaks are missing when requests are created in plain text format through EWS mail server.
  • SD-77855 : Inline images are not found in the request description when the content id of the inline images contains $ symbol. This issue occurs when a request is created through email.


  • SD-78846 & SD-79491 : Unnecessary error entries get recorded into the system log after updating to version 10018


(Released on 30 May, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-77951: IND data center has been added under Choose Datacenter section under Advanced Analytics Configuration Wizard. Admin>>Advanced Analytics.
  • SD-69151: Option to enable/disable domain filtering drop-down in the login page. Admin>>Security Settings>>Advanced. ‘Allow domain filtering during login’ configuration is moved to the Security Settings page.
  • SD-78138: Survey reports page now lists reports in descending order by default. The survey count per page is bumped to 100.
  • SD-77483: ServiceDesk Plus now scans and saves an asset’s multiple IP addresses that are assigned to a single NIC card. You can also fetch the same information from other applications into ServiceDesk Plus. Going forward, installation of ServiceDesk Plus in the non-English installation folder will not work.

New Feature

  • SDF-77577: Service_cost and total_cost fields included in the criteria section of Custom Triggers

Issues Fixed


  • SD-78908: Privlege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2019-12252) in the Solutions module.


  • SD-78483: Sample Announcement title is misleading.


  • SD-73825: The Request collaboration functionality is now available on the Edit Request form.
  • SD-75656: If the incoming server email addresses or their aliases are specified in the E-mail Id(s) To Notify field of requests, the notification sent is fetched and treated as a normal conversation; also the request is reopened.
  • SD-77973: In the request list view, on-hold requests are listed when Requests due today or My Requests Due Today filter is selected.
  • SD-71591: The insert image icon is missing in the resolution’s text editor of the add/edit request form.
  • SD-77743: In the Request Details page, when Impact or Urgency is edited, changing Priority as defined by Priority Matrix, the associated Field and Form rule configured to be triggered upon Priority change breaks.
  • SD-77798: When a field value currently being used in a request is deleted from the application, the request cannot be updated. The issue occurs only when Field and Form rules are configured to mandate the field.
  • SD-77873: When a task is updated under the tasks tab of a request, task list view page refreshes and rolls back to the top of the page.
  • SD-77949: Unable to update resolution to requests that are configured with resource questions under conditions in the On Form Submit Field and Form rule.
  • SD-77985: When a request’s resolution is updated, the page does not scroll up automatically.
  • SD-76841: If the technician removes and adds a new attachment in the request reply with the same name as the one removed, then the new attachment is replaced with the old attachment in the request reply.
  • SD-77815: An unnecessary popup is shown alerting users to add resolution even if the resolution is added. Issue occurs if resolution is mandated for the template which is used to create the request.
  • SD-77218: While performing 'Advanced Search under Requests tab, the status column names are shortened.
  • SD-77588: No option to filter Pending Problems while associating a Request to a Problem from the Request Details view by clicking on Search Problems.
  • SD-77902: Multi Select fields inside requests sometimes contain a horizontal scroll bar.
  • SD-77916: Creating a request and associating a change from the same request displays only three Changes in the Associate Change to Incident pop-up window.
  • SD-78579: Under Dependency in the request details page, users can now view requests which are shared with them, regardless of the scope criteria.
  • SD-78577: With Description and Resolution mandated in the request closure rules, when a request is closed from its Resolution tab and another request is opened without navigating to a different module, the latter’s description is replaced with the former’s.
  • SD-77988: In the request list view, the horizontal scroll bar does not work after a bulk action is performed on requests, such as editing, closing, linking, and merging.
  • SD-78494: Technicians can now edit associated requesters (users added as requesters to the application) from the request details page.


  • SD-78607: While making any field of a change request as non-mandatory for onfield change event via Field and Form Rules, the field label gets removed.
  • SD-77818: New change notification emails containing the same subject are not appended under the same conversations.


  • SD-75025: Incorrect translation of the Mapping Field options under Assets >> Barcode >> Barcode Generation >> Barcode generation for existing assets >> Using Asset Data (Generation Method) in any non-English language.
  • SD-77414: DoS attack detected during bar code generation.
  • SD-78115: Under CMDB, the relationship list view inside a CI does not capture all relationships.
  • SD-76786: Under Asset Details>>Relationships, closed changes are not displayed under the All Changes filter.


  • SD-78049: Unable to create request from an incident template mandated with the Priority field. The issue occurs only when the Priority Matrix is configured with the Allow requesters and technicians to override the Priority Matrix option disabled.
  • SD-78111: Description content entered in the request template disappears. The issue occurs if we switch to the requester tab and try to save the template.
  • SD-77744: Issue in saving incident templates in IE 11.
  • SD-77879: Application triggers request un-picked notification to group members even after the request is assigned to a technician. The issue occurs if the Assign Technician only after Service Request Approval option is enabled in the template.
  • SD-76320: Unable to select a template name with apostrophe (',") in Change Request Template to option in Business Rules.
  • SD-67436: Line breaks in multi-line values of request additional fields are not preserved in reply notifications.
  • SD-78085: The $CS.setDescription() function used in Field and Form rules updates request resolution.
  • SD-77706: SMS notifications configured in business rules are not triggered when more than one technician is selected as the recipient.
  • SD-77518: Unable to associate more than 25 custom Change Role technicians to a change template.
  • SD-75553: Unable to update requester’s email id through CMDB API.
  • SD-77793: If the user created in AD has only a space included in the department attribute, then after importing the user into the application, department with empty strings are created in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-77626: Removing the ADMP Integration is not deleting the auth token of the users from the database.
  • SD-65812: Incorrect information displayed in the help card under Admin >> Self-Service Portal Settings.
  • SD-78951: Custom schedule does not work if reports are added in Arguments.


  • SD-77809: Zoho Analytics URL has been changed under Advanced Analytics.
  • SD-77163,SD-77827: Executing the saved custom report appends ‘SURVEYID’ in the query.


  • SD-66758: “The license violation” warning messages need to be included in i18N keys for the Chinese language.
  • SD-76803: Requesters are unable to login via the mobile client view from the application
  • SD-77843: Domain users are unable to view and generate File Protection Password for their individual accounts.
  • SD-28969: Grammatically incorrect error message displayed to the user accessing restricted requests


(Released on 16 May, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • Microsoft SQL 2005 will be not be supported anymore. To migrate to the latest MSSQL, click here.
  • Backslashes (\) in any additional field names will not be supported anymore. Any backslashes mentioned in additional fields earlier will be changed to forward slashes after this upgrade.
  • Going forward, if there is any data inconsistency in the application tables, then the migration will not go through. Any inconsistency should be corrected before proceeding with the upgrade. Please contact support if there is any inconsistency during migration.
  • Going forward, installation of ServiceDesk Plus in the non-English installation folder will not work.

Framework changes

  • This upgrade removes JBoss dependency completely and upgrades to Postgres 10.5. Going forward, the application will be connected to Postgres with a specific database user credential instead of a superuser credential for better security. To know about the database user credential, click here.
  • The latest Tomcat upgrade removes the dependency on NIO port and uses WebSockets.

Framework Upgrade Information

  • JRE upgraded from version 1.7 to version (This is a free version)
  • Postgres upgraded from version 9.2.4 to version 10.5
  • Tomcat upgraded to version 8.5.32

New SCCM Connector

  • New SCCM to SDP connector (Mickey lite compatible) is updated in the resources section of the web page. Download the latest connector zip for integrating SCCM with SDP.

New Feature

  • SDF-72153: Web remote will be supported in Windows 10 OS.
  • SDF-77143 : The Moscow Time Zone under Personalization is changed from GMT+4:00 to GMT+3.00.

Issue fixed

  • SD-78312: (CVE-2019-15083) Stored XSS vulnerability in asset module reported by Felipe Molina de la Torre.


(Released on 14 May, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-77990: Clean up schedule keeps running even though there is no request in the trash.


  • SD-78298, SD-78308, SD-77454, SD-77920, SD-78309: Performance issues in catalog templates and API.


(Released on 6 May, 2019)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-77126: Reflected XSS vulnerability found in all listviews.
  • SD-77943 : Privilege escalation vulnerability found in custom query report.


  • SD-77989/SD-78062 : In some scenarios, adding or editing a request resolution with content size more than 16kB causes out of memory crash.


  • SD-77842: When a user enters a valid email address while configuring Incoming EWS server, “Invalid email address” alert is thrown. The issue occurs if the second part (usually “.com”) of the email id has more than 4 characters.


  • SD-78061 : Under Reports >> New Query Report, access to tables containing users’ sensitive information via direct and encoded queries is restricted.


(Released on 30, April, 2019)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-78311: When the Priority matrix is enabled and the “Allow requesters and technicians to override the Priority Matrix” option is disabled, users are unable to update the request [Inline edit and from resolution].


(Released on 25, April, 2019)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-74666 : Create a PO without cost.
  • SD-77489 : Option to hide contact support and license options to non-admins (under Help).
  • SD-77488 : Option to hide the Jump to section for non-admin technicians if the corresponding tools are not integrated with ServiceDesk Plus (under Help).
  • SD-68015 : Inactive sites will not be listed anymore in the dashboard’s site filter.
  • SD-77795 : CI history page now will capture CI add operations.
  • SD-77524 : In service request templates, you can configure the Stage Two approvers without configuring the Stage One approvers.
  • SD-77713 : Requests templates are accessible to technicians who are part of a User Group.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-73969 : CSRF vulnerability in archived requests and advanced search section of the application.
  • SD-77131 : Stored XSS vulnerability fixed.
  • SD-76878 : Brute force attack has been detected in password reset page.
  • SD-65744 : Vulnerability in bundled user (administrator & guest) credentials.
  • SD-77415 : Any authenticated user is able to access application’s server log information.
  • SD-77981 : XXE vulnerability in the user profile section.
  • SD-78003 : Directory traversal vulnerability in file uploads.

Dashboard :

  • SD-70603 : “No request found in list” is shown while accessing Open Requests under Dashboard for technician’s having “\” in their name.
  • SD-74310 : Performance issues in dashboard widgets.

Requests :

  • SD-70334 : If there is any exception while clearing the trash requests through schedule, the trash clean up through schedule is not processed further. If the exception is because of a particular request, all the other trash requests are also not processed.
  • SD-76705 : When we copy a Solution to a Request’s Resolution, the attachments in the Solution are not copied to the Resolution.
  • SD-77340 : Status change comments are not recorded in history unless ‘status change comment mandatory’ is marked ‘yes’ in the self-service portal settings.
  • SD-73193 : SLA escalation performance issue.
  • SD-76672 : Insert link (URLs) in the request description is not framed properly.
  • SD-77760 : When a user raises a service request on behalf of another user, notifications configured in the request template workflow are sent to the roles associated with both users.
  • SD-77286 : In Firefox, when request properties are updated, the Request Details page automatically scrolls to the top.
  • SD-77303 : Values saved for Radio and Checkbox fields in service and incident requests are not preserved when the request is edited.
  • SD-77317 : Grammarly does not function inside the rich-text editor across the application.
  • SD-77450 : Multiple inline images without distinct names in incoming emails are all replaced with one of the images. The issue occurs if the incoming mail server is configured with any protocol other than EWS.
  • SD-77370 : When you download request attachments, the pop-up window displayed contains incorrect file type. The issue occurs only in Firefox.
  • SD-77595 : While a technician adds stage after the approval of a request, only the Approver field is displayed. The Subject and Description fields are not displayed.
  • SD-77150 : Probable solutions are not suggested to the technician.
  • SD-76500 : When Site settings are updated, the Group field gets reset even if the group is under the same site.
  • SD-77417 : Pinned/Unpinned left pane in request details page is not maintained in IE browser.
  • SD-77304 : The rich-text editor across the application allows you to remove hyperlinks in bulk.
  • SD-77154 : Advanced search breaks when there are several Requesters.
  • SD-75817 : Count mismatch between Request List View and Unassigned and Open Request widgets.
  • SD-77334 : Priority Matrix gets applied to requests on form load events despite manually setting the priority via the global edit option. The issue occurs even if the option (Allow requesters and technicians to override the Priority Matrix) is enabled.
  • SD-73071 : Incorrect display of value under Dueby Time in SLA.
  • SD-73380 : Under SLA, the Dueby time does not revert to NULL when no response time is configured.
  • SD-75597 : Under Conversations, the Email IDs to be notified are not displayed.
  • SD-77589 : Unable to add attachments in add new task pop-ups.
  • SD-77365 : FAFR: When requester field is disabled via field and form rules, users are able to update the requester field by using ‘Search requester list’ icon in the request edit page.
  • SD-77830 : Whenever field and form rules are applied on resources in service requests, the resource section enlarges.
  • SD-76195 : Option for technicians to view linked requests from the approval page
  • SD-77928 : The Add Reminder window that you open inside requests has been enlarged.

Changes :

  • SD-70633 : Able to change ‘Asset Involved’ field after disabling it through Field and Form Rules (FAFR).
  • SD-70635 : Changes listed in Calendar View isn’t filtered as per the Approved/Unapproved filter in Home Page.
  • SD-76631 : Set value for the Services Affected field is not working in change field and form rules.
  • SD-77431 : In Add Change page, Service Affected fields are not populated in alphabetical order.
  • SD-77775 : Error occurs while adding a Change when a mandatory Change role in the template is deleted from the application.

Assets :

  • SD-76533 : Option to prioritize sysName over the DNSName for choosing a deviceName during SNMP scan.
  • SD-74424 : Relationships tab appears blank when CIs are moved from one CI type to another.
  • SD-65756 : Unable to update an asset’s barcode through add asset form and CSV file.
  • SD-71862 : Technicians with full access to Assets is unable to edit assets that are not associated with any site.
  • SD-77134 : VMware scan fails when VM is not resolved in the DNS.
  • SD-76681 : For Cisco IP phones, success status is not updated.
  • SD-76263 : Software license allocation is not updated when software allocated to any installation is deallocated. This results in data inconsistency in software licensed and unlicensed list views. Assets --> Software-> Scanned Software list view
  • SD-76438 : Unable to scan SNMP Devices of a particular Device Type (Lexmark Printer, 3Com Router, Xedia Access Point, Room Sensor, Avtech tempager Room Sensor).
  • SD-77272 : To avoid slow performance while viewing assets’ audit details, an index is created on the AUDITTIME column in the AUDITHISTORY table.
  • SD-77444 : Asset Explorer mobile app issues have been fixed.
  • SD-69961 : Error occurs when we Add asset through form after filtering the list view based on criteria.


  • SD-76388 : On clicking More Information, an issue occurs in CMDB business view if the language is set to Arabic. CMDB–>New Business View–>Save Business View–>More Information.
  • SD-77522 : Unable to update a requester’s department using API.

Purchase :

  • SD-74665 : Option to choose PO items based on the part number.

Admin :

  • SD-77461 : You can now rename all approval stages (Stage One to Stage Five) in the service request template under Admin >> General >> Translations.
  • SD-76620 : Error when clicking on ‘Save and Add Item’ on editing Sub-Category.
  • SD-77619 : Request Template is now enhanced with HTML Editor.
  • SD-77799 : Unable to preview an incident template that is assigned with a service category.
  • SD-76387 : URL is garbled in the incident template’s description section.
  • SD-77496 : When Site settings are changed from Copy Default to Refer Default, the Support Groups populated under Chat Settings still show the groups under Copy Default settings.
  • SD-77427 : Attachment names in scheduled reports are displayed incorrectly if EWS is configured for the outgoing mail server.
  • SD-77443 : Exception when more than six users are added to a user group.
  • SD-77650 : Under Admin >> Security Settings >> Advanced >> Add security response headers, the placeholder displayed for X-XSS-Protection has been corrected (semicolon at the end of the value has been removed).
  • SD-73062 : If we add a new network immediately after editing an existing network under Admin >> Discovery >> Network Scan, it replaces the network that was edited instead of creating a new one.
  • SD-77439 : Unable to import users from Active Directory (AD) into ServiceDesk Plus if the OUs in AD contain comma at the end of their names.
  • SD-53572 : Option to Enable/Disable a Business Rule by clicking the respective icons in the business rule list view.
  • SD-73514 : Change Template’s stage and status are not set as mandatory in the default emergency template.
  • SD-76296 : Unable to delete IT services. Admin->IT Services.
  • SD-78077 : Belize is missed under the country drop-down in the Sites configuration page.

Reports :

  • SD-77136 : When we run a query report, the values are coming in decimals. But in the tabular report, the cost value is coming as an integer.
  • SD-70403 : Empty matrix reports will display an appropriate message regarding the data unavailability.
  • SD-75333 : If the font is set to Roboto in the Excel file of reports, data is sometimes lost.

Integrations :

  • SD-77797 : DC Integration: Unable to load iframe. The issue occurs in the DC build version 10.0.335.
  • SD-76875 : Under an AD user login, unable to connect to a desktop remotely from ServiceDesk Plus integrated with Password Manager Pro.

Others :

  • SD-77445 : The error message displayed in the following case is not accurate: Requesters use API or mobile app and attach files to a request that’s either approved by at least one user or closed.
  • SD-71823 : Czech language characters in reports are only partially exported in PDF files. To resolve the issue, please choose the application language as Czech under Personalize and then export the reports.
  • SD-77386 : Clean up schedule takes too long to complete causing the application to crash.
  • SD-77306 : Application crashes upon using the Delete All option on system log entries, if there are more than fifty lakh entries.
  • SD-77698 : If the dynamic notification menu is disabled in the GlobalConfig table using database query, the following features do not work - Broadcast Message, Request Collaboration and Live Chat
  • SD-77627 : Issue in identifying Status Code in API Calls in certain scenarios.
  • SD-77484 : Issue occurs while assigning a task owner via API.


(Released on 11, April, 2019)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-77871 : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10008) and User Enumeration Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10273) in login page has been fixed.


(Released on 27, March, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-77145: Username field in the EWS configuration now allows names and e-mail address. A separate e-mail field is added.

New Feature

  • SDF-76768 : Following enhancements have been added in MDM-SDP Request Actions.
    • Option to associate profiles to devices and groups.
    • Option to distribute apps to devices and groups.
    • Option to revoke MDM management on a device.
    • Option to assign staged devices to users.
    • Option to assign/move device to groups.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-69247: If the email address of a service request approver is duplicated, the approval is listed in the Home page of all users with the duplicate email address.


  • SD-76840 : Default support group display count is increased to 100 in the dashboard filter.


  • SD-53012: In request update notifications, attachment updates are not included.
  • SD-57164: Business Rule is not getting applied if the criteria contain department or group value as none.
  • SD-69214: SLA (Response and Resolution time) calculation issue occurs in Time Elapsed Analysis Chart.
  • SD-73392: Unable to see the Request Type field in the Request form in Professional edition and in editions with add-on Service Catalog/CMDB/Project.
  • SD-76304: Font type applied to a resolution content is not maintained while editing the resolution from request details page. The issue occurs only with a few font types.
  • SD-76507: On auto refresh, the request list view page is scrolled back to the top.
  • SD-77141: Field and form rules configured for one request gets applied to another request if the Assigned to field is modified manually in request list view for the requests involved.
  • SD-77349: Unable to open linked requests in a new tab by clicking the request ID in the details page.
  • SD-77273: The fact that Subject will not be overwritten during template conversion in service and incident requests is now included in the message displayed before the conversion.
  • SD-77214: While changing Status in service and incident requests, the Status Change Comment field requires a double-click to input the value. The issue occurs only in IE and Edge browsers.


  • SD-76687 : Alignment issue occurs after adding a shipping and billing address in PR.


  • SD-76305: In the Turkish language, August month is displayed twice under the monthly schedule for a preventive maintenance task.
  • SD-76807: Task notification is not sent when EWS mail server is configured in the application.
  • SD-76825: Unable to send PR notifications when EWS (only) mail server is configured.
  • SD-76722: Unable to reorder incident templates within a category. The issue occurs only if the list had been reordered at least once and a template within the category was deleted.


  • SD-70015: Time taken to generate a report gets longer if the description and resolution fields are included in it.


  • SD-77156: The progress bar that indicates the application upgrade process is distorted.
  • SD-75963: When the application is displayed in Arabic, all Date/Time fields across the product have the hours and minutes displaced.
  • SD-76321 : Alignment issue in the description of a task after migrating to the latest version.
  • SD-76059: Purchase order and CMDB list views have an empty space at the bottom of the pages. Also, the list views are not rendered to the screen size in large monitors.
  • SD-76122: Option to search the exact word in the Japanese language without using double quotes in global search (Requests and Solutions modules).
  • SD-75331: License expiry banner will be displayed only for the SDAdmin.


(Released on 19, March, 2019)

New Features

  • SDF-42737: Option to search templates in Requester’s Self-Service Portal by using words present in a template’s name and description.
  • SDF-74252: You can disable the auto-attachment of files to the approval notifications of change requests. Click here to learn more.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-67820 : XSS vulnerability in attachment description of a change request.
  • SD-77176 : XSS vulnerability under tasks in home page.

Dashboard :

  • SD-66321 : When a support group’s name contains special characters, then the corresponding filter is not applied when the support group is selected in the dashboard.

Requests :

  • SD-76313 : Closed without Requester’s acknowledgment message appears on the RHS panel of Request details page even if No, don’t prompt a message is enabled under Confirm User Acknowledgement in Request Closing Rules.
  • SD-76446 : Actions >> Print Preview : Technician column is missing under the work log list view in the request details page.
  • SD-75876, SD-76713, SD-76548 : When the option Do not assign technician before a service request is approved is enabled in a service template, and a technician gets assigned to a request created using that template, an unwanted alert is shown indicating that the template’s approval rule is overridden even if the request is approved.
  • SD-76543 : Links inserted in a request’s description is not opening in a new tab.
  • SD-76726 : Keyboard shortcut for a new request reply (-r) is invoked when typing ‘r’ in the Close Comments field in IE.
  • SD-76869 : Request archiving fails in certain scenarios.
  • SD-76701 : In some scenarios, users are unable to close a request when priority matrix is enabled.
  • SD-76390 : Employee ID, Job Title and VIP User icon are missing when a requester’s info is viewed from request detail page.
  • SD-76418 : When two FAFR (On-Field change) are configured for category/sub-category and site/department to change each others’ values, it forms an infinite loop.
  • SD-74732 : Unable to convert incidents to service requests by overwriting field values.
  • SD-74014 : Requests List View filter is not retained when the requests are viewed from the dashboard.

Changes :

  • SD-76688 : In the new change request form, Workflow will be empty if no workflow is associated with the default change template.
  • SD-76386 : Unable to send change-related notifications to email addresses that contain domain names with more than three characters.
  • SD-69270 : In the change details page, icons to view the details of the Change Manager and the Change Owner will no more be displayed to the requester.
  • SD-60001 : When a change request’s template is modified without overwriting the current template values, Description becomes truncated.

Projects :

  • SD-77287 : Newly added custom filters are not getting listed under the projects list view.
  • SD-75276 : Recently modified criteria of a custom filter is not getting displayed while editing the custom filter again in IE browser.
  • SD-77162 : The time chart in the project gantt view is off by +1 hour when viewing by Hourly basis.

Assets :

  • SD-76406 : Loading issue occurs when you click the Assets tab if there are more products in the inventory.
  • SD-76629 : Unable to remove the IP address of any asset other than workstations and servers.
  • SD-76769 : When the number of barcodes is high, then the print preview does not load all the barcodes.
  • SD-74111 : Schedule scan takes too long to complete.
  • SD-76662 : Inconsistencies in displaying the allocated software license key and scanned license key within the application.

Admin :

  • SD-74686 : Values set in Priority Matrix is not applied in request templates.

Reports :

  • SD-77380 : Unable to generate report when the description has only <br\> tag.

Others :

  • SD-35145 : Displayed calendar text is not translated into non-English languages.
  • SD-76366 : i18n keys related issues in MDM.
  • SD-76594 : In DC integrated SDP build, chat icon near requester name is missing in request details page.


(Released on 25, February, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-74141 : Upgrade Restrictions will be applicable to users who have perpetual licenses without AMS.

New Features

  • SDF-75911 : Option to mandate survey comments field in survey templates.

Issues Fixed :

Requests :

  • SD-76587 : Filter set for request details page list view in one browser, it gets reflected in another browser.
  • SD-75795 : When there are more list view personalizations for request related list views then adding an additional field takes more time.
  • SD-72806 & SD-70615 : Going forward requesters can only reopen their resolved requests via web client if the option “Allow requesters to reopen their own requests” is enabled in the self-service portal.
  • SD-72436 : When a technician with request add and view permission tries to duplicate a request, an exception is thrown.
  • SD-71727 : When “reason” attribute is used to add notes while updating a request via API, it is not getting captured in history.
  • SD-70034 : Technician field for Custom Completed Requests are not retained when a technician is deleted.

Projects :

  • SD-75208 : In task comment notification template, entity ID for Project, Milestone and Task are not given.

Assets :

  • SD-76277 : During asset scanning, a duplicate key exception occurs if the asset names after renaming (by the application) coincide with the existing names.
  • SD-71368 : Product Type modification window opened from Actions in the asset details page contains garbled text. The issue occurs only when the application is displayed in certain non-English languages.

Purchase :

  • SD-70381 : Additional fields are not displayed in the details page of assets and workstations that are added through purchase orders.

Admin :

  • SD-70511 : Business rule set with Mode is None and Group is None criteria is not getting applied.
  • SD-69915 : An irrelevant error message added under Community >> System Log Viewer for each schedule of Software License Notification.
  • SD-75577 : In self-service portal’s landing page, a misleading translated content is used for the German language.
  • SD-76009 : Employee ID field is not getting imported from LDAP.


(Released on 18, February, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-76081 : When new approval stage/new approval in upcoming approval stage (stages greater than the in-progress stage) is added, users will be prompted to enter email id to send the approval. The notification subject and content will be hidden.

Issue Fixes

Requests :

  • SD-76618 : In a specific scenario, Technician field value is not set.
  • SD-76385 : Unable to make an already added Incident additional field common to both Incidents and Service Requests.
  • SD-76332 : Unable to set values for check-box type resource field via field and form rule.
  • SD-76306 : In IE, the shortcut key NR is wrongly interpreted while trying to type values (“NR”) in text fields of a request.
  • SD-76105, SD-75977 : When a user changes the request status to completed while editing a resolution, Go to Work log window appears with a message stating work log is mandatory as per request closing rules.
  • SD-76020 : Work log type is not accessible through API.
  • SD-75552 : Info/help icon is not shown on keyboard navigation (tabbing) in New/Edit Request Page.
  • SD-75527 : Request ID will be static on the request details page window while scrolling.
  • SD-75203 : While performing inline edits on requests, the request page freezes or a mandatory alert is shown for an unavailable field. The issue occurs when mandated request fields are hidden via FAFR form load.
  • SD-76307 : Service request template value is updated with incident template value when one user tries to update the incident request, meanwhile, another user converts it to the service request.

Vulnerability :

  • SD-76400 : MIME-sniffing vulnerability in purchase requests.
  • SD-76357 : Phishing vulnerability in login page of the application.

Projects :

  • SD-76492 : Unable to export Project module’s Gantt view as a PDF.

Admin :

  • SD-76671 : A deleted Project additional field continues to be displayed in Project Templates.
  • SD-76399 : Inserting hyperlink to any text with $EntityLink variable doesn’t work in Task Comments Notification Template.
  • SD-76365 : Issue while adding comma separated values to Multi Select field.

Others :

  • SD-76159 : Memory allocation in the bundled PostgreSQL database has been increased. To effect this in Linux installations, you must manually add or modify the following parameter values under /etc/sysctl.conf :
    kernel.shmmax = 536870912
    kernel.shmall = 262144
    Then, execute the sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf command to reload the configurations.
    Note: PostgreSQL will not be started in Linux machines if you fail to update the parameters discussed above.
  • SD-75077 : PUT and DELETE operation in v3 API isn’t working in a few customer environments.
  • SD-72381 : Performance related issue is fixed.


(Released on 12, February, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-76169 : Description criteria is removed in the archived request search.
  • The business rule “description” criteria will consider only text content in the request description instead of considering the whole HTML content.
  • SD-70526 : Under Admin >> Problem/Change Management >> Change Roles >> CAB, view and edit permissions for the Approval stage cannot be disabled anymore.
  • SD-52669 : Remove Software Installation(s) option introduced in the software details page.
  • SD- 75946: Option to include description variable in a reply template to append previous conversations in the reply.

Issue Fixes

Vulnerability :

  • SD-75130 : Serialization and de-serialization vulnerability while importing requests from XLS.
  • SD-74542 : CVE-2019-8394 : Arbitrary file upload vulnerability in login page customization.

Requests :

  • SD-76704 : Unable to view and download attachments present in a conversation.
  • SD-76152 : Incorrect product content under Approval configuration of Incident / Service templates.
  • SD-75979 & SD-32942 : Business Rules is considering HTML content for “Description” criterion.
  • SD-71588 : Custom Trigger is getting applied for bulk edit request operation even when the condition(Status) does not match.
  • SD-66733 : First Response SLA is violated even though the ticket is put in On Hold (stop timer) status.
  • SD-75335 : While applying email command to a service request, the service request is converted to the default template incident request.

Changes :

  • SD-70621 : Asset scan from the change details page fails.

Assets :

  • SD-75523 : Out of memory error occurs if we configure Class A IP address full range while performing exclude scan.
  • SD-73391 : Unable to sort additional attributes of date type in assets and CI list views.
  • SD-54661 : Duplicate key exception occurs while scanning a workstation which was modified as a Firewall.

Purchase :

  • SD-70162 : Scroll bar is not working in purchase order list view.

Admin :

  • SD-74906 : My Modification count is not updated after resetting the translations. Admin -->Translations.
  • SD-75308 : Translations under Problem/Change management and Service catalog are not proper in the French language setups.
  • SD-75097 : In Request Life Cycle, templates under the deleted service category are shown in the templates list.
  • SD-74945 : Currency symbol of Great Britain Pound, Gibraltar Pound, Chinese Yuan, and Japanese Yen is not displayed properly under Admin >> Currency.
  • SD-70893 : Change template edits are saved but not displayed on the UI. The issue occurs only if the template is associated with a site that’s configured with Refer Settings under Admin >> Organizational Details >> Sites.
  • SD-70783 : Duplicate key exception occurs while adding ServiceTag to Invalid Service Tag list.
  • SD-72972 : The word ‘Left’(meaning “remaining”)is translated as left(meaning “direction”) in Projects and other places for French Language setups.
  • SD-75362 : Incorrect image resolution information is given in the self-service portal settings page.
  • SD-73839 : Private domains are now listed in the user-merge list view. Admin --> Requesters --> Merge user
  • SD-74325 : When a report (with a name containing non-English characters) is emailed, the name is encoded at the receiver’s end.

Others :

  • SD-70543 : Sub menus in application close unexpectedly when users mouse over the tooltip.


(Released on 06, February, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-69124 : Autocomplete disabled for all password fields in the application.

Issues Fixed :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-75134 : Serialization vulnerability fixed under Admin --> Distributed Asset scan --> Change as Remote server (while importing central server’s site).
  • SD-75133 : Serialization vulnerability fixed under Solutions --> Actions --> Import Solution.
  • SD-69987 : Possibility of information disclosure vulnerability in login page.

Dashboard :

  • SD-73124 : Clicking the pending tasks link from task summary widget in Dashboard opens up all tasks.

Requests :

  • SD-45611 : Failure in sending approval email is not captured in the request’s History.
  • SD-75355 : While converting service to incident request in the second stage approval, the triggered incident approval is in the second stage instead of first.
  • SD-75532 : File attachment with requests by using Global edit is not captured in History.
  • SD-76083 : Technician field value in service requests gets changed to Unassigned during automated close in some scenarios.
  • SD-74125 : Survey exclusion configured with email criteria does not function properly.
  • SD-74373 : User with add/edit request task permission can delete a work log within a task in the request.
  • SD-75969 : Scheduled trash cleanup tasks are not performed for Exe builds post 9400.
  • SD-76155 : When a new approval stage is added manually to a service request, there is no information in the history about who added the approval stage.
  • SD-75364, SD-76161 : Unable to preview and download attachments from request if the attachment’s name contains non-latin characters.
  • SD-75550 : On downloading the Cyrillic attachments from request, the name of downloaded file contains only the extension (xls).

Projects :

  • SD-75610 : While editing and updating the Requested by field using the inline edit option, the department field is not getting updated accordingly.

Assets :

  • SD-74808 : Previous day of the loan date is shown instead of the current date in the loan registry list view while extending the loan.
  • SD-73277 : Deleted product types are shown in the Purchase and Asset modules’ Product Type filter.

Purchase :

  • SD-70930 : Estimated cost is not updated while adding/editing a purchase request if there are special characters in the Item name for the selected vendor.

Admin :

  • SD-76466 : If a default change workflow is edited, and “Set as Default” option is unchecked and then checked again, then the workflow is updated to false.
  • SD-75945 : $ variable suggestion is not displayed for reply templates under Admin -> Reply Template.
  • SD-74250 : Add New Product page is displayed in English after changing the language to Japanese/Chinese from the Personalize tab.
  • SD-74357 : Space string can be saved as a pick list option in pick list additional fields.
  • SD-74733 : Unable to configure more than 300 conditions under Admin >> Users >> User Groups.

Others :

  • SD-74369 : During application upgrade, duplicate fields (created in earlier versions) will be renamed if the duplicate had been added by the user as an additional field. Otherwise, the duplicate fields will be removed.


(Released on 28, January, 2019)

New Features in 10010

  • SDF-74562 : ADMP menu will be displayed to all technicians associated to roles in the ADMP actions configuration.
  • SDF-75163 : Option to allow task technician to access requests and technicians in a task group to access requests.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-22229 : Vulnerability in the Solution module fixed.


  • SD-74577 : History is updated wrongly when a request is resolved from pending stop timer status using the global edit option. The issue occurs if the automated close is enabled.
  • SD-72829 : If a requester’s department gets changed after a request creation, then the request’s department is also getting changed.
  • SD-69290 : Unable to save Allowed Exceptions in Data Archiving.
  • SD-70641,SD-72380,SD-69076 : In request add page, the requester details are not getting populated. The issue occurs if the requester is associated to an asset which has single or double quotes in the name field.
  • SD-71148 : Adding resolution to a ticket from the resolution template does not overwrite the existing resolution but rather gets added to the existing resolution.
  • SD-75299 : Update button is missing in request details page while editing through inline edit.
  • SD-74664 : Technician collaboration view count is not updated in the request, if one of the technician (collaborator) moves to the previous request by clicking the browser back button from request details page.
  • SD-74484 : Attachment name is trimmed while clicking Print Preview in request details page.
  • SD-74654 : Back button is missing in the add dependency (actions) window while editing from the request details page.
  • SD-74220 : When there is an unsaved resolution and an user tries to navigate to the next or previous request, the alert appears twice.
  • SD-75583, SD-76012 : After searching a request in request list view, users are unable to update the Status of that request.
  • SD-74704 : Under Advanced Search and New Custom View in Requests, sites are not listed alphabetically.
  • SD-75163 : Technician can now view the request associated with the assigned task.
  • SD-75545 : Browser auto complete of the subject field in add new request page is disabled.
  • SD-75725 : Chat conversation is appended as a system reply instead of requester reply once the chat is closed.
  • SD-74518 : Emails incoming from the Outlook Web App are threaded inaccurately in ServiceDesk Plus because of incorrect References header.
  • SD-73197 : In-Reply-To headers of outgoing emails are incorrect.
  • SD-76339 : Approval page appears in English instead of Danish.

Change :

  • SD-74474 : Unable to update category in change details page using the spot edit option.
  • SD-71010 : Custom page title with special characters is jumbled in the change details page and the problem details page.
  • SD-74401 : When Spot edit is used for the change details section, some fields aren’t displayed properly. The issue occurs only when the change is raised on a template that has Category removed.
  • SD-72072 : Group is displayed incorrectly in the View Changes API for changes assigned with a site that’s referred to the default site.
  • SD-75511 : Unable to update change fields using API if the change is not assigned a group.

Assets :

  • SD-74313 : Breakage: Assets: Comments field shown while changing an asset’s state is also shown while editing an asset.
  • SD-75530 : Alert message in unnecessarily displayed while moving assets from one department to another (which is not associated to any site).

Purchase :

  • SD-74362 : Unable to close Purchase Orders created from Purchase Requests. The issue occurs if the Purchase Requests have value for ‘Requested by’ field.
  • SD-73425 : Item name modified from Admin > Product will get reflected for purchase orders and purchase requests in open status from now on.

Admin :

  • SD-74308 : Unable to remove service catalog additional fields (pick list) values.
  • SD-75565 : Removed groups are still displayed under associated area of incident templates.
  • SD-75556 : In some Linux environments, users are unable to add/update request templates.
  • SD-75704 : Unable to delete a question and save a resource in one go. It takes a couple of attempts to get saved.
  • SD-44560 : Select field in Organize Business Rule window is now re-sizable.
  • SD-75572 : Unable to add variables $FullName $FirstName etc, to the description and save button doesn’t work in the Click Here to customize the approval reminder mail notification window under Admin >> Self-Service Portal >> Approval Settings.
  • SD-75569 : If the task template count exceeds 250, users are unable to access remaining templates from the request template workflow.
  • SD-74123 : Under Admin >> Change/Problem Management >> Change Workflow, the default change workflow has the Set as Default option unchecked.
  • SD-75385 : Unable to remove the technician assigned for Change Manager under Admin >> Helpdesk Customizer >> Category.
  • SD-74079 : Users imported from LDAP contain incorrect Site and Department values.
  • SD-76092 : When mails are sent to groups without inline images, mail fetching is aborted.

Others :

  • SD-76133 : In Linux setups, users are unable to upload files.


(Released on 17, January, 2019)

New Features

  • SDF-63299 : Ability to scan attachments while uploading to SDP portal - Blacklist / whitelist feature

Issue Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-73857 : Vulnerability fixed under Admin >> Project Management >> Project Status.

  • SD-74544 : Directory traversal vulnerability in dashboard widgets.

  • SD-35675 , SD-46452 : Restricting File Upload

    Restrict users from uploading vulnerable files to the application by blacklisting them based on file properties such as file extension or file content type. You can allow only specific files to be uploaded by whitelisting them. You can perform these operations by passing database queries. Click here to know more.

    Note : To prevent vulnerabilities during file upload, empty file upload will not be permitted anymore.

Home :

  • SD-75383 : Technician home page customization is not reflected in non-admin roles.

Requests :

  • SD-75258 : Unable to add work log by using Timer on the request list view page. Also, the Timer entry is not preserved.
  • SD-75386 : Unable to attach files in the .msg format with a request by using the Drag option.
  • SD-75705 : Russian characters are displayed as question marks on the Share Request window.

Assets :

  • SD-71613 : Virtual machines having the same name but in different domains replace each other when scanned.
  • SD-73547 : When a technician assigned to a site creates a license, it gets assigned automatically to the org site if the available site is less than 2. Also, incorrect license count is shown in the software details page.
  • SD-75098 : Scanned software list view is not getting rendered after selecting the site filter.
  • SD-74769 : Assets in the loanable assets list disappears after performing a scan.


  • SD-74085 : Unable to import CIs for a custom CI type when the custom date field has a different format in the CSV and a different format chosen during import.

Admin :

  • SD-75611 : Under Chat Settings, 100 values will be loaded at one time for Exclude chat for group(s) and Exclude chat for site(s) fields.

Others :

  • SD-75380 : Background image of the login page couldn’t be adjusted to the browser size.
  • SD-75265 : Performance issue occurs due to lack of caching of the redundant queries.
  • SD-73838 : Serbia and Montenegro have been added to the installation wizard countries list.
  • SD-75968 : Application goes blank if we select Traditional Chinese language under the Personalize menu.


(Released on 10, January, 2019)

Issues Fixed

Requests :

  • SD-66023 : Unable to search/view a shared Request using the global search option.
  • SD-70453 : Priority of a request is not updated as per the values set in the priority matrix if the request is created via mail.
  • SD-68698 : Priority-based business rule does not work if the request is created by a requester who cannot set the priority. The issue occurs if the priority is set by the priority matrix.
  • SD-71590 : Technician with scope for the template is unable to create a request via API.
  • SD -71804 : Request search in technician details page displays requests of other users with a similar first name. The issue occurs if the display name contains a comma.
  • SD-71940 : When requester/technician field of a request has multiple users (separated by a comma) then clicking on ‘View Requests’ from user details page shows requests belonging to other users with similar first names.

Admin :

  • SD-69452 : More variables are added for business description in business rule notifications.
  • SD-75293 : The loading icon shown while copying field and form rule in incident/service template is not getting disappeared after a successful rule copy.
  • SD-75300 : Templates marked for no further usage are also listed in the copy rules drop-down in field and form rule for incident and service templates.
  • SD- 75368, SD-75561 : The count of the Radio/Multi-select additional fields configured in Global Config can be exceeded while adding a new additional field.
  • SD- 75123 : Form Customizer : Service template’s add page lists the service category field in the available field list.
  • SD- 73367 : Request Template’s API lists the service templates for setups using a standard license.


(Released on 07, January, 2019)

Behavior Change

  • SD-73515 : Under Admin >> Mail Server Settings >> Outgoing, an alert message will be displayed when the primary server has connectivity issues. Meanwhile, emails will be sent through the alternate mail server (if configured) until you save the mail server settings again or restart the application.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-74131 : IDOR vulnerability in request attachments.
  • SD-69609, SD-75691 : JIRA Integration: Option to configure JIRA integration settings (Username and Password) from ServiceDesk Plus UI. Admin » Integrations » JIRA
    Note : All other configurations other than username and password are still in Jira.xml. Click here for more.
  • SD-78731 : Insecure Direct Object Reference vulnerability (CVE-ID-2019-8394) in File Upload sections of the application.

Home :

  • SD-74980 : The Scheduler displays Closed tasks as well.

Dashboard :

  • SD-71787 : When a requester tries to view a shared executive dashboard, an authorization error is thrown.

Requests :

  • SD-74402 : Task comment in a service template is not displayed in the request raised by using the template via requester login.
  • SD-72397 : Business Impact field in Right Hand Side panel and Requester Details dialog are hidden for Standard Edition.
  • SD-70781 : When emails with attachments (.eml files) are sent to ServiceDesk Plus, the attached files are processed and added to the request description, but not as file attachments.
  • SD-72427 : Inline images in mails sent from Outlook 2016 are not parsed in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-75736 : Browser personalization is not considered for new request details page in non-English languages.

Admin :

  • SD-74749 : Text wrap is not applied in FAFR.
  • SD-75736 : Hints in the self-service portal are not translated for German language setups.

Reports :

  • SD-75235 : A horizontal bar is displayed while selecting Requesters in the Advanced Filter section of the Reports page. This issue occurs only in IE.

Others :

  • SD-58938 : Local authentication does not work when users associated with the domain log into the application through native mobile applications.
  • SD-70207 : FAFR changes are not captured in the system log viewer.


(Released on 03, January, 2019)

New Features

  • SDF-74365 : Expiry and Review Date in Solutions

    Configure expiry date and review date for solutions to make sure the solutions are validated and updated periodically.

  • SDF-35631 : EWS Support

    Use Exchange Web Services to connect to an exchange server for mail fetching. Click here to learn more


(Released on 31, December, 2018)

Issues Fixed:


  • SD-73855 : Improper server/client side validation vulnerability in an asset list view URL.
  • SD-73965 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in contracts.
  • SD-73966 : CSRF Vulnerability in POST operation of a certain URL in Reports.
  • SD-74036 : Remote code execution vulnerability in imported XLS under reports.
  • SD-73858 : Improper server/client side validation vulnerability in OrgRoles.
  • SD-74561 : CSRF Vulnerability while performing ADD/UPDATE and DELETE operations in solutions module.


  • SD-73552 : Space between words are rendered as ‘%20’ in purchase request’s approval comments.
  • SD-73590 : Unable to receive the items in a purchase order if the ordered quantity is extremely high.
  • SD-73953 : Unauthorized error message is shown while downloading attachments from Purchase Request via requester login. Issue occurs for requesters with non-login access.


  • SD-74064 : Unable to delete the values for ‘pick list’ type CI attributes.
  • SD-74077 : Support groups with the same name but different letter cases can be created.
  • SD-73566 : Incorrect browser header and tooltip are displayed when you access Admin » Support Groups.


  • SD-74655 : Reports exported as PDF files do not display the content in Thai language.
  • SD-70450 : When a report is generated or exported, temporary files are getting stored under root directory.


  • SD-73926 : During application restore, “\t” is restored as empty space.


(Released on 26, December, 2018)

Behavior Change:

  • SD-74683 :Specify which users (Ticket Owner, Requester, Editor, or Approval Sender) can receive system notifications on individual request approval actions. You can also disable the these notifications. Note that the Notify approver sender for approval actions option will now appear as Notify the following users when an approval action is taken.

    Enable or disable notification to requester after the request logged is approved or rejected. Notification Rules » Request » Notify requester when a request is approved/rejected.

Issues Fixed


  • SD-74138 : Vulnerability in notes section of a request.


  • SD-71312 : Exception while updating a request using API. The issue occurs if we change the group of the request where the assigned technician is not a member.
  • SD-72769 : Unauthorized error message is shown for requesters accessing the request closure link sent via email notification.
  • SD-75558 : Sort option is not working if Notes alone is enabled in conversation.


  • SD-73944 : Notifications are sent to project owners for already completed tasks under projects. Issue occurs if the task is updated (scheduled date) after completion.


  • SD-73889: Error while deleting a service category associated with a module.
  • SD-71146: Updates in Isoverdue column are not recorded or uploaded to Zoho Reports/Analytics Plus. Rather the column value is set as NO.
  • SD-73659: After a missed backup schedule, the backup gets started on the server start time, but then the next backup schedule gets revised to the server startup time instead of the scheduled backup time.
  • SD-72070: While importing users through scheduled AD import, only users from the first 10 domains are imported.


  • SD-73835 : Estimated effort in reports for tasks is displayed in minutes after the latest upgrade


  • SD-73485: : If the execution start or end time contains a null value, the Scheduled Activities page does not load


(Released on 19, December, 2018)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-69989 : In forwarded requests, security headers do not update with the correct values.
  • SD-70639 : Cookie vulnerability fixed.
  • SD-73856 : Vulnerability fixed.


  • SD-46647 : When a request is split, the new request ID in the success message contains a comma.
  • SD-74199 : In request advanced search and custom view, users are unable to add criteria for date field in .au domains.
  • SD-74304 : Subject field is null if the description field in the template is set to “Requesters can view” and the subject field is disabled for all users using FAFR on form load.
  • SD-75524 : Requests module gets greyed out when we log in for the first time after upgrading to the latest version.
  • SD-75336 : Post 10000 upgrade, only 10 Closure codes are displayed in the details page.
  • SD-75374 : Post 10000 upgrade, users are unable to change the request status to "OnHold", if any other status value is removed in FAFR.


