

CVE-2022-4537: Brute.php in hide-my-wp/tags/5.0.18/models – WordPress Plugin Repository

The Hide My WP Ghost – Security Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to IP Address Spoofing in versions up to, and including, 5.0.18. This is due to insufficient restrictions on where the IP Address information is being retrieved for request logging and login restrictions. Attackers can supply the X-Forwarded-For header with with a different IP Address that will be logged and can be used to bypass settings that may have blocked out an IP address from logging in.


1<?php2/**3 * Brute Force Protection Model4 * Called from Brute Force Class5 *6 * @file The Brute Force Model file7 * @package HMWP/BruteForce8 * @since 4.2.09 */1011defined(‘ABSPATH’) || die(‘Cheatin\’ uh?’);1213class HMWP_Models_Brute14{15 /**16 * The user IP address17 * @var string18 */19 protected $user_ip;20 public $response;2122 /**23 * Retrives and sets the ip address the person logging in24 *25 * @return string26 */27 public function brute_get_ip()28 {29 if (isset($this->user_ip)) {30 return $this->user_ip;31 }3233 if(!isset($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’])) {34 return '’;35 }3637 $ip = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];38 $trusted_header = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘trusted_ip_header’);3940 if (is_string($trusted_header) && $trusted_header <> ‘’) {41 if (isset($_SERVER[$trusted_header])) {42 $ip = $_SERVER[$trusted_header];43 }44 }4546 $ips = array_reverse(explode(', ', $ip));47 foreach ($ips as $ip) {48 $ip = $this->clean_ip($ip);4950 // If the IP is in a private or reserved range, keep looking51 if ($ip == ‘’ || $ip == ‘::1’ || $this->ip_is_private($ip)) {52 continue;53 } else {54 $this->user_ip = $ip;55 return $this->user_ip;56 }57 }5859 $this->user_ip = $this->clean_ip($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]);60 return $this->user_ip;61 }626364 /**65 * Clean the IP address if altered66 * @param $ip67 * @return mixed|string68 */69 public function clean_ip($ip)70 {71 $ip = trim($ip);7273 // Check for IPv4 IP cast as IPv674 if (preg_match('/^::ffff:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/’, $ip, $matches)) {75 $ip = $matches[1];76 }7778 return $ip;79 }808182 /**83 * Checks an IP to see if it is within a private range84 *85 * @param string $ip86 * @return bool87 */88 public function ip_is_private($ip)89 {90 $pri_addrs = array(91 '|’, // single class A network92 '|’, // 16 contiguous class B network93 '|’, // 256 contiguous class C network94 '|’, // Link-local address also refered to as Automatic Private IP Addressing95 ‘|’ // localhost96 );9798 $long_ip = ip2long($ip);99 if ($long_ip != -1) {100101 foreach ($pri_addrs AS $pri_addr) {102 list ($start, $end) = explode('|’, $pri_addr);103104 // IF IS PRIVATE105 if ($long_ip >= ip2long($start) && $long_ip <= ip2long($end)) {106 return true;107 }108 }109 }110111 return false;112 }113114 /**115 * Generate a pivacy key116 * @return string117 */118 public function get_privacy_key()119 {120 // Privacy key generation uses the NONCE_SALT + admin email-- admin email is121 // used to prevent identical privacy keys if NONCE_SALT is not customized122 return substr(md5(NONCE_SALT . get_site_option(‘admin_email’)), 5, 10);123 }124125 /**126 * Checks the status for a given IP. API results are cached as transients in the wp_options table127 *128 * @return array|mixed129 * @throws Exception130 */131 public function brute_check_loginability()132 {133134 $ip = $this->brute_get_ip();135 $headers = $this->brute_get_headers();136 $header_hash = md5(json_encode($headers));137138 $transient_name = ‘hmwp_brute_’ . $header_hash;139 $transient_value = $this->get_transient($transient_name);140141 //Never block login from whitelisted IPs142 if ($this->check_whitelisted_ip($ip)) {143 $transient_value[‘status’] = 'whitelist’;144 return $transient_value;145 }146147 //Check out our transients148 if (isset($transient_value[‘status’]) && $transient_value[‘status’] == ‘ok’) {149 return $transient_value;150 }151152 if (isset($transient_value[‘status’]) && $transient_value[‘status’] == ‘blocked’) {153 //there is a current block-- prevent login154 $this->brute_kill_login();155 }156157158 //If we’ve reached this point, this means that the IP isn’t cached.159 //Now we check to see if we should allow login160 $response = $this->brute_call(‘check_ip’);161162 if ($response[‘status’] == ‘blocked’) {163 $this->brute_kill_login();164 }165166 return $response;167 }168169 /**170 * Check if the current IP address is whitelisted by the user171 *172 * @param string $ip173 * @return bool174 */175 public function check_whitelisted_ip($ip)176 {177 if(HMWP_Classes_Tools::isWhitelistedIP($ip)){178 return true;179 }180181 return false;182 }183184 /**185 * Get the current local host186 *187 * @return mixed|string188 */189 public function brute_get_local_host()190 {191 if (isset($this->local_host)) {192 return $this->local_host;193 }194195 $uri = ‘http://’ . strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]);196197 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::isMultisites()) {198 $uri = network_home_url();199 }200201 $uridata = parse_url($uri);202203 $domain = $uridata[‘host’];204205 //if we still don’t have it, get the site_url206 if (!$domain) {207 $uri = get_site_url(1);208 $uridata = parse_url($uri);209 if (isset($uridata[‘host’])) {210 $domain = $uridata[‘host’];211 }212 }213214 $this->local_host = $domain;215216 return $this->local_host;217 }218219 /**220 * Count the number of fail attempts221 *222 * @return false|int|mixed223 */224 public function brute_get_blocked_attempts()225 {226 $blocked_count = get_site_option(‘bruteprotect_blocked_attempt_count’);227 if (!$blocked_count) {228 $blocked_count = 0;229 }230231 return $blocked_count;232 }233234235 /**236 * Finds out if this site is using http or https237 *238 * @return string239 */240 public function brute_get_protocol()241 {242 return (is_ssl()) ? “https://” : “http://";243 }244245 /**246 * Get all IP headers so that we can process on our server…247 *248 * @return array249 */250 public function brute_get_headers()251 {252 $o = array();253254 $ip_related_headers = array(255 'GD_PHP_HANDLER’,256 'HTTP_AKAMAI_ORIGIN_HOP’,257 'HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP’,258 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP’,259 'HTTP_FASTLY_CLIENT_IP’,260 'HTTP_FORWARDED’,261 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR’,262 'HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP’,263 'HTTP_TRUE_CLIENT_IP’,264 'HTTP_X_CLIENTIP’,265 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP’,266 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED’,267 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’,268 'HTTP_X_IP_TRAIL’,269 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP’,270 'HTTP_X_VARNISH’,271 'REMOTE_ADDR’272273 );274275 foreach ($ip_related_headers as $header) {276 if (isset($_SERVER[$header])) {277 $o[$header] = $_SERVER[$header];278 }279 }280281 return $o;282 }283284 /**285 * process the brute call286 *287 * @param string $action 'check_ip’, 'check_key’, or 'failed_attempt’288 * @param array $info Any custom data to post to the api289 * @return array|mixed290 * @throws Exception291 */292 public function brute_call($action = 'check_ip’, $info = array())293 {294 $headers = $this->brute_get_headers();295 $header_hash = md5(json_encode($headers));296 $transient_name = ‘hmwp_brute_’ . $header_hash;297298 if(!$response = $this->get_transient($transient_name)){299 $response = array();300 }301302 $attempts = (isset($response[‘attempts’]) ? (int)$response[‘attempts’] : 0);303304 if ($action == ‘failed_attempt’) {305 if ($this->check_whitelisted_ip($this->brute_get_ip())) {306 $response[‘status’] = 'ok’;307 return $response;308 }309310 $attempts = (int)$attempts + 1;311312 if ($attempts >= HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_max_attempts’)) {313314 $info[‘ip’] = $this->brute_get_ip();315 $info[‘host’] = $this->brute_get_local_host();316 $info[‘protocol’] = $this->brute_get_protocol();317 $info[‘headers’] = json_encode($this->brute_get_headers());318319 $response = array_merge($response, $info);320 $response[‘attempts’] = $attempts;321 $response[‘status’] = 'blocked’;322323 //Log the block IP on the server324 HMWP_Classes_ObjController::getClass(‘HMWP_Models_Log’)->hmwp_log_actions('block_ip’, array(‘ip’ => $this->brute_get_ip()));325326 wp_redirect(site_url());327 } else {328 $response[‘attempts’] = $attempts;329 $response[‘status’] = 'ok’;330 }331 $this->set_transient($transient_name, $response, (int)HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_max_timeout’));332 } elseif ($action == ‘check_ip’) {333 $response[‘status’] = (isset($response[‘status’]) ? $response[‘status’] : ‘ok’);334335 //Always block a banned IP336 if ($this->check_banned_ip($this->brute_get_ip())) {337 $response[‘status’] = 'blocked’;338339 }340341 } elseif ($action == ‘clear_ip’) {342 $this->delete_transient($transient_name);343 }344345 return $response;346 }347348 /**349 * Save the transient with the blocked IP in database350 *351 * @param $transient352 * @param $value353 * @param $expiration354 * @return bool355 */356 public function set_transient($transient, $value, $expiration)357 {358 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::isMultisites() && !is_main_site()) {359 switch_to_blog($this->get_main_blog_id());360 $return = set_transient($transient, $value, $expiration);361 restore_current_blog();362 return $return;363 }364 return set_transient($transient, $value, $expiration);365 }366367 /**368 * Delete the transient from database369 *370 * @param $transient371 * @return bool372 */373 public function delete_transient($transient)374 {375 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::isMultisites() && !is_main_site()) {376 switch_to_blog($this->get_main_blog_id());377 $return = delete_transient($transient);378 restore_current_blog();379 return $return;380 }381 return delete_transient($transient);382 }383384 /**385 * Get the saved transient from database386 *387 * @param $transient388 * @return mixed389 */390 public function get_transient($transient)391 {392 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::isMultisites() && !is_main_site()) {393 switch_to_blog($this->get_main_blog_id());394 $return = get_transient($transient);395 restore_current_blog();396 return $return;397 }398 return get_transient($transient);399 }400401 /**402 * If we’re in a multisite network, return the blog ID of the primary blog403 *404 * @return int405 */406 public function get_main_blog_id()407 {408 if (defined(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’)) {409 return BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE;410 }411412 return 1;413 }414415416 /**417 * Get all blocked IPs418 *419 * @return array420 */421 public function get_blocked_ips()422 {423 global $wpdb;424 $ips = array();425 $pattern = '_transient_timeout_hmwp_brute_’;426 //check 20 keyword at one time427 $sql = $wpdb->prepare(“SELECT `option_name` FROM `{$wpdb->options}` WHERE (`option_name` LIKE %s) ORDER BY `option_id` DESC", $pattern . ‘%’);428 //echo $sql; exit();429 if ($rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql)) {430 foreach ($rows as $row) {431 if (!$transient_value = $this->get_transient(str_replace($pattern, 'hmwp_brute_’, $row->option_name))) {432 $this->delete_transient(str_replace($pattern, '’, $row->option_name));433 }elseif (isset($transient_value[‘status’]) && $transient_value[‘status’] == ‘blocked’) {434 $ips[str_replace($pattern, 'hmwp_brute_’, $row->option_name)] = $transient_value;435 }436 }437 }438439440 return $ips;441 }442443 /**444 * Check if the IP address is already banned by the user445 *446 * @param $ip447 * @return bool448 */449 public function check_banned_ip($ip)450 {451 //Never block login from whitelisted IPs452 $banlist = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘banlist_ip’);453454 if($banlist <> ‘’ && is_string($banlist)) {455 $bl_items = @json_decode($banlist, true);456457 //add the hook for users to add IPs in the blacklist458 $bl_items = apply_filters('hmwp_blacklisted_ips’, $bl_items);459460 if (!empty($bl_items)) {461 foreach ($bl_items as $item) {462 $item = trim($item);463 if ($ip == $item) {464 return true;465 }466467 if (strpos($item, ‘*’) === false) { //no match, no wildcard468 continue;469 }470471 $iplong = ip2long($ip);472 $ip_low = ip2long(str_replace('*’, '0’, $item));473 $ip_high = ip2long(str_replace('*’, '255’, $item));474475 if ($iplong >= $ip_low && $iplong <= $ip_high) {//IP is within wildcard range476 return true;477 }478479 }480 }481 }482 return false;483 }484485 /**486 * Delete the IP address from database487 *488 * @param $transient489 * @return void490 */491 public function delete_ip($transient)492 {493 $this->delete_transient($transient);494 }495496497 /**498 * Verifies that a user answered the math problem correctly while logging in.499 *500 * @param mixed $user501 * @param mixed $response502 * @return mixed $user Returns the user if the math is correct503 */504 public function brute_math_authenticate($user, $response)505 {506507 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::getValue(‘brute_ck’)) {508509 $salt = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘hmwp_disable’) . get_site_option(‘admin_email’);510 $ans = (int)HMWP_Classes_Tools::getValue('brute_num’, 0);511 $salted_ans = sha1($salt . $ans);512 $correct_ans = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getValue(‘brute_ck’);513514 if ($correct_ans !== false && $salted_ans != $correct_ans) {515 $user = new WP_Error(516 'authentication_failed’,517 sprintf(esc_html__('%sYou failed to correctly answer the math problem.%s Please try again’, ‘hide-my-wp’), '<strong>’, ‘</strong>’)518 );519 }520521 }522523 return $user;524 }525526 /**527 * Requires a user to solve a simple equation. Added to any WordPress login form.528 *529 * @return void outputs html530 */531 public function brute_math_form()532 {533 if (!HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_use_math’)) {534 return;535 }536 $salt = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘hmwp_disable’) . get_site_option(‘admin_email’);537 $num1 = rand(0, 10);538 $num2 = rand(1, 10);539 $sum = $num1 + $num2;540 $ans = sha1($salt . $sum);541 ?>542 <div style="margin: 5px 0 20px;">543 <strong><?php echo esc_html__('Prove your humanity:’, ‘hide-my-wp’) ?> </strong>544 <?php echo esc_attr($num1) ?>   +   <?php echo esc_attr($num2) ?>   =  545 <input type="input” name="brute_num” value="" size="2"/>546 <input type="hidden" name="brute_ck" value="<?php echo esc_attr($ans); ?>" id="brute_ck"/>547 </div>548 <?php549 }550551 /************************************************************************************/552 /**553 * Verifies the Google Captcha while logging in.554 *555 * @param mixed $user556 * @param mixed $response557 * @return mixed $user Returns the user if the math is correct558 * @throws WP_Error message if the math is wrong559 */560 public function brute_catpcha_authenticate($user, $response)561 {562 $error_message = false;563564 if(HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_use_captcha’)) {565 $error_message = $this->brute_catpcha_call();566 }elseif(HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_use_captcha_v3’)) {567 $error_message = $this->brute_catpcha_v3_call();568 }569570 if ($error_message) {571 $user = new WP_Error('authentication_failed’, $error_message);572 }573574 return $user;575 }576577578 /**579 * Call the reCaptcha V2 from Google580 */581 public function brute_catpcha_call()582 {583 $error_message = false;584 $error_codes = array(585 ‘missing-input-secret’ => esc_html__('The secret parameter is missing.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),586 ‘invalid-input-secret’ => esc_html__('The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),587 ‘missing-input-response’ => esc_html__('Empty ReCaptcha. Please complete reCaptcha.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),588 ‘invalid-input-response’ => esc_html__('The response parameter is invalid or malformed.’, ‘hide-my-wp’)589 );590591 $captcha = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getValue('g-recaptcha-response’, false);592 $secret = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_secret_key’);593594 if ($secret <> ‘’) {595 $response = json_decode(HMWP_Classes_Tools::hmwp_remote_get(“$secret&response=” . $captcha . “&remoteip=” . $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]), true);596597 if (isset($response[‘success’]) && !$response[‘success’]) {598 //If captcha errors, let the user login and fix the error599 if (isset($response[‘error-codes’]) && !empty($response[‘error-codes’])) {600 foreach ($response[‘error-codes’] as $error_code) {601 $error_message = $error_codes[$error_code];602 }603 }604605 if (!$error_message) {606 $error_message = sprintf(esc_html__('%sIncorrect ReCaptcha%s. Please try again’, ‘hide-my-wp’), ‘<strong>’, ‘</strong>’);607 }608 }609 }610611 return $error_message;612 }613614615 /**616 * reCAPTCHA head and login form617 */618 public function brute_recaptcha_head()619 {620 ?>621 <script src=’<?php echo(HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_language’) <> ‘’ ? HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_language’) : get_locale()) ?>’ async defer></script>622 <style>#login{min-width: 354px;}</style>623 <?php624 }625626 /**627 * reCAPTCHA head and login form628 */629 public function brute_recaptcha_form()630 {631 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key’) <> ‘’ && HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_secret_key’) <> ‘’) {632 ?>633 <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key’) ?>" data-theme="<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_theme’) ?>" style="margin: 12px 0 24px 0;"></div>634 <?php635 }636 }637638 /**639 * Show the reCaptcha form on login/register640 *641 * @return void642 */643 public function woocommerce_brute_recaptcha_form()644 {645 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key’) <> ‘’ && HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_secret_key’) <> ‘’) {646 ?>647 <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key’) ?>" data-theme="<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_theme’) ?>"></div>648 <?php649 }650 }651652653 /**654 * Call the reCaptcha V3 from Google655 */656 public function brute_catpcha_v3_call()657 {658659 $error_message = false;660661 if(!HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_use_captcha_v3’)) {662 return false;663 }664665 $error_codes = array(666 ‘missing-input-secret’ => esc_html__('The secret parameter is missing.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),667 ‘invalid-input-secret’ => esc_html__('The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),668 ‘missing-input-response’ => esc_html__('Empty ReCaptcha. Please complete reCaptcha.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),669 ‘invalid-input-response’ => esc_html__('The response parameter is invalid or malformed.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),670 ‘timeout-or-duplicate’ => esc_html__('The response parameter is invalid or malformed.’, ‘hide-my-wp’),671 ‘bad-request’ => esc_html__('The response parameter is invalid or malformed.’, ‘hide-my-wp’)672 );673674 $captcha = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getValue(‘g-recaptcha-response’);675 $secret = HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_secret_key_v3’);676677 if ($secret <> ‘’) {678 $response = json_decode(HMWP_Classes_Tools::hmwp_remote_get(“$secret&response=” . $captcha . “&remoteip=” . $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]), true);679680 if (isset($response[‘success’]) && !$response[‘success’]) {681 //If captcha errors, let the user login and fix the error682 if (isset($response[‘error-codes’]) && !empty($response[‘error-codes’])) {683 foreach ($response[‘error-codes’] as $error_code) {684 $error_message = $error_codes[$error_code];685 }686 }687688 if (!$error_message) {689 $error_message = sprintf(esc_html__('%sIncorrect ReCaptcha%s. Please try again’, ‘hide-my-wp’), ‘<strong>’, ‘</strong>’);690 }691 }692 }693694 return $error_message;695 }696697 /**698 * reCAPTCHA head and login form699 */700 public function brute_recaptcha_head_v3()701 {702 ?>703 <script src=’<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key_v3’) ?>’ async defer></script>704 <style>#login{min-width: 354px;}</style>705 <?php706 }707708 /**709 * reCAPTCHA head and login form710 */711 public function brute_recaptcha_form_v3()712 {713 if(!HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_use_captcha_v3’)) {714 return;715 }716717 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key_v3’) <> ‘’ && HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_secret_key_v3’) <> ‘’) {718 ?>719 <script>720 function reCaptchaSubmit(e) {721 var form = this;722 e.preventDefault();723 grecaptcha.ready(function() {724 grecaptcha.execute('<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key_v3’) ?>’, {action: 'submit’}).then(function(token) {725 var input = document.createElement(“input”);726 input.type = "hidden";727 = “g-recaptcha-response” ;728 input.value = token ;729 form.appendChild(input);730 form.submit();731 });732 });733 }734735 if(document.getElementsByTagName(“form”).length > 0) {736 var x = document.getElementsByTagName(“form”);737 for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {738 x[i].addEventListener("submit", reCaptchaSubmit);739 }740 }741 </script>742 <?php743 }744 }745746 /**747 * reCaptcha V3 support for Woocommerce748 * @return void749 */750 public function woocommerce_brute_recaptcha_form_v3()751 {752 if(!HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_use_captcha_v3’)) {753 return;754 }755756 if (HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key_v3’) <> ‘’ && HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_secret_key_v3’) <> ‘’) {757 ?>758 <script>759 function reCaptchaSubmit(e) {760 var form = this;761 e.preventDefault();762763 grecaptcha.ready(function() {764 grecaptcha.execute('<?php echo HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘brute_captcha_site_key_v3’) ?>’, {action: 'submit’}).then(function(token) {765 //add google data766 var input = document.createElement(“input”);767 input.type = "hidden";768 = “g-recaptcha-response” ;769 input.value = token ;770 form.appendChild(input);771772 //complete form integration773 var submit = document.createElement(“input”);774 submit.type = "hidden";775 = “login” ;776 form.appendChild(submit);777778 form.submit();779 });780 });781 }782783 if(document.getElementsByTagName(“form”).length > 0) {784 var x = document.getElementsByTagName(“form”);785 for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {786 x[i].addEventListener("submit", reCaptchaSubmit);787 }788 }789 </script>790 <?php791 }792 }793794 /************************************************************************************/795 /**796 * Show the error message on IP address banned797 * @return void798 */799 public function brute_kill_login()800 {801802 do_action('hmwp_kill_login’, $this->brute_get_ip());803804 wp_ob_end_flush_all();805 wp_die(806 HMWP_Classes_Tools::getOption(‘hmwp_brute_message’),807 esc_html__('Login Blocked by Hide My WordPress’, ‘hide-my-wp’),808 array(‘response’ => 403)809 );810 }811812}

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda