


Unauthenticated Optin Campaign Cache Deletion vulnerability in MailOptin plugin <= at WordPress.


== Changelog == = = * Extended cache clearing to also clear ESP related data. * Fixed PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(). = = * Pro: [WooCommerce]( email support. * Pro: [WooCommerce Subscriptions]( email support. * Pro: [WooCommerce Memberships]( email support. * jQuery syntax update. * Fixed bug where select2 re-population didn’t work for some fields. = = * Pro: [Easy Digital Downloads integration]( * Pro: [Cookie Optin Targeting]( support. * Added capability and nonce check to optin cache clearing. * Fixed: Implicit conversion from float 1.0E+20 to int loses precision. * Added filter to campaign error email address. = = * Pro feature: Added [Comment Form Optin]( * Pro feature: Added [User Registration Optin]( * Pro feature: Added [MemberPress email campaign]( * Fixed PHP notice caused by WP_User_Query being called with an argument that is deprecated. * Added Japan Zoho DC support. * Fixed NewsMan email campaign bug with encoding. = = * Pro feature: Added [MemberPress integration]( * Fixed bug where not all zoho list were retrieved. * Fixed bug with Newsman optin not working. * Added better error reporting for wp_mail deliveries. * Removed unused cron job. = = * Removed the Full Site Editing callout in customizer. * Fixed bug where VTI was matching in a link. = = * Added LearnDash to [ESP integration]( * Added filter to hubspot properties. = = * Added filter to the admin email that receives optin error messages * Added shortcode optin embed support for all display rules. * Fixed fatal error conflict with Astra theme. = = * Added newsman integration. * Added email automation support to zoho campaigns. = = * Improved the reliability of the new Constant Contact authentication. = = * Move to a new authentication system for Constant Contact v3 integration. [Learn more]( = = * Added support for new Constant Contact v3 integration endpoints - REAUTHORIZE URGENTLY. * Added new sidebar and inpost optin themes. = = * Pro feature [Sync WooCommerce customers to ESP support after a purchase]( * Added filter to disable gutenberg block. = = * Fixed bug where not all AWeber list were retrieved. * Fixed bug with background image change not reflecting in customizer. * Added filter to post collection function. * Added alt when optin image is present. = = * Improved CCv3 oauth connection. * Switched hubspot to more v3 endpoints = = * Pro feature [optin sound effect]( * Added ‘mo-optin-success-state’ class to optin form when a user subscribes. * Increased HubSpot cache expiration time. * Fixed range slider customizer control. = = * CleaverReach referrer parameter fix. * Improved caching efficiency of integrations data. * Reduced Cleverreach access token expiration by 2 weeks to avoid refresh error. * Remove empty paragraph tags and visual composer tags in email campaigns. * Show feature image alt of posts on email campaigns. = = * Added ACF field support for custom email templates. * Added caching to expensive ESP API calls. * Fixed Forminator fatal error. * Fixed view in browser not working for SendGrid email marketing. = = * New: [WooCommerce Added to cart]( trigger. * New: [WooCommerce Conditions]( display rule. * Enhancement: Only send email after user registration if password isn’t set. * Fixed bug where all MailerLite groups weren’t returned. * Updated JS libraries. * Added filters to disable email notification to user and admin after registration. * Added filter to disable VideoToImage. = = * Fixed broken images in email body. * Improved handling of mailjet API errors. * Fixed wp listing UI issue. * Fixed bug where some Sendinblue list was missing. * Nuked every optin campaign ID that is 0 data retrieval. = = * Fixed bug where mailoptin broke many ajax requests. * Cleanup WPbakery shortcodes and empty paragraphs. * Added is error checking to token refreshing. = = * Premium: [Added Webhook integration]( * Fixed PHP 8.0 issue with http_build_query. = = * Fixed fatal error in PHP 8 = = * Premium: Added autologin option to [user registration integration]( * Fixed PHP index error causing elementor forms not to work. * Fixed Fatal error in WPForms integration. * Fixed VTI issue where file without extension was failing. * Fixed bug where inline css was shown in email message. * Upgraded league/csv library to v9. * Added more filters to email campaigns templatifiers. = = * Improvements to Constant Contact v3 token refreshing. * Fixed before&after content editor in email campaign not working. * Fixed incompatibility with upcoming WP 5.8. * Made custom email template shortcodes for new post notification available everywhere. * Added filter for adding post author as email