  • SD-71586 : Change/task creation becomes slower when the change notification is enabled.
  • SD-74031 : Unable to send notifications for a change from requester login.
  • SD-69313 : Asset icon will be displayed only for the logged in users with add asset permission.
  • SD-71767 : An error occurs while modifying a change status with the variable $ChangeRoles in notification template after creating a change role and configuring a user and then deleting the change role.
  • SD-75313 : Non-login users are not able to send notification and save closure codes.


  • SD-74611 : Agent : For the agent-server communication, SHA-1 certificate has been replaced with SHA-256 certificate.
  • SD-73912 : Asset import through CSV file now supports multi-line values inserted within double quotes.
  • SD-73916 : After scanning, Cisco IP phones have their State invariably changed to In Store. It has been fixed.
  • SD-73828 : Under Barcode >> Print Barcode >> Manual, Site of label properties is not saved if Not associated to any site was selected. It has been fixed.
  • SD-72884 : Technicians (except SDAdmin) couldn’t edit State of assets by using Global edit in the asset details page. It has been fixed.
  • SD-73881 : Issue occurs while performing a script scan on application running in the HTTPS mode with a self signed or a trusted certificate.


  • SD-72042 : Additional fields are listed twice (Once in English and once in the custom language) if we add 3 or more additional fields. Issue occurs in non-English setups.
  • SD-75544 : Post 10000 migration, values set for options under Security Settings are not rendered properly in https mode.
  • SD-70952 : When a UDF field is renamed, FAFR associated with that field is deleted.
  • SD-75529 : More information link is broken in chat help card under chat settings.


  • SD-75359 : Product version in the EXE file’s properties section shows 7600 instead of 10000.


(Released on 12, December, 2018)

Issues Fixed


  • SD-74037 : CSRF vulnerabilities in incident or service request.


  • SD-75279 : Post upgrade to 10, some users are unable to submit the Add New Request form if FAFR is enabled and description in the template is set as mandatory.
  • SD-75292 : Request conversations are not sorted properly in descending order in MSSQL setups.
  • SD-70982 : Cc users are also notified if the notification “Notify requester when a request is appended with technician’s reply by email” is enabled.
  • SD-70756 : Duplicated resolved requests are not closed as per the request closing rules. The issue occurs if only automated close option is selected.
  • SD-70582 : Import request through xls option is displayed for users who do not have SDAdmin role.
  • SD-69797 : Priority of a request doesn’t get changed based on the priority matrix if urgency or impact is modified using the global edit. The issue occurs if “Allow requesters and technicians to override the Priority Matrix” is enabled.
  • SD-70139 : Label name for ‘notifying a technician’ email template is not displayed.

Purchase Order:

  • SD-70441 : After exporting POs, the ‘Created Date’ column has values in a unreadable format.
  • SD-72729 : Purchase orders get reopened after their closure if they are approved by one of the approvers after closing the PO.
  • SD-73070 : Product type and product drop-downs in the PO creation form do not display more than 25 results.
  • SD-73075 : Unable to receive items from POs if the name of those items contain more than 100 characters.
  • SD-73198 : Able to send approval link even when the PO is in invoice Received status.


  • SD-73575 : Unable to view the license list view page from software details page in ppm setups.


  • SD-73851 : Scripts in Custom Triggers is getting trimmed after migrating to latest build. The issue occurs as the max. character in “Execute script” field is restricted to 200 characters.


(Released on 10, December, 2018)

Behavior Change

  • SD-71824 : In the combined list view of requests and tasks, you can view the total count of tasks by clicking the Horizontal Ellipsis icon at the bottom-right corner of the task list.
  • SD-71824 : To get the item count in any module other than Requests using GET API, pass get_total_count as true under list_info of Input Data.
  • SD-74373 : Users with the request-related permission Editing/Deleting others Time Entry can now delete all work logs under the request.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-73718 : Vulnerability in status field of a request.
  • SD-74088 : Vulnerability in auto-suggestions of requests.

Requests :

  • SD-74934 : Dependent (group, technician) fields under the Assign popup are not updated as per changes made in the Site and Group fields. The issue occurs only in firefox.
  • SD-75220 : Technician with restricted access could not update Group of a request that is not associated with any site.
  • SD-75165 : Unable to close requests from list view in specific scenarios. The issue occurs if the close prompt is set as "No".
  • SD-28649 : ‘Alert/notify technician when there is a reply from requester’ is not fetching the description of the request.
  • SD-73580 : Request History tab becomes empty when the department of the request is changed (by changing the requester) and deleting the old department.
  • SD-73736 : The resolved date of a request is not repopulated while reopening the request.
  • SD-73814 : When the request conversation is forwarded or resent, the same is not captured in history.
  • SD-68484 : Intermediate editor change notification, which is sent for requesters, carries the old editor’s name instead of the current one.
  • SD-71336, SD-63878, SD-64124 : Service request can be closed even without filling out the mandatory fields, selected under Request Closing Rules.
  • SD-71788 :Approved approvals are getting listed in ‘My Pending Approvals’ widget in the home page if the approval configuration is changed from “Anyone can approve” to “All must approve” in templates.
  • SD-72030 : Approval action message has been fixed for grammatical correctness.
  • SD-72545 : Service Request SLA’s response time was not recalculated to reflect change in site.
  • SD-70255 : Unable to create a request using Quick Actions for a new requester.
  • SD-70916 : Certain actions from the Request Details page are delayed.
  • SD-73373 : Column search on decimal field in the Request List View throws an error.
  • SD-74974 : When a technician deletes the only approval of a request, the request moves to the Approved status from Pending Approval status.
  • SD-72083 : Survey font icons are not compatible in some versions of IE.

Changes :

  • SD-74473 : Close icon is not visible in the Status Action Failure message displayed in a change.
  • SD-73947, SD-73931 : Email sent to users upon assigning a change task does not contain the task title, though the notification template is configured with $Associated Title.

Projects :

  • SD-72761 : Alignment issue occurs while exporting gantt view.

Assets :

  • SD-72514 : Alignment issue occurs when a value is added for Multi-line asset additional field.

Home :

  • SD-75084 : Post upgrade to 10.0, for custom roles, the home page does not display Announcements, My Tasks and My Summary Widget [Workaround: Edit the custom roles and save them. This should fix the issue.]
  • SD-74403 : In the Technician Availability Chart under Scheduler, the Edit option for Unavailability Marking of a technician is displayed away from the selected date, if the technician is located by scrolling down the page.
  • SD-73559 : In requester login, incident widget shrinks on decreasing the widget width while using IE.

Others :

  • SD-73612 : Unable to view the chat attachments.
  • SD-74329 : Unable to edit/add dashboard, when the existing licence is downgraded to standard edition.
  • SD-70935 : Unable to modify a Category/Type field in the Edit/Add Product Type page after editing the default product type.
  • SD-73927 : While selecting images using the image browser pop-up in CI type page, only GIFs option is shown in the format field.


(Released on 03, December, 2018)

New Features

  • SDF-70860 : Request Life Cycle (RLC)

    • Configure a clear sequence of statuses for any incoming request so that the assigned technician is guided to the next possible transition(s) easily. The next possible transition for any request is displayed in the Request Details page.
    • Associate a life cycle to any number of templates. However, a template can be associated with only one life cycle.
    • The life cycle contains nodes (request status) and transitions. The transitions are paths that connect two statuses. Transitions can be configured with rules to check for criteria and trigger corresponding actions or send notifications. These transitions can also be restricted by login permissions. That is, only authorized technicians will be able to work on specific transitions.
    • You can also mandate request fields during a status execution than when the request is being logged.
    • Admin >> Helpdesk Customizer >> Request Life Cycle Click here to learn more
  • SDF-73206 : Request Details Page - Revamp

    The request details page has been given a UI revamp with the request information prioritized with clear categories to help users quickly access the requests.

    Some of the modifications are as follows:

    • The page is divided into three sections: Request List, Request Details with the Global Edit option, and Crucial Request Information with the Spot Edit option.
    • Custom actions are listed in a separate drop-down.
    • Work logs are accommodated in a brand-new tab.
    • Combined view for notes and conversations through email notifications.
    • Request Closure Wizard has been introduced.
    • Request Preview has been revamped across the product.
    • New Attachment Viewer for the Request module.
    • Support to drag and drop files to the Attachments section.
    • Under Requests, click any request. Click here to learn more.
  • SDF-71026: HTML Editor Enhancements

    • HTML editor across product now has the following enhancements:
      • Smiley support
      • Modify Table Properties
      • Edit HTML Code
  • V3 API support for Custom Trigger

  • SDF- 69055 : Perform custom trigger actions using the V3 API. Click here to learn more

    • Notes API for Requests
  • SDF- 74194: Add, update, get, delete notes to requests using V3 API

  • SDF-69055 : Email notification in Custom Triggers

    • Notify users about the important events in a request’s life cycle. You can notify technicians about high priority or important requests right when it is being created or notify requesters once their tickets get assigned to a technician.
    • Create and save new templates for the email notifications and use them when needed.
    • Admin >> Custom Triggers >> Email Notification Click here to learn more.
  • SDF-26625, SDF-57839, SDF-40620 : You can now add attachments to a request by using the drag and drop option. Also, files that can be previewed will have Preview and Download options separately. Other files will be downloaded in a click.

    • Request >> Attachments

      View screenshots attached in requests from the request list view.

      Requests >> Request List view >> Attachment icon

  • SDF-36474 : Option to display resolution in the request details page while selecting

    • Actions >> View Requests by Requesters
  • SDF-65492 : HelpdeskConfig Role

    • Introducing a new role “HelpdeskConfig” to perform all request-related configurations across the product. This default and non-editable role has access to only the Home and Admin pages. Can be used to share the SDAdmin’s workload.
    • Admin >> Users >> Roles
  • SDF-45919 : Option to show/hide asset field for users in the request creation page.

  • SDF-46761 : Option to change request status from the requests list view.

  • SDF-39211 : Option to show the mandatory label mark (*) when a request is edited through inline edit.

  • SDF-40620 : Attach files to a request using the drag & drop option.

  • SDF-73523 : Requester’s email info will be displayed while sharing a request.

  • SDF-46873 : Under Conversations, you can now sort the request notifications and notes, together or individually, based on the earliest or recent time of creation.

  • SDF-50913 : You can now separate and view user emails from system notifications by using the filter under Conversations.

  • SDF-52282 : Request Closing Wizard

  • Guide technicians using Request Closing Wizard to fill out the missed mandatory fields while closing a request. This will come handy when a technician closes a request without filling out the mandatory field configured in closing rules (Admin >> Request Closing Rules) such as Resolution, category/sub-category etc. The technician will be shown a prompt from where the technician can fill out the missed out fields.

  • Admin >> Request Closing Rules. Click here to learn more.

  • SDF-47194 : Under Conversations, Reply and Forward icons are available at the top right corner of every user email or system notification.

  • SDF-59782 : Configure the sections to be displayed by default in the request print preview by using a direct query in the database. Users can, however, select and view any section inside the print preview page.

  • SDF-63476 : Inline images of Description in the request details page come with Download and Print options.

  • SDF-29350 : Make the attachment field mandatory for requests.

    Admin >> Incident Template >> Field and form rules

  • SDF-64135 : In service and incident templates, you can now define a field and form rule to hide, show, disable, and enable the Description field for all three events.

  • SDF-60073 : Perform Lucene search for requests by using requesters’ email addresses. This feature will take about a few hours to reflect in the upgraded build.

    Note : After the upgrade, search may not work until the data gets reindexed.

Behaviour Changes

  • SD-74198 : Hidden Unanswered Resources

    In the service request details page, pending (or unanswered) resources questions will not be displayed unless you edit the resource section.

    Requests can be closed only through the global edit/spot edit/ and inline edit options from now on. Close button will not be displayed.

  • SD-26094 : Header tab made visible in the request list view while scrolling down requests.

  • SD-69444 : It is now possible to update request status under Request details >> Resolution, based on the rule conditions set under 'Field and Form Rules’.

  • SD-74928 : Zoho Reports’ name has been changed as Zoho Analytics

  • SD-70860 : Previously, using the close link (Sent via mail), requesters can close the ticket even if any closing rule is not satisfied. Now, closing rules are applied on the ticket and the ticket is closed only if all the mandatory fields and dependency requests are closed.

  • SD-70860 : Description update will not be supported in Business Rules script UPDATE operation anymore.

  • Fields that are made mandatory in the incident/service templates cannot be changed to non-mandatory ones using Field and Form Rules.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-73964 : XSS vulnerability in announcements page.
  • SD-73215 : Autocomplete for password fields across the product is disabled.
  • SD-22271 : Vulnerability occurs while sending solution approvals.
  • SD-22270 : Vulnerability occurs while forwarding solutions.
  • SD-22229 : Vulnerability occurs while adding solutions to problems.
  • SD-71717 : Possibility of vulnerable script injection while creating new dashboards.
  • SD-73363 : XSS vulnerability in the custom schedule’s name field.
  • SD-73854 : XSS vulnerability in request module.
  • SD-71725 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a technician being able to see assets across sites in reports page.
  • SD-72005 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a user without any login credentials being able to view request attachments.

Home :

  • SD-48953 : While sending notification mail for announcements, the mandatory rule for the recipient field is not applied
  • SD-72409 : The width of To and CC fields under ‘Send this announcement as mail’ has become very small after upgrading to 9414.
  • SD-71771 : Announcement count shown in the home page is not accurate as the one shown in "Show all view".

Dashboard :

  • SD-71004 : Inconsistencies in font sizes of some widgets under change dashboard.

Requests :

  • SD-21037 : Unable to add work logs from Request Edit page.
  • SD-69576 : Formatting changes done to request description is not saved. This is fixed.
  • SD-73875 : Field and Form Rules for $CS.removeOptions does not work for options that contain special characters.
  • SD-70927 : Contents of the ticket is cut down in print preview when the content of the resolution is lengthy.
  • SD-73259 : The maximum width of the request edit & view page layout is increased to accommodate seamless content display in widescreen monitors.
  • SD-73551 : Translation error occurs for Danish language setups in Request Time Elapsed Analysis tab.
  • SD-73833 : Associated assets of a request are not displayed in the request approval form.
  • SD-73847 : Unable to load a template if a subcategory in it is recently deleted/greyed out.
  • SD-73520 : An irrelevant alert message is shown while updating the Site field in a request using the global edit option.
  • SD-73423 : Exception occurs while approving a service request in the Stage 2 Approval. The issue occurs if “Allow Self Approval of Requests” option is disabled and the stage 1 approver happens to be a self-approver.
  • SD-73849 : Garbled characters are displayed while searching for request templates. The issue occurs if the template’s name has more than 90 characters.
  • SD-67719 : When pressing tab key from the requester field of a request, text cursor initially goes to the asset field, but then the requester details page refreshes automatically and the text cursor shifts to requester field again.
  • SD-69825 : Incident icon is not shown properly in the archived request’s print preview.
  • SD-70103 : Inconsistencies in UI when viewing the asset details from “User Assets” view of a request.
  • SD-70597 : Logical inconsistencies in Enable/Disable icons in service templates.
  • SD-70067 : Characters at the beginning of a description are not visible in requests created through outlook.
  • SD-73426 : When a linked request is linked to another request, the detachment record of the old linkage is not captured in the history.
  • SD-73181 : Unable to archive requests if the content length in E-mail Id(s) To Notify field is more than 250 characters. The issue occurs in MSSQL setups.
  • SD-72373 : When trying to create a request via helpdesk mail by copying and pasting an image alone in the body of the mail, the image is not displayed in the description of the request.
  • SD-73365 : Variables in the Notification rules’ global reply template gets added in the custom reply templates by default when replying to a request.
  • SD-71671 : Unable to get request attachment using attahment API by requester.
  • SD-74071 : An unnecessary error message with respects to purchase request is shown while editing the Site of an existing request. The issue occurs in a standard edition setup

Changes :

  • SD-73660 : Translation error occurs for French language setups under Project/Change Management.
  • SD-71767 : Exception occurs while changing the status of a change.
  • SD-71157 : My Approvals tab is not visible for logged-in approvers. The issue occurs if the change type was removed from the change template with which the change sent for approval was created.
  • SD-68493 : Change list view filter is filled with empty values for technicians whose super change permissions are recently revoked.
  • SD-66867 : Change approver role is deletable.
  • SD-70558 : Attach / Detach buttons under request list section of a change are missing in the planning stage. Attach/Detach buttons are disabled for problem list section of a change in the planning stage.

Projects :

  • SD-73816 : Error occurs while importing MPP files in projects.

Assets :

  • SD-71794 : When we push data from a remote server to a central server, even if the scan status of the workstation is failed in the remote server, “SUCCESS” message is shown in the central server from the second time onwards.
  • SD-74251 : Some details such as Manufacturer, Domain Name, Last logged-in User are not fetched while scanning AIX machines.
  • SD-74039 : Error occurs while trying to view an Asset’s History tab.
  • SD-74022 : Unable to change the CI type of a scanned software (both managed and non-managed) to null after associating it to some value.
  • SD-71805 : Newly created software and software suites do not appear in the list view. The issue occurs if the compliance calculation is disabled in the database while creating.
  • SD-69814 : While calculating compliance of a child software, the parent software is not checked for compliance.
  • SD-73723 : Unable to add a software suite for software belonging to the same manufacturer under All Manufacturer filter in software list view.
  • SD-73831 : Unable to edit the site of a license which is associated with a software license agreement.

Purchase :

  • SD-70012 : Due to the missing screen scroll bar in ‘Add Invoice’ pop-up, users are unable to save invoices in laptops with 14-inch screens.


  • SD-72152 : The “Actions” and “New” drop-downs do not appear for certain CI types under the CMDB tab.
  • SD-73557 : CMDB API: Unable to fetch IP Addresses using API in MSSQL Setup.

Others :

  • SD-72650 : Unable to close tech to tech chat if a technician involved in that chat is recently converted as a requester.
  • SD-74355 : Unable to add more than 100 characters as UDF field values in template customization.
  • SD-73477 : The task reminder notification details are not available under Admin >> Notification Rules.
  • SD-70429 : Organized tasks are not shown properly in task list view.
  • SD-69269 : Error message is not shown properly while adding a duplicate project role name with a script tag.
  • SD-71631 : Unable to create PM tasks using service templates. The issue occurs in some builds (9404-9409) which have recently performed a backup and restore operation.
  • SD-73189 : Unable to copy a service template which has service cost enabled but has 0 value.
  • SD-73190 : Unable to edit the product cost and save a resource question in service template if the product name has a hyphen in it.
  • SD-70992 : Font issue in the self-service portal’s request summary view.
  • SD-70053 : Change additional fields are not removed from Change closure rules even if the Change additional fields are deleted.
  • SD-72320 : Application sends email notifications to users for completed reminders.
  • SD-71159 : Hyperlink provided in Service Catalog SSP is not working.
  • SD-72208 : An exception is thrown for technicians trying to edit their support groups.
  • SD-72300 : Holidays created for custom sites gets added under default settings.
  • SD-67053 : Keystore password is not encrypted.
  • SD-73116 : During backup, tables which contain Schar and PK columns throws an OOM error.
  • SD-74021 : Failure occurs while upgrading to the latest version of the application if we have included the requester details section at the end of any request template.
  • SD-72102 : During backup, .sql files with data storage exceeding 1GB will be split into multiple .sql files. The new files will be named in the tablename_fileindex format.
  • SD-69233 : Following files have been added to the trimmed backup:
    1. conf\Server.xml
    2. bin\run.bat (
    3. bin\startDB.bat (
    4. conf\wrapper.conf
    5. \fos\fosInputs.conf
    6. conf\web.xml
    7. conf\
    8. conf\TrayIconInfo.xml
    9. conf\sdp.keystore
  • SD-69358 : During the upgrade, compressableMimeType will include application/json as well.
  • SD-74145, SD-74361 : Maximum limit for response_comment field in non-login survey form is increased to 500 characters.


(Released on 12 April, 2019)

Issues Fixed in 9427

  • SD-77871 : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10008) and User Enumeration Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10273) in login page has been fixed.


(Released on 28, November, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9426

  • SD-74184 : Mail processing time increases in IMAP protocol if the attachment size is huge.
  • SD-74263 : The Apple push notification certificate is updated in this build.


(Released on 31, October, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9425


  • SD-61216 : Cross site scripting vulnerability in change password.
  • SD-73218 : Information disclosure vulnerability in Contact Support section under Help.
  • SD-73219 : Cross site scripting vulnerabilities in Language section of the Personalization menu.
  • SD-73928 : XSS vulnerability in Personalization menu.
  • SD-73929 : XSS vulnerability in View All Requesters API.
  • SD-70638 : Vulnerability: Inappropriate use of HTTP methods while resetting user password.


(Released on 30, October, 2018)

Behavior Change in 9424

  • SD-71761 : Earlier, while creating a request/ticket, the client machine’s host name was stored in the request’s history. Henceforth, only the client machine’s IP address will be stored since the property ‘enabledLookups’ will be set to ‘false’ in ‘server.xml’ file by default.

  • You can revert to the old behavior by setting the property ‘enabledLookups’ to ‘true’ in the ‘server.xml’ file

    Note: This requires a restart and might result in performance problems since resolving the client host name depends on a call to the DNS server.

Issues Fixed in 9424


  • SD-22200 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a technician being able to view all changes.
  • SD-22231 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a technician being able to send announcements.
  • SD-22246 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a technician being able to add reminders.
  • SD-22255 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a technician being able to view add remainder page.
  • SD-22267 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a technician being able to view change related reminders.
  • SD-69231 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of a user being able to view task template details.
  • SD-70610 : XSS vulnerability in Request Form description under Insert Image, reported by Hussien Yousef of Saudi Information Technology Company, was fixed
  • SD-71464 : Input value is not encoded in log files resulting in a XSS vulnerability
  • SD-71473 : Vulnerability found in file extraction during the restore process.
  • SD-72074 : Vulnerability present in the attachment path.
  • SD-72572 : Fixed CRC related issue in restore process.
  • SD-73217 : Information disclosure vulnerability present in home page.


  • SD-69831 : Able to view project tasks in Home tab’s tasks list view after downgrading the license from trail version to standard/professional.
  • SD-71972 : Under Home >> Tasks >> Show All Tasks, the ‘Owner’ field doesn’t populate the Project members for the tasks created under a Project.


  • SD-71090: OOM Error occurs while processing ‘Unassigned and Open Requests’ Dashboard widget if there are many Open requests.


  • SD-71095 : In Service Template workflow, sending of approval emails fails for requesters who do not have ‘Service Request Approver’ permission but are Department Heads.
  • SD-71458 : Unable to translate request list view columns in non-English languages.
  • SD-73323 : 9418 Breakage: The issue fix for ‘When more than one approver has same e-mail id, error message shown for actual approver while taking approval action’ is broken.
  • SD-73417 : The set field action of FAFR does not work for radio button field.


  • SD-70802 : Task bars are blank in PDFs exported from Projects Gantt view.
  • SD-70919 : While navigating from a project to the next project by clicking the right arrow in project details page, same project loads repeatedly.
  • SD-72812 : @PROJECT_OWNER variable fetches milestone owner in milestone comments.
  • SD-73169 : Project Dashboard is present for technician without project module permission.


  • SD-73852, SD-73859 : 9422 Breakage: Requesters are not able to view solutions.


  • SD-69169 : Technician and Support Group are not saved in task templates when the application runs in Internet Explorer 11.
  • SD-69664 : Server link in the Account Lockout email notification is not opened.
  • SD-70368 : While creating a copy of a site, the sender name and sender email of the default site’s support group is copied
  • SD-73678 : Field and form rules binding does not work for resources in grid view.
  • SD-71882 : Security settings >> Security response headers: After updating the latest service pack, custom security response headers are lost.


  • SD-72306 : Default report: Time spent by technician on projects is not working in MSSQL.


  • SD-73572, SD-73579 : SDP mobile app: When trying to reply to a conversation, the ‘To’ field is not auto-populated in mobile app version 4.7.1.


  • SD-69465 : Option to download digitally signed service packs
  • SD-70502 : Secondary installation configured for Fail Over Service (FOS) does not start if the application runs in the HTTPS mode.
  • SD-70646 : Files uploaded on to the application through UI are not replicated in the secondary installation configured for Fail Over Service (FOS).
  • SD-70739 : No proper authentication error message is shown for incorrect non-login URLs.
  • SD-70751 : Tasks added by changing the task template are not shown for technicians in calendar view(Home -> scheduler) in foreign language setups
  • SD-70947 : A grammatically wrong message is displayed while accessing a deleted task ID.
  • SD-71005 : Update manager heap size is set to 512M even after migrating to BIN setup
  • SD-71721 : Group is removed while editing a task using the ‘Edit icon in task details page’ from the comments tab.
  • SD-72857 : For instances enabled with Active Directory authentication along with dynamic user addition, user login fails if the username is in upper case
  • SD-73041 : Out Of Memory error occurs during the backup of directories with large number of files. If you adjust the memory size and complete the backup, Restore will still not be possible.
  • SD-73154 : Backup restore fails without the fileattachment zip in it. The issue occurs only if the previous backup has been manually terminated.
  • SD-73506 : Unable to change port number while installing ServiceDesk Plus in Windows machine.
  • SD-73562 : Incomplete backup files will have the .partial extension to distinguish from the complete backup files with the .data extension. Please note that the incomplete backup files cannot be restored.
  • SD-69306 : New indexes have been added to few columns in database tables for better performance.
  • SD-71578 : Application lag caused by logging and i/o delay.


(Released on 22, October, 2018)


  • SDF-70993 : Option to disable automatic delta scan. Admin >> Discovery >> Scan Settings.

Issues fixed in 9423


  • SD-71557 : XSS vulnerability found in success/failure message pop-ups is fixed.
  • SD-69428 : XSS Vulnerability in the Software Metering graph of the Software Summary page.


  • SD-70892 : In a certain scenario, issue occurs while viewing History tabs of some assets.
  • SD-71049, SD-71127 : Error occurs while Auto Assigning assets. The issue happens if the page has more than 150 workstations.
  • SD-71376 : Unable to update the WarrantyExpiry date in Diff scan while syncing the asset data from Desktop Central to SD.
  • SD-72560 : Org Serial Number field is getting duplicated in the CI details page of workstations and servers.
  • SD-72400 : Assets that are not associated to any site are not displayed for technicians without site association.
  • SD-71873 : There is no managed connection while uninstalling an agent.
  • SD-72411 : Agent information of the scanned XMLs from Desktop Central is now captured in ServiceDesk Plus.


  • SD-70632 : Unable to enter names with characters more than 30 in purchase orders.
  • SD-70798 : When an approver’s name contains characters from a foreign language then these characters’ encoded values are displayed in the Print Preview section of the corresponding purchase orders.
  • SD-69240 : Attachment names with commas cause page break in the Purchase Order form.
  • SD-70922 : Notification table entry undone after changing the PO status to 'Ordered’.
  • SD-71860 : Unable to delete an existing item and add new from PO edit page.
  • SD-72310 : Default Sales Tax Rate is not maintained in a PO once a vendor is selected.


  • SD-71128 : A technician with only “View” permission for contracts can attach documents to it.


  • SD-70941 : The scanned asset/workstation additional field values for a VM host get reset to default values, if configured.
  • SD-72376 & SD-74063 : While scanning CentOs machines with version above 7.2 and Red Hat machines with version above 7, the IP and MAC addresses are not captured.
  • SD-69033 : Custom CI type of workstations/servers is not preserved after a second scan.
  • SD-70950 : After the scan In SDP version9423, Network scanned status and last scanned time is not updated.


  • SD-69974 : Application freezes while clicking on the Add New Cost Centre button. The issue occurs due to loading of too many departments.
  • SD-70262 : Asset CSV import fails when a non-SD-Admin performs the import. The issue occurs if the username field is left blank and only the department name is filled in the CSV file.
  • SD-72303 : In Asset details page, the title is not in i18N.
  • SD-69147 : CIs under a child CI type is only partially preserved when the child CI is added to a different parent.
  • SD-69156 : Unable to access the Standalone Audit page by a technician who though is not an SDAdmin but has the “Scan Now” permission in Assets Module.
  • SD-73357 : Technicians (except admins) could not add/edit assets from the left panel in the Asset Home page.
  • SD-71861 : Global search under Assets now includes the value in Last Logged In User.
  • SD-73622 : UI glitch occurs on clicking expand icon in department field in Cost Center. Admin >> Purchase/Contract Management.


  • SD-70080 : Incorrect software information stored in the database.


  • SD-70564 : Under CMDB, unable to delete barcode if more than 100 CIs are deleted in one go.


  • SD-71612 : Security exception occurs during remote access by Web RDP for any non-English languages.


  • SD-73263 : GET API for CI Details using criteria is not working in the REST API Documentation tool.
  • SD-70008 : Applications installed in an Iphone scanned by Desktop Central and pushed into ServiceDesk Plus are not listed under the Applications tab.


(Released on 11, October, 2018)

New features in 9422

  • SDF-69532 : Advanced analytics integration for ServiceDesk Plus now supports two new modules - Projects and Solutions.

  • Project management analytics

    Track progress of all your projects simultaneously from a single console. These reports help you identify bottlenecks and closely monitor project activities using Burn-down and Burn-up charts.

  • Analytics on Solutions/Knowledge-base

    Keep your knowledge-base articles up-to-date by analyzing the usage patterns and measuring the relevance of your self-service solutions.

  • Analytics on Request transition history

    Analyze the transition history of a request such as,

    1. The number of times each request was re-assigned to a different technician.
    2. The amount of time a request was put in an on-hold state.
    3. The number of support groups that have worked on each request.
  • SDF-72903 : Support for Bulgarian language in ServiceDesk Plus

Issue Fixed in 9422


  • SD-68374 : External Entity Injection (XXE) vulnerability while processing license XML data (CVE-2019-14693)
  • SD-68374 : When a vulnerable license file gets uploaded, no proper error message is shown
  • SD-69317 : Vulnerability: Credential information is hard coded in plain text format
  • SD-71558 : vulnerability in asset association field
  • SD-72592 : Script error pops up while changing the list view filter/personalization in projects/change list view pages.
  • SD-68703 : GET URLs replaced with POST URLs.
  • SD-72082 : Directory traversal vulnerability found in file upload.


  • SD-70986 : Time format configured in Personalize menu is not reflecting in My Reminder(s) widget in the home page
  • SD-73571 : ‘Report an incident’ widget contents are not translated for non-English languages.


  • SD-71616, SD-71420 : Technicians are not able to open pending tasks from their dashboard page if their name contains (,) comma


  • SD-68176 : Closure Code and Closure Comments added by a technician when resolving a request reset to a null value after the requester closes the request.
  • SD-68529 & SD-71431 : An exception is thrown while deleting a conversation in request
  • SD-70631 : Request couldn’t be updated after deleting the user assigned as the request’s Editor.
  • SD-70924 : A service request that’s raised on a template configured with the approval condition Do not assign technician before Service Request is approved and converted into an incident request could not be reverted to a service request.
  • Please note that you can directly modify the template of a service request into a different service template.
  • SD-71888 : Query performance for shared list view filter is improved.
  • SD-72147 : Password Manager Pro Integration: Unable to view passwords for PMP resources from within SDP.
  • SD-72399 : Unable to select request group filter if there are special characters in the group name.
  • SD-73265 : Issue occurs while loading a resource question’s pick list values in grid view.
  • SD-73303 & SD-73306 : Help card text is not wrapped properly in the request details page for requester logins


  • SD-70887 : Unable to add a technician in ‘exclude list’ under ‘Technician Auto Assign’ if the technician’s email id contains a single quote (').
  • SD-70990 : In Professional and Standard editions, service category couldn’t be deleted.
  • SD-71632 : Edited SSP message in incident and service catalogs get restored to the default message when PPM is applied
  • SD-71652 : HTTPS error message shown in ME integration page is not pointing to the right section in help card
  • SD-72795 : Closed option is not displayed for Status field in the criteria section of the custom trigger.
  • SD-73310 : Issue of field properties being editable from the requester layout
  • SD-73511 : Unable to add more than 100 values for incident/service request’s pick list additional fields
  • SD-73536 : Inability to add more than 10 options for a resource question, under Service Catalog.
  • SD-73537 : Few customers, who configured the ServiceDesk Plus application in HTTP and simultaneously enabled the HTTP to HTTPS redirection, couldn’t submit the surveys and encountered an ‘undefined’ error.
  • SD-73549 : Inability to add more than 10 questions for a resource, under Service Catalog.
  • SD-71212 : Users’ email addresses are not merged if the user merge process is initiated from the requester list view.
  • SD-73496 : Advanced Analytics sync failure, caused by the addition of encrypted incident additional fields in configuration file, which resulted in breakages in 9418.
  • SD-69043 : Unable to add additional fields in Advanced Analytics Plus if the alias name has more than 60 characters
  • SD-65879 : For enhanced security, Zoho Reports will now be accessible only through TLS1.2 from Nov 1st 2018. Support for TLS 1.2 connectivity has been added in this release. Customers are requested to move to this version before Nov 1st 2018, to avoid Zoho Reports integration failure.


  • SD-72163 : Technician unable to receive chat requests if the technician is enabled for one chat group and excluded from other groups
  • SD-72593 : Technicians with ‘Enable CMDB’ role is not listed in Chat’s ‘All Technicians’ list


  • SD-26644 : Query Report : Capitalized characters in the display name of a column in a table under query reports gets un-capitalized automatically.
  • SD-70145 : Deleted service catalog additional fields displayed under Available Columns in custom reports.


  • SD-73545 : Newly added and modified keys are supported in all languages.


(Released on 04, October, 2018)

Issue Fixed in 9421

  • SD-73564 :Cross site scripting vulnerability is present while viewing the asset details page


(Released on 25, September, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9420

  • SD-73254 : Asset field is available in both incident and service templates of the standard edition.
  • SD-71359 : Configure Agent’s TLS Protocols and Ciphers to secure communications from within the Agent side. Configure it under Admin >> Windows Agent Configuration >> Settings.
  • SD-73273 : Field and form rule configured with the “enable field” action for incident template does not get applied to request form.


(Released on 19, September, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9419

  • SD-73208 : After upgrading to 9418, approvers are unable to approve incident/service requests in the Standard and Professional edition.
  • SD-73207 : Upgrade failure occurs if the notification subject and description in custom change status are empty. This issue occurs in those setups where mapping of old status to new custom status executed, after migrating from older versions to 9.0


(Released on 17, September, 2018)

Behavior Changes in 9418

  • SDF-63255 : Change workflow will be displayed only in Single view and not in Tab view anymore.
  • SDF-72086 : The application will function on free license after the acquired license expiry.
  • SDF-72909 : Duplicate additional fields will be automatically removed from the request template forms. To view the changes, go to the System Log Viewer.

New Features in 9418

  • SDF-73175 : In service templates, ability to mark cost of individual resources along with the base service cost so that requesters get to know the over all service cost, and approvers can take action based on the cost involved. To learn more, click here.
  • SDF-45759, SDF-38935, SDF-47202, SDF-47573, SDF-53066, SDF-60260, SDF-61173, SDF-65154, SDF-45834, SDF-46616 : In request templates, add sections, search existing fields, preview the template, and provide help content for individual fields and for the template. In addition, you can bulk add pick list values and reorder them.
  • SDF-61033 : Field and form rules inclusion for each incident template will be indicated by an icon in the list view.
  • SDF-40475, SDF-47321, SDF-47888, SDF-46885, SDF-23574 : New field types such as Radio and Checkbox are available for incident additional fields.
  • SDF-36189 : You can now change the template of a service request. The new template can be from the same or different service category.
  • SDF-29892 : Archive requests by using the Any Completed Status criteria under Admin>>General Settings>>Data Archiving.
  • SDF-66881 : Files attached to a change in the Submission and Planning stages will be added to CAB recommendation email notifications.
  • SDF-65546 : SDAdmin can now mandate change roles in templates, and users can assign change roles while creating the change request.
  • SDF-63255 : Change roles to be notified for a given status is made specific to a change workflow. The Notify To field in a change status can be edited only within a change workflow.
  • SDF-65657 : In change workflow, configure auto-approval for changes recommended by all CAB members.
  • SDF-65114 : Define change custom triggers to be executed for recommendation, rejection, or any approval action by a CAB member. Also, you can set status change as a criteria to be fulfilled by changes for executing the trigger.
  • SDF-73177 : Share a Change Request with all technicians by selecting $AllTechnicians for SharedRole, or select specific technicians for the role.
  • SDF-60652 : User can view and perform approval actions on change requests from within iOS mobile application.
  • SDF-73179 : User emails and system notifications will be listed under Conversations inside a change. You can also reply to and forward notifications.
  • SDF-63637 : The Asset Loan feature enables you to mark loanable assets; track asset loaning, return, extension, and expiry; and configure asset loaning notifications. To learn more, click here.
  • SDF-61123 : Integrate ServiceDesk Plus with Mobile Device Manager Plus to track lost devices and perform various tasks, such as lock the device and wipe off data.
  • SDF-31037, SDF-45095, SDF-37001 : User import from Active Directory can now fetch Employee ID and ‘Large Integer’ type field accountExpires.
  • SDF-70656 : ADManager Plus integration, with a revamped UI, now offers the following additional user management actions through Active Directory :
    • Add to Group
    • Modify Department
    • Modify Manager
    • Remove Folder Permissions
    • Remove from Group
    • Set Folder Permissions
  • Configure from the application UI the fields to be displayed in the User Creation form. Map individual user domains with specific templates through which select fields must be modified in the Active Directory.
  • ADManager Plus version must be 6640 or above for the enhancements.
  • SDF-73176 : Configure a password, for both login and non-login users, to ensure secure access to files, such as exported reports, scheduled reports, and exported request list generated from within the application. Enable File Protection Password under Admin >> Privacy Settings. To learn more, click here.
  • SDF-65144 : Install the SSL certificate from the UI under Admin >> General Settings >> Import SSL. However, SSL certificate trusted by an internal certificate authority cannot be imported from the UI.
  • SDF-61199 : Under Sites, use the Inactive Sites filter to list the sites that are deleted, but used in the product.
  • SDF-73054 : Customize the Report an Incident widget in the requester home page by editing the HTML. Search option for templates is now available inside the same widget, making it easy and simple for users to raise requests and to report incidents.
  • SDF-69125 : The application login page gets a UI revamp. Post upgrade, default login page will be displayed. Under the self-service portal settings, customize the page by editing the HTML. You can also revert to the previous login page by inserting the corresponding CSS script. To learn more, click here.
  • SDF-76414 : Support for new language - Macedonian


(Released on 10, September, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9417

  • SD-72858: Failure in sending system notifications for incoming requests and conversations in environments where Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange mailboxes are configured. This is because even the valid emails sent within these domains are marked as bounced as they don’t have the ‘Return-Path’ header.
  • SD-72318: Under Admin > Support Group > Edit Group, the ‘Notify to’ option doesn’t show up when the option ‘Send notification to group technician when a new request is added to this group’ is enabled.


(Released on 27, August, 2018)

Behavior change in 9416

  • If authentication is disabled in the outgoing mail server, do not enable it under Outgoing Mail Server settings. Otherwise, outgoing emails will be stopped.

Issues Fixed in 9416

Vulnerability :

  • SD-69292 : Vulnerability of an unauthorized user able to create, edit, and delete currency in the application is fixed.

Requests :

  • SD-72110 : Purchase requests couldn’t be associated with a service request from within the service request.

Purchase :

  • SD-70963 : Purchase Requests with similar vendors are not listed in the Associate PR list when trying to associate a PR with a Purchase Order.

Reports :

  • SD-72161 : Exception occurs in survey-based custom reports (tabular) if the ‘Survey Type Name’ is added into the column.
  • SD-72107 : Exception occurs when a technician with site restricted login permission tries to access survey reports.

Admin :

  • SD-72372: Error occurs while trying to save the customized self-service portal draft. The issue occurs when we remove a widget from the portal and try saving it.
  • SD-71923: After upgrading to 9412, survey reports are projecting the wrong values.
  • SD-71937: Unable to edit the incident and service surveys created in Evaluation/Enterprise edition. The issue occurs when we try to edit those surveys after downgrading to the Standard Edition.
  • SD-72047: Unable to view older survey responses in some MSSQL (SQL Server) DB environments after migrating to 9412/9413/9414/9415.
  • SD-71945: Technician with SDSiteAdmin role is not able to trigger a survey from the request details page.
  • SD-72148: Exception occurs when an On Behalf of User (OBO User) tries to save a survey response.
  • SD-72426: Notification rules are cleared while editing the rules if VIP user or Department based survey exclusion rule is applied.
  • SD-72000: In MS SQL setups, an exception occurs if we click on Organize Business Rule under Admin>>Business Rules.
  • SD-68586: No alert message is shown while enabling mail debugger informing that the mail server’s username and password will be printed in the logs.
  • SD-70794: In some environments, bouncing emails causes an indefinite looping of conversations as replies to such bounced emails triggers another loop.
  • SD-71608: Support group names are not fully displayed if the name of the support group contains more than 50 characters.


(Released on 20, August, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9415

Vulnerability :

  • SD-72109 : XSS vulnerability found in the asset details page is fixed.
  • SD-71576 : XSS vulnerability found in Change Calendar is fixed.
  • SD-72080 : Directory traversal vulnerability found in file upload is fixed.
  • SD-71495 : ZipSlip vulnerability found in distributed asset scan is fixed.
  • SD-72568 : Vulnerability in deletion of default license types is fixed.
  • SD-68282 : No alert message is displayed, warning about the impacted scan types when we enable “Stop uploading scanned XMLs via non-login URL” under the Security Settings.
  • SD-71928 : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in project module Gantt view.
  • SD-69108 : Security response headers are missing in the login form.
  • SD-71704, 71703, 71702, 71676, 71675, 71674 : GET URLs replaced with POST URLs.
  • SD-71595 : Vulnerability : Able to create a table and copy data in MSSQL.
  • SD-66826 : Vulnerable HTTP method (OPTIONS) disabled.

Requests :

  • SD-72141 : In the request history, Before Modification and After Modification sections with regards to Description changes are not displayed.

Assets :

  • SD-71491, 71490 : Failure exception message displayed during network scan is fixed.


(Released on 24, July, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9414 :

Vulnerability :

  • SD-71123 : Vulnerability in the login page as domain filtering is not enabled.
  • SD-69907 : Vulnerability of a technician with request view only permission being able to add attachments and add/edit worklogs is fixed.
  • SD-68547 : Vulnerabilities fixed in requester search.
  • SD-65745 : Vulnerability fixed : Password has been encrypted in the Incoming Mail Server settings.

Requests :

  • SD-71938 : 9412 Breakage : Service templates are listed under ‘Incident Catalog’ tab even if the "Combine incident and service templates listing for the service’ option is disabled in Self service portal.
  • SD-71876 : Task filter name is not encoded in requests list view.
  • SD-71587 : If a request has a table in its description field, then error occurs while printing that request.
  • SD-71180 : Description field is left blank in some cases where requests are created through Mail.
  • SD-71122 : Images in email signatures are considered as attachments while sending a reply to a request.
  • SD-70481 : Admin requester history is not recorded when a technician spot edits any requester’s field in the request details page.
  • SD-69187 : Archived requests are not listed up while performing a Request ID search using the global search bar.
  • SD-68277 : Typo in the request approval success message has been rectified.
  • SD-66339 : When a Technician with permission to a particular group changes the group of a request, the resulting page redirects to the requests list view.
  • SD-64098 : The requester’s list view doesn’t load completely while creating a custom view and in Advanced Search when there is a large number of Requesters
  • SD-70909, SD-70770, SD-70017 : FAFR : Unable to create a request when a mandatory field present under resource section is hidden through FAFR.
  • SD-71188 : Field and form rules are not applied for disabled fields in IE.
  • SD-68439 : Request Status Scheduler popup doesn’t appear for a Technician if his/her role doesn’t have the FGA “Reopening Request” enabled under Advanced Permission.

Changes :

  • SD-71192 : Option to allow a Change Owner to globally edit a Change Request.
  • SD-71572 : While printing request/problem/change list view using the browser print option (Ctrl/Cmd + P), request URL gets added to prints.
  • SD-71094 : After saving default values for all user roles, values do not get reflected in change template roles tab.
  • SD-69947 : Non-login attribute link added in the subject of a change template exposes the key in change details page. Also, the description after the non-login link is not displayed.
  • SD-69784 : Alignment issue occurs in change details page if there are a number of users in a change roles field.
  • SD-69046 : Performance issue occurs in Change Form if there are a large number of options (few thousands) in any of the select component (site, group etc).
  • SD-68375 : Error exception report thrown instead of error messages across product.

Dashboard :

  • SD-71211 : Unable to open requests from the following dashboard widgets; 'SLA violated requests and requests’, ‘Requests received in last 20 days’ and 'Requests closed in last 20 days’.
  • SD-71478 : Report widgets in dashboards page are not displaying custom reports.

Projects :

  • SD-71877 : Requester with a project owner role is not able to view task link present in the notification email. An authorization error is thrown.

Solutions :

  • SD-70665 : Public solutions are not displayed for requesters even if no user groups are selected.

Reports :

  • SD-71377 : Incorrect report data gets exported if we have selected ‘default reports’ as the filer option. Issue occurs while exporting reports in HTML, XLS, and CSV formats.

Others :

  • SD-71959 : Upgrade failure is not handled in foreign language setups for MS SQL databases.
  • SD-71188 : Field and form rules are not applied for disabled fields in IE.
  • SD-71177 : Mail fetching schedule does not function as per the fetch interval customization.
  • SD-70961 : While importing users from AD, notification gets triggered for the AAAUser table even if the username doesn’t get changed.
  • SD-70932 : HTTP to HTTPS redirection settings are not retained after the upgrade.
  • SD-70917, SD-70881 : Loading screen doesn’t get closed even after SDP gets started.
  • SD-70832 : Technician with SDSiteAdmin role with restriction to a specific site can edit requester accounts and provide all sites view permission to requesters.
  • SD-70822 : Application backup runs into an infinite looping condition if the primary key for the table is large.
  • SD-70777 : Login details appear even after selecting 'Don’t show login details" option in the login page.
  • SD-70357 : In additional fields’ pick list values, “+” symbol is getting replaced with space.
  • SD-70347 : When editing a requester’s details who is also a purchase approver requester, site, and department data is not loaded.
  • SD-70222 : In a Multi-language license setup, where a requester login is personalized to Arabic, home page solution search throws an error (the same search works fine if the login is personalized to english).
  • SD-70213 : In SSO enabled setups, header tabs keeps reloading.
  • SD-70069 : While importing company logo under organization details, ‘GIF Image’ option is selected by default instead of 'All Files’.
  • SD-69952 : Department name gets duplicated during LDAP user import if the department name has some trailing space.
  • SD-69473 : Account lock option is enabled by default in fresh installations.
  • SD-68666 : UI glitch occurs near Available User Groups and Selected User Groups while creating a new announcement.
  • SD-68487 : Filter option “View Emergency Templates” under change template UI flows out of select box.
  • SD-67654 : Unable to log in to the application when domain filtering is disabled and there is no public domain.
  • SD-66169 : Alternative mail server configured under ‘Outgoing’ mail server settings does not work.
  • SD-40643 : User-defined fields are allowed to be imported using LDAP.


