Adobe Connect 11.4.5 / 12.1.5 Local File Disclosure
Adobe Connect versions 11.4.5 and below as well as versions 12.1.5 and below suffer from a file disclosure vulnerability.
# Title: adobe connect - Local File Disclosure / Download [security featurebypass vulnerability]# Author: h4shur# date:2021.01.16-2023.02.17# CVE: CVE-2023-22232# Vendor Homepage: https://www.adobe.com# Software Link: https://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect.html# Version: 11.4.5 and earlier, 12.1.5 and earlier# User interaction: None# Tested on: Windows 10 & Google Chrome, kali linux & firefox### Summary:Adobe Connect versions 11.4.5 (and earlier), 12.1.5 (and earlier) areaffected by an Improper Access Control vulnerability that could result in aSecurity feature bypass. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability toimpact the integrity of a minor feature.Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.### Description :There are many web applications in the world, each of which hasvulnerabilities due to developer errors, and this is a problem for all ofthem, and even the best of them, like the "adobe connect" program, havevulnerabilities that occur every month. They are found and fixed by theteam.* What is LFD bug?LFD bug stands for Local File Disclosure / Download, which generally allowsthe attacker to read and download files within the server, so it can beconsidered a very dangerous bug in the web world and programmers must beaware of it. Be careful and maintain security against this bug* Intruder access level with LFD bugThe level of access using this bug can be even increased to the level ofaccess to the website database in such a way that the hacker readssensitive files inside the server that contain database entry informationand enters the database and by extracting the information The admin willhave a high level of access* Identify vulnerable sitesTo search for LFD bugs, you should check the site inputs. If there is noproblem with receiving ./ characters, you can do the test to read the filesinside the server if they are vulnerable. Enter it and see if it is read ornot, or you can use files inside the server such as / etc / passwd / .. andstep by step using ../ to return to the previous path to find the passwdfile* And this time the "lfd" in "adobe connect" bug:To download and exploit files, you must type the file path in the"download-url" variable and the file name and extension in the "name"variable.You can download the file by writing the file path and file name andextension.When you have written the file path, file name and extension in the siteaddress variables, a download page from Adobe Connect will open for you,with "Save to My Computerfile name]" written in the download box and a file download link at thebottom of the download box, so you can download the file.* There are values inside the url that do not allow a file other than thisfile to be downloaded.* Values: sco_id and ticketsBut if these values are cleared, you will see that reloading is possiblewithout any obstaclesAt another address, you can download multiple files as a zip file.We put the address of the files in front of the variable "ffn" and if wewant to add the file, we add the variable "ffn" again and put the addressof the file in front of it. The "download_type" variable is also used tospecify the zip extension.### POC :https://target.com/[folder]/download?download-url=[URL]&name=[file.type]https://target.com/[folder]/download?output=output&download_type=[Suffix]&ffn=[URL]&baseContentUrl=[basefile folder]### References:https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-22232https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-22232https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/connect/apsb23-05.html
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CVE-2023-22232: Adobe Security Bulletin
Adobe Connect versions 11.4.5 (and earlier), 12.1.5 (and earlier) are affected by an Improper Access Control vulnerability that could result in a Security feature bypass. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to impact the integrity of a minor feature. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.