The threat group behind the SolarWinds supply chain attacks is back with new tools for spying on officials in NATO countries and Africa.
Detailing how extended IoT (xIoT) devices can be used at scale by attackers to establish persistence across networks and what enterprises should start doing about the risk.
Google has opened up its software-dependency database, adding to the security data available to developers and toolmakers. Now developers need to use it.
Focusing on what customers and partners need from a company can help CISOs show the real financial benefits of improving cybersecurity.
An "open" Internet faces challenges from autocratic governance models. Policymakers should instead think about creating an Internet that's equitable, inclusive, and secure.
To report or not report? While more than half of all companies have suffered a data breach, 71% of IT professionals say they have been told to not report an incident, which could mean legal jeopardy.
A novel credential harvester compromises SMTP services to steal data from a range of hosted services and providers, and can also launch SMS-based spam attacks against devices using US mobile carriers.
There are plenty of AD objects and groups that should be considered tier zero in every environment, but some will vary among organizations.
With API and Assured OSS, Google is addressing the common challenges software developers face in securing the software supply chain.