


WordPress RFC WordPress 6.0.8 Shell Upload

WordPress RFC WordPress plugin version 6.0.8 suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerability.

Packet Storm
Hackers Exploit Legitimate Websites to Deliver BadSpace Windows Backdoor

Legitimate-but-compromised websites are being used as a conduit to deliver a Windows backdoor dubbed BadSpace under the guise of fake browser updates. "The threat actor employs a multi-stage attack chain involving an infected website, a command-and-control (C2) server, in some cases a fake browser update, and a JScript downloader to deploy a backdoor into the victim's system," German

Oracle Database Password Hash Unauthorized Access

Oracle Database versions,,, 18c, and 19c allows for unauthorized access to password hashes by an account with the DBA role.

New York Times Internal Data Nabbed From GitHub

The tranche of data, lifted from underprotected GitHub repositories, reportedly includes source code, though the country's paper of record has not yet confirmed the nature of the data accessed.

Popular WordPress Plugins Leave Millions Open to Backdoor Attacks

Fastly researchers discover unauthenticated stored XSS attacks plaguing WordPress Plugins including WP Meta SEO, and the popular WP…

Researchers Uncover Active Exploitation of WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity researchers have warned that multiple high-severity security vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins are being actively exploited by threat actors to create rogue administrator accounts for follow-on exploitation. "These vulnerabilities are found in various WordPress plugins and are prone to unauthenticated stored cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks due to inadequate input sanitization

WordPress Plugin Exploited to Steal Credit Card Data from E-commerce Sites

Unknown threat actors are abusing lesser-known code snippet plugins for WordPress to insert malicious PHP code in victim sites that are capable of harvesting credit card data. The campaign, observed by Sucuri on May 11, 2024, entails the abuse of a WordPress plugin called Dessky Snippets, which allows users to add custom PHP code. It has over 200 active installations.

GHSA-g43w-98wp-m694: SilverStripe framework XML Quadratic Blowup Attack

A low level vulnerability has been found in the SilverStripe framework, where the Quadratic Blowup Attack could potentially be exploited to affect the performance of a site. See for a writeup.

WordPress XStore Theme 9.3.8 SQL Injection

WordPress XStore theme version 9.3.8 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

New Antidot Android Malware Poses as Google Update to Steal Funds

By Waqas New Android Malware "Antidot" disguises itself as Google Update to steal banking info. Don't click suspicious update links! Download apps only from Google Play & keep software updated. This is a post from Read the original post: New Antidot Android Malware Poses as Google Update to Steal Funds