

CVE-2022-44569: Ivanti Automation 2023.4 Release Notes

A locally authenticated attacker with low privileges can bypass authentication due to insecure inter-process communication.


What’s New

Updated logo

The logo for Ivanti Automation has been updated to reflect the latest design.

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



Automation team based on Operating System Version Microsoft Windows 11 rule also includes Windows 10 computers.
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Dispatchers are stuck at random times.
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Building block created using ‘Automation/API/BuildingBlocks/Create’ is missing the Run Elevated info: <runelevated>yes</runelevated>.
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Runbook containing multiple projects are giving visual inconsistency.
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Netbios name resolve is not working anymore in task Install Windows Installer package with a resource located on fileshare (UNC).
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The previously used Root certificate information still resides in the Automation Agent MSI file.
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Resolved an Automation Manager authentication bypass vulnerability

Release Notes for previous versions of Ivanti Automation 2023

Ivanti Automation 2023.3

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



Projects still runs in prepare for image task, regardless if the project is enabled or disabled.
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The File Operations task fails when wildcards are used in the path.
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Option grab log file in perform unattended installation task does not work in Ivanti Automation.
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The Install Windows Installer Package task fails after upgrade to
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The spelling of the word ‘following’ is incorrect in the pop-up that appears when deleting a team that has a task in it.
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Ivanti Automation 2023.2.0.1

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



Runbook is not fully processed when a Project is used in the Runbook job in Ivanti Automation 2023.2.0.0
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Resolved in release 2023.2(.0.0):

Problem ID



The View button for Resulting Tasks in scheduled recurring Jobs is not working.
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Task Install Windows Installer Package fails after upgrade to Ivanti Automation 2023.1 (
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After installing Ivanti Automation 2022.4: File Operations task to move folder content fails: Access to the path is denied.
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The Perform Unattended Installation task fails after updating Ivanti Automation.
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Task Apply Registry Settings using Expandable String Values adds additional backslashes in the data value.
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Module Conditions in a Project are not visible when viewed via the Job History.
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Released in 2023.2(.0.0), but reverted:

Problem ID



Projects still run in Prepare for Image task regardless if the project is enabled or disabled.
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Ivanti Automation 2023.1

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



The PowerShell Core (Execute) task does not show the Console Output tab in the executed job details.
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After editing a configured Condition based on a registry value, the following error is shown: A string literal was not closed.
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After an Ivanti Automation upgrade is performed, the C:\IA_RecycleBin folder not auto-cleaned up.
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The order of jobs scheduled on multiple agents is incorrect in the Activity and Job History tabs.
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The Query Parameters task behaves differently, causing Execute Commands tasks to fail.
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When the Set Environment Variables task is used, the Variable name is changed to case-sensitive.
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Release Notes for Ivanti Automation 2022

Ivanti Automation 2022.4

What’s New

Tracing optimizations

Starting with Ivanti Automation 2022.4, you have more control over how much disk space tracing takes up. By implementing the MaxLogFileSizeMB, FreeDiskspacePercent, and FileLogThreshold registers, you can set up the maximum amount of megabytes a trace file can take up before rewriting itself, how much space needs to be available in order for the trace entries to be written in the trace file, and control what trace levels should be written.

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



If the date/time information stored in the TelemetryLastSend registry key has an incorrect format, the Automation Dispatcher logs the following error in the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
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Handles on agent.exe are not completely released after running Powershell tasks in Ivanti Automation.
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Missing Global option in the drop down menu within Topology > Teams settings in Ivanti Automation.
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The REST Request task fails with the following error: An error has occurred.
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The Deploy Automation Components task does not contain connection information when used to deploy the Ivanti Automation Console.
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When upgrading the Automation environment, the upgrade pack requests credentials to continue.
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Recurring schedule stops and is not reschedules as expected.
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The Apply Registry Settings task fails when the REG_MULTI_SZ registry entry is set with an empty Data field.
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When the use of Comments on Versioning is avoided when editing a Runbook, it causes the Ivanti Automation Console to freeze.
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Filtering the Job History in Ivanti Automation does not work since version 2022.3.
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The Perform Single File Operation task in Ivanti Automation does not accept * to delete subfolders and content in subfolders.
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Tasks using Global Variables of type Credentials fail with the following error: 1326 The username or password is incorrect.
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When an Automation Resource Package is used in the Perform Unattended Installation task, the task fails with the following errors: Process failed to start or Timeout expired - Process terminated.
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Visual view in the Ivanti Automation Console seems not to be correct, order is not as it should be.
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Ivanti Automation 2022.3.1

