

GHSA-3wfp-253j-5jxv: SSRF & Credentials Leak


nuxt-api-party allows developers to proxy requests to an API without exposing credentials to the client. A previous vulnerability allowed an attacker to change the baseURL of the request, potentially leading to credentials being leaked or SSRF.

This vulnerability is similar, and was caused by a recent change to the detection of absolute URLs, which is no longer sufficient to prevent SSRF.


nuxt-api-party attempts to check if the user has passed an absolute URL to prevent the aforementioned attack. This has been recently changed to use a regular expression ^https?://.

This regular expression can be bypassed by an absolute URL with leading whitespace. For example \n has a leading newline.

According to the fetch specification, before a fetch is made the URL is normalized. “To normalize a byte sequence potentialValue, remove any leading and trailing HTTP whitespace bytes from potentialValue.” (source)

This means the final request will be normalized to We have bypassed the check and nuxt-api-party will send a request outside of the whitelist.

This could allow us to leak credentials or perform SSRF.


POC using Node.

await fetch("/api/__api_party/MyEndpoint", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ path: "\n" }),
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }

We can use __proto__ as a substitute for the endpoint if it is not known. This will not leak any credentials as all attributes on endpoint will be undefined.

await fetch("/api/__api_party/__proto__", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ path: "\n" }),
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }


Leak of sensitive API credentials. SSRF.


Revert to the previous method of detecting absolute URLs.

  if (new URL(path, 'http://localhost').origin !== 'http://localhost') {
      // ...


nuxt-api-party allows developers to proxy requests to an API without exposing credentials to the client. A previous vulnerability allowed an attacker to change the baseURL of the request, potentially leading to credentials being leaked or SSRF.

This vulnerability is similar, and was caused by a recent change to the detection of absolute URLs, which is no longer sufficient to prevent SSRF.


nuxt-api-party attempts to check if the user has passed an absolute URL to prevent the aforementioned attack. This has been recently changed to use a regular expression ^https?://.

This regular expression can be bypassed by an absolute URL with leading whitespace. For example \n has a leading newline.

According to the fetch specification, before a fetch is made the URL is normalized. “To normalize a byte sequence potentialValue, remove any leading and trailing HTTP whitespace bytes from potentialValue.” (source)

This means the final request will be normalized to We have bypassed the check and nuxt-api-party will send a request outside of the whitelist.

This could allow us to leak credentials or perform SSRF.


POC using Node.

await fetch("/api/__api_party/MyEndpoint", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ path: “\n” }), headers: { "Content-Type": “application/json” } })

We can use proto as a substitute for the endpoint if it is not known. This will not leak any credentials as all attributes on endpoint will be undefined.

await fetch("/api/__api_party/__proto__", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ path: “\n” }), headers: { "Content-Type": “application/json” } })


Leak of sensitive API credentials. SSRF.


Revert to the previous method of detecting absolute URLs.

if (new URL(path, ‘http://localhost’).origin !== ‘http://localhost’) { // … }


  • GHSA-3wfp-253j-5jxv
  • johannschopplich/nuxt-api-party@72762a2

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`nuxt-api-party` is an open source module to proxy API requests. nuxt-api-party attempts to check if the user has passed an absolute URL to prevent the aforementioned attack. This has been recently changed to use the regular expression `^https?://`, however this regular expression can be bypassed by an absolute URL with leading whitespace. For example `\n` which has a leading newline. According to the fetch specification, before a fetch is made the URL is normalized. "To normalize a byte sequence potentialValue, remove any leading and trailing HTTP whitespace bytes from potentialValue.". This means the final request will be normalized to `` bypassing the check and nuxt-api-party will send a request outside of the whitelist. This could allow us to leak credentials or perform Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). This vulnerability has been addressed in version 0.22.1. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should revert to the previou...