(Released on 12, July, 2018)

Behavior Change in 9413:

  • SD-71872 : Custom statuses, created before 9.3, displayed as system project filters are removed with this release.

Issues Fixed in 9413:

  • SD-71818 : Upgrade failure occurs during migration if a PO had “null” value for the “item” field.
  • SD-71817 : Upgrade failure occurs due to non-synced entries in “changetoci” and “ciinfo_otherapps” table.
  • SD-71816 : While adding a new relationship to a relationship map, non-English characters appear as “??”
  • SD-71810 : Upgrade failure occurs if the personalization data is missing in “ACTABLEVIEWCONFIG” table.
  • SD-71808 : Upgrade failure occurs if a task comments owner value is 'null’.
  • SD-71800 : Upgrade failure occurs if both incident and service business rule have a same name under the same site.
  • SD-71796 : Task list view does not load properly after migrating to the latest version in certain cases.
  • SD-71783 : Projects custom filters added in versions prior to 9.3 are missing after migrating to the latest version.
  • SD-71782 : Webinar URL has been updated.
  • SD-71871 : Projects’ private filters, created in versions before 9.3, will be visible in the “Manage Views” section only to users who created them.


(Released on 05, July, 2018)

Behavior Change in 9412:

  • SD-70724 : Actionable items in the Admin module are moved to the left side.
  • SD-70728 : ‘Add new form’ in business rule, SLA, custom filter has a revamped UI.
  • SD-71104 : Community tab is hidden for technicians (non-admins).
  • SD-71646 : Item price is mandated in purchase order.
  • SD-56821 : Links displayed for Project Title, Tasks, Milestones in the Associate Project pop-up in requests are removed.
  • SD-71027 : “More Fields” button is removed in the New project form.
  • The maximum character limit for command scripts in custom triggers has been restricted to 200.

New features in 9412:

  • Privacy settings enhancement:

    • Encryption At Rest for sensitive data: Option to encrypt the confidential information collected in Incident/Service Additional Fields. Single or Multi-line and Pick List fields can be encrypted. Click here to know more.
    • Password protected backup data: The application backup is now protected with a password. The password is required to open the backup file / restore it. This password can be changed in the Admin-> Backup schedule page. click Edit Scheduling and input the backup password to change the backup password.
    • Anonymize deleted users: Option to anonymize deleted users from the Requesters list. Click here to know more.
    • Limitation :
      Reports, advanced search, custom filters will not display any of the encrypted fields.
      The MasterKey password cannot include non-English characters.
  • SDF-71766 : Password Manager Pro Integration: Option to remotely access privileged accounts in target machines (or resources) from within ServiceDesk Plus without account credentials. Find the feature at Admin >> General Settings >> ME Integrations. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-71759 : Do more with V3 API: Now you can perform the following operations using the V3 API: ADD, UPDATE, GET, GET ALL, DELETE, CLOSE requests. Add Resolution, pickup requests, associate requests, and link requests.

  • SDF-21131 , SDF-22400 , SDF-24334 , SDF-61555 : Enhanced Survey - Some of the enhancements include,

    Option to:

    • Configure different survey templates for different type of requests.
    • Send ad hoc surveys; the survey need not be associated to a request.
    • Send surveys periodically; in predefined intervals, such as once after 2 weeks or 4 months.
    • Configure different answers for different questions. Find these features at Admin >> User Survey. To learn more about this features. Refer to this.
  • SDF-63939 : Custom Scripts in BR: Option to invoke custom scripts in business rules. You can use this to completely abort operations or update field values (like additional field value). Find the feature at Admin >> Organization Details >> Business Rules. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-31605 , SDF-62977 , SDF-63517 : Request status is given under business rule criteria.

  • SDF-61713 , SDF-61890 , SDF-62294 , SDF-63690 : Business view: Option to view and manage the saved relationship maps of CIs from one place.

    Find the feature in CMDB > Business view. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-68798 : Chat enhancements: Option to interact easily with fellow technicians using the inbuilt chat. Click here to learn more.

  • SDF-65490 : User merge tool : Option to merge duplicate requesters. Find the feature at Admin >> Users >> Requesters. Click here to learn more.

  • SDF-65398 : Task custom filter: Option to create custom task filters.

  • SDF-51449 : Additional fields for Projects: Capture different types of alphanumeric information about your projects by adding different types of fields

  • SDF-71757 : Project Dashboard: Get projects related key information displayed in the dashboards page. Include project related widgets to display key information on the dashboard page. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-71758 : Enhanced comments for projects/milestones/tasks: Notify users in comments by using '@ mentions’; For e.g., use @John to notify John. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-49791 : Global search for projects: Find projects easily by using keywords, and also column fields, such as Priority, Owner, and other column heads in the global search.

  • SDF-50361 : Multiple associations between projects and changes: Streamline the change or project process by associating multiple changes to a project and multiple projects to a change. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-50266 : Project template creation made easy: Create project templates from already existing projects, saving the redundant effort involved in creating a project template similar to an existing template.

  • SDF-55327 : Notifications for comments: Option to have bell icon notifications for comments added on projects.

  • SDF-56887 : Option to customize projects list view to display the projects important to you by default. Mark filters as favorites and change the order of the filters as per your requirement.Click here to know more.

  • SDF-63244 : “Estimated Effort” column included in the custom report for Tasks.

  • SDF-23878 :Created time for tasks: Option to view the created time of tasks.

  • SDF-63515 : Personalized task filters will remain specific to each module (Homepage, requests, changes, problems, and projects).

  • SDF-63674 , SDF-63961 : Purchase order enhancements: Option to create a purchase order for non-asset purchases such as training and services. Find the feature at Admin >> Purchase/Contract Management >> Vendor Services. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-28658 : Resource state enhancements - Option to add custom asset state with the ability to enable/disable scan for assets in those states. Option to enable ownership for assets in these custom states. Find the feature at Admin >> Asset Management >> Asset State. Click here to know more.

  • SDF-70727 : Collapsible tabs introduced in header and sub-header of the application to avoid unnecessary scrolling.

  • SDF-71169 : Support for ‘Lithuanian’ language in ServiceDesk Plus.

  • SDF-70397 : Support for ‘Greek’ language in ServiceDesk Plus.

  • SDF-70722 : Community page inside the application sports a new look.

  • SDF-71948 : Desktop Central Integration : “Tools” introduced under Actions menu of requests for performing operations such as "Lock", "Hibernate", "Shutdown", “Restart” etc., on target machines remotely from SDP.

Issue Fixed in 9412

  • SD-66006 : Vulnerability in the storage of private key for scanning Linux devices is fixed.
  • SD-67623 : Insecure storage of passwords in credential library.
  • SD-65170 : Business Rule’s ‘description’ criteria such as “ends with” and " contains" does not work for requests with description size greater than the one configured in GlobalConfig DESCPSIZE. This issue occurs in requests added or updated through mail.
  • SD-70875 : Unable to save new content in scribble pad. An internal error also occurs while trying to close the scribble pad.
  • SD-22280 : When a ROBO Template is invoked through API, it does not perform the password reset function automatically. This issue is fixed in V3 API.
  • SD-24532 :Null pointer exception occurs while trying to open a survey without any answers.
  • SD-46249 : When a user submits a survey but fails to close the confirmation message and hits the back button, the user is not able to submit the survey the second time. A null pointer exception is thrown.
  • SD-56821 : On clicking Associate Project Button, the links for Project Title, Tasks, Milestones are present in the pop-up.
  • SD-61872 : Unable to save a password with special characters in credentials library.
  • SD-67496 : Chat module : Technician online/offline status is not considered when a chat is initiated to a technician.
  • SD-70325 : In / URL, the parameter ‘form’ is passed twice.
  • SD-70380 : Technician with request and project edit permission is unable to detach an associated project from a request.
  • SD-70600 : Private / Public filter icon is not displayed in the custom filters list view.
  • SD-71029 : After 9409, AD import doesn’t start if more than 300 OU’s are selected.
  • SD-71351 : Unable to access the technician availability chart and calendar from ‘Quick Actions’ menu.
  • SD-71713: With Zoho reports integrated, the application fails to start when internet connectivity is disabled.


(Released on 28, June, 2018)

Issue Fixed in 9411

  • SD-71715: Sometimes, when multiple threads or multiple users access Incident/Service templates or the Service Catalog simultaneously, the application may fail to create corresponding cache for the operations and crash.


(Released on 20, June, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9410

  • SD-70610 : XSS vulnerability in add new request form’s ‘insert image’ section is fixed.
  • SD-71186 : If PM tasks are created using templates with service catalog additional fields, then the back up (with 9404 data in particular) and restore operations on a fresh installation fails.
  • SD-70749 : Scheduled tasks are not getting triggered in certain environments after the latest framework update.


(Released on 24, May, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9409

  • SD-71092 : An inappropriate message is displayed when a technician (with permission to view the group requests) reassigns a request to a different group.
  • SD-70972 : In some scenarios, a few business rules and custom triggers couldn’t be accessed or executed. Also, the dashboard isn’t loaded for some technicians.
  • SD-70978 : Non-login approval link isn’t opened when another user has logged in to the application in the same browser of a system.
  • SD-71105 : Unable to create a group under Assets.
  • SD-70538 : In the MS SQL setup, when you upgrade a build to 9400 or above, service requests created using custom templates can’t be archived or removed from trash.


(Released on 14, May, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9408

  • SD-71056 : After entering a requester’s name in the new request page, the requester’s details are not fetched.
  • SD-70885 : Logged-in approver is not able to download attachments from the approval page.
  • SD-71098 : Blank page appears while accessing Gantt view under any project.
  • SD-71006 : Custom trigger’s executor type is saved as “script” even when we have selected the executor type as "class".


(Released on 07, May, 2018)

Behavior Changes

  • SD-69982 : Beyond the Submission stage of a change, the Change Owner will no longer be allowed to globally edit the fields.
  • From the Approvals stage of a change, any global edit made by the Change Manager will be notified to all Change Roles associated. You can disable this under the Change Notification Rules.

New feature in 9407

  • SDF-67777 : Option to choose the US/EU data centres for Zoho Reports under Advanced Analytics Configuration Wizard.

Issues fixed in 9407


  • SD-69155 : Information exposure vulnerability in change notes.
  • SD-68759 : XSS Vulnerability in change stage status.
  • SD-68232 : XSS Vulnerability in problem’s details page.
  • SD-68092 : XSS Vulnerability in problem’s history tab.
  • SD-67954 : XSS vulnerability in custom reports.
  • SD-67928 : Information exposure vulnerability in change and status.
  • SD-67891 : XSS Vulnerability in scheduled reports.
  • SD-67786 : XSS Vulnerability in custom report’s folder name.
  • SD-70829 : Privilege escalation vulnerability of generating requests.
  • SD-67696, SD-67693, SD-67692 : Information exposure vulnerability in change roles.
  • SD-67317 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in change dashboard.
  • SD-67373 : Privilege escalation vulnerability during a request merge.
  • SD-67142 : XSS vulnerability in “Manage Folder” section of reports.
  • SD-63223 : CSRF vulnerability in password reset form.
  • SD-70451, SD-70247: Privilege escalation vulnerability in custom reports.
  • SD-69912 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in change reports.
  • SD-69611 : SQL injection in query report.
  • SD-69261 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in change modules’ non-login pages.
  • SD-70605 : CSRF Vulnerability while adding and updating the technician details.
  • SD-68568 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in the incident to service request conversion.


  • SD-67978 : In requests’ Reply, Forward the Request and Email/SMS the Technician notifications, when you enter script tag in the Description field, the script is executed and an error message is thrown.
  • SD-68584 : When XLS files of requests with the custom status Completed are imported, the Completed Date field takes the current date rather than the pre-set values.
  • SD-70653 : Unable to add Service Requests from a requester login if the template has more than 24 single line additional fields with “Requester Allowed to Set” option unchecked.
  • SD-70142 : When auto-closure is enabled and all the tasks of the request are resolved, then status changes are not captured in the history.
  • SD-68996 : Values doesn’t get displayed for the additional fields in the dependency list view of a request.
  • SD-68989 : Support groups’ sender mail address is getting displayed as from address for the request which is assigned to that support group. Issue occurs if the requester replies through portal.
  • SD-68953 : Reply mail is triggered when pressing the enter key from subject column of the reply window.
  • SD-25343 : Clicking on choose button in the Advanced Filtering section under Add custom views page displays a pop up window in smaller size.
  • SD-69394 : Request description’s edit history is not captured if the content is greater than the maximum limit.
  • SD-69753, SD-70167 : Requesters are not able to search requests using request ids.
  • SD-68778 : While printing a request of an actual half page content, it takes up two pages.
  • SD-67445 : In request details page, clicking on monitor icon under the requester’s name does not open up the requester’s asset pop-up as expected in the center of the page. This issue occurs only in Chrome.
  • SD-67527 : Unable to print in the Landscape mode while using Chrome after migrating to 9308.
  • SD-70889 : Requests: In combined tasks list view, the estimated effort field’s value is shown in minutes.
  • SD-70929 : In request list view left side pane, task’s subject has a bold font which is not pleasant.


  • SD-69758 : Default size of the Add Notes window in problems’ create/edit page has been increased.
  • SD-68743 : Problem - While hovering over a problem in problems list view, associated incidents count is not shown even if there are associated incidents.
  • SD-69884 : In a case, where the application server runs on Windows and has Linux as the client, problem attachments with special characters in their names aren’t saved properly and therefore can’t be downloaded.


  • SD-69474 : In 9323 and the following versions, Assets Involved field value is not added upon adding/updating a change using API.
  • SD-69475 : When field names in change API contain forward or trailing space, the field values are not auto-populated in the change.
  • SD-69903 : When the maximum number of assets are added to a change, only the key is displayed rather than the message itself.
  • SD-69595 : When you create and associate a new change from within an incident or a problem, the assets associated with the incident/problem aren’t added to the change.
  • SD-70143 : After you associate incidents or problems to a change, the incidents/problems selection window fails to automatically close.
  • SD-66044 : Error occurs while updating a Change through API when Group field is marked as mandatory.
  • SD-66292 : ‘Not associated to any site’ option is listed in alphabetical order instead of at top of the list in the Site field under Change details page’ edit section.
  • SD-66868 : Unable to assign group for a change through API if the site is not provided along with the group.
  • SD-61895 : While clicking ‘Send for Recommendation’ in approval section of a Change, the pop-up that appears has a misleading title (“Submit Change For Approval” is shown instead of “Submit for Recommendation”).
  • SD-70981 : Users not able to add approval comments using non-login URLs.
  • SD-68370 : Change owner without the create change permission is not able to edit a change.
  • SD-68708 : Change Additional Fields - Fields added using “Add new field” option in change template gets added to both the template and "Available Fields".
  • SD-68814 : Change - HTML content is shown in the print preview page.
  • SD-69132 : Change - Print view does not contain the Image attached in the ‘Description’ field of change in “Review” stage. The image’s source is alone shown.
  • SD-68632 : Invalid request (in planning stage) is displayed under archived request for SDAdmins.


  • SD-66579 : Project title is displayed as undefined in the project gantt view when the project doesn’t fall on the selected time span but any of the milestones/tasks fall in the selected time span.


  • SD-61821 : On hovering over ‘All Solutions’ under Topics section of Solution module, the scroll bar flickers and becomes immovable.


  • SD-67899 : Error message is not shown properly while adding a duplicate Custom Triggers name with a script tag.
  • SD-67541 : Admin>> Advanced Analytics: Clicking on texts near the radio button in configuration wizard also enables the radio button. Also, option provided to close images under Reports–>Advanced Analytics.


  • SD-69615 : Print preview page in reports comes with large space between passages.
  • SD-69454 : In CI History and Audit reports, when you miss out From/To date and update them, an untranslated error message with just the key in it is thrown.
  • SD-35320 : Exception occurs when executing a query with ORDER BY clause under Reports–> New Query Report.
  • SD-60523 : Custom report output containing boolean and date fields are right aligned.
  • SD-67835 : Unable to generate “Audit History by Workstation” report.
  • SD-68477 : Reports - In matrix reports, clicking on the currently selected tab changes the tab but not the content.
  • SD-68512 : Reports - Exception occurs in custom report’s filter if there is no value specified in the criteria’s value field.
  • SD-68511 : Reports - Exception occurs when same column name is given in “then group by” select options.


  • SD-70391 : Users could save reminders across the product with just entering some space (without text/numeric entry) in the Summary field.
  • SD-70465 : Broadcast message option is displayed for requesters when the Quick Actions menu is enabled.
  • SD-69583 : In problems and changes, the notes icon appears distorted in notes the list view.
  • SD-70587 : The less privileged users are able to view the technician and the domain details.
  • SD-69304 : NullPointerException occurs when you integrate Analytics Plus (version 3120 and earlier ones) with ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-69327 : When one of the two technicians with the same login name in different domains executes a scheduled report, domain credentials of the other user (without the module/scheduled reports privilege) is loaded, at times, and an exception error is thrown.
  • SD-69990 : When you delete service catalog additional fields, they aren’t removed from Zoho Reports integrated with ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-70123 : Performance issue due to high CPU usage.
  • SD-65752 : While clicking on Dynamic View for any Data Models under Reports, an error message pops up and disappears automatically.
  • SD-70496 : Issue in re-assigning category if subcategory is moved under another category.
  • SD-68281 : Zoho Reports - Special characters are sent in encoded form while sending an initial success mail.
  • SD-68317 : Zoho Reports - After saving zoho reports credentials, not able to change to Analytics plus as resetting the password is not possible.
  • SD-68628 : Zoho Reports - Nullpointer exception occurs while parsing change.xml and adding it in zrmemodules.xml. Issue occurs if change.xml entries are already present in zrmemodules.xml
  • SD-68954 : Incorrect ‘Schedule Start’ & ‘Schedule End’ time are shown in Change Calendar if the client and server time zone are different.
  • SD-62367 : Import now button has been provided at the bottom of the AD import window to avoid unnecessary page scroll down.
  • SD-68212 : Proxies will be skipped for locally installed Analytics Plus.
  • SD-68272 : Zoho Reports - Edit option for the ‘host’ field in Analytics Plus configuration is provided.
  • SD-70400 : Timer value is not shown properly for chats transferred to a different technician. Issue occurs if the technician to whom the chat was transferred hits refresh.
  • SD-70807 : Unable to see the Announcement settings section since upgrading to the latest version.
  • SD-70865 : Formatting in the chat box is not done properly.
  • SD-70915 : Announcements order is not proper in the latest version.


(Released on 25, April, 2018)

New feature in 9406

  • SDF-68872 : Auto delta scan: Automatic identification of hardware and software changes by the agent in the client machine and notify the application server to initiate the scan from the server.

Issues fixed in 9406:


  • SD-69461 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in attachments section of assets.
  • SD-69294 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in default license types.
  • SD-69460 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in associating workstations.
  • SD-69302 : Privilege escalation vulnerability while editing the asset details page.
  • SD-58456 : The SSL handshake failure occurs if the cipher suite algorithm used by the server is not supported by the windows agent.
  • SD-66584 : Information exposure vulnerability in credentials library.
  • SD-68070 : XSS vulnerability in purchase order list view search.
  • SD-66403 : XSS vulnerability in add new contract page.
  • SD-68516 : Privilege escalation vulnerability in associating child contracts.
  • SD-56921 : Weak ciphers removed in Agent.
  • SD-66409 : XSS vulnerability in the barcode’s history page.


  • SD-69056 & SD-67925 : Incorrect information is displayed in the asset dashboards’ 2d bar graphs.


  • SD-70891 : Unread requests in the request list view are not bold enough.


  • SD-68985 : SMBIOS information is not getting fetched while scanning a workstation.
  • SD-68339 : Unable to fetch the “last logged in” user’s information using script scanning in Linux machines.
  • SD-68056 : Sound card information does not get updated even though it is present in scanned XML for all XML scans.
  • SD-70119 : Distributed asset scan fails when the domain name contains space in the central server settings.
  • SD-70555 : NullPointer Exception occurs when processing OS information scanned and pushed from ManageEngine Desktop Central.
  • SD-66609 : Processor (CPU) changes are not reflected in the history tab during a scan.
  • SD-67320 : Unable to fetch the “last logged in” user’s information during Mac machines scan.
  • SD-68136 : Based on the sysdescription, incorrect model names are assigned to snmp devices. Because of that unknown models are not listed in unknown OIDs list.
  • SD-70590 : Agent upgrade is delayed in build versions with the latest framework change.
  • SD-70606 : Able to configure the Windows agent by using the CSRF vulnerability.
  • SD-66809 : Web remote session continues even after logging out of the application.
  • SD-68137 : Permission Denied Error occurs while executing a linux script file for commands like "Dmidecode".
  • SD-70772 : Web remote is not working in exe,https setups in recent builds.


  • SD-66317 : Business impact data is only partially shown in the drop-down in add new CI type page.
  • SD-69531 : When you edit a child configuration item (an asset with OS unspecified) manually or through API, it is moved into the parent CI.
  • SD-69541 : Users are not able to update requester’s login name and domain name through CMDB API.


  • SD-69053 : NullPointer Exception occurs while allotting CAL for users.
  • SD-67584 : Wrong warning message is shown while deleting software licenses.
  • SD-53608 : Multi Line License additional fields are not shown in the Software License CSV import page.
  • SD-67428 : Software suite is not getting deleted in a workstation’s software list even if there are no software in the workstation.
  • SD-69431 : Software license keys are limited to hundred characters.


  • SD-69215 : When a PO is edited and the approval process is initiated for a second time, then the approval process faces a breakage.
  • SD-69017 : If a Product’s Name contains ‘_’ while creating a PO from PR, then that name does not populated in the New PO Form.
  • SD-68912 : In Purchase Requests’s approval notification mail, values for udf-char variables are wrongly replaced.
  • SD-68659 : While creating a purchase order, the cost center lists names instead of the codes.
  • SD-68285 : If the default terms and conditions for purchase orders exceed 3500 characters, then the PO is not getting saved.
  • SD-68534 : Purchase requests display the Cost centre Name instead of the Cost Centre Code.
  • SD-67651 : Unable to approve the PR from the Approval tab if a comment is added with special characters.
  • SD-69876 : Search function doesn’t work while choosing a technician in a purhcase request.
  • SD-69873 : ‘&’ in a software name is replaced with ‘amp’ in purchase orders.
  • SD-69216 : When you add a product through a purchase order, and then edit its vendor details under the Admin setup, the vendor details are not updated until you specify the Warranty Period.
  • SD-69501 : Inline search doesn’t work after searching a purchase order in the global search.
  • SD-69483 : When technicians are deleted while being associated to purchase requests, they continue to list in the Technician drop-down of new purchase requests.
  • SD-68662 : Unable to close the error message pop-up that appears when a purchase order is saved without filling the quantity field.


  • SD-69067 : If a contract has special characters as values in its pick list fields then they are changed to empty values while editing.
  • SD-68813 : Ampersand characters present in the description and support details fields of the add new contract form are not displayed properly.
  • SD-69442 : Pick list additional field values containing space or special characters are not displayed when creating/editing a contract.
  • SD-69632 : Users are able to add/remove assets to expired contracts after renewing them.


  • SD-69082 : Incorrect error message is shown for duplicate key exception while editing the name of an asset.
  • SD-69047 : Unable to delete workstations from the “Workstations failed during last scan” list view.
  • SD-68947 : Asset Probe data is not deleted from the central server after a successful import of remote data.
  • SD-68258 : Vendor names are not listed alphabetically in the Asset creation form and edit form.
  • SD-67078 : Unable to search Russian user names in the ‘Choose User’ field of the Asset state pop-up.
  • SD-65944 : Navigation message for the flexigrid view is not in I18N.
  • SD-70604 : Able to add and update requester details by CSRF vulnerability.
  • SD-70041 : When you remove assets from a static group, they are not detached until you refresh the page.
  • SD-70738 : Robo technician functionality does not work in exe setups.
  • SD-70743 : In IE 11, Impact page under Admin is not loaded properly.


  • SD-70771 : Duplicate Fields are displayed in reports after the latest upgrade.


  • SD-70806: Default font in the application is changed after upgrading to 9404.


(Released on 16, April, 2018)

Behavior Changes in 9405

  • SD-70241: Ntlm log accumulation is cleared during server startup.

Issues fixed in 9405:

Vulnerability Issues:

  • SD-70608: XSS vulnerability in the request list view is fixed.
  • SD-70609: XSS vulnerability in distributed asset scan’s list view.
  • SD-70607: Able to add custom schedules by using the CSRF vulnerability.
  • SD-69186: XSS vulnerability in request collaboration.
  • SD-68638: Privilege escalation vulnerability in user roles.
  • SD-68373: Privilege escalation vulnerability in logs.
  • SD-69384: Information exposure vulnerability in log files.
  • SD-68230: XSS vulnerability in merge request pop-up.
  • SD-68214: XSS vulnerability in the logged-in technician pop-up.
  • SD-68125: XSS vulnerability in solutions’ topic.
  • SD-68112: Privilege escalation vulnerability in archived requests attachments.
  • SD-68007: XSS vulnerability in reply template.
  • SD-67814: XSS vulnerability in importing projects.
  • SD-67802: XSS vulnerability in imported solutions.
  • SD-67533: Privilege escalation vulnerability in requester details.
  • SD-70382: Privilege escalation vulnerability in password reset configurations.
  • SD-69972: Privilege escalation vulnerability in generating API keys.
  • SD-69491: Privilege escalation vulnerability in problem attachments.


  • SD-68213: Characters (‘<’ and ‘>’) are replaced by (‘<’ and ‘>’) in the back up technician drop-down while a assigning back technician rule under Scheduler>>Back up Technician.
  • SD-66615: Exceptions occurs while adding or viewing tasks from the home page.
  • SD-70419: Error occurs while approving a request from the home page.
  • SD-69817: Task Owner is not displayed when the edit icon is clicked from Comments/Work log/History tabs under Home–>Tasks.
  • SD-70623: In the home page Scheduler, technicians with ‘&’ in their names, when marked on leave continue to list in the backup technicians drop-down.


  • SD-70047, SD-70171 : Add worklog page is blank for requesters with add/view task permission.
  • SD-69024, SD-70440 : Description content in the task notification is displayed without line breaks.
  • SD-70720: Encoded characters are present in subject field of the task notification email.


  • SD-69131: Under service request’s resource questions if the answers have a colon(‘:’) between numeric values (E.g,10:30), then it is not getting saved.
  • SD-68115: Diff updates are not mentioned in the history tab if a resource section of a service template is updated multiple times.
  • SD-66739: In some cases, diff updates related to checkbox questions in the resource field of a service template are not captured in history.
  • SD-70454: Unable to create purchase request from service request when priority is High or Medium or Low.
  • SD-70413: When the approval configuration ‘Do not assign technician before Service Request is approved’ is enabled, then the original technician is assigned via service template instead of backup technician after the service request is approved.
  • SD-70385: When a signature variable is included in the ‘Notifying for Approval’ notification template through a non-login view, an approval notification is not send to next level approvers automatically after the current stage is approved.
  • SD-70356: Unable to perform a column search in request list view with two parameters.
  • SD-69880: Expand/Collapse option doesn’t work in the History tab of any tasks under Requests.
  • SD-70752: When technicians who are not SDAdmins add/edit resolutions to requests, they are unable to select and use resolution templates.
  • SD-70741: When technicians who are not SDAdmins reply to requests, they are unable to select and use reply templates.
  • SD-70521: When incoming emails with images are addressed to two custom groups with different aliases, they are created as two requests, but images appear only in one request.
  • SD-70579: Requesters are able to delete approvers under the Approval tab of incident requests.
  • SD-69279 : Text wrap is not applied for archived log’s description in the work log list view.


  • SD-70717: When a software, initially with unspecified CI type is edited and saved, the CI type is set to null.


  • SD-66855: Task description field is missing in the custom reports for tasks.


  • SD-69050: Alternative email ids of the requesters listed in the CI info tab are encrypted twice.
  • SD-68721: If any user group is saved without criteria, then user group specific service templates are not available for requesters.
  • SD-68139: Mail fetching is stopped while receiving a push notification.
  • SD-63913: If the TLS 1.0 is disabled in the mail server, then the mail fetching stops.
  • SD-70442: Closure code and closure comment values for Resolved status are not maintained when the request is auto-closed.
  • SD-70367: Support group’s site ID in CI table of a referred site is updated as Null when default support group’s site is updated.
  • SD-69449: Unable to import users from AD if all the required OUs are selected.
  • SD-69794: V1 GET_WORKLOGS API doesn’t respond properly if the worklog field contains special characters.
  • SD-70708: In privacy settings enabled builds, when users try to delete technician accounts accommodating special characters, the names appear broken in the anonymizing window.
  • SD-70697: In privacy settings enabled builds, users are unable to delete technician accounts when their anonymous names hold the character, '%’.
  • SD-70533: Mail fetching is ceased in large environments.


  • SD-69436: While accessing AjaxServlet using an invalid argument, blank page with a ‘null’ text is displayed
  • SD-70620: Users are able to upgrade the build to a higher version while running the server which results in a partial upgrade error.
  • SD-70619: Users are able to proceed with the build upgrade after an exception error (for current and upgrade versions being the same) is thrown and this results in a partial upgrade error.


(Released on 5, April, 2018)

New Features in 9404 :

  • GDPR

    • User privacy management : Handle personal data of users (both technicians and end users) in accordance with privacy regulations such as the GDPR. In the Request module, you can now mark out all fields that contain users’ personally identifiable information (PII), making it easy for admins to identify what PII is collected and stored in ServiceDesk Plus. In addition, when users exercise their right to be forgotten, admins can anonymize the deleted users’ names to random text and delete the associated PII from the application. Find this feature under Admin >> Privacy Settings. For more details, Click here.
  • PM Tasks for Service Request - Plan your preventive maintenance tasks well in advance for service requests as well.

    Find the feature in Admin >> Organizational Details >> Preventive Maintenance Tasks.

  • Custom Trigger Enhancements

    • Execute custom trigger actions for requests that contain replies and for approved/rejected requests.
    • Groups defined under other sites are now listed under criteria.
    • Requester name, sites and technician will now be listed under criteria.
    • Create triggers without any criteria. By default, this option is disabled. To enable, follow the instructions from the link

    Find the feature under Admin >> Custom Trigger >> Execute Actions.

  • Technician Homepage Enhancements - Customize technician’s home page by adding/organizing widgets, and changing the layout and background color.

    Find the feature under Home >> Customize.

  • Export Requests - Select and export requests right from the list view, in various formats.

    Find the feature under Requests >> Actions.

  • Organize Request Catalog - Easily sequence the templates under the request catalog to suit your requirements.

    Find the feature in Admin >> Service Catalog >> Reorder.

  • Scribble Pad - Make simple, hurried notes in a jiffy using the all-new inbuilt scribble pad.

    Find the feature at the top right corner of the header pane.

  • HTML Editor Enhancements - Edit email notification content as HTML and use $ to add variables to the content.

    Find the feature at Admin >> Notification Rules >> Customize template >> Edit HTML.

  • Health Meter - Assess your application’s health metrics in just a glance from the community tab.

    Find the feature under Community >> Health Meter.

  • Unified Notification Rules - Customize and configure notification rules across modules under a single roof.

    Find the feature under Admin >> Organization Details >> Notification Rules.

  • Admin Search Enhancement - Experience the enhanced admin search functionality with the categorically listed searched items.

    Find the feature in the Admin section.

  • AMS Renewal - Be notified of the subscription expiry and apply for its renewal, right from the application.

    Find the feature under Technician Profile >> Get your new AMS.

Issues Fixed in 9404 :

  • SD-69036 : Custom triggers are not executed for duplicated requests.
  • SD-64060 : Custom triggers are not executed on requests that are generated from preventive maintenance tasks.
  • SD-61050 : XSS vulnerable “JQuery” framework version (1.8.3) has been upgraded to stable version (2.2.4)


(Released on 21, March, 2018)

New Features in 9403 :

  • SDF-69258 : Support for ‘Georgian’ language.

Issues Fixed in 9403 :

  • SD-69139 : XSS vulnerability in Request API.
  • SD-70508 : AD authentication doesn’t work in the mobile client context.
  • SD-70395 : In recently upgraded setups, start server/ shutdown server shortcuts does not work properly.
  • SD-70341 : Due to the API calls restriction to Zoho Reports, the SDP-Zoho Reports integration fails.
  • SD-70211 : Under “Requests by” filter in the dashboard, we are not able to access open/onhold/overdue tickets of technicians with commas in their names.
  • SD-70148 : Field and Form Rules configured to modify resource sections do not work on the request details page for inline edits.
  • SD-70138 : When starting ServiceDesk Plus by using the desktop icon, the browser is not automatically invoked.
  • SD-70065 : For non-English language requesters, the request ID search throws an authentication error.
  • SD-70000 : When data related to requests are partially added in mssql database, archiving/deleting a request from trash is not possible.
  • SD-69808 : Under Quick Create, if we select a requester name and select a change template for that requester, the requester name gets swapped with the logged-in technician’s name.
  • SD-69350 : While copying a service template’s FAFR to another service template, incident templates associated to service categories are listed in the "Copy rules to template(s)" drop-down.
  • SD-69145 : When multiple API calls are made simultaneously in the request module, issues occur.
  • SD-68637 : Under workflow, the Notify stage change to users value is not set when you modify the Move to stage & status filter.
  • SD-65128 : In some scenarios, custom trigger list view disappears when a new custom trigger is added.
  • SD-70509 : Sending task notifications to groups takes a lot of time.


(Released on 26 February, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9402 :

  • SD-70246 : Application header does not load properly if the web remote configuration fails to fetch the server name from the DNS.
  • SD-70228 : DC tight-install in SDP is not getting started if the application is invoked as a service.
  • SD-69920 : Unable to save any change templates after upgrading to the 9332 build. The issue occurs when we select change manager and refresh the page.


(Released on 13 February, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9401 :

  • SD-70135 : Issue post 9400: Unable to create service requests, merge requests, or convert incident requests to service requests if the default additional fields are deleted in the earlier versions of the product.
  • SD-70066 : Change module goes blank if the change type in a change has more than 22 characters. The issue occurs if the change type column is chosen from the change list view.
  • SD-70155 : Custom trigger scripts are not working when the application is started as a service after a restart.
  • SD-70210 : After the mickeylite update, when the Globalconfig category “mailfetching” has “RUNNING” as its value, then mails are fetched from both “MailFetcherService” and “MailFetchingTask” resulting in duplication of tickets.


(Released on 31 January, 2018)

Framework changes :

This upgrade removes the jBoss dependency from the framework, reduces security risk with jBoss, increased performance and quicker startup.

New SCCM Connector:

New SCCM to SDP connector (Mickey lite compatible) is updated in the resources section of the web page. Download the latest connector zip for integrating SCCM with SDP.

MySQL support:

MySQL will not be supported from this version.


(Released on 11, April, 2019)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-77871 : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10008) and User Enumeration Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10273) in login page has been fixed.


(Released on 22 January, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9335:

  • SD-69732 : Technician name is set as empty in Desktop Central when the technician name is edited in ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-69971 : In some SSO-enabled environments, blank page appears during login.
  • SD-69958 : Vulnerability fixed.


(Released on 8 January, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9334

  • SD-69824 : Agent certificate and jar signed certificates are expired. Msi and jar files needs to be signed with the latest certificates.
  • SD-69626 : Upgrade failure occurs when a CI type which is created later is made the parent type of a CI type created earlier. Issue occurs when both the CI types are mapped to a same product type.
  • SD-69625 : Migration to 9332 fails due to the duplicate values present in URL encryption details.


(Released on 2 January, 2018)

Issues Fixed in 9333

  • SD-69633 : Vulnerability fixed.
  • SD-69338 : Migration fails while applying the 9327 patch throwing the following error, “Out Of Memory” which is due to the huge data present in the Notification table.
  • SD-69629 : Issues with marking of filters as “favorites” and in filter order rearrangement in Request custom filter.Breakage occurs when migrating to 9331 & 9332.
  • SD-69635 : If the task dependencies in service request template is enabled, then the approval tab does not show up while a requester submits a request.


(Released on 21 December, 2017)

Issues Fixed in 9332

  • SD 69627 : Request custom filters and advanced search are not working.


(Released on 19 December, 2017)

Behavior Changes in 9331

  • Group filter in request list view filter will be removed by default. You can enable the groups again in the request list view filter by accessing admin>>self service portal settings>>Show groups in request list view filter.
  • V3 API: The parameter name ‘input_data’ must be in lower case.
  • V3 API: Technician key is replaced with “authtoken” and it should be sent in request header.

Issues Fixed in 9331

Vulnerability Issues:

  • SD-61620, SD-69438, SD-55684, SD-65300,SD-63635,SD-69157, SD-65635, SD-65884,SD-65600,SD-65625,SD-66817, SD-69323, SD-69324, SD-69325, SD-69326, SD-67516 : Vulnerability fixed.


  • SD-67723 : In leave mail notification : To and From dates are interchanged.


  • SD-67691: Under Problem & Change, Change by Typegraph is not updated on changing the site.
  • SD-69078 : “If we select “group by” option while creating a custom report : line/area charts are not properly displayed in report’s widget view under dashboard.”
  • SD-69212 : The request summary report projects wrong “Last Week and This Week” data during the start/end period of DST.


  • SD-65757 : When requests are merged, the “Due By Time” and “Response Due By Time” are wrongly calculated.
  • SD-66371 : Logged in requester is not able to access a survey link from a portal.
  • SD-66764 : Approval flow is executed twice if we click on the Accept/Reject button twice in the approval action menu.
  • SD-60354 : A url with braces in it is not saved as a link in rich text fields across the product.
  • SD-60746 : Status change comment is not mandated if the status is changed via global edit option.
  • SD-62883 : Default values of Service Additional Fields in Service template are not picked up on converting Incident to Service request.
  • SD-65118 : Requester is able to access all requests by changing the URL of requests list view.
  • SD-65746 : Requester is not able to create a request in an MSSQL setup if the requester’s name has square braces.
  • SD-66128 : Home page task list view filter and Request task list view filter are dependent.
  • SD- 66256 : Archived Request History is not shown for the requests where worklog timer is stopped by status change.
  • SD- 65742 : Self-Service Portal settings allow admins to display or hide groups in Request List View filters.
  • SD- 65743 : If a request custom filter is edited, only open requests, and not custom filter, view is displayed under the request list view.
  • SD-68030: While clicking on the the approval link under conversation details, an error page is displayed.
  • SD-68011 : Inactive support groups will not be listed in request list’s filter view.
  • SD-68054 : Technicians are able to get requests out of their scope during a default search.
  • SD-68060 : Request’s “DueByTime” is wrongly calculated when we put the requests on hold and update their SLAs.
  • SD-68117 : Reply window does not get closed after sending reply mail if Request tab is closed.
  • SD-69372 : Duplicating a service request takes more time if the number of users are high.
  • SD-68057 : After approving a Service Request with unassigned technician , notification with blank technician name is triggered.
  • SD-68180 : REST API V1: When adding or updating resource answers (plain text type answers) with json input format under service request : the answers get auto revised to lower case.
  • SD-67674 : While converting a service request to an incident request : with "Overwrite field values with template values’ enabled : the description content becomes blank if the template does not have one (description) in it.
  • SD-67724 : Request ID Search is not working properly in requester login.
  • SD-67600 : ‘Resend’ button is removed in approval mail notifications under request>>conversation details.
  • SD-66802 : While the tech auto assign is enabled and the technician field is changed to ‘unassigned’ status and the save button is hit multiple times, then the technician also gets dynamically changed/updated multiple times.


  • SD-55537 : Problem status is shown as ID in Day view of the problem history.
  • SD-67567: Unable to close a problem when the Closed Date field is empty.


  • SD- 65664 : When assigning more than one change role to a technician, multiple notifications are sent for the user through change stage and status.
  • SD- 56906 : If the mail content or subject does not contain the Non login link, bulk notifications are sent to all users.
  • SD-65252 : Task-related status comment not updated in the Change Implementation phase.
  • SD-65664 : Users with multiple change roles receive multiple notifications through Change Stage and Status.
  • SD-66672 : - When a change is deleted, the corresponding row in approval details table is not deleted.
  • SD-66801 : In the planning tab, user information disappears when the page is refreshed or when the tab is toggled, after adding impact, rollout, backout plan, checklist, or downtime.
  • SD-67938 : Additional fields are allowed with similar name in Change additional fields.
  • SD-68414 : File attached with an empty description in change request and again viewing the same page displays ‘&nbp’ in the description of the attached file.
  • SD-69007 : Links in the Print Preview page of a change doesn’t work.
  • SD-67698 : Error occurs when Add/ Delete option for Downtime field in the planning stage is clicked multiple times.
  • SD-67162 : When Downtime set in the planning stage is edited in the implementation stage, it does not get updated.
  • SD-67323 : The field values that are added or edited under planning stage are hidden when using the application in Microsoft Edge.


  • SD-68799 : While importing assets through CSV, additional fields’ values are displayed as null.
  • SD-68937 : Unable to scan SNMP devices during network scan when multiple credentials are configured for it.
  • SD-69094 : UK constraint Exception after migrating to 6129.
  • SD-67750 : A technician with permission to edit assets is not able to reconcile two assets.


  • SD-67825 : Error while deleting CI Type under which there are more than 10000 assets.

Purchase Order

  • SD-68900 : Comments in the cancelled PR’s snippet view is encrypted.


  • SD-60470 : Additional fields that exceed the character limit are truncated when it is associated with a template and when a problem or change is created.
    Warning message is not displayed when the character limit for additional field name exceeds.
  • SD-68428 : While creating a pick list change additional field with empty values or defined values, random values are displayed instead of the defined values.
  • SD-68434 : Values selected in ‘Services Affected’ field in Change template are unchecked when reopened.
  • SD-68436 : If we click on any one of the selected assets in change template’s ‘Assets Involved’ field and then re-edit, assets get duplicated.
  • SD-68965: In ADMP action menus edit page, ‘Roles’ dropdown is empty in MSSQL. Roles API is sending the failure message, when we try to fetch the roles.
  • SD-69209: While adding a product name with special characters for a new software, the auto populated product name is encrypted.
  • SD-69177 : User gets authenticated via SSO even when LDAP authentication is configured.
  • SD-69126 : “When a requester in a site that refers to another site initiates a chat request : the support groups associated to the site are not displayed”
  • SD-68739 : “When a request with on hold time is duplicated : the duplicated request displays incorrect due by time.”
  • SD-68558 : Tabs in the mail server settings page takes longer time to load.
  • SD-67868 : Application does not restrict lengthy (Exceeding 100 characters) additional field names that are associated to templates which results in truncation of those names while creating a request.
  • SD-67737 : Additional fields mapped with incident/service templates are removed if we rename the additional fields.
  • SD-67617 : Standard Edition : “Notify technician when a request is shared with him/her.” option is not available in Notification Rules.
  • SD-66311 : Email command does not work for outlook mails in HTML/Richtext formats.
  • SD-66669 : Requester is not able to create a request in an MSSQL setup if the requester’s name has square braces.
  • SD-67010 : Tasks does not get copied while copying Service Catalog Template.
  • SD-60226 : Unable to copy Service Request Template containing tasks with dependencies.
  • SD-24345 : URL with braces mentioned in the description of a request is displayed as a plain text instead of as a link.
  • SD-49399 : Unable to view Requester details from request details page if technician is not having ‘Editing Requester’ role.
  • SD-48586 : When a support group is renamed in the default site, it does not get updated in the respective copy site


  • SD-21428 : Link icon (hand symbol) is not displayed while hovering mouse over delete/edit buttons under ‘Scheduled Reports’ list view.
  • SD- 24908 : Questions marks in additional fields are converted as hyphens after running reports.
  • SD-29462 : New line feeds are missing in request’s report description field.
  • SD-30037 : Grid lines are missing in advanced matrix reports when they are exported in pdf format.
  • SD-30518 : For users with custom/special roles, their permission check is not applied other than the first page of the reports results page.
  • SD-32323 : Unable to run audit and workstation summary reports when the organization’s name has double quotes.
  • SD-34859 : While generating stacked reports in vertical orientation, invalid labels with ‘zero’ value appears. Also while generating stacked reports in horizontal orientation, labels are not displayed properly.
  • SD-35320 : Exception occurs while trying to execute a query with “ORDER BY” phrase in it.
  • SD-38105 : Improper construction of query while running a matrix report with date filter.
  • SD-38109 : Issue occurs while generating reports if the logged in user’s name has a back slash character.
  • SD-38257 : Default items are not appearing under advance filter while creating custom reports in change.
  • SD-48747 : For tech having custom roles, edit permission is not available in the reports list view page, however edit permission is available after the report is generated.
  • SD-49068 : Issue : When license is changed from Enterprise to Standard , “Change Approvals” is shown in Home Page.
  • SD-52536 : In custom report’s ‘Date filter’ if the ‘from’ date is not given, then the report gets generated but it cannot be saved.
  • SD-53734 : When date fields are null in advanced matrix report, irrelevant entries are found in first column of the report.
  • SD-66205 : Charts in custom reports appear right-aligned.
  • SD-66286 : The scheduled time displayed on the page refers to sever time and not the user’s time zone.
  • SD-66372 : Unassigned date fields in advanced matrix custom reports displayed incorrect values under the Date and Time columns.
  • SD-66562 : Only a part of the organization name is displayed in some reports.
  • SD-68433 : Unable to generate frequently asked query reports.
  • SD-67100 : Error occurs upon triggering a report with an additional field column containing ‘}’ character.
  • SD-67375 : A report with too many columns, when exported as pdf is illegibly zoomed in.
  • SD-67305 : Error occurs when you try editing the ‘Chart properties’ of a saved line chart report.
  • SD-67438 : A 3D bar chart report with certain combination of columns appears truncated when exported as pdf.
  • SD-67509 : ‘OverDue Status’ field is introduced for archived request reports.


  • SD-66285 : Search through “All Assets” creates a huge load on the server and causes it to crash.
  • SD-65046 : Auto-completion in password fields is disabled.
  • SD-69440 : Pass Through Authentication gets delayed in IE 11.
  • SD-69344 : SD-Users are unable to login to the application via pass through authentication in IE and Microsoft Edge, as page gets redirected to j_security_check.


(Released on 6 December, 2017)

Issues Fixed in 9330

Vulnerability issues:

  • SD-63275,SD-65316,SD-65524,SD-65525,SD-65593,SD-66578,SD-67996,SD-68298,SD-68387,SD-68390,SD-68391,SD-68392,SD-64424:Vulnerability fixed.


  • SD-68259: Default widgets in dashboard page does not facilitate scroll functionality.