sender. = = * Improved accuracy of detecting when cron is not working. * Made cron admin notice dismissible. = = * Performance improvements. = = * Premium: Introduced [Content locker]( feature. * Detect when cron isn’t working and display admin notice to that effect. = = * Fixed bug where plus (+) in post content was replaced with space. * Fixed bug where Sendinblue Elementor integration forces DOI. = = * Fixed multiple PHP error notices and improved PHP 8 support. = = * Fixed bug where leads where accidentally deleted. * Forminator integration bug fixes. = = * Added Forminator integration. * Fixed bug where our Gutenberg integration broke the editor. * Added option to send test email to custom email addresses. * Fixed issue where {{date}} wasn’t getting parsed in email campaigns. * Fixed the splitting of multiples names into firstname and lastnames. * Fixed Zoho Campaigns token refresh not working. = = * Fixed issue where names with more than two words wasn’t correctly synced to ESP. * Fix potential issue where {{date}} wasn’t getting parsed in email campaigns. * Fixed issue where Elementor field mapping wasn’t working for Sendinblue. = = * Fixed slider not working in email dnd builder. * Improved email template for outlook. = = * Fixed security issue in our Elementor integration. * Extra security hardening. = = * Added double-optin support to CleverReach integration. * Fixed settings page conflict Analytify. * Fixed issues with Firefox browser. = = * Added CleverReach integration. * Increased moosend email list number to 1k. * Switched to mailoptin handle for localization js script. * Do not set pageview cookie in lite or when mailoptin_enable_init_js_cookies filter is false. * Fixed: preg_replace_callback() Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset. * Removed code from Exception trigger in abstractConnect. = = * Added missing integrations to Ninja Forms. * Fixed fatal error when integration not found in Ninja Forms. * Fixed issue causing post formatting in email campaign to be skewed. * Fixed fatal error caused by emogrify incompatibility with other plugins. * Fixed issue with oauth refresh failing. * Added timestamp to error logging. = = * Change oauth integrations nonce key to prevent error in connecting integrations. * Fixed bug where images wasn’t included in automation emails. = = * Added featured image size filter to posts. * Change default optin success message to exclude “Please check your email for further instructions.” * Use enqueue_block_editor_assets instead for block registration instead of init. * Implement filter to remove new and returning visitors cookies. = = * Fix layout breakage caused by unclosed p tag. * Fixed issue where elementorjs would result to undefined function error. = = * Added more first/last name sendinblue contact attributes. * Added Selected Users to WordPress Registered Users Integration. * Switched to using wp_after_insert_post hook for new post notification automation. * Lazy-load chosenjs customizer options. * PHP 8 compatibility improvements. * Resolve CSS conflicts with other plugins eg shortpixel. = = * Fixed bugs with double optin in Sendinblue integration. * Added filter “mo_optin_form_set_font_families_to_inherit” to make all optin font families a theme font. = = * Added middle of content optin placement. * Added double-optin support to Sendinblue. = = * Added Constant Contact API v3 which include support for custom fields. * Fixed issue where custom html forms caused customizer saving to fail. * Fixed issue where Sendinblue view in browser and unsubscribe links weren’t working. * Added email notification when there is an email campaign error. * Flag GA events as nonInteractive. = = * Fixed fatal error that caused customizer not to work. = = * Added missing tagging supports. = = * Added FluentCRM integration. * Switched from wp_redirect to wp_safe_redirect for 302 redirects. * Improve oauth integrations token refreshing. = = * Added weMail integration. * Fixed bug where customizer preview wasn’t showing changes being made. = = * Added Formidable Forms integration. * Added Woocommerce product tag page-targeting rule. * Fixed bug where a non-admin account in AC was showing not connected. = = * Switched from using wp_cache_* to static variable for non-persistent cache. = = * Layout adjustments to lucid email template. * Fixed bug in videotoimg where regex captured > in opening p tag and < in closing p tag. = = * Added Jilt integration. * Renamed GetResponse Enterprise to GetResponse MAX * Fixed bug where google fonts were disabled by default. * Fixed bug where GDPR eraser wasn’t returning a response. = = * Added option to disable google font loading. * Fixed issue where vimeotoimg wasn’t working for Vimeo. * Added filters to all