

VMware Security Advisory 2022-0018

VMware Security Advisory 2022-0018 - VMware vCenter Server updates address a server-side request forgery vulnerability.

Packet Storm
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256VMSA-2022-0018 - VMware vCenter Server updates address a server-siderequest forgery vulnerability (CVE-2022-22982)Please see the advisory here: Products:VMware vCenter Server (vCenter Server)VMware Cloud Foundation (Cloud Foundation)You are receiving this alert because you are subscribed to the VMwareSecurity Announcements mailing list. To modify your subscription orunsubscribe please visit PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: Encryption Desktop 10.4.2 (Build 1298)Charset: utf-8wlcDBQFizaSpkn/yQ99+VXERCLs9AP46BD/HVnf+SOGAK/4PEO8CFvxURiIrNSwWsP8lrPMKgAEA7X2klsu/HlQSLtfuqXy26uv3HRIqLfti5mmtuKT60KM==rvrI-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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CVE-2022-22982: VMSA-2022-0018

The vCenter Server contains a server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability. A malicious actor with network access to 443 on the vCenter Server may exploit this issue by accessing a URL request outside of vCenter Server or accessing an internal service.

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