

CVE-2021-20867: Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields versions prior to 5.11 and Advanced Custom Fields Pro versions prior to 5.11 contain a missing authorization vulnerability in moving the field group which may allow a user to move the unauthorized field group via unspecified vectors.

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Advanced Custom Fields turns WordPress sites into a fully-fledged content management system by giving you all the tools to do more with your data.

Use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to take full control of your WordPress edit screens & custom field data.

Add fields on demand. Our field builder allows you to quickly and easily add fields to WP edit screens with only the click of a few buttons!

Add them anywhere. Fields can be added all over WP including posts, users, taxonomy terms, media, comments and even custom options pages!

Show them everywhere. Load and display your custom field values in any theme template file with our hassle free developer friendly functions!


  • Simple & Intuitive
  • Powerful Functions
  • Over 30 Field Types
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Millions of Users


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The Advanced Custom Fields plugin is also available in a professional version which includes more fields, more functionality, and more flexibility!

  • The Repeater Field allows you to create a set of sub fields which can be repeated again, and again, and again.
  • ACF Blocks, a powerful PHP-based framework for developing custom block types for the WordPress Block Editor (aka Gutenberg).
  • Define, create, and manage content with the Flexible Content Field, which provides for multiple layout and sub field options
  • Use the Options Page feature to add custom admin pages to edit ACF fields.
  • Build fully customisable image galleries with the Gallery Field
  • Unlock a more efficient workflow for managing field settings by reusing existing fields and field groups on demand with the Clone Field

Upgrade to Pro

  • Simple & Intuitive

  • Made for developers

  • All about fields

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “Advanced Custom Fields”
  3. Install and Activate Advanced Custom Fields from your Plugins page
  4. Click on the new menu item “Custom Fields” and create your first Custom Field Group!
  5. Read the documentation to get started

What kind of support do you provide?

Support Forums. Our Community Forums provide a great resource for searching and finding previously answered and asked support questions. You may create a new thread on these forums, however, it is not guaranteed that you will receive an answer from our support team. This is more of an area for developers to talk to one another, post ideas, plugins and provide basic help. View the Support Forum

The plugin is great! It has one of the best support teams I have ever worked with and although I’m still having some issues, I’m sure that we will manage to get everything working perfectly soon!

After upgrade, all acf fields (shortcodes) NOT SHOWING content in public view (users) BUT displayed correct on admin edit post. If in wp post edit mode, i save the post again … then the problem gets fixed. Only if Rollback plugin to version 5.11.1 everything works fine

This can be one of the best plugins there, yeah many people is using it and they do their job off course. But I will go with Metabox! One is faster and has cleaner code, better performance on queries. ACF adds bloat and the worst of all is that their support is the worst I have seen in Worpdress ! All their answers are with Affiliate Codeable links !!! I have opened 4 times a ticket with basic questions and all four times they promote codeable and no answer back to my issue. Now they request from lifetime users to support this plugin by buying again the plugin licence to support the development. I would do that if your support was not that terrible! Goodbye ACF I hope other users will understand that

How on earth did they manage to do that, even on the Pro version of the plugin… removing how the core get_field() function used to work without an email to pro users…

A great plugin for adding custom fields to your site and creating one-page sites. Capabilities are limited without the repeater which is in the pro version.

Read all 1,136 reviews

“Advanced Custom Fields” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



Release Date – 2nd December 2021

  • Fix – Fixed several Select2.js conflicts with other plugins
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where block name sanitization could change valid block names containing double hyphens
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where blocks with integer IDs could fail to load example field data


Release Date – 24th November 2021

  • Fix – Fixed a bug when accessing field values for options pages registered with a custom post_id


Release Date – 24th November 2021

  • Fix – Previously implemented data access changes for get_field() and the_field() are now limited to the ACF shortcode only. Learn more
  • Fix – get_field() and the_field() functions can once again access meta values regardless of being registered with ACF, restoring functionality that existed before 5.11
  • Fix – get_field() and the_field() functions now are only able to access site options which are ACF fields
  • Fix – UI issues for select boxes related to Yoast and WooCommerce’s select2 versions by upgrading our select2 version, and updating our CSS to support older versions
  • Fix – User fields failed to load values when using the legacy select2 v3 option
  • Fix – acf_slugify() now correctly supports special characters which solves issues with block names or field group names (during imports) containing those characters
  • Fix – PHP Notice generated while processing a field group’s postbox classes