post_content email campaign functions. * Added cache implementation on expensive queries. * Renamed newsletter to broadcast. * Improved conversion tracking accuracy. = = * UI compatibility with WP 5.5 = = * Fixed issue where fetching tags via ajax wasn’t working. * Renamed Infusionsoft label. = = * Added Infusionsoft integration. * Added WordPress user registration integration. * Added a new panel to clearly show embed shortcode, widget and block. * Fixed multiple undefined index PHP errors. * Improved optin conversion counter accuracy. * Added missing Ninja Forms ESP integrations. = = * Added SendFox integration. * Added alert to check if title is filled when creating optin and automations. * Fixed bug where optin stats weren’t reset when AB test variants are created. * Fixed bug where a list ID that is zero stopped optin from adding subscribers. * Fixed bug where IP address might return ::1. * Increased limit of mailjet contact properties fetched. = = * Fixed bug where Zoho Campaigns wasn’t working for non-us data-centers. * Fixed bug where sending emails to large subscribers was failing. * Improved compatibility with jQuery 3.x. * Show a prompt before deleting any item. = = * Fixed screen option pagination saving bug caused by WP 5.4.2. * Further DB Query solidification. = = * Fixed fatal error in cases where controls were missing when opening the customizer. * Fixed bug where clicking save changes button doesn’t save field mapping data. * Added filter to disable admin notice ads. * More improvements to themes compatibility. = = * Added email list selection support. Visitors and users can now select lists to subscribe to (premium). * Fixed error causing builder not to change state after saving. * Fixed issue where specifying google font for custom fields wasn’t working. = = * Added option to disable linking to post article in post email automation. * Improve compatibility with hestia, generatepress and many other themes. * Fixed a weird z-index issue on optin forms. * Fixed bug where spam CF7 submissions were saved to ESP. = = * Fixed fatal error caused by missing Ninja Forms integration class. = = * Added Gravity Forms integration. * Added SendGrid email marketing integration. * DB Query solidification. * Added option to use post excerpt instead of post content in email automation. * Added filter to delete leads after unsubscription. = = * Added Ninja Forms integration. * Added conversion tracking of custom html. = = * Fixed issue were AWeber stopped working. = = * Added Contact Form 7 integration. * Improved UX on renaming optin and email campaigns. * Upgraded to Fancybox to version 3. = = * Added WPForms integration. * Added shortcode parsing to email content * Improve compatibility with Divi builder. * Fixed sendinblue error in fetching lists. = = * Swapped out session storage adapter for compatibility with host with session disabled. * Increased sendinblue list fetched limit. * Improve multisite compatibility. * Fixed backupbuddy compatibility issue. * Added server level disabling of impression tracking. = = * Improvement to ensure post content doesn’t breakout of defined width of email templates. * Fixed issue where submit event wasn’t triggered when optin form is submitted. * Rewrote and simplified page targeting rule engine. * Fixed issue where submit event wasn’t triggered when optin form is submitted. * Fixed submit button styling issue in ios safari. * Fixed bug where cookie duration was set where success cookie should be set instead. = = * Added Facebook custom audience integration (premium) * Added form width support. * Fixed issue where filter for admin email that receives test emails wasn’t working. = = * Added Elementor form lead tagging support. * Added tagging support to GetResponse integration. * Added custom field support to Gist. * Added filter to admin email that receives test emails. * Added GA conversion tracking on CTA click to URL. * added default attribute for post feature image shortcode. * Font weight and styling fixes for a number of optin themes. * Fixed bug where contact without subscription status failed to be subscribed in Mailchimp. * Fixed bug where ontraport subscription was failing. * Change AWeber to use the new upsert method (update subscriber if existing). * Changed GetResponse360 to GetResponse enterprise. = = * Added Zoho CRM integration. * Added embed support for email. * Fixed issue where 2 same form on the same page wouldn’t work. * Replaced fontawesome with dashicons in admin dashboard. = = * Added mailoptin_controls_helper_get_post_types filter to control post type visibility. = = * Added Emma email marketing integration. = = * Upgraded klaviyo integration to new list API v2. * Fixed: sendy bug where user subscription wasn’t working for