

Online Book Store 1.0 SQL Injection

Online Book Store version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability. This is a variant of the original vulnerability discovered in August of 2020 by Moaaz Taha.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: Online Book Store 1.0 - (process.php) SQL injection# Google Dork: 4/26/2023# Exploit Author: Or4nG.M4n# Vendor Homepage: Software Link: Version: 1.0* STEPS *1- go to any book and add it to cart2- after that u will redirected to /cart.php3- click on Go To Checkout /checkout.php4- inject your'e injecton code in any of this post parametersparameters : name  address city zip_code country  foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $isbn => $qty){    $bookprice = getbookprice($isbn);    $query = "INSERT INTO order_items VALUES <====== 1    ('$orderid', '$isbn', '$bookprice', '$qty')"; <====== 2    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); <====== 3    if(!$result){      echo "Insert value false!" . mysqli_error($conn2); <====== 4      exit;    }  }

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