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



When using the Download Resource task to download an Ivanti Automation Resource Package, the task fails with the following error: Failed (completely or partly) to extract ‘ResourcePackage’ to 'C:\<PATH>\DestinationFolder.
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Changing the Windows Defender Firewall service startup type with Ivanti Automation fails.
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The AutoCreate button for RunBook and Project parameters only works in combination with AutoLink.
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After upgrading to Ivanti Automation 2022.3, the Perform Unattended Installation task fails to download linked resources.
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After upgrading to Ivanti Automation 2022.3, the Perform Unattended Installation task fails if the resource is located on FileShare.
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After upgrading to Ivanti Automation 2022.3, the Perform Unattended Installation task fails when using an Ivanti Automation Resource Package.
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Ivanti Automation 2022.3

What’s New****Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



When an automated installation using Chef tool is started, communication between the Agent and the Dispatcher fails and the resamad.xml file is not created.
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The Download Resource task fails when the destination path is set to C:\.
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Intermittently, the Project Parameter value is cleared during Job activity.
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Ivanti Automation tasks with linked Resources fail with the following error: StartIndex cannot be less than zero.
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When an Automation Agent has a Primary Team set, the Download Resource task fails with the following error: Resource could not be downloaded in cache: <Resource.wis>. Original resource name: <FileName>.
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A module containing the task Perform File Operation: Action Edit/Create INI file and having the file path set to C:\fails with the following error: Failed to rename, file or folder “C:\placeholder.ini” does not exist.
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When a string used to filter Job History or Audit Trail entries contains a single quote character ('), the filtering returns no records.
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When the Automation Console is used to configure the maximum number of parallel jobs that an Agent can execute to 100, the agent will only execute 50 Jobs in parallel.
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When Auto-Refresh is enabled and many entries are present, deadlocks occur in the Scheduling and Activity nodes.
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When the Agent Alias feature is enabled, but no paths are configured, CheckForChanges errors are logged and no jobs are picked by the Agents.
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The Evaluator is not functional for the Parameters (Query) and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (Query Server) tasks.
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Ivanti Automation 2022.2.2

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



The Perform Single File Operation task fails if the destination folder does not exist.
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Intermittently, the Project Parameter value is cleared during Job activity.
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When an Automation Agent has a Primary Team set, the Download Resource task fails with the following error: Resource could not be downloaded in cache: <Resource.wis>. Original resource name: <FileName>.
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The exit code in an Execute Command task is always 0.
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The Manage Service task does not work if the service name contains a space.
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The Dispatcher is not updated after upgrading the Automation environment.
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An Execute Command task configured with credentials and referencing a resource file fails.
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Unicode characters are incorrectly presented in job results in the Automation Console.
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Ivanti Automation 2022.2.1

Known issues

The list below contains known issues for this release:

Problem ID



The Perform Single File Operation task fails if the destination folder does not exist.
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Intermittently, the Project Parameter value is cleared during Job activity.
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When an Automation Agent has a Primary Team set, the Download Resource task fails with the following error: Resource could not be downloaded in cache: <Resource.wis>. Original resource name: <FileName>.
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The exit code in an Execute Command task is always 0.
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The Manage Service task does not work if the service name contains a space.
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The Dispatcher is not updated after upgrading the Automation environment.
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An Execute Command task configured with credentials and referencing a resource file fails.
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Unicode characters are incorrectly presented in job results in the Automation Console.
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Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



The Manage Service Properties task fails with the following error: Invalid access to memory location.
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An Execute Command task fails when Execute command using the Windows command interpreter is unchecked.
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The variable in the Execute Command task is case sensitive.
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The Copy - File/Folder action of a single file in the Perform File Operations task fails.
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Stopping a service by using the Manage Service Properties task fails without returning an error.
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Ivanti Automation 2022.2

What’s new

Automation tasks migrated to a newer code base

For continued maintainability of the code, the following tasks have been migrated to a newer code base:

  • Files (Perform Operations);

  • Environment Variables (Set, Delete);

  • Service Properties (Manage);

  • Resource (Download);

  • Command (Execute).