Release Date – 18 November 2021

  • Enhancement – Added “acf/admin/license_key_constant_message” filter to allow changing of the “Your license key is defined in wp-config.php” message
  • Fix – Added warning for when get_field() or similar functions are called before ACF has initialized. Learn more
  • Fix – Fixed fields not appearing on user REST API endpoints if their field group location was set to a user form other than “all”
  • Fix – Fixed warning in REST API if a custom field type did not have the “show_in_rest” property
  • Fix – Fixed an error that could occur if value of WYSIWYG field was not a string


Release Date – 10 November 2021

  • View Release Post
  • New – Fields can now be viewed and updated with the WordPress REST API (props @mishterk)
  • New – License key can now be defined in code with the “ACF_PRO_LICENSE” constant
  • Enhancement – Improved error handling for expired or deactivated licenses
  • Enhancement – Improved support for various block editor features, such as block styles and padding/spacing
  • Enhancement – Added support for using WordPress “Screen Options” to hide field groups in Classic Editor
  • Enhancement – Support filters adding custom classes on date and time field inputs
  • Enhancement – Support filtering ACF shortcode attributes (with the “shortcode_atts_acf” filter)
  • Fix – Removed usages of PHP “extract()” function
  • Fix – Fixed a security issue with user field
  • Fix – Fixed a security issue with “acf_get_value()”
  • Fix – Correctly set “.acf-block-preview” wrapper when previewing a block in auto mode
  • Fix – Resolved an issue with select2 rendering for nav menu fields
  • Fix – Fixed an issue with file validation that occurred when removing a file that failed validation
  • Fix – Fixed a notice in “acf_prepare_field()”
  • Fix – Prevented an issue where setting an empty string for the return format of date and time fields would cause JS errors
  • Fix – Fix issues with conditional logic for multi-select fields (props @bhujagendra-ishaya)
  • Fix – Added support for Google Maps schema change which prevented Google Maps fields from correctly saving the city for some areas
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where removing the collapsed property of a repeater prevents viewing previously collapsed rows
  • i18n – Updated Polish Translations (props @webnatural)
  • Dev – Formatted JavaScript to WordPress code standards


Release Date – 31 August 2021

  • Fix – Fixed block duplication issues which created blocks with duplicate block IDs
  • Fix – Fixed an issue with ACF errors displaying in the media library outside of ACF fields
  • Fix – Changed label of “Enable Opacity?” to “Allow transparency” in the colour picker
  • Fix – Revert “style” attributes of ACF Blocks to 5.9.x behaviour for template compatibility
  • Fix – Allow safe HTML inside select2 field labels
  • Fix – Don’t render the “acf-block-preview” div when preloading blocks in edit mode


Release Date – 26 August 2021

  • Fix – Fixed conflict with WooCommerce loading SelectWoo which is not directly compatible with Select2.


Release Date – 25 August 2021

  • View Release Post
  • Enhancement – Improved security by running all user-generated content through wp_kses() by default
  • Enhancement – New ACF Blocks features
    • Switched to v2 of the Blocks API for WordPress 5.6+
    • Block preloading now enabled by default
    • Block preloading now supports blocks set to “Edit” mode
    • Add support for full height alignment setting
  • Enhancement – Added setting to color picker field to enable an opacity slider
  • Enhancement – Allow deletion of first field group location rule if multiple rules have been added thanks to Arthur Shlain
  • Fix – Fixed vulnerability with acf_shortcode() where users with subscriber role could view arbitrary ACF data, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki
  • Fix – Fixed vulnerability where users with subscriber role could move fields and view field groups, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki
  • Fix – Fixed issue where fields in legacy widgets weren’t saving in new widget block editor
  • Fix – Fixed issue with custom field validation in scheduled posts
  • Fix – Fixed warnings thrown by clone field if the cloned field group is empty
  • Fix – Fixed issue where Select2 search input wouldn’t have focus in WordPress 5.8+
  • Fix – Fixed issue with Select2 value sorting when Yoast SEO is installed
  • Fix – Fixed deprecation warnings in block editor in WordPress 5.6+
  • i18n – Updated Swedish translation thanks to Erik Betshammar