  • SD-69301: In some scenarios, domain name in the application URL is missing when we pick up a request from the request list view.
  • SD-69238: Custom triggers values organized and saved in the ‘Organize Actions’ pop-up are not retained when the pop-up is opened again.
  • SD-69136: In Quick create request form, associated site of a requester is not populated on selecting the requester’s name.
  • SD-68623: Unable to add attachments with commas (,) in their names in requests.
  • SD-68609: Unable to view conversations of archived requests.
  • SD-68342: When multiple approvers are selected through ‘Select Approvers’ field in a service request, only one approver is saved.
  • SD-68279: While adding a pick list additional field, the text “select option” gets added as a value in Japanese version of the product.
    Note: This fix will only solve any future issues, however, for the older ones, we suggest you delete the wrongly added values manually.
  • SD-65236: Request Module: If the size of system triggered notification exceeds 64k, they are not moved as attachments.
  • SD-29923: Attachments with ampersand character in their names are missing in forwarded requests.


  • SD-68262: In solution’s details page, associated problem’s id is displayed with an anchor tag.
  • SD-68044: When “solution” string is used while searching for a solution, a number formatting exception is thrown.


  • SD-68383: When windows domain scan fails, it displays “Agent Connection Timeout” error even though the agent Port is open and the machine is reachable.
  • SD-68320: Option to configure server IP address and edit web server port for agent under Admin - >> Windows Agent Configuration >> Configure.
  • SD-67022: Support for infinite scrolling in department’s dropdown similar to that of the user’s dropdown.
  • SD-62900: Unable to delete attachments from CIs. It’s listed up when refreshing the page even after deletion.


  • SD-69073: Technicians (with full purchase permission/access to view all sites) are not able to view PRs created by them if PRs are associated to sites.
  • SD-69016: Items associated to the previous vendor are not removed while editing /adding a vendor in purchase order.
  • SD-68841: Loading issue with “View PO Associated Assets” list view / Global Search with “All Assets” option does not work once we sort the “PO Associated Assets” List view with CIType.


  • SD-68879: Issue in overriding custom styles in Admin page.
  • SD-68788: While executing custom triggers for a request, JSON object related exception is thrown.
  • SD-69122: Unable to save quick links for apps under Admin>>General Settings>>ME Integrations>> Quick Links.


  • SD-68220: When reports are generated from report’s list view, spacing between lines in the reports are increased.


  • SD-69346: While clicking on the community tab, the following error is thrown "Unable to process your request. Please check the URL ".


  • SD-69330: The string ‘Feedback’ is replaced with ‘Contact Support’ in feedback page of the application and under header section of 'Help’.
  • SD-69245: IE 9 browser support removed, alert message is not shown properly while upgrading through console mode.
  • SD-69104: While performing a lucene search, latest records are not displayed at the top.

Mobile app Info:

  • Links for IOS and android apps are given under profile and admin section , available for SDAdmins and SDSiteAdmin.


(Released on 9 November, 2017)

Issues Fixed in 9329

  • SD-68949 : CMDB API: Delete CI: The SDAdmin is unable to delete an asset that is not associated to any site.
  • SD-68388, SD-67081, SD-66890, SD-67007, SD-67455, SD-67456, SD-67606, SD-67607, SD-67809, SD-67810, SD-66889, SD-68557, SD-68231, SD-68158, SD-68943 : Vulnerability issue fixed
  • SD-66032 : Unable to reset the Project’s code field value to null.
  • SD-67443 , SD-67995 : Content variable $associatedlink added as a hyperlink in the “task comment notification template” doesn’t work.
  • SD-64242 : When multiple files are attached to a request and saved, the order in which the files were attached is not maintained
  • SD-65988 : An alert is displayed when you attempt navigating between the sub tabs of a project associated to a request.
  • SD-66736 , SD-67870 : Exception occurs while saving unique data by hitting the enter key multiple times.
  • SD-67601 : Approvers are missing in service requests that are created using a template with tasks dependencies. Issue occurs if one of the dependent tasks are unchecked.
  • SD-67875 : Error message does not display well while adding a duplicate task template name that has a script in it.
  • SD-67807 : Unable to edit “Project Type” from the list view page if the project color contains special character.
  • SD-66319 : Approval reminder notifications are wrongly sent for requests that are already approved.
  • SD-67829 : All list views under Projects can now display a maximum of 100 items
  • SD-69093 : Field and form rules are not executed when an incident template is changed, then reverted.
  • SD-69012 : In some SQL environments, schedules of reports and preventive maintenance tasks were deleted after upgrading to the latest version.
  • SD-68118 : If users add worklog additional fields and edit an existing worklog, the additional field values of that worklog changes to null.
  • SD-68385 : Text wrap doesn’t apply to description in the work log list view.
  • SD-68631 : Rendering exception occurs in project if tasks are sorted by milestones.
  • SD-69009 : Inline edit for task list view doesn’t maintain page navigation.
  • SD-68163 : Variable “$comments” in the ‘projects comments notification template’ does not change to a value in the notification.


(Released on 27 October, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-69087 : The Apple push notification certificate is updated in this build. The current certificate expires on October 29, 2017.
  • SD-68971 : Request form hangs if ‘add resource’ field is disabled in FAFR.


(Released on 24 October, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-69035 : Schedule to clean up duplicated Software CIs.
  • SD-69032 : Mail fetching error occurs if the configured keystore file name contains special characters.
  • SD-68973 : Replies sent to the notification mails are not getting added as a conversation if the delimiter is removed from the subject.
  • SD-68280 : XSS vulnerability issue.
  • SD-68217 : Selected fields for an AD import are reset and reverted to default settings when the ‘Active Directory Import Success’ window is closed.
  • SD-67566 : In some environments, single sign-on functionality fails abruptly due to the following exceptions, “SocketTimeOut” & “ArrayIndexOutOfBounds”
  • SD-67356 : Exception occurs in loading users list while assigning users to assets if email is not specified for a user.
  • SD-68978 : Migration fails if we migrate from 9319, 9320 or 9321 to a higher build. Issue occurs while we restore data to a fresh setup before migrating.
  • SD-68864 : Department in the custom trigger’s criteria gets duplicated multiple times in custom trigger’s list view page.
  • SD-68832 : Requesters name with special characters (umlaut) are not loaded in requester field’s ajax which causes loading failure in Quick Create menu.
  • SD-68827 : While adding a worklog, if we select 'Consider Worklog Addition as First Response’, then the first response value in the history stamp is shown in milliseconds.
  • SD-68812 : Unable to add an additional field as a criteria to a business rule.
  • SD-68078 : In ‘On Form Submit’ section of Field & Form Rules, ‘clear fields’ option is not working for multi-select fields.
  • SD-68077 : While copying a field and form rule with execute script action, that has tags, unwanted slashes are getting added.
  • SD-68523 : Model doesn’t get auto populated while editing a workstation or server in professional edition.


(Released on 05 October, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-68936 : Mail fetching error occurs if the server redirection is configured in server.xml.
  • SD-68901 : Unable to create requests on behalf of another user.
  • SD-68919 : Request custom menu is not displayed under the “Actions” menu of the request tab.


(Released on 28 September, 2017)

New Featues

  • SDF-68773 : ServiceDesk Plus now supports deploying Desktop Central’s User-defined Configuration templates from your request window.

Behavior Changes

  • Steps for installing or uninstalling software applications using Desktop Central Software Deployment feature has now been simplified.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-79120 : XSS vulnerability in purchase requests (CVE-2019-12543)

Dashboard :

  • SD-67021 : Count mismatch of Purchase Orders in Asset Dashboard

Request :

  • SD-68563 : Field and Form Rules are not working for ‘Select Approvers’ Field.
  • SD-68546,SD-68537 : 9320 breakage: Unable to search the merged requests.

Asset :

  • SD-68393,SD-68394,SD-68395,SD-68396,SD-68397 : Vulnerabilities in asset details page and workstation list view page have been fixed.
  • SD-68854 : Ssl certificate configured for mail fetching and analytics+ is being overwritten by SDP web server’s ssl certificate.
  • SD-66846 : Unable to delete the attached file of a software license if the file name has a “#” symbol in it.
  • SD-39260,SD-56353 : Exception while editing dynamic asset group.
  • SD-59881 : “All Assets” filter is not displayed if “All Assets In Store” link is clicked after viewing other product type list views.
  • SD-66424 : Not showing the depreciation details while adding a new asset or workstation in SDP Professional Edition.
  • SD-68010 : Asset edit page stalling while trying to load unwanted js/css files.
  • SD-51451 : The technicians having Asset View-only role can delete the attachments in asset detail page.
  • SD-64442 : The relationship for Virtual machine and host are not showing in relationships tab while updating the server.
  • SD-65173 : Listing all Workstation/Server inventoried without site restriction.
  • SD-67449 : Scan : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability issue fixed while scanning.
  • SD-59991 : Scan : Users having lower privileges than administrators can view the system log viewer after a scan failure.
  • SD-68643 : Currency : British pound sign “£” is replaced with \A3.
  • SD-68545 : NullPointerException while importing assets through CSV Import in Professional Edition.
  • SD-68398 : Unable to receive Software licenses in Purchase orders.
  • SD-68269 : Unable to scan switches in Network scan.
  • SD-67633 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if Serial Number column is sorted in workstation list view.
  • SD-66132 : If product type name change has modified the name of a child CI Type instead of the parent CI Type, during migration the child CI Type name is reverted back to the original name and parent CI Type name is modified as the latest product type name. For eg: if product type “IP Phone” is changed as "ABC", then the child CI Type “Cisco IP phone” would have changed to "ABC". Now in this migration, “Cisco IP Phone” CI Type would be reverted back to its old name and “IP Phone” CI Type would be modified as "IP Phone’.


  • SD-65115 : API : Range not working for GET_ALL CI in MSSQL build.

Purchase :

  • SD-65713 : Empty space in file names are replaced with "+"symbol while downloading as attachments.

Contract :

  • SD-63036 : Cannot open an expired software license from Contract Expiry notification mail.
  • SD-67559 : Vulnerability issue fixed in Contract List view.

Admin :

  • SD-52766 : Removed the unused option to add image under Admin–>Product comments.
  • SD-60734 : Admin Additional fields : Cannot view a lengthier pick list item in a Pick List additional field.
  • SD-67619 : Vulnerability issue fixed in Credential library.
  • SD-68548 : Sites are not loaded in the 'Exclude chat for site(s)' field under Chat settings.
  • SD-68216 : XSS Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-61854 : Hebrew characters are wrongly parsed in the mails received from Exchange mail server.
  • SD-68711 : Sample code given in the “Execute Script” section of field and form rules is wrongly showing ID’s instead of text.

Reports :

  • SD-60235 : Vulnerability in Audit Reports has been fixed.

Others :

  • SD-67772 : Option to configure the fetch size for individual tables in the database while taking backup.
  • SD-66687 : Request is not getting created since the Sequence Generator is not properly updated.


(Released on 13 September, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-68612 : Request’s ‘Site’ gets changed to ‘Not associated to any site’ while saving a resolution.
  • SD-68614 : When a service request has resources, then the resolution page freezes while clicking the add/ edit button.
  • SD-68629 : Pick List values are not listed in Incident Template.


(Released on 11 September, 2017)

New Features

  • SDF-65596 : Broadcasting a message to all Technicians.

  • SDF-68177 : Custom vendor configuration for sending SMS Notifications.

  • SDF-65302 : Easier value selection component introduced for all fields in Change request.

  • SDF-66082 : “All must approve” option, introduced for incident request under the Approval Configurations, can be used to mandate approval of all the approvers involved in a request. This option can be configured from any Incident template >> Work Flow Tab.

  • SDF-65208, SDF-30431 : Introduction of ‘Allow approval action for logged-in users only’ helps to make sure only the intended users take approval actions. This option can be found in Self-Service Portal settings under the “Approval Settings” section.

  • SDF-64182, SDF-21042 : Option to add attachments in the resolution of a request.

  • SDF-64167 : Now technician can view requester details and requests created by them during request creation.

  • SDF-63026 : WebRemote feature helps in taking remote session of Windows machines.

  • It is fast, and does not depend on any browser plugin.

  • Since it is HTML5 browser based, remote to Windows machine can be perfomed from any OS/device.

  • This feature uses Microsoft RDP and does not require agents to be installed in the remote machine.

  • The remote sessions can be recorded and played back later.

  • The sessions recorded are captured under asset’s history and request’s notes section.

  • Limitation : Remote sessions to Windows 10 machines is not possible now and would be resolved in one of the immediate service pack as we upgrade to Jre 1.8.

  • SDF-63185: Option to set the LocalAuthentication password as random or predefined, for users added through ActiveDirectory (AD), LDAP, Dynamic user addition and for users created via e-mail requests, from the UI itself. This can be found under Admin >> Users >> Active Directory/LDAP.

Behavior Change in 9323:

  • In Self Service Portal, Asset Selection is disabled only for Change Request.
  • Modify “ChangetoAsset” table to “ChangeToCi” in query reports to avoid errors.
  • Status change from resolution page is not allowed with an empty resolution.

Issues Fixed in 9323:

  • SD-68108 : Change: Unable to add attachments via global edit form, by a Change Manager/Change Owner of a given Change Request, which has crossed the Submission stage.
  • SD-68338 : Non-English characters appear as symbols in Status Comments in the Change module.


(Released on 6 September, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-68525 : In 9319, LDAP authentication is not working when users are imported from Microsoft Active Directory Ldap server.
  • SD-68470 : In dashboards page, clicking on “Requests approaching SLA Violation” widget’s drill down count does not redirect to the request list view page.
  • SD-68119, SD-68238 : Request details page : After updating the status, changes are not visible. This happens only if “Status change comment mandatory for request” is enabled under Self Service Portal
  • SD-68473 : Issue in receiving the scanned xmls in SDP server pushed by Windows agent or system startup script.
  • SD-67450 : Reports: Vulnerability issue in viewing database schema.
  • SD-68483 : In Non-login request close link, line breaks in resolution content is shown as div tags.
  • SD-68510 : Unable to exclude chat functionality for technicians (Admin>>Chat settings>>Exclude chat for technicians).
  • SD-68305 : Unable to create a request when the site, group and technician fields are configured in the Incident/Service template.
  • SD-68482 : Unable to access scheduled activities when the application has MS SQL server as a backend database.
  • SD-68424, SD-68531 : Issue with weekly and monthly schedule for Preventive Maintenance Tasks.


(Released on 30 August, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-68246 : Request Filter : Unable to select Group filters, if the group name contains special characters.
  • SD-68343, SD-68255 : Unable to close the request using close request link received from resolved notification mail.
  • SD-66939, SD-67155 : Service Template fields cache is not created properly such that the additional fields get disappeared in some scenarios.
  • SD-68278 : Service additional fields pick list values are not listed in sorted order.
  • SD-67729 : Wrong output key is fetched for “worklog_timetaken” operation in Worklog API.


(Released on 18 August, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-68034 : Request Listview : Request column spacing is getting increased intermittently.
  • SD-68227 : Request Listview : Unable to resize “Linked Requests” column.
  • SD-68235 : In addition to the default module delimiter for request, emails with subject having the base delimiter is also considered to identify the parent request id.


(Released on 16 August, 2017)

Behaviour change

  • SD-67833 : Behavior change in Search: If a request id is used in the search box, and a request exists with that id, then the search will take the user to the particular request’s details page. If texts are used in the search box then it will function as a default search and show the list of requests that contain the searched text.

Issues Fixed

Vulnerability :

  • SD-79117 : XSS vulnerability while searching solutions (CVE-2019-12541)
  • SD-79116 : XSS vulnerability while searching site (CVE-2019-12538)
  • SD-78117 : XSS vulnerability in global search (CVE-2019-12189)
  • SD-79119 : XSS vulnerability in global search (CVE-2019-12542)

Others :

  • SD-60611 : Timeout issue occurs while importing large number of users from LDAP
  • SD-47313, SD-66129, SD-62175 : Cursor is not placed in the “to” field or the “description” field when we hit the ‘reply’ button in requests.
  • SD-65711 : “Change Password” option is available for users who have logged using the AD authentication.
  • SD-66772 : Field and form rules doesn’t work if asset values are selected as options for a resource question in the service catalog.
  • SD-67473 : When a request is created through Chat, the “Mode” field would be set to with a default value of “Chat” if present.
  • SD-67797 : If a request additional/default fields’ values has a forward slash, then it is getting replaced with a backward and forward slash in the request list view.
  • SD-67753 : The text “Actions” under Requests tab is not translated for non English languages.
  • SD-67834 : Extra lines are added to texts that are copied and pasted from Outlook to the Announcements.
  • SD-60839, SD-66853 : When we update a service category with an icon, it gets updated in a different service category.
  • SD-67018 : If the count of Service Approvers in the application is high (say around 7000), then the Service Request creation form loads slowly.
  • SD-67771 : If we hit enter key on the resolution text box of a default template, before creating a request, a blank resolution gets added.
  • SD-65810 : Attachments are not visible in the solutions that are published in the Self Service Portal.
  • SD-68126 : Credentials are not loaded properly in API in some scenarios.
  • SD-67956 : Request Pick List additional field values are not listed in sorted order.
  • SD-67341 : No response on saving closure code comments in a Change request.
  • SD-59362, SD-59503, SD-60060, SD-60114, SD-60134, SD-61035, SD-61036, SD-64425, SD-65356, SD-65357, SD-66446, SD-66667, SD-66692 : XSS Vulnerability issues fixed
  • SD-68229 : Not able to change the site using the site search icon when the number of active sites are more than 100.


(Released on 11 August, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-68181 : When service catalog common additional field are added as columns under the request list view, when a pickup/assign operation happens from the request list view, those visible column’s common additional field information will get removed from service request which is picked up or assigned.


(Released on 21 July, 2017)

Issues Fixed

  • SD-67766: When users migrate from builds older than 9313 to the 9315 and having two or more users with same login name but different domain along with “Not in Domain” present, then those user’s will not be able to login to the application.
  • SD-67751: Request list view page is blank, if the selected custom filter name has a single quote in it.
  • SD-67743: Request history is blank, if any of the additional field’s name contains “time” in it.
  • SD-67767: Technician is unable to set their availability status


(Released on 20 July, 2017)

Issue Fixed

  • SD-67740: Request list view page is blank for some technicians after migrating to 9315, the scenario is as follows,
    • Some technicians sets the ‘Refresh frequency’ to some value, say 3 or 5
    • After some time, he sets it back to ‘Never’
    • The server is now upgraded to 9315.


(Released on 19 July, 2017)

New Features

  • SDF-65167: Request List View Enhancements: Mark request filters as favorite, resize request columns, and view tasks and requests in a single page.
  • SDF-67564: Revamped request history: Option to filter and sort history details of a request using various fields such as status, priority, mode, impact, and level.
  • SDF-42517: Option to automatically close a request when approval is denied - i.e, if the approval status of a request is changed to the “Denied” state. This configuration can be done in Admin >> Request Closing Rules.
  • SDF-65212: Option to merge service requests.
  • SDF-65393: Email reply gets auto merged as conversation based on email header (in-reply-to header). This feature is enabled by default .It can be disabled through the Globalconfig Table in the database. [Parameter=AppendOnRequestReferences].
  • SDF-63883: Live Chat for Users: Allow requesters to have a quick chat with technicians easily.
  • SDF-65278: Advanced analytics integration for ServiceDesk Plus now offers reports and dashboards on change management module. In this update you will get-
    • An overview of upcoming and in-progress changes.
    • Insight into the CAB approval process.
    • Change management dashboard, CAB approval dashboard, business impact analysis and much more.Also, Request - MultiSelect additional fields are supported.
  • SDF-28592: Refer settings of one site for configuring another site. Referring site follows the settings of the chosen site. Admin >> Sites >> New/Edit Site.
  • SDF-65039: Option to configure the base delimiter. Admin >> Mail Server settings >> Delimiter.
  • Note: By default, the base delimiter is ## and delimiter for each module is Request-RE, Change-CH, Problem-PB, Project-PJ, Solution-SO, Task-TA, PurchaseOrder-PO, PurchaseRequest-PR, and Contract-CO.
  • SDF-67252 : Scan status with troubleshooting steps will be displayed in details page of SNMP devices too.
  • SDF-51608: Option to list users who are deleted in the active directory. From this list, users can be deleted either manually or automatically.
  • Note: Deleted user data from the remote server cannot be transferred to the central server.

Behaviour change

  • Request ID search has been removed. Instead, the global search will have the “request id” filter enabled by default. Switch to “default search” filter to perform global search within the application.
  • When Business Rules are applied to move a request to Closed / Resolved / Completed status, the action will be successful only if the Request satisfies the Request closing rules.
  • Previously,$EntityID was used in Notification template. This has been changed to ##ModuleDelimiter-$EntityID##. For each module, replace their respective delimiters. For example, $RequestID should be replaced with ##RE-$RequestID##. The modified delimiter will be applied to the e-mail Notification template.
  • SDSiteAdmin without “ModifyingDueTime” permission will not be able to edit the ‘created time’ in global edit.

Issues Fixed

Home :

  • SD-65821 : Mark Unavailability option under Quick actions tab displays the first Technician listed instead of the logged in user in Technician drop-down.
  • SD-64371: Vulnerability fix in task module.
  • SD-42026: Vulnerability in scheduler.

Request :

  • SD-66176 & SD-65953: Unable to assign the site technician in the task template within the incident template and service catalog.
  • SD-63831: Worklog additional field’s tool tip is shown as “Null” in the “add new” worklog page.
  • SD-66253: Not able to edit “Date/Time” additional field of a WorkLog, if the field has no value assigned to it.
  • SD-66034: Attachment and History of tasks associated with a request are not archived when the request is archived.
  • SD-66345: Request’s template doesn’t change when updated with a template with no service category via Email command by Requester.
  • SD-65987: Response due by time is set for a request duplicated from a request which doesn’t have a response due by time.
  • SD-48968: “Category” and “Description” details of a request are not present in the tooltip snippet over the archived requests.
  • SD-63535: Task attachment files are overwritten while adding attachments files of similar names.
  • SD-63611: Content in the reply text box of a request is not properly aligned if a requester/technician, who is not assigned to the request, replies.
  • SD-63664: Default request template page is displayed when we close a request with the FCR check box selected.
  • SD-66239: “Start Timer” option is unavailable for a technician who doesn’t have the permission to reopen a request.
  • SD-66137: Saved “Date” field values in the custom view criteria are automatically incremented in some cases.
  • SD-66153: Error occurs if we hit the “Convert” button multiple times while converting a Service Request into an Incident Request or vice versa.
  • SD-67377: In the IE browser, “Page not found” error occurs while trying to print a request page from ServiceDesk Plus.
  • SD-60592: Able to close requests with blank description even though it is configured in request closure rules.
  • SD-65197: Exception occurs while changing a request’s template in some scenarios.
  • SD-66059: ‘New DueBy Time’ calculation does not work when a ticket is reopened from ‘OnHold’ status during a holiday.
  • SD-66238: Incident additional field values are maintained in the request list view even after converting the request type from incident to service.
  • SD-66360: Overdue flag is displayed even when the resolved date is less than the due by date for a service request that is converted from an incident request.
  • SD-66856: Unable to remove all template tasks of a request via global edit.
  • SD-28229: Technician without an access to modify the ‘due by time’ is not able to modify the ‘created time’ as well.
  • SD-65978, SD-65997: Request collaboration does not work, if any of the technician’s display name has a single quote in it.
  • SD-65716: Unable to edit the pick list values once they are added to the request additional fields.
  • SD-66373: Able to change service category for a service request.
  • SD-46127: Extra space is added to texts that are copied and pasted from Outlook 2007 to the request description field.
  • SD-60599: Notifications are not sent when Requests are moved to Closed / Resolved / Completed status via Business Rules.
  • SD-66386, 63118: Unable to view Requester pop-up window of a Request by a Technician who does not have Adding/Editing Requester permission.
  • SD-66673: Request inline images are shown as attachments in the outlook.
  • SD-26693: Request pick list additional field’s default values are automatically selected in a request template even when we select "None".
  • SD-66172, 66773: Unable to move Requests to unassigned state while configuring backup technician.
  • SD-66624: Technician notifications are wrongly sent for scheduled status changes.
  • SD-65800: Mail Fetching stops when a Request template has a deleted custom defined status
  • SD-66215: Unable to reset the “E-mail id to notify” field while updating request.
  • SD-66442: Task template list view pop-up is garbled while performing a column search, when a task is added to a request using task templates.
  • SD-66196: When we hit the tab key from the “Subject” field, cursor goes to the “Created Date” field instead of the “Description” field.

Change :

  • SD-66788: Rich Text option’s are not shown in Send notification of Change.

Solutions :

  • SD-66303: Unable to dissociate user groups from a solution.

Project :

  • SD-64246: The Gantt View page is blank for certain time zones.
  • SD-66100 & SD-66168: Project history does not change to the default language selected in the browser.
  • SD-66333: Unclear error message appears when unauthorized technicians access the milestone displayed on the breadcrumbs trail.
  • SD-66334: Associated project milestones are not listed in the Milestone List View for certain authorized users.
  • SD-66343: While viewing the Project history, an error is displayed if a user is deleted from the application.
  • SD-66438: Certain authorized users unable to add comments to a milestone.
  • SD-66451: Certain authorized users unable to view history of a milestone.
  • SD-66876: Total time spent by a project member in a milestone is not displayed.
  • SD-66877: Edit options not displayed in the Task List View under Project -> Milestones for certain authorized users.
  • SD-66298: In IE browser, an unwanted alert pops up on cancelling add task form in project.
  • SD-62494: Milestones list view page does not get refreshed after bulk deletion of milestones.
  • SD-66121: Project Estimated/Actual cost fields are shown in exponential format when the values are greater than 7/8 digits.
  • SD-65998: Site field is not populated as "Not associated to any site", when a project is created using a project template that is not associated to any site.
  • SD-66033: In the site field, the “Not associated to any site,” option is alphabetically listed instead of being at the top, for projects.

Asset :

  • SD-63971 : Scan : VMs added in exclude device/IP list are not excluded while scanning.
  • SD-60286 : Scan : Exclude IPs/Devices from scan does not accept any IP range that ends with 100 like x.x.x.100
  • SD-64178 : Agent : Fetching last 5 characters of license key when the license key is not available.
  • SD-65719 : Agent remote control is not working when DC is integrated with product.
  • SD-66127 : Error while performing remote control from IE as it required administrative privileges.
  • SD-44820 : Agent : Issue in fetching Service Packs/Hotfix while scanning windows 7 machines
  • SD-66893 : Agent : User account information were duplicated during script scan.
  • SD-66226 : Scan : Serial number is not fetched while scanning Cisco IP Phones.
  • SD-66627 : Scan : StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while scanning a Cisco IP Phone.
  • SD-67025 : Scan : NumberFormatException while scanning a Switch.
  • SD-66249 : Exception on editing CIs with similar names that are marked as Assets.
  • SD-66163, SD-62126, SD-66185 : Unable to add attachments for Assets and software licenses.
  • SD-58915 : Unwanted 0kb pdf files are attached in mail notifications even when no audit changes are detected during Domain/Network scan.
  • SD-66241,SD-62091 : Unable to scan Windows 8 to Windows 10 OS machines, if Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled under Control Panel.
  • SD-66816 : OS of Debian machines was not properly identified.
  • SD-65347 : Unable to fetch correct model name for HP, Canon IR505 and Brothers printers.
  • SD-67058 : Changed the field name “Device Serial Number” to “Manufacturer Serial Number” and “Serial Number” to “Org Serial Number” in asset forms.

Software :

  • SD-58880 : Software : When the manufacturer for a software is changed from “Others” to "Microsoft", certain individual/volume licenses are moved under CAL.
  • SD-63987 : Software : While adding a license agreement, the pick list values for custom fields are not loaded.
  • SD-64441 : Software : Unable to delete the site when it is associated with downgrade software license.
  • SD-66365 : Software : NullPointerException while deleting certain software licenses imported from CSV.
  • SD-64172 : Issue in displaying “Add Manufacturer” pop up in “Add New Software” form, in dual monitor.
  • SD-65399 : Duplicate CI relationships are created for manual software installations after scan.
  • SD-62150 : Unable to change the software types from scanned software list when software is manually added from workstation/server details page.

Purchase :

  • SD-65673 : Purchase: Item total cost fields are not restricted to two decimals in purchase request details page.
  • SD-65804 : Purchase : Purchase request id jumps by 300 on every restart of the application.
  • SD-66174 : Purchase : Unable to open purchase order(s) in new tab from the PO list view.
  • SD-66527 : Purchase: The approval link in the notification mail doesn’t work for second level approvers in purchase request. Isuue occurs when previous approver have approved from a Non-login link.
  • SD-63126 : Purchase : Approval limit of Purchase Order of an user is based on base currency instead of currency used in the PO.
  • SD-65747 : Purchase : Multiple submit clicks in “Notify the Vendor” popup in PO results in multiple POs being placed to the vendor.
  • SD-66200 : On receiving PO, CIs are added to child CI types, if the CI type has child CI types.
  • SD-66679 : Error occurs while canceling a purchase request if the “E-mail to purchase request’s requester and technician when request is cancelled” option is disabled under Admin --> Purchase Notification Rules.

Admin :

  • SD-65631: Priority color band in milestone template is not aligned properly.
  • SD-65630: Status color band in milestone template is not aligned properly.
  • SD-27685: “$NoteMadeBy” and “$NoteDesc” variables don’t work in the “Subject” field of “Notify technician when a note is added” email notification template.
  • SD-67368: Unable to fetch System Updates using Proxy Settings.
  • SD-47571: Reset button in the translations page is not working properly.
  • SD-65280: Emails filtered out by SPAM rule still creates Requester account in the application.
  • SD-66183: Mode cannot be set as ‘not for further usage’ if it is associated with a module.
  • SD-65982: SLA Escalation actions are not applied to a request when the action fields (Group, Technician, Priority & Level) that are set as “Allow Requester to View” disabled in template configuration.

Reports :

  • SD-64303 : Report: Unable to delete the advance filter for saved custom report.
  • SD-56494 : Report: Renewed contracts are also displayed under Reports --> Contracts --> Expired Contracts.
  • SD-65484 : Reports: Unable to view both dynamic and static views of the data model belonging to a CI History.
  • SD-65640,SD-65534 : Unable to run the CI History report for MSSQL database.
  • SD-66677 : “NullPointerException” occurs while generating a schedule report for CI History.
  • SD-65723 : Scheduled reports with criteria for Project module fetches incorrect data.
  • SD-65709 : Cancel button in Reports window does not get disabled even after the Report is triggered.
  • SD-65454, SD-66799, SD-66798 : Error occurs while trying to run Audit history by Changes under Custom Reports.
  • SD-66519 : Unable to execute queries containing description field and workordertocharge table.
  • SD-65581, SD-66202 : Error occurs while executing scheduled reports by non-SDAdmin users.
  • SD-65620 : Able to create Report folder without giving any name.
  • SD-66029 : Improper error message while trying to create a Report folder with an existing name.
  • SD-46315, SD-59517, SD-66208 : The special characters in text columns are shown improper in Reports.

Others :

  • SD-64321 : Failure message displayed during “Delete credential” operation is not translated for Non-English languages.
  • SD-60797 : “File not found” error occurs while downloading attachments when SDP server location is changed.
  • SD-66244 : Documentation link under help redirects to an invalid page while viewing the admin tab.
  • SD-65451 : Vulnerability issue fixed.
  • SD-60084 : Able to view server details in the response header.
  • SD-65608, SD-65611 : Keep me signed-in does not work in some environments when automatic browser upgrade is enabled by the user.
  • SD-65889 : DC & MDM Permission check boxes are unchecked for technicians despite disabling the DC configuration in the application. DC & MDM tab(s) are not visible to SDAdmins, when we disable the DC configuration.
  • SD-66686 : Technician Notification pop-up to accommodate more notifications preview based on resolution.
  • SD-42026 : Vulnerability issue fixed.

New Features in 9314 (Released on 05 July, 2017)

  • SDF-41121: Option to login to the mobile application using LDAP Authentication. If both LDAP and Local Authentication is enabled in your application, then entering either one of the passwords will allow you to successfully login to the application.

Issues Fixed in 9314

  • SD-67037: If we click on the resolution text box of a default template and create a request, a blank resolution gets added.
  • SD-66363, SD-66841, SD-66842: Vulnerability issues are fixed.

Issues Fixed in 9313 (Released on 30 June, 2017)

  • SD-67431: In SSO enabled environments, owing to the POST data loss, web form data doesn’t get submitted while creating or editing a request and form resets. Similarly, replies sent via email are not sent; in some cases resolutions, notes, and worklogs are not getting saved too.
  • SD-66780: Following issues have been fixed in the request module
    • Request form freezes while adding a request.
    • Technicians are getting logged out randomly.

Issues Fixed in 9312 (Released on 22 June, 2017)

  • SD-67331: Unable to submit post data in IE when the SSO and Keep me signed in options are enabled.
  • SD-66364: CVE-2017-9362 : Vulnerability while adding CI in CMDB API.

Behavior change in 9312

  • In an SSO-enabled environment, the Keep me signed in option will be unavailable.

Issues Fixed in 9311 (Released on 09 June, 2017)

  • SD-67015: In SSO enabled environment, technicians are not able to access API after upgrading to 9310

Issues Fixed in 9310 (Released on 08 June, 2017)

  • SD-65898: Single Sign on does not work if we disable SMBv1 protocol in domain controller.
  • SD-66793: During scan when the prohibited softwares are identified, only one machine gets listed in the technician notification

Behavior Change in 9310

  • SD-66938: Expiry time format for STATE_COOKIE is changed from session to seconds(60sec).
  • SD-66934: The “keep me signed in” option in the Login page is to be kept unchecked by default.

Issues Fixed in 9309 (Released on 23 May, 2017)

  • SD-66745: Subject of a Request gets hidden in the reply window, if the sender’s e-mail Id is configured to a support group and the Request is assigned to a Technician in that Support group.
  • SD-65802: Resurfacing of this issue in 9308 (which was fixed in 9305), Automatic status change configured based on Request Status Scheduler fails to work, has been fixed.
  • SD-65697: Unable to access V3 API when Single Sign On is enabled.

New Feature in IOS App 4.2 (Released on 19 May, 2017)

  • Option to take Approve / Reject actions on Incident and Service Requests. (from server build 9303). Issue Fixed in IOS App 4.2

  • Invalid API key error occurs in the Assign technician option for some users.

New Features in 9308 (Released on 9 May, 2017)

  • SDF-65900: Following enhancements have been made in SMS notification settings:
    • Platform account support for Clickatell
    • Option to modify SMS Gateway API URL from UI
    • Unicode support for Site 24X7
  • SDF-66288: The following script methods have been supported in Field and Form Rules:
    • $CS.getValue(“REQUESTER.SITE”);
    • $CS.getValue(“REQUESTER.ISVIPUSER”);
  • SDF-59980: Option to delete/hide default CI types and product types.
  • SDF-65935: Option to include Shared Requests in Custom Reports. This will be available under Reports >> Custom Settings >> General settings.
  • SDF-32969, SDF-44559: Option to assign technician / back up technician based on either the due by date of the request or the created date of the request. This will be available under Admin >> Self-Service Portal Settings.

Issues Fixed in 9308


  • SD-65816: In PGSQL DB, when a Technician is marked on Leave, From and To date fields get interchanged in details page and leave notification.
  • SD-65424: Unable to add a Requester from quick actions menu by non-admin technicians.
  • SD-66549: In Requester login, although texts in Request summary are hyper-linked, it does not get re-directed to the intended page when clicked.


  • SD-66469: Overdue Requests count mismatch between ‘filter Requests by’ widget in the dashboard and the ‘Overdue Requests’ count in list view, when the page is redirected from dashboard to the Request list view.


  • SD-65748: Business Rule configured for a Request associated with sites, get executed even during non-operational hours although it is configured to be executed during the operational hours.
  • SD-65759: Certain Incident and Service additional fields created in Turkish language does not get displayed in the Self Service Portal although it is configured in the template.
  • SD-65823: Request Type field is shown in custom view filter, but the values are not fetched. Now it is modified to show the Request Type field with values for problem module enabled environment.
  • SD-28156, SD-65296: Vulnerability in Request module.
  • SD-38444: Translation issues in Italian language.
  • SD-64462: The integer zero on the left of the decimal point in a decimal additional field displays blank value.
  • SD-65942: Performance optimized while loading a Request form in environments where large number of resource questions are present in the Service template.
  • SD-50327: Default resolution set for a request template is not applied to requests created via email or the Quick create option.
  • SD-53431, SD-63662, SD-64073, SD-64281, SD-66601: Issues with assigning Technician/ Group have been fixed.
  • SD-66358: Page gets scrolled to the bottom while forwarding a Request.
  • SD-66366: Reply editor for Requester Conversations feels smaller.
  • SD-66453: Less clarity in displaying disabled fields.
  • SD-66368: Multiple approval emails being sent for request on clicking send button multiple times in Submit for Approval action from the request details page.
  • SD-65885: In Notification Rules, “Alert (or Notify) technician by email when there is a new reply from the requester” has been changed to "Alert (or Notify) technician by email when there is a new reply for the Request".
  • SD-61745: Tool tip in Request List view fails to disappear when switched between browser tabs.
  • SD-61928: Tool tip display issue in Request list view while mouse hover.
  • SD-64365: While performing a Request import from XLS, an alert message to disable survey has been added.
  • SD-66590: Field and Form Rules are not applied If any field options contain special characters.
  • SD-66554: Request archiving fails for Service Requests created under custom service category in some scenarios.


  • SD-66351: Screen flickers while trying to scroll down the Task page.


  • SD-64309, SD-59754: Resolution does not get updated while changing the Request template using a Business Rule.
  • SD-65977: Error in Business Rules list view due to the presence of empty strings in the text-based “starts with” / “ends with” criteria.
  • SD-62661: Site entry gets Duplicated while trying to update a site with copy settings for department, and if the department with same name (in different case) exists in copy site.
  • SD-66048: Performance optimized while fetching department name in environments with a large number of departments.


  • SD-66301: Less spacing between lines in Reports.
  • SD-65288: Details link under Build information of community Tab does not redirect to the Japanese URL even if the language is chosen as Japanese.


  • SD-26079: Unable to re-size the text area for MultiLine/Single Text additional fields.
  • SD-65886: Error occurs in API documentation when opened in Firefox.
  • SD-66287: Typo in alert message.
  • SD-66385: Approval reminder notification for request fails to work after 9303.

Behavior change in 9308:

  • Previously while deleting a CI type or a product type, a message would be displayed if there are products under the corresponding type. The user had to delete the assets and products under it before deleting the CI Type/Product Type. From now, If a CI type or a product type is deleted, the number of assets and products under it will be displayed and it will prompt the user to proceed with deletion. If the user chooses "Yes", the assets and products would be deleted and the corresponding CI Type or Product Type would be hidden. The user can make them active, if required.
  • Only Technicians with SDSite Admin and SD Admin role can add a Requester from the Quick Actions menu.

Issues Fixed in 9307 (Released on 13 April, 2017)

  • SD-65887: Status change of a Request does not get recorded in Time elapsed analysis in some scenarios.
  • SD-65952: Technician details gets collapsed in Time elapsed analysis while re-assigning the Request to the same Technician.
  • SD-66247: Scheduled report(s) do not work after the server is restarted.
  • SD-66008: In SSO / Pass-through authentication enabled environment, during login process, the login page gets displayed for a while before user is automatically logged in.

New features in 9306 (Released on 6 April, 2017)

  • SDF-65096 : You can now share a Request with Technicians and Requesters from the Request Details page.

    • Requests can be shared with all technicians or technicians of selected support groups and departments
    • Can be shared with all Requesters or Requesters of certain sites.
    • New filters like Pending Request shared with me and Requests shared with me have been added in the filter drop-down.
    • View/edit permission for a Shared Request will be the same as the access permissions provided to the Technician while a Requester can only view a Shared Request.
    • Note that reports will not contain Shared requests listed in them. For more info on this feature, refer this Admin guide link.
  • SDF-22978 : Change module will be available for a Requester login when the user is assigned with a Change role.

  • Earlier a Requester could access a Change Request only through non-login URL. Now they can access it from their self-service portal.

  • Requester will have complete access to mini-calendar and calendar views.

  • A new filter ‘All My Changes’ has been introduced in List/Calendar view.

  • Access permissions to a Change Request and its operations will be based on the roles assigned to the Requester. However, there are a few operations like add/copy/delete Change, associate Incident/Problem, list view actions, history etc., restricted for Requesters.

  • SDF-54282 : Easier user selection component introduced for Change Roles.

  • SDF-65562 : Option to notify users when they are removed from Change role.

  • SDF-65441 : A new variable ‘$StatusSetBy’ has been added under Change stage and status notification template.

  • SDF-63002 : New fields ‘Department’ and ‘Requested By’ has been added in Projects.

  • SDF-64381 : Enhancements in Field and Form rules.

    • 'show resources’, 'hide resources’, ‘set task’ and ‘unset task’ actions are supported.
    • 'set task’, ‘unset task’ and ‘clear field’ actions are supported in ‘on Submit’ Rule.
    • 'Select Approver’, ‘Requester Details’ and ‘Login Details’ fields have been added in conditions.
    • New script has been provided for ‘Requester Details’ and 'Login User Details’.
    • ‘Show Tasks’ and ‘Hide Tasks’ has been added in Actions and in ScriptEditor for Tasks.
    • Inbuilt javascript methods 'addAllOptions’, ‘setDateFromCurrentDate’ and ‘getApprovalStatus’ have been supported.

Issues fixed in 9306

Dashboard :

  • SD-65660 : Add new widget pop up not being displayed properly for the Chinese language in self service portal customization.
  • SD-65971 : Support groups filter in Dashboard fails to list the default site specific groups for refer sites.
  • SD-65937 : Unable to choose or save few support groups by Technicians with restricted site access in Dashboards, when the default site is associated with them.
  • SD-65955 : Support group search filter in Dashboards is case sensitive.
  • SD-65956 : Requests by Technician and Request Summary widgets display wrong count in Dashboards for a restricted site access technician if there is a marked as deleted group present.

Request :

  • SD-66135 : Unable to set the status of a Request to resolved through API / Mobile App when request auto close is enabled.
  • SD-64106 : XSS Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-66203 : Request details page become blank in some scenarios in few languages.

Change :

  • SD-65401 : Status comments dialog box appears during status change although it is marked as non-mandatory in Change template.

Projects :

  • SD-65402 : PDF export fails in some environment for Gantt View, Project Overview Map and Task Dependencies.
  • SD-65378 : Unable to delete Projects from list view, while switching from project details view page to Project list view using the projects link.

Solution :

  • SD-63901 : Unable to search solutions when ‘Solution’ is accessed using non-login view.
  • SD-65793 : Error occurs on loading request details page randomly due to solution suggest API call.

Purchase :

  • SD-64198 : Unable to create Purchase Request from a Service Request, when the application uses MSSQL database.
  • SD-65650 : Requested item names fail to get populated in add new purchase request form while creating a Purchase Request from a Service Request.
  • SD-63928 : Site filter does not get displayed properly for a few admin technicians in Software and new Purchase Request page.
  • SD-65902 : Unable to download attachments from a Purchase Request details page when the attachment path is changed in Self-Service Portal.

Admin :

  • SD-50909 : Self service login details notification does not get sent when a new Requester is added through CSV import.

  • SD-64332 : The display name given in the CSV file is not imported through schedule CSV import.

    NOTE : In the migrated setup , to import displayname field, as part of the schedule CSV user import, you have to add the below entry

    <USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="displayName" CsvFieldName="displayName"/> in the scheduledCSVUserImportMapping.xml file, and the corresponding csv file should have the colum name “displayName” to get imported.

  • SD-65995 : Unable to configure a 5 digit port number in the Port field in Proxy settings since the max length of the field gets restricted to 4.

  • SD-66516: Confused translation for the word ‘Requests’ in Swedish.

Reports :

  • SD-65708 : Boolean columns fail to work while generating Custom Reports.
  • SD-46136 : Error while executing valid query reports with column names containing sql keywords like update, exec, into etc.

Others :

  • SD-64188 : Restoration fails when the backup sql file is more than 1GB.
  • SD-65909 : Data Restoration fails in console mode in versions above 9240.
  • SD-65265 : Text wrap is not applied in the dynamic notification pop up.
  • SD-64419 : Vulnerability issue fixed.

Behavior changed in 9306

  • SD-65814: Solution suggestions bulb icon will be disabled and resolution section is made as default view on clicking resolution tab.

Issues fixed in 9305 (Released on 30 March, 2017)

  • SD-66052: Unable to send Reply to a request using IE11 browser in some environments.
  • SD-65933: Unable to choose ‘Entire Content’ search option in solution module in languages other than English.
  • SD-65802: Automatic status change configured based on Request Status Scheduler is not working.
  • SD-65798: Global search fails to work for few modules for languages other than English.
  • SD-66043: If Field and Form Rules are configured, fields are not validated properly if the field value contains trail end spaces.
  • SD-66073: All tasks are listed under ‘My Tasks’ section in Home page where change module is not enabled

Issue fixed in 9304 (Released on 16 March, 2017)

  • SD-65950: Migration fails during deletion of asset relationship of a resigned user. Particularly happens in some environment where the count of resigned users with asset relationship exceeds 1000.

New features in 9303 (Released on 9 March, 2017)

  • SDF-62564: Option for Technicians to mark their availability by choosing ‘Online’ or 'Offline’. The significance of this indication can be viewed while assigning Requests/Tasks to an available Technician from the home page of Tasks and Request module.
  • SDF-38788: Prompt for Request closure code when the status of a Request is changed to 'resolved’. This option will be available only if the ‘auto close’ option is enabled.
  • SDF-58913: ‘Change’ module has been provided for Standard and Professional trial editions.
  • SDF-63250: API support for ‘Approvals’ only for operations where the user can get his/her pending approvals and take approve or reject action on the same.

Issues fixed in 9303


  • SD-65803: Able to view the deleted groups getting listed in select2 components due to cache issue.
  • SD-65801: Technicians who have access to all Sites are unable to choose/save support groups that are assigned to them from group filter in Dashboards.


  • SD-65588, SD-65762: Unable to add closure code details and status change comment from the resolution section when status of the Request is changed.


  • SD-64196: Deleted technicians are displayed under "Quick Create - Relationships".
  • SD-64026,SD-57833: Unable to view more than 50 products that are associated to a vendor.
  • SD-64308: NullPointerException while trying to import Linux machine’s scanned xml.
  • SD-61695: Memory details shown in Workstations/servers hardware report is not matching with total memory of the device.
  • SD-65778: Location Field is getting reset to null on csv import under asset.
  • SD-61679: In asset details page, the word ‘State’ has been wrongly translated in polish language.
  • SD-65773: Unable to scan AIX machine as timeout error occurs while executing a command.
  • SD-62968, SD-62976, SD-65533: Unable to modify the Asset state from the Resources List View.


