


‘Killnet’ Adversary Pummels Lithuania with DDoS Attacks Over Blockade

Cyber collective Killnet claims it won’t let up until the Baltic country opens trade routes to and from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

Log4Shell Vulnerability Targeted in VMware Servers to Exfiltrate Data

CISA warns that threat actors are ramping up attacks against unpatched Log4Shell vulnerability in VMware servers.

Google Warns Spyware Being Deployed Against Android, iOS Users

The company is warning victims in Italy and Kazakhstan that they have been targeted by the malware from Italian firm RCS Labs.

Fancy Bear Uses Nuke Threat Lure to Exploit 1-Click Bug

The APT is pairing a known Microsoft flaw with a malicious document to load malware that nabs credentials from Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.

Gamification of Ethical Hacking and Hacking Esports

Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist and Advisory CISO at Delinea, explores why gamified platforms and hacking esports are the future.

Discovery of 56 OT Device Flaws Blamed on Lackluster Security Culture

Culture of ‘insecure-by-design’ security is cited in discovery of bug-riddled operational technology devices.

Modern IT Security Teams’ Inevitable Need for Advanced Vulnerability Management

Traditional vulnerability management programs are outdated, with little to no innovation in the last two decades. Today's dynamic IT environment demands an advanced vulnerability management program to deal with the complex attack surface and curb security risks.

Kazakh Govt. Used Spyware Against Protesters

Researchers have discovered that a Kazakhstan government entity deployed sophisticated Italian spyware within its borders.

Office 365 Config Loophole Opens OneDrive, SharePoint Data to Ransomware Attack

A reported a "potentially dangerous piece of functionality" allows an attacker to launch an attack on cloud infrastructure and ransom files stored in SharePoint and OneDrive.