The infamous cybercrime syndicate known as FIN7 has been linked to a spear-phishing campaign targeting the U.S. automotive industry to deliver a known backdoor called Carbanak (aka Anunak). "FIN7 identified employees at the company who worked in the IT department and had higher levels of administrative rights," the BlackBerry research and intelligence team said in a new write-up. "They
Watch how smooth-talking scammers known as “Yahoo Boys” use widely available face-swapping tech to carry out elaborate romance scams.
A survey of cybercrime experts assessing the top cybercrime-producing nations results in some expected leaders — Russia, Ukraine, and China — but also some surprises.
Threat actors are actively exploiting critical vulnerabilities in OpenMetadata to gain unauthorized access to Kubernetes workloads and leverage them for cryptocurrency mining activity. That's according to the Microsoft Threat Intelligence team, which said the flaws have been weaponized since the start of April 2024. OpenMetadata is an open-source platform that operates as a
Caller ID spoofing and AI voice deepfakes are supercharging phone scams. Fortunately, we have tools that help organizations and people protect themselves against the devious combination.
Once attackers have control over a workload in the cluster, they can leverage access for lateral movement both inside the cluster and to external resources.
One of Silicon Valley’s most influential lobbying arms joins privacy reformers in a fight against the Biden administration–backed expansion of a major US surveillance program.
Having a solid disaster recovery plan is the glue that keeps your essential functions together when all hell breaks loose.
A native-first approach delivers better protections and a more efficient use of resources than best-of-breed solutions, benefiting cloud service providers and end-user customers alike.
The documents contained malicious VBA code, indicating they may be used as lures to infect organizations.