  • SD-42063: Prohibited software installation is not notified for new assets identified during network or domain scan.


  • SD-63205: Exception is thrown if form is submitted without selecting the XLS file while importing CI relationships.
  • SD-65159: Ambiguous user error on importing relationships for users.


  • SD-65498: Unable to import contracts if date values are not provided in DATE formats supported in XLS file.


  • SD-63932: The word ‘Show’ is removed from the ‘Requester allowed to view’ drop down.
  • SD-65050: In junk notification filter, i18n key is shown for “is” condition.
  • SD-65283: Dropdown missing for the option “Reopen the same request within no. of days from closed time. Else, create as a new request.” under Admin -> Self-Service Portal Settings in Polish language.
  • SD-65739: Advanced Analytics tab, when accessed, points to Zoho Reports although Analytics Plus is configured.
  • SD-65220: Site based departments are not listed in Add/edit requester page when the site field is displayed as text box.
  • SD-64247: Site field is available in Business Rule Criteria dropdown lists for copy/custom sites when the total site count is greater than the SiteIconListConfiguration paramvalue.
  • SD-64078: Unable to modify the technician for cost center under Admin module.
  • SD-65781: New video updated for Service Catalog under Product Overview.
  • SD-65256: Associated Users list view does not get listed when 'Associate User(s)' option under Region/Site/Department in ‘Admin’ is clicked.(Occurs only in MSSQL DB)


  • SD-62595: Wrong scheduled reports are sent to the users if there are more number of reports scheduled at one particular time in some environments.
  • SD-64284: Barcode column is displayed twice for while creating “All Assets” new custom report.


  • SD-64090: In AD authentication, when dynamic user addition is disabled, domain names will be listed for the exact username searched.
  • SD-63919: Unable to migrate the ServiceDesk build when Assetexplorer build is running in same server with 8080 port
  • SD-63993: The text “Software” under Assets tab --> Left panel is not translated for non English languages.


  • SD-32674, SD-32675, SD-61482, SD-61483, SD-65358, SD-39963: Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-65799, SD-65648: Vulnerability in Dashboards
  • SD-64105: XSS Vulnerability in Solutions.

Behavior changed in service pack 9303

  • If any one of the approvers approve the Incident approval, the status of the Incident Request would be set to approved. Yet, the other approvers would have been able to register their recommendation on the approval. Now, once the Incident Request is approved by any one of the approver, the other approvers won?t be able to register their action or recommendation on it, since the Request is already approved.
  • While importing contracts, there won’t be any option to choose date format for date fields as before. Instead, all date formats supported by excel will be supported if the cell containing date is formatted as DATE in excel. Otherwise, default date format supported will be "dd mm yyyy".

Issues fixed in 9302 (Released on 1 March, 2017)

  • SD-63979, SD-65613: Unable to login to the application in certain scenarios by multiple users with same login credentials when ‘Keep me signed-in’ is enabled.
  • SD-65786: Unable to access the Purchase module after migrating to 9301 in some environments due to the additional fields configured previously before migrating.

Issues fixed in 9301 (Released on 15 February, 2017)

  • SD-65655: Task tab under the Incident template displays a blank page for users who have changed their page length.
  • SD-65659: Unable to modify the customizations done to self service portal post upgrade
  • SD-65705: When the text to be searched in Assets module is entered in global search, it displays results from solution module instead of asset module.
  • SD-65706: Credentials fields in login page appears misaligned, when the application is accessed in some languages.
  • SD-65707: After upgrading to 9300, Project Templates and ME Integrations fail to load due to browser cache issue in some environments.

New features in 9300 (Released on 8 February, 2017)

  • SDF-48098 : Save time and effort by creating Project Templates for projects that are repetitive and contain milestones, tasks, and sub-tasks. This option is available under Admin >> Project Management >> Project Templates.
  • SDF-63463: Customize dashboards per your requirement. You can now re-size and re-arrange the dashboard; add, remove, and restore widgets; and even define privacy settings. The administrator can make private dashboards viewable by all Technicians or make shared and managerial dashboards viewable only by a specific group of users.
  • SDF-58820: Undeleted support groups will now be made inactive and unvailable for further usage.
  • SDF-63691: Perform customized actions through a customized script file at scheduled intervals. This feature enables the administrator to set up a new schedule, modify an existing schedule, and remove, activate, or deactivate a schedule. This option is available under Admin >> General Settings >> Custom Schedules.
  • SDF-63451: Users can now upload a profile picture that’s not more than 5 MB in size and in the .jpg, .png, .jpeg, or .bmp format.
  • SDF-60547: Add external links to the application, making it easy for users to access a variety of online or custom applications. This option is available under Admin >> General Settings >> ME Integrations.
  • SDF-61601: Configure security settings under Admin >> General Settings >> Security Settings.
  • SDF-34955: Create a new service request by using an existing service request. The new service request will contain all the request details copied from the existing one.
  • SDF-63858 : Requesters can now edit their request before it is approved, resolved, or closed. With this feature, requesters can correct any wrong information, or fill any missed out fields in their request.
  • SDF-65287: Add the first response time for a service request while adding worklogs and notes. Normally, first response time (indicated by field Responded Date in the request form) corresponds to the time when a technician replies to a request through mail. Technicians can also choose to record the same when adding worklogs and notes to the request as well.
  • SDF-64036 : Add up to 50 additional fields of any type to a service request.
  • SDF-57703: You can now convert a service request to an incident request. This is available under the Actions tab in the Request details page.
  • SDF-65591 : Choose the restriction type while sending Request approval emails. This option is available in the Self-Service Portal settings.
  • SDF-64463 : Technicians now have the option to resend conversation details.

Issues Fixed in 9300

  • SD-63138 : The ‘Email to Notify’ common field is not displayed in the template when an incident request is converted into a service request.
  • SD-63911: Technician is not able to view the request details, if the ‘overwrite template values with request values’ option is enabled, while converting an incident request into a service request.
  • SD-65309: User is able to update an incident additional field with a default(or system) field name such as priority.

Issues Fixed in 9242 (Released on 12 April, 2019)

  • SD-77871 : Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10008) and User Enumeration Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10273) in login page has been fixed.

New Features in 9241 (Released on 31 January, 2017)

  • SDF-38562 : Option to search POs using additional fields in global search.

Issues Fixed in 9241

Work Stations

  • SD-62547 : A site restricted technician can view other site’s VM Hosts/VM Machines in their respective list views.
  • SD-65306 : While importing assets/workstations through CSV, exception is thrown if the owner’s login name is provided for ownership.
  • SD-62867 : Unable to copy workstation(s) which have a barcode value.
  • SD-63937 : Hard disk details are not getting populated during the scan of Linux machines.
  • SD-39256 : For windows machine, the Ci type is shown as ‘workstation’ instead of 'Windows Workstation’.
  • SD-63915 : Unable to scan Windows 8 to Windows 10 OS machines, when the Hyper-V feature is enabled.
  • SD-63652 : Scanning a Host does not fetch the Servicetag and IP Address of the machine.
  • SD-63308 : Vendor name in the workstation listview is rendered blank


  • SD-65307 : Updating an asset with ownership details fails during CSV import if the same asset is tried for import without ownership details.
  • SD-64260 : Able to delete entry from Unaudited Asset list view by Technicians who have no permission to delete assets.
  • SD-63705 : Base element CI type is displayed under CI History report.


  • SD-65380 : Allocated count gets mismatched in Software License details page.
  • SD-62346 : Custom software type count does not get listed in “Software” dashboard.
  • SD-60783 : Unable to enter licence key if the character is more than 100.


  • SD-63125 : Unable to attach files larger than 10 MB in the contract module.
  • SD-62152 : Wrong purchase order ID gets listed in associated asset’s list view in contract edit/view page.

Purchase Order

  • SD-63607 : Purchase Requests’ additional fields does not get displayed in E-Mail notification template.
  • SD-65108 : After applying the service pack, Purchase Request additional fields does not displayed in the details page.
  • SD-64001 : Previously selected “Purchase Request” roles fails to reset when clicking the “Save and Add New” button.
  • SD-65193 : Purchase Request notification messages appear garbled in technician space notification.
  • SD-65279 : Requester name in a Purchase Request does not get displayed under “My Approvals” in home page dashboard.
  • SD-64139 : The last decimal number after the decimal point of the total cost in PO listview gets removed if the last decimal number is zero.
  • SD-64138 : PO name containing a backlash ‘\’ displays the name excluding the ‘\’ in the PO List view, after saving the PO.
  • SD-64087 : Only one Approver appears in the “Approved by” info of PO print preview in case of multi approver.
  • SD-63929 : Over due PO link in Purchase Order Summary widget gets redirected to ‘All POs’ in listview.
  • SD-63909 : ‘Invoice Received’ and ‘Payment Done’ notification for the PO does not get sent even though it shows the success message.


  • SD-21276 : Printer “Serial Number” does not get displayed in Custom Reports.


  • SD-65047 : Application server fails to start when the application is installed and service pack is applied with remote mysql database.
  • SD-62587 : XSS Vulnerability issue fixed.
  • SD-39619 : Vulnerability issue fixed.
  • SD-64422 : XSS Vulnerability issue in Asset Group name.
  • SD-61836 , SD-60137 : XSS Vulnerability issue with Contract fields.


  • SD-63445 : Issue with generating random password for robo technician.
  • SD-62825 : CI History is not handled for tracking of asset changes in the Professional edition.
  • SD-59121 : Newly added Cost Center does not get displayed in Cost Center list view even though it is added.
  • SD-61664 : Based on Database configuration, an option to set the LocalAuthentication password as Random or predefined, for the users added through ActiveDirectory (AD), LDAP, Dynamic user addition, users created via e-mail Requests has been provided. Make sure that the notification under Admin >> Notification Rules >> Send Self-service login details is enabled before performing the import so that LA user details will be notified to users through email.
  • SD-65500 : Synchronizing the data of those configured additional fields failed in ME-Advanced Analytics/Zoho Reports, when the application is upgraded above the 9229 ppm
  • SD-65532 : UI appears distorted when there is only one default template available in the application.

Behavior Changed in 9241

  • After upgrade, subsequent new users added through AD / LDAP / DynamicUserAddition / users created via email will have a random password set for Local Authentication. If it needs to be changed to ‘predefined’ password, please contact our support for further assistance.
  • Entire row of the unread Request will be displayed in bold in order to differentiate between read and unread Requests. Earlier, only the title of the Request was displayed in bold.

New Feature in 9240 (Released on 19 January, 2017)

  • SDF-62529: You can now configure a setting on the Self Service Portal to automatically delete system-generated notifications, such as acknowledgment or assignment mails, that are older than a certain time period.

Issues Fixed in 9240


  • SD-60716: Unable to reopen a request when the site to which it has been associated has been deleted.
  • SD-62862: When a request is associated to a site that has been deleted, and if an SLA is associated to it, then the request cannot be closed.
  • SD-64373: Requester Details window opens with a “null” value name when the Change Requester is not associated.
  • SD-65126: Unable to differentiate between read and unread notifications displayed in technician-space notification.
  • SD-65164: Unable to view the internal scroll in Request details section while viewing Approval details.


  • SD-63935: Unable to assign a Task owner from Tasks list view if the application is opened in Firefox browser.


  • SD-62446: ‘Unassigned problems’ count in the home screen of the SDAdmin role do not match the ‘Unassigned problems’ count in the problems list view.
  • SD-63633: Each time a technician closes a problem, all associated incidents are closed even if the technician does not have the request closure permission.
  • SD-63845: Vulnerability: Problem module is accessible in standard and professional edition.
  • SD-65151: A technician with view permissions for a problem is unable to access the View Problem button on the Request details page.


  • SD-61466: Non-login users are not able to download attachments from change.
  • SD-64337: Unable to save any change through inline edit, when “group” field is set as mandatory field in change template.
  • SD-64092: Performance issue in setups with large number of sites, category, subcategory, and item.
  • SD-64258: Rendering exception in change planning stage -> Archived incidents view (Exception in showing FCR, so FCR to be shown for associated archived request).
  • SD-64271: Closed Date value is not updated as empty, while changing the closed problem status to open.
  • SD-64330: Attachment description is not displayed in the submission stage of a change request.


  • SD-62996: Keywords of a solution disappears, if the keywords are added by editing the solution.


  • SD-63830: ‘Plain text’ format configuration in notification rules are not applied for change and problem notification content.
  • SD-63938: Inconsistent date values shown in the Holiday List View due to personalised time zone.
  • SD-65035: Unable to view headings (Stages, View, Edit and Approve) while adding a Change role.
  • SD-65267: While importing requesters through csv files, passwords for already existing users was being updated by default since build 9228. This has been moved as a database configuration with the default behavior of not to update the passwords.
  • SD-65273: Typo error in the phrase ‘computer account name’ under Active directory configuration page.


  • SD-64052: Exception in the advanced search option when reports with chart and advanced searches are run simultaneously.
  • SD-64310: Reports tab loading issue for non-SDAdmin users. Backup & Restore* SD-62957: When there is a failure in backup restoration, customers will have to do a full restoration again. Now, when the same backup is applied, customers will have an option to go for a complete restore or a partial restore, where in the application continues the restoration from the last successful table restored earlier.


  • SD-64120, SD-63212: XSS vulnerability related to technician calendar view.

Behavior Changed in 9240

  • Problem Closure Rules:

  • 'Copy problem solution and workaround to all associated incidents’, is a SYSTEM operation.

  • 'Close all associated Incidents’, is a SYSTEM operation.

  • By Default, if a problem closure rule is selected in Admin, it will appear selected while closing a problem.

  • Font family used across the product has been changed to ‘Roboto’ for consistency. Any styles added / modified by customer’s manually will be removed during this upgrade. Customers have to redo the modifications again after the upgrade.

Issues Fixed in 9239 (Released on 12 January, 2017)

  • SD-63443 : Buffer overflow error in agent while taking remote control.
  • SD-63657 : More than one viewer opens up while taking remote control in IE.
  • SD-65040 : “Certificate has been revoked” error is displayed while taking remote control.
  • SD-63262 : Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration error in agent.

Issues Fixed in 9238 (Released on 29 December, 2016)

  • SD-65361, SD-65269: Issue with Desktop Central integration when the option ‘Enable to access Desktop and MDM Plugin Functionality’ is chosen and certificate error while running DC in https mode.

New Feature in 9237 (Released on 27 December, 2016)

  • SD-63274 : Support for SNMP V3 scan has been introduced.

Issues fixed in 9237


  • SD-65225: Reply windows gets over-written when trying to reply multiple requests simultaneously.
  • SD-65190:Request page gets slowly loaded when the resource section contains lots of questions with check box options.
  • SD-63552:Alias mail ID does not get removed when replying from a conversation.
  • SD-49333:‘Closed without user acknowledgment’ message gets displayed in ‘Request closure details’ section even if the Request is closed by a Requester.
  • SD-63119:History gets captured wrongly as ‘Note deleted’ although a request is deleted.
  • SD-64183:Unable to update Service Request resource details via inline edit in some environments.
  • SD-63936:Default Request does not get listed in its Service Category in Catalog list when it is associated with a Service Category.
  • SD-64081:Performance optimized when there is a large number of options in pick list additional fields for a Request.
  • SD-59925:Unable to take approval action in some scenarios.
  • SD-59801:‘File not found’ exception occurs while downloading the attachment from Requests created via PM Tasks and when the default attachment path is changed.
  • SD-62983:Navigation buttons in the request details page not available in some scenarios.
  • SD-63611 :Page gets misaligned when requester/technician(who is not assigned to the ticket) replies to the ticket.
  • SD-63664 :First call resolution (FCR) during close operation causes exception in some MSSQL setups.
  • SD-63676 :The option “view request details” (for the tasks associated with a Request) in the task details page does not take any action upon clicking.
  • SD-63795 :Unable to add additional field in Service Template with special characters in the name.
  • SD-63902 :Survey gets sent for Open Requests as the ‘Send survey’ button does not check if a Request is closed or open.
  • SD-64054:Content gets slightly hidden on the left side when an email is sent using MS-outlook.
  • SD-62615 :Vulnerability in task module.
  • SD-63412, SD-63892, SD-64445, SD-63644:Vulnerability in Request module.
  • SD-64421, SD-64123, SD-64122, SD-64117, SD-64116, SD-64115, SD-64112:XSS Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-63218, SD-64107, SD-63217 :Vulnerability in file attachments.
  • SD-64153, SD-60965:Vulnerability issues fixed.


  • SD-63448, SD-62815:The maximum number of fields restriction does not work as intended while adding additional fields in Change Template.


  • SD-49934 :Project List view gets displayed instead of the last viewed model (Projects List View/Recent Update View/Gantt View) on revisiting the Project tab.
  • SD-64134 :Failure in Importing projects when the deleted default priorities (such as “Low” with the range from 0 to 250) are set for the projects.
  • SD-64415 :Failure in importing projects if the MPP files are in certain formats (Particularly “ansicpg1256”).


  • SD-65289 :Unable to disable Solutions auto suggest for Technicians. This can be done by updating the column paramvalue as 'false’, for the category ‘ShowSuggestionsToTechnicians’ of ‘globalconfig’ table in db.


  • SD-65200:Set value and get value method does not work for resource questions when the existing CI(s) are added as values for the question.
  • SD-65188:Validation issue in the ‘To address’ field, if the SMS gateway is configured under Request details --> SMS the Technician.
  • SD-63388:Characters get encoded wrongly in the content of few notification templates.
  • SD-64312 :“content_url” returning invalid path in View All operation of the Attachment API.
  • SD-64454 :Rest API documentation displays only the introduction section without the other sections in Chinese and Japanese languages.
  • SD-65100:In custom triggers, duplicate approvals are sent to approvers who are already configured for the approval stage.
  • SD-64035:Performance optimized while auto saving huge size drafts
  • SD-64320:Exception when trying to edit “Change Request Template to” action while creating new Business Rule.


  • SD-64069:Report related entries for Multi-select additional fields fails to get deleted when the actual Multi-select additional fields are deleted.
  • SD-63977 :Reports does not include “Not associated to any site” Requests, if Reports are generated by non SDAdmin.


  • SD-63863:Unable to report an issue from the community tab in a chrome browser.

Behaviour changed in 9237

  • Asset inline edit will trigger Request update workflow.
  • Approver history will now show the logged in user Id of the approver instead of the email id if approved when logged in.
  • If Default template is associated with any Service Category, it will not be listed separately in Request Catalog menu and ‘New Incident’ button will not be present in Template listing.

Issues fixed in 9236 (Released on 14 December, 2016)

  • SD-64437: Exception while approving the final stage of a request.
  • SD-64108: XXS vulnerability issue in showing the auto suggestions while creating request.
  • SD-65254: Error while running query report with column name /alias name containing the keyword ‘from’ and function 'longtodate’.
  • SD-65245: Unable to assign Technician via spot/inline/global edit for Service Requests, if the Request has a category and the option ‘Do not assign Technician before Service Request is approved’ is enabled.
  • SD-63480,SD-62783: Tasks for which the user does not have permission gets displayed in list view even though clicking it throws an authorization error.
    Note: Due to this fix, a SDChangeManager with restricted access permission who used to see all the tasks in a change will now be able to view only the tasks that are assigned to them /their group (based on the level of restriction configured). We will patch this in an immediate hotfix.
  • SD-63251 : Table lock, mail fetching and performance issue occur during Asset scan when Software Compliance is calculated simultaneously.

Behaviour Changed in 9236:

  • Software Compliance can be scheduled at different time intervals by enabling the checkbox available under Admin » Discovery » Scan settings » Schedule based Software Compliance Calculation.

Issue fixed in 9235 (Released on 1 December, 2016)

  • SD-65253 : Unable to perform agent based scan when SSO is enabled.

New feature in 9234 (Released on 28 November, 2016)

  • SD-60295 , SD-63336: Solution Auto Suggest for Technicians: Suggesting solutions for requests based on the keywords found in the requests. This allows the Technicians to try different solutions from the suggestions, copy them as resolutions if applicable, or add comments to the solutions that didn?t work while keeping track of the tried solutions.

Issues fixed in 9234:

Request :

  • SD-63912: Custom mode containing the string ‘mail’ gets assigned instead of the default mode "E-mail", when adding a Request through e-mail.
  • SD-64020 : Inline images in a Request are shown as attachments.
  • SD-64102: Issue while importing requests from the XLS file containing DATE cells whose values are calculated using formulas.
  • SD-62674: Business rules are not applied properly when the value in the Picklist field, which is a part of the criteria, contains a comma.
  • SD-62698: Incorrect Business Rule is applied to a Request when a request, with an additional content in the Title / Description of the email, is received from the Outlook mailbox.
  • SD-63869: Error occurs when the option ‘Send e-mail to following technician(s) when a request is closed’ under ‘Admin -> Notification Rules’ is enabled, but no Technician is added to the notifications list.
  • SD-65143: Error occurs when the option ‘Alert the following technician(s) by e-mail when a new request is created’ under ‘Admin -> Notification Rules’ is enabled, but no Technician is added to the notifications list.
  • SD-65179: Able to duplicate Requests when ‘Add Request’ is clicked multiple times.
  • SD-65234: Null pointer exception while accessing the Survey link.
  • SD-60717: Emails sent from ServicedeskPlus with inline images are shown as attachments in Outlook 2007.
  • SD-63904: Showing unwanted text in logs when email is fetched with attachment(s).

Problem :

  • SD-63629: Multiple notifications are triggered when the ‘Apply’ button is clicked multiple times in the Problem Closure Rules page.
  • SD-63632: No error message is shown while trying to close a Problem Request and its associated Incident Requests, with the option ‘Copy Problem Solution and workaround to all Associated Incidents’ selected, provided the Technician does not have Edit permission for those Incident Requests.
  • SD-63592, SD-63593: Notes are not sorted in Problem and Change modules.

Change :

  • SD-61428: Changes are duplicated when the Copy button is clicked multiple times while copying a Change.
  • SD-64050: Error occurs while duplicating the Change workflow.
  • SD-58428: When Change Requester is chosen in a Change form, the Change Site gets replaced with the Requester’s Site.
  • SD-63528: Unable to spot/inline edit the role ‘Change Manager’ in Change Roles if ‘ChangeManager’ is updated in Admin section.

Solution :

  • SD-65223: Unable to view solutions in Solution Non-login URL.

Purchase :

  • SD-64093: The message “PO is attached as PDF in the mail” is displayed instead of “PO is attached as HTML in the mail” in the ‘German’ language version, when ‘Order this PO’ is clicked after PO Approval.

Admin :

  • SD-60931: If ‘Test Setup’ is chosen during data restore, outgoing and incoming mail server details get removed on every restart.
  • SD-63875: “Next” navigation button in Roles List view does not work in IE 11.
  • SD-64137 : Previously edited Requester name is displayed when ‘Add New Requester’ is clicked in the below sequence of operation 'Edit Requester -> view list -> Add New Requester’.
  • SD-63394 : After a support group is added, the page gets redirected to ‘CMDB home page’ instead of Support Group List View in Professional edition.
  • SD-62519: Error while searching sites in the SiteSearch Option pop-up.
  • SD-63777: Blank page is displayed while trying to update a Status with an already existing Status name.
  • SD-64379: SLA escalations are sent during operational hours and working days, even though the option “send notification irrespective of operational hours and holidays” is enabled.
  • SD-64317 : Label name explaining the associated site for a Technician is not uniform in Edit and Details pages.
  • SD-62994: Wrong Site value gets displayed in Technician’s details view page and List View.
  • SD-64447: Older version of the API page is displayed under Admin → API, when language is personalized to Chinese and Japanese.

Report :

  • SD-63651: Incorrect Summary report gets generated if the left column is of type ‘string’ and summarization column is unselected.
  • SD-62894: Unable to generate few Reports when the product language is changed to 'Turkish’.
  • SD-61991: Unable to generate Tabular Report using Line chart & Area chart in cases where ‘All Asset’ or ‘All computer module’ are chosen.
  • SD-63459: Maximum number of records generated for Reports get restricted to 5000, even if the column names contain ‘description/resolution/fulldescription’ of any other tables other than Request module’s tables.
  • SD-63981: Error occurs in MSSQL while running a Report if the query Report contains ‘longtodate’ conversion.

Vulnerability :

  • SD-64118, SD-64119, SD-64104, SD-64108, SD-64109, SD-65184, SD-64380: Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-64114: XSS vulnerability in Requesters List.

Login Page :

  • SD-63711: The ‘Log on to’ drop-down is displayed even when a single domain is available.
  • SD-62570: When a user logs into the mobile client (/mc) from the mobile device, closes the browser and reopens it, the user is redirected to the web client of the product.

Behaviour changed in 9234:

  • SD-63673: On receiving an e-mail with the Outlook e-mail file (.msg) as an attachment, the content of the file is added in the request Description and not added as an attachment to the request. Now, the content will be available both as inline and as a .eml attachment.
  • SD-64071: By default, domain is displayed as a drop-down list in mobile (\mc) context.
  • Only the users with Admin privileges on Servicedesk Server (where ServiceDesk Plus is running), will be able to upgrade ServiceDesk Plus.

Issues fixed in 9233 (Released on 21 November, 2016)

  • SD-63813 : Vulnerability issues fixed in agent.

Note: Users are requested to upgrade to latest agent version to resolve scan issues.

  • SD-64239 : All XSS vulnerabilities are fixed in “Purchase Request” module.
  • SD-63222 , SD-63215 , SD-63210 , SD-63211 : XSS Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-63930 : Struts related vulnerability fixed.
  • SD-64372 : Low privileged user can view all assets in some cases.
  • SD-64111 : Server version discloser vulnerability.
  • SD-64429 : Unable to index the data using reIndexData.bat.
  • SD-63885 : Option to view Purchase additional fields from the PO list view.

Issues fixed in 9232 (Released on 3 November, 2016)

  • SD-64457: Admin Page gets misaligned in the Arabic language.
  • SD-65033: Desktop Central Action names appear garbled in Non-English Languages.
  • SD-64461: Unable to perform translations using the developer tool.

New features in 9231 (Released on 31 October, 2016)

  • SDF-64374: ServiceDesk Plus is now integrated with AD Manager Plus. Administrators can reset password, create, delete, unlock, enable, disable users in AD from Request details page of ServiceDesk Plus and thus efficiently manage their Active Directory in both the Applications. This feature can be configured under Admin >> ME Integrations >> AD Manager Plus. SDP-ADMP integration is compatible with ADMP build number 6500. Refer this link for more details on this feature.

  • After upgrading, users need to re-configure the ADMP details in order to display the ADMP actions.

  • SDF-62411: Option to notify Technicians on any action in which he/she is associated with, through SMS Gateway Provider. Earlier SMS could be sent as mails through Mobile service provider. Now, Technicians can be notified through SMS Gateway Providers like Click-a-tell, Bulk SMS and Site 24x7. This feature can be configured under Admin >> Organization Details >> SMS Notification Settings. Refer this link for more details on this feature.

  • SDF-61840: Configuring Organization Roles: Feature to create and associate organization roles to the users to enable the role based approval process in service requests. Once the organization roles are created and users are associated to it, the role based approval process can be configured from the service templates.

Behaviour changed in 9231

  • IE version 8 and below will no more be supported.
  • Revamp on Headers and Themes configuration: UI for Header section has been changed. Any theme configured earlier will not be retained. Users are requested to reconfigure the themes after upgrading.
  • Theme configuration for subsections has been removed. Users will not longer be able to customize the subsection colors. It is set to grey by default.
  • Custom logo size has been modified from the earlier (168*46 ) to (155 * 38). Logos which are greater or lesser than this size will be shrunk or expanded accordingly with the current size.

Issues Fixed in 9230 (Released on 26 October, 2016)

  • SD-64033 : Unable to select on-behalf-of user from search requester list with the name containing special characters.
  • SD-64340 : Service Request creation failed for the Service Catalog templates which has the option ‘Do not assign technician before service request is approved’ enabled under workflow, and created with category set and no technician assigned.
  • SD-63920 : The word ‘operational’ is misspelt in ‘Include non operational hours’ tool tip present in Tasks -> Add New worklog.
  • SD-63990 : Performance optimized during Asset scan.
  • SD-63539 : Software Dashboard page shows ‘Loading’ image if no Software is present.
  • SD-64051 : Privilege-based access provided to delete CIs as opposed to restricted access which was granted only to the Sdadmin.
  • SD-64061, SD-64084, SD-63886, SD-63821 : Duplicate ‘New PO’ and ‘Delete’ buttons appear in the PO ListView page.
  • SD-63997 : Unable to search Purchase Orders from global search using PO’s item name.
  • SD-63435 : Unable to view Purchase Order approval details page in non-login view.
  • SD-63685 : Performance optimized in ‘Requested by’ field in new Purchase Request.
  • SD-63571 , SD-63573 : Unable to view Purchase Details in archived request history and when ‘Purchase request details’ is clicked in archived Requests.
  • SD-63968 : Migration fails when same approvers are configured at the same level in a PO.
  • SD-64082 : Performance issue while constructing request custom filter with additional fields as criteria is executed by users.
  • SD-64270 : In some environments , Error in getting the IMAP message object details while trying to fetch mails.
  • SD-62492 : Fixed the following issues.
    • Unable to edit few SLAs since Rendering Exception occurs in SLA list.
    • Unable to edit criteria for Spam Filter and Notification Filter since Rendering Exception occurs in criteria list.
  • SD-63995 : Copy site SLA gets corrupted when the default site SLA is edited and saved in some scenarios.
  • SD-64000 , SD-63353 , SD-63590 : Vulnerability issues fixed.
  • SD-62932, SD-63130 : Unrestricted file size growth of the file startout.log in the product.
  • SD-63121 : The word “Leave” is wrongly translated in Spanish language.

Behaviour changed in 9230

  • Log files - startout.log and wrapper.log have been moved from “ServiceDesk\bin” directory to “ServiceDesk\server\default\log” directory. Also, these files will be bundled by default when generating the support file.

New features in 9229 (Released on: 11 October 2016)

  • SDF-59416: SDP-Zoho Reports/Analytics Plus Integration enhanced with Custom fields sync. Custom fields created for Incident, Service Catalog and Worklog can be viewed in Zoho Reports/Analytics Plus when synced.

Issues Fixed in 9229 :

  • SD-64176: Format of Change details in INPUT_DATA given for custom script/class is obtained wrongly for ‘Change’ custom trigger from version 9203. Any scripts/class written for ‘Change’ custom trigger after version 9203 has to be written according to the format mentioned here
  • SD-64265 : Unable to send IOS Push Notifications as the certificate expired.

New features in 9228 (Released on: 29 September 2016)

  • SDF-63023 : Service Catalog can now be obtained as an Add-on for Standard edition.
  • SDF-63419, SD-61445 : Field and Form Rules Enhancements:
    • Ability to copy rules to multiple templates
    • Action to add/remove options from the Pick List field through UI (except Site & Group fields)
    • Action to set values for fields through UI
    • Action to remove the value of fields
    • The introduction of “Email Id(s) to Notify” field
    • The Resource section is hidden when all the questions are hidden
    • Accessing requester details of a request while using Custom scripts/triggers
  • SDF-63168 : Option to set Response time for a Service Request and Actions to be taken on escalation of that Request. This is available under Admin >> Helpdesk Customizer >> Service Catalog >> Manage >> Service Level Agreements.
  • SDF-60845 : REST API has been provided for Projects and Milestones.
  • SDF-63812 : Purchase request feature is available in "professional edition".
  • SDF-62965 : Tools action integration between SDP and Desktop Central - Ability to restart, lock, wake on LAN, hibernate, shutdown, initiate chat and view system manager of Windows machines from the machine’s details page or request details page if SDP is integrated with Desktop Central.
  • SDF-61108 : Option to ‘Search’ in all select boxes in ‘Request’ module.
  • SDF-63576 : Option to add ‘Downtime’ variable in all Change Notification Templates.
  • SDF-49499 : Option to view Project based Reports has been provided under Reports tab
  • SDF-61158 : Doctool Enhancements:
    • Grey themed UI
    • Operation search and Attribute search
    • ‘Group >> Entity >> Operation’ Hierarchy in Table of Contents
    • ‘Sample response’ output for every operation
  • SDF-57541, SDF-62275: Product can receive notifications related to region-specific announcements and events, new build releases and upcoming features for SDAdmin technicians.

Behaviour changed in 9228

  • SD-51789 : Access permission ‘Add’ and ‘delete’ Projects has been provided for a project member who can view Associated Projects.

  • SD-62884 : API version tag is included in failure response of operations in API(XML format only).

  • SDF-61108 : ‘Select boxes’ have been optimized for better search through out Request module. If the Picklist entries exceed 4000, then Picklist field will load slowly in IE browser.

  • Change Notification Rules:

  • The variables Review ($Review), Change Roles ($ChangeRoles) and individual change roles ($ChangeOwner, $ChangeManager, … ) are made common to all type of notifications and will be present in content only.

  • Requested By ($InitiatedBy) is removed from all type of notifications.

  • In “Alert Change Manager, Change Owner, Change Approver, CAB members by Email when any Recommendation is taken on change” notification:

  • Unused variables namely Resolution ($Resolution) and Technician ($Technician) have been removed.

  • The variables Stage ($StageName), Roll Out Plan ($RollOut), Checklist ($CheckList), SLA Name ($SLAName) have been added

  • The variable Old Status ($Status) is replaced with Status ($StatusName)

  • The variable CAB Approval - Submitter ($Submitter) is added to the notification "Submitting a change for recommendation to CAB".

Issues Fixed in 9228:


  • SD-63497 : Solution suggestions popup dislocated while creating a new request.
  • SD-63876 : When external images and inline images are present in a description and if the src attribute immediately follows the img tag for the external images, then the content between these images will be lost. ( i.e <img src=’image’ is an issue but <img height=’50’ src=’image’ is not an issue)
  • SD-30943 : Empty page rendered on login for technician without permission to access technician availablity chart.
  • SD-62349 : Custom on hold status doesn’t change to open while replying from requester’s login.
  • SD-63163 : Not able to add inline images in Admin, Product description field.
  • SD-62666 : Additional line spaces occuring in reply window for default reply template content.
  • SD-62691 : Custom trigger is not executed when a request created by API.
  • SD-63310 : ‘Tab’ key functionality for moving to next row fields while creating/editing/viewing Request does not work as per its behavior.
  • SD-63389 : Rules and subsequent rules are not applied for Requester login when the rule contains a text type field that is not added for a Requester.
  • SD-62067 : Task configured in Default template is not added to the Request created.
  • SD-49256, SD-62614, SD-62317, SD-62735 : Issue while importing Requests, with field values containing special characters.
  • SD-44732 : The case sensitive parsing issue has been fixed. Introduced an Email Command Parser that identifies parse string in a case-insensitive manner.
  • SD-63469 : Issue in ‘contains’ search, in default search of Request module.
  • SD-63296 : Status of the Request moves to ‘Closed’ when only one of the tasks gets closed instead of all tasks, violating the behavior of closing rules.
  • SD-63426 : Notification is triggered to the Technician of the Request stating that all the tasks has been completed although some tasks are left open.
  • SD-62487 : After entering the requester name in requester field, blank page gets loaded in Incident form while changing the template.
  • SD-62820 : Overdue Request in Request summary widget label is shown wrongly as Overdue Task in Dashboard.
  • SD-63280,SD-63281,SD-63282,SD-63283 : Able to access non-permissible functionalities by a low privileged user under Request module.
  • SD-62773 : When ‘Notify Requester when a Request is appended with Technician’s reply by e-mail’ is enabled, then the Requester gets a copy of the mail sent by him, if the Requester is a Technician.
  • SD-63495 : Requests which are not assigned with any technicians are still shown as “Unassigned” (in English) even in other languages when viewed in request list view.
  • SD-62878 : Error while creating/updating a Request on behalf of a Requester, if the Requester name contains special characters.
  • SD-57160 : In Incident SLA, Response time and Resolution time are validated by site based operational hours.
  • SD-62558 : Although ‘Column’ and ‘Criteria’ are selected, wrong alert message gets displayed in Request custom view.
  • SD-62737 : Date additional field is tracked as ‘long’ format instead of ‘date’ value in the Request history.
  • SD-63376 : Response time gets calculated even after a Request’s status is changed as 'Closed’.
  • SD-63462 : Request updates does not get captured in the history if size of the Request description is greater than 64kb.
  • SD-63293 : Unable to view conversation for Notification sent on closing a Request.
  • SD-51213 : Unable to insert approval link $ApprovalLink to a text in approval mail.
  • SD-63183 : Unwanted Alert message gets popped up while clicking 'Create a Service Request’.
  • SD-64055 : Business Rule does not get executed when stages are configured in a Service Template work flow using Service Catalog.


  • SD-63203 : Unable to send approval mail to the email id which is already included in a stage.
  • SD-61258 : Proper Info message is not provided when roles are not configured in Change Roles tab in Change Template.
  • SD-61267 : Wrong info message ‘Change Details saved successfully’ is shown instead of 'Change Details and Change Roles saved successfully’.
  • SD-61382 : Able to view Notification rules in Change tab by a Technician with no Admin privileges.
  • SD-61807 : $Reviewer does not get replaced with its intended content. Instead it is replaced with $Review Content in ‘Change’ Notification content.
  • SD-62088 : Unable to add ‘Change closure code’ and comments in IE9 via non-login access.
  • SD-63039 : Vulnerability while updating/deleting Change workflow.
  • SD-63040 : Vulnerability while trying to delete Change Template.
  • SD-63304 : Unable to edit the start time and end time for Change down time using inline edit.
  • SD-63324 : Cursor focus does not get focused into comments text box during change recommendation.
  • SD-63879 : Unable to choose content variable for Notification message under Admin > Change Management > Stage and Status
  • SD-63687 : Non login url appears blank while accessing a Change Request, after a completion of change.


  • SD-53196 : Project module disabled, but Project role is shown in Requester details page in Standard edition.
  • SD-61171 : Error while trying to view Project Gantt View after exporting as PDF.


  • SD-60658 : Issue while importing Date field values in Solutions using XLS.
  • SD-62158 : Solution status does not get changed automatically to “Unapproved” when Adding/Removing attachment from the solution.


  • SD-62835 : “Installed on” column value is not proper date format when the list view under Installations tab in software details page is exported.
  • SD-62970 : Exception while changing requester as technician in AE Remote server
  • SD-63169 : Software licenses received from PO shows Internal ID as PO number in its details page.
  • SD-63332 : Unable to search assets with partial name in “Add Relationships” popup.
  • SD-63704 : List view option not displayed under relationships tab of CIs for non-SDAdmin technicians.
  • SD-62209 : Vulnerability in scanned XML file

Purchase & Contract

  • SD-63554 : The text “Contracts which have expired in the last 30 days” has been changed to “Contracts which have expired in the last 7 days” under contract summary in Home/Dashboard tab.


  • SD-62963 : ‘Change old status’ and ‘Migrate to new status’ options have been removed from admin details page and left navigation options.
  • SD-56449 : When for a Requester, the password is changed in CSV and the Requester is imported back in ServiceDesk Plus, the password is not reset.
  • SD-60518 : If Priority name is long, then while sorting, it is shown twice (actual value + trimmed value) in the list view. This has been corrected to show only the actual value.
  • SD-63027 : Issue while importing Requesters via CSV through schedule.
  • SD-63263 : Groups belonging to custom sites are not getting listed while configuring the “Allow Exception” rule under the Data Archiving Section.
  • SD-63089, SD-63473 : Unable to access the Survey URL by a user with role other than ‘SDAdmin’ and 'SDGuest’.
  • SD-45970 : Questions and answers are not sorted alphabetically under Service Template >> Add Resources
  • SD-62508 : Order of Escalation time does not get sorted, when Incident SLA is created with ‘Escalate before’ and ‘Escalate after’ options.
  • SD-61977, SD-62533, SD-62910 : Typo error in the phrase ‘Choose Technicians’ under Admin -> Notification Rules.
  • SD-62905 : Tabs freeze/get highlighted when switched from Requester Tab to Field and Form Rules Tab while updating Service catalog.
  • SD-61266 : Unauthorized access to Change Template’s Configuration Wizard by SDSiteAdmin.
  • SD-63703 : Unable to add widget’s names using Non-English Languages in 'Customize self service portal settings’.


  • SD-62734 : Exception occurs when Tabular Custom Report is generated for all Workstations and Servers.
  • SD-62946 : Request Description field gets truncated to 500 characters when Custom Report is generated.
  • SD-63171 : In report stability settings , ‘top 50000’ has been added in all queries after the keyword 'select’. If the query contains 'distinct’, top 50000 is added between ‘select’ and 'distinct’.
  • SD-63234 : Multiple columns get merged into one while exporting a Report as XLS file.
  • SD-61576 : Option to add Description field in Custom reports of Projects module.
  • SD-61642 : Decimal field values displayed with currency symbol in Reports.
  • SD-63627 : Unable to generate reports when a non-string based entry is used as ‘group by column’ in stacked charts.
  • SD-62956 : Unable to view chart in the graph view for certain Reports when maximum limit (default of 18 columns) is reached.


  • SD-62549 : Performance optimized while fetching meta data for JIRA fields from server, when large number of projects are configured in JIRA.


  • SD-63030 : Issue in updating last modified time under ‘Problems’ module.
  • SD-63713 : Vulnerability in adding notes for 'Problems’.


  • SD-43173 : Unable to view day and date on scrolling, when the Technician count increases in Technician availability chart.
  • SD-62650 : Technician unavailability is marked incorrectly when the Leave period contains Daylight Saving Time transition period.
  • SD-63516 : Unable to view Tasks through Dashboard and ‘My Tasks’ in Home page in some scenarios.


  • SD-62613 : Exception occurs when Custom Trigger is scheduled to timeout in 30 seconds. It has now been increased to 60 seconds
  • SD-62832 : Translation related issue fixed in Danish language.
  • SD-62618 : Able to update Service Category of the Service Request through API.
  • SD-63227,SD-63213 : Reflected XSS vulnerability issue.
  • SD-63655 : Unable to login to the ServiceDesk Plus application using mobile client (/mc), when the domain name is typed in lowercase.
  • SD-63471 : When a Reply notification with multiple lines is sent with plain text formatting, notification content are shown in a single line.
  • SD-63708,SD-63226 : Attachment name is empty/displayed with only file type in non English characters file.
  • SD-63549 : Error occurs and worklog list view is shown as a blank page randomly.
  • SD-63583 : Upgrade will be marked as failed if ‘Access Denied’ error occurs when patch is applied.

Issues Fixed in 9227 (Released on: 7 September 2016)

  • SD-63846 : Unable to view Technician space notification icon and Request Collaboration, when the NIO port is occupied.
  • SD-63872 : Success/Failure messages are not displayed in Request custom menu >> Request view.
  • SD-63654 : In some customer environment, AD authentication fails, when there is a delay during login.
  • SD-63325 : Failure message is displayed while selecting a priority which is marked “not for further usage” in the Priority matrix.

Issues Fixed in 9226 (Released on: 22 August 2016)

  • SD-63712 : Unable to login into application when passing user name and password as parameter.
  • SD-63873 : Duplicate assets found when searching an asset.
  • SD-63692 : Unable to create Purchase Order from Purchase Request when modifying the requested item name.
  • SD-62640 : Software compliance does not get updated properly when workstations are deleted from list view.
  • SD-63094 : CMDB API : CI Attribute’s description is not provided along with the CI Type details.
  • SD-63580 : CMDB API : Mandatory check is provided for ‘workstation name’ while updating software CI.

Issues Fixed in 9225 (Released on: 11 August 2016)

  • SD-48827 : The access denied exception caused during the backup of physical files from file attachments, inline images etc., results in schedule/manual backup operation failure. Now, We ignore the files which cannot be included, complete the backup operation and mark the backup status as PARTIAL. The skipped files are added to the skippedFiles.txt file and included as a part of the backup .data file for reference.
  • SD-60228 : When invoking a standalone trimmed backup, the backup file gets placed under the folder “confbackup” instead of "trimmedbackup".
  • SD-62334 : User Import fails for several users, since Department appears along with spaces.
  • SD-63470 : Generic error message is displayed on failure of WMI related activities.
  • SD-61739 : Unauthorized access to Print Preview page of a Problem.
  • SD-61671 : Error while viewing workflow configuration from non login under Change >> View >> Workflow.
  • SD-63193 : Vulnerability issue while fetching User Domain details.
  • SD-63323 : Unable to save and display inline images, when a solution is edited by multiple technicians and updated with inline images. (Prior to 9212 build)
  • SD-63684 : Unable to create a Purchase Order from Purchase Request by a Technician. Technician without SDAdmin and SDsite Admin role, but with ‘Create PO’ role can now create PO from PR
  • SD-63192,SD-63594 : Mandatory field check fails for Pick list additional field in a Request.
  • SD-63849 : On executing scripts via custom triggers, the content of Multi-select field is included with unwanted characters.

Issues Fixed in 9224 (Released on: 05 August 2016)

  • SD-63823 : In 9220 - 9223, the PO Approver flag is disabled automatically after importing users from AD/LDAP
  • SD-63916 : Failure while upgrading to builds 9207-9223, when same barcodes with unwanted spaces are populated in the database

Issues Fixed in 9223 (Released on: 27 July, 2016)

  • SD-63861 : Custom Header Image gets corrupted while migrating to 9222.

Issues Fixed in 9222 (Released on: 21 July, 2016)

  • SD-63479 : Failure while upgrading to builds 9207-9221, if same barcodes with different letter case are populated in the database.

Issues Fixed in 9221 (Released on: 20 July, 2016)

  • SD-63530 : Unable to create a Request with “On Hold” status through web form. In an environment where the default Request Template is set with status as "On Hold", then the creation of Request gets failed and eventually mail fetching gets stopped.

New features in 9220 (Released on: 14 July, 2016)

  • SDF-62076 : Request collaboration: If a Technician modifies a request, the modifications are visible to all Technicians accessing that particular request. By default, the request collaboration feature works on port 8081. (If ServiceDesk Plus is configured using an alias URL, make sure you configure the same using 8081). The port number can be changed in server.xml.
  • SDF-59460 : Change module: Field and form rules can be configured in the change module to define the rules that can be executed on a change request form. Field and form rules are executed during the following conditions: after a change form is loaded, when some field in the form is changed, and before a change form is submitted. The rules can be disabled or enabled, wherein the disabled rules will not be applied.
  • SDF-61191 : Purchase module: The purchase request can be created in the early stages of creating a purchase order. Vendor quotes can be attached to a purchase request and sent for approval to the concerned approvers. Once approved, a purchase order can be created from the purchase request.
  • SDF-62837 : Reports module: To ensure stability of the application, a ‘stability settings’ option along with recommended values has been provided under reports >> custom settings to set up threshold on the number of parallel reports, maximum number of rows per report, and report time out in minutes.
  • SDF-34779 : Self-service portal: Approval reminder notifications can be configured under admin >> self service portal settings to send out notifications to the approvers on pending approvals.

Behavior changes in 9220:

  • Change of default theme from blue to grey.
  • Notes icon turns yellow, whenever a new note is added to a Request. For this to work, press CTRL+SHIFT+R.
  • Assignment of category-based Technicians is now taken into consideration for all edit operations of Requests.
  • Assigning Technicians through Business Rules is of more priority than the Category based Technicians.
  • When a Technician is assigned via either Business Rule or Category and if the assigned Technician is not a part of the Group in the Request, then the Technician is retained rather than the group. However, this behaviour is applicable only for form based Add and Edit Request operations.

Issues Fixed in 9220:

  • SD-51149 : “Rarely used software installations” report does not get generated properly.
  • SD-58916, SD-59427 : Unable to allocate the users to CAL license when the user name contains any umlaut characters (like ä,ö,ü).
  • SD-59868 : Exception is thrown when ‘Managed Software’ link under Home tab of a remote server is clicked.
  • SD-60549 : Workstation does not get listed under global left panel search, when searched under ‘Asset’ category using IP address.
  • SD-62401 : Unable to precisely update Software license count.
  • SD-62295 : ‘Add Attachment’ option is wrongly shown in Software details page.
  • SD-62973 : Technician Auto assign does not work while editing a Service Request.
  • SD-62967 : Migration failure due to the pre-existence of ConstraintName UVHValues_UK1.
  • SD-56892 : The Sub-categories/Items are not loaded properly while viewing a Request in Native App.
  • SD-62490 : Problem while assigning Technicians during Request creation / modification through various modes, like Business Rules / Category based Technicians, is now corrected. (Refer Behavior changes).
  • SD-63449 : Translations fixed in Survey and Project modules in Turkish language.
  • SD-62721 : Unable to edit few Business Rules since Rendering Exception occurs in Business Rules List.

Issues Fixed in 9219 (Released on: 11 July, 2016)

  • SD-62877 : Technicians with the role “All in group & assigned to him” are unable to view their permissible standalone tasks.
  • SD-63574 : Request does not re-open, when users in CC reply to the request.

Issues Fixed in 9218 (Released on: 22 June, 2016)

  • SD-63307: Latest “On Hold” time entry is considered in the calculation of a request’s “Time Elapsed” and "Dueby Time", instead of the first “On Hold” time entry, resulting in the miscalculation of “Time Elapsed” and “Dueby Time” in some environments.
  • SD-63291: Issue catalog is displayed even when there is only default request template instead of new incident.
  • SD-63190: When an alert is cleared in OPManager, Request fails to auto close the same in SDP.
  • SD-63474: The issue id SD-57567 “When trying to a close a request, if the mandatory fields are not filled, it is redirected to 'Edit Request Page’, where the previously entered comments get cleared.” released as part of 9212 has been pulled back.

Issues Fixed in 9217 (Released on: 16 June, 2016)

  • SD-62560: When Pass-through Authentication is enabled, any application URL accessed in fresh browser session gets redirected to HomePage.

Issues Fixed in 9216 (Released on: 14 June, 2016)

  • SD-63385: Unable to close a request via global/inline edit even after the mandatory fields are entered.
  • SD-63378: ‘Cancel’ option does not work for Inline edit of a Change.

New feature in 9215 (Released on: 8 June, 2016)

  • SDF-59858 : Option to use Multi Select field type as additional field/common additional field for Incident and Service Requests.

Issues Fixed in 9215

  • SD-63265: Unable to login through Mobile App (Android/iOS) using AD Authentication.
  • SD-63189: Unwanted data gets appended to the values in some additional fields under notification/reply template.

New Features in 9214 (Released on: 6 June, 2016)

  • SDF-62521: Host Name/IP Address of the client from where the Request is created, gets added in the Request history when the request is created via web form, mobile, and API.
  • SDF-59878: Option to customize the E-mail generated when a Purchase Order is created or submitted for approval.

Issues Fixed in 9214


  • SD-60573: Additional Line spaces occur in Request Template description when content is copied and pasted from Ms-Excel files.
  • SD-62543: ‘Asset’ field is not displayed while creating a new incident Request through template.
  • SD-62379: Request attachments cannot be downloaded from the approval action page viewed by clicking approval link.
  • SD-62646: Unable to archive the requests in some scenarios.
  • SD-62839: Unable to close requests in certain scenarios due to cache issue.
  • SD-62840: Unable to view the conversation for notification sent on closing a request.


  • SD-58736 : Unable to create a change when change requester is a technician due to site restrictions.
  • SD-62194 : Unable to delete a custom status ‘Requested’ under any stage in change management.


  • SD-50488: Unable to delete a comment while another comment is in edit mode under projects.
  • SD-59997: When a Project is added and the Project details view page is reloaded, a new Project is created with the same title.
  • SD-61489: Unable to view the Timesheet tab for Milestones, for Project Custom role based Technician login.
  • SD-62341: Unwanted alert message, while opening Projects in IE9.
  • SD-62345: NullPointerException occurs while trying to view a deleted project from the recent items URL.


  • SD-62622: Solution status does not get changed to ‘unapproved’ while updating an approved solution.
  • SD-62647: While editing Solutions, the ‘Last updated On’ field does not get updated.


  • SD-60977,SD-61239: Incorrect product version number is shown in scanned software list for AssetExplorer and ServiceDesk Plus.(Installation only)
  • SD-62890 : Scan : Cisco IP Phones will be uniquely identified and updated based on its Mac Address and not by IP Address.
  • SD-62982 : Scan : Barcode is set to empty while scanning Cisco IP Phones
  • SD-60816 : Provision to mention user’s login name for ownership assignment of Assets/Workstations during CSV import.
  • SD-61541 : Vendors are not listed in the vendor drop down when “Save and Add New” is submitted in workstation’s form in enterprise edition.
  • SD-62139: Vendors drop down is not populated in add new workstation/server form in professional edition.
  • SD-61420: Decline percent and Depreciation percent values are not rounded off to two decimal points.
  • SD-56170: Unable to add IPV6 address in workstation/server form.
  • SD-62891 : The Barcode field disappears while scanning workstation/server.
  • SD-62445 : Unable to import scanned xml when a software’s location value is more than 100 characters.
  • SD-62285 : Unable to import scanned xml when a software’s file version value is more than 20 characters.
  • SD-62284 : Exception occurs while importing linux scanned xml file.
  • SD-62224 : Exception occurs while importing mac scanned xml file .
  • SD-62212 : The Asset tag field disappears while scanning Cisco IP Phones .(Assets)
  • SD-62208 : Unable to add/delete bulk software under Workstation/Server .
  • SD-62699 : Standalone workstation audit : NullPointerException occurs while importing the scanned xml file.
  • SD-62658 : Wrong Purchase cost gets populated while selecting the vendor in ‘Add New Asset’ form.
  • SD:62066 : Exception while scanning Windows 10 machines if the Hyper-V is enabled without any virtual machines.


  • SD-62188 : CMDB API : Error Invalid Table alias “CI” while fetching CI List.
  • SD-62448 : Unable to set value for “Location” field while updating workstations using CMDB API.
  • SD-60078 : Unable to delete different type of CI’s in bulk under CMDB tab --> All CI’s List-view.

Purchase & Contract

  • SD-60200 : Unable to add attachments when “E-mail the owner” or “E-mail the vendor” is performed in both Purchase and Contract modules.
  • SD-61491: File Attachments are not accessible in Purchase Order module.
  • SD-60610 : Invoice and payment details added by a technician are not displayed in Purchase Order when the technician who added the details is deleted.


  • SD-59914: Columns like Mobile, Phone, and Email get duplicated in Admin>>Technician List View, for Standard and Professional editions (without CMDB add-on).
  • SD-61114: If the Server and the Client are running in different timezones, then the backup schedule time configured from the client is not shown based on the personalized client time.
  • SD-62625: SMS notifications are not sent when Business Rules are triggered.
  • SD-62686: Email notification for Business Rule is not sent if Plain Text Formatting under Admin >> Notification Rules is chose.
  • SD-52740: While adding Site, countries such as Curacao, DRC(Democratic republic of congo) , South Sudan and Serbia Countries are not listed in the Country drop down.
  • SD-62435 : $ChangeOwner variable gets replaced wrongly in the escalation mail sent for change SLA Escalation.
  • SD-63225 : Mail Fetching stops with Null Pointer Exception, while marking the fetched mail as 'reply from requester’.


  • SD-62220 : In custom reports generated with pie charts, sum of the categories of the chart do not equal 100 percentage.
  • SD-62409 : Custom reports generated with bar chart (2D) displays 17 sub-categories only.


  • SD-61537: Unable to view the latest release build version number from “About” and “Community” pages when ServiceDesk Plus service runs in HTTPS mode.
  • SD-50253: Incorrect entries in Module and Sub Module fields of System Log viewer while updating Project Admin configuration. Now the Module is set as Admin and the Sub module as the relevant entry (e.g, Project Status, Project type, etc).


  • SD-60415: Vulnerability issue while logging into the application after the service restart.
  • SD-62556 : XSS Vulnerability under change templates.

Native App

  • SD-59673,SD-62242 : Logged in user name is shown as ‘unknown’ or user name gets replaced by another user’s name in some scenarios.

Issue Fixed in 9213 (Released on: 26 May, 2016)

  • SD-63184 : The Issue ID SD-62071 “The following will be displayed as mentioned below for Requests in REST API: WORKORDERID replaced as REQUESTID, CREATEDTIME replaced as CREATEDDATE, RESPONDEDTIME replaced as RESPONDEDDATE, DUEBYTIME replaced as DUEBYDATE, COMPLETEDTIME replaced as COMPLETEDDATE, RESOLVEDTIME replaced as RESOLVEDDATE” released as part of 9212 has been pulled back.

New features in 9212 (Released on: 19 May, 2016)

  • SDF-39695, SDF-48909 : Option to restrict sending survey to select users/domain. It is available under "Admin>>User Survey>>Survey settings".
  • SDF-37668 : LDAPS support added under user import.
  • SDF-62375 : Option to enable/disable ‘Email Debug’ mode from Mail Server Settings page.
  • SDF-62376 : Option to enable/disable ‘Domain Filtering during Login’ option in Self-Service Portal Settings.
  • SDF-62410 : A Requester can view all the requests , if the admin provides him the permission to view all requests under “Admin’>>Users>>Requesters>>Requesters allowed to view” drop down.

Issues Fixed in 9212


  • SD-60453 : Unassigned link shows wrong URL in Dashboard task summary.
  • SD-62153 : Unable to display default statuses with long labels, after editing.


  • SD-61877 : Unable to update/delete approval status, if the approval status is 'To Be Sent’.
  • SD-28974 : No “Mandatory” field alert for ‘group’ field in inline edit, if it is kept as Mandatory in request template.
  • SD-62296 : Unable to update site from inline edit, when Technician field is removed from the template.
  • SD-62226, SD-59072 : Description is empty, if the request is created via E-Mail with description containing only an image.
  • SD-62201 : Characters after quotes are missing in ‘Submit for approval’ popup for a request with quotes in subject line.
  • SD-62193, SD-60857 : Same ‘sent time’ gets updated for all the approvals in a stage, including those that are not sent.
  • SD-60869 : Sent time does not get updated for approvals that are added dynamically through ADD Approvers option in UI.
  • SD-39182 : Group assignment is not disabled in Assign Dialog box, if the group field is not a part of the request template.
  • SD-59072,SD-30921 : When a ‘column value’ is added in custom filter with an already existing column value or part of the value, the column value does not get added.
  • SD-27679 : Behavioral Change in Auto Close : Auto close of request will happen only during Operational hours.
  • SD-58565 : Comma separated values selected in Advance Search filter does not fetch proper results.
  • SD-45913 : Resolution added in default template is not sent, when $Resolution is added in “Acknowledge Requester by e-mail when a new request is received” and “Alert the following Technician(s) by e-mail when a new request is created” notification.
  • SD-46054 : Unable to create a new request, when “Do you want to show Technicians as part of Requesters list, while creating a new request?” is set to ‘No’ in Self-service portal.
  • SD-47949 : When a ticket is assigned to a Technician, e-mail notification is sent both to the Technician as well as the persons mentioned in the ‘CC’ field.
  • SD-49869 : When ‘Reset’ is clicked, the Sub Category and Items fields do not get reset to the configured default value in the service request creation page.
  • SD-56177 : ‘Department’ field does not get updated instantly, when request details are edited from ‘Search Requester’ icon.
  • SD-58789 : Notification is not sent, if the Requester is a Technician and the option ‘Alert/ notify Technician by e-mail when there is a new reply from the Requester’ is enabled.
  • SD-61636 : OnHold’ request changes to ‘Open’ status although a Technician replies to it.
  • SD-57567: When trying to a close a request, if the mandatory fields are not filled, it is redirected to 'Edit Request Page’, where the previously entered comments get cleared.
  • SD-62312, SD-62311 : When custom trigger is invoked for request creation, the JSON file does not return resource related data.
  • SD-56569, SD-56506 : Only Requesters will be listed for the applied configuration in the editor field in Requester login, whereas all users will be shown in Technician login.
  • SD-62555, SD-62531 : Performance enhancements on request templates cache.
  • SD-29432 : Some deleted Request fields are shown in custom view under Requests and Custom reports.
  • SD-57100 : HTML tags are inserted in request reply drafts.
  • SD-60424 : UNC path not supported in RTA links.
  • SD-62388 : Worklog timer does not work, if a request is edited.
  • SD-30574 : Formatting issues in request quick create.
  • SD-48188 : Backslashes get removed in notes notification.
  • SD-50228 : Content within tags are removed in request reply drafts.
  • SD-59873 : Approval tab is missing, when a request is raised from a service template copied from an existing template with inline images.
  • SD-62116 : Worklog archiving truncates description text to 3500 characters.
  • SD-62480 : Word ‘Operation’ gets appended in the group notification content.
  • SD-45628 : History does not get captured, when an attachment is removed from the request.
  • SD-62460 : Able to close request with open tasks using ‘close request’ link in e-mail notification, although the request closing rules has 'Associated tasks should be completed’.
  • SD-62377 : Sending notification gets failed, when a mail contains more than 255 characters in CC field.
  • SD-62307 : Draft button is displayed for a request, when logged in with Requester login.
  • SD-62238 : Creation of service request using E-mail commands will no longer be supported.?
  • SD-48715 : No warning message is displayed, when Technician clicks ‘assign’ to assign/pickup a service request, although ‘Do not assign Technician before service request is approved’ is enabled.
  • SD-61641 : Wrong history is shown, when the status is changed from ‘open’ to 'onhold’.
  • SD-61410 : Task notifications are sent to task owner and request owner, although the request has been moved to trash.
  • SD-48784 : Requester Status does not change in request details page, although the Requester gets marked as service request approver by default.
  • SD-46177 : Improper alert message is shown, when trying to merge similar requests.
  • SD-62154 : History is captured incorrectly, when a Technician replies to a request via REST API.
  • SD-62569 : Date fields are displayed incorrectly as created date-completed date-responded date, instead of created date-responded date-completed date.
  • SD-62071 : The following will be displayed as mentioned below for Requests in REST API: WORKORDERID replaced as REQUESTID, CREATEDTIME replaced as CREATEDDATE, RESPONDEDTIME replaced as RESPONDEDDATE, DUEBYTIME replaced as DUEBYDATE, COMPLETEDTIME replaced as COMPLETEDDATE.
  • SD-62821 : Technician name is displayed twice in Requester login.
  • SD-58842 : Low privileged user able to view high privileged user data in request.
  • SD-47675 : Assigned time does not get updated, when a Technician is assigned to a request via business rules.
  • SD-60244 : Auto suggestions for Solutions & Announcements are not displayed, if the search string contains special characters like, + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /, in the New request form for Requesters.
  • SD-61996, SD-59973 : While importing requests via XLS, the date values in the date formatted cells of XLS file are replaced with the time of import.
  • SD-62117 : Request created with valid Description is getting replaced with empty description of the template changed through business rule.
  • SD-62450 : In Standard edition, the suggested solution does not open on clicking the auto suggested solution.
  • SD-62385 : Inability to update a request, with a new Requester.
  • SD-61509 : Request List view becomes blank , if more than 30 columns are listed, where each page consists of 250 Requests.
  • SD-41479 : While using Quick Create option, the Site value does not get populated correctly, if the Requester is selected from the Requester List Icon.
  • SD-62535 : Technician does not get filtered based on group, in Request creation page, when no sites are present.


  • SD-61188 : The word ‘Print Preview’ gets printed along with the request, when a change request is printed.
  • SD-61152 : Able to edit the closure code for a change, even after the change is closed.
  • SD-60828 : Change/ Request gets created partially, if any exception occurs during creation.
  • SD-60544 : Change gets overlapped with next column in change list view, if there are more columns and if the change type is long.
  • SD-55486 : Send for Recommendation is shown under “Change>>approval” tab even after removal of all CAB members.
  • SD-62161: Unable to access change details page if the technician is privileged with ‘View-all in group and assigned to him’ role.
  • SD-61990 :TypeError occurs when ‘All site asset’ is selected in Japanese language.


  • SD- 49603 : Confirmation dialog missing for comments deletion in tasks.
  • SD-49706 : Tooltip missing for task comments delete button.
  • SD-51189 : Tooltip missing for ‘more fields’ button in tasks.
  • SD-55135 : Unclearness in task trigger failure alert message .
  • SD-55396 : Multi line task comments are shown as a single line in history.
  • SD-59506 : Calendar fields not rendered properly, when adding new tasks from quick actions menu.
  • SD-60226 : Task dependencies are not replicated, when a request is raised from request template containing tasks with dependencies.
  • SD-60452 : Able to add tasks with empty title.
  • SD-62000 : Task dependencies are not replicated, when a request is raised via email command with request template containing tasks with dependencies.
  • SD-62210 : Task history shows attachment added, although it fails on account of max file size restriction.
  • SD-53402 : Actual end time does not change to ‘Null’ on re-opening a closed request.


  • SD-59926 : Inline images added by editing an existing solution are not getting saved.


  • SD-62195 : From now, additional fields with same name as Default fields cannot be created.
  • SD-60046 : Unable to delete a resource from the service template, if a service request is created using the template containing the corresponding resources.
  • SD-49042 : Restricted service templates are not visible to SDAdmin in the service catalog list view.
  • SD-62257 : Exception occurs, when editing site with special characters in name.
  • SD-27319 : Cost per hour field for Technician rounded off to single decimal point.
  • SD-47357 : Resolution template edit view breaks on adding specific content.
  • SD-55913 : Survey Link URL is not hyperlinked.
  • SD-62222 : ‘+’ symbol gets replaced with space in ‘Name’ field of Incident additional fields.
  • SD-36946 :When the set ‘business rule’ is matched, all values in ‘notification’ are displayed in single line, if an email is sent.
  • SD-38623 : Able to assign requests based on priority and urgency, when a business rule is matched, although priority and urgency fields have been greyed out.
  • SD-24843 : Robo password reset template is visible to Technicians and Requesters, although robo license has expired.
  • SD-58599 : Custom and copy sites are not included in exception column of “Helpdesk>>Technician” Auto Assign.
  • SD-47369 : Unable to change the status of a request for ‘Approvals’ in self service portal.
  • SD-60806 : Unable to save the subject with ‘*’ symbol in spam filter.
  • SD-62248 : In Business rules, while specifying criteria, rendering exception occurs when ‘*’ is specified for certain fields.
  • SD-60571 : In Service request templates, when the length of the question exceeds the predefined limit, the extra text is cut-off.
  • SD-60054 : Incident template list view displays the available template count as ‘Show per page’ count, instead of displaying the option selected from ‘Show per page’ drop down.
  • SD-62607 : Custom trigger throws NullPointerException , if the getRequest API JSON contains more than 4000 characters.
  • SD-39279 : Previously, deletion of a Region was allowed, even when sites were associated with it. Now, the application prompts you to delete the associated sites, before deleting the Region.
  • SD-62044 : Technician’s Domain changes to 'None’, when edited by self.
  • SD-62146 : Other users not getting listed in the User dropdown, when a custom role is assigned to a Technician with SDAdmin role.
  • SD-62466 : Unable to add multiple approvers and departments, while creating change template.
  • SD-62259 :Unable to insert inline images in description field of request template.


  • SD-60834 : Query containing built in function ‘HOURS’ throws error in MSSQL setups.
  • SD-60584 : Wrong date format is displayed in matrix report.


  • SD-62532,SD-62704 : Performance optimized for keyboard shortcuts.
  • SD-62668 : Performance issue: Application slows down during high concurrent access.


  • SD-62467 : Vulnerability issue while fetching User Details.


  • SD-62589 : Unwanted text is printed in the console, while starting the server.
  • SD-62389: Error while trying to connect to Mysql bundled with application while taking manual backup over 9200 has been fixed.

Issues Fixed in 9211 (Released on: 3rd May, 2016)

  • SD-62895 : Unable to login to application when AD/LDAP authentication is enabled.
  • SD-62896 : Unable to login to android app after upgrading the application server to 9210.

Issues Fixed in 9210 (Released on: 21 April, 2016)

  • SD-46251, SD-58815, SD-21277, SD-34788, SD-60147 : Vulnerability in “Keep me signed-in” feature.
  • SD-60086 : Active user sessions not being destroyed/invalidated after a password change.

Issues Fixed in 9209 (Released on: 14 April, 2016)

  • SD-62738 : Field & form rules are not applied when criteria contains pick list additional field value as ‘Not specified’
  • SD-62255 , SD-62441 : Dependent child tasks are not triggered on closing parent tasks.
  • SD-62723 : Support group changes to ‘None’ when requester name is specified during request creation.
  • SD-62740 : Exception while editing requests having inline images without src tags.
  • SD-62742 : Service common pick list additional field value gets saved as -1 if no value is selected.

Issues Fixed in 9208 (Released on: 11 April, 2016)

  • SD-62526 : Unable to start the application with MSSQL database in some environments.

  • SD-62695 : Unable to view Time Elapsed Analysis tab in request details page in some environments.

  • SD-62712 : Problem in displaying fields in new request form and in edit request page due to browser cache.

  • SD-62352 : Issues related to Technician Auto Assign :

  • Unable to add more number of technicians in the exclusion list.

  • Complete exclude list for Technician Auto Assign is not displayed in the UI.

  • Complete exclude list is not considered during Technician Auto Assignment.

New features in 9207 (Released on: 31 March, 2016)

  • SDF-62433 : Barcode Generation for assets. This initial version contains an option to add assets (bulk) by scanning the vendor barcodes, ability to generate and print new barcode labels, associate barcode with the existing assets. This feature is available under Assets -> Barcode section.

  • SDF-61862 : Earlier, through Request Custom triggers, approvers can be added to a request (ie. add approvers to existing list of approvers in a approval stage). Now approvers can be added so as to replace existing set of approvers.

  • SDF-47849 : Option to view task dependencies for tasks and percentage of completion in Project Gantt view.

  • SDF-56922 : Ability to create Custom filter for Projects list view.

  • SDF-59839 : Previously when time entry is added in worklog, operational hours will not be considered to calculate the time, now there is option to mark whether work log time need to consider operational hours or absolute hours.

  • SDF-62370 : Earlier Category / Sub category / Item entry needs to be added one by one. Hence it could take more time to construct the needed category - sub category - item tree structure. Now with ‘Add Quick CSI’ available under Admin>> HelpDesk Customizer>> Category section, the relevant tree structure can be constructed quickly.

  • SDF-60795, SDF-60631: Enhancements in Field & Form rules section inside Request templates :

  • Alert message before closing Script Editor if script is not saved

  • Proper handling of on field change event for text fields like Subject, impact details

  • Triggering of event when setting value of a field through $CS APIs. This enhancements are required for the case so that value of Subcategory will be changed based on setting the value of Category through APIs.

  • Resource fields will also be copied when copying rules from one template to another if same resource exists in new template. This is required when making copies of a service template.

  • Earlier when a field is hidden through rules, blank space will be present (for that field) though the field is hidden. Now blank space will also be removed when any field is hidden through rules.

  • SDF-60807: Option to assign a request to a Group / Technician from request list view.

  • SDF-61459: Support tab is getting renamed as Community so as to reflect the primary purpose and its UI got revamped . Community tab will prominently contain the ServiceDesk Plus community forum posts so that users can view the ongoing discussions, announcements related to product just in a click.

  • SDF-61864: Reports : While analyzing customer environments we found that running more reports in parallel and generating reports which returns huge data (say report over a long date range) causes stability issue for the application. To ensure stability of application, we are setting up threshold on number of parallel reports and max number of rows per report.

Issues Fixed in 9207

  • SD-62251 : Unable to list custom triggers if the criteria contains ‘To’ or ‘CC’ fields.
  • SD-61686 : When request custom menu is invoked for the second time in IE, it displays that the action has been performed but does not update the action.
  • SD-60966 : If a rule is created with ‘On field’ change as ‘Priority’ and if the priority field is changed using priority matrix, then the rule fails to work.
  • SD-62030 : Able to set date by using calendar although date field has been disabled using field and form rules.
  • SD-60725, SD-60905 : When conditions are defined for any rule using ‘Site’ field, those rules fail to get applied for requester login.
  • SD-56919 : Text entered after single quote in ‘Site’ name gets truncated in requester login.
  • SD-58506 : ‘Not for further usage’ unavailable under Admin >> Department in standard and professional editions.
  • SD-58619 : Unable to delete task type in standard and professional editions.
  • SD-59000 : Unable to view all associated tasks after applying ‘All tasks’ filter in technician login.
  • SD-60698 : ‘Last updated on’ time gets updated when solutions are viewed.
  • SD-61157 : HTML tags appear in task description when trying to edit the task through API.
  • SD-61691 : Trying to delete a non-existing worklog shows wrong error message ‘User doesn’t have sufficient privileges’ instead of 'Worklog doesn’t exist’.
  • SD-61844 : Able to provide ‘Edit’ permission to a non-privileged task owner who doesn’t have permission to edit parent entity.
  • SD-61975 : Unable to sort request list view with ProjectID.
  • SD-60899 : ‘worklog’ misspelt in projects >> timesheet.
  • SD-53070 : Option to include ‘All status’ in status filter of project Gantt view.
  • SD-46603 : Tooltip for public solution is wrongly shown as ‘Solution is available to all’ instead of 'Solution is available to technicians and requesters/selected user groups’.
  • SD-48878 : Unable to create tasks under incident templates via Email command.
  • SD-52739 : Unable to create tasks using default request template via Email command.
  • SD-58980 : Unable to change the status to / from ‘closed’ for a task saved in Incident/Service templates.
  • SD-60156 : Option to restrict access to non login solution view.
  • SD-61402 : Unable to associate service request to a project.
  • SD-61559 : Unable to view request list page by user if the display content exceeds 1 MB.
  • SD-61615 : Tasks Gantt view shows task start as ‘previous day’ if the from/to date is in DST.
  • SD-61673 : Unable to edit tasks by technicians with ‘Edit Project’ permission.
  • SD-61690 : Improper positioning of text after mapping parent or child in task dependency view when large number of tasks are present.
  • SD-61982 : Unable to delete tasks when all tasks in request created using request template are unchecked and deleted.
  • SD-59513 : Grayed out/deleted statuses are displayed in ‘Task status’ list.
  • SD-61777 : Solution search icon does not show results when clicked.
  • SD-61873, SD-61874 : Vulnerability issue in Announcements and Solutions autosuggest.
  • SD-52436 : I18N key missing for ‘title’ and ‘description’ when copying a solution as resolution.
  • SD-61080 : ‘Task dependency map’ becomes frozen when child task is moved or clicked.
  • SD-52860 : Backslashes are removed in task comment notifications
  • SD-53143 : Notes not editable when it contains style tags
  • SD-58754 : Project title shown as html escaped characters in edit view
  • SD-59968 : Images inserted in solution articles not sent in mail when Solution is forwarded
  • SD-61182 : Unable to change the date filter, milestone, task, task types filter in gantt view(LTR Languages)
  • SD-61391 : Internal spell check not working
  • SD-61613 : Content in the Request Notes do not appear while editing
  • SD-61823 : Alignment of content in Submit for approval popup changes while converting rich text to plain text
  • SD-53561 : Request History shows description change when editing requests without modifying description content
  • SD-57359 : Edit task view shows html escaped characters
  • SD-60568 : Product not able to start if ManageEngine folder is renamed
  • SD-59758 : Alphabetical order set by default for the column names listed in advanced search.
  • SD-61346 : Priority field value getting changed to “Not Assigned” while replying a request issue has been fixed.
  • SD-60239 : Issue of content type listing as “text/html” in Solution for “plain/text” notifications has been fixed.
  • SD-60624 : Enable/disable popup notification when a stage or status is altered for change.
  • SD-58714 : Unable to include ‘Reporting to’ when a requester name contains backslash and single quotes
  • SD-60193 : Undesired HTML tags appear in the description area of notes for a task in implementation stage of a copied change.
  • SD-60958 : XSS vulnerability in change roles under Admin>> change management
  • SD-60513 : E-mail signature appears in the notification sent for CAB recommendation although the E-mail signature variable is absent in the template.
  • SD-61059 : When editing a change template , ‘isemergency’ field does not get applied properly in specific cases.
  • SD-60889 : Horizontal line appears on clicking drop down of task list view actions when a change has crossed the implementation stage.
  • SD-61866 : Unable to select technicians with two letters for any change role in change template.
  • SD-61300 : Problem with spot edit of UDF fields and assets in change details page.
  • SD-61980 : Error while sending recommendation mail for ‘Change’ in specific cases.
  • SD-61500 : $ChangeManager and $ChangeOwner variables do not get replaced with original value in notification mail window.
  • SD-60305 : Removal of permission configuration for change manager role.
  • SD-62241 : Directory traversal vulnerability.
  • SD-61722 : Date configuration does not get copied to duplicated custom report.
  • SD-60236 : Software summary page shows wrong count for "Expired Agreements".
  • SD-62043 : Global search in software list view does not show results when clicked.
  • SD-38751 : Boolean column values are not displayed in query report when “MSSQL” and “PGSQL” servers are configured as back end database.
  • SD-61308 : No update in History on Reopening Request.
  • SD-60730 : On changing status to OnHold/Custom Stop Timer, ‘Status change comment’ popup doesn’t appear when ‘User Acknowledgement’ popup is disabled in Request Closing Rules.
  • SD-60585 : Request created with Email CC user field value gets truncated due to lesser column size, is increased to 500 characters.
  • SD-58948 : Mail fetching stops processing EMail with EMail command having incorrect syntax.
  • SD-59972 : Email notification from ServicedeskPlus when viewed in Outlook shows same inline images because of the same content-id referred for the inline images.
  • SD-59848 : Domain name field is not loaded in login page in IE when UserName contains special/foreign characters.
  • SD-60855 : URL vulnerability in add / modify/ delete Announcement by requesters.
  • SD-61643 : When Technician updates request created with OnBehalfOf user, incorrect message shown.
  • SD-62089 : Some of the translation messages in German language localization is corrected.
  • SD-60792 : Vulnerability fixed under Support/Community Tab.
  • SD-58715 : Copying images using clipboard fixed for IE 9 and 10 in machines running 32-bit Java installations.
  • SD-60798 : Delay in getting name of sites if the application contains large number of sites.
  • SD-59950 : Time saved under date field alters for all daylight saving time.
  • SD-37524 : Able to set the request status as ‘None’ under custom filters.
  • SD-62199,SD-61612 : Keyboard shortcuts appear garbled in Chinese and Japanese language.
  • SD-61773 : Tool tip in request conversations shows ‘Delete Request’ instead of 'Delete conversation’.
  • SD-61674 : Text added after ‘&’ symbol gets removed in comment box while linking requests.
  • SD-61251 : After failure in sending message, error message is shown in blank window instead of composer window.
  • SD-61245 : Able to close request by requester in the link redirecting to login page of portal.
  • SD-30863 : The variable ‘$Requester phone’ is added as ‘Requester phone’ under notification template in standard edition.
  • SD-27260 : When the status of a request is moved from ‘Open’ to 'Onhold’, the history of the request shows 'ISAFTEROVERDUE changed from ‘None’ to ‘True’ even before the request is overdue.
  • SD-55907,SD-59348, SD-22796: Option to customize the text displayed for notification message via request template for variable $RequesterAge
  • SD-38676 : While editing the notes, notification E-mail is not sent to the technician on notes addition.
  • SD-60927 : Able to view requests of other groups by a non-privileged technician when he uses ‘search’ pane.
  • SD-61155 : Vulnerability in survey link.
  • SD-47072 : Technician with privilege to ‘view problem’ but no ‘add’ and ‘edit’ permission is able to view ‘New problem’ option on opening an incident request.
  • SD-60980 : Empty title is shown when ‘$title’ is given in reply template.
  • SD-61280,61281,61791 : SLA shows ‘due by’ instead of ‘delay by’ if the status is ‘Onhold’ and the service request has a configured editor.
  • SD-61272 : ‘Add notes’ tool tip is shown in archives list.
  • SD-48698 : Vulnerability issue in raising requests.
  • SD-52868 : After logging in, the user is re-directed to technician space URL.
  • SD-61000: When ‘Should be resolved/responded irrespective of operational hours’ is disabled for SLA,’Time elapsed analysis’ shows wrong resolution time in Request details page .
  • SD-61330: After the editor updates the service request with no approval, the status of the request does not change to 'open’.It remains 'onhold’.
  • SD-44393: Negative values are shown in ‘Timespent’ report of a request.
  • SD-58519,SD-57248,SD-61804 : Status change does not get updated when an image is inserted in the resolution description area of a request.
  • SD-61639 : Backslashes are removed when editing a note containing backslashes.
  • SD-61517 : ‘Requests approaching SLA’ widget in dashboard shows only requests in open status. Custom ‘Open’ status and status with timer ‘on’ can be now be viewed.
  • SD-59847 : When adding a request, ‘Requester name doesn’t exist’ message gets displayed even if the requester already exists in the application.
  • SD-60602 : All tabs except ‘Submission’ goes missing in change request, when change notification contains enclosed tags.
  • SD-61477 : Single line additional field values get updated with old values when value for that field is removed.
  • SD-61303 : Additional field added from service catalog template disappears.
  • SD-60903 : Picklist field value is shown wrongly as ‘0’ in reports while it shows ‘not assigned’ in the request page.
  • SD-59647 : Although the physical table gets deleted when deleting a service category, the entries for additional fields still remain in column aliases table.
  • SD-59219 : Unable to export Incident add itional fields from archived requests.* SD-50582,SD-38194 : Unable to close a service request even after all the mandatory fields are entered since closing rule for incident request gets applied for service request.
  • SD-48545 : ‘Requester view’ is available for a technician even if ‘Show to requester’ is unchecked in service template.
  • SD-39419 : Configured fields under preventive maintenance task appear distorted when listed.
  • SD-59297 : User defined fields are omitted in archive list view.
  • SD-59760 : Unable to update ‘length value’ for numeric additional fields.
  • SD-62029 : Unable to set Schedule status change , if the status is changed to ‘Onhold’ by inline edit.
  • SD-62031 : Exported pdf file shows line break in projects gantt.
  • SD-62035 : Autosuggest of Solutions / Announcements overlaps with the subject field when subject is typed in the ‘new request’ form.
  • SD-62528 : Request SLA DO has been cached for better performance.
  • SD-62553 : Performance issue while identfying the Request Dependency group has been fixed.

Issue Fixed in 9206 (Released on: 22 March, 2016)

  • SD-62577 : Customer upgrading first from any of the versions below 9200 to 9200, and then again from 9200 to 9203 or 9204 can apply this ppm from 9203 or 9204 so that the login page blank issue can be resolved.

Issue Fixed in 9205 (Released on: 16 March, 2016)

  • SD-62522 : While importing users from Active Directory (2003 and 2008 versions), all OUs are not listed.
  • SD-55876, SD-61156 : Support group created under a custom site in CMDB/Admin module does not get assigned to that custom site.
  • SD-62498 : Able to perform upgrade / restore data / reindex in a parallel manner, when the server is running in https mode.
  • SD-62440 : Business rule notification does not get triggered when adding and editing a request based on certain criteria.
  • SD-62554 : Getting a blank Login page, after upgrading first from any of the versions below 9200 to 9200, and then again from 9200 to 9203 or 9204, without doing a service startup.

New feature in 9204 (Released on: 4 March, 2016)

  • SDF-62215 : Enhancements in the ‘Advanced Analytics’ module. It will now include a new option to setup On-Premise integration using ManageEngine Reports. ManageEngine Reports is a business intelligence and reporting software from ManageEngine.

Issue Fixed in 9204

  • SD-58911 : ‘Mandatory fields’ check has been removed for saving the proxy settings details.

New features in 9203 (Released on: 1 March, 2016)

  • SDF-60978 : Option to customize the home page of self service portal has been added under "Admin -> Self Service Portal Settings". This includes re-arranging, restoring, adding, deleting, re-sizing and hiding the widgets
  • SDF-61707 : Rest API support for ‘Solutions’ module
  • SDF-59958 : Option to import Microsoft Projects
  • SDF-60681 : Option to mark First Call Resolution (FCR) on Requests
  • SDF-61960 : Timer that tracks the Technician’s work log has been added under ‘Requests’ module.
  • SDF-61614 : Ability to import CI relationships from XLS file
  • SDF-61045 : Support for ‘Romanian’ language
  • SDF-25241 : Ability to add Requesters and Technicians with the fields, First name, Middle name and Last name. It is also possible to customize notification e-mails using these fields.
  • SDF-35633 : Auto refresh of Dashboard
  • SDF-59489 : Worklog Type can be configured for Request worklogs.
  • SDF-61437 : Option to hide solutions for Requesters
  • SDF-62041 : Worklog additional fields are newly added.
  • SDF-62042 : Floating menu bar: the entire ‘Actions’ menu bar floats as you scroll down the page. This allows you to perform any action without having to scroll up each time.
  • SDF-61222 : Any e-mail reply from a Technician with the option ‘Notify Requester when the request is appended with technician’s reply’ enabled, will be forwarded to the relevant Requester.

Issues Fixed in 9203

  • SD-38189, SD-58228 : Overdue flag is not set/reset when due by date is changed for request in on-hold/resolved state.
  • SD-58421 : Users cannot login after importing from LDAP with ‘Others’ as LDAP type.
  • SD-56035 : Compliance calculation happens for softwares that are not managed.
  • SD-60949,62074 : Suite component software installation count is not updated properly.
  • SD-60206 : A software license is moved to ‘Expired’ state, when the associated software agreement expires.
  • SD-23647 : Bulk ‘Edit’ option for changing the state has been added in Asset components list view.
  • SD-47478 : ‘Unassigned Workstations/Servers’ count gets mismatched when the ‘Count’ is clicked in Assets home page.
  • SD-49229 : Technicians with “Add New Product” and “Add New Vendor” role can add new products/vendors under Assets/Contracts and PO tabs.
  • SD-52770 : Although address is added in multiple lines under Admin --> Sites, shipping and billing addresses in PO details page get misaligned into a single line.
  • SD-58223 : Runtime Exception is thrown, when ‘Managed Software’ is clicked in ‘Getting Started’ page.
  • SD-59978 : Separate list view for Laptops and Desktops have been included under ‘Workstation’ list view, by default.
  • SD-61788 : I18N key is missing for ‘Total Cost of Ownership’ in Asset list view page.
  • SD-61006 : File Attachment folder gets recursively created.
  • SD-61349 : Unable to generate custom reports by site restricted user.
  • SD-61740 : Approval behavior prevents an approval from getting rejected, when an approver rejects an approval. Hence, “All must approve but no one should reject” checkbox has been added.
  • SD-61393 : Active Directory authentication support in Rest API.
  • SD-60758, SD-59929 : Incorrect data gets displayed in ‘Criteria’ section, when a Business rule is added with “Begins with” and “Ends with” Criteria in Additional fields.
  • SD-60041, SD-59434 : Unable to create service templates for services imported via CSV.
  • SD-59879 : Site of request is not auto populated for Requesters, when requests are created using REST API.
  • SD-48691 : Service Category based operations are supported in Standard edition.
  • SD-60762 : Unable to display field details, when trying to edit Incident additional fields in some environments.
  • SD-61934 : Approval Notifications are sent to the users configured using service templates, even after deleting the users.
  • SD-58791 : User’s association with the department does not get deleted, even after the user is deleted and marked with ‘Resigned’ state.
  • SD-61670 : ‘Reporting To’ field is assigned with 'resigned users’, when Requesters are imported through CSV.
  • SD-56369 : Issue with Mail fetching process, due to corrupted attachment.
  • SD-61999 : ‘Approvalstatus’ attribute has been added for Get Request API.
  • SD-57907 : Reports get truncated when exported as PDF files.
  • SD-59686 : ‘Technician’ is misspelt as ‘Techician’ in Assign popup box.
  • SD-56422 : ‘Convert Incident request to Service Request’ popup appears in english, even when translated to other languages.
  • SD-58987 : Option to view survey results of the associated requests by the Technician, if the permission is provided.
  • SD-59687 : Issue in ‘To’ and ‘Cc’ fields while creating requests through e-mail, where word wrap does not occur.
  • SD-60769 : Performance optimized, while sending survey to requester.
  • SD-59615,SD-52206,SD-58689 : The user’s name does not get auto populated in ‘requested by’ field in Purchase module.
  • SD-55945 : Ability to associate asset component to an user, while using the ‘Import CSV’ option.
  • SD-57891,SD-59034 : Unable to delete service packs.
  • SD-58857 : Agent remote control settings does not not populated properly from workstation list view.
  • SD-59175 : Inactive departments are shown in the ‘Department’ drop down field of Cost Center.
  • SD-59435 : Manually entered software license keys get removed after scanning the workstation.
  • SD-59439 : Workstation/servers which are excluded from scan are removed from failed workstation/server list view.
  • SD-59803 : Unable to generate the report for “CMDB” module, filtered by “windows server” with servicepack column.
  • SD-60534 : The Host name gets truncated in virtual machines list view.
  • SD-60777 : Unable to run the CMDB report with Applications filter.
  • SD-61220 : Unwanted entries are added in CI History while editing the asset.
  • SD-61434 : Unable to edit virtual machine’s name.
  • SD-61820 : Unable to get some data for Technician CIs via API.
  • SD-61667 : Not able to push scanned xml generated from a linux machine using the scan script.
  • SD-61685 : scan : Cannot scan El Capitan Mac OS machines.
  • SD-59940 : scan : Linux Prompt gets appended with the workstation name.
  • SD-61697 : Exception while scanning Windows machine, if the model of hard drive is not obtained.
  • SD-59942 : scan : Cisco IP Phones getting overwritten during network scan.
  • SD-60345 : scan : Solaris : Processor details and Bios details are not fetched in SPARC solaris Servers.
  • SD-60570,SD-61514 : Issue in removal of Filters in Advanced Search under ‘Requests’ Tab.
  • SD-37370 : If the ‘Does not contain’ criteria contains multiple values, junk filter under notifications does not work.
  • SD-60572 : Hyperlinked texts appear as plain texts under conversations, when the hyperlinked texts in description are included in reply/forward.
  • SD-59006 : Vulnerability issue while trying to delete a default status.
  • SD-62244 : Agent : Problem while scanning Windows machines, if the software name is null or empty in the registry.
  • SD-62249 : Scan : Issue in identifying default printer, while scanning Windows machines.
  • SD-62036 : Agent : Issue in fetching manufacturer information for physical drives in Windows machines.
  • SD-62036 : Scan : Issue in fetching multi-monitor information from windows machines.

Issues Fixed in 9202 (Released on: 18 Feb, 2016)

  • SD-62316 : Unable to view / add some of the non-english language content, after upgrading to 9200 environment with mysql database. The text is garbled.

Issues Fixed in 9201 (Released on: 11 Feb, 2016)

  • SD-62186 : Unable to view request details / page becomes blank in few languages.

Enhancement in service pack 9200 (Released on: 11 Jan, 2016)

  • SDF-60651 : Tomcat Version Upgraded from 5 to 7.
  • SDF-61987 : Jre Version Upgraded from 1.6 to 1.7.

Issues Fixed in 9200

  • SD-60312, SD-60108, SD-57847, SD-61344 : TLSv1.2 support with default strong ciphers (Server has a weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman public key)
  • SD-61113 : NullPointerException while invoking scheduled backup.

ServiceDesk Plus 9.1 ReadMe

Issues Fixed in 9121 (Released on: 20 Jan, 2016)

  • SD-62128 : Invalid image url is loaded in login page.

Issues fixed in 9120 (Released on: 29 Dec, 2015)

  • SD-61341 : Unable to access ‘Custom trigger’ under Request module in Standard and Professional editions.

Issues fixed in 9119 (Released on: 17 Dec, 2015)

  • SD-61413, SD-61577 : Request form gets submitted even if the mandatory field ‘Select Approver’ is not filled.
  • SD-61621 : Request Custom Menu based ADMP integration does not work , when SSO is enabled.
  • SD-61822 : Performance issue due to task comment notification.

Issues fixed in 9118 (Released on: 24 Nov, 2015)

  • SD-61387 : Unable to view request details page/create new request, due to migration failure in MySql.
  • SD-61427 : Reply and forward conversations in plaintext format contains html content

Issues fixed in 9117 (Released on: 19 Nov, 2015)

  • SD-43461, SD-57898 : When user tries to edit a support group but discards the changes without saving them and then proceeds to add new support group immediately, existing support group is overwritten.
  • SD-46763 : In new request creation, cursor does not get placed in requester field form when user is Technician.
  • SD-47197, SD-47414 : Business Rule does not get executed when criteria is set as "Group is None".
  • SD-61115 : When large number of approvers are configured and the request approver accesses approval link sent to mail, an error message “Invalid Key” gets displayed .
  • SD-61137 : Unable to upload an image for E-mail signature in ‘Personalize’ section.

Issues fixed in 9116 (Released on: 12 Nov, 2015)

  • SD-61054 : Directory traversal vulnerability while downloading support file from ‘Support’ tab.
  • SD-61460 : Able to upload/download attachments in software without necessary privileges.
  • SD-61416, SD-61200, SD-61431 : Unable to save service workflow settings without configuring an approver for a stage.

New Features in 9115 (Released on: 05 Nov, 2015)

  • SDF-56931 : Option to configure change roles in change template.
  • SDF-60858 : Enhancement in Request List View where the “due by” time and “due in” time can be viewed by enabling the SLA Column. Option to view the template type (service/incident) under “Template type” column.
  • SDF-39294 : keyboard shortcuts for various operations under request module

Note : The keyboard shortcuts are applicable only for technicians and can be viewed under ‘Help’ menu.

