



The tcp_rcv_state_process function in net/ipv4/tcp_input.c in the Linux kernel before 3.2.24 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (kernel resource consumption) via a flood of SYN+FIN TCP packets, a different vulnerability than CVE-2012-2663.

CVE-2013-4327: USN-1961-1: systemd vulnerability | Ubuntu security notices | Ubuntu

systemd does not properly use D-Bus for communication with a polkit authority, which allows local users to bypass intended access restrictions by leveraging a PolkitUnixProcess PolkitSubject race condition via a (1) setuid process or (2) pkexec process, a related issue to CVE-2013-4288.

CVE-2012-0864: .:: Phrack Magazine ::.

Integer overflow in the vfprintf function in stdio-common/vfprintf.c in glibc 2.14 and other versions allows context-dependent attackers to bypass the FORTIFY_SOURCE protection mechanism, conduct format string attacks, and write to arbitrary memory via a large number of arguments.

CVE-2011-4623: rsyslog/ChangeLog at master · rsyslog/rsyslog

Integer overflow in the rsCStrExtendBuf function in runtime/stringbuf.c in the imfile module in rsyslog 4.x before 4.6.6, 5.x before 5.7.4, and 6.x before 6.1.4 allows local users to cause a denial of service (daemon hang) via a large file, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow.

CVE-2012-4681: Let's start the week with a new Java 0-day in Metasploit

Multiple vulnerabilities in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) component in Oracle Java SE 7 Update 6 and earlier allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted applet that bypasses SecurityManager restrictions by (1) using com.sun.beans.finder.ClassFinder.findClass and leveraging an exception with the forName method to access restricted classes from arbitrary packages such as sun.awt.SunToolkit, then (2) using "reflection with a trusted immediate caller" to leverage the getField method to access and modify private fields, as exploited in the wild in August 2012 using Gondzz.class and Gondvv.class.

CVE-2011-2729: Apache Tomcat® - Apache Tomcat 7 vulnerabilities

native/unix/native/jsvc-unix.c in jsvc in the Daemon component 1.0.3 through 1.0.6 in Apache Commons, as used in Apache Tomcat 5.5.32 through 5.5.33, 6.0.30 through 6.0.32, and 7.0.x before 7.0.20 on Linux, does not drop capabilities, which allows remote attackers to bypass read permissions for files via a request to an application.

CVE-2010-1623: CVE-2010-1623

Memory leak in the apr_brigade_split_line function in buckets/apr_brigade.c in the Apache Portable Runtime Utility library (aka APR-util) before 1.3.10, as used in the mod_reqtimeout module in the Apache HTTP Server and other software, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via unspecified vectors related to the destruction of an APR bucket.

CVE-2010-0296: USN-944-1: GNU C Library vulnerabilities | Ubuntu security notices | Ubuntu

The encode_name macro in misc/mntent_r.c in the GNU C Library (aka glibc or libc6) 2.11.1 and earlier, as used by ncpmount and mount.cifs, does not properly handle newline characters in mountpoint names, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (mtab corruption), or possibly modify mount options and gain privileges, via a crafted mount request.


WEBrick 1.3.1 in Ruby 1.8.6 through patchlevel 383, 1.8.7 through patchlevel 248, 1.8.8dev, 1.9.1 through patchlevel 376, and 1.9.2dev writes data to a log file without sanitizing non-printable characters, which might allow remote attackers to modify a window's title, or possibly execute arbitrary commands or overwrite files, via an HTTP request containing an escape sequence for a terminal emulator.

CVE-2009-2948: USN-839-1: Samba vulnerabilities | Ubuntu security notices | Ubuntu

mount.cifs in Samba 3.0 before 3.0.37, 3.2 before 3.2.15, 3.3 before 3.3.8 and 3.4 before 3.4.2, when mount.cifs is installed suid root, does not properly enforce permissions, which allows local users to read part of the credentials file and obtain the password by specifying the path to the credentials file and using the --verbose or -v option.