Known issues

The list below contains known issues for this release:

Problem ID



The Manage Service Properties task fails with the following error: Invalid access to memory location.
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An Execute Command task fails when Execute command using the Windows command interpreter is unchecked.
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The variable in the Execute Command task is case sensitive.
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The Copy - File/Folder action of a single file in the Perform File Operations task fails.
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Stopping a service by using the Manage Service Properties task fails to report the actual error message.
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Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



Automation jobs scheduled via the Dispatcher to an empty team stay in the Scheduled state indefinitely.
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Automation jobs are incorrectly processed on Agents installed on non-persisted machines.
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After upgrading to Ivanti Automation 2021.4, the Automation Console is not responding when scheduling runbooks.
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Downloading resource fails with the following error: Resource could not be downloaded in cache: <Resource.wis>. Original resource name: <FileName>.
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Automation Agents show an increase in memory usage while no jobs are being executed.
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After selecting a new Automation Module or Project in Environment Manager, the following error is shown: Unable to connect to the selected Dispatcher service.
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The operation of checking if the LanmanWorkstation service is running fails on non-English operating systems.
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When choosing the option Change settings for multiple Agents in the Automation console, the Global <value> is visible and the Team <value> is not available.
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When selecting the Variables node in the Ivanti Automation Console, the following error is shown: clsVariable.Load_Internal: 13 - Type mismatch.
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When a condition checking a parameter has to check a value containing 5 or more digits, the following error appears when opening the task and condition: Error in sharedEncryption.fstrLegecyDecrypt: 5 - Invalid procedure call or argument.
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The license overview now displays license points correctly when old and new license types are combined.
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Ivanti Automation 2022.1

What’s new****New team membership rules

Automatically add Agents to Teams with new file/folder and registry key detection rules. More information.

Service triggers

Start and stop Windows services based on trigger events. More information.

Interactive job execution

Use this task to create interactive multipart jobs, where the user sees a Windows notification and can choose to continue, skip, or abort job actions. More information.

New Automation component deployment logs

When deploying Ivanti Automation components, the Job History has a new Log tab that displays the MSI installation log. This can help troubleshoot deployment issues. In Job History > Tasks, double-click the task you want and then click the Log tab.

The database revision level remains at 83

There was no database revision level update for this release.

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID



Agents will not pick up jobs after recreating a global variable that is used on a Teams or Agents level.
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Scheduled Jobs based on a CRON expression return the following error: Please enter a valid cron expression.
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Opening a scheduled job results in the error: Error in clsParamters.Load: 452 This key is already associated with an element of this collection.
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The drop-down list for the RunbookWho parameter in a runbook contains an additional entry.
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Using functions in an Automation task results in the error that the task contains illegal characters.
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Error in modWMC.MoveListItemTop:13 Type mismatch appears when changing the order of a Runbook job.
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The Date/Time information in some of the columns of the Automation Console is presented with an incorrect order of the day and month.
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World writable permissions on the resamad.log are marked as violations by third party security scanners.
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Windows 10 21H2 - v2009 (19044.1348) is not detected when using as condition OS Windows 10.
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Using PowerCLI to manage a VMWare vCenter environment via Ivanti Automation results in the error: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json’.
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Could not load file or assembly server error on opening Ivanti Automation Management Portal.
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Error during the creation of a building block: ERROR in modBuildingBlocks.FillCustomSettings: 91 - Object variable or With block variable not set.
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The Automation Console connection registry values are changed when using Windows Authentication even though the user was not prompted to save them.
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No error is presented when Windows Authentication is used and the impersonation is done using the logged on user instead of configured user.
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The Automation Agent fails to auto update when the download of the new msi file takes too long.
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Release Notes for Ivanti Automation 2021 and older

Ivanti Automation 2021 Release Notes

Ivanti Automation 2020 Release Notes

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