Release Date – 20 July 2021

  • Fix – Fixed warning when deleting fields which don’t exist
  • Fix – Fixed issues with older browsers and the blocks JavaScript
  • Fix – Fixed file size & file type validation for front end forms using the basic uploader


Release Date – 08 July 2021

  • Fix – Fixed bug causing multiple image fields to not validate files properly
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing case-sensitive HTML tags from working in blocks
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing JSX-enabled blocks to improperly remove whitespace in preview
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing text fields to remove HTML entities when editing saved fields
  • Fix – Fixed deprecated jQuery notices on “Add Field Group” page


Release Date – 22 June 2021

  • Fix – Fixed PHP warnings logged due to incorrect parameter type for add_menu_page()/add_submenu_page()
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field to not keep line breaks
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing Email field to incorrectly invalidate emails with unicode characters
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing file type validation to fail in some cases
  • Fix – Fixed bug where newly uploaded or selected images do not contain custom preview size data


Release Date – 20 May 2021

  • Enhancement – Added ‘position’ setting compatibility for Options Page submenus.
  • Enhancement – Visually highlight “High” metabox area when dragging metaboxes.
  • Fix – Fixed compatibility issue between Block matrix alignment setting and the latest version of Gutenberg (10.6).
  • Fix – Fixed bug breaking WYSIWYG field after reordering a child block via the block’s toolbar up/down buttons.
  • Fix – Added missing “readonly” and “disabled” attributes to DateTime and Time picker fields.
  • Fix – Fixed bug incorrectly validating Email field values containing special characters.
  • Fix – Fixed missing “dashicons” asset dependency from front-end forms.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing Review JSON diff modal to appear with narrow column since WP 5.7.
  • Dev – Added label elements to Repeater, Flexible Content and Clone field’s table header titles.
  • Dev – Added new ACF_EXPERIMENTAL_ESC_HTML constant. Read more


Release Date – 11 February 2021

  • Fix – Fixed regression preventing blocks from loading correctly within the editor in WordPress 5.5.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect post_status properties when restoring a Field Group from trash in WordPress 5.6.
  • Fix – Fixed edge case bug where a taxonomy named “options” could interfere with saving and loading option values.
  • Fix – Fixed additional PHP 8.0 warnings.
  • i18n – Updated Finnish translation thanks to Mikko Kekki


Release Date – 14 January 2021

  • Enhancement – Added PHP validation for the Email field (previously relied solely on browser validation).
  • Fix – Added support for PHP 8.0 (fixed logged warnings).
  • Fix – Added support for jQuery 3.5 (fixed logged warnings).
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field to appear unresponsive within the Gutenberg editor.
  • Fix – Fixed regression preventing “blog_%d” and “site_%d” as valid $post_id values for custom Taxonomy terms.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing Radio field label to select first choice.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing preloading blocks that contain multiple parent DOM elements.
  • i18n – Updated Japanese translation thanks to Ryo Takahashi.
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese translation thanks to Pedro Mendonça.


Release Date – 3 November 2020

  • Fix – Fixed bug causing Revision meta to incorrectly update the parent Post meta.
  • Fix – Fixed bug breaking “Filter by Post Type” and “Filter by Taxonomy” Field settings.