Sendy v4.0.3.3. = = * Added: New email builder for crafting one-off newsletters to subscribers. * Fixed title naming for email campaigns. * Fixed: scheduling now more accurate by forcing strtotime to use utc. = = * Improve reliability of error notifications. = = * Added and made WP HTTP API the default http client. * Added Leadbank subscribers email automation support. * Fixed bug with registered users unsubscription. = = * Added Zoho Campaigns integration. * Added: Restrict to post authors added in email automation. * Fixed bug where Divi backend builder wasn’t triggering new post automation. * Added nonce check when saving oauth credentials. = = * Added display of post meta to email template settings. E.g post author, date published and post categories. * Added filter to disable emogrify. * Fix: do not enqueue recaptcha when keys are not present. * Fixed bug where preview post title wasn’t used when test email is sent * Removed usage tracking. = = * Added GoDaddy email marketing integration * Added honeypot check server-side to prevent spams. = = * Added Moosend integration. * Fixed Fatal error Cannot use MailOptin\Core\EmailCampaigns\Newsletter\Newsletter as Newsletter. * Added link to disconnect OAUTH connections. = = * Added Hubspot integration. * Fixed media uploader issue in newsletter creation UI. * Added {{date}} placeholder support for email subject. * Fixed issue where sending of test newsletters email had the title skewed. * Added disabling of new post notification in Gutenberg editor. = = * Added Ontraport integration. * Added Mailjet integration. * Added Vertical Response integration. * Updated Mailpoet integration to use it’s API for every operation. * Fixed sender name and email not injected on autoresponder emails. * Added doc link on how to fix the popular no email list found error. * Added stripslash support for from name. = = * Added option to change optin theme. * Added unsubscribe support for emails sent to registered users. = = * Added one-off newsletter support. * Added ninja forms support for custom html feature. * Fixed: conditional display in optin customizer. = = * Added link to view integrations error log. * Added option to target users by their role. * Fixed: when click launch is activated, query string section is not hidden. * Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘active’ of undefined. * Added customizer option to remove post body in email automation. * Increase maximum post range slider to 1000 in email automation settings. * Added split test support for shortcode optin embed. = = * Added new optin themes. * Added ability to replace the default fields with a shortcode and/or HTML content. * Added query string targeting display rule. * Added feature to hide optins on urls with the mohide=true query string. * Added categories and tax support to [posts-loop] email digest shortcode. * Allow users access to MailOptin with with manage_mailoptin capability. * Fixed bug where optin theme customizer config override another theme. * Fixed compatibility with Windows server. * Fixed bug with replacement of name and address placeholder tags in email automation. * Only load optin theme dependent script on mailoptin customizer UI. = = * New: Disable closing of lightbox on backdrop click. * Added filter to use excerpt instead of post content in email automation. * Added Gutenberg block form embedding optin forms. = = * Fixed bug with custom taxonomies settings not saving in email automation. * Fixed issues with email automation custom template shortcode tags not working. * Fixed bug where post with full content wasn’t triggering email automation. * Fixed issue where ESP with default static fields returned empty because no custom user created field was found. = = * Fixed issue where youtube/vimeo embed wasn’t correctly showing in email. * Fixed PHP Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated. * Core files are now included in parent plugin folder instead of composer vendor directory. = = * Design refresh of the dashboard. * Added setting to disable impression tracking. * Lead bank now has its own settings page. = = * Added support for windows hosting. * Added advance settings to name field for ESP mapping. * Made all tinymce control text/visual. = = * Fixed issue where sending new post notification failed in some rare cases. * Fixed sendinblue bug where email address belonging to another list failed to be subscribed. = = * Removed optin campaigns and conversion limit. * Added shortcode support for optin forms. * Fixed bug where email automation customizer wasn’t saving. * Made headline in optin customizer visual/text. * Added shortcode support to success message. * Reduced inline js object added to frontend. * Added better explanation to