Issues fixed in 9115

  • SD-61105 : Preventive Maintenance request gets scrambled on updating the request, if the request description content is more than 15K.
  • SD-55284 : Multiple alias emails can now be configured in the Incoming Mail Server Settings. While replying to a request, Alias Email ID to which the mail was sent gets automatically populated in CC field.
  • SD-51402 : Request History is not captured properly, when a request is moved from an assigned Group to 'None’.
  • SD-58855 : UI issue in 'Conversations’, where the headings appear unusually bold.
  • SD-53623, SD-54916 : UI issue where the bullet styling and list does not get aligned properly when saved and re-opened.
  • SD-61331 : UI issue in REST API document where the content appears scattered.
  • SD-61112 : No response while clicking Solution/Tasks/Mobile Push Notification under Notification Rules (Admin) in Standard and Professional edition.
  • SD-59122 : When a new request gets created, templates which have resolution with non-breakable space gets added as resolution content.
  • SD-61376 : Unable to set the Request status to “On Hold” using REST API.
  • SD-61287 : Login page appears in top left corner due to cache.
  • SD-61432 : CMDB REST API does not work when ‘Single Sign-On’ is enabled.
  • SD-58843 : Vulnerability issue in flash report.
  • SD-61474 : Unable to create Preventive Maintenance task in Standard edition.
  • SD-51392,SD-53927,SD-56042,SD-60066 : Frequently asked reports in Postgres does not work as intended.

Issues fixed in 9114 (Released on: 22 Oct, 2015)

  • SD-61345 : Unable to add request via requester login in standard edition
  • SD-61343 : Unable to create request using REST API with Requester key.

New Features in 9113 (Released on: 20 Oct, 2015)

  • SDF-61083 : Adding conditional approvers for a request, through custom triggers.
  • SDF-61086 : Announcement integration between ServiceDesk Plus and DesktopCentral. Option to notify active announcements added / updated in ServiceDesk Plus to user through DesktopCentral agent.
  • SDF-61106 : Enhancement in ‘Admin’ user interface for easy access to various configurations along with ‘Search’ option.
  • SDF-60984 : ‘Login Page Customization’ enhancement -After applying this hotfix it requires just one time customization and later on the changes will remain permanently. Refer the help document for more details. Users who have already customised their login page can make use of this hotfix and customize it permanently.
  • SDF-60083 : 'Custom Trigger’, a plugin to execute custom script/class is provided for Change Module.
  • SDF-58836 : Option to associate multiple assets to a request.
  • SDF-49693 : Tracking manual changes in CI History.
  • SDF-60143 : Addition of Product Overview Portal that provides an overview of various modules and their key features in one place through videos
  • SDF-57024 : Ability to search user / department / site in assign owner section of assets

Issues Fixed in 9113

  • SD-34232 : Scan : Scanning multi monitor information from Windows machines.
  • SD-59774 : Scan : Issue in fetching Manufacturer information from Hard disk.
  • SD-60654 : Scan : Issue in fetching license key for Windows OS 8 and above.
  • SD-60785,SD-60786 : Issue while deleting the main asset or moving the asset to expired or Disposed state, where the associated resources or asset components does not move to ‘Instore’ state.
  • SD-60161 : Issue in ‘Assets’ module, Where changing site of an Asset, does not change the site of its Associated components.
  • SD-61174: Certificate Updation required for IOS Device Push Notifications.

Issues Fixed in 9112 (Released on: 8 Oct, 2015)

  • SD-61107 : Failure whi??le migrating to 9111 in some environments.
  • SD-60790 : Error when generating reports with charts having ‘numeric’ type as one of its 'group by field’.
  • SD-59888 : When a request created through email command does not match with the given requester name and email-id or the given requester email-id alone, then a new requester does not get created.

Behaviour Change : When Identifying a user based on user name and email-id, both ‘user name and email-id’ or ‘email-id’ alone should match the user details. Earlier, the users matching the user name were fetched ,ignoring the email-id.

  • SD-60522 : When default template alone is allowed for requester login, Field and Form Rules are not applied.
  • SD-61057 : Performance issue while viewing requests with huge description.
  • SD-60285 : Partial printing of a few requests while printing using IE.
  • SD-59988 : UI Issue in displaying scheduled data archiving under admin module.
  • SD-60314 : IE - when hovering over a report in 'reports list view’, report name popup flickers.
  • SD-59356 : Hyperlinks in announcement section are not underlined and appears blue.
  • SD-59009 : IE11 specific issue - In new query report , the text does not get wrapped properly.
  • SD-58522 : In IE 11, Request Print output includes check box filter section also.
  • SD-61079 : Filter to sort ‘Pending-My Group tasks’ displays both pending and completed tasks.
  • SD-60270 : XSS vulnerability while accessing Request Templates.
  • SD-61116, SD-58705 : Technicians recently added to support group are not able to view the Request Templates for which the support group is associated.
  • SD-60165 : Ability to create a request using URL even when Request template is disabled.
  • SD-59589 : Removed ‘Add New Field’ option under ‘Requester view’ in Incident Template.
  • SD-58937 : Resolved time does not get reset when requester replies to the mail.
  • SD-41507, SD-27734 : Subcategory, Item, Group, and Request Type fields are added to request list view in self-service portal.
  • SD-59278 : IPPhone table not created in the database for customers who migrated from builds 9000-9022 to 9028 or above.
  • SD-60999 : Change closure rules get duplicated during every upgrade.
  • SD-60971 : In PostgreSQL ,Change Template cannot be added without Retrospective field.
  • SD-60823: Performance issue while viewing request details page.
  • SD-61177 : Ability to create a Request using URL even when the Request template is not under user’s scope.

Issues Fixed in 9111 (Released on: 28 Sep, 2015)

  • SD-60803 : Issue of “non-English” characters appearing as “???” in request object for Request Custom Menu, HTML file invocation is fixed.
  • SD-60297 : Vulnerability and penetration issues in Un-handled errors and exceptions are fixed.
  • SD-60283, 60280 : Vulnerability in Authentication bypass is fixed.
  • SD-60274 : XSS vulnerability in incident template is fixed.
  • SD-60282 : Prevented Low privileged user from adding reminder and cross site request forgery.
  • SD-50240 : Option to search the contract with Contract id, additional text fields and vendor name is added.
  • SD-58800 : Issue of Resigned Users getting duplicated in central server when data is imported from remote AE server is fixed.
  • SD-58902 : Data Parsing issue while scanning physical drive information from HPUX machine is fixed.
  • SD-58903 : Issue in scanning a network device when its CI type is changed to any one of the child ci types is fixed.
  • SD-58992 : Issue while scanning a ESX host when DNS name of the virtual machine is missing is fixed.
  • SD-59144 : Time out exception while scanning AIX server.
  • SD-60264 : Issue of Asset information getting overwritten when schedule scan is running at the same time in the remote server’s is fixed.
  • SD-60298 : Null pointer exception while scanning network device using SNMP when the OID returns null value.
  • SD-60299 : Issue of FQDN name getting changed to IP When assets are updated during import from remote server is fixed.
  • SD-60300 : Invalid XML character issue while distributed scanning is fixed.
  • SD-60301 : Number format Exception while taking remote via third party remote tool.
  • SD-56510 : Issue in fetching edition of Microsoft visual studio 2012 is fixed.
  • SD-56528 : Microsoft exchange server duplicated for a single workstation.
  • SD-58293 : Certain unwanted software reported while scanning Windows machines.
  • SD-58732 : Option to disable ping during scan under Admin tab --> Scan settings.
  • SD-59641 : AD Import : User import fail issue due to duplicate relationship created between user and department is fixed.

Issues Fixed in 9110 (Released on: 21 Sep, 2015)

  • SD-60991 : If a request is created using Request Template for which ‘Requester can set’ has been disabled for Numeric/Decimal fields, then alert message is prompted due to which request cannot be created.

Issues Fixed in 9109 (Released on: 15 Sep, 2015)

  • SD-60736 : Task Completion Status automatically changes to ‘Closed’ during application upgrade.
  • SD-58884 : Unable to archive the request if it contains task with work log in it.
  • SD-60907 : Technicians who do not sort the task list before migration can not view the task tab under the request.

New Features in 9108 (Released on: 14 Sep, 2015)

  • SDF-35346 : Requesters will be notified when ‘ticket owners’ reply by email.
  • SDF-58676 : ‘Task Filter’ has been added for tasks under Request, Problem, Change, Project and Milestones.
  • SDF-58750 : ‘Service Level Agreements’ configuration feature, is provided for ‘Change’ module.

Issues Fixed in 9108

  • SD-58527 : Description content under ‘Report an issue’ shows total count, if same logged in user logs in with a different browser. Now it shows distinct count.
  • SD-58436 : Changed UI style in ‘Report an issue’ under ‘Support’ while sending mail.
  • SD-58435 : Changed format of date column in upgradeDetails.html from ‘long’ to ‘date’ format.
  • SD-58347 : While generating support file, include .sh files if the os is mac or linux .
  • SD-60398 : ‘Out of memory’ error fixed.
  • SD-60268 : Task count mismatch in ‘dashboard’ and ‘task list view’ is fixed.
  • SD-60061 : When user enters space in ‘non login’ view, ‘auto search’ solution does not work.
  • SD-56611 : “New Milestone” I18N key added.
  • SD-53468 : Unable to delete general tasks.
  • SD-60069 : IE11 line space issue.
  • SD-60329 : Notification content has no line breaks which is a plain text formatting issue.
  • SD-53143 : Notes containing style tags not editable.
  • SD-59614 : FOSInputs.conf file overwritten during upgrade.
  • SD-59118 : ‘Mark as inactive’ option missing in resolution templates.
  • SD-60392 : Issue with ‘push notifications’ of the native app, when the device is shared between users.
  • SD-60330 : ‘Export as PDF’ shows the login page in PDF file instead of GANTT.
  • SD-60005 : Unable to export ‘dependencies map’ in linux setups.
  • SD-60510 : Unable to spot ‘edit technician’ field in ‘problem details’ page.
  • SD-59209 : Columns are merged while exporting report in XLS format.
  • SD-59099, SD-46093 : Company logo appears in scheduled report, even if it is disabled in Admin > Organization Details section.
  • SD-58947, SD-57556 : If a user has SDAdmin role and has also been assigned to some site restricted role, then reports show data from sites only assigned to him.
  • SD-58858 : Report Name is not shown properly, if it contains special characters.
  • SD-58805 : Attachment names are garbled after downloading, if it contains special characters.
  • SD-58727 : Recent items do not show full title on mouse hover.
  • SD-58700 : Filtering a flash report based on 'resolved time’, shows no data when the respective list of data is viewed.
  • SD-58434 : Error accessing the Change Details, when all sites assigned to a logged in user are already deleted.
  • SD-57158 : Emergency and Retrospective check boxes are removed from ‘add and edit’ change form. Instead, Retrospective field is added as boolean pick list in change template. Emergency and General templates are categorized and listed in the Template field itself.
  • SD-56414 : Site restricted technicians are unable to edit and delete their own query reports.
  • SD-54994 : Issue while viewing Admin > Notification Rules > Problem Notification tab in Swedish language.
  • SD-60723 : Request template fields missing in some environment.

Features in 9107 (Released on: 03 Sep, 2015)

  • SDF-59913 : Additional Fields can be configured as ‘common’ for both incident and service requests.

Issues Fixed in 9107

  • SD-60694 : Issue with request description, when simultaneous ‘edit’ operation is done on a request.
  • SD-54731: Issue in attaching files with same name for a request.
  • SD-60251 : Admin -> Support Groups -> Associated technicians are dissociated and other technicians are included in the options,if the ‘group notification’ checkbox is not disabled.
  • SD-59887 : Option to enable ‘allow only numbers’ for ‘single line’ incident additional field.
  • SD-59351 : Unable to update some user defined fields during request bulk edit.

Features in 9106 (Released on: 31 Aug, 2015)

  • SDF-60445 : Enhancements on Field & Form Rules feature.

  • Support for date type fields are added.

  • Support for Service Catalog Resources are added.

  • Template tasks can be set or unset using Custom Scripts,based on criteria.

  • Script Editor is enhanced to support auto-completion and display errors and warnings. Use CTRL+SPACE key for auto-completion.

  • SDF-59769 : Enhancements on Mail Fetching option, a mechanism to fetch outstanding mails in mail box at that instance of mail fetching, instead of fetching 20 mails per minute. Once all the mails at that instance get fetched, next schedule will be enabled.

  • SDF-58430, SDF-60422 : Zoho Reports Integration Enhancements:

  • Zoho Reports Integration is now named as ‘Advanced Analytics’ in SDP.

  • Sub Category field will also be populated into Zoho Reports.

  • Added ‘12 Hours’ and ‘24 Hours’ options in "Periodic Data Synchronization". Default value is changed from 10 hours to 12 hours.

  • Displaying the number of times ‘Instant Sync’ is invoked.

  • Pushing the SDP-Zoho Reports integration error into’s (Integration Error DB).

Issues Fixed in 9106

  • SD-59948 : When updating Technician through Assign operation from Request details page,’Due By Time’ which is updated manually, is changed even when there is no change in SLA
  • SD-59735 : When users with same Email id are imported from Active Directory, duplicate key exception is thrown in logs.
  • SD-56967, 55882 : Problem in downloading file attachments having two consecutive dots.
  • SD-50542 : when importing users from Active Directory, Technician login name does not get updated .
  • SD-27641 : Numeric fields are not listed in Group By / Order By list box when generating Custom Reports.
  • SD-60440 : System log viewer does not capture Add/Edit on Risk, Reason For Change, ChangeClosureCode, ChangeStage, Theme, Proxy Settings and Translations.
  • SD-57730 : ‘Approval status’ column has been added to the column customizer in the Request List View for Requesters.
  • SD-60581 : Issue status gets updated as ‘Open’ while merging requests.
  • SD-52745 : The responded date and time does not get updated properly, when using ‘reply request’ operation in REST API.
  • SD-59073 : If Approval Stages are configured and ‘Do not assign technician before Service Request is approved’ is enabled for a Service Request, Business Rule to assign Technician does not get executed.
  • SD-60616 :Technician change as Requester does not get applied to the Technician login.
  • SD-60279 : XSS vulnerability when editing priority, leave type and change type.
  • SD-58220 :In case of postgres database, DB Password is not stored as encrypted.
  • SD-59354 : Tasks which are associated with the request template, but not selected during the request creation gets added to the created request.
  • SD-59122 : when a new request gets created, templates having empty resolutions (spaces added part of the resolution under template configurations) gets added as resolution content.
  • SD-58520 : Able to close request without resolution, even when “resolution” is marked as mandatory in the request closing rules.
  • SD-57301 : Problem in displaying the status name in the request details page, if the configured status name has the display name as "On Hold".
  • SD-60248 : Rest API content not properly wrapped. Single word gets split into another line.
  • SD-57581 : Usability issue in reports in French language:when requester/technician filter is selected, the popup showing users list does not dynamically adjust the scroller as per the width.
  • SD-57021 :When the Service request details are viewed through the approval link,the Resource info is not aligned properly in chrome and Firefox .
  • SD-60026 : Unwanted image is present while selecting the date in calendar in all tabs.
  • SD-55497 : Technician details page viewed from the request details page, could not show data properly if there are more number of additional fields configured for technician.
  • SD-56064 : HTML tags are displayed in the tooltip, when hovered over the subject of the Request in the 'Request List View’.
  • SD-59748 : Wrong date value appears in the advanced filtering of custom report.
  • SD-58953 : In requester login, ‘My Approvals’ section in the home page is not properly aligned.
  • SD-60034 : In RTL mode, the ‘Custom Triggers’ icon is missing under Admin screen.
  • SD-58790: When a reply is sent to the merged request with the request ID of the child request in the subject, a new request is created, instead of adding as conversation.
  • SD-34649 : Schedule Report,Scheduled Scan runs for every month of the year, even if configured for specific months.
  • SD-57026 : When user from one department is changed to another department,the templates associated to changed department through ‘UserGroups’ are not shown to user.

Issues Fixed in 9105 (Released on: 3 Aug, 2015)

  • SD-60530 : Licensing error when more number of users login at the same time.

Issues Fixed in 9104 (Released on: 31 July, 2015)

  • SD-60454 : Issue in integrating Desktop Central and ServiceDesk Plus when Desktop Central is running in secure mode (HTTPS).
  • SD-60499 : Issue occurs in certain requests created via email, such as loss of hyperlink and loss of formatted text, which makes the description difficult to read.

Issues Fixed in 9103 (Released on: 23 July, 2015)

  • SD-60088 : ‘X-Powered-By’ response header has been removed to protect the server details.
  • SD-60099 : XSS vulnerability in login page.
  • SD-60096 : XSS vulnerability when adding new software license type and option.
  • SD-59982 : Vulnerable file attachment URL in software details page.
  • SD-60095 : XSS vulnerability while sending the report by email.
  • SD-60076, SD-60097 : XSS vulnerability in input parameters of ‘Add new task’ (module & from).
  • SD-60092 : XSS vulnerability in input parameter (UNIQUE_ID) of Solution module.
  • SD-60093 : XSS vulnerability in email notification window.
  • SD-60094 : XSS Vulnerability in request template, reminder and technician calendar.
  • SD-60123 : Low privileged user can update the incident details.
  • SD-60175 : Data loss in request closure code and closure comments, when the ‘Closed’ status’ name is customized by the user.
  • SD-59635 : Auto suggest solution is not shown in Swedish language when a new request is created.
  • SD-59640 : Unable to save the Active Directory / LDAP Schedule import in IE & Chrome browsers.
  • SD-59049 : While assigning the users to a ‘change’ role,if the role name contains non-english characters, the alert pop-up shows garbled message.
  • SD-60122 : Access to problem and change details for an unprivileged user along with SQL and XSS vulnerability.

Issues Fixed in 9102 (Released on: 17 July, 2015)

  • SD-60229 : Duplicate requests are created in IE8, after clicking (single click) the save button.
  • SD-60318 : Request reply/forward notification window sends an email even when the Cancel button is clicked.

New Features in 9101 (Released on: 9 July, 2015)

  • SDF-56913, SDF-56916, SDF-57063, SDF-57337: Closure Rules of the Change Request is now mandated stage wise i.e while completing each stage.
  • SDF-56581: Auto populating change requester field while creating a Change Request from Incident Request.
  • SDF-40167: In homepage, CAB Change Approvals will be shown again, if recommendation is sent again.
  • SDF-56875: Request mail for CAB recommendations is now added to 'Change History’.
  • SDF-57122: Option to mark the field ‘Status Comments’ as mandatory or not, by configuring the same in a given Change Template.
  • SDF-57233: Display the status notifications details when Stage/Status is changed.
  • SDF-20953, SDF-46087, SDF-57686, SDF-58439: In Request, the content in main description, conversation and notification will be shown,even if the content is more than 64K.
  • SDF-59519: REST API Documentation tool which gives the option to try different REST API.
  • SDF-59310: “Approvers” column in Solution List View which would show the most recent set of approvers for a pending solution.
  • SDF-59360: Search for solutions, if the user enters space after the word to be searched.
  • SDF-59311: Status for solutions imported from XLS cannot be Approved/Rejected, if the logged in user does not have the permission to approve solutions.
  • SDF-59896: Suggestions of announcements and solutions will be sent in Requester’s acknowledgment mail when a new Incident Request is created. This is regardless of the mode of creation-Web Form/ E-Mail/ E-mail command/ API/ Mobile applications/ Mobile clients.

Note: After upgrading, enable the “Acknowledge requester by e-mail when a new request is received” under Admin->Notification Rules. Also, include the $AutoSuggest token in the ‘Customize Template’ section and save it.

  • SDF-60160: Asset Cost Enhancements: key cost values like operational cost, total cost of ownership, current book value are made available in asset’s list view and reports.
  • SDF-58758: Notifications on asset warranty expiry and asset expiry to technicians can be configured under Admin tab -->Notification rules.

Issues Fixed in 9101

  • SD-53054, SD-56115: Technicians are not removed from support group notifications even if they are removed from the support group members.
  • SD-58280: Change Report does not return data, when Approval Status criteria is set to the value 'Approval Pending’.
  • SD-43924: Proper error message is not shown when an invalid change id is entered in the change URL.
  • SD-46579: Link to ‘Change Request’ approval is broken, when the variable $ApprovalLink is inserted in notification content.
  • SD-52191: The icon for Associated Requests in Change Details Page>Planning tab is misleading.
  • SD-55647: Notification e-mail is not sent to Change Requester when a Change Request is added.
  • SD-56810: ‘Status Comments’ field is shown as mandatory in ‘Edit Change’ page, although the Status field is not edited.
  • SD-57242: Change Manager field gets reset when the Category field is modified.
  • SD-57419: Backslash characters are removed in Change notification mails.
  • SD-57431: Non-login keys are not deleted in the database when a user is removed from a Change Role.
  • SD-57617: In a case ( moving stage back and forth manually), the Stage is still shown as ‘Approved’ instead of 'Skipped’, when the Stage is changed by editing the Stage field via Edit Change Request Page.
  • SD-57618: Pre-approved changes are shown as ‘Unapproved’ when it’s Stage is set to move back prior to Approval stage.
  • SD-57882: Error occurs during installation, when MSSQL DB is selected and configured.
  • SD-58273: Attachments could not be downloaded in ‘Change Print View’ and ‘Take Approve Action’ page view.
  • SD-55701: Launching a SDP server from Desktop kills DB Connection, when the SDP Server is already running.
  • SD-58853: System log viewer does not capture the addition/deletion of support groups.
  • SD-59221: In Change Request, description with Multiple Inline images are broken in notification mail content.
  • SD-59450: Exporting reports in xls/html format throws exception if product installation folder contains “html” in it.
  • SD-59554: Timezone mismatch in change/problem notifications.
  • SD-59668: Change List view is mismatched such that, the column headers get swapped and values fail to match.
  • SD-59670: Leave notifications show wrong date instead of the actual date.
  • SD-59992: ‘Change notifications’ do not follow the formats and timezone in personalize option.
  • SD-58383: Whenever a domain with small case is assigned to a technician, it shows ‘None’ while editing.
  • SD-57221, SD-58217: Conversation attachments are not stored in the specified path, as mentioned in self service portal settings.
  • SD-55570: Project Notifications are not received by the change owner when the associated project is moved to ‘cancelled’ status.
  • SD-33748: Unable to remove an already added email id from ‘To’ field in Submit for Approval Page.
  • SD-59440: While sending a solution for approval,"Invalid email alert" is thrown even when a valid email address is present.
  • SD-58502: Unable to generate custom report for "Problem", when “Solution” or “WorkAround” columns are selected.
  • SD-58473: Sent mails get duplicated when user clicks ‘send’ button multiple times in reply window.
  • SD-58507: When a merged request is searched using the search option,the parent request shows up but with a Trash icon on the top.
  • SD-58508: We can merge an active request with a trash request,by searching trash id during merge.
  • SD-58728: Service Catalog Business Rules list the option “Change Request Template to” in 'perform these actions’,which is actually intended only for Incident Business Rule.
  • SD-58834: When a requester raises a service request on behalf of another user,multiple approval mails are sent. The approval mail is sent to ‘reporting-to’ managers of both actual requester & on behalf of user.
  • SD-59050: Unable to Open notification content, if the content has improper closing tag.
  • SD-59445,SD-59457,SD-59923: All non-English Categories are shown garbled in Admin -> HelpDesk Customizer -> Category tree view.
  • SD-58889: Lengthy notes content displayed in the request details page are not wrapped, resulting in viewing them with horizontal scroll.
  • SD-60153: Forum content is not listed under the Support Tab.


  • The Support and Documentation for Servlet API is removed from the application from 9100, however the code for Servlet API will still be in the product and functional.
    For any further enhancements to the API, we strongly recommend you to make use of the Rest API. We will make an official announcement regarding the ETA on when the code for Servlet API will be removed.
  • Some features are not supported in IE version 8 and below.

New Features in 9100 (Released on: 22 June, 2015)

  • SDF-59477 : Earlier we supported executing custom scripts (like vbscript, python) from Request custom menu which can be used to integrate SDP with external applications. Now we have supported to pop up custom HTML file from Request Custom Menu and upon submission of Html form, custom scripts can be executed. Request details will be passed to the html file. This allows Requests to be integrated with external applications in User Interface mode. Sample implementation for following application integration are included :
    • Creating user in AD Manager Plus
    • Creating ticket in JIRA
    • Creating post in ME Social IT Plus
  • SDF-24740 : Fail over service introduced. Option to configure a secondary ServiceDesk installation to provide uninterrupted service in case of Network/Hardware/Software/Power failures in the primary installation.
  • SDF-58407 : Field & Form Rules are introduced to manipulate Request forms elements (upon creation and update of Requests). With Field & Form Rules, you can customize Incident and Service templates to execute actions such as :
    • Disabling / Enabling fields
    • Mandating / Non-Mandating fields
    • Show / Hide fields
    • Execute custom JavaScript code which can be used to create dependency among fields, remove some of the drop down values for Requesters login, custom validation for fields during submission of Request
  • SDF-58239 : Feature to mandate the status change comments for request module, by default comments are not mandatory. This can be disabled/enabled under Admin->Self-service Portal settings.
  • SDF-56834 : Export as PDF option introduced for Project Gantt view, Project overview map and Task dependency map.
  • SDF-34512 : Rest API support to GET/ADD/DELETE the attachments under Request and Tasks module.
  • SDF-59467 : Rest API support for requesters.
  • SDF-59595 : iOS/Android apps are supported for the Requester login. For iOS it is supported from version 3.0 and from version 1.4 in Android
  • SDF-59569 : Search option in Request list view filters.
  • SDF-59163 : Option to configure the fields to be included in the search for automatic suggestion of announcements and solutions during Incident request creation. By default, category/subcategory/item(CSI), title and description will be included in the search. Optionally, CSI_Include and Description_Include can be set to false in GlobalConfig to exclude the corresponding fields from the search.

Issues Fixed in 9100

  • SD-57709 : Additional single quote at the end of the text column in backup file produces syntax error during restore process.
  • SD-57279 : Vulnerability issue produced when reindexdata.bat is executed.
  • SD-58516 : Newly added / modified keys part of the upgrade are not shown in Admin-> Translations section.
  • SD-58412 : When a request is deleted(moved to trash) and the page is force refreshed, the request does not go to the trash. It gets deleted permanently.
  • SD-46883 : Support Groups Description field is missing in the Standard and Professional Edition.
  • SD-44716 : In SDP’s iPhone and Android application, in the request list view page, subject of request containing “<” , “>” are shown as “<” , “>” respectively.
  • SD-58017 : While trying to access Flash Reports in IE 11 broswer, it shows a message saying "Flash Reports will run only in IE".
  • SD-58568 : In request details page, when Assign-> Assign Group and Technician is chosen and a Technician Group is selected, the “Choose” text in the Technician drop down box is not internationalised.
  • SD-58413 : In german language, the info that appears on the Email vendor/ Email owner window of a PO is wrong. “PDF” appears in the place of "HTML".
  • SD-59234 : During Incident Request creation, when announcement and solution suggestions are shown, if “Submit My Request” is clicked multiple times, multiple requests get created.
  • SD-46437,SD-50651,SD-51995 : Incident/Service templates are not displayed based on the alphabetical order. This is a behavior change.
  • SD-57537,SD-56514 : Approvers configured in the service templates are removed automatically.
  • SD-58426 : Able to configure a service request approval stages in a template without any approver.
  • SD-58395 : Useability issue in listing the asset products under the resource section of the service request.
  • SD-57346 : Pick list additional fields not listing all the available options properly in the custom filter.
  • SD-57059 : While editing a service request, text after the double quotes are not visible in plain text field.
  • SD-56975 : When converting a incident to service request, the fields which are not available in service template are considered while applying the Business Rule and SLA.
  • SD-52056 : For pick list field, the value already selected are not highlighted when we edit the criteria from edit business rule page if the pick list item has space in it
  • SD-52093 : Service category is not listed in the column customizer of standard edition of Service Desk Plus
  • SD-52421 : Group Notification is not sent when the group is assigned through business rule on editing a request
  • SD-52757 : Issue with Custom Request View in IE 7/8/9 and Google Chrome. While trying to edit the filter criteria for a custom request view, criteria values are not highlighted if the criteria values has comma in it
  • SD-52788 : When the user personalizes SDP time zone and adds a resolution for any request, the resolution time is as per the local time and not the personalized time
  • SD-53063 : A technician with ‘add requester’ disabled role is able to add a requester using email commands
  • SD-54875 : Description field shows “No Description” in the View Requester Details pop up even if there is some content in the Description field of the Requester
  • SD-55235 : ONHOLD Schedule alive when the request is moved from onhold to Resolved status
  • SD-56041,SD-58729 : Issue while editing the Requester details from quick create Requester field in some scenarios
  • SD-56347 : Request -Assigned time doesn’t get updated when the request is assigned/picked up through REST API.
  • SD-57232 : In service template, when both editor and approver are set, the request can be viewed by the editor upon submission. After updating the request, the status automatically changes to open,although the approvers haven’t approved the request.
  • SD-57840 : NullPointerException on trying to edit requester in some scenarios
  • SD-59272 : Unable to use the product on the last day of the license period.
  • SD-58914 : Full description is included in Get Request API Call
  • SD-58924 : Software compliance calculation is not accurate if the concerned table gets locked during schedule scan.
  • SD-58863 : When the notification query is blocked during schedule scan, subsequent schedule scan is not triggered.
  • SD-59453 : XSS vulnerability attack when adding/updating asset details.
  • SD-59225 : SSL vulnerability in login page.

ServiceDesk Plus 9.0 ReadMe

Issues Fixed in 9049 (Released on: 8 October, 2015)

  • SD-60818 : Line feed is missing in request notes.

Issues Fixed in 9048 (Released on: 26 June, 2015)

  • SD-58908 : Migration failure if any of the workstation/server default report is deleted.

Issues Fixed in 9047 (Released on: 19 June, 2015)

  • SD-59646 : Issue occurs in certain requests created via email, such as loss of hyperlink and loss of formatted text, which makes the description difficult to read.

Issues Fixed in 9046 (Released on: 09 June, 2015)

  • SD-59895 : Single line additional fields with ‘Allow only numbers’ for incidents, will no longer be converted to numeric fields as done in post 9039(Leading zero’s would have been lost).Option to re-configure ‘Allow only numbers’ in Single line field will be available post 9100.

Issues Fixed in 9045 (Released on: 04 June, 2015)

  • SD-59818 : Unable to save the service template from the requester view tab, when the ‘Select Approvers’ field is not present in the template.
  • SD-59890 : In IE 10 and below, on selecting a user and pressing the enter key in request quick create and new request page, the entire page is submitted.

Issues Fixed in 9044 (Released on: 25 May, 2015)

  • SD-59350 : Unable to update Service Request Additional Fields through spot edit.
  • SD-59481 : Unable to edit Preventive Maintenance Task in some scenarios.
  • SD-58861 : Vulnerability Issue.
  • SD-59674 : Dates in Problem/Change notifications are not formatted.
  • SD-59355 : Draft content in the reply or forward window does not appear when the draft is reopened for sending.
  • SD-59753 : In IE, Request Approval mails are sent automatically to the highlighted user email address when enter key is pressed.
  • SD-59244 : DueBy Time is set to null, for a request which do not have any SLA but has DueBy Time, when assign operation is performed from the request details page.
  • SD-59235 : Domain password is not saved when edited from Domain’s details page in Windows domain scan.
  • SD-58765 : Problem importing users sAMAccountName which has leading or trailing space / or in uppercase in Active Directory , resulting in infinite execution of Active Directory user import.
  • SD-50463 : Mail properties is enhanced with timeout and connection timeout property for SMTP.

Issues Fixed in 9043 (Released on: 13 May, 2015)

  • SD-59100 : Field focus issue in reply and forward requests.
  • SD-59106 : Rich Text area not accessible in some pages for the Arabic and Hebrew languages.
  • SD-59120 : User group option invisible in the Add new announcement page.
  • SD-59226 : Content missing in the Report an issue page.
  • SD-59316 : Screenshot paste issue in IE 8,9,10.
  • SD-59454 : Task Comment section notifications is not working, if the task notifications are updated under notification rules.

Issues Fixed in 9042 (Released on: 7 May, 2015)

  • SD-56514,SD-57537 : Approvers configured in the service templates are removed automatically.
  • SD-58426 : Able to configure a service request approval stages in a template without any approver.
  • SD-58425 : Clear button not working properly in the stage approval addition popup of the service template page.

Issues Fixed in 9041 (Released on: 13 April, 2015)

  • SD-59305 : In a few customer environments,the description in the change module are not displayed properly by the client.

New Features in 9040 (Released on: 2 April, 2015)

  • SDF-59094 : Incident additional fields limit has been increased from 48 fields to 90 fields.
  • SDF-57601 : Option to configure Multiple mail Ids for requester
  • SDF-59095 : Conversation(s) Yet To Respond Count will be shown to technicians in Request List View

Issues Fixed in 9040

  • SD-59001 : Group/Technician options are not loading for tasks under request template, if the application has no site.
  • SD-58767 : Searching for Solution module does not work if Lucene Search is disabled.
  • SD-58927 : ‘All approvers have to approve the Service Request’ option will be considered for manually added approvers also.
  • SD-56369 : Issue with Mail fetching process due to the corrupted attachment.
  • SD-53123 : For the SPAM mails,System Log message type will be displayed as 'Info’.
  • SD-51936 : Unable to Add/Update the request using Email command, having “operation name” in formatted text.
  • SD-57568 : Line Feed is not retained for the multiline request additional fields created through Email Commands. This fix will work only for the requests created after the upgrade.
  • SD-57425 : Alert Message is not localized for adding service request additional fields with existing name.
  • SD-56788 : Mandatory sign(*) alignment issue in New Request Form.
  • SD-59074 : Unable to create a New Custom Trigger if the Incident additional field name contains single quote.
  • SD-59092 : When the incident additional field present in the custom trigger is deleted, then the customer triggers list view disappears.
  • SD-59136 : Unwanted tags & commands appear in the tool tip of the request description in the request list view page.

New Features in 9039 (Released on: 16 March, 2015)

  • SDF-59065 : Custom Triggers is introduced to perform external actions, like JIRA integration and custom script execution, based on custom configurations. Example: Creating a JIRA Ticket, when a request is created
  • SDF-56434 : Feature to mark dependencies among requests from request details page. Dependency of each request over the other can be marked / viewed through dependency graph. Last request in the dependency can be completed only if all the parent request in the dependency gets completed.
    Note : Dependency can be marked between any Incident-to-Incident Request or Incident to Service Request (vice versa) or Service-to-Service Request.
  • SDF-45817 : Support for canceling purchase orders.

Issues Fixed in 9039

  • SD-58860 : Requester additional fields are not in alpha order and not in type based in My details tab of a Requester
  • SD-58683 : Scan : If a VMWare Host scan or Network Device scan gets failed, those devices were scanned using the default Cisco Phone credentials.
  • SD-58822 : Unable to download HP-UX scan script from Stand alone workstation audit section.
  • SD-58881 : Scan : Exception during Solaris machine scan while parsing BIOS information.
  • SD-58898 : Scan : Ubuntu OS name not detected in Linux script scan.
  • SD-58655 : Stand alone workstation audit : Wrong help content for using HP-UX script scan.
  • SD-58876 : Unable to update department head for department which is created during AD user import

New Features in 9038 (Released on: 10 March, 2015)

  • SDF-58879 : Notify option under comments section of Tasks.

  • SDF-58977 : WorkLog API has been extended to support all modules.

  • SDF-58976 : Rich text area has been upgraded with additional features for all modules.

  • Image copy paste is now supported in all browsers.

  • New button for the insertion of table in the editor.

  • New button for increase and decrease indentation is available.

  • Additional fonts and font sizes available.

  • Images attached inline can now be re-sized.

  • Image can be customized even after saving it.

  • Enhanced method to create hyperlinks for the selected text.

  • New button to remove hyperlink.

  • New button to Insert Quote.

  • New button for Removing Formatting.

  • Formatting issues have been fixed.

Issues Fixed in 9038

  • SD- 55917 : Improper HTML tag escaping in request @ add notes.
  • SD- 44518 : French Spell Check Issue.
  • SD- 52746 : Automatic mailto tag addition to links containing @ Symbol.
  • SD- 53143 : Issue occuring when notes contain html tags.
  • SD- 54825 : Unable to copy paste Images in description field.
  • SD- 57407 : Images not copied to solution description.
  • SD- 58202 : Images not displayed in solution forward.
  • SD- 21823 : Solution description gets truncated on copy paste.
  • SD- 22279 : Solution description rendered improperly in list view.
  • SD- 54227 : Solution, No alert on inserting non image files.
  • SD- 57411 : Cursor stays in description area of reply to requester.
  • SD-58709 : Mobile Push Notifications sound not coming.
  • SD-58498 : Editing site information leads to duplicate entry in site.
  • SD-58382 : While editing task without changing the group, all technicians are listed.
  • SD-58378 : Solutions approval notifications not working.
  • SD-57900 : When associating project from request, it goes to new request page.
  • SD-57426 : Recently added Preventive Maintenance task is not getting listed.
  • SD-57357 : Reminder email not working, when the reminder is added from QuickActions > Reminder > AddNew.
  • SD-57336 : When status name changed from “On Hold” to "OnHold", it is not reflecting under tasks.
  • SD-57161 : Link is broken in the received milestone notification.
  • SD-56898 : In calendar popup, time is showing as currenttime instead of selected time, if the month(or) year is changed.
  • SD-56783 : Multiple worklogs are getting added, if the save button is clicked multiple times.
  • SD-56273 : Empty entries are appearing in System log viewer.
  • SD-53397 : Error occurs while changing site settings from refer to copy.
  • SD-51306 : While updating Support Group, it’s getting moved under custom site from default settings.
  • SD-58113 : Conversations and action buttons should be left aligned.
  • SD-58900 : Unable to disable Technician auto assign.
  • SD-58899 : In Login screen, ‘Domain’ dropdown misaligned in IE 9 and IE 10.

Issues Fixed in 9037

  • SD-58706 : Unable to create request from requester login when “Requester can set” option for Description field is disabled in Request template.
  • SD-58797 : When technician creates a request for a non-existing user, Description does not get saved.
  • SD-58922 : Unable to add Service Approvers while raising a Service Request from Requester login.

New Features in 9036 (Released on: 26 February, 2015)

  • SDF-58825 :The Request Action Menu is introduced to perform external actions, like JIRA integration and custom script execution, based on custom configurations.Note: For users having Servicedesk Plus with JIRA (provided by us) implementation, the integration will not work post migration. Kindly contact ManageEngine Support for further assistance.

Issues Fixed in 9036

  • SD-58824 : XSS vulnerability through rich-text-area has been prevented.
  • SD-47619 : Group drop down is reset when creating request with blank requester name.
  • SD-56738 : Numeric request additional fields are displayed with decimal values (.00) in reports.
  • SD-57193 : All technicians were not listed in the choose technician list of the Service Catalog SLA escalation.
  • SD-57716,SD-57732 : User additional fields are not displayed in the column chooser of the Requester / Technician list view in Professional and Standard Version.
  • SD-57846 : Unable to configure Op-manager central server from ServiceDesk.
  • SD-57875 : Place holder $Subject does not yield the required result in ‘Notifying requester when a new request by mail is rejected’ notification.
  • SD-58022 : Date Additional Field value is not stored in Service Request.
  • SD-58193 : SLA is not applied when updating the Group using the Assign option in the Request details page.
  • SD-58282 : Mail id gets populated incorrectly in the To field of the New Schedule Reports page.
  • SD-58569 : Scheduled Report is generated with TimeStamp instead of the Report’s name.
  • SD-23233 : For a technician with site restricted role, custom report folders of other technicians are not visible while saving a Report, but the folder is visible in Reports List Page.
  • SD-55943 : In a custom report, when a date range is chosen, the date range is not displayed in the report.
  • SD-56894 : In a custom bar chart, “Others” category bar is shown with a huge gap.
  • SD-57237 : Generating the report using jasper reports framework, with huge data results in application into poor performance and out of memory errors. The performance is improved three times approximately.
  • SD-57290 : In a Custom and Query report, Column name trimmed while generating the report using group by clause of the given Column.
  • SD-57380 : In a Custom Change Module Report, all technicians are listed when ChangeManager is chosen as filter criteria.
  • SD-55690 : Customized survey welcome message is not shown in Survey Preview page.
  • SD-56000 : Service Catalog menu is overlapped with the contents of ‘My Scheduler’ section in home page.
  • SD-56626 : Requester list view in admin page is not accessible, if SDSiteAdmin and EnableCMDB roles are assigned to a technician.
  • SD-56966 : XSS Vulnerability error is thrown when the Product Type of Assets have ‘script’ in its name, for example:’subscription’.
  • SD-57127 : If a technician is SDChangeManager, he/she is unable to edit the Change Request if ChangeOwner or ChangeManager is on leave.
  • SD-57235 : Change Additional fields are getting removed from Change templates and Change Requests, when they are renamed.
  • SD-57545 : The date & time fields included in Change module related notifications are not represented with any time zone.
  • SD-58058 : In the Self Service Portal setting, when ‘Show technician as part of Requesters list, while creating a new Request?’ is disabled, Requesters list for the ‘Reported By’ field is empty in Problem module.
  • SD-58195 : Change Request deletion is not logged.
  • SD-58249 : When a technician has a ‘Edit’ permission in Planning stage, but does not have a ‘Edit Change’ role, he/she is unable to associate incidents to the Change from planning tab.
  • SD-58472 : Couldn’t associate assets to the Change Request through inline edit in submission tab.
  • SD-58477 : Zoho Reports Integration: When a wrong AT Key is configured, then an error is shown in the client while adding any entities in SDP application.
  • SD-58551 : Zoho Reports Integration: Data synchronization between SDP and Zoho Reports is failed in non pgsql database setup, after migration since 9029.
  • SD-49802 : Solution Approver details not getting updated in solution ‘Submit for Approval’ popup.
  • SD-58598 : Problem in Copy problem solution and workaround to all associated incidents.
  • SD-58671 : Enabling scroll bar in Project Overview Map.
  • SD-58442 : Upgrade issue when CreatedBy column of Solutioninfo table has a null value.
  • SD-58767 : Searching for Solution module does not work if Lucene Search is disabled.
  • SD-58605 : CMDB : In the list view of assets the VIP symbol is shown even though the user is not assigned in IE.
  • SD-58841 : Vulnerability issue in accessing the dashboard reports.
  • SD-58882,SD-58852 : Survey results do not show the user selected options for satisfactory levels , instead all the satisfactory levels are shown.The user selected option is not highlighted.
  • SD-58471 : Solutions Topics list view become blank and left nav does not work, if the customized I18N string for solutions tab header have space before the string.

Issues Fixed in 9035 (Released on: 04 February, 2015)

  • SD-58778 : Unable to login with “Local Authentication” in languages other than english after migrating to 9030.
  • SD-58766 : Automatic suggestion of solutions is not working after upgrading from 9030 to the latest patch
  • SD-58793 : “401:unauthorized” alert is shown while opening the IOS mobile application, after upgrading to version 3.0.M.
  • SD-58786 : Error while attaching documents to Software license in Asset module.
  • SD-58623 : After filling out the survey sent through mail and submitting it, when user clicks on “View Survey Results” under Actions menu, a message saying unauthorized access is displayed.
  • SD-55589 : Issue in displaying custom report widgets under home tab.
  • SD-57404 : Products and Product Types are not in alphabetical order in their respective select box in New and Edit Purchase Order Page.
  • SD-57466 : Total count is incorrect during navigation in failed scan workstation list view.
  • SD-57702 : Close button issue is resolved in connection relationship pop up screen when the technician logged in does not have permission for CMDB.
  • SD-58240 : Login issue due to 256 bit encryption while scanning Linux machines.
  • SD-58262 : Problem while importing remote server data when citype name is renamed in central server.
  • SD-58264 : Option to update software license product even if the association between software and product is removed.
  • SD-58269 : Issue in scanning printers if null character is returned for OID for location.
  • SD-58271 : Issue in scanning switches if default CI attributes are deleted.
  • SD-58467 : SNMP Version 2 support for fetching sysOid from the network devices.
  • SD-50702 : Unable to ping IPV6 enabled workstation.
  • SD-55256 : Issue in fetching correct version of IE10 and above during scan.
  • SD-55458 : Audit notification content is empty, if there is no hardware changes detected during scan.
  • SD-55687 : Unable to start AE server from desktop icon and start-up menu option in windows 8.
  • SD-56560 : Unable to take remote connection to a windows 8 machine,when prompt users option is enabled.
  • SD-58181 : During scan, the edition of MS SQL Server R2 software is not fetched.
  • SD-58225 : OPENSSL is upgraded to the latest version.
  • SD-58418 : VMs are listed multiple times in VM list view.
  • SD-58424 : In network scan, the progress bar shows the completion status as more than 100 % completed at times.
  • SD-58468 : Migration failure due to unwanted ci relationships created between VM hosts and VMs.

Issues Fixed in 9034 (Released on: 28 January, 2015)

  • SD-51035 : Only the Technician Groups which are in the Default Settings are shown in the Add New Task page of Service Template.
  • SD-51948 : “Email me before” for task text changed.
  • SD-55515 : Duplicate task order after converting incident request to service request and while merging requests.
  • SD-57670 : While adding a new task, the group associated with the template is not auto populated.
  • SD-53081 : Task dependency marking are captured in Task history.
  • SD-54952 : Task order configured in template is not reflected in Add Request page.
  • SD-56021 : Tasks present in trashed requests are included in task count.
  • SD-52755 : Displaying complete list of worklogs in worklog printview.
  • SD-57750 : Attach file link is removed from taskdetailsview page under "Home".
  • SD-58567 : In Software Installation list view check box is missing instead workstation id is listed in place of same .
  • SD-58541 : Requests Received In Last 20 Days’ and ‘Requests Closed In Last 20 Days’ Widget on Dashboard isn’t working.
  • SD-58597 : Closure code list is empty when closing the request in some scenarios
  • SD-58702 : Dashboard Error - Invalid XML in Open Request widget

Issues Fixed in 9033 (Released on: 8 January, 2015)

  • SD-58690 : SDP to DC integration is made secure with API key based communication .Note: This is supported only with the DC build version “90109” and above.

New Features in 9032 (Released on: 2 January, 2015)

  • SDF-57719 : Option to assign Incident Template in Business Rule action.

Issues Fixed in 9032

  • SD-58559 : Brazilian Portuguese language properties are not loaded when it is selected as a Browser Language.

Issues Fixed in 9031 (Released on: 23 December, 2014)

  • SD-58396 : Vulnerability Issues fixed.

New Features in 9030 (Released on: 18 December, 2014)

  • SDF-38321,SDF-57551 : Request Extended History : Option to display the time spent details by Group, Technician and Status for the request.
  • SDF-55865, SDF-57588, SDF-23080, SDF-28559, SDF-29740, SDF-40330 : Request : Automatic suggestion of Solutions and Announcements to requesters while creating new Incident Requests through the self-service portal. By default, this feature will be enabled. Optionally, it can be disabled/enabled under Admin->Self-service Portal settings.
  • SDF-58423 : Solutions : Solutions can be searched with particular fieldnames and values under the Solutions tab (for both Requesters and Technicians). Searching with the format Fieldname:SearchString will retrieve all solutions matching the condition provided. The fields that can be searched for are Solutionid/Id, Topic, Subject/Title, Description, Keywords and Statusname/Status (Field names are case insensitive).
  • SDF-23548, SDF-55897 : VIP requesters: Ability to mark a requester as a VIP User and Technicians can prioritize a request with different SLA and business rule for a VIP User.
  • SDF-51827, SDF-57850 : Rest API Support for Tasks.
  • SDF-52526, SDF-58438 : IOS Mobile Push Notifications related API support.
  • SDF-24039, SDF-27595, SDF-27876, SDF-46654, SDF-55171 : Providing Group attribute in Change Module.
  • SDF-52596 : Copy Change Request.

Issues Fixed in 9030

  • SD-48305 : Unable to take approval on a ticket for which approval action has been taken.
  • SD-56892 : Sub-category / Item are not loaded properly in Native App.
  • SD-57458 : Unable to delete custom added service categories in standard and professional editions.
  • SD-56757 : Vulnerability issue fixed.
  • SD-57595 : Translation issue of Arabic language in Request Reply window is fixed.
  • SD-58246 : When “Browser default” language is selected under personalization and non English language is selected in browser, Alert messages are shown in English is fixed.
  • SD-57914 : Cross site scripting issues in Problem and Change module.

New Features in 9029 (Released on: 04 December, 2014)

  • SDF-57895 : Solution import from XLS.

Issues Fixed in 9029

  • SD-58286 : Admin: Editing the default entries under Software Type,Software Category,Contract Type,Asset State makes the Asset Tab invisible / inaccessible has been fixed.

New Features in 9028 (Released on: 26 November, 2014)

  • SDF-57361 : SDP - Zoho Reports Integration: Zoho Reports is an online reporting and business intelligence service that helps you easily analyze your business data, create insightful reports and dashboards for informed decision making. Its part of the Zoho online business suite with over 5 Million users and growing. Zoho Reports - SDP Integration enables you to easily analyze your data from Service Desk Plus.
  • SDF-58283 : Report an issue : Under suppport tab administrators can report an issue to the support team and the same will collect the ServiceDesk Plus logs and installation details for analysis. User will have the option to view / restrict the details generated before submitting to the support team.

Issues Fixed in 9028

  • SD-22985 : Comment history section fails to refresh after solution approval/rejection.
  • SD-24134 : Saving/Cancelling of Notification Templates (belonging to modules other than Request) misleading to Request tab within Notification Rules section.
  • SD-38188 : Worklogs related to a deleted problem are present in chargestable.
  • SD-40915 : Unnecessary back link is present in Manage topics in Solutions module.
  • SD-41491 : Solution adding/editing page does not show Usergroup selection box even if the technician has full control over Solutions.
  • SD-54985 : Font related issues in Add/Edit pages of projects.
  • SD-55445 : Retaining of Task comments even after a change of task template for a given task.
  • SD-55634 : Wrong variables occur while editing the notification templates for project module.
  • SD-56531 : Clicking the Show/Hide button of Reports Folder having the same name as a Header Tab shows/hides the corresponding Header Tab.
  • SD-57845 : Modified custom image not loaded in solution module in non login view.
  • SD-57908 : Unnecessary organize button under Tasks List of Project module.
  • SD-57910 : Inline update of tasks from the list removes the search from Task List view.
  • SD-52385, 52392 : Vulnerability issues are fixed.
  • SD-57729 : Updating serial number via Servlet APIs removes the model, product name.
  • SD-58258 : Migration : Duplicate primary key entry in reportsubmodules table.
  • SD-58260 : CMDB API : Need option to add requester with Domain name.

New Features in 9027 (Released on: 17 November, 2014)

  • SDF-55084 : Scan : Support for scanning Hyper-V machines.
  • SDF-56866 : Scan : Identifying servers during scan.
  • SDF-56867 : Asset : New view for VM hosts and VMs in left panel under Assets tab.

Issues Fixed in 9027

  • SD-58247 : Task Closing Rules under HelpDesk Customizer shows blank page after upgrading to 9024.
  • SD-57430 : Scan : Vulnerability issue has been fixed.
  • SD-58204 : When calculating the dueBy time, ‘Should be resolved/responded irrespective of Holidays/Weekends’ are not considered even when they are checked under SLA configuration.

Issues Fixed in 9026 (Released on: 10 November, 2014)

  • SD-58232 : SLA Escalation notification is not sent after upgrading to 9018, except those which are edited and saved after upgrading to 9018.

New Feature in 9025 (Released on: 06 November, 2014)

  • SDF-28529 : Configuration to import Manager field of a user from Active Directory and assigning it to ReportingTo field of a User.

Issues Fixed in 9025

  • SD-58117 : 9023 Migration got failed if a CI type named IP Phones already exists.
  • SD-58155 : Add/Edit approval were not configured based on the request role of the technician.
    NOTE : Earlier, Technicians with View/Add Request role could Add/Send/Submit for Approval is now restricted to view the Approvals. Technicians with Delete Request role could only delete the Approvals. This is a behavior change.
  • SD-57751 : Business Services having the same name as a Support Group could not be deleted.
  • SD-47499 : Print Preview page is not displayed properly in Requester Login, when the Default Request Template is disabled in Self-Service Portal.
  • SD-58194 : Improper due-by-time calculation when requester replies for the request in pending status, after upgrading to 9019.
  • SD-58203 : The request status changed from on-hold to open even option ‘No’ is selected for “Open the on-hold request upon requester reply” in self service setting, after upgrading to 9019.
  • SD-58040, 57434 : Vulnerability issues are fixed.

New Feature in 9024 (Released on: 29 0ctober, 2014)

  • SDF-43312 : Request : Advanced Search filter for Request list view. Option to search the request based on multiple filter criteria which involves AND , OR combination on different fields.

  • SDF-56776 : Solution : The following enhancements have been done in Solution Module.

  • Solution Topics will be displayed separately in Tree Structure format in the left panel of Solutions list view page.

  • Topics can be managed by clicking on the Settings icon available in the “Topics” panel.

  • Navigation buttons have been included to help users easily move from details page of one Solution to another.

  • Users can now add/delete solution’s attachments right from Solution details page.

New Feature in 9023 (Released on: 14 0ctober, 2014)

  • SDF-57095 : Scan : Support for scanning Cisco IP Phones

Issues Fixed in 9023

  • SD-57142 : Scan : Service tag not fetched for AIX machines.
  • SD-56206 : Scan : Software not fetched in SUSE Linux Enterprise server 10.
  • SD-56823 : Scan : Cannot scan VMWare machines using special characters ($,&) in their credentials
  • SD-57435 : Scan : sudo su - command is executing for all non-linux machines (solaris).
  • SD-57389 : Scan : Exception while scanning ESX machines if the relationship between Host machine and Virtual machine already created manually.
  • SD-57424 : Scan : Null Pointer Exception during scan if entry is added in exclude IP Address settings.
  • SD-57295 : Scan : Software are duplicated if backslash is at the end of the software name.
  • SD-57624 : Scan : VMWare machines get duplicated (new machines with <Name>_old being created) while scanning ESX host machines.
  • SD-57296 : Scan : While scanning network devices, preference is given to DNS name of devices instead of sysName obtained through SNMP while scanning.
  • SD-57338 : CMDB API : Unable to update Support group via CMDB API.
  • SD-57293 : Asset : Drive usage information is displayed wrong in workstation hardware details page.
  • SD-43938 : Asset : Ability to add new product and vendor by technicians with “Adding New Product” and “Adding New Vendor” roles in add new Workstation/asset form apart from just PO form.
  • SD-57133 : Asset CSV Import : Cannot add a server with value for “Is Virtual” as false.
  • SD-57222 : Asset : Depreciation percentage value in workstation details page is not truncated after two decimal points.
  • SD-57743 : Agent : Timeout value for agent scanning and remote desktop have been made configurable in the database.
  • SD-45037 : Asset CSV Import : IP Address field is not available while importing IT Assets.
  • SD-57305 : Contracts : Need to show the custom contract id in contract notification template instead of contract id.
  • SD-57323 : Contract : While editing a contract invalid e-mail address is thrown if there is no mail-ids configured.
  • SD-57297 : PO : Unable to receive items from Purchase Order when the user does not have role to create PO.
  • SD-57294 : Remote Server : Null Pointer Exception while importing user data from the remote server when the user has login credentials only in remote server.

Issue Fixed in 9022 (Released on: 6 0ctober, 2014)

  • SD-49864 : Request : Multi-line additional fields were not included during XLS import of Requests.
  • SD-51967 : Request : Replying to the Conversation of a request, placeholder $CreatedDate is replaced by the created date of the Conversation instead of the Created time of the request.
  • SD-57051,SD-57453 : Request : Entry in System log viewer is not updated when a Request is moved to trash and deleted from trash
  • SD-57606 : Request : Mandatory field check is not done for Service Category field while creating Incident Request.
  • SD-57733 : Request : Search using sub-module do not retain the submodule entry after the search is performed.
  • SD-59120 : Admin : Performance issue while editing and update the status with stop-timer enabled.
  • SD-57341 : Admin : Under Service Templates workflow, selecting the default approvers having special characters in their name is not shown properly.
  • SD-56377 : Reports : Dates are not in chronological order when creating a report with chart having Group by (x-axis) as a date column.
  • SD-56135 : Request : Unable to create a service request by a Requester when the ‘On-behalf-of’ field is enabled but not populated after associating an asset to that Requester.

Issue Fixed in 9021 (Released on: 18 September, 2014)

  • SD-52001 : Request : Action menu details under the Request details page is not shown properly in Spanish / Russian languages, has been fixed.

  • SD-57373 : Request : Task tab under Request details page goes blank, when TaskID column in Worklog ListView is sorted, has been fixed.

  • SD-55941,57577 : Service Request : Additional fields becomes invisible at times in the service template because of the caching problem, has been fixed.

  • SD-46579 : Change : Link to ‘Change Request’ approval is broken, while inserting a variable $ApprovalLink in a notification content, has been fixed.

  • SD-52634 : Change : Technicians for change role are not fetched based on modified site value, if site is edited through inline/spot edit, has been fixed.

  • SD-56639 : Change : Modified change role name is not reflected in List view and Reports Module, has been fixed .

  • SD-56669 : Change : Change old status helpcard shows wrong content, has been fixed.

  • SD-56779 : Change : ‘Retrospective’ field is not included in Reports section, has been fixed

  • SD-56853 : Change : Technicians without approval permission can approve the ‘Change Request’ via Add/ Edit Change Request form, has been fixed.

  • SD-57079 : Change : In ‘Change Request’ non login url view,in a HTML Area of notification window, page error shown while selecting font color, background color and insert url icons, has been fixed.

  • SD-57204 : Change : Deleted workflow shown while adding a Change Request, has been fixed.

  • SD-57739 : Change : ‘Set as Default’ option shown for templates which are marked as not for further usage, has been fixed.

  • SD-57586 : Change : Status Action menu not shown in non login url view, has been fixed.

Issue Fixed in 9020 (Released on: 08 September, 2014)

  • SD-57632 : Request And Problem: Task and Worklog are not shown under Request and Problem in Standard and Professional edition after upgrading to 9019.

New Feature in 9019 (Released on: 3 September, 2014)

  • SDF- 57473 : Change : Change AddOn for Standard Edition.
  • SDF- 56845 : Problem & Change : Worklog field introduced for Problem and Change closure rules.
  • SDF- 55054 : Request : Option to mark the first response time while adding a work-log under request.
  • SDF- 50233 : Tasks : New filter added to show All Pending Tasks, under Homepage task list view.
  • SDF- 38958 : Tasks : Task group members based notifications are moved as separate section under Task notifications as "Task Group Notifications".

Issues Fixed in 9019

  • SD-57185 : Request : Admin - Self-Service-Portal settings, Requester replies through E-mail to the closed request perform the following: Create as new request,Reopen closed request always,Reopen based on configured number of days ,Append as conversation and notify technician is modified to work for both Email and Portal reply.
  • SD-57360 : Request : Null Pointer Exception when trying to add new Business Rule, after deleting all existing rules issue has been fixed.
  • SD-57352 : Request : When Technician Auto Assign and “On-Behalf-Of” feature is enabled, its history is not added to the request and the notification is not triggered, has been fixed.
  • SD-50745 : Request : Worklog added under a request is not getting added under it’s linked requests, has been fixed.
  • SD-50281 : Request : UI is not proper in German language, for showing tasks count under Request list view, has been fixed.
  • SD-56625 : Tasks : Tasks auto-trigger not working while creating request, if the request is created by requester, has been fixed.
  • SD-56138 : Project : Users with only Project-view permission can delete Project attachments, has been fixed.
  • SD-52050 : Report : In Task custom report, Group names are not listing while selecting group field under Advanced filtering.

New Feature in 9018 (Released on: 12 August, 2014)

  • SDF- 56676 : Integration : Feature to integrate ServiceDeskPlus with ADSelfService Plus. Associated applications can be configured under Admin tab --> Configure Other ME Products.
  • SDF- 56520 : Software : Support to export the software and licenses listview data as PDF/XLS/HTML/CSV.
  • SDF- 53892 : Task : Task Closing Rules is introduced(under Admin>Helpdesk Customizer), to make task fields as mandatory before Task completion.
  • SDF- 57318 : Request : Action based SLA escalations can be configured for each SLA. SLA can be configured to change the priority, group, level and technician automatically,whenever escalation happens.
  • SDF- 56907 : Reports : Jasper Report Upgrade.JasperReports jars have been upgraded from version 2.0.5 to 5.5.1.

Issues Fixed in 9018

  • SD-47200 : LDAP Import : OperationNotSupportedException while importing users from LDAP server.
  • SD-57077 : Software : Unable to view the attachment files when adding attachments to more than a month old agreement.
  • SD-56524 : Software : Status of the associated software licenses is not changed when changing the agreement’s status.
  • SD-57200 : Software : After marking the software license status as "Expired", the associated downgrade license status is not changed as "Expired".
  • SD-57128 : Software : Showing number value for date column in summary report when editing the report immediately.
  • SD-54934 : Tasks : PercentageOfCompletion is set as 100 before the task completion, while trying to complete child task before it’s parent task, has been fixed.
  • SD-57117 : Backup : Backup file name(s) is not listed in the Backup Scheduling page.
  • SD-56813 : Backup : Backup fails when the fileAttachments configured in network path does not contain a file.
  • SD-57116 : Request : On clicking the Approval tab, the overdue flag in the header section of the request details page, is hidden.
  • SD-57197 : Request : Inline editing the Request Details section hides the overdue flag in the header section of the request details page.
  • SD-57118 : Request : In History tab, Common Additional date fields of a Service Request are displayed in Long format.
  • SD-56419 : Request : Issue while converting a closed incident request to a service request, technician receives a mail that the request has been assigned to him, which has been fixed.
  • SD-56251 : Request : Issue while converting the incident request to service request, ‘Send notification to group technician(s) when a new request is added to this group’ is notifying the technicians of the group has been fixed.
  • SD-55455 : Request : Unable to use the service categories with the ‘<’ and ‘>’ has been fixed.
  • SD-51231 : Request : The link in the approval mail that is sent for the last stage of a service request/incident could be used many number of times has been fixed.
  • SD-56202 : Request : After the intermediate editor updates the request, the approval notification sent to the approver but the approval status is shown as ‘To be sent’ has been fixed.
  • SD-56186 : Request : When we manually send the request approval,the approval status not changed properly has been fixed.
  • SD-49453 : General : Select requester listview invoked from icon near Requester fields in 'Quick Create Request’, 'Request’, 'Problem’, 'Change’, ‘ReportingTo’ of requester, ‘Department Head’ of department is modified to show Requester ‘Common Additional fields’ and ‘Requester specific additional fields’ in the column chooser.
  • SD-55880 : Admin : While updating the group criteria of the sla under the default site, the change is not getting applied for the same copied sla under the copy sites.
  • SD-57068 : Admin : Unable to use the 20th additional field in the criteria section of the business rule has been fixed.
  • SD-56936 : Admin : Resources section of the service template was not i18n-ed properly has been fixed.
  • SD-56541 : Admin : Null Pointer Exception occurs while searching the incident template has been fixed.
  • SD-56771 : Admin : Cannot get the requester details through Rest API, by passing requesterid in input xml, has been fixed.

New Feature in 9017 (Released on: 22 July, 2014)

  • SDF- 55999 : Option to configure IP/name of devices which have to be excluded from scan. These devices can be configured under Admin tab --> Scan settings.

Issues Fixed in 9017

  • SD-54748 : Scan : Null Pointer Exception while scanning a VMWare host after moving a virtual machine from one host to another host.
  • SD-****56824 : Scan : Exception while inserting special character in sysDescr during SNMP Scan.
  • SD-55858 : Scan : Last logged in user name is not identified correctly in certain versions of Mac machines.
  • SD-55878 : Scan : Issue in identifying model in non global zone solaris machines.
  • SD-55413 : Scan : Exception while clicking on the machine name in the page which is loaded first time after starting the server.
  • SD-56825 : Scan : wget is used for pushing the inventory xml to the SDP/AE server when the scan script is executed in a Linux machine if curl command is not available.
  • SD-55764 : Distributed Asset Scan : Importing assets in the central server halts even if a single machine fails during import.
  • SD-56871 :Distributed Asset Scan : Exception while importing remote data if invalid XML character is present in the inventory data.
  • SD-****55267 : Purchase Order : Purchase order closure notification is not triggered when a purchase order is closed.
  • SD-56264 : Purchase Order : Problem in displaying the purchase order details page if the currency exchange rate is configured as 0.0.
  • SD-56479 : Purchase Order : In purchase order list view, the header “Created date” is shown as "Date Ordered".
  • SD-56073 : Purchase Order: Purchase order additional fields are not displayed in print preview.
  • SD-56429 : Contracts : Java script error is thrown while adding more than two notify before dates while renewing contract.
  • SD-57080 : Performance : Unwanted select queries have been removed during audit history clean up and deleting workstations.
  • SD-56020 : Asset Ownership : While associating an asset to a component, ownership details of the asset (user and department) are not carried over to the component.
  • SD-56564 : Scan Summary : The count shown under scan summary in Assets tab does not match with the count in list view loaded upon clicking these links.
  • SD-49317 : Asset Status : Disposed and Expired state workstations/servers are not included in the Unassigned Workstation/Server list views.
  • SD-56952 : CMDB : Cancel button not working in add new CI form in Arabic language.
  • SD-57179 : Purchase Order : Non English characters are not shown properly inside Request tab of purchase order.
  • SD-55298 : Request : Vulnerability issue related to associating purchase order with service request.

New Feature in 9016 (Released on: 14 July, 2014)

  • SDF-56870 : Business Rules for Service Request.
  • SDF-57219 : Option to specify site as a criteria while defining business rules for default settings.

Issues Fixed in 9016

  • SD-56610 : In SLA when escalate timer is set as 0 for any one level, then every levels’ escalation mails are not sent to the technician.
  • SD-56549 : Technician Space - Requester reply through mail client not notified to the technician
  • SD-56517 : Unable to Push/Update Service Request Resource Info using External Action Plugin
  • SD-55901 : While updating a field of a technician through Servlet API, the technician gets dissociated from Support groups
  • SD-41839 : In Migrated build - Default Reopened Reports not working
  • SD-57162 : The request description is not getting displayed in IE in some few random cases. Gets displayed properly upon refreshing the page.
  • SD-56725 : Unable to perform Update operation in Change API since 9004.
  • SD-56228 : If new status/old status is deleted which is configured in 'Migrate to New Status Wizard’, then Change module could not be accessible.
  • SD-56142 : XSS vulnerability attack when adding/editing Impact, RollOut, BackOut, Checklist, Review for Change from Add menu.
  • SD-56083 : The Status under configuration, is also listed under ‘Move to stage & status’ drop down while configuring Change Workflow for the Status.
  • SD-56031 : Changes are not searchable through Global Search for default fields (template, workflow, site, change manager, stage, status, risk).
  • SD-53982 : Dates are not shown as per personalization in non-login view and in Change history.
  • SD-52550 : Change closure mandatory fields are required to be filled even though, those fields are not present in the Change.
  • SD-56183 : When there is a holiday marked for a month, navigating to next/previous month shows the same day as holiday in ‘Tech Availability Chart’ if there is no other holiday configured for that next/previous month in the setup having no sites.
  • SD-56640 : In case of MySQL DB, it is unable to remove Fields from change template.
  • SD-56571 : The contents of Fields in planning,review and closure stages cannot be added/modified if the logged in technician’s name contains special character in it.
  • SD-56513 : In Change module’s Get API, internal names are returned for change stage and status.
  • SD-36668 : In Change List View, value for change type field is shown twice if length of the value is more than 22 characters.
  • SD-56637 : Non login link variable is shown in Change Module’s Send Notification template under Notification Rules.
  • SD-56636 : In a Change Non Login View , send notification was not shown under Actions menu.
  • SD-56448 : Change link sent in notification mails prior to 9.0 breaks.
  • SD-56285 : Status Comments field in change template is allowed to mark as non mandatory.
  • SD-56081 : Today’s Change was not included in next 7,15 and 30 days filter in charts under problem and change dashboard.
  • SD-55849 : Page not found error shown while selecting Font color,Background color and insert weblink option in change’s send notification description area.
  • SD-48497 : Change Notifications are not ordered by date.
  • SD-53162 : Browser issue - UI distortion when selecting a date in change mini calendar view.
  • SD-57027 : Technician having SDChangeManager role could not edit change roles when change has passed through Submission stage.
  • SD-56406 : In mssql database, out of memory issue while taking backup.
  • SD-56665 : Backup of tables having primary key columns with huge gap in primary key values, takes more time to get backup.
  • SD-57165 : In some customer environment, problem during upgrade from 9000 to 9015 as the entry is not matched in the ConfFile URL.
  • SD-56843 : Lucene Search is not working properly in Japanese Language.

New Feature in 9015 (Released on: 2 July, 2014)

  • SDF-55868 : “Asset State” and “Expiry Date” filters added in Summary report section.

Issues Fixed in 9015

  • SD-56615 : Software version column is not available in installation list view in software details page.
  • SD-56037 : License name is missing in software license list view after upgrading to SDP 9000 build.
  • SD-56893 : Unable to import the software licenses via CSV when their license key values are empty.
  • SD-56496 : Allocated and available column details are not shown in software license listview for CAL.
  • SD-56478 : Unable to generate the tabular report when choosing “Is Laptop” column in report.
  • SD-57144 : Problem in upgrading from 9013 to 9014 for the mysql DB has been fixed.

Issues Fixed in 9014 (Released on: 23 June, 2014)

  • SD-57072 : Problem in upgrading to 9013 for the SDP instances have initially installed SDP version 7500 (or earlier) and had modified any of the default Requests reports (till 7514 build) has been fixed.
  • SD-57090 : Unable to execute some default custom reports having ‘summary type’ for columns configured after upgrading to 9013 has been fixed.

New Feature in 9013 (Released on: 16 June, 2014)

  • SDF-52648 : Technician and Requester can have option to associate the request to the project to which they are associated to. Based on Self Service Portal Settings,Project association to Requesters can be enabled or disabled. By default this option will be disabled.

Issues Fixed in 9012 (Released on: 06 June, 2014)

  • SD-56926 : After upgrading to 9011, Some of the Dashboard charts under Helpdesk tab shows Plugin is missing / Install Missing plugin. This issue is fixed.

New Feature in 9011 (Released on: 21 May, 2014)

  • SDF-52732 : Support for scanning HP-UX OS machines.

  • SDF-53337 : Backup process (manual/scheduled backup) will create multiple .data files based on the file size. By default size of each .data files will be 1GB and this can be configurable based on the globalconfig database entry ranging from 500MB to 1.5GB. Backup file will be placed in a separate folder, that overcomes the unzipping error for huge backup file during restore.

    NOTE: If the complete backup data size is less than 1GB, single backup file will be created. And if the backup size more than 1GB, multiple .data files each of size (1GB) with the name, etc., will be present under backup folder. While restore any one of the split backup file can be selected, and restore will identify all the other dependent split backup and restore.

  • SDF-56641 : The backup process will include the keystore file if exists.

Issues Fixed in 9011

  • SD-46727 : Request Description moved to an iframe so that any mismatch in html construction in the description content will not affect the details page UI construction.
  • SD-56591 : Slowness in mail fetching when the mail description having more html tags.
  • SD-56588 : Inline images are added without extension when it is processed based on content location is now handled to set the extension based on contenttype.
  • SD-54736 : Software compliance is wrong when changing the user’s site during scheduled user import.
  • SD-55434 : When product type “Software” is edited under Admin, the new products of type Software are added under product type with name as empty.
  • SD-55488 : Software compliance displayed in graph is wrong when site chosen is ‘Not associated to any site’ in Software tab.
  • SD-55530 : Unable to add multiple licenses simultaneously to a license agreement.
  • SD-55857 : CMDB software report is not working in Postgres and SQL Server database.
  • SD-56080 : CMDB relationships are not showing after upgrade to 9000.
  • SD-56270 : Unable to renew the contracts which are having file attachments.
  • SD-55758 : Distributed asset scan failed when the remote server assets are in active state but the same assets are marked as ‘Expired’/’Disposed’ in central server.
  • SD-53946 : Installed software are not fetched while scanning workstations with Maverick OS.
  • SD-55767 : NullPointerException is thrown if Printers are tried to be identified based on the sysDescr obtained from the device.
  • SD-55768 : Unable to import data from remote server if the number of physical drives in a single machine is huge as incase of clustered machines.
  • SD-55472 : Site details are not updated for IT assets except workstation and server when importing remote data.
  • SD-53446 : Showing wrong model number when scanning a lenovo machine.
  • SD-56072 : Guest OS information is removed when scanning virtual machines
  • SD-55692 : VMWare discovery failed when SSH service is disabled in device.
  • SD-56451 : Problem during restoring of data by specifying the errorignore table list is fixed.

Issues Fixed in 9010 (Released on: 12 May, 2014)

  • SD-56592 : Unable to save Admin > Self Service Portal Settings for users using Standard edition of ServiceDesk Plus.

Issues Fixed in 9009 (Released on: 7 May, 2014)

  • SD-56235 : In Reports > Custom Reports > Request related reports, when selecting the Workstation as one of the columns, it displays only the workstations that are associated to requests and not the other assets that are associated. The column now has been changed to Assets. Selecting this column will display both the workstations and assets that are associated to a request.
  • SD-56548 : While modifying the sites that are associated to a technician, the criteria of all the business rules that are present in his associated sites gets changed from ‘OR’ to ‘AND’
  • SD-56551 : While replying to a conversation and updating the status from the reply window, the status of a different request is updated. It works fine when a reply is made to the original request instead of the conversation.
  • SD-55905 : Exception in the widgets present in the Dashboard. Happens for technicians who have SDAdmin and a site restricted role associated to him.

New Features in 9008 (Released on: 29 April, 2014)

  • SDF-56428 : New 'Self Service Portal" option to assign any completed status (like resolved, completed etc.,) as status representing task completion, instead of using the default closed status.
  • SDF-56255, SDF-50464 : The time period of SLA Escalation Schedule is changed to 5 Minutes
  • SDF-55946 : New Date format is added in Personalize menu( MM DD, YYYY ).
  • SDF-55925 : Group/Technician Marking option of Task is now available in Project Gantt view.
  • SDF-55922 : Details page next-previous navigation is introduced in Project and Milestone.
  • SDF-54871 : Only View control for All Projects, is now possible in Project roles.
  • SDF-50427 : Now a worklog can be added with 0 as value for "Time Taken To Resolve".
  • SDF-34005 : New Option given to add tasks using Task template, inside Request template(both incident and service request).
  • SDF-24196 : Option to add Attachment for Tasks is now available.

Issues Fixed in 9008

  • SD-56427 : In Swedish and Korean translations some of the alert messages and texts are not i18n-ed properly. They are appearing in English language itself.
  • SD-52079 : In Dashboard tab, sites drop down, all the sites that are available for a technician will not be displayed. Only the first 7 or 8 sites would be shown. This issue happens only in case of Internet Explorer.
  • SD-56443, SD-55492, SD-50648 : In DST enabled zones, the calendar used for selecting dates display’s Apr 1st a wednesday, when actually Apr 1st is a Tuesday. This happens in places where DST is enabled. Reports, Marking unavailability, setting project dates etc… will be affected by this.
  • SD-55964 : In Portuguese language, the SLA section present in Admin > Organizational Details is wrongly translated as Software.
  • SD-56144 : Unsaved resolution content gets lost, while changing tab in Request details page has been fixed.
  • SD-56133 : Modifications of “Actual hours” field in Project is not getting recorded in Project history, has been fixed.
  • SD-55944 : While spot editing the Task’s date fields, the calendar gets submit while changing the time, has been fixed.
  • SD-55923 : Cannot view Project history, when value for “Estimated Hours” is changed to 0.
  • SD-55916 : Throwing error message popup in Homepage task list view, after the refresh frequency time is completed.
  • SD-55859 : In Task notifications, received email contains I18N key instead of replaced String, has been fixed.
  • SD-55681 : Request’s tasks auto trigger not working, when the request is approved using link given in approval email.
  • SD-53726 : Improper UI in Gantt view, if the task name is lengthy, has been fixed.
  • SD-50752 : Now the “Total Time Taken” in worklog list will summarize the time taken of all worklogs, instead of summarizing only worklogs displayed on screen.
  • SD-50710 : Worklogs added under Request’s tasks is now included in Request Timespent report.
  • SD-56022 : Task and Worklog description window default height increased.
  • SD-55021 : Tooltip(with appropriate message) added for Task’s Group/Technician marked icon.
  • SD-56490 : Schedule time is updated for ADSynchronizationSchedule. Next schedule time of AD/LDAP schedule is updated based on schedule start time

New Features in 9007 (Released on: 21 April, 2014)

  • SDF-56001 : WorkLog operations as in Web Client view can be performed using the REST API.
  • SDF-56007 : In REST API - Option to make note addition as request first response.

Issues Fixed in 9007

  • SD-56125 : In REST API - GET_REQUEST operation response, ‘&’ symbol is shown duplicated for short description column in JSON format.

  • SD-56043 : In REST API - Unable to remove service request resource answers in JSON format.

  • SD-56008 : In REST API - GET_REQUEST_FILTERS operation response, Filter label “My Groups” is shown.

  • SD-56007 : In REST API - Option to make note addition as request first response.

  • SD-55937 : In REST API - Support Group - GET_ALL operation shows ‘No Groups’ as response for 'Refer Site’.

  • SD-56002 : Unable to move request to Unassigned state through REST API - ASSIGN_REQUEST operation

  • SD-49872 : While reply request through REST API, Technician Reply is shown as Requester reply in Request List View.

  • SD-56009 : In Native App, Values for fields Responded time,Resolved Date and Completed time not shown in Request Details page

  • SD-56004 : While editing Refer Site request, the group names are not get listed in Native App

  • SD-56003 : When group field is above the site field in template canvas, group field value of request is incorrect in Native App

  • SD-48577 : Backup Technician is not getting set to the unassigned state.

  • SD-56124 : Service Catagory names are not shown in full while accessing service templates.

  • SD-56143 : Incorrect caching of incoming-mailserver details instead of mailportdetails.

  • SD-55129 : Change Downtime Related issues:

  • If the Start time or End time of a Downtime is not set, “N/A” string is displayed in the input box on spot edit.

  • Tooltip for "-" link wrongly shown as "Add Downtime". It should be "Remove Downtime".

  • Assume downtime are not added yet. Click “Add” button under DownTime header. Add more than one row using “+” link. Now remove all rows using "-" link. This action removes “Add” link under downtime header.

  • Spot edit of Start time/End time of a downtime is not working after Edit and Update that downtime.

  • While editing a downtime, previously edited downtime section is not get closed.

  • Add multiple downtime details using “+” link then remove description for some downtime. In this case, Mandatory check for description is not working when “Save” button is clicked.

  • SD-56121 : Vulnerability issues fixed.

New Features in 9006 (Released on: 14 April, 2014)

  • SDF-27287 : Scheduled user import from LDAP can be configured.

    This can be configured from the Admin -> Active Directory -> Schedule AD/LDAP import.
    NOTE : User import schedule will work based on Global config entry, with category=’Scheduled_User_Import’ and parameter=’EnabledFor’ and allowed paramvalues are BOTH (default), AD and LDAP. If it is BOTH, AD as well as LDAP schedule import will be done. If it is AD, ActiveDirectory schedule alone will be done. Or if it is LDAP, LDAP schedule alone will be done.

Issues Fixed in 9006

  • SD-56090 : Group/Technician turns unassigned while editing requests through bulk edit from request list view.

New Features in 9005 (Released on: 8 April, 2014)

  • SDF-48763 : On Splitting a conversation as a new request, Site, Group and Technician of Parent request will be set to the New Request created.
    NOTE : This is a behavior change, earlier the Site of the Parent ticket alone will be set in the “New Request” created as a result of the split operation.
  • SD-55847 : The size of the Reply/Forward popup windows of the request are enlarged.

Issues Fixed in 9005

  • SD-55545 : On reply from the request having TO/CC filed with group email addresses, mail sent to group email id gets created as new request and assigned to the group to which the email is sent.
    NOTE : We fixed the above issue by removing any of the configured Group Email id in TO / CC fields while replying. This is a behavior change, as earlier all the email id’s will be filled in the TO / CC fields.

  • SD-56046 : UI collapse when changing tabs under Personalize window for the environment having license without Multi-Language provision.

  • SD-55935 : Unable to renew contracts which has attachments.

  • SD-55490 : In the service request multi-level approval, approval status modified to ‘to be sent’ instead of 'pending approval’, when one of the stage approval is approved.

  • SD-55440 : For service requests configured with multiple stages of approval, ‘Awaiting approval’ count in requester login doesn’t show those requests once the first stage approver approves it has been fixed.

  • SD-54981 : When a service template is associated to a support group and then if the support group is renamed, technicians of that support group is not able to view that service template has been fixed.

  • SD-55469 : The default value is not loaded in the date additional field of the service template has been fixed.

  • SD-55480 : All the technicians are listed irrespective of the selected group in the request template page under the admin section has been fixed.

  • SD-55501 : Below notifications which sends the notification in the plain text formatting though the rich text formatting is enabled has been fixed.

    * Notify editor when a request is waiting for update
    * Notify requester when a request is waiting for update by editor
    * Notify requester when a request is updated by editor
    * Notify requester when intermediate editor is changed by technician
    * Notify old editor when he is removed from the responsibility
    * Notify new editor when a request is waiting for update
    * Notify technician when a request is updated by editor

  • SD-55271 : While searching the request template, the request template which are associated to the user groups are not listed has been fixed.

New Features in 9004 (Released on: 31 March, 2014)

  • SDF-55860 : Enhancements to the New Service Request page->select approvers field in technician login.

  • Option to type,search and select the service request approvers from the ‘select approvers’ field.

  • Placeholders like $REPORTING_TO$, $DEPT_HEAD$ along with the approvers will be displayed with username, emailid, department so that it will be easy for the user to identify the exact approver from the approver list.

  • Option to select / remove multiple Approvers from the ‘select approver’ field.

Issues Fixed in 9004

  • SD-55921 : While generating Custom Report the department names are shown duplicated in report criteria values. This happens when copy site exists in the product.
  • SD-55579 : When Request Custom View created with Filter columns like OverDue Status, ReOpened not working in PGSQL
  • SD-54936 : After Request Creation , non-english character (?3�4) disappears in the description field
  • SD-52706 : Null Pointer Exception Occurs while duplicating the Approved/Rejected request
  • SD-55939 : Technician Space Notification count shown on Browser Title
  • SD-52483 : Technician Space Notification will not be shown for technicians performing any operations on a request for themselves
  • SD-51786 : Technician Space Approval notification not shown for Third Stage Service Approver
  • SD-54877 : In REST API help doc, XML Input format for GET_REQUESTS operation updated
  • SD-55123 : Completed Time of the Change does not reset while stage-status changed from close-completed or close-canceled
  • SD-55903 : Global search for Change module is not working in non-english language
  • SD-55904 : Unable to download the file attachments from planning or review stage (Change details page) if the Change gone through planning or review stage.
  • SD-55657 : Conversation is not set as public when a reply from a requester contains mail address in upper case format
  • SD-55855 : After upgrading to 9.0, some times the Lucene based search is not working, as the indexing is not committed
  • SD-55965 : We can search an exact string by specifying them with in the double quotes. Say for Ex: Earlier when we search for John Roberts, it will fetch results of "John", "Roberts", and "John Roberts". And now we can able to search exactly on “John Roberts” by specifying them with in the double quotes.

Issues Fixed in 9003 (Released on: 12 March, 2014)

  • SD-46182 : Site Restricted technician have no option to edit/delete his own report.
  • SD-52754 : Service Category configured in default template not get updated when request added through Quick Create/Email.
  • SD-53480 : When a request is created using servlet API, the provided template is not set in the request created.
  • SD-54064 : Spelling mistake in the alert message, when technician login through native app.
  • SD-54428 : HTML tags got removed while reply request through REST API.
  • SD-54773 : If request subject contains < and > symbol, it is changed to < and > in notification mail
  • SD-54848 : When a incident additional field is configured with a default value as 'N/A’, while doing inline-block edit in request details page, the value gets disappeared.
  • SD-55583 : In new request page, select the Site, Group and Technician. Now if the requester name is selected using the auto complete function, the Site, Group and Technician would be modified based on requester’s site. In such case, the Technician listing is not in alphabetical order.
  • SD-55139, SD-36909 : In IE 10 Compact view and chrome, the Group names are not sorted alphabetically.
  • SD-51987, SD-49322, SD-48476, SD-35158 : When selecting a Category, the Subcategory values are not sorted alphabetically.
  • SD-51341 : In new Problem and new Change, when a site is selected, the corresponding Technicians list is not in alphabetical order.
  • SD-48459 : In IE 10 normal mode, the Group and Technicians values in the new Request drop down are shown multiple times.
  • SD-55670 : If any technician name start with a ‘single quote’ or other special characters, then while changing the site, the '-- Select Technician --' option is missing from the Technician drop down.
  • SD-51595 : ‘First response time should be lesser than Dueby time’ has been corrected as 'First Response time should be less than Dueby Time’.
  • SD-55562 : Notification not sent to assigned Technician for a Service Request, if the Service Request workflow is configured with assign technician on approve is enabled.
  • SD-55680 : In some cases, unable to edit support group because of some inconsistencies with the CIID associated with it.
  • SD-46049 : Support Group added / updated with description is not shown in SupportGroup List View.
  • SD-49491 : Unable to edit Service Request when a asset associated with the Service Request gets deleted.
  • SD-54211 : Autofill of Requester names is not working in “Requested By” field of change module and “Reported By” field of Problem module while creating/editing change or problem.
  • SD-55716 : Unable to add or modify change template in Professional edition with Change Add On.
  • SD-55844 : If “Alert Change Manager, Change Owner, Change Approver, CAB members by Email when any Recommendation is taken on change” notification is enabled, notification are wrongly sent to approvers of all changes instead of a particular change.
  • SD-55745 : In Change module, additional fields with value “N/A” is not shown on inline/spot edit.

Behaviour Changes:

  • “Reported By” field of problem module can not be editable in details page. It can be edited through Global Edit as in Requester module.

Issues Fixed in 9002 (Released on: 03 March, 2014)****REQUEST:

  • SD-55837 : When importing scanned XML(s) or scanning assets, scheduled activities like E-Mail Fetching, SLA escalation, Scheduled reports, Backup schedule etc were affected. This may occur due to multi thread racing condition (during scanning) which causes database tables to get locked.

Issues Fixed in 9001 (Released on: 25 February, 2014)****REQUEST:

  • SD-55699 : Actions menu not visible in request list view when the technician does not have request “Delete” permission.

New Features in 9000 (Released on: 11 February, 2014)****CHANGE:

  • SDF-53448 : New Change Management with Workflow, Stage and Status, Notifications, Change Roles, Change Template etc.

  • Change Template: Option to create multiple Change Templates and specify a workflow for each template.

  • Change Workflow: To represent the business change process as a workflow. Support for creating a normal template and an emergency template with each having its own workflow

  • Stage and Status: Six stages of Change path. Submission, Planning, Approval, Implementation, Review and Close. Each stage has their own status list.

  • Change Roles: Defining various change roles being played in the organization e.g Change Implementer, Analyzer, CAB Member, Line Manager, etc… Each role defined with scope on accessing various stages.

  • Notifications: Notifications based on status - Option to configure the roles to whom the notification should be sent when a change comes to a specific status

  • Others: Support for specifying the closure code, down times, impacted user and assets, reason for change and the risk involved in the change


  • SDF-26804 : Support for license management of software suite.
  • SDF-31289 : Support for upgrade and downgrade license.
  • SDF-54974 : Detecting suite software installations automatically based on rule.
  • SDF-52063 : Support for site based software compliance.
  • SDF-52064 : Customizable report for software.
  • SDF-52066 : Ability to purchase upgrade licenses from Purchase Order.
  • SDF-54975 : New enhanced UI is introduced in software details and list view page.
  • SDF-53455 : REST API for CMDB Module: API for performing add, update, read and delete CIs, relationships between CIs and creating CI Types.


  • SDF-53952 : Update request status while replying to a request.
  • SDF-53450 : Ability to schedule OnHold requests to ReOpen at a specific time.
  • SDF-53451 : Ability to link requests with comments.
  • SDF-35370 : Featuring ‘Request Trash’ to recover deleted requests.
  • SDF-52720 : Reply Template can be customized to add variables.


  • SDF-53452 : Ability to create new service request from an incident request.
  • SDF-53954 : Service Request to Purchase Order association.
  • SDF-36913 : Service Category of Service Catalog can be changed while copying a Service Template.
  • SDF-53938 : Reordering the resources inside the service catalog is introduced.
  • SDF-53642 : Under Requester login, all the first level approvers configured in the service template in “Select Approver” field will be shown by default.
  • SDF-54879 : Feature to set “ReportingTo” or “Manager” field of users through CSV import based on “Reporting To Email” has been implemented.
  • SDF-55103 : “Reporting To” or “Manager” field can be imported through scheduled CSV import has been implemented.


  • SDF-53937 : Enabling high speed Lucene search for request and solution module.
  • SDF-46685 : New button ‘TODAY’ in calendar to set current date
  • SDF-53698 : Dashboard Customization : Matrix reports & Charts of Custom report can be added to dashboard.
  • SDF-50157 : Marked task owner of the dependent task will be assigned once it’s parent tasks are closed. Inline edit of task attributes under task list view provided. Dependent tasks will have a dependency icon before title under task list view. On-hovering the same the parent tasks will be highlighted under that list.
  • SDF-53953 : Support for Active Directory password reset using Robo technician in 64-bit installation.


  • SDF-53454 : Multi-currency support in purchase order for procuring assets/services from different vendors who deal with different currencies.

Issues Fixed in 9000****REQUEST :

  • SD-51793 : Notification for the requester when a request is assigned to a technician via native app is provided.
  • SD-51776 : “Notify Requester when a new request by mail” notification will not be sent for Spam Mails.
  • SD-53017 : “Notify requester when a request is assigned to a technician” notification is not available in the Professional and Standard Edition has been fixed.
  • SD-54646 : Issue in calculating time spent on request if it is in On-Hold status during weekends/holidays has been fixed.
  • SD-53124 : Marking Conversation status as public/private in MySql has been fixed.
  • SD-50554 : Business Rules configured with TO/CC field having “Contains/does not contains” criteria and it has multiple values, then the criteria will be disappeared in list view and edit page. [NOTE : We need to users having problem with the BR with above criteria to be edited and saved once to show the criteria properly in the UI]
  • SD-50907 : In Business rule, condition is saved as 'Ends with’, on choosing condition as ‘Begins with’ has been fixed.
  • SD-55042 : While adding new request, base href tag getting appended to link tags has been fixed.


  • SD-53409 : User configured in the ‘Reporting to’ or “Manager” field get removed after Active Directory/LDAP/CSV import.


  • SD-53904 : Error occured while performing search in template list view has been fixed.
  • SD-53745 : Error occured at sometimes in dashboard for Request_Received_In_Last_X_Days,Request_Closed_In_Last_X_Days has been fixed.
  • SD-54827 : Performance issue has been fixed when attaching files under change, problem, project and milestone Details page
  • SD-49135 : Unable to send reply/forward (Request module), Notifications (Problem / Change module), if the inline image present in the content does not exists in the respective folder.
  • SD-46159,54468 : For some Languages, Action button missing in Requester List view page has been fixed.


  • SD-41384 : Workstation Advanced filter : RAM (in MB) filter is not working.
  • SD-46814 : Workstation Advanced filter : Model name filter is not working in Internet Explorer.
  • SD-52188 : Error occured while viewing printer details page.
  • SD-49753 : Error occured while performing “Save and Add New” from create new server page.
  • SD-50265 : Assets by region graph is not showing correct data.
  • SD-50405 : Scan - Proper error message is not displayed if duplicate Service Tags are added under Admin --> Scan settings --> Invalid service tag list.
  • SD-48168 : Scan - Software not scanned in Japanese Ubuntu linux machines.
  • SD-50843 : Scan - Memory leak issue during Agent scan.
  • SD-50565 : Scan - Error occurred while scanning a linux machine if the linux machine is not configured under any domain.
  • SD-51209 : Scan - Usability issue in displaying BIOS version in the workstation hardware details page.
  • SD-52095 : Scan - Solaris scan : Total memory displayed with wrong information.
  • SD-52096 : Scan - Sudo support is enhanced using sudo su -" command for all unix based scanning.
  • SD-50404 : Remote Server - Cannot push data to central server due to invalid xml characters in printer details.
  • SD-51403 : Remote Control - Dameware remote control showing $DOMAINNAME instead of the Domain value.


  • SD-52069 : Unable to create software product from “Add New Purchase Order” page.
  • SD-51049 : If the PO is approved, clicking on the link provided in approval notification mail leads to a page which displays "You cannot approve this PO".
  • SD-51440 : Unable to send PO approval notifications if the description contains $ symbol.
  • SD-52763 : PO approval in non-login mode doesn’t work if $ symbol is present in the comments.
  • SD-47944 : “Associated software” menu in PO details page is not working when PO is in closed state.
  • SD-46041 : Loading products list is too slow in create new PO page if the number of products is huge.
  • SD-51932 : XSS vulnerability issue while submitting the PO for approval.


  • SD-45490 : In add new contract page, invalid E-Mailid is getting saved for Users to be Notified" field.
  • SD-49436 : Contract which is already renewed is being allowed to renew once again.


  • SD-51197 : Reports - Updating the company details in Admin is updated in the generated report.
  • SD-53352 : Reports - Cannot generate the Audit history report after restoring pgsql data.
  • SD-50740 : In PGSQL, Report generated using piechart with axis column as overdue status shows only overdue request has been fixed.
  • SD-54662 : Issue with constructing custom reports by including On-Behalf-Of user column of incident/service request has been fixed.

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