Release Date – 29 October 2020

  • Enhancement – Added experiment for preloading block HTML and reducing AJAX requests on page load.
  • Fix – Added boolean attribute value detection to JSX parser (fixes issue with templateLock=”false”).
  • Fix – Added “dateTime” attribute to JSX parser ruleset.
  • Fix – Fixed unresponsive Select2 instances after duplicating a row or layout.
  • Fix – Added missing Color Picker script translations for previous WordPress versions.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Clone Field causing potential PHP error if cloning a Field Group that no longer exists.
  • Fix – Fixed PHP warning logged when comparing a revision that contains values for a Field that no longer exist.
  • Dev – Added $wp_block parameter to block render_callback and render_template (unavailable during AJAX preview requests).
  • Dev – Deprecated acf_get_term_post_id() function.


Release Date – 8 September 2020

  • Fix – Fixed guten-bug causing “Preview Post” button to publish changes.
  • Fix – Fixed guten-bug causing JS errors when editing with Elementor or Beaver Builder.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Color Picker field causing JS error on front-end forms.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Post Taxonomy location rule causing incomplete list of rule choices.
  • Fix – Reverted Local JSON “save to source path” enhancement due to DX feedback.
  • i18n – Updated Indonesian translations thanks to Rio Bahtiar.
  • i18n – Updated Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan.


Release Date – 17 August 2020

  • Enhancement – New Field Groups admin.
    • Added toolbar across all ACF admin pages.
    • Added new table columns: Description, Key, Location, Local JSON.
    • Added popup modal to review Local JSON changes before sync.
    • Added visual representation of where Field Groups will appear.
    • Added new help tab.
    • Simplified layout.
  • Enhancement – New ACF Blocks features.
    • Added support for Inner Blocks.
    • Added new “jsx” setting.
    • Added new “align_text” settings.
    • Added new “align_content” settings.
  • Enhancement – Added duplicate functionality for Repeater and Flexible Content fields.
  • Enhancement – Added PHP validation support for Gutenberg.
  • Enhancement – Added ability to bypass confirmation tooltips (just hold shift).
  • Enhancement – Local JSON files now save back to their loaded source path (not “save_json” setting).
  • Tweak – Replaced all custom icons with dashicons.
  • Tweak – Changed custom post status label from “Inactive” to “Disabled”.
  • Tweak – Improved styling of metaboxes positioned in the block editor sidebar.
  • Fix – Improved AJAX request efficiency when editing block className or anchor attributes.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing unresponsive WYSIWYG fields after moving a block via the up/down arrows.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing HTML to jump between multiple instances of the same Reusable Block.
  • Fix – Fixed bug sometimes displaying validation errors when saving a draft.
  • Fix – Fixed bug breaking Image field UI when displaying a scaled portrait attachment.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Link field incorrectly treating the “Cancel” button as “Submit”.
  • Fix – Fixed bug where a sub field within a collapsed Repeater row did not grow to the full available width.
  • Fix – Ensured all archive URLs shown in the Page Link field dropdown are unique.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect conditional logic settings on nested fields when duplicating a Field Group.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing license activation issues with some password management browser extensions.
  • Dev – Major improvements to ACF_Location class.
  • Dev – Refactored all location classes to optimize performance.
  • Dev – Extracted core JavaScript from “acf-input.js” into a separate “acf.js” file.
  • Dev – Field Group export now shows “active” attribute as bool instead of int.
  • Dev – Added filter “acf/get_object_type” to customize WP object information such as “label” and “icon”.
  • Dev – Added action “acf/admin_print_uploader_scripts” fired when printing uploader (WP media) scripts in the footer.
  • Dev – Added filters “acf/pre_load_attachment” and “acf/load_attachment” to customize attachment details.
  • Dev – Added filter “acf/admin/toolbar” to customize the admin toolbar items.
  • Dev – Added new JS actions “duplicate_fields” and “duplicate_field” fired when duplicating a row.
  • i18n – Changed Croatian locale code from “hr_HR to “hr”.
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese translation thanks to Pedro Mendonça.
  • i18n – Updated French Canadian translation thanks to Bérenger Zyla.
  • i18n – Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet.
  • i18n – Updated German translations thanks to Ralf Koller.


Release Date – 13 August 2020

  • Fix – Fixed bug breaking ACF Block $is_preview parameter in WordPress 5.5.
  • Fix – Fixed bug breaking seamless postbox style in WordPress 5.5.