re-authorize connection button. * Subscriber name is now split into name and lastname for Mailerlite connection. * Updated Convertfox to Gist. * Fixed bug with mailchimp interest user input. * Added sendinblue list sync where by user are not removed from their previous joined list. * Fix for mailchimp GDPR optin consent not working. = = * Removed unused file. = = * Remove lite upgrade in compliance with rule. = = * Sendinblue optin fix when automation is active. * Remove IP address from ActiveCampaign payload if ip is not ip4. * More tighter customizer cleanup for improve compatibility with most themes and plugins. * Fix support for youtube and vimeo embed. * Made description wysiwyg to be text/visual. = = * Responsive font size fixes for optin forms. * Fixed a number of PHP notice errors. * Added filter to disable sending optin errors email. = = * Added support for custom post type to email automation. * Optin branding now disabled by default. * Better control over google fonts to load when not necessary. * Improve optin themes compatibility with most WP themes. = = * Fixed bug with Mailerlite subscription not working. * Fixed bug where hiding note wasn’t working. * Fixed bug where effects wasn’t working in customizer preview. * Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘scrollHeight’ of undefined. * Fixed bug with scripts not being cleaned up in customizer. = = * Added support for changing optin font sizes. * Added support to inherit theme font in optins. * Added support for MailChimp GDPR tool for saving consent. * Optin no longer load an external css stylesheet. * Remove quoted slash from campaign names. * Some performance enhancements. = = * Added Mailster Integration. * Added new switch customizer loader method. * Added confirmation prompt before deleting optin and email campaigns. * Added after main content control to email template. * Added easy google font plugin compatibility. * Fixed issue with urlencode happening to urls in email campaign. * Deactivate cloned optin and email campaign by default. * Test mode now ignore display rules. = = * Only return untrashed and default type list for mailpoet. * Now obfuscating sendlane hash field. * Added timeout to MC HTTP client instance = = * Fixed bug with curl not working on some host * Fixed bug with MailChimp email automation not sending = = * Added headers to email customizer. * Metabox settings to skip a post from being included in new post notification. * Added Sendlane integration. = = * Fixed bug with sendinblue not adding contact to list * Displays email template un-emogrified in customizer so custom css ish can be targeted and used. * Filter for adding custom page targeting rules added. * Fixed mini headline preview not working in some themes. * Added compatibility with flatbase theme * Ensure optin_type exist for the campaign before adding to DB to prevent PHP error. = = * New dashboard redesign. Yay! Connections is now called integrations. * New: Email digest of published post [paid feature]. * You can now edit automation campaign name. * Improve optin customization option. * Bug fix where name field required wasn’t hidden when name field is set to hidden. * Improve compatibility with nextgen gallery. = = * Fixed bug where upgrade from lite to premium wasn’t working. * Added tabs to sort controls into General and Style. * Added option to remove feature image from email campaign * Added before main content body editor control to email automation * Send test email feature is now retried without header. * Contextual naming of connection service list label re-added. * Added contextual display of some controls in email campaign customizer = = * Enhance compatibility with more themes such as the popular Newspaper theme. * Added more optin form themes for lite users. = = * Lite lightbox now load after about 3 seconds * Performance improvements. = = * Added filter sorting to connections. * Performance improvements. = = * Restricted removal of admin notice from other plugin to just mailoptin settings pages. * Fix for IP address getter. * [GDPR] Consent is now passed to MailChimp as custom field. * [GDPR] Consent is now passed to EmailOctopus as custom field. = = * [GDPR] Added checkbox to optin form and save consent in ESP mostly as tags and custom field. * [GDPR] Added control to make name field in optin required or not * Fixed incorrect IP address label for Klaviyo integration * Fixed bug where Klaviyo included segment in list fetch * Form and email template builder URL now shortened. * Improve button to add new campaigns to be more visible. * Added notice when no connection is available in optin form builder. * Added optin type flag to optin name. * Fixed bug where specifying custom listing number in wp list wasn’t working. = = * Fixed issue where Elegance Lightbox wasn’t showing in optin listing. = = * Added Klaviyo integration * Added Elegance lightbox optin theme. * Added some toast notifications to the form builder to remind you of things to do. * Added filtering of new post notification by post tags and categories. * Added auto-detect and convert vimeo & youtube embed to image link. * Added: New post notification can now be sent to users with specific roles. * Sendy optin subscription now include leads ip-address and referrer. * Improved compatibility with most WP themes in customizer. * Fixed bug where contextual display of integrations wasn’t properly working. * Fixed usage tracking not dismissing. * Moved success message to after conversion panel. * Update tinymce control to use the latest API. * Added filter customize/edit url. = = * Fixed bug where ConvertFox was failing to add leads. = = * Fixed bug where ‘Globally load optin’ wasn’t kicking in. = = * Added ConvertFox integration. * Added Sendinblue integration. * Switched from wp-admin-ajax to a custom ajax handler. * Fixed bug where GetResponse optin without name field was failing. * Remove all custom media button added by plugins and core to wp_editor. * Re-arrangement of display rules and page-level targeting. * Moved controls for hiding of note, headline, description to their panels. * Added check to prevent sidebar aside tag from being included in markup when state after conversion is optin form hidden. * Added filters to optin form components. * Ensure customization save changes is publishing and not saving draft. Fixed bug in hosting. * Swap out previous bulk activation of optin and automation to new queue system. * Added filter to disable optin impression count. * Added filter to optin form shortcode structure. * Added: send email to admin when optin is failing to subscribe leads. * Rebuilt settings setting page with tab. = = * Fixed bug where impression wasn’t counting for sidebar/inpost optin forms. * Fixed bug where impression count was doubling for popups, notification bar and slide in optins. * Added activation of email campaign as toggle switches. * Added support for background color for optin form fields. * Fixed bug in OptinCampaignsRepository::get_optin_campaign_ids() working incorrectly. * Fixed bug where columbine inpost field get overly long when CTA is activated with onclick to reveal optin. * Fix styling for email campaign schedule control in customizer. * Rebuilt how optin form style are inlined. * Fixed bug where configuration of an optin clashes with another of same theme. * Small design change of the form builder. * Remove load_plugin_textdomain from core to main plugin file. * Reworked honeypot implementation. * Optimized images and added margin:0 to form optin tag. = = * Added link to permanently dismiss review admin notice. = = * Removed test files that raised security warning by VaultPress. * Cleanup assets added to customizer preview frame by other plugins/themes. * Fixed issue where sendy connection wasn’t saving. * Added index.php to all folders to prevent directory browsing. * Removed close optin and close optin and reload in non-popup forms. * Code and performance improvements. = = * Tweak mailerlite to resubscribe user who previously unsubscribe and then opt-in again. * Code and performance improvements. = = * Fixed bug where AWeber connection settings page wasn’t showing up. = = * Added: connected status added to all connections. * Added: Close Optin On Note Click in optin form completed. * Fixed bug where lightbox impression count doubled * Define background-color for all form fields. * Added switch to activate/deactivate optin campaigns. * Added shortcode support to headline, description and note * Redesigned the connection settings page to be sidebar tabbed. * Elementor now added as a connection. * Connection’s API key/token now obfuscated on display. * Fixed bug in leads subscription that already exist in mailpoet from failing in other language WP installs eg German. * Revamped single chosen field as well as date time and ace editor. * Rearranged menu such that optin menus comes first before that of email menus. * Added missing text-domain in strings. * Fix textareas control with long height. * Added filter to list of optin form fonts list. * All form fields in optin form now captured during form submit. * Added an event that is triggered after core optin form validation. * An event is now triggered when optin form validation kicks in. * Added styling to builder control descriptions. * Replaced optin actions buttons with icon font. Tooltip added to describe the action. * Replaced email automation actions text descriptions with icons. Tooltip added to describe the action. * Ensure