Encrypted messaging app Signal has pushed back against "viral reports" of an alleged zero-day flaw in its software, stating it found no evidence to support the claim. "After responsible investigation *we have no evidence that suggests this vulnerability is real* nor has any additional info been shared via our official reporting channels," it said in a series of messages posted in X (formerly
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in SendPulse SendPulse Free Web Push plugin <= 1.3.1 versions.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Galaxy Weblinks Video Playlist For YouTube plugin <= 6.0 versions.
The File Manager Pro WordPress plugin before 1.8 does not properly check the CSRF nonce in the `fs_connector` AJAX action. This allows attackers to make highly privileged users perform unwanted file system actions via CSRF attacks by using GET requests, such as uploading a web shell.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Kevin Weber Lazy Load for Videos plugin <= 2.18.2 versions.
Categories: Threat Intelligence Tags: malvertising Tags: ads Tags: notepad Tags: hta Tags: malware Tags: google A sophisticated threat actor has been using Google ads to deliver custom malware payloads to victims for months while flying under the radar. (Read more...) The post The forgotten malvertising campaign appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.
The security principle of zero trust is the cornerstone of robust cloud security.
Threat actors have been observed serving malicious code by utilizing Binance's Smart Chain (BSC) contracts in what has been described as the "next level of bulletproof hosting." The campaign, detected two months ago, has been codenamed EtherHiding by Guardio Labs. The novel twist marks the latest iteration in an ongoing campaign that leverages compromised WordPress sites to serve unsuspecting
Categories: News Categories: Personal Tags: Shadow PC Tags: data breach Tags: Cloud service provider Shadow has notified customers about a data breach affecting over 500,000 users. (Read more...) The post Customer data stolen from gaming cloud host Shadow appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.
A Universal Cross Site Scripting (UXSS) vulnerability in ClassLink OneClick Extension through 10.7 allows remote attackers to inject JavaScript into any webpage, because a regular expression (validating whether a URL is controlled by ClassLink) is not present in all applicable places.