Release Date – 10 August 2020

  • Tweak – Added styling compatibility for WordPress 5.5.
  • Fix – Implemented new wp_filter_content_tags() function in “acf_the_content” filter.
  • i18n – Updated Arabic translation thanks to Karim Ramadan.


Release Date – 10 June 2020

  • Fix – Improved string escaping in Select2 drop-downs to address XSS concerns.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing PHP error when updating the settings of a Checkbox field.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field to hide when toggling between Document and Block tabs within the Block editor.
  • Fix – Fixed bug incorrectly validating the length of Text and Textarea field values that contained HTML entities.


Release Date – 12 May 2020

  • Fix – Fixed bug in ACF Blocks where “inserter examples” and “block templates” did not load the defined “data”.
  • Fix – Reverted “fix” in 5.8.9 regarding Taxonomy fields saving terms to non “post” objects.
  • Fix – Fixed bug allowing the Image field to save the value of a deleted attachment.
  • Fix – Improved Select field format_value() behaviour to correctly cast value types depending on the “multiple” setting.
  • Tweak – Changed language fallback for “zh_HK” to “zh_TW”.
  • Tweak – Changed Time Picker field settings to display in a localized format via date_i18n().
  • Tweak – Improved CSS styling of menu item fields.
  • i18n – Updated Finnish translation thanks to Mikko Kekki
  • i18n – Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet.
  • i18n – Updated Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan.


Release Date – 12 May 2020

  • See hotfix version 5.8.11 for release notes.


Release Date – 26 March 2020

  • Fix – Fixed bug in ACF Blocks causing default “align” property to be ignored.
  • Fix – Fixed bug allowing Taxonomy field to save terms to a non “post” object.
  • Tweak – Improved User field AJAX query performance.
  • Tweak – Improved logic that determines width of Range field input.
  • Tweak – Improved styling of ACF Blocks components.
  • Dev – Added new “acf/register_block_type_args” filter.
  • Dev – Added new generic ACF_Ajax_Query and ACF_Ajax_Query_Users classes.
  • i18n – Updated French Canadian translation thanks to Bérenger Zyla.
  • i18n – Updated Traditional Chinese translation thanks to Audi Lu.
  • i18n – Updated German translation thanks to Ralf Koller.
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese translation thanks to Pedro Mendonça.


Release Date – 4 March 2020

  • Fix – Fixed bug in have_rows() function causing a PHP warning when no value is found.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Google Maps field causing marker to snap to nearest address.
  • Fix – Avoid Nav Menu items displaying twice in WordPress 5.4.
  • Tweak – Added place name data to Google Maps field value.
  • Tweak – Improved performance of PHP registered fields.
  • Dev – Added new “acf/prepare_field_group_for_import” filter.
  • i18n – Added Traditional Chinese translation thanks to Audi Lu.
  • i18n – Added Catalan translation thanks to Jordi Tarrida.
  • i18n – Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet & Bérenger Zyla.


Release Date – 12 November 2019

  • New – Updated admin CSS for new WordPress 5.3 styling.
  • Fix – Fixed various issues affecting dynamic metaboxes in the block editor (requires WordPress 5.3)
  • Fix – Fixed performance issue when checking network sites for upgrades.
  • Fix – Fixed Select2 clones appearing after duplicating a Relationship field.
  • Tweak – Repeater field “Add row” icons will now hide when maximum rows are reached.
  • Tweak – Removed ACF Blocks keyword limit for later versions of Gutenberg.


Release Date – 24 October 2019

  • New – Added more data to Google Maps field value including place_id, street_name, country and more.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Gallery field incorrectly displaying .pdf attachments as icons.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Checkbox field missing “selected” class after “Toggle All”.
  • Dev – Added compatibility for Attachments in the Post Taxonomy location rule.
  • Dev – Added missing return statement from acf_get_form() function.
  • Dev – Added “google_map_result” JS filter.