OptinConversionsRepository:: month_conversion_count() return integer. = = * Added accidentally removed background color form builder control. * Add action hook after optin form shortcodes definitions. = = * Added: form background image customization for optin themes that support it. * Added: shortcodes in email campaigns are now parsed before they are processed for delivery. * Added collapse and expand buttons to connection and settings’ admin pages. * Email campaigns label changed to email automation * Log changed to Email Log * Plugin menu re-arranged. = = * Added: GetResponse and GetResponse360 integrations. * Fixed bug where TinyMCE field preview wasn’t working in form/template builder. * Fixed bug where clearing local cookies didn’t clear that of successful optin conversion. * Fix compatibility issues with upcoming WordPress 4.9 = = * Added after conversion actions feature: close optin, close optin and reload page, redirect to URL. * Added Action hook triggered after optin subscription. * Reverted change to limit_text() from wp_trim_words. * Removed older hide_logged_in rule from form builder. * Added: toggling of optin form close button. * Burst connection email list cache after every settings change. * Optimized all image assets. * Added class_exist check to MailPoet API class before usage to prevent any PHP error. * Custom CSS textarea converted to ACE Editor (Premium). * Recycled existing optin themes to other types (Premium). * Optin background image and logo support land in customizer. * listing of optin and email campaign now in descending order * Fixed bug where undefined webfont JS function causes optin not to display. * Fixed bug that prevent highlighting of active tab in settings page. * Added: shortcode and template tag embed of optin (Premium). * replace custom function for trimming text with wp one * All text-shadows be gone from every submit buttons in optin forms. * Simplified connections composer packaging. * Loads of performance enhancements * Code improvements. = = * Fixed bug where before/after post optin form wasn’t showing in post. = = * Added MailPoet 3 integration. * Added new Bannino optin theme (Premium). * Added new Dashdot optin theme (Premium). * Added new Daisy optin theme (Premium). * Recycled existing optin themes to other types (Premium). * Optin background image and logo support land in customizer. * listing of optin and email campaign now in descending order * Fixed bug where undefined webfont js function causes optin not to display. * Fixed bug that prevent highlighting of active tab in settings page. * Added: shortcode and template tag embed of optin (Premium). * replace custom function for trimming text with wp one * All text-shadows be gone from every submit buttons in optin forms. * Simplified connections composer packaging. * Loads of performance enhancements * Code improvements. = = * Added ActiveCampaign integration. * Listing of optin and email campaign now displays the newest to oldest. * Added styling to pre tag in email template. * Added switch to toggle optin campaigns activation. * Global success and interaction cookies rule implemented. Was previously missing. * New display rule: Optin display can now be determined based on whether users are logged in or not. * Added support for click triggered (2-step optin process). (Premium) * Added refreshing styling to customizer controls. * “Footer Description” changed to “mailing address” in optin customizer. * Added check to ensure jQuery.MailOptin and jQuery.MailOptin.track_impression is defined to prevent any error. * Fixed bug where custom fields associated with a connect/esp do not show on initial customizer UI page load. * Loads of performance enhancements * Code improvements. = = * Added integration for Drip (Email Marketing Automation Software). * Added ConvertKit integration. * Added EmailOctopus integration. * Added button to clear optin caches. * Added settings to change optin branding url with affiliate link. * Added impression tracking to inpost optin forms. * Missing close icon now display on all optin types after subscription success. * Fixed js bug that affected safari browsers when customizer is opened. * Connections now implement the features_support() interface contract. * Code improvements and performance enhancements. = = * Now compatibility with MySQL versions less than 5.6.5. * Fixed bug where MailChimp subscription wasn’t working. = = * Added Elementor form integration. = = * Fixed bug where email service providers weren’t showing on optin campaign customizer. = = * Added mailerlite integration. = = * Fixed bug where invalid controls were showing for sidebar optin. = = * Fixes to some internal APIs. = = * the genesis.

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda