

CVE-2021-24359: Give feedback and suggest new ideas for The Plus Addons for Elementor. Powered by FeedBear.

The Plus Addons for Elementor Page Builder WordPress plugin before 4.1.11 did not properly check that a user requesting a password reset was the legitimate user, allowing an attacker to send an arbitrary reset password email to a registered user on behalf of the WordPress site. Such issue could be chained with an open redirect (CVE-2021-24358) in version below 4.1.10, to include a crafted password reset link in the email, which would lead to an account takeover.


Compatibility : WordPress 6.0
Compatibility : Elementor Pro 3.7
Added : Heading Title : Animated Split by Word

Added : Heading Title : Animated Split by Character

Added : Heading Title : Animated Split by Line

Added : Display Rules : Image Selector(Advanced Custom Fields: Extended)

Added : Display Rules : Visitor Location (IP Based - Based on Geoplugin )

Added : Display Rules : WordPress Site Language

Added : Display Rules : Visitor Browser Language

Added : Display Rules : String in URL (Exact match from URL value )

Added : Display Rules : Parameter in URL

Added : Display Rules : Shortcode based visibility (Advanced Custom PHP function based Shortcode)

Added : Display Rules : Cart Product Category (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Category In Cart (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Cart Subtotal (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Cart Total (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Purchase Date (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : In Purchase Product Category (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Order(s) Placed (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Current Product Category (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Current Product Price (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Current Product Stock (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Cart Product (WooCommerce)

Added : Display Rules : Text field (Toolset)

Added : Display Rules : Number field (Toolset)

Added : Display Rules : Radio field (Toolset)

Added : Display Rules : Checkbox field (Toolset)

Added : Display Rules : Checkboxes field (Toolset)

Added : Display Rules : Select field (Toolset)

Added : Display Rules : Text field (PODS)

Added : Display Rules : Date field (PODS)

Added : Display Rules : Number field (PODS)

Added : Display Rules : Boolean field (PODS)

Added : Display Rules : Text field (Jet Engine)

Added : Display Rules : Text Area field (Jet Engine)

Added : Display Rules : Switcher field (Jet Engine)

Added : Display Rules : Checkbox field (Jet Engine)

Added : Display Rules : Radio field (Jet Engine)

Added : Display Rules : Select field (Jet Engine)

Added : Display Rules : Number field (Jet Engine)

Added : Mouse Cursor : Container

Added : Unfold : Container

Added : Post Feature Image : Container

Update : Display Rules : Display Field Name with Group Label

Update : Dynamic Listing : Category Listout improvement

Update : Product Listing : Upsell Listing

Update : Product Listing : Cross-Sell Listing

Update : Accordion : Title Empty condition for Dynamic Value

Update : Accordion : Scroll Top Offset

Update : Tabs & Tours : Title Empty condition for Dynamic Value

Update : Scroll Navigation : Section Top Offset after click

Update : Post Meta : Taxonomies Type option (Category/Tag)

Update : Woo Single Basic : Next/Previous related to current Product Category

Update : Search bar : Search by Word Match

Update : Search bar : Related Search Tag

Update : Search Filter : Category show based on Archive page option

Update : Search Filter : Sorting value option for Tab, Radio, Checkbox and Dropdown

Update : Hotspot : Hover Pin Image with flip effect

Update : Audio Player : Loop Disable option

Update : LottieFiles Animation : JSON File Upload

Update : Dynamic Listing : Slide Animation option

Update : Infobox : Slide Animation option

Update : Gallery Listing : Slide Animation option

Update : Search bar : Animation option

Update : Number Counter : Dynamic Tag option for Number Value, Animation Starting Value and Gap

Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky support Container

Update : Navigation Menu : Accessibility

Update : Animated Service Boxes : Lottie Animations option

Update : Hotspot : Lottie Animations option

Update : Image Cascading : Lottie Animations option

Update : Number Counter : Lottie Animations option

Update : Popup Builder : Lottie Animations option

Update : Pricing List : Lottie Animations option

Update : Pricing Table : Lottie Animations option

Update : Process/Steps : Lottie Animations option

Update : Progress Bar : Lottie Animations option

Update : Unfold : Lottie Animations option

Update : Live Copy : Container Compatibility

Update : Plus Extras : Container Compatibility

Update : Display Rules : Container Compatibility

Update : Page Scroll : Container Compatibility

Update : Row Background : Container Compatibility

Update : Shape Divider : Container Compatibility

Update : Morphing Layouts : Container Compatibility

Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Container Compatibility

Update : Global Tilt Effect : Container Compatibility

Update : Carousel Slider : Container Compatibility

Update : Advanced Shadow : Container Compatibility

Update : Equal Height : Container Compatibility

Update : Glass Morphism : Container Compatibility

Update : Wrapper Link : Container Compatibility

Update : Animated Service Box : Container Compatibility

Update : Animated Service box Text (Stroke and Shadow)

Update : Animated Service box Height (EM,%,VH)

Update : Countdown : Label HTML Tag option (h1 - h6)

Update : Coupon Code : Title HTML Tag option (h1 - h6)

Update : Coupon Code : Content HTML Tag option (h1 - h6)

Update : Coupon Code : JS improvement for Copy button

Update : Woo MyAccount : No order Found Styling

Update : Woo MyAccount : Order tab Individual improvement

Update : Process Step : Margin option for Description

Update : Listing Widget : Post Excerpt empty value validation

Update : Infobox : Top margin option

Update : Social Feed : Instagram Business Account condition improvement

Update : Dynamic Listing : Author Prefix text dynamic

Update : Blog Listing : Author Prefix text dynamic

Fix : Google Map : HTML display bug with Filter

Fix : Table : Tooltip Field

Fix : Listing Widget : On Load more / Lazy load animation

Fix : Mouse Cursor : Column Cursor icon

Fix : LottieFiles Animation : Animation Play Speed

Fix : Countdown : Fake Number

Fix : Sticky Column

Fix : Design Tool : Background Visibility

Fix : Navigation Menu : CSS based effect bug on click

Fix : Slick Carousel : Draggable Disable bug on Mobile

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