


Badge and CyberArk Announce Partnership to Redefine Privacy in PAM and Secrets Management

San Francisco, CA, 8th October 2024, CyberNewsWire

Your IT Systems Are Being Attacked. Are You Prepared?

Company leadership needs to ensure technology teams are managing continuous monitoring, automated testing, and alignment with business needs across their enterprise.

Storm-1575 Threat Actor Deploys New Login Panels for Phishing Infrastructure

The Storm-1575 group is known for frequently rebranding its phishing infrastructure. Recently, ANY.RUN analysts identified the deployment of…

New Case Study: The Evil Twin Checkout Page

Is your store at risk? Discover how an innovative web security solution saved one global online retailer and its unsuspecting customers from an “evil twin” disaster. Read the full real-life case study here. The Invisible Threat in Online Shopping When is a checkout page, not a checkout page? When it's an “evil twin”! Malicious redirects can send unsuspecting shoppers to these perfect-looking

The Value of AI-Powered Identity

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) deepfakes and misinformation may cause worry in the world of technology and investment, but this powerful, foundational technology has the potential to benefit organizations of all kinds when harnessed appropriately. In the world of cybersecurity, one of the most important areas of application of AI is augmenting and enhancing identity management

Salt Typhoon APT Subverts Law Enforcement Wiretapping: Report

The Chinese state-sponsored cyberattack threat managed to infiltrate the "lawful intercept" network connections that police use in criminal investigations.

ABB Cylon Aspect 3.08.00 syslogSwitch.php Remote Code Execution

ABB Cylon Aspect versions 3.08.00 and below suffer from an authenticated OS command injection vulnerability. This can be exploited to inject and execute arbitrary shell commands through the SYSLOG HTTP POST parameter called by the syslogSwitch.php script.

ABB Cylon Aspect 3.08.01 caldavUtil.php Remote Code Execution

ABB Cylon Aspect versions 3.08.01 and below suffer from an unauthenticated OS command injection vulnerability. This can be exploited to inject and execute arbitrary shell commands through the Footer HTTP POST parameter called by the caldavUtil.php script.

What the White House Should Do Next for Cyber Regulation

Creating a new office of cyber-regulation strategy is the government's best opportunity to improve security and to protect Americans in an increasingly dangerous world.