


2023 年 6 月のセキュリティ更新プログラム (月例)

2023 年 6 月 13 日 (米国時間) 、マイクロソフトは、マイクロソフト製品に影響する脆弱性を修正するために、セキ

2023 年 6 月のセキュリティ更新プログラム (月例)

2023 年 6 月 13 日 (米国時間) 、マイクロソフトは、マイクロソフト製品に影響する脆弱性を修正するために、セキ

Hey Yara, find some vulnerabilities

Intro Intro Finding vulnerabilities in software is no easy task by itself. Doing this at cloud scale is very challenging to perform manually, and we use tools to help us identify patterns or vulnerability signatures. Yara is one of those tools. Yara is a very popular tool with Blue teams, malware researchers, and for good reason.

Hey Yara, find some vulnerabilities

Intro Intro Finding vulnerabilities in software is no easy task by itself. Doing this at cloud scale is very challenging to perform manually, and we use tools to help us identify patterns or vulnerability signatures. Yara is one of those tools. Yara is a very popular tool with Blue teams, malware researchers, and for good reason.

Announcing The BlueHat Podcast: Listen and Subscribe Now!

Available today on all major podcast platforms is The BlueHat Podcast, a new series of security research focused conversations, continuing the themes from the BlueHat 2023 conference (session recordings available to watch here). Since 2005, BlueHat has been where the security research community, and Microsoft, come together as peers: to debate, discuss, share, challenge, celebrate and learn.

Announcing The BlueHat Podcast: Listen and Subscribe Now!

Available today on all major podcast platforms is The BlueHat Podcast, a new series of security research focused conversations, continuing the themes from the BlueHat 2023 conference (session recordings available to watch here). Since 2005, BlueHat has been where the security research community, and Microsoft, come together as peers: to debate, discuss, share, challenge, celebrate and learn.

Guidance related to Secure Boot Manager changes associated with CVE-2023-24932

Summary Summary Today, Microsoft is releasing CVE-2023-24932, and associated configuration guidance, to address a Secure Boot bypass vulnerability used by the BlackLotus bootkit to exploit CVE-2022-21894. Customers will need to closely follow the configuration guidance to fully protect against this vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute self-signed code at the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) level while Secure Boot is enabled.

Guidance related to Secure Boot Manager changes associated with CVE-2023-24932

Summary Summary Today, Microsoft is releasing CVE-2023-24932, and associated configuration guidance, to address a Secure Boot bypass vulnerability used by the BlackLotus bootkit to exploit CVE-2022-21894. Customers will need to closely follow the configuration guidance to fully protect against this vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute self-signed code at the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) level while Secure Boot is enabled.

2023 年 5 月のセキュリティ更新プログラム (月例)

2023 年 5 月 9 日 (米国時間)、マイクロソフトは、マイクロソフト製品に影響する脆弱性を修正するために、セキ

CVE-2023-24932 に関連するセキュア ブート マネージャーの変更に関するガイダンス

本ブログは、Guidance related to Secure Boot Manager changes associated with CVE-2023-24932 の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 概要