Release Date – 8 October 2019

  • New – Added new choice “Add” to the User Form location rule.
  • New – Optimized acf_form() logic when used in combination with acf_register_form().
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect field order after sync.
  • Fix – Fixed bug reverting the first field type to Text in Firefox version 69.0.1.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing tinymce issues when changing between block modes.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing block registration when category does not exist.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing block registration when no icon is declared.
  • Dev – Added RegExp compatibility for innerBlocks.


Release Date – 3 September 2019

  • New – Optimized Relationship field by delaying AJAX call until UI is visible.
  • Fix – Fixed bug incorrectly escaping HTML in the Link field title.
  • Fix – Fixed bug showing Discussion and Comment metaboxes for newly imported field groups.
  • Fix – Fixed PHP warning when loading meta from Post 0.
  • Dev – Ensure Checkbox field value is an array even when empty.
  • Dev – Added new ACF_MAJOR_VERSION constant.


Release Date – 7 August 2019

  • Tweak – Changed Options Page location rules to show “page_title” instead of “menu_title”.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing Textarea field to incorrectly validate maxlength.
  • Fix – Fixed bug allowing Range field values outside of the min and max settings.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in block RegExp causing some blocks to miss the “acf/pre_save_block” filter.
  • Dev – Added $block_type parameter to block settings “enqueue_assets” callback.
  • i18n – Added French Canadian language thanks to Bérenger Zyla.
  • i18n – Updated French language thanks to Bérenger Zyla.


Release Date – 15 July 2019

  • Fix – Fixed bug where validation did not prevent new user registration.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing some “reordered” metaboxes to not appear in the Gutenberg editor.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field with delayed initialization to appear blank.
  • Fix – Fixed bug when editing a post and adding a new tag did not refresh metaboxes.
  • Dev – Added missing $value parameter in “acf/pre_format_value” filter.


Release Date – 3 June 2019

  • New – Added “Preview Size” and “Return Format” settings to the Gallery field.
  • Tweak – Improved metabox styling for Gutenberg.
  • Tweak – Changed default “Preview Size” to medium for the Image field.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in media modal causing the primary button text to disappear after editing an image.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing the TinyMCE Advanced plugin from adding < p > tags.
  • Fix – Fixed bug where HTML choices were not visible in conditional logic dropdown.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect order of imported/synced flexible content sub fields.
  • i18n – Updated German translation thanks to Ralf Koller.
  • i18n – Updated Persian translation thanks to Majix.


Release Date – 8 May 2019

  • New – Added ACF Blocks feature for ACF PRO.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing duplicate “save metabox” AJAX requests in the Gutenberg editor.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect Repeater field value order in AJAX requests.
  • Dev – Added JS filter 'relationship_ajax_data' to customize Relationship field AJAX data.
  • Dev – Added $field_group parameter to 'acf/location/match_rule' filter.
  • Dev – Bumped minimum supported PHP version to 5.4.0.
  • Dev – Bumped minimum supported WP version to 4.7.0.
  • i18n – Updated German translation thanks to Ralf Koller.
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese language thanks to Pedro Mendonça.


Release Date – 6 March 2019

  • Fix – Fixed bug causing issues with registered fields during switch_to_blog().
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing sub fields from being reused across multiple parents.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing the get_sub_field() function to fail if a tab field exists with the same name as the selected field.
  • Fix – Fixed bug corrupting field settings since WP 5.1 when instructions contain < a target="" >.
  • Fix – Fixed bug in Gutenberg where custom metabox location (acf_after_title) did not show on initial page load.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing issues when importing/syncing multiple field groups which contain a clone field.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing the AMP plugin preview from working.
  • Dev – Added new ‘pre’ filters to get, update and delete meta functions.
  • i18n – Update Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan.


Release Date – 15 February 2019

  • Fix – Added missing function register_field_group().
  • Fix – Fixed PHP 5.4 error “Can’t use function return value in write context”.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing wp_options values to be slashed incorrectly.
  • Fix – Fixed bug where “sync” feature imported field groups without fields.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing get_field_object() working with a field key.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect results in get_sub_field().
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing draft and preview issues with serialized values.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing reversed field group metabox order.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect character count when validating values.
  • Fix – Fixed bug showing incorrect choices for post_template location rule.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing incorrect value retrieval after switch_to_blog().
  • i18n – Updated Persian translation thanks to Majix.


