


GHSA-9wwg-r3c7-4vfg: Pimcore Admin UI has Two Factor Authentication disabled for non admin security firewalls

### Impact `AdminBundle\Security\PimcoreUserTwoFactorCondition` introduced in v11 disable the two factor authentication for all non-admin security firewalls. An authenticated user can access the system without having to provide the 2 factor credentials. ### Patches Apply patch ### Workarounds Upgrade to version 1.2.2 or apply the [patch]( manually.

GHSA-q3qx-c6g2-7pw2: aiohttp's ClientSession is vulnerable to CRLF injection via version

### Summary Improper validation make it possible for an attacker to modify the HTTP request (e.g. to insert a new header) or even create a new HTTP request if the attacker controls the HTTP version. ### Details The vulnerability only occurs if the attacker can control the HTTP version of the request (including its type). For example if an unvalidated JSON value is used as a version and the attacker is then able to pass an array as the `version` parameter. Furthermore, the vulnerability only occurs when the `Connection` header is passed to the `headers` parameter. At this point, the library will use the parsed value to create the request. If a list is passed, then it bypasses validation and it is possible to perform CRLF injection. ### PoC The POC below shows an example of providing an unvalidated array as a version: ### Impact CRLF injection leading to Request Smuggling. ### Workaround If these specific conditions a...

GHSA-qvrw-v9rv-5rjx: aiohttp's ClientSession is vulnerable to CRLF injection via method

### Summary Improper validation makes it possible for an attacker to modify the HTTP request (e.g. insert a new header) or even create a new HTTP request if the attacker controls the HTTP method. ### Details The vulnerability occurs only if the attacker can control the HTTP method (GET, POST etc.) of the request. Previous releases performed no validation on the provided value. If an attacker controls the HTTP method it will be used as is and can lead to HTTP request smuggling. ### PoC A minimal example can be found here: ### Impact If the attacker can control the HTTP version of the request it will be able to modify the request (request smuggling). ### Workaround If unable to upgrade and using user-provided values for the request method, perform manual validation of the user value (e.g. by restricting it to a few known values like GET, POST etc.).

GHSA-pjjw-qhg8-p2p9: aiohttp has vulnerable dependency that is vulnerable to request smuggling

### Summary llhttp 8.1.1 is vulnerable to two request smuggling vulnerabilities. Details have not been disclosed yet, so refer to llhttp for future information. The issue is resolved by using llhttp 9+ (which is included in aiohttp 3.8.6+).

GHSA-jpr7-q523-hx25: phpseclib vulnerable to denial of service

In Math/BinaryField.php in phpseclib before 3.0.34, excessively large degrees in binary fields can lead to a denial of service.

GHSA-r68h-jhhj-9jvm: Validator.isValidSafeHTML is being deprecated and will be deleted from org.owasp.esapi:esapi in 1 year

### Impact The `Validator.isValidSafeHTML` method can result in false negatives where it reports some input as safe (i.e., returns true), but really isn't, and using that same input as-is can in certain circumstances result in XSS vulnerabilities. Because this method cannot be fixed, it is being deprecated and will be removed in one years time from when this advisory is published. Full details may be found in [ESAPI Security Bulletin #12]( Note that all versions of ESAPI, that have this method (which dates back to at least the ESAPI 1.3 release more than 15 years ago) have this issue and it will continue to exist until we remove these two methods in a future ESAPI release. ### Patches There is no patch. We do not believe that it is possible to patch this pretentiously named method other then perhaps renaming it to something like Validator.mightThisBeValidSafeHTML to dissuade developer...

GHSA-hfxh-rjv7-2369: Uptime Kuma Authenticated remote code execution via TailscalePing

### Summary The `runTailscalePing` method of the `TailscalePing` class injects the `hostname` parameter inside a shell command, leading to a command injection and the possibility to run arbitrary commands on the server. ### Details When adding a new monitor on Uptime Kuma, we can select the "Tailscale Ping" type. Then we can add a hostname and insert a command injection payload into it. The front-end application requires that the field follow a specific pattern, this validation only happens on the front-end and can be removed by removing the attribute `pattern` on the `input` element. We can finally add the new monitor and observe that our command is being executed. **NOTE:** When using Uptime Kuma inside a container, the "TailScale Ping" type is not visible. We can fake this information by intercepting WebSocket messages and set the `isContainer` o...

GHSA-85jj-c9jr-9jhx: Mattermost Improper Access Control vulnerability

Mattermost fails to perform proper authorization in the `/plugins/focalboard/api/v2/users` endpoint allowing an attacker who is a guest user and knows the ID of another user to get their information (e.g. name, surname, nickname) via Mattermost Boards.

GHSA-3487-3j7c-7gwj: Mattermost Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability

Mattermost fails to limit the log size of server logs allowing an attacker sending specially crafted requests to different endpoints to potentially overflow the log.

GHSA-c6cg-73p3-973h: Apache DolphinScheduler Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache DolphinScheduler. This issue affects Apache DolphinScheduler: before 3.2.1. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.2.1, which fixes the issue. At the time of disclosure of this advisory, this version has not yet been released. In the mean time, we recommend you make sure the logs are only available to trusted operators.