The XMLEncoder component of Symfony 2.0.x fails to disable external entities when parsing XML. In the Symfony2 framework the XML class may be used to deserialize objects or as part of a client/server API. By using external entities it is possible to include arbitrary files from the file system.
Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, a long entity can be defined and then referred to multiple times in document elements, creating a memory sink with which Denial Of Service attacks against a host's RAM can be mounted. The use of the LIBXML_NOENT or equivalent option in a dependent extension amplified the impact (it doesn't actually mean "No Entities"). In addition, libxml2's innate defense against the related Exponential or Billion Laugh's XEE attacks is active only so long as the LIBXML_PARSEHUGE is NOT set (it disables libxml2's hardcoded entity recursion limit). No instances of these two opt...
All 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X, and 2.5.X versions of the Symfony HttpKernel component are affected by this security issue. Your application is vulnerable only if the ESI feature is enabled and there is a proxy in front of the web application. This issue has been fixed in Symfony 2.3.19, 2.4.9, and 2.5.4. Note that no fixes are provided for Symfony 2.2 as it is not maintained anymore. Description When you enable the ESI feature and when you are using a proxy like Varnish that you configured as a trusted proxy, the `FragmentHandler` considered requests to render fragments as coming from a trusted source, even if the client was requesting them directly. Symfony can not distinguish between ESI requests done on behalf of the client by Varnish and faked fragment requests coming directly from the client. To mitigate this issue, and for not-supported Symfony versions, you can use the following workaround in your Varnish configuration (`/_fragment` being the URL path prefix configured under the `f...
All 2.0.X, 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X, 2.5.X, and 2.6.X versions of the Symfony HttpFoundation component are affected by this security issue. This issue has been fixed in Symfony 2.3.27, 2.5.11, and 2.6.6. Note that no fixes are provided for Symfony 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4 as they are not maintained anymore. ### Description The Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class provides a mechanism that ensures it does not trust HTTP header values coming from a "non-trusted" client. Unfortunately, it assumes that the remote address is always a trusted client if at least one trusted proxy is involved in the request; this allows a man-in-the-middle attack between the latest trusted proxy and the web server. The following methods are impacted: getPort(), isSecure(), and getHost(), and getClientIps(). ### Resolution All impacted methods now check that the remote address is trusted, which fixes the issue. The patch for this issue is available [here](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/1...
All 2.0.X, 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X, and 2.5.X versions of the Symfony HttpFoundation component are affected by this security issue. This issue has been fixed in Symfony 2.3.19, 2.4.9, and 2.5.4. Note that no fixes are provided for Symfony 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 as they are not maintained anymore. ### Description When an application uses an HTTP basic or digest authentication, Symfony does not parse the `Authorization` header properly, which could be exploited in some server setups (no exploits have been demonstrated though.) ### Resolution The parsing of the `Authorization` header has been fixed to comply to the HTTP specification. The patch for this issue is available here: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/11829
All 2.0.X, 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X, and 2.5.X versions of the Symfony HttpFoundation component are affected by this security issue. This issue has been fixed in Symfony 2.3.19, 2.4.9, and 2.5.4. Note that no fixes are provided for Symfony 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 as they are not maintained anymore. Description When an arbitrarily long hostname is sent by a client, its parsing in `Request::getHost()` can lead to a DoS attack, due to the way we validate the hostname via a regular expression. Resolution The regular expression used to parse and validate the hostname from the HTTP request has been modified to avoid too much sensitivity to the submitted value length. The patch for this issue is available here: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/11828
An application is vulnerable if it uses the client IP address as returned by the Request::getClientIp() method for sensitive decisions like IP based access control. To fix this security issue, the following changes have been made to all versions of Symfony2: A new Request::setTrustedProxies() method has been introduced and should be used intead of Request::trustProxyData() to enable the trust proxy mode. It takes an array of trusted proxy IP addresses as its argument: ``` // before (probably in your front controller script) Request::trustProxyData(); // after Request::setTrustedProxies(array('')); // being the IP address of a trusted reverse proxy ``` The Request::trustProxyData() method has been deprecated (when used, it automatically trusts the latest proxy in the chain -- which is the current remote address): ``` Request::trustProxyData(); // is equivalent to Request::setTrustedProxies(array($request->server->get('REMOTE_ADDR'))); ``` We encourage all Symfony2 use...
When investigating issue [#11093](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/11093), [Jeremy Derussé](https://connect.sensiolabs.com/profile/jderusse) found a serious code injection issue in the way Symfony implements translation caching in FrameworkBundle. - Your Symfony application is vulnerable if you meet the following conditions: - You are using the Symfony translation system from FrameworkBundle (so basically if you are using Symfony full-stack -- you are not affected if you are using the Translation component with Silex for instance); You don't sanitize locales coming from a URL (any route with a _locale argument for instance): When vulnerable, an attacker can submit a non-valid locale value that can contain some PHP code that will be executed by Symfony. That's because the locale value is dumped into a PHP file generated in the cache without being sanitized first.
Symfony 2.0.11 carried a [similar] XXE security fix, however, on review of ZF2 I also noted a vulnerability to XML Entity Expansion (XEE) attacks whereby all extensions making use of libxml2 have no defense against XEE Quadratic Blowup Attacks. The vulnerability is a function of there being no current method of disabling custom entities in PHP (i.e. defined internal to the XML document without using external entities). In a QBA, a long entity can be defined and then referred to multiple times in document elements, creating a memory sink with which Denial Of Service attacks against a host's RAM can be mounted. The use of the LIBXML_NOENT or equivalent option in a dependent extension amplified the impact (it doesn't actually mean "No Entities"). In addition, libxml2's innate defense against the related Exponential or Billion Laugh's XEE attacks is active only so long as the LIBXML_PARSEHUGE is NOT set (it disables libxml2's hardcoded entity recursion limit). No instances of these two opt...
A potential deserialisation vulnerability has been identified in the symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield which could allow an attacker to exploit implementations of this module via object injection. Support for handling PHP objects as values in this module has been deprecated, and the serialisation technique has been switched to using JSON for handling arrays. As well as this, a potential XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability has been identified and remediated.