

VMWare Enumerate User Accounts

This Metasploit module will log into the Web API of VMWare and try to enumerate all the user accounts. If the VMware instance is connected to one or more domains, it will try to enumerate domain users as well.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::VIMSoap  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner  def initialize    super(      'Name'           => 'VMWare Enumerate User Accounts',      'Description'    => %Q{        This module will log into the Web API of VMWare and try to enumerate        all the user accounts. If the VMware instance is connected to one or        more domains, it will try to enumerate domain users as well.      },      'Author'         => ['theLightCosine'],      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,      'DefaultOptions' => { 'SSL' => true }    )    register_options(      [        Opt::RPORT(443),'USERNAME', [ true, "The username to Authenticate with.", 'root' ]),'PASSWORD', [ true, "The password to Authenticate with.", 'password' ])      ])  end  def run_host(ip)    if vim_do_login(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD']) == :success      # Get local Users and Groups      user_list = vim_get_user_list(nil)      tmp_users =        'Header'  => "Users for server #{ip}",        'Indent'  => 1,        'Columns' => ['Name', 'Description']      )      tmp_groups =        'Header'  => "Groups for server #{ip}",        'Indent'  => 1,        'Columns' => ['Name', 'Description']      )      unless user_list.nil?        case user_list        when :noresponse          print_error "Received no response from #{ip}"        when :expired          print_error "The login session appears to have expired on #{ip}"        when :error          print_error "An error occurred while trying to enumerate the users for #{domain} on #{ip}"        else          user_list.each do |obj|            if obj['group'] == 'true'              tmp_groups << [obj['principal'], obj['fullName']]            else              tmp_users <<  [obj['principal'], obj['fullName']]            end          end          print_good tmp_groups.to_s          store_loot('host.vmware.groups', "text/plain", datastore['RHOST'], tmp_groups.to_csv , "#{datastore['RHOST']}_esx_groups.txt", "VMWare ESX User Groups")          print_good tmp_users.to_s          store_loot('host.vmware.users', "text/plain", datastore['RHOST'], tmp_users.to_csv , "#{datastore['RHOST']}_esx_users.txt", "VMWare ESX Users")        end      end      # Enumerate Domains the Server is connected to      esx_domains = vim_get_domains      case esx_domains      when :noresponse        print_error "Received no response from #{ip}"      when :expired        print_error "The login session appears to have expired on #{ip}"      when :error        print_error "An error occurred while trying to enumerate the domains on #{ip}"      else        # Enumerate Domain Users and Groups        esx_domains.each do |domain|          tmp_dusers =            'Header'  => "Users for domain #{domain}",            'Indent'  => 1,            'Columns' => ['Name', 'Description']          )          tmp_dgroups =            'Header'  => "Groups for domain #{domain}",            'Indent'  => 1,            'Columns' => ['Name', 'Description']          )          user_list = vim_get_user_list(domain)          case user_list          when nil            next          when :noresponse            print_error "Received no response from #{ip}"          when :expired            print_error "The login session appears to have expired on #{ip}"          when :error            print_error "An error occurred while trying to enumerate the users for #{domain} on #{ip}"          else            user_list.each do |obj|              if obj['group'] == 'true'                tmp_dgroups << [obj['principal'], obj['fullName']]              else                tmp_dusers <<  [obj['principal'], obj['fullName']]              end            end            print_good tmp_dgroups.to_s            f = store_loot('domain.groups', "text/plain", datastore['RHOST'], tmp_dgroups.to_csv , "#{domain}_esx_groups.txt", "VMWare ESX #{domain} Domain User Groups")            vprint_status("VMWare domain user groups stored in: #{f}")            print_good tmp_dusers.to_s            f = store_loot('domain.users', "text/plain", datastore['RHOST'], tmp_dgroups.to_csv , "#{domain}_esx_users.txt", "VMWare ESX #{domain} Domain Users")            vprint_status("VMWare users stored in: #{f}")          end        end      end    else      print_error "Login failure on #{ip}"      return    end  endend

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