


WordPress POST SMTP Mailer 2.8.7 Authorization Bypass / Cross Site Scripting

WordPress POST SMTP Mailer plugin versions 2.8.7 and below suffer from authorization bypass and cross site scripting vulnerabilities.

Packet Storm
Microsoft SQL Server db_ddladmin Privilege Escalation

Microsoft SQL Server versions 2014 through 2022 suffers from a db_ddladmin privilege escalation vulnerability. When escalated to Microsoft as a concern, they instead opted to update their documentation to note that this is possible instead of addressing the issue.

GHSA-733r-8xcp-w9mr: Flarum's logout Route allows open redirects

### Impact The Flarum `/logout` route includes a redirect parameter that allows any third party to redirect users from a (trusted) domain of the Flarum installation to redirect to any link. Sample: ``. For logged-in users, the logout must be confirmed. Guests are immediately redirected. This could be used by spammers to redirect to a web address using a trusted domain of a running Flarum installation. Some ecosystem extensions modifying the logout route have already been affected. Sample: ### Patches The vulnerability has been fixed and published as flarum/core v1.8.5. All communities running Flarum should upgrade as soon as possible to v1.8.5 using: `composer update --prefer-dist --no-dev -a -W` You can then confirm you run the latest version using: `composer show flarum/core` ### Workarounds Some extensions modifying the logout route can remedy this issue if their im...

Rogue WordPress Plugin Exposes E-Commerce Sites to Credit Card Theft

Threat hunters have discovered a rogue WordPress plugin that's capable of creating bogus administrator users and injecting malicious JavaScript code to steal credit card information. The skimming activity is part of a Magecart campaign targeting e-commerce websites, according to Sucuri. "As with many other malicious or fake WordPress plugins it contains some deceptive information at

GHSA-87fg-9x5w-j3rm: MainWP Dashboard SQL Command Injection vulnerability

Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in MainWP MainWP Dashboard – WordPress Manager for Multiple Websites Maintenance.This issue affects MainWP Dashboard – WordPress Manager for Multiple Websites Maintenance: from n/a through

CVE-2023-49816: WordPress Fix My Feed RSS Repair plugin <= 1.4 - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability - Patchstack

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Innovative Solutions Fix My Feed RSS Repair.This issue affects Fix My Feed RSS Repair: from n/a through 1.4.

CVE-2023-49834: WordPress FOX Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce plugin <= - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability - Patchstack

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in realmag777 FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce.This issue affects FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce: from n/a through

CVE-2023-49824: WordPress Product Catalog Feed by PixelYourSite plugin <= 2.1.1 - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability - Patchstack

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in PixelYourSite Product Catalog Feed by PixelYourSite.This issue affects Product Catalog Feed by PixelYourSite: from n/a through 2.1.1.

CVE-2023-49775: WordPress CSV Importer plugin <= 0.3.8 - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability - Patchstack

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Denis Kobozev CSV Importer.This issue affects CSV Importer: from n/a through 0.3.8.

CVE-2023-49769: WordPress Integrate Google Drive plugin <= 1.3.4 - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability - Patchstack

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in SoftLab Integrate Google Drive.This issue affects Integrate Google Drive: from n/a through 1.3.4.