


BlueVoyant Research Reveals Private Equity Portfolio Company Cybersecurity Challenges

New study identifies critical focus areas for portfolio companies to reduce cyber risks and costs associated with breaches.

Trojan.Win32.Platinum.gen MVID-2022-0657 Code Execution

Trojan.Win32.Platinum.gen malware suffers from a code execution vulnerability.

A Third of Global Organizations Were Breached Over Seven Times in the Past Year

Cyber Risk Index report highlights elevated risk as organizations struggle with visibility.

Better Together: Why It's Time for Ops and Security to Converge

Threat actors are becoming only more sophisticated and determined.

Notorious Emotet Malware Returns With High-Volume Malspam Campaign

The notorious Emotet malware has returned with renewed vigor as part of a high-volume malspam campaign designed to drop payloads like IcedID and Bumblebee. "Hundreds of thousands of emails per day" have been sent since early November 2022, enterprise security company Proofpoint said last week, adding, "the new activity suggests Emotet is returning to its full functionality acting as a delivery

A Leak Details Apple's Secret Dirt on Corellium, a Trusted Security Startup

A 500-page document reviewed by WIRED shows that Corellium engaged with several controversial companies, including spyware maker NSO Group.

42,000 phishing domains discovered masquerading as popular brands

By Deeba Ahmed According to researchers, this scam is highly sophisticated and large-scale, targeting brands like McDonald’s, Unilever, Emirates, Knorr, Coca-Cola, etc. This is a post from Read the original post: 42,000 phishing domains discovered masquerading as popular brands

Research sector targeted in new spear phishing attack using Google Drive

By Deeba Ahmed The attackers gain access to the network through decoy documents covering controversial geo-political topics to lure the targeted organizations into downloading and executing the malware. This is a post from Read the original post: Research sector targeted in new spear phishing attack using Google Drive

マイクロソフト 機械学習 メンバーシップ推論コンペティション (MICO) の発表

本ブログは、Announcing the Microsoft Machine Learning Membership Inference Competition (MICO)の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してく