Release Date – 11 February 2019

  • New – Added support for persistent object caching.
  • Fix – Fixed PHP error in determine_locale() affecting AJAX requests.
  • Fix – Fixed bug affecting dynamic metabox check when selecting “default” page template.
  • Fix – Fixed bug where tab fields did not render correctly within a dynamic metabox.
  • Tweak – Removed language fallback from “zh_TW” to “zh_CN”.
  • Dev – Refactored various core functions.
  • Dev – Added new hook variation functions acf_add_filter_variations() and acf_add_action_variations().
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese language thanks to Pedro Mendonça.
  • i18n – Updated German translation thanks to Ralf Koller.
  • i18n – Updated Swiss German translation thanks to Raphael Hüni.


Release Date – 16 January 2019

  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing metaboxes from saving if validation fails within Gutenberg.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing unload prompt to show incorrectly within Gutenberg.
  • Fix – Fixed JS error when selecting taxonomy terms within Gutenberg.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing jQuery sortable issues within other plugins.
  • Tweak – Improved loading translations by adding fallback from region to country when .mo file does not exit.
  • Tweak – Improved punctuation throughout admin notices.
  • Tweak – Improved performance and accuracy when loading a user field value.
  • Dev – Added filter ‘acf/get_locale’ to customize the locale used to load translations.
  • Dev – Added filter ‘acf/allow_unfiltered_html’ to customize if current user can save unfiltered HTML.
  • Dev – Added new data storage functions acf_register_store() and acf_get_store().
  • Dev – Moved from .less to .scss and minified all css.
  • i18n – Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet.
  • i18n – Updated Czech translation thanks to David Rychly.


Release Date – 17 December 2018

  • Fix – Added custom metabox location (acf_after_title) compatibility with Gutenberg.
  • Fix – Added dynamic metabox check compatibility with Gutenberg.
  • Fix – Fixed bug causing required date picker fields to prevent form submit.
  • Fix – Fixed bug preventing multi-input values from saving correctly within media modals.
  • Fix – Fixed bug where acf_form() redirects to an incorrect URL for sub-sites.
  • Fix – Fixed bug where breaking out of a sub have_rows() loop could produce undesired results.
  • Dev – Added filter ‘acf/connect_attachment_to_post’ to prevent connecting attachments to posts.
  • Dev – Added JS filter ‘google_map_autocomplete_args’ to customize Google Maps autocomplete settings.


Release Date – 7 December 2018

  • Fix – Fixed vulnerability allowing author role to save unfiltered HTML values.
  • Fix – Fixed all metaboxes appearing when editing a post in WP 5.0.
  • i18n – Updated Polish translation thanks to Dariusz Zielonka.
  • i18n – Updated Czech translation thanks to Veronika Hanzlíková.
  • i18n – Update Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan.
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese language thanks to Pedro Mendonça.


Release Date – 1 October 2018

  • Fix – Fixed various plugin update issues.
  • Tweak – Added ‘language’ to Google Maps API url.
  • Dev – Major improvements to the acf.models.Postbox model.
  • Dev – Added JS filter ‘check_screen_args’.
  • Dev – Added JS action ‘check_screen_complete’.
  • Dev – Added action ‘acf/options_page/submitbox_before_major_actions’.
  • Dev – Added action ‘acf/options_page/submitbox_major_actions’.
  • i18n – Updated Portuguese language thanks to Pedro Mendonça


Release Date – 12 September 2018

  • Fix – Fixed unload prompt not working.
  • Dev – Reduced number of queries needed to populate the relationship field taxonomy filter.
  • Dev – Added ‘nav_menu_item_id’ and ‘nav_menu_item_depth’ to get_field_groups() query.
  • Dev – Reordered various actions and filters for more usefulness.
  • i18n – Updated Polish language thanks to Dariusz Zielonka

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CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda