

CVE-2019-19493: Hotfixes

Kentico before 12.0.50 allows file uploads in which the Content-Type header is inconsistent with the file extension, leading to XSS.

  • Security - Security improvements

    Added security improvements to the application.


  • Security - Security improvements

    Added security improvements to the application.


  • Security - Security improvements

    Added security improvements to the application.


  • Security - Security improvements

    Added security improvements to the application.


  • Security - Cross-site scripting in the administration UI

    Device profile previews and the page displaying the administration interface (UIPage.aspx) were vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.


  • Settings - Macros stopped working after saving in the settings application

    When re-saving existing macros with security signatures in the ‘Settings’ application, the macro was stored in an invalid format and stopped working.


  • Macros - Macros containing ‘I’ characters not resolved correctly in the Turkish culture

    Macros containing “I” or ‘i’ characters were not resolved correctly within the context of the Turkish culture.


  • Workflow - UI not refreshed after a page rollback

    The panel at the top of a page was not refreshed after rolling back a version of a page.


  • Web analytics - Internet Explorer in compatibility mode not recognized correctly

    When using Internet Explorer in compatibility mode, web analytics logged statistics for the browser’s compatibility version, not the real one.


  • Search - Unnecessarily large smart search indexes

    The smart search incorrectly stored the Content field within index files, which resulted in unnecessarily large files and lower indexing performance. If you need to view the Content field when inspecting or debugging index files, you can revert the change by adding the <add key="CMSSearchStoreContentField" value="true" /> key to your web.config and rebuilding the index.


  • Health monitoring - Incorrect number of logged errors and warnings

    The health monitoring counters that track the number of event log errors and warnings incorrectly counted asynchronously logged items twice.


  • General - Service errors when starting the application

    Service initialization errors could occur in rare cases if the site came under load during the initialization of the application (for example after the application pool was recycled).


  • Form controls - Label associated with certain form controls generated invalid HTML markup

    The labels associated with the ‘Radio buttons’ and ‘Multiple choice’ form controls were generated with invalid markup according to HTML5 validators.


  • Files - Insert image or media dialog not reflecting user’s Starting alias path

    The ‘Insert image or media dialog’ did not reflect the user’s ‘Starting alias path’ when selecting files on the 'Content tab’. The root page was always selected when first opening the dialog instead.


  • Categories - The order of page categories wasn’t preserved after an import

    The order of page categories was not preserved after an import.


  • Workflow - Editing a page from a different domain via the Workflows application redirected to an inc

    Editing a page from a site on a different domain through the Pages tab in the Workflows application redirected the user to a URL with an incorrect domain.


  • Widgets - Widgets couldn’t be saved on pages with invalid image URLs

    Widgets could not be saved on pages that contained invalid image URLs (without the ~ or / character). The save operation resulted in a failed view state validation error.


  • Translation services - Error when sending linked pages for translation via a translation service

    Sending linked pages for translation via translation services did not work and the system displayed a ‘No culture to translate from’ error.


  • Object versioning - Invalid page after canceling a rollback in the version comparison dialog

    When rolling back an object or page to a previous version in the version comparison dialog, users were redirected to an invalid address if they clicked Cancel in the confirmation dialog.


  • Media library - Using the TAB character in media library folder names caused an error

    Creating a new media library and using the TAB character in the ‘Folder name’ value caused an error when the folder was created.


  • Media library - Error when using a preferred content culture that had no translated pages

    An error occurred on the ‘Files tab’ in the Media library application when using a preferred content culture that had no pages translated. This only happened when using Windows authentication.


  • General - Problems with the <location inheritInChildApplications="false"> web.config tag

    Instances with a <location inheritInChildApplications="false"> tag in their root web.config file weren’t handled correctly. For example, an error occurred when attempting to open such instances in external utilities (such as the ‘Kentico Service Manager’ or when using the ‘Modify’ option in the installer) and the system failed to write connection strings into the web.config.


  • Event log - Page not found events were logged without the SiteID value

    Page not found events were logged without the SiteID value in the Event log.


  • Contact management - A/B variants and MVT combinations not saved in Page visit activities

    A/B test variant and MVT combination information was not saved to Page visit activities when using JavaScript to log analytics and activities.


  • Caching - Error when running the scheduled task for cleaning old cache files

    When using the file system output cache, running the ‘Delete old file system cache files’ scheduled task resulted in a “Directory is not empty” error in certain cases.


  • General - Content-Length header missing in GetResource.ashx responses

    The ‘GetResource.ashx’ handler didn’t set the ‘Content-Length’ HTTP header when responding to file requests.


  • Contact management - Error when geolocating certain IP address ranges

    When trying to retrieve geolocation data from specific IP address ranges, an ‘Index was outside the bounds of the array’ error occurred.


  • Pages - Changing a page template published content in certain cases

    Changing the template of a page under workflow using ‘Clone template as ad-hoc’ propagated unpublished content to the page’s published version.


  • Email marketing - Complex subscriber macros weren’t resolved

    Complex macros working with the ‘Subscriber’ object did not resolve correctly when sending campaign emails.


  • UI personalization - Access denied in the ‘Manage user roles’ dialog

    If UI personalization was enabled, access to the ‘Manage user roles’ dialog in the Users application was denied for users without the administrator privilege level (even if the user had the required permissions and UI personalization settings).


  • On-line forms - Primary ID field macro not working in the ‘Redirect to URL’ field

    Macros for loading the value of a form’s primary ID field (for example ‘{%FormID%}’) didn’t work correctly when inserted into the ‘Redirect URL’ field on the form’s General tab. The macro always returned '0’.


  • Form controls - Culture-dependent values of form control properties not loaded

    Form control properties with a culture-dependent data type (such as date or decimal number) didn’t load their values correctly in the ‘Editing control settings’ section of the field editor when using a non-English UI culture.


  • E-commerce - Canceling the main currency recalculation wasn’t possible

    When changing the main currency with enabled recalculation of prices, exchange rates or other e-commerce objects, the system displays a confirmation dialog box. The ‘Cancel’ button in this dialog confirmed the recalculation instead of canceling it.


  • Authentication - Handling of special characters in the ‘Trusted certificate thumbprint’ setting

    The ‘Trusted certificate thumbprint’ setting used when configuring claims-based authentication didn’t correctly handle special types of input, such as whitespace or non-printing characters. This could lead to untrusted certificate errors if such characters were copied into the setting along with the thumbprint.


  • UniGrid - XML configuration file not loaded when using a non-default storage provider

    The UniGrid didn’t use the CMS.IO API when loading the XML configuration file. As a result, UniGrid components failed to load their configuration if the specified file was mapped to a non-default location using a storage provider.


  • Portal engine - Widget zones not working in conditional layouts in certain cases

    Widget zones did not work in conditional layouts that were used on multiple page levels. Widget properties did not open.


  • Macros - LoremIpsum macro method not working with an integer parameter

    The ‘LoremIpsum’ macro method didn’t work when called with an integer type parameter. For example: 'LoremIpsum(100)'


  • Localization - Localized payment method names displayed incorrectly

    The ‘Payment form’ web part displayed the names of payment methods incorrectly if their display name was localized.


  • Forums - Forum group web part thread paging didn’t work correctly

    The Forum group web part did not page threads correctly when the ‘Enable posts paging’ property was disabled.


  • Files - Broken images returned in special cases

    Special sequence of requests with a specified Range HTTP header could result in the application serving incomplete images from the cache.


  • Email marketing - Improved email sending performance

    Improved the performance of an email marketing fix introduced in the 8.2.40 hotfix.


  • E-commerce - Customer detail changes weren’t saved in the checkout process

    After applying hotfix 8.2.40, changes of a customer’s details performed during the checkout process weren’t saved if an existing address was used.


  • Banned IPs - Incorrectly banned IPs on instances with multiple sites

    If a user accessed a site that banned their IP address, the system then incorrectly blocked the user from other sites running on the same instance, even if the IP address was allowed on the given sites. The incorrect ban persisted until the application was restarted.


  • Email marketing - Duplicate campaign emails generated in rare situations

    If the process of generating campaign emails failed (due to a timeout or an application error), more than one of the same email could be generated into the email queue when the process ran again.


  • E-commerce - Shopping cart could contain an incorrect price

    The shopping cart price wasn’t updated when the billing or shipping addresses were changed in the ‘Customer address’ web part in certain cases.


  • E-commerce - Wrong tax classes were assigned to copied products

    When copying products, the department’s default tax classes were assigned to the new product instead of assigning the original product’s tax classes.


  • API - LocalizationHelper.GetUniqueResStringKey method exception

    Calling the ‘LocalizationHelper.GetUniqueResStringKey’ method in custom code could cause an exception with certain combinations of the 'plainText’, ‘resKeyPrefix’ and ‘maxKeyLength’ parameters.


  • Users - Invalid sign in and sign out URLs for claims-based authentication

    When using claims-based authentication, the system generated invalid sign in and sign out URLs if the ‘Identity provider URL’ setting contained query string parameters.


  • API - Missing customization options for ResourceStringInfoProvider

    When developing a custom 'ResourceStringInfoProvider’, it wasn’t possible to override the ‘GetString’ and ‘GetStringFromDB’ methods using the standard provider customization pattern.


  • API - Descending order ignored when using the DataQuery API with Distinct()

    When using the DataQuery API (or ObjectQuery/DocumentQuery), calling the ‘Distinct’ method caused the query to ignore sorting in descending order, for example when combined with the ‘OrderByDescending’ method.


  • Web parts - The ‘Edit page link’ web part created incorrect page links in certain cases

    The ‘Edit page link’ web part created incorrect links to pages that contained a comma character ‘,’ in their name. The ‘returnUrl’ query parameter used by the web part was renamed to ‘editUrl’ to handle collisions when logon was required before editing a page.


  • URL rewriting & SEO - WebMethod calls returning 404 errors

    WebMethod calls that accessed the URLs of pages defined in the Kentico content tree returned a 404 error. The issue only occurred when registering custom WebMethods in the code behind of pages.


  • Pages - Sorting in the ‘Listing’ mode didn’t work correctly in certain scenarios

    Sorting in the ‘Listing’ mode of the Pages application did not work correctly when changing the ‘Items per page’ value.


  • Pages - Decimal number values weren’t converted correctly in versioned pages in certain scenarios

    When retrieving versioned pages of a custom page type that contained a ‘Decimal number’ data type field, an application error occurred when converting the decimal value. This happened in culture versions that use decimal commas as a decimal mark.


  • Installation - Database installations to LocalDB failed

    Database installations to SQL LocalDB failed on systems that had Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or newer installed.


  • Form engine - Culture-dependent values not stored correctly for fields in certain cases

    When saving a form field that had a macro inserted into its default value, the system didn’t store the field’s value in the correct culture format. This could lead to incorrect behavior when working with culture-dependent values, such as dates and decimal numbers.


  • E-commerce - Deleting a product’s culture version also deleted the SKU

    When one culture version of a product page was deleted, the product’s SKU object was also deleted leaving the other culture versions without the SKU.


  • E-commerce - Shopping cart could contain an incorrect price

    The shopping cart price wasn’t updated when the billing or shipping addresses were changed in the ‘Checkout process’ web part.


  • Web parts & controls - SQL error when using table aliases in the Columns property

    When using a web part or control with a custom query data source, the generated query was invalid if a table alias prefix was used for a value in the ‘Columns’ property together with brackets: "TableAlias.[Column]". The invalid query then caused an error when the control or web part loaded its data.


  • Web analytics - Page views not logged in Web analytics

    Web analytics did not log page views on Kentico installations with the Ultimate license. This issue was introduced in the 8.2.13 hotfix.


  • Staging - Page selection not working in the Staging application for large content trees

    The ‘Pages’ tab of the ‘Staging’ application didn’t work correctly after clicking the ‘click here for more…’ option in the page tree. This problem could occur on sites with a very large number of pages on a single level of the tree.


  • Pages - Page-level permissions weren’t copied correctly in certain scenarios

    When copying pages with the ‘Copy page permissions’ setting enabled, page-level permissions inherited from parent nodes weren’t transferred correctly to the new page in certain cases.


  • Microsoft Azure - Unnecessary requests to external cloud storages

    The system was making unnecessary requests to folders located on an external cloud storage. These requests ended with error 404, which was handled internally. Reducing the number of requests improved the performance of the system.


  • E-mail engine - Duplicate emals sent in a web farm environment

    When sending emails in a web farm environment, servers processed emails that were already being sent out by another server under certain circumstances. This could result in duplicate emails being sent to the target SMTP server.


  • API - UserCustomData.Remove method not working

    When using the API to manage custom data for users, calling the ‘Remove’ method for the ‘UserCustomData’ property of UserInfo objects didn’t correctly remove values from the custom data container.


  • Caching - Caching files on external cloud storage

    If a folder doesn’t exist on the local file storage (it exists only on the external storage) and you wanted to cache the folder with a cache dependency on changes in a file inside of the folder, the system threw an exception. The exception was fixed, however note that automatic clearing of server-side file cache does not work for files in external storage.


  • Pages - Moving pages in a non-default culture resulted in an incorrect page ordering

    Moving pages in a non-default culture resulted in an incorrect page ordering when the ‘New page order’ setting was set to 'Alphabetical’.


  • Email marketing - Cloning an email campaign cloned the logged tracking statistics

    Email campaigns were incorrectly cloned together with their clicked link and opened email statistics.


  • AB testing - A/B test tracking didn’t work correctly in certain scenarios

    The ‘Visitors’ and ‘Conversions’ A/B test statistics were not updated correctly when a visitor arrived on the tested page via a page alias.


  • Pages - The ‘FilterDuplicates’ DocumentQuery method didn’t work correctly

    When the ‘FilterDuplicates’ method was used for DocumentQuery parametrization and the result set contained several culture versions of pages, all culture versions of pages were incorrectly filtered out together with duplicate linked pages.


  • Web parts - Couldn’t set the ‘SelectOnlyPublished’ property in code for certain web parts

    Setting the ‘SelectOnlyPublished’ property value in the code file of the 'Breadcrumbs’, 'CSS list menu’, 'Tree view’, 'SQL search dialog with results’, 'Paged text’, 'Grid’, 'Datalist’, 'Universal page viewer’, 'XSLT viewer’, and ‘Image gallery’ web parts didn’t work correctly.


  • Security - Redirect validation failed for web parts

    The validation process used by web parts to protect against unvalidated redirects didn’t work correctly and failed in certain cases. For example, the problem occurred if a ‘Logon form’ web part was configured to redirect to an absolute URL after successful login.


  • Search - Removing pages from smart search indexes didn’t work correctly in certain cases

    Pages were not removed from smart search indexes correctly after being moved to a location excluded by the index.


  • Macros - Incorrect macro resolving after calling the Exists, Any, All or Filter methods

    Calling the 'Exists’, 'Any’, ‘All’ or ‘Filter’ methods for a collection of objects inside a macro expression could cause subsequent macros to resolve incorrectly in special cases.


  • Forums - The ‘Group profile’ web part didn’t display the specified group forums

    The ‘Group profile’ web part did not display the forums of the specified forum group.


  • Form controls - Unhandled error when using the Enum selector form control

    The ‘Enum selector’ form control (and its inherited controls) caused an unhandled error in certain cases if the given field was null or contained a value that wasn’t defined by the given enumeration. The control now falls back to the default value in such cases.


  • User interface - Unresponsive script warning when viewing 100 or more files

    When viewing lists of files with 100 or more items per page (for example in media libraries or page attachments) the page loaded slowly and an Unresponsive script warning appeared when using the Firefox browser. The hotfix optimizes the loading of the file uploader component, which improves the performance of large file lists.


  • Pages - Workflow page actions could lead to an error

    Workflow page actions (Publish, Approve, Reject, Check in, and Check out) could lead to an error. This happened when the page name (‘DocumentName’ field value) was changed while editing the page and the ‘Automatically update page alias’ setting was enabled.


  • E-mail engine - Error when sending emails

    After applying hotfix 8.2.31 or 8.2.32, sending of emails to the default SMTP server failed in certain cases. The email sending returned the following error message: “Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.”


  • Web analytics - Web analytics not logging referrals and referring sites

    The system did not log data for the ‘Referrals’ and ‘Referring sites’ statistics and contact management activities saved incorrect values into their URL referrer field. The problem was brought by applying hotfix 8.2.13 or newer.


  • Validators - Link checker reported errors for valid links in certain cases

    The link checker built into the Pages application reported errors for valid links in certain cases.


  • Users - User password resets causing database deadlocks

    Password reset requests submitted by users failed in certain cases on websites under heavy load (database deadlock errors were logged into the system’s event log).


  • Security - Error when unlocking the screen

    If the ‘CMSRenewSessionAuthChange’ web.config key was set to true (as protection against session fixation attacks) and the system had screen locking enabled for the administration interface, a ViewState validation error occurred when unlocking the screen.


  • Pages - Chaning page group ownership could cause an error

    Clearing the value of the ‘Owned by group’ property of a page and selecting ‘Inherit by child pages’ caused an error.


  • WYSIWYG editor - Text editor not displayed in the ‘Edit text’ dialog on the Live site

    The WYSIWYG editor was not displayed in the ‘Edit text’ dialog when using On-site editing in Internet Explorer 11.


  • Users - ADFS claims-based authentication not returning users to the original page

    When using claims-based authentication with Active Directory Federation Services, users were redirected to the site’s home page after logging in through the authentication service, instead of returning to the originally requested page.


  • Search - Macro resolving error when viewing the smart search Tasks page

    When viewing the ‘Tasks’ tab in the Smart search application, the selector for web farm servers didn’t work correctly and a macro resolving error was logged into the system’s Event log.


  • Pages - Error when creating linked pages while using a load balancer

    Creating linked pages on an instance that used a load balancer resulted in an error.


  • Pages - Restoring a relationship name from the Recycle bin didn’t restore invidiual page relationshi

    Relationship data was not included in the Recycle bin. Users were able to restore relationship names only, not individual page relationships.


  • Pages - Applications related to the Pages application didn’t display unpublished changes

    Applications that work with pages, such as ‘Pending pages’ and ‘My pages’ did not always display the latest data for unpublished pages.


  • Dialogs - Links with the file protocol were broken when edited using the ‘Insert/Edit link’ dialog

    The protocol part of URLs was removed from links edited using the ‘Insert/Edit link’ dialog (in the WYSIWYG editor). This happened with links that used a protocol not listed in the ‘Protocol’ drop-down list, for example, with File URI scheme links.


  • Caching - Errors when using file system output caching and shared storage

    When using file system output cache in combination with a shared storage provider (for example Azure Blob storage), the system generated errors in certain cases if multiple instances accessed the same cache files simultaneously.


  • Sites - Incorrect options available when selecting Classes in the Sites application

    When editing a site’s object bindings in the Sites application on the Assigned objects -> Classes tab, the selection dialog incorrectly included classes other than Page types and Custom tables.


  • Microsoft Azure - SmartSearchWorker clearing output cache files stored on the file system

    When running on Microsoft Azure with persistent output cache enabled for pages, the SmartSearchWorker role periodically cleared the output cache files stored on the blob storage. This could reduce the live website’s performance after application restarts.


  • Import/Export - Queries not included when exporting custom modules

    Queries created for classes when developing custom modules weren’t included in the module’s export package.


  • General export - Empty lines at the end of CSV files when exporting data

    When exporting data to CSV files, the system added two empty lines at the end of the file (only one empty line is generated now).


  • Application dashboard - The application dashboard didn’t always load correctly for slow connections

    The application dashboard did not always load correctly the first time it was requested. This happened to users with slow connections to the server.


  • Staging - Page template category update generating unnecessary staging tasks

    Updating a page template category caused the system to log a large amount of unnecessary staging tasks.


  • On-line forms - New values couldn’t be saved for ‘BizForm selector’ fields

    When using the ‘Bizform selector’ form control in an integer type field, it wasn’t possible to overwrite the first value saved for the field in the resulting form.


  • Microsoft Azure - Unhandled exception occurring on Azure during import or export

    When using more than one instance of Azure Cloud Services, an unhandled exception sometimes occurred during the import or export of a site.


  • Marketing automation - Values in the ‘Set contact property’ action were saved in the wrong culture f

    Data in the ‘Property’ value of the ‘Set contact property’ marketing automation action was not always saved in the ‘en-US’ culture format, which could lead to errors in certain cases.


  • Macros - The “if” command in macros wasn’t case-insensitive

    The “if” command used for conditions in macro expressions was resolved incorrectly if either of the letters was written in upper case (the “else” branch of the condition always resolved into a null value).


  • Macros - Certain macros incorrectly listed as invalid in the macro report

    The macro report tool (System -> Macros -> Report) incorrectly reported invalid signatures for certain types of macro expressions containing open conditions or loops.


  • Form controls - Error when saving empty fields using the ‘Rich text editor’ form control

    When saving a form containing one or more fields that used the ‘Rich text editor’ form control, an unhandled error occurred during the validation in special cases if the given fields were empty.


  • Files - Unnecessary file system operations when loading media files

    When loading media files using getmedia requests, the system performed unnecessary file system operations. This could lead to errors in certain cases when using an external storage provider (for example Azure Blob Storage).


  • E-commerce - Disabled products couldn’t be removed from bundles

    Products in bundles that weren’t allowed for sale weren’t displayed in the user interface of the bundle. Such products then couldn’t be removed from the bundle.


  • Caching - User not invalidated in the cache after assigning a membership

    Users were not invalidated in the cache correctly after assigning or removing a membership to or from the user.


  • Social Marketing - Adding new pages and posts in the Facebook application didn’t work

    Adding new pages and posts in the Facebook application did not work due to changes in the Facebook API.


  • Search - Search filters not working when using certain cultures (Turkish)

    Smart search filters didn’t work correctly on pages that used a culture with special letter case rules (for example the Turkish culture). The system converted the names of search index fields in the filter option definitions to lower case incorrectly within the context of such cultures.


  • KIM - KIM utility crashing when no instances are available

    When opening the Kentico Installation Manager utility in scenarios where no supported instances were available, an unhandled error occurred in certain cases.


  • Pages - Users weren’t prompted to save changes when editing page-level permissions

    <p>When editing the page-level permissions (ACLs) for a user or a role, users were not prompted to save the changes when switching to another user or role in the list.</p>


  • Custom tables - Users without the ‘Modify’ custom table permission couldn’t clone custom table items

    <p>Cloning a custom table item by a user without the ‘Modify’ permission for the Custom table module caused an error.</p>


  • Translation services - Content of custom widgets based on the ‘Editable text’ web part wasn’t transl

    <p>When using a custom widget based on the ‘Editable text’ web part, the content of the widget was not translated using the translation service.</p>


  • Web farms - Automatically generated WF servers generating ‘Invalid URI’ error

    <p>When web farms were set to generate servers automatically with the URL notifications synchronization mechanism enabled, the server root URL didn’t contain the http(s) protocol which could result in the following error in the event log: "Message: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."</p>


  • Web parts - Visibility property not working for the tabs in the ‘Tabs layout’ web part

    <p>The ‘Visibility’ property could not be used to control the visibility of tabs in the ‘Tabs layout’ web part.</p>


  • URL rewriting & SEO - File extension wasn’t added to file URLs in certain cases

    Requests for files without a specified extension were not redirected to the correct URL when the site used extensionless URLs for files and the ‘Redirect pages to main extensions’ setting was enabled.


  • UniGrid - The ‘Is Empty’ and ‘Is Not Empty’ filter options returned an error in certain cases

    The ‘Is Empty’ and ‘Is Not Empty’ filter options, for example in the ‘Listing’ mode of the Pages application, returned a '[UniGrid] : Error during reloading data’ error in certain cases.


  • Tags - The ‘Select tags’ dialog wasn’t displayed correctly on pages with a large amount of tags

    The ‘Select tags’ dialog was not displayed correctly on pages with a large amount of tags.


  • Staging - Error when checking the availability of staging servers

    An error could occur when checking the availability of a staging server if the server used a service URL with the https protocol and a certificate that was not issued by a trusted authority (in combination with the CMSStagingAcceptAllCertificates web.config key).


  • Microsoft Azure - Security warnings when accessing Azure Blob Storage with HTTP

    Files served by Azure Blob Storage caused security warnings when accessed with the HTTPS protocol. If you access files in the Blob Storage with the HTTPS protocol, resave the files.


  • E-commerce - The RegenerateSKUNameAndNumber method named variants incorrectly

    When regenerating product variants using the ‘RegenerateSKUNameAndNumber’ method, the name of the regenerated variant consisted of the name and SKU number of the original variant instead of the parent product.


  • E-commerce - Shopping cart item selector displayed its link with a button

    If the ‘ShoppingCartItemSelector’ control was used outside of an ASCX transformation (for example in the markup of a web part), the generated output incorrectly contained the “Add to cart” button in addition to the link in certain cases.


  • Dialogs - Images added via the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog were saved with inline dimensions

    Images added on the ‘Web’ tab of the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog were saved with inline dimensions. This happened even if the width and height set in the dialog did not differ from the original.


  • Contact management - Activities weren’t tracked for newly imported contacts

    Activities weren’t tracked for contacts imported using the Contact import functionality.


  • Web farms - Initialization of automatic web farms occasionally ending with an error

    When the System -> General tab was opened concurrently from multiple clients in an environment with autogenerated web farm servers, an error could occur in the system. The error stated that a web farm server with the same code name already exists.


  • Pages - The ‘AbsoluteURL’ and ‘RelativeURL’ TreeNode properties didn’t return URLs with the correct

    When the ‘Use language prefix for URLs’ setting key was enabled, the ‘AbsoluteURL’ and ‘RelativeURL’ TreeNode properties did not return a language prefix. This affected both the API and the ‘GetAbsoluteURL’ transformation method, which always returned a URL with the default language prefix.


  • Pages - Incorrect ‘Live URL’ displayed for CMS.File pages when using extensionless URLs

    The ‘Live URL’ on the ‘Properties -> General’ tab of a CMS.File page was not generated correctly when using extensionless URLs.


  • Page types - Default values of boolean fields when staging or importing page types

    When using staging or export/import to transfer Page types containing fields of the Boolean type, default values of the fields didn’t work correctly on the target instance in certain cases. The default value was displayed in the field editor, but wasn’t applied correctly to the field values of pages.


  • Message boards - Message board web part actions could affect the wrong message

    Performing actions such as Delete, Approve, Edit or Reject on a message using the Message board web part did not work correctly. The system performed the action on the wrong message in special cases.


  • Marketing automation - Filtering contacts in a process could result in an error

    Filtering contacts in a marketing automation process could result in an error when using the ‘Is empty’ and ‘Is not empty’ conditions.


  • E-commerce - Products with variants incorrectly persisted in bundles

    If product variants were created for a product that was contained in a bundle, the product wasn’t removed from the bundle, but was only hidden. If the bundle was purchased, the given product was still added to the shopping cart and then purchased.


  • E-commerce - Cloned SKUs were automatically assigned to bundles with the original SKUs

    If an SKU was cloned, the new SKU was automatically assigned to bundles which contained the original SKU.


  • Attachments - Updating attachments stored on the file system could cause an error in certain cases

    Updating a page attachment stored on the file system after adding it using ‘DocumentHelper’ led to a ‘cannot access file’ error. This was caused by the API not manipulating the binary data correctly.


  • Application dashboard - Application list didn’t behave correctly when no applications were found

    When a search in the application list yielded no results and the user pressed the 'Tab’, ‘Shift+Tab’ or arrow keys, the system logged an error.


  • Staging - Error when synchronizing page types after adding a new field

    When a new field with a very large Size was added to a page type, synchronization of the resulting ‘Update page type’ staging task failed in special cases (an SQL error occurred on the target server’s database).


  • Application dashboard - Incorrect search when selecting default dashboard applications

    When selecting applications for the ‘Default dashboard’ of roles, the search didn’t filter applications correctly. The search text was compared against the keys of the resource strings storing the application names instead of the actual names localized into the current UI culture.


  • Blogs - Blog post subscription confirmation emails could contain incorrect links

    Blog post subscription confirmation emails contained incorrect links if the pages linked by ‘BlogLink’ and ‘BlogPostLink’ macros had the ‘Pages -> URLs -> Path or pattern’ property set.


  • Output filter - Invalid HTML code when using the XHTML output filter

    The XHTML output filter added an extra HTML tag to pages that contained the ‘xml:lang’ attribute. This caused the resulting HTML code to be invalid.


  • Pages - ‘Name path’ of a moved page didn’t change properly for all language versions

    Moving a non-default culture version of a page in the content tree updated ‘Name path’ only only for the current language version of the page and its children. Other language versions did not have their ‘Name path’ updated correctly.


  • Portal engine - Conditional layout on a page template caused an error on the Design tab

    Using a conditional layout on a page template could cause an error on the Design tab of the Pages application.


  • Web parts - Google and bing maps didn’t work correctly with HTTPS

    Google and Bing map web parts did not work properly if accessed over the HTTPS protocol.


  • Web analytics - The system counted hits and conversions for excluded URLs

    The system counted hits and conversions for URLs explicitly excluded in the ‘Excluded URLs’ setting.


  • Web analytics - Silverlight support report tables showing incorrect data

    Some of the Silverlight support report tables (in the Day, Week, and Year reports) displayed data from an incorrect time period.


  • Users - Custom form layout not applied for the Custom registration form web part

    Alternative forms assigned to the ‘Custom registration form’ web part always used the default form layout, even if a custom layout was defined. The problem occurred after applying hotfix 8.2.23.


  • Staging - Staging of setting categories not reporting errors

    When attempting to synchronize setting categories belonging to a module that didn’t exist on the target instance, staging tasks finished without reporting an error, even though the category wasn’t created on the target. In such cases, the synchronization now fails with an appropriate error.


  • On-line forms - Forms not displaying error messages after enabling StopProcessing

    If the ‘StopProcessing’ property of the ‘BizForm’ control was set to true in custom code during one of the control’s events, the resulting form didn’t display error or validation messages (for example when developing a customized ‘On-line form’ web part).


  • Form engine - DisplayColon property of FormLabel controls in ASCX form layouts

    When creating custom ASCX form layouts, setting the ‘DisplayColon’ property of <cms:FormLabel> controls had no effect.


  • Workflow - Workflow actions with comment didn’t save changes on the page

    Performing workflow actions with comment on a page did not save the changes made on the page.


  • Web API - Event log exception when manually returning a Not found response status

    The system logged an exception into the event log when a Not found (404) response status was returned by a custom service (for example a Web API).


  • Users - Registration confirmation links not working in special cases

    If the ‘Custom registration form’ web part was used with an alternative form that had the default value of the ‘UserEnabled’ field set to true, and the ‘Registration requires email confirmation’ setting was enabled for the site, the registration confirmation links didn’t work. New users were incorrectly informed that their registration had already been confirmed.


  • Modules - Where condition property not working for the ‘Selector’ UI web part

    When building custom UI templates containing the ‘Selector’ UI web part, the ‘Where condition’ property of the web part wasn’t applied when loading the list of objects available for selection.


  • Microsoft Azure - Index out of range exception while accessing cloud storage

    ‘Index was outside the bounds of the array.’ exceptions occasionally occurred when accessing files on Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 storage, which could lead to very high CPU usage.


  • Macros - Broken macros in form layouts after resigning

    Macros that contained quotes and were stored in form layouts became invalid after resigning macros in the system. An error then occurred when resolving the expression.


  • Pages - Permanent URLs required user authentication

    Permanent URLs available from the ‘Page properties -> General’ required user authentication.


  • Transformations - The ‘Universal pager’ web part displayed the ‘next page’ button even when not nece

    Users were not able to create a transformation that would hide the ‘next page’ button displayed by the ‘Universal pager’ web part when there were no next pages. This was caused by an incorrectly resolved ‘PageURL’ property.


  • API - Exception when calling the 'PollInfoProvider.GetPolls()' method

    An incorrect site context check caused the 'PollInfoProvider.GetPolls()' to throw an exception when called.


  • Blogs - Performing an action using the Comment view web part could affect the wrong blog comment

    Performing actions such as delete, approve, edit or reject on a blog comment using the Comment view web part did not work correctly. The system could perform the action on the wrong comment in special cases.


  • Dialogs - Scrollbar didn’t appear in the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog on smaller resolutions

    Scrollbar did not appear in the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog on smaller resolutions when selecting an image directly in the content tree.


  • Web farms - Incorrect web farm synchronization of object bindings

    Adding of bindings between objects wasn’t synchronized correctly among web farm servers in certain cases (for example when adding a product to the buy condition of a “Buy X Get Y” discount).


  • Web analytics - Conversions weren’t logged visitors downloaded ‘CMS.File’ pages

    The system did not log conversions configured on ‘CMS.File’ pages when the files were downloaded by visitors.


  • User interface - Export buttons missing in advanced export dialog

    If a user without the Global administrator privilege level opened the ‘Advanced export’ dialog from within certain other dialogs, the ‘Export’ and ‘Preview’ buttons weren’t visible. For example, the problem occurred in the dialog used to view the opened emails of an email campaign.


  • Pages - An exception was logged in the ‘Preview mode’ in a specific scenario

    An exception was logged in the ‘Preview mode’ of the Pages application by the ‘PortalManagerHeaderPanelBreadcrumbsExtender’ UI control. This happened in a scenario that required a specific configuration of user permissions, UI personalization, ACLs, and disabled device profiles.


  • E-commerce - Orders from Kentico 7 generated incorrect notifications and invoices

    Orders created with Kentico 7 generated taxes incorrectly in notifications and invoices after upgrading the system to Kentico 8 or after importing the orders to Kentico 8.


  • E-commerce - Payment form not loaded for automatically registered customers

    When making an order, the Payment form web part wasn’t loaded for automatically registered new customers. This hotfix retracts the related change from hotfix 8.2.8. If a customer logs out just before payment of an order, users with the same session and URL can access the payment form. The order can only be finished by other users if customer credit is used as the payment method.


  • Reporting - Bar chart graphs always oriented vertically

    Bar chart graphs in reports were always oriented vertically even when configured to use horizontal orientation.


  • Pages - Identical page aliases created for pages in different cultures weren’t resolved correctly

    When a page contained the same page alias for different language versions, the system always redirected visitors accessing the alias to the language version that was first in the list of aliases.


  • Pages - The ‘GetDocumentUrl’ transformation method returned language prefixed URLs from non-prefixed

    The ‘GetDocumentUrl’ transformation method returned language prefixed URLs from non-prefixed sites. This occurred when using the transformation method on a site that had the ‘Use language prefix for URLs’ setting enabled while retrieving URLs from a different site that had the setting disabled.


  • Media library - The ‘Media libraries folder’ setting was incorrectly resolved when set to ‘~/’

    When the ‘Media libraries folder’ setting was set to '~/’, the system incorrectly created a folder named '~’.


  • E-commerce - Unavailable options present in the product option selector

    When a product used multiple option categories but only one option category had product variants, even unavailable options were present in the product option selector.


  • Workflow - Publishing a page that had its workflow removed could cause an error in certain cases

    Publishing a page that was previously renamed on the ‘Form’ tab and then had its workflow removed caused an error. This happened if the ‘Automatically update page alias’ setting was enabled when renaming the page.


  • Users - Users could unlock their accounts using a registration confirmation link

    Users could unlock their accounts using the confirmation link they received when registering on the site. This caused issues when the user was intentionally locked by the system, for example for exceeding the limit of invalid logon attempts or when locked manually by the administrator.


  • User interface - Breadcrumbs in the Countries application worked incorrectly

    Clicking the Countries application link in the breadcrumbs caused duplication of the header.


  • Social Media - Tweets could contain ‘+’ signs in place of spaces in certain cases

    When posting a tweet using the ‘Twitter tweet button’ web part, the resulting tweet could contain ‘+’ signs in place of spaces. This happened when the web part was configured to contain a multiple word ‘Default tweet text’ and had the ‘Use HTML 5 version’ setting disabled.


  • Search - Page crawlers didn’t index content under the public user account

    Page crawler smart search indexes that were configured to use the ‘public’ user account failed to index content.


  • Reporting - Incorrect data in report subscription emails

    Report subscription emails were sent with incorrect data in rare cases.


  • General - Requests with invalid URL characters causing unhandled exceptions

    Requests containing invalid characters in their URL could cause unhandled exceptions, for example when processing requests generated by bots. After applying the hotfix, the system responds to such requests by returning the ‘Page not found’ page (if one is configured for the site).


  • E-commerce - Custom shipping carrier providers calculated with wrong countries

    If a default value of the ‘AddressCountryID’ field was set in an alternative form of the Address class in the E-commerce module, custom shipping carrier providers calculated with the default country and not with the selected country.


  • E-commerce - Missing order content in order status notification emails

    If the first order status after creating an order was configured to send a notification email, the email didn’t contain any information about the order, for example purchased products or the subtotal.


  • Attachments - Pages under workflow weren’t refreshed after an attachment update

    When a page was in a workflow step other than ‘Edit’ and an attachment was uploaded on the ‘Form’ tab, the header actions and content tree icon were not updated accordingly.


  • Web API - Kentico Web API controllers weren’t hidden in generated Web API documentation

    Kentico Web API controllers were not hidden in Web API documentation generated by the ‘ASP.NET Web API Help Page’ tool.


  • Web analytics - Certain report graphs displayed incorrectly when using SQL parallelism

    Web analytics data generated using SQL parallelism was displayed incorrectly in certain graphs. The way the data was plotted could change every time the graph was displayed.


  • Staging - Unnecessary staging task created on user login via Windows authentication

    When using Windows Active Directory authentication, an unnecessary ‘Add user to site’ staging task was created every time a user logged in.


  • Social Media - Large number of errors shown due to Twitter API unavailability

    The system now handles temporary unavailability of the Twitter API better when the ‘Twitter insights collection’ scheduled task is executed. The error logging interval was increased.


  • Marketing automation - Contact filtering inside MA processes when using a separated DB was removed

    Contact filtering on the ‘Contacts’ tab of Marketing automation processes did not work correctly when using a separated on-line marketing database. We removed the functionality for cases when the application is configured to use a separated database.


  • Import/Export - Missing error messages in the Import and Export wizard

    The Import and Export wizard interface didn’t display messages for errors or warning that occurred during the process. Additionally, the wizard didn’t provide a way to finish the import of a site if the system contained another site running on the same domain.


  • Import toolkit - Products imported incorrectly when using the command line

    Importing products using Kentico Import Toolkit from the Windows command line created pages separately from SKUs. The pages then weren’t connected to the SKUs.


  • Form engine - Duplicated custom form fields after import

    Alternative forms of classes were not imported correctly if the export package came from an instance of the same version. The problem could cause duplicates of custom fields within the Product editing interface.


  • Email marketing - Error when sending emails containing multiple links to the same URL

    An error could occur when sending an email containing two links that targeted the same URL.


  • E-commerce - Customer company information not saved to the database

    Customer company information changed during the checkout process wasn’t saved to the database. The system kept using the old information.


  • AD Import - Data not updated for existing users

    The AD Import utility didn’t update the data of existing users when the ‘Update data of existing users and roles’ option was selected.


  • Reporting - Incorrectly labeled values in pie charts

    When a pie chart contained values aggregated into the ‘Others’ slice, the colors of the chart slices did not match the value representations displayed in the chart legend.


  • Portal engine - Error when accessing the PortalTemplate.aspx page in certain cases

    Accessing the PortalTemplate.aspx page while having a page in another window open on the ‘Page tab’ caused an error.


  • On-line Marketing - The ‘Count’ value of conversions with the same name on different sites displayed

    When conversions on different sites shared the same code name, the ‘Count’ value was displayed incorrectly. This affected only the listing on the ‘Conversions’ tab of conversions, graphs were not affected.


  • General - On-site editing caused an error when the application had tracing enabled

    On-site editing caused an error when the application had tracing enabled. This was caused by the on-site editing toolbar using duplicate IDs for certain buttons.


  • Categories - Categories incorrectly assigned to pages in certain cases

    Categories were incorrectly assigned to pages when you first selected the parent category and then a child category before saving.


  • Web parts - Couldn’t place widgets on pages with the ‘Comment view’ web part

    If a page contained the ‘Comment view’ web part, adding of widgets onto the page didn’t work due to JavaScript collisions.


  • User interface - Custom header action buttons disappearing after postback

    When developing custom user interface pages with manually defined header action buttons, header actions whose assigned ‘BaseButton’ wasn’t an instance of the ‘FormSubmitButton’ control were always hidden after a postback occurred on the page.


  • User interface - Web font icons not displayed correctly in the administration UI

    Web font icons weren’t displayed correctly in the administration interface in certain environments. The ‘<meta charset="utf-8">’ head tag was added to all administration interface pages to resolve the issue.


  • Translation services - Incorrect error message when the translated field exceeded the maximum length

    When a translated page field exceeded the maximum allowed length set for the field, an incorrect error message was shown.


  • Staging - Synchronization failed for staging tasks in special cases

    Synchronization timed out for staging tasks that were overwritten at least once (when an object or page was changed multiple times before the synchronization occurred), if more than one target server was configured for the given instance.


  • Portal engine - Unpublished pages were accessible on the Live site through a special page

    Unpublished pages were accessible on the Live site through the ‘PortalTemplate.aspx’ page. Changes were made so that pages are no longer accessible through this page.


  • Marketing automation - Incorrectly named ‘Send email campaign’ action after performing an upgrade

    After upgrading to Kentico 8.2, the ‘Send email campaign’ marketing automation action could retain the no longer correct name 'Send newsletter issue’.


  • Macros - Macro operators evaluated in the wrong order

    The macro engine evaluated certain operators in the wrong order, which caused incorrect results for expressions containing more than two operands (for example subtraction or division of numbers).


  • Macros - Incorrect macro autocomplete position

    The macro autocomplete help dialog was positioned incorrectly within the code editor.


  • Localization - Resource strings not localized correctly in ASPX template editable regions

    Resource strings were not localized correctly when used in editable regions on ASPX page templates. The default culture translation was shown in all cases.


  • E-commerce - Coupons accepted in invalid cases

    The ‘Discount coupon’ web part accepted coupons even when the discount rules weren’t satisfied because the web part incorrectly calculated with the total price including shipping costs.


  • API - Null Result when handling the ‘SqlEvents.ExecuteQuery.After’ event

    When using the ‘SqlEvents.ExecuteQuery.After’ system event to post-process queries, the ‘Result’ property of the handler’s ExecuteQueryEventArgs argument was always null.


  • AD Import - Infinite loading of the AD structure in the user/group selection steps

    When importing from an Active Directory domain with a complex structure, the user/group selection steps of the import utility stopped working in certain cases (infinite loading).


  • Web farms - Web farm servers not being generated automatically

    The functionality for generating web farm servers automatically on application start did not work properly. This issue was accidentally introduced in hotfix 8.2.12.


  • Translation services - The ‘Update statuses’ action in the Translations application could lead to an

    The ‘Update statuses’ action in the Translations application could lead to an infinite loop when a large number of cancelled submission items existed in the system.


  • Pages - Filter in the Outdated pages application didn’t work correctly in a UI culture other than 'e

    The filter in the Outdated pages application was producing a WHERE condition that was compatible only with the ‘en-us’ UI culture.


  • Marketing automation - Emails sent via the ‘Send email’ step had their HTML version copied to the pl

    Emails based on ‘HTML formatted text’ sent via the ‘Send email’ Marketing automation step had their HTML version copied to the plain text version. This resulted in recipients seeing HTML tags in the email when viewing it as plain text.


  • Form controls - Dialog configuration properties of form controls not saved correctly

    When saving fields using the 'URL selector’, ‘Rich text editor’ or ‘BBcode editor’ form control, the ‘Dialog configuration’ properties of the control weren’t stored correctly and reset to their default values.


  • Event log - Event log errors when processing requests with very long URLs

    Events that occurred during the processing of requests with a URL longer than 2000 characters weren’t logged correctly, which caused errors in the event log.


  • Translation services - Sending a linked page for translation via a translation service resulted in an error

    <p>Sending a linked page for translation via a translation service resulted in an error.</p>


  • WYSIWYG editor - Adding of custom <object> tags into content

    If a custom <object> tag was added into content via the source mode of the editor, the embedded object wasn’t displayed correctly. The tag was incorrectly transformed into an invalid expression.


  • Web parts - Listing web parts with an empty macro data source

    Listing web parts with a macro data source didn’t correctly detect whether the data source was empty. If the connected macro data source didn’t provide any results, the web parts weren’t hidden when the ‘Hide if no record found’ property was enabled and didn’t display the 'No record found text’.


  • Web analytics - Incorrect ‘File downloads’ reports when displaying a graph for a longer time period

    The ‘File download’ Web analytics reports did not order the records correctly. This caused the system to display incorrect records if the graph was configured for a longer time period.


  • UI personalization - UI personalization settings not evaluated correctly for AD roles

    UI personalization settings weren’t evaluated correctly for roles that were automatically imported from Active Directory (on applications using Windows authentication).


  • Translation services - Couldn’t send pages with Windows reserved characters in their name for transl

    Pages that contained any of the Windows reserved characters (" < > | ? *) in their name could not be sent for translation via the service.


  • Social Media - Error when attempting to access tweets that haven’t been deleted using Kentico

    Deleting a Twitter post directly on Twitter, instead of using Kentico, caused inconsistencies. This resulted in an error being logged in the Event log every time the system tried to access the tweet.


  • Search - Incorrect searching in decimal fields

    The smart search indexed decimal numbers incorrectly, therefore searching in decimal type fields didn’t work (for example when using field search syntax).


  • Search - Smart search indexing logged an ‘nDocs must be > 0’ error in certain scenarios

    Smart search indexing error ‘nDocs must be > 0’ was logged into the Event log after moving a page into another location. This occurred on sites that had a search index set to a path that did not contain any pages.


  • REST - Retrieving pages from two sites via REST returned incorrect data in certain cases

    Retrieving pages from two sites via the REST service after an application restart returned incorrect data. This occurred if the second site used page types that were not assigned to the first site.


  • Pages - Content displayed by listing web parts wasn’t versioned correctly in the UI in certain cases

    When using workflow and the ‘Combine with default culture’ setting, the content displayed by listing web parts that were set to retrieve only specific ‘Columns’ was not displayed correctly in the administration interface. Already published content was displayed instead of the last edited version.


  • General - Application start and end events logged from external applications

    When the system ran in the context of an external utility (such as the AD Import), the application start and application end events were unnecessarily logged into the Event log. To resolve the issue, you need to hotfix the Kentico setup files.


  • Form controls - Incorrect ‘for’ attribute value in the label element of the Upload file form control

    Form fields using the ‘Upload file’ form control had an incorrect value in the ‘for’ attribute of the label element in the field’s output code.


  • Caching - Error when clearing cache

    An error occurred in certain cases when manually clearing the system’s cache (for example in the ‘Debug -> Cache items’ interface).


  • API - DocumentQuery didn’t handle ‘DISTINCT’ and ‘GROUP BY’ parametrization correctly

    The ‘DISTINCT’ and ‘GROUP BY’ parametrization of DocumentQuery could lead to an incorrectly generated query text which could not be executed against the database.


  • API - CMS.Helpers.ObjectParameters.MergeWith() exception

    Calling the 'CMS.Helpers.ObjectParameters.MergeWith()' method resulted in an exception.


  • AD Import - AD import flooding the Event log

    When importing users and roles via the AD Import utility, the system unnecessarily logged ‘Add user to role’ records to the Event log for each role, even if the user was already assigned to the given role before the import.


  • Web parts & controls - Universal viewer with custom query displayed ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ buttons even

    The Universal viewer with custom query web part always displayed ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ buttons when a hierarchical transformation was used.


  • Strands recommender - Tracking scripts weren’t rendered correctly when using Classic mode

    When the application pool was in Classic mode, some of the Strands recommender tracking scripts were not rendered on the live site.


  • Pages - The ‘Allow file system cache’ page setting didn’t save its value correctly

    The ‘Allow file system cache’ setting on the Properties -> General tab in the Pages application did not save its value correctly.


  • Pages - Live, Permanent and Preview URL links not working for users without modify permissions

    The Live URL, Permanent URL and Preview URL links on the ‘Properties -> General’ tab in the Pages application didn’t work for users without the ‘Modify’ permission for the ‘Content’ module.


  • On-line forms - The Forms application didn’t allow users to clone forms

    The ‘Clone’ action was not available in the the Forms application.


  • On-line forms - Users in custom roles received an ‘Access denied’ error when clicking 'Select displa

    Users in custom roles that clicked ‘Select displayed fields’ in the Forms application received an ‘Access denied’ error despite having the correct permissions and UI personalization settings.


  • Media library - The Media gallery web part uploaded files to an incorrect location

    Files were not uploaded to the destination specified in the ‘Path’ property set in the ‘Media gallery’ web part.


  • Marketing automation - Automation steps provided unsupported, context-dependent macro rules

    The macro condition builder in marketing automation steps offered unsupported, context-dependent macro rules.


  • Localization - Email notifications about newly generated passwords sent in the wrong culture

    The email notifications sent to users as a result of the “Generate new password” action on the Password tab of the Users application used an incorrect culture context. After applying the hotfix, the emails are always sent according to the given user’s ‘Preferred content culture’ setting.


  • General - Deadlock when starting the application under heavy load

    Deadlocks could occur in rare cases if the site came under heavy load during the initialization of the application (for example after the application pool was recycled), which made the site unavailable for other requests.


  • Form controls - Macros not resolved correctly in the settings of dependent fields

    Form controls that contained macros in their Editing control settings weren’t reloaded correctly for fields that depended on other fields in the form. The fix ensures that the following form controls update correctly: Drop-down list, List box, Radio buttons, Multiple choice, Uni selector, Country selector, Calendar, Check box, and Text box.


  • Field editor - Failed validation when saving date and time fields with special default values

    Validation failed when saving date and time fields with special default values, such as ##NOW## or ##TODAY##. This prevented the field from being saved in the field editor.


  • Field editor - Changes not saved for localized captions of categories in the field editor

    When the caption of a field category contained a localized value (resource string), changes made to the text directly in the field editor weren’t saved.


  • E-commerce - Customers saved with wrong preferences

    Customer’s preferred shipping option and payment option were saved incorrectly. Wrong shipping option and payment option were then pre-filled when the customer made another order.


  • E-commerce - Invalid shipping costs displayed in invoice emails

    Email notifications with an invoice displayed the shipping costs without an applied free shipping offer if the free shipping offer was no longer running at the time when the notification was generated.


  • Content Personalization - Personalization variants that work with contact context produced an error

    A ‘RESOLVEDATAMACRO’ error was logged in the Event log application when a Googlebot visited a personalized page. This happened when the personalization variant set up on the page contained a macro such as 'IsInPersona’.


  • Web parts & controls - CSS list menu web part encoding link titles twice

    When the ‘CSS list menu’ web part was configured to show link tooltips (‘Render link title’ property enabled), the text in the tooltip was HTML encoded twice. As a result, certain symbols from national alphabets were displayed as HTML entities.


  • Web analytics - JavaScript web analytics logging caused event log errors

    When JavaScript was used to log the web analytics, search crawlers could have flooded the event log with errors in certain cases.


  • Performance - Inefficient image path validation

    The 'UIHelper.GetImagePath()' method had performance issues caused by slow URL validation. For example, this negatively affected the performance of the content tree or the export of page types. Information about invalid image paths is now also logged into the Event log.


  • Pages - Error on property tabs of linked pages

    In the Pages application, an error occurred when displaying the General or Navigation properties of a page linked from a different site.


  • On-line forms - Invalid HTML content for autoresponder and notification emails

    On-line forms didn’t generate valid HTML content for autoresponder and notification emails. The content editor wasn’t configured to wrap the content into the HTML and BODY tags. For changes to take effect, you need to manually resave settings on the ‘Email notification’ and ‘Autoresponder’ tabs of your forms in the ‘Forms’ application.


  • On-line forms - Form listing displayed incorrectly

    The list of forms in the ‘Forms’ application didn’t work correctly if paging was used and the site contained forms that were restricted only for authorized roles.


  • Macros - Error when expanding the ‘CurrentDocument’ node in the macro tree

    When adding a macro expression via the Insert macro dialog on the Tree tab, expanding the ‘CurrentDocument’ node did not open the desired subtree and an error was logged into the event log.


  • Installation - .NET Framework 4.5/4.5.1 option disabled in the installer

    The .NET Framework 4.5/4.5.1 option was disabled in the installer on machines where only .NET Framework 4.6 was installed.


  • Hotfix - Problems with the Visual Studio Version Selector after applying a hotfix

    When applying a hotfix, the Hotfix utility made unnecessary changes to the project’s solution file, which could cause problems with the Visual Studio Version Selector.


  • Form engine - Error when saving pages with required but disabled fields

    When creating a new page which used a required field with a default value that was set as disabled, an error occurred when saving the page.


  • Form controls - File upload controls not using the default error message text

    File type fields using the ‘Upload file’ or ‘Direct uploader’ form control didn’t display the ‘Default error message’ text if validation failed for the field (when the field was set as required and the form was saved without selecting a file).


  • E-commerce - The MultiBuyDiscountsApplicator class couldn’t be customized

    The class responsible for application of the Buy X Get Y discounts, MultiBuyDiscountsApplicator, is now available for customization.


  • Categories - Tree in the Categories application not showing items

    The tree in the Categories application didn’t show the last categories in the list when the vertical scroll bar was visible.


  • Application dashboard - Possible deadlock on the application dashboard

    When Windows authentication was enabled, a deadlock could occur on the application dashboard in certain cases.


  • Application dashboard - Wrong applications shown on the application dashboard

    When using impersonation in combination with Windows authentication, the application dashboard didn’t display applications correctly.


  • Web analytics - Search engines logged as referring sites

    The ‘Referring sites’ web analytics statistic incorrectly included traffic from search engines. If the referring URL matches the domain rule of a defined search engine, the traffic source is now only logged in the ‘Search engines’ statistic.


  • UI personalization - Wrong UI personalization permission check in the ‘Insert image’ dialog

    When using UI personalization, a permission check for a WYSIWYG editor UI element was incorrectly performed on the ‘Web’ tab of the ‘Insert image’ dialog.


  • Translation services - Multilingual translations via not working correctly

    When a page was sent to the service for translation into multiple languages, the system then imported the language versions incorrectly.


  • Translation services - ‘Update statuses’ action causing an infinite loop for servic

    When a large number of pending translation submissions was removed from the database, the system could get into an infinite loop after using the ‘Update statuses’ button. This was caused by the system not sending a confirmation about downloading the resources for the deleted submissions.


  • Translation services - Incorrect word and character count when sending multiple pages for translatio

    When sending multiple pages for translation, words and characters were counted incorrectly if the ‘Send all pages within one submission’ option was not selected.


  • Translation services - JavaScript error unnecessarily logged in the console

    When sending a page for translation into multiple languages, JavaScript error was logged in the browser console.


  • Strands recommender - Strands recommendations displayed incorrect products

    The ‘Strands recommendations’ web part displayed incorrect product recommendations when a product template was used.


  • Search - Smart search syntax with decimal values not working for certain cultures

    Advanced smart search syntax containing decimal values didn’t work in the context of cultures that use a different decimal mark than the period character (‘.’). The system incorrectly converted the decimal mark based on the current culture, even though the search syntax requires use of the period character.


  • Search - Incorrect search result pagination with multiple applied search filters

    Search result pagination wasn’t reset correctly when two or more search filters were applied at the same time.


  • On-line Marketing - Added tracking of on-line marketing features usage

    On-line marketing features are now included in the Kentico improvement program. More information at:


  • Macros - Macro resigning not working with a specified hash salt

    When updating the signatures of macros in ‘System -> Macros -> Signatures’ with a specified ‘Old salt’ or ‘New salt’ value, the new macro signatures were invalid.


  • Import/Export - Export/Import not working for files with special characters in their name

    When exporting files containing special Unicode characters in their name (for example Russian characters), the file names were corrupted in the export package, which resulted in errors during the import.


  • Geomapping - Caching couldn’t be disabled for map web parts

    Setting the ‘Cache minutes’ property to 0 for map web parts (for example ‘Google maps’) didn’t disable server-side caching of the location resolutions.


  • E-commerce - Some fields of newly registered customers weren’t saved

    If anonymous customers were automatically registered after making an order, their preferred currency, payment method and shipping option weren’t saved to the database.


  • API - GetCustomers(int siteId) returned unexpected results

    Missing brackets around the ‘OR’ condition in the query generated by the 'CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers(int siteId)' method caused unexpected results when the method was called with extra ‘where’ conditions.


  • Licensing - Web farm license warnings when using the Free license

    <p>When using the Free license, web farm related license warnings were registered in the Event log even if the web farm functionality was disabled.</p>


  • Web parts - ‘Partial cache minutes’ setting not resolving macros

    The ‘Partial cache minutes’ setting in web part properties didn’t resolve macro expressions.


  • Web analytics - The page views and the aggregated views logged without the page culture

    When the web analytics logged events without JavaScript, the page views and the aggregated views logged without the page culture.


  • REST - REST hash authentication didn’t work correctly for logged in users

    REST hash authentication didn’t work correctly for requests generated by a browser where a user was logged into Kentico. The system incorrectly evaluated the permissions of the logged in user with greater priority than the hash authentication.


  • Portal engine - CSS linking issue with AJAX UpdatePanel

    If a web part with selected ‘Use update panel’ property performed a postback, extra CSS styles were appended to the head section, which made pages unresponsive.


  • Portal engine - Lost macro values in the properties of web part zones

    Web part zone properties lost macro values after manipulating web parts on the same page (for example after copying and pasting a web part).


  • Multilingual content - ‘Combine with default culture’ setting not working for Page placeholders disp

    When the ‘Page placeholder’ web part was set to display a specific page on a multilingual web site with the ‘Combine with default culture’ setting enabled, the default culture version of the selected page wasn’t displayed if the page didn’t exist in the currently selected culture.


  • Modules - Fields not updated correctly when importing classes

    The ‘Field is system’ setting wasn’t set correctly when editing class fields, which could prevent the fields from being updated in the database when importing new versions of classes. This setting differentiates between default module class fields and fields added later to customizable classes of installed modules. The setting’s value is now true by default when editing classes in a module that is still in development, but always false (and hidden) when creating fields in a customizable class of an installed module.


  • Import/Export - Error when exporting objects with over 1000 records

    An error could occur during the export process if the export data contained objects with more than 1000 records.


  • General - NotSupportedException errors when using a separated online marketing database

    NotSupportedException errors could occur in the system when using a separated online marketing database. The problem was caused by DataQuery API calls with filtering via the ‘WhereIn’ method if the column used for selection was of the string data type and within a table located in the separated database.


  • Field editor - Data source options of fields not saved correctly using the Ctrl+S shortcut

    When defining ‘Data source’ options for a field (for example with the ‘Drop-down list’ form control), the value was lost when saving via the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut if the browser focus remained inside the text area.


  • E-commerce - The SKU field mapping of page types synchronized their fields incorrectly when SKUs wer

    The legacy SKU field mapping on the ‘E-commerce’ tab of a page type synchronized its fields incorrectly and left the fields empty when the page type had the ‘Create SKU automatically when a new page of this type is created’ field selected.


  • Contact management - CSV files couldn’t be imported because of their wrong MIME type

    If the MIME type of an imported CSV file with contacts was different from the predefined ones, it wasn’t possible to import it even though the CSV file was otherwise correct.


  • UniGrid - Error when filtering files using the “Stored in DB” option

    An error occurred in the file listings in ‘System -> Files -> Attachments’ and ‘Metafiles’ when the “Stored in DB” filter option was set to a different value than "(all)".


  • Transformations - GetDateTime transformation method causing page timeouts

    The ‘GetDateTime’ transformation method caused page timeouts (stack overflow) when called with an object parameter. For example: GetDateTime(Eval(“MessageInserted”))


  • Staging - Large number of search tasks created when staging pages with multiple aliases

    When synchronizing pages with multiple aliases, unnecessary search indexing tasks were created on the target instance.


  • Security - Password policy not reflected when generating new passwords

    When the system generated a password for a user or customer, the length or number of non-alphanumeric characters in the new password didn’t follow the site’s password policy.


  • REST - REST errors not logged in the event log

    Certain types of errors that could occur in the REST service weren’t logged into the event log.


  • On-line Marketing - Certain On-line marketing actions could return an incorrect contact in special c

    Certain On-line marketing functionality, for example the ‘Subscription approval’ web part, used an incorrect contact in special cases. This was caused by the ‘ActivityLogHelper.GetContactIDByEmail’ method ignoring its second parametr (siteId).


  • Microsoft Azure - Error when handling parallel requests for files on Amazon or Azure storage

    When storing files on an external storage provider (Amazon/Microsoft Azure), requests for a file that was already being loaded could result in an error until the file was fully loaded and cached on the local file system.


  • Macros - Rule designer for macro conditions didn’t wrap macro rules in parentheses correctly

    When building macro conditions in the Rule designer, the code of macro rules wasn’t correctly wrapped into parentheses, which could lead to an incorrect result for conditions containing multiple macro rules.


  • Import/Export - Error when exporting or importing custom objects

    An unhandled error occurred when exporting or importing custom objects with certain type information configuration options enabled (ImportExportSettings.IsAutomaticallySelected set to true).


  • Form engine - Validation error CSS class not removed correctly for form fields

    The ‘Error’ CSS class, which the system applies to form fields whose validation fails, was not removed after the field became valid if the form contained at least one other field whose validation failed.


  • Form controls - Filtering of duplicate items in form control data sources

    Form controls with a Data source setting for options (such as the Drop-down list) incorrectly filtered out duplicate items when using ‘List of options’ or ‘SQL query’ as the data source. Duplicate items are no longer filtered out.


  • Files - Watermarked images not loaded correctly

    When a page contained multiple watermarked images, the images weren’t loaded correctly.


  • E-commerce - The method for getting the current shopping cart couldn’t be customized

    A new virtual method, ShoppingCartInfoProvider.GetCurrentShoppingCartInternal(), was added to allow customization of getting the current shopping cart, for example when you want to use the same shopping cart on more sites.


  • Debug - Deadlock logs created on the file system even when disabled

    Deadlock tracking information was written to text files in the App_Data folder even if the ‘Settings -> System -> Log to filesystem’ setting was disabled.


  • Dashboards - Incorrect dashboard content when using impersonation under Windows authentication

    The application dashboard didn’t display the correct content and customization didn’t work when using impersonation in combination with Windows authentication.


  • Contact management - Recalculation of contact groups failed with certain macro rules

    Dynamic recalculation of contact groups failed if the condition contained certain types of macro rules (“The given key was not present in the dictionary.” error was logged into the event log). The scheduled full rebuild of the contact group was not affected.


  • Amazon S3 - Uploading files larger than 4MB to Amazon S3 storage

    When using Amazon S3 storage, files larger than 4MB weren’t uploaded correctly.


  • WYSIWYG editor - Using user contributions to insert an image attachment on an unpublished page resul

    Using user contributions to insert an image attachment on an unpublished page resulted in a 404 error.


  • Validators - Complex URLs not validated correctly in certain locations

    Validation of URLs containing an “at” symbol (@) incorrectly failed in certain parts of the system, for example when inserting links in forums.


  • Search - Smart Search -> Tasks page not showing correct data

    The Smart Search -> Tasks page was missing some header actions and some data was not displayed correctly.


  • Scheduler - ‘Delete old temporary upload files’ scheduled task not working when using Scheduler Wind

    Old temporary upload files were not removed by the ‘Delete old temporary upload files’ scheduled task when the scheduled tasks were set to be run by the external Scheduler Windows service.


  • Modules - Class fields not updated in the database when importing custom modules

    When importing new versions of custom modules, the definitions of class fields are not updated correctly in the database in certain cases. To fix the issue, make sure that the ‘Field is system’ setting is disabled for all class fields before creating the export package. After applying the hotfix, this field setting is now disabled by default for new fields of custom classes.


  • Microsoft Azure - Unnecessary ‘The remote host closed the connection’ error in the event log when us

    When using Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 Storage, if a visitor closed a page before all media on the page were downloaded, an error was logged into the event log. This could lead to performance problems on pages with high traffic.


  • Localization - Date & time macro transformation methods not working correctly

    Date & time macro methods called in transformations (for example GetCurrentDateTimeString) didn’t work correctly if the selected culture of the content was different than the default culture.


  • General - Components in the administration interface generated controls with the same ID

    Certain components in the administration interface generated controls with the same ID. This caused an error where multiple controls with the same ID were found.


  • Form engine - Form control validation called twice

    The form control validation method IsValid() was called twice during form validation, which could cause problems in certain scenarios.


  • Email marketing - Email A/B tests were showing an incorrect winner selection date and time in certai

    Email A/B tests were showing an incorrect winner selection date and time. This happened when the selection was postponed to achieve unambiguous results.


  • Custom tables - Using the ‘Custom table item selector’ form control without a custom table resulted

    Using the ‘Custom table item selector’ form control without a set custom table resulted in an error.


  • Contact management - The ‘Custom registration form’ web part didn’t update contact information

    When a user registered using the ‘Custom registration form’ web part, the user’s contact was not updated with the filled in information.


  • Contact management - Contact and account filtering with a separated Online marketing database

    Filtering of contacts and accounts according to the 'Country’, ‘State’ or ‘Account owner’ fields in the Contact management application didn’t work correctly when the Online marketing database was separated.


  • API - Incorrect behavior of the GetCacheDependencies API method

    The ‘GetCacheDependencies’ method of the CacheHelper class didn’t return default dependencies correctly. The method now returns default dependencies only if the first parameter is null or contains the ##DEFAULT## macro.


  • E-commerce - Order payment forms were accessible for other users

    URLs of pages with the ‘Payment form’ web part were accessible also for other users or logged-out users who were then able to display the order ID, the selected payment method and the total price of the order.


  • Web analytics - Unnecessary web analytics service calls

    The Smart search control called the web analytics service even when web analytics were disabled.


  • Security - User contributions permissions

    There was an incorrect permission check in the user contributions feature.


  • Scheduler - Disabling of scheduled tasks not working for not-installed modules

    It wasn’t possible to disable scheduled tasks belonging to modules that weren’t installed (validation failed when saving the change due to the non-existing assembly and class). The assembly and class validation no longer applies when saving disabled tasks.


  • REST - Creating pages with REST API didn’t allow white spaces in ‘NodeClassID’

    Creating pages with REST API did not allow white spaces in the ‘NodeClassID’ value.


  • Page types - Page type ‘Display name’ always localized in the default culture in the New page listin

    The ‘Display name’ of pages types was always localized in the default culture in the New page listing, even if a different culture was selected.


  • Macros - GetCustomDateTime macro method not working correctly

    The 'GetCustomDateTime(Now, “TimeZoneCode”)' macro method didn’t return correct results due to a conversion error (an error was logged when evaluating the macro expression).


  • Localization - Workflow button localization in User contributions didn’t work correctly

    Workflow button localization in the User contributions web parts did not work correctly.


  • Email marketing - Emails sent to persona subscribers not taking bounced emails into account

    When sending emails for campaigns with persona subscribers, mails were sent to contacts in the given persona even if they should have been blocked due to their number of bounced emails.


  • Email marketing - Link tracking dialog not wide enough

    The Clicked link tracking dialog was not wide enough and a horizontal scroll bar appeared in some cases.


  • Documentation - Missing “How to” link in the Contact management application

    The “How to” link for importing contacts was missing in the help section of the Contact management application.


  • Code editor - Success messages not visible in the full screen mode of the code editor

    Success messages weren’t displayed when viewing the code editor in full screen mode (for example after successfully saving).


  • Attachments - Attachment URLs in a format with GUID didn’t work correctly without the file name

    Attachment URLs in an extensionless configuration did not work correctly in the ‘~/getattachment/<GUID>?foo=bar’ format, where the attachment’s file name is not included.


  • Web analytics - Page statistics not merged correctly after deleting a culture version of a page

    Statistics of different language versions of a page were not merged correctly when one of the culture versions of the page was deleted.


  • Social Media - Error logged when obtaining a Google access token

    An error was logged into the event log when obtaining an Access token for Google+ (via the ‘Get’ button in Settings -> Social media -> Google+).


  • Page types - Deleting a page type inherited by another page type caused an SQL error

    Deleting a page type inherited by another page type caused an SQL error. This action now displays a message instead.


  • On-line Marketing - Dynamically generated contact groups weren’t automatically rebuilt when staged

    Staging tasks for automatically rebuilding dynamically generated contact groups were not synchronized correctly via staging.


  • Multilingual content - Membership settings not allowing culture-specific paths

    The ‘Member management path’ and ‘Member profile path’ community settings didn’t allow creation of culture-specific links. It is now possible to add the {CultureCode} wildcard into the path values, and then create pages with a URL containing the culture code in the corresponding location.


  • Localization - Translations of resource strings not loaded from resx files in certain cases

    Culture-specific versions of resource strings stored in the system’s resx files weren’t loaded if the given resource string was overridden in the database and existed only in the default culture. The default culture version of the string was always returned instead.


  • Import/Export - Export not working for module folders with periods in their name

    Module folders with period characters (“.”) in their names weren’t included in the export process (the export only worked correctly if the periods were replaced by underscores).


  • Groups - ‘Group registration’ web part creating forums incorrectly

    When the ‘Group registration’ web part was set to automatically create a forum for new groups, the new forum was not visible in Groups -> edit the new group -> Forums on the ‘Forums’ tab. The web part didn’t set the ‘ForumCommunityGroupID’ column to reference the newly created group in the ‘Forums_Forum’ table.


  • General - Incorrect initialiation for events of specific object types

    Events of specific object types (Info.TYPEINFO.Events) were initialized incorrectly in certain cases, which could lead to event handlers being attached and executed multiple times.


  • General - Incorrect user initialization during the first request after an application restart

    The first request after the application start incorrectly executed certain actions in the context of a public (anonymous) user in certain cases, due to an incorrect caching mechanism.


  • Form engine - Default form field values not resolved according to the selected culture

    Default values of form fields containing a macro value were resolved according to the default culture, rather than the currently selected culture (could affect forms in the administration interface and on the live site).


  • Form engine - Collapsible form field categories not working correctly in update panels

    Collapsible form field categories didn’t work correctly if the form was placed inside an update panel.


  • Form controls - Path from an incorrect language displayed in the ‘Image selection’ control

    The ‘Image selection’ control could display a wrong path if the image was added on a multilingual website.


  • Attachments - Updating page attachments not working properly

    When multiple files were attached to a page, updating the second or the next attachment updated the previous attachment instead of the selected one.


  • Web parts - Incorrect parsing of SQL column properties

    Web part properties used to specify SQL columns were parsed incorrectly if the value contained an SQL expression with special characters (for example parentheses).


  • Users - Reset password link always opening a Kentico system page

    The error message shown after opening an expired password reset request contained another reset password link that always sent the user to a Kentico system page. The link now points to the URL specified by the ‘Security & Membership -> Website logon page URL’ setting (if available).


  • UniGrid - Object listing state not remembered

    Object listings (UniGrid components) only saved their state (paging, ordering, etc.) if a filter was applied to the list.


  • Staging - A/B test variant names and aliases weren’t synchronized across servers

    When creating a new A/B test page variant, the variant name and alias were not synchronized across servers when using Staging.


  • Sites - Whitespace not trimmed in site domain aliases

    Whitespace characters in site domain aliases were not trimmed.


  • Search - Smart search indexing failed for certain types of PDF files

    When indexing PDF files with certain types of character sets (stored as page attachments), the smart search text extractor fell into an infinite loop, which prevented the index from rebuilding.


  • Search - Unexpected behavior when submitting smart search filters

    If the the Enter key was pressed while the browser focus was on a ‘Smart search filter’ web part, the submit action was performed on the first submit button from the top of the page (often a Sign out button).


  • Pages - ‘NodeAlias’ wasn’t handled correctly when updating a page

    ‘NodeAlias’ was not trimmed to the maximum allowed length when updating a page which led to an error.


  • Pages - Error during logon page redirection

    An error occurred during logon page redirection if the page was located on another domain/site and a matching page didn’t exist on the current site.


  • Macros - Macro expressions resolved incorrectly for certain objects

    The properties of Info objects that represent multiple object types were resolved incorrectly within macro expressions in some cases (for example SKUInfo, which represents both products and product variants).


  • Macros - Missing progress log when updating macro signatures

    When updating the signatures of macros in 'System -> Macros -> Signatures’, the interface didn’t display a progress log.


  • Localization - Unhandled error when inserting two resource strings into a localizable text box

    Inserting two resource strings into a localizable text box caused an unhandled error. This is not a supported scenario. The system now treats such values as standard text without switching the text box into localized mode.


  • Localization - Localization of dashboard live tiles didn’t take the user’s preferred UI culture into

    Localization of content displayed by live tiles on the application dashboard didn’t take the user’s preferred user interface culture into account.


  • Form engine - Alternative form code names not validated for period characters

    The code names of alternative forms weren’t validated for the presence of period characters (“.”), which are not allowed. The system now rejects code names containing periods, and replaces periods with underscores when generating automatic code names.


  • Form controls - Control scope settings of form controls always empty

    When editing form controls after applying hotfix 8.2.4, the checkboxes in the ‘Control scope’ settings were not populated (always displayed as empty).


  • E-commerce - The ‘GetSKUOriginalPrice’ transformation method returned the price without taxes in cer

    The ‘GetSKUOriginalPrice’ transformation method with taxes enabled (‘taxes’ parameter set to true) returned the original price of a product without taxes if the product was sold for a lower price than the list price.


  • Code generation - The class generated for product page types didn’t inherit from SKUTreeNode

    The class generated for product page types did not inherit from SKUTreeNode.


  • Caching - Partial cache not working in deployment mode

    Partial caching didn’t work for projects with deployment mode enabled (virtual files were saved to the file system).


  • Blogs - Blog month created in an incorrect language

    Blog month pages were created in an incorrect language when creating a blog post in a non-default culture.


  • API - Broken loading of fake info objects in unit tests

    When using Data query to load fake info objects in unit tests, the result was always an empty data set if the query didn’t contain any filtering conditions.


  • E-commerce - Number of used coupons not increased when the ‘Order is one of the X first orders’ disc

    If a discount with coupons and the ‘Order is one of the X first orders’ rule were used, the count of the used coupons was not increased when the discount was applied.


  • Web parts - Date & Time web part not working

    The ‘Date & Time’ web part didn’t work correctly (even after applying the previous 8.2.3 hotfix).


  • User interface - Incorrect indentation in the Macro autocomplete list

    The list of items in the Macro autocomplete help had incorrect icon indentation when viewed in Internet Explorer 10.


  • User interface - Toolbar selectors were too short and not aligned correctly

    Selectors positioned within the page toolbar (for example Site or Server selectors) were too short and not aligned correctly.


  • Staging - “Add to site” staging tasks not generated for cloned objects

    When a site-related object was cloned while staging was enabled for object changes, the system didn’t log staging tasks for assigning the new object to the appropriate site.


  • Social Marketing - Auto post form controls not working with linked pages

    The social marketing auto post form controls didn’t work correctly with linked pages.


  • Search - Smart search returning wrong total results count

    When the smart search found more results than limit specified by the ‘CMSSearchMaxResultsNumber’ web.config key, the pager showed only the limited result count instead of the total result count.


  • Reporting - Incorrect data in report graphs for campaigns with special characters

    Campaign report graphs displayed incorrect data for campaigns whose name contained 2 byte Unicode characters.


  • Personas - The ‘Persona-based Recommendations’ web part’s cache not clearing correctly

    The ‘Persona-based Recommendations’ web part’s cache was not cleared when a page was tagged or untagged with a persona.


  • Pages - The maximum length of a page’s ‘NodeAlias’ wasn’t ensured in all cases

    The maximum allowed length of a page’s ‘NodeAlias’ wasn’t ensured in all cases. This could result in a ‘String or binary data would be truncated’ error when working with the alias.


  • Pages - The page tag group inheritance was not disabled when no tags were specified

    When inheritance of the Page tag group was disabled without specifying any tag group on the Metadata tab in the Pages application, the change was not saved.


  • Macros - Macros not resolved correctly in membership email templates

    Certain context-specific macros weren’t resolved correctly in emails based on membership email templates.


  • Macros - Invalid parameters weren’t logged in the event log

    Occurrences of invalid parameters in macro expressions weren’t logged in the event log or while debugging.


  • Localization - Error when updating empty localization macro expressions in display name fields

    Updating of an empty localization macro expression in the display name field of any object caused an error.


  • Import/Export - Missing error message in the Import and Export wizard

    The Import and Export wizard interface didn’t display an error message if the system had insufficient file system permissions for the import/export temporary folder.


  • Form controls - Certain form controls not reloading their content on postback

    The 'Multiple choice’, ‘List box’ and ‘Radio buttons’ form controls didn’t reload their content when configured to depend on another field. The controls now update their content when a field with depending fields triggers a postback in the form.


  • Form controls - Email template selector didn’t allow selection of site-specific templates

    The ‘Email template selector’ form control couldn’t be configured to select site-specific templates. The control now has a Site property (in the advanced editing control settings), which can be configured to allow selection of either global email templates or those belonging to the current site.


  • Field editor - Missing ‘Reference’ settings in the field editor for binding classes with a compound

    When creating M:N binding classes with a compound primary key, the ‘Reference’ settings used to select the related classes weren’t available in the field editor for the class’s primary key fields.


  • E-commerce - Wrong item prices displayed when editing orders in certain cases

    Orders were not displayed with the correct item prices while editing the order when at least two products with a text or attribute option were ordered.


  • Debug - Possible deadlock when initializing debug settings

    When multiple threads were running during the initialization of the application, a deadlock could occur in the initialization of the debug settings, making the involved threads stuck.


  • Web parts - Properties of web parts with a text editor weren’t saved in IE 9

    The web part properties dialog could not be saved in IE 9 for web parts with a text editor property.


  • Web parts - Date & time web part not working

    The ‘Date & time’ web part didn’t work correctly (displayed no output).


  • Web analytics - Page culture version statistics weren’t merged correctly after deleting one of the c

    Page culture version statistics were not merged correctly after deleting one of the culture versions.


  • User interface - Code editor resizing problems

    Resizing the code editor by toggling fit-to-window mode didn’t work correctly in certain parts of the interface.


  • UniGrid - Object listings (UniGrid) not filtering data correctly on the first load

    Object listings (UniGrid components) didn’t filter data according to the default filter settings on the first load of the page.


  • UniGrid - State not restored correctly for numeric filters of object listings

    Listing filters for numeric fields (double or decimal type) didn’t load their saved state correctly in cases where the filter contained an invalid value.


  • Search - Smart search indexing not working (“nDocs must be > 0” error)

    Having a page search index with 0 indexed items could result in an error (“nDocs must be > 0”) when indexing pages and their categories. The error caused the given indexing task to fail, which prevented the system from processing subsequent indexing tasks until the failed task was cleared.


  • REST - Creation of online form records failed without setting the ‘FormInserted’ timestamp

    When creating online form records via POST requests to the REST service, the operation failed if the request data didn’t manually set a value for the ‘FormInserted’ timestamp field. The field’s value is now set automatically based on the creation time.


  • Pages - BBCode editor disabled after checking a page out in certain cases

    Fields using the BBCode editor remained disabled after checking a page out in certain cases.


  • On-line Marketing - Email campaign A/B tests hash tables not cleared properly

    The ‘Clear hash tables’ button on the ‘System objects’ tab in the Debug application did not clear hash tables of email campaign A/B tests properly.


  • On-line forms - Localization macros in form notification emails always resolved in the default cultu

    Localization macros in form notification emails were always resolved in the default culture.


  • Macros - Macro parameters affecting other macros in certain cases

    In some cases one macro’s parameters could affect the result of other macro expressions that were resolved within the same context.


  • Localization - Wrong language for “unlock account” emails sent after failed logon attempts

    “Unlock account” emails sent after the limit for failed logon attempts was exceeded were always in the default culture instead of the culture selected by the user who locked their account.


  • General - Frozen progress log for asynchronous actions after performing a large number of actions

    The log displaying the progress of asynchronous actions (importing subscribers, staging synchronization) stopped working in certain cases after a very large number of actions was performed, even though the actions continued in the background without any problems.


  • Form controls - Value of certain form controls not saved when using the ‘Check in’ action

    The value of form controls that open dialogs was not saved when using the ‘Check in’ action.


  • Field editor - Error when changing in-place localization macros to other values in the field editor

    An error occurred when an in-place localization macro was changed to another value in the field editor.


  • E-commerce - Product prices displayed differently on the product detail page and in the shopping car

    When the SKUPrice property was specified with more decimal places than the main currency allows, product prices were displayed differently on the product detail page and in the shopping cart content.


  • Controls - UniSelector included bootstrap.min.js even if not required

    The UniSelector control linked bootstrap.min.js onto the page even if not required.


  • Contact management - The name of the ‘Delete condition’ settings category in ‘Inactive contacts’ set

    The name of the ‘Delete condition’ settings category in ‘Inactive contacts’ settings has changed to 'Delete contacts matching all the following conditions’.


  • Widgets - Widget properties were in conflict with system properties in certain cases, causing an exc

    Widget properties were in conflict with system properties in certain cases. This could cause an exception.


  • Web parts - Unable to create new items using the ‘Contribution list’ web part in certain cases

    The ‘Contribution list’ web part did not allow creating new items if the page was under a path that contained an underscore (_).


  • Users - The site selector on the ‘On-line users’ tab of the Users application didn’t work

    The site selector on the ‘On-line users’ tab of the Users application did not work.


  • Users - Custom registration form web part creating users with incorrect usernames

    If the ‘UserName’ field was visible in an alternative form, but wasn’t included in the form’s custom layout, ‘Custom registration form’ web parts using the given alternative form created users with an automatic username instead of the email address inserted via the form.


  • User interface - Removal of all items in selection dialogs not working correctly in some cases

    Deselecting all items in a selection dialog (UniSelector in multiple mode) could bring the selector into an invalid state.


  • URL rewriting & SEO - Domain URLs weren’t redirected to the default page in certain cases

    Domain URLs were not redirected to the default page in certain cases.


  • UniGrid - Listing filter disappeared in certain cases

    The listing (UniGrid) filter disappeared when users clicked the ‘Search’ button while the FilterLimit was set to 0, the filter area did not contain any text, and the grid was empty.


  • Staging - Staging tasks not created when restoring objects from backup

    Update staging tasks weren’t created when an object was restored from backup. This caused an inconsistency between the staging source and the target servers.


  • Social Media - Some social media web parts failed to load over HTTPS.

    Some social media web parts placed on a page accessed through HTTPS failed to load because they requested content over HTTP.


  • Reporting - Reports missing in the recycle bin after deleting a report category

    Reports were not moved to the object recycle bin when their parent category was deleted (even if the recycle bin was enabled for all objects in the settings).


  • Reporting - Error in campaign report when the campaign display name contained a space

    The campaign report graph returned an error if the campaign display name contained a space at the beginning or end.


  • On-line forms - Incorrect resource string used for validation error messages

    An incorrect resource string was used for Form validation error messages. This complicated customizations of the error message value.


  • Macros - The email validation rule wasn’t named correctly

    A dash was removed from the word ‘E-mail’ in the email validation rule to make it consistent with the rest of the system.


  • Macros - Inline macro parameteres not being applied if the result of an expression was anoher macro

    In situations where the result of a macro expression is another macro expression and the ‘notrecursive’ parameter isn’t specified, the resulting macro expression is resolved as well. Inline macro parameters (culture, encode, etc.) were only applied on the first level of the recursion in these cases.


  • General - Hash tables of countries and states not cleared correctly

    Some of the hash tables used for state and country data weren’t cleared when manually clearing the hash table cache (for example, using the ‘Clear cache’ button in the ‘System’ application).


  • Forums - On-Site management property in Forum web parts working incorrectly

    It was possible to modify Forum web parts through on-site editing even if the ‘On-site management’ property in Forum web parts wasn’t selected.


  • Form engine - ‘Make new fields hidden’ not working for alternative forms of child page types

    If an inherited page type had an alternative form with the ‘Make new fields hidden’ property enabled, new fields added to the parent page type were still visible by default in the alternative form.


  • Form controls - Direct uploader form control preview error

    An error occurred when opening the Preview tab of the ‘Direct uploader’ form control in the Form controls application.


  • Email marketing - Incorrect date shown when editing an A/B tested email in special cases

    An incorrect ‘Send on’ date (1/1/0001) was shown when editing an A/B tested email under very rare circumstances.


  • Email marketing - Approving a campaign subscription created a duplicate contact in certain cases

    Approving a campaign subscription created a duplicate contact in certain cases, when the ‘Automatically recognize visitors by user agent’ and ‘Automatically recognize visitors by IP address’ settings were enabled.


  • Email marketing - It was possible to add users without an email address as subscribers

    The ‘Select users’ dialog in Email campaigns displayed users with no email address.


  • E-mail engine - Email priority was changed for emails whose sending failed

    Email priority was always set to “normal” if an email wasn’t sent via the E-mail queue and its sending failed.


  • E-commerce - Condition builder in the Order discounts application could cause JS errors

    Closing the condition builder in the Order discounts application could cause JS errors when using Firefox.


  • Debug - Certain debug settings not applied immediately

    Changes made to the ‘Debug SQL connections’ or ‘Enable detailed macro debug’ settings didn’t take effect until the application’s cache was cleared.


  • Dashboards - Application dashboard wasn’t displayed correctly in Chrome when zoomed-in

    Tiles in the application dashboard were not aligned correctly when zoomed-in in Chrome.


  • Contact management - The ‘Add stamp’ button wasn’t visible in the ‘Merge collisions’ dialog

    The ‘Add stamp’ button was not visible in the ‘Merge collisions’ dialog.


  • Contact management - Merging a large number of contacts into one another in a chain didn’t work

    When more than 32 contacts were merged into one another in a chain, the parent contact was not found due to a recursion limit.


  • Chat - Localization macros for chat transformations not returnign the correct content or UI culture

    Localization macros for chat support request transformations didn’t return the correct UI culture.


  • Caching - Incorrect output cache directory path when obtained through public API

    The default path to the persistent output cache directory obtained through public API contained double backslash, which might have caused issues in certain cases.


  • Caching - The old avatar was displayed when changing the avatar with the client cache enabled

    When a user changed the avatar in the ‘My account’ web part and the client cache was enabled, the old avatar was displayed in the browser.


  • Banned IPs - Banned IP hash tables not cleared

    When global or site banned IPs were cached in hash tables, the ‘Clear hash tables’ button on the ‘Debug -> System objects’ tab didn’t clear the given tables.


  • API - DocumentHelper.GetDocument returned no results without a ‘NodeAliasPath’ specified in 'NodeSel

    The ‘DocumentHelper.GetDocument’ method returned no results when called with ‘NodeSelectionParameters’ that did not contain a 'NodeAliasPath’.


  • Web parts - The ‘YouTube video’ web part didn’t support protocol agnostic URLs

    The ‘YouTube video’ web part did not support adding of protocol agnostic Video URLs.


  • User interface - Missing padding in the edit message dialog

    Padding was missing in the ‘Groups -> Message boards -> Messages -> Edit’ dialog.


  • Staging - New culture versions of pages with attachments not synchronized correctly

    Field attachments of a newly created culture version of a page were not synchronized to the target server.


  • Staging - Unnecessary synchronization of time zone recalculation

    The ‘Recalculate time zone’ scheduled task logged staging tasks for updating the time zones. The task no longer generates staging tasks, since they were unnecessary - the time zones are automatically recalculated by the same scheduled task on the target server.


  • Settings - The output cache wasn’t cleared when changing certain site settings

    Additional site settings that influence page markup now clear the output cache after their value is modified.


  • Search - LuceneSearchDocument class made public

    The ‘LuceneSearchDocument’ class was made public to support advanced search customization scenarios.


  • Search - Error in the event log after creating new smart search indexes

    When saving a new smart search index, a missing directory error was logged into the system’s Event log (the error was a false positive).


  • Project management - Deleting project/tasks statuses or priorities removed entire projects and tasks

    After deleting a project/task status or task priority, all projects and tasks using the given option were also deleted. The system no longer allows deletion of statuses or priorities that are used by existing projects or tasks.


  • On-line Marketing - Strands recommender didn’t work when on pages accessed via HTTPS

    Strands recommender did not work on pages accessed via HTTPS. The Strands library was referenced via HTTP, which is not allowed on pages loaded via HTTPS.


  • On-line forms - Fields weren’t marked as required when creating a new form record in the UI

    Fields were not marked as required when creating a new form record on the ‘Recorded data’ tab of the Forms application.


  • Message boards - Users unable to post on message boards with the username field hidden

    When using the ‘Message board’ web part with the ‘Show Name field’ property disabled, users couldn’t post messages due to incorrect validation in certain scenarios.


  • Macros - Some macro rules weren’t localized correctly

    Some macro rules were not localized correctly. This resulted in incorrect ‘Display names’ being shown throughout the system.


  • Macros - Reset password URL in forgotten password emails not resolved correctly

    The reset password URL in the email that users receive after submitting a password reset request on the logon form wasn’t resolved correctly in certain cases.


  • General - Event log errors when certain separable modules were not installed

    Module usage tracking errors were logged into the event log if certain separable modules were not installed (for example Chat).


  • Form engine - Visibility settings of user fields not displayed correctly

    The status configured by users for the visibility of their user profile fields wasn’t displayed correctly.


  • E-commerce - Buy X Get Y discounts could cause an endless loading loop when the product from the 'Bu

    When a product stayed in a customer’s shopping cart after logging out and the product was then selected in the ‘Buy’ conditions of a Buy X Get Y discount, an endless loading loop occurred after the particular customer logged in again.


  • E-commerce - Payment notification emails sent information about the previous order status

    Payment notification emails were sent with information about the previous order status instead of the current one.


  • E-commerce - The tax registration ID and the organization ID couldn’t be set in the My Account web p

    It was impossible to set the tax registration ID and the organization ID in the My Account web part since their fields were hidden.


  • E-commerce - The PayPal provider failed the payment when using more than 2 decimal places

    When using more than 2 decimal places and paying with PayPal, the PayPal provider returned the ‘Payment failed’ status because PayPal rounded the amount.


  • Dialogs - Preview of a modified image wasn’t refreshed correctly in the BB editor image selector

    Preview of an image modified in the Image editor was not refreshed correctly in the ‘Insert image’ and ‘Insert media’ dialogs and in the BB code editor preview.


  • Contact management - Mass action result messages weren’t displayed correctly

    Result messages were not displayed correctly when performing mass actions in the contact management interface.


  • Code editor - Code editor toolbar too wide in certain locations

    The toolbar of the code editor was too wide in certain text area fields.


  • Code editor - Code editor fullscreen mode displayed incorrectly

    The fullscreen mode of the code editor wasn’t stretched to full width.


  • Chat - Cloning didn’t work for personal canned responses

    Permissions were checked incorrectly, which prevented users from cloning personal canned responses when using support chat.


  • Chat - Misleading information when deleting or disabling a chat room with users

    When deleting or disabling a chat room with users in it, the system displayed potentially misleading information to the users. All users are now kicked from the given room and correctly informed about the status.


  • Caching - The clear cache action wasn’t correctly distributed to all web farm servers

    When clearing the cache in a web farm environment, the system didn’t generate web farm synchronization tasks correctly (depending on the scenario, either too many tasks or no correct task).


  • Blogs - Incorrect option displayed in the ‘Blog’ drop-down list of the ‘My blogs’ application

    Users without the ‘Manage blogs’ permission incorrectly saw the '(all)' option in the ‘Blog’ drop-down list of ‘My blogs’ application.


  • Blogs - The double opt-in feature for blog subscriptions could not be disabled

    When subscribing to blogs, the double opt-in confirmation email was sent even if the double opt-in feature was disabled.


  • Banner management - Impressions weren’t logged correctly when using multiple banner rotators

    When using multiple banner rotators on a page, impressions were logged for one of them only.


  • Security - Security improvements

    Added security improvements to the application.


  • Web parts - Paging in postback mode not working for certain viewer web parts

    Paging didn’t work correctly for certain viewer web parts (for example the ‘Message board viewer’) if the ‘Paging mode’ was set to 'PostBack’.


  • Web analytics - Visits were logged for incorrect culture versions of pages in certain cases

    Page visits were incorrectly logged for the visitor’s preferred culture instead of the actual culture of the visited page. This happened when the page did not exist in the visitor’s preferred culture.


  • Translation services - Widget content wasn’t translated correctly when using workflows

    When using translation services to translate pages under workflow, the content of widgets was not translated correctly. The latest published version of the content was sent for translation instead of the latest edited version.


  • Page types - Deleting page types caused database inconsistencies in certain cases

    When deleting page types, the page type’s views were not deleted before the page type’s table. This could lead to database inconsistencies in certain cases.


  • E-commerce - Not all payment processing exceptions were saved to the event log

    Some of the exceptions which can occur during the payment processing were not saved to the event log.


  • Deployment mode - Saving as a new page template deleted the original page template file

    Saving the template of a page as a new page template deleted the original template file when deployment mode was enabled.


  • Caching - File system output cache not removed when manually clearing the cache

    The ‘Clear cache’ button on the General tab of the System application didn’t remove all output cache data stored in the file system (when using persistent file system storage for the output cache of pages).


  • Avatars - User gravatar not displayed

    The gravatar image wasn’t displayed for users in certain cases (after the user switched to a gravatar from an existing standard avatar).


  • Avatars - Default avatar settings not set correctly after saving the editing form

    When editing an avatar, saving the form cleared the original values of the “Make default for” checkboxes, which could result in incorrect default avatar settings.


  • Widgets - Widgets not displaying the latest content version when using workflow and content locking

    Widgets were not displaying the latest content version when using workflow and content locking (check-in/check-out).


  • Web parts & controls - CMSRepeater displayed a full stack trace on the Live site when an error occur

    The ‘CMSRepeater’ control displayed a full stack trace on the Live site when an error occured.


  • Web parts - The ‘Disable macros’ property was not available in certain web parts

    The ‘Disable macros’ property was not available in certain web parts.


  • User interface - Validation error when removing the last item in selector dialogs

    When manually choosing items in selector dialogs (fields using the Uni selector form control), removing the last selected item caused a validation error, resulting in the following warning: “The selector data is not consistent, please try to refresh the page.”


  • Social networking - Facebook logon not working when a hash character was in the URL

    If the URL of a page contained the hash character (‘#’), the Facebook logon functionality did not work.


  • Newsletters - Submitting a custom subscription form caused an error

    When an authenticated user submitted a form displayed by the ‘Custom subscription form’ web part, an error occured.


  • Microsoft Azure - Smart Search Worker role generating a web farm server

    The Smart Search Worker role generated a web farm server on Microsoft Azure, which could cause licensing errors.


  • Message boards - Empty message boards taking too long to load on a page

    Pages containing the ‘Message board’ web part took a long time to load if no ad-hoc message board was created. This was caused by redundant queries on the database. Moreover, the ‘Enable anonymous read’ web part property did not have any effect and the ‘Allow comments’ permission affected only the UI, it was not checked server-side.


  • Image editor - The ‘Store files in file system’ setting caused an error in certain cases

    When enabled, the ‘Store files in file system’ could cause an ‘UnauthorizedAccessException’ exception in the Image editor.


  • E-commerce - The site prefix for usernames wasn’t added to customers converted to users

    Even when the ‘Use site prefix for user names’ property in the settings was enabled, the site prefix for usernames wasn’t added to customers converted to users in the Customers application.


  • Web parts - The ‘File path’ property in media library web parts didn’t work correctly

    The ‘File path’ property in media library web parts did not work correctly.


  • Web farms - Missing web farm server after application restart

    When using automatic generation of web farm servers, a server sometimes failed to be created after restarting the application pool, which resulted in a missing web farm server in the database.


  • Search - Error when using the Search in the Pages application

    When the ‘Log via JavaScript snippet’ setting was enabled for web analytics, the search in the Pages application displayed an error in some cases after opening the Live site in another tab.


  • Pages - Copying a linked page across two sites didn’t copy the page’s child pages

    When copying a linked page together with child pages between two sites, the children were not copied.


  • Form controls - Number filter didn’t work correctly with decimal numbers

    When creating a form-based filter, the ‘Number filter’ form control didn’t work correctly for fields of the ‘Floating-point number’ and ‘Decimal number’ types.


  • Form controls - Custom values separator prevented the Uni selector from working

    Setting the Values separator to a different character than a comma or semicolon (for example the pipe character ‘|’) caused the Uni selector control to work incorrectly.


  • E-commerce - Filtering products by SKU didn’t work correctly in the Orders application

    When adding a new product to an order in the administration interface, the product filter didn’t work correctly when filtered by the SKU field.


  • Custom tables - Custom table and Online form item values remained in the cache after definition chan

    When the definition of a custom table or an online form field was changed, the hash tables with cached item values were not cleared.


  • Attachments - Replacing a temporary attachment while creating a new page caused an error

    When creating a new page and adding a file attachment that was then re-uploaded before saving, an error occurred after saving the page.


  • Web parts - The Repeater web part didn’t work correctly when used with an external data source

    Placing a Repeater web part on a page together with a custom data source resulted in an error when loading the data.


  • Time zones - Incorrect time conversion to UTC for dates outside of the current year

    When converting date and time values to UTC from time zones with daylight saving time enabled, the time shift was added incorrectly for dates outside of the current year.


  • Search - Smart search lock errors when using external storage

    When using external storage for the file system (Azure blob or Amazon S3) and processing of smart search indexing tasks via the ‘Execute search tasks’ scheduled task, lock errors occurred in certain cases. The errors could prevent the search from working correctly.


  • Search - Smart search failed to index pdf files containing malformed images

    When indexing pdf documents, the smart search text extractor fell into an infinite loop in certain cases when processing malformed inline images.


  • REST - Page REST API didn’t retrieve pages with Unicode characters in their 'Page alias’.

    Page REST API did not retrieve pages with Unicode characters in their 'Page alias’.


  • Reporting - Cloning of report subscriptions with an invalid email address

    When cloning report subscriptions, the system didn’t validate the email field correctly, allowing the creation of subscriptions with an invalid email address.


  • Pages - Paths for child pages of linked pages were not updated correctly

    When a linked page was renamed, the ‘Name path’ and the ‘URL path’ were not updated correctly for child pages of all linked pages and the original page.


  • On-line forms - CssClass property not applied to the submit button in ASCX form layouts

    When using custom ASCX type layouts for forms, the system ignored values set for the ‘CssClass’ property of the ‘FormSubmit’ control.


  • Message boards - Incorrect ordering in the message board list

    Ordering of message boards according to the values of specific fields didn’t work correctly in the Message boards application. The order wasn’t applied to all boards if the list was split into multiple pages. Clause ‘ORDER BY ##ORDERBY##’ has now been added to the ‘getboardlist’ query.


  • Media library - Incorrect validation when uploading files with an ampersand in the name

    When uploading files to a media library, an ampersand character (&) in the file name caused a ‘not allowed extension’ validation error.


  • Macros - Syntax error in indexer macros generated by the macro console

    The macro console in the ‘System’ application generated macros with invalid syntax if an object represented by an index was selected in the macro tree (for example "ObjectTypes.AllObjectTypes.[0]").


  • Dialogs - Incorrect paging in the ‘Content’ and ‘Media library’ dialog tabs

    When switching between folders on the ‘Content’ or ‘Media library’ dialog tabs, the content wasn’t displayed correctly if the second or greater page was selected and the new folder didn’t have enough content to offer a pager.


  • Banner management - Staging of banner images didn’t work correctly in certain cases

    Banner images weren’t staged when the target server was running in a root directory but the source server was not.


  • Attachments - Attachments were inserted into an incorrect page version when using workflow

    When multiple attachments were uploaded into a page under a workflow, only the last attachment was inserted into correct version of the page.


  • Web analytics - Web analytics didn’t work with proxy load balancers

    When using proxy load balancer, Web analytics functionality didn’t work if the load balancer had different domain name than the actual website.


  • Users - Users with disabled accounts were able to request a change of password

    Users with disabled accounts were able to request a change of password.


  • Social Marketing - Error when deleting Facebook posts

    An error message was displayed after deleting a Facebook post through the Kentico administration interface. The problem only occurred if the Facebook app used for the integration was created before a certain date.


  • Scheduler - Kentico CMS Scheduler service occasionally failed to process scheduled tasks

    The Kentico CMS Scheduler service failed to process certain scheduled tasks because web farm synchronization mechanism failed due to files being locked by another process.


  • Scheduler - Exceptions logged for certain scheduled tasks if the required modules weren’t installed

    When running certain scheduled tasks (for example ‘Check bounced e-mails’), an exception was logged into the event log if the required modules weren’t installed. The tasks now show an appropriate message in the last run result.


  • Pages - Copying a page with child pages could lead to an incorrect name path

    With the ‘Use name path for URL path’ setting enabled, copying a page with child pages could cause the copied child pages to have wrong URLs due to an incorrect name path.


  • Newsletters - System not triggering the ‘NewsletterEvents.GenerateQueueItems.After’ event

    Sending of newsletter issues didn’t trigger the ‘NewsletterEvents.GenerateQueueItems.After’ event.


  • Localization - Logon form web part sent e-mails in the wrong language

    The ‘Logon form’ web part always sent e-mails (for example password change requests) in the default culture instead of the culture selected for the page.


  • General - Newtonsoft.Json “Method not found” exception

    If the server had the ‘Newtonsoft.Json.dll’ library with a file version older than 5.0.0 installed in the Global Assembly Cache, a “Method not found” exception occurred on the site.


  • Form engine - Collapsible categories in product page types were displayed incorrectly

    Fields in custom collapsible categories in product page types were displayed incorrectly.


  • Amazon S3 - Smart search not working with Amazon S3

    Smart search did not return any results when using Amazon S3 storage.


  • Staging - Binary data of media files not synchronized

    After applying hotfix 8.1.11, the Content staging functionality didn’t synchronize binary data of media file tasks to the target server.


  • Widgets - Adding of inline widgets didn’t work correctly

    Adding of inline widgets into editable regions didn’t work correctly. The problem occurred if the widget’s parent web part contained a custom property with a specific name (for example ‘Container’).


  • Web parts - Lightbox gallery rendered incorrectly if the Border size was 0

    The ‘Lightbox gallery’ web part wasn’t rendered correctly if the ‘Border size’ property was set to 0.


  • Web parts - CSS classes in the ‘CSS list menu’ web part were rendered even when rendering was disabl

    Although the ‘Render CSS classes’ checkbox was cleared in the ‘Web part properties’ dialog, the ‘CSS list menu’ web part still rendered CSS classes (e.g. ‘CMSListMenuLI’ for LI elements).


  • Staging - Pages were synchronized incorrectly in certain scenarios

    When synchronizing a page in the default culture using the ‘Staging’ application while the ‘Automatically update page alias’ and ‘Use name path for URL path’ settings were enabled, the page was synchronized incorrectly in certain cases.


  • Staging - Page URL path wasn’t kept when synchronizing pages

    When a page was synchronized via staging and the ‘Use name path for URL path’ setting was enabled, the page URL path wasn’t preserved correctly after synchronization to the target server.


  • Scheduler - Windows service processing tasks incorrectly for instances with multiple sites

    When using the Windows service to execute scheduled tasks for instances with multiple running sites, the tasks could be processed in the context of the wrong site.


  • Salesforce - Contact replication stopped working

    Contact replication stopped working if multiple leads on SalesForce had an identical external identifier.


  • Performance - Problems when using output and resource compression with proxy servers

    When compression for page output and resources was enabled, the content couldn’t be handled correctly by certain types of proxy servers.


  • Newsletters - Exception displayed when unsubscribing on the Import subscribers tab

    An exception was displayed when unsubscribing subscribers on the ‘Import subscribers’ tab of the Newsletters application if one of the listed subscribers or selected newsletters didn’t exist, or if there was no connection between some of the subscribers and the selected newsletters.


  • Localization - Localization macros not resolved correctly in form validation error messages

    Localization macros placed into the validation error messages of online forms via the ‘Edit value’ dialog weren’t resolved in the correct language (the result was always in the default culture instead of the currently selected one).


  • Form controls - Macros in SQL query data sources of the ‘Drop-down list’ form control

    When using fields based on the ‘Drop-down list’ form control with an SQL Query Data source, macros inside the query weren’t resolved correctly when a postback occurred in the form (for example after a change in the value of a field with other depending fields). The fix only affects the Drop-down list form control.


  • Dialogs - Global administrators not able to select images in the ‘Image selection’ form control

    Users with the ‘Global administrator’ privilege level couldn’t select images using the ‘Image selection’ form control if their user account wasn’t assigned to the given site.


  • Controls - UniPager didn’t work with custom IEnumerable data sources

    An error occurred if the UniPager control was connected to a listing control with a custom data source implementing the IEnumerable<T> interface (for example a List collection).


  • AB testing - A/B testing on ASPX templates

    When using A/B testing for pages based on ASPX templates, the system always displayed the original page.


  • Transformations - The ‘IsDocumentOnSelectedPath’ transformation method didn’t work correctly

    The ‘IsDocumentOnSelectedPath’ transformation method didn’t work correctly if the compared pages shared substrings in their alias.


  • Staging - Staging of Online forms didn’t work across multiple servers

    When staging Online forms across multiple servers, the synchronization failed if the form was already present on the target server for all servers except for the first. Changes made in the form builder didn’t generate synchronization tasks at all.


  • Sites - ‘Visitor culture’ drop-down list displaying cultures not assigned to the site

    When multiple websites were installed on one instance of Kentico, the ‘Visitor culture’ drop-down list in the site settings also offered cultures which were not assigned to the site.


  • REST - Error for REST requests without required columns

    When loading page data using REST service calls with data limited using the ‘columns’ parameter, the request resulted in an error if certain required columns weren’t loaded. The basic required columns are now loaded automatically.


  • REST - Duplicate records when creating objects using REST

    When creating new objects via the REST service, the system inserted duplicate records for object types that stored child objects within the same database table (for example ‘ecommerce.sku’ objects).


  • Portal engine - Layout tab displayed for ASPX + Portal page templates

    The page template editing interface incorrectly displayed the Layout tab for templates of the ‘ASPX + Portal page’ type.


  • Pages - The ‘DocumentLastPublished’ column value was cleared after moving the page in some cases

    The ‘DocumentLastPublished’ column value was cleared after moving the page in some cases.


  • Page types - Error for page type fields named like SQL keywords

    If a page type had a field with a name identical to a reserved SQL keyword, an error occurred when editing pages of the given type.


  • Page types - Export error for newly created page types

    Single object export of a page type failed when performed immediately after the page type was created.


  • Output filter - Incorrect URL resolving when the application was installed into the root

    The output filter resolved relative paths incorrectly for applications installed into the root folder.


  • On-line Marketing - Database separation error when using SQL Azure

    An error occurred when performing the separation of the on-line marketing database if the database was hosted on SQL Azure and the project was running on-premise outside of Microsoft Azure.


  • On-line forms - Form email notifications not sent for multiple recipients

    When multiple email recipients were set in the ‘To email’ field for E-mail notifications in the Forms application, the notification emails weren’t sent.


  • Media library - Broken images on preview links when the image URLs had a space in the media folder n

    When using a preview URL, images with spaces in the media library folder name were broken due to the system generating special URLs for them. This resulted in the system not being able to find the image at the generated URL.


  • Macros - Permission check for page collections in macros

    When a page collection (TreeNodeCollection class) was accessed in a macro expression (e.g. through the Children property of a page), the permission check was incorrectly performed for the current user viewing the page. Now the permission check uses the context of the user who signed the macro by default. To get a collection of pages filtered according to the permissions of the current user, use the ‘WithPermissionsCheck’ property of the collection.


  • Form controls - reCAPTCHA validation always failed for required fields

    If a field using the ‘reCAPTCHA’ form control was set as required, the validation always failed in the resulting form.


  • E-mail engine - Email queue stuck on sending in special cases

    If an error occurred when sending emails from the email queue, the email remained in the sending state in certain cases, blocking the queue (an application restart was required to start the email queue again).


  • - error in Marketing automation

    In Marketing automation, ‘Update from’ steps didn’t work correctly for processes that used an ‘Activity performed’ type trigger.


  • Dashboards - Icon images not displayed on the application dashboard

    The system’s dashboard didn’t display icons for applications whose icon was set to an image file (instead of a font class) in the corresponding UI element.


  • Code generation - Error on the Code tab of module classes with certain types of binding fields

    After creating a binding field for a module class referencing certain types of object (for example ‘Node’), an error occurred on the class’s Code tab. The problem occurred if the object type name of the referenced object was different than its class name.


  • Blogs - Insufficient license check when copying blog pages

    When copying pages including blogs, the system performed the license check after the copy action, which could lead to a number of blogs exceeding the license limitation.


  • Workflow - Timeout steps weren’t processed correctly in cloned workflows

    When a workflow process with a timeout step was cloned, the timeout wasn’t handled correctly and used the target step of the original workflow instead of the cloned workflow step.


  • Web parts - Incorrect code behind path for new web parts

    When creating new web parts with the ‘Generate the code files’ option enabled, the web part’s source file was created with an incorrect path to the code behind file (which prevented the web part from working).


  • Social Marketing - Deleting a post from Facebook returns an error message

    After deleting a Facebook post through the Kentico administration interface, the system displayed an error message and the post remained in the listing. However, the post was correctly deleted from Facebook.


  • Search - Error when displaying a very large number of search results

    If a search produced more results than the maximum allowed number (1000 by default), an error occurred when attempting to view results over the limit. You can set the maximum allowed number of smart search results using the ‘CMSSearchMaxResultsNumber’ web.config key.


  • Pages - GetDocumentUrl transformation method not using culture aliases

    When using language prefixes for URLs, the 'GetDocumentURL()' transformation method always returned page URLs with a culture code prefix, even if a culture alias was set for the given culture.


  • Pages - Forbidden access error in certain scenarios in the Pages application

    After opening the ‘Properties’ subsections via the content tree context menu in the Pages application, the other main tabs ('Page’, 'Design’, ‘Form’) displayed a ‘Forbidden access’ error.


  • Newsletters - Newsletter link/media dialog

    After applying hotfix 8.1.10, links and media from the current site are added as relative when using the ‘Insert link’ or ‘Insert image or media’ dialog in newsletter issues and templates.


  • Media library - Unnecessary ‘Alternate text’ property in the ‘Media selection’ form control’s dialog

    The ‘Alternate text’ property was displayed in the dialog box for selecting images from media libraries used by the ‘Media selection’ form control, even if the property’s value was not saved in the database.


  • Marketing automation - Some marketing automation actions not working under certain conditions

    Some marketing automation actions belonging to a process triggered by activity, e.g. the ‘Send newsletter issue’ action, didn’t work under certain conditions.


  • Macros - Invalid macros after re-saving in rare cases

    If the length of the text containing a macro was close to the given field’s maximum length, re-saving the value appended the macro signature representation (hash sign), making the macro invalid.


  • Import/Export - Object export settings lost their state

    When exporting global objects, the checkboxes for configuring the export options of specific object types lost their state when using the pager or after clicking the selection buttons (All, None, Default).


  • General - Incorrect creation of child object collections

    When creating collections of child objects based on XML data, the system filled the collection with incorrect data (all items were duplicates of the first processed object). For example, this could cause incorrect behavior when creating certain types of objects based on integration bus synchronization tasks, staging tasks or the data of REST requests.


  • Forums - Forum tree layout

    An error occurred when users attempted to display a forum post in the tree layout of a forum.


  • E-commerce - Order discounts were displayed incorrectly as incomplete

    Status of existing scheduled order discounts were displayed as incomplete after applying the 8.1.8 hotfix.


  • Web analytics - Access denied to Campaign reports

    Access to Campaign reports was denied for users without the administrator privilege level if UI personalization was enabled.


  • Personas - Persona image not displayed before saving

    After selecting a new image for a persona, the image wasn’t displayed correctly until the persona was saved.


  • Newsletters - Links in newsletters not working for deleted subscribers

    If a subscriber was deleted after the newsletter emails were sent out, links in the email content didn’t work if the ‘Track clicked links’ feature was enabled for the newsletter.


  • Message boards - Unsubscription web part for Message boards

    In certain cases, users couldn’t cancel their subscription when using the ‘Message board unsubscription’ web part to unsubscribe from a message board.


  • Macros - Stack overflow when parsing invalid macros

    Parsing of invalid macro expressions caused a stack overflow in special cases. For example, problems could occur while writing expressions in an interface with macro autocomplete help.


  • Import toolkit - Resource strings imported without text values (translations)

    When importing resource strings using the Import toolkit, the strings were created without text values (translations), even if the ‘TranslationText’ field was correctly mapped to the source data.


  • General - Application start under heavy load could cause errors

    Starting or restarting the application for sites under heavy load caused errors in certain cases (“Index was outside the bounds of the array” exception).


  • General - New GetData event for customizing the retrieval of object or page data

    The object and document event categories (ObjectEvents, DocumentEvents, and TYPEINFO.Events) now provide the GetData event, which occurs before or after the system retrieves object/page data using the ObjectQuery/DocumentQuery API. The event allows developers to retrieve external data or edit the data loaded from Kentico.


  • Field editor - Incorrect field data type in the field editor in rare cases

    The field editor displayed an incorrect field data type if the correct type wasn’t available in the given context (for example when editing alternative forms).


  • E-commerce - The CurrentShoppingCart.ShoppingCartCustomer macro returned a NULL value for anonymous

    The CurrentShoppingCart.ShoppingCartCustomer macro returned a NULL value instead of a correct object for anonymous users.


  • Dialogs - Preview of external images not displayed correctly

    When editing an external image placed into an editable region using the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog, the image preview wasn’t displayed correctly.


  • Custom tables - Incorrect access check for the ‘Custom table data’ application if no custom tables e

    Access to the ‘Custom table data’ application wasn’t checked correctly if no custom tables existed in the system.


  • Categories - Missing scrollbar in the Categories application

    The Categories application didn’t show scrollbars on the Categories and Pages tabs if the displayed items reached the end of the page.


  • Web parts - ‘Media gallery’ web part without ‘System settings’ category

    The ‘Media gallery’ web part didn’t display the ‘System settings’ category in its properties.


  • UniGrid - Object listing page error for UniGrid definitions without an <actions> section

    When a user without the administrator privilege level viewed an ‘Object listing’ administration interface page, an error occurred if the UniGrid definition assigned to UI element didn’t contain an <actions> section.


  • REST - REST where condition didn’t allow null checks

    When loading multiple objects using the REST service, the ‘where’ URL parameter didn’t work correctly with values containing the IS NULL expression, if the user account used for authorization wasn’t a global administrator.


  • Newsletters - Broken tracking links in newsletter issues

    Newsletter click tracking links were generated incorrectly under certain circumstances.


  • Macros - Context macros not working in Online marketing

    Macros requiring the request context didn’t work in certain Online marketing scenarios, for example Marketing automation.


  • General - ‘Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high.’ error

    The “Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high.” error occurred on sites under heavy load in special cases.


  • General - Object type collections weren’t thread-safe

    Object type collections weren’t thread-safe, which could cause errors in various situations on sites under heavy load (for example the “Index was outside the bounds of the array” error).


  • Field editor - Errors when working fields of the Binary type

    When defining the fields of custom module classes, changing the field type to or from ‘Binary’ caused type cast errors. It was also possible to flag existing Binary type fields as Required, resulting in an error.


  • E-commerce - Product option selectors encoded drop-down lists incorrectly

    When using a drop-down list in product option selectors, the certain currency symbols were encoded incorrectly.


  • E-commerce - Order details displayed incorrect discount rates when using a comma as a decimal mark

    Order details in the Orders application displayed incorrect discount rates when the default UI culture was set to a culture using a comma as a decimal mark.


  • E-commerce - Tax classes assigned to shipping options were not saved

    When a tax class was assigned to a shipping option, the relationship was not saved.


  • Dashboards - Live tiles and application pinning not working

    Certain features on the system dashboard are not available when using Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008R2 without the service pack installed. In such cases, Kentico now logs a message into the 'Event log’, informing about the need to apply the service pack to the operating system.


  • Custom tables - Custom ‘selectall’ query not applied for custom tables in the admin UI

    Overriding the ‘selectall’ query for a custom table didn’t affect the records displayed on the ‘Data’ tab in the ‘Custom tables’ application.


  • Web parts - Errors when creating custom layouts for UI web parts

    The code behind paths of the default UI web parts weren’t set to root-relative values, which caused errors when creating custom layouts for these web parts.


  • Transformations - Validation of transformation names was too restrictive

    Validation of transformation names was too restrictive, which prevented some of the default transformations from being saved. Hyphens are now allowed in transformation names.


  • Settings - Certain form controls couldn’t be used in custom settings

    Form controls whose file path wasn’t specified as an application root-relative path didn’t work when assigned as the editing control of settings (in the Modules application).


  • Search - Search indexes not updated correctly on web farm servers

    When running in a web farm environment, updates of search indexes were performed only on one server, without updating the indexes on the other servers.


  • RSS - RSS feed links not encoded correctly

    The URLs in the <atom:link> elements generated by RSS feed web parts weren’t encoded correctly. This could lead to incorrect links, for example if the URL of the RSS feed contained query string parameters.


  • Portal engine - CSS styles not applied for UI web parts

    If CSS styles were added for a ‘UI’ type web part, they weren’t linked on administration interface pages containing instances of the given web part.


  • Page types - Deleting a page template also deleted the associated page type

    Deleting a page template which was used as a default template for a page type resulted in the page type being deleted as well.


  • Page types - Containers displayed in the ‘Inherits fields from page type’ list of the New page type

    When creating new page types, it was possible to select page types without custom fields (containers) to inherit from.


  • Import toolkit - Errors when importing values from decimal fields

    Maximum length validation always failed for decimal type fields during the import. Additionally, importing objects with a decimal field from a file source failed due to an invalid type cast.


  • Forums - Forum layouts incorrectly handling time zone settings

    The provided forum layouts didn’t handle time zone settings correctly.


  • Form controls - Numeric up/down form control reporting unsaved changes incorrectly

    Fields using the ‘Numeric up/down’ form control caused the editing form to report unsaved changes incorrectly in the administration interface. The system reported unsaved changes when navigating away from the page, even if no changes were made to the form’s data.


  • Dialogs - Missing scrollbar in the Insert image or media dialog

    When inserting content on the Web tab of the 'Insert image or media dialog’, the properties section of the page didn’t display a scrollbar if required.


  • Code generation - Invalid code generated for fields with macros in the default value

    When generating classes for page types, custom tables, forms or custom module classes, the code generator created invalid code if the object contained a field with a macro in the default value.


  • API - Automated tests fail when located outside the Kentico solution folder

    Automated tests inheriting from any of the CMS.Tests base classes failed when located outside of the Kentico solution folder (CMS).


  • Windows Live ID - Windows Live ID sign out button not displayed

    The ‘Windows LiveID’ web part didn’t display the sign out button for users logged in using their Microsoft account.


  • Web parts & controls - Pager not reset to the first page after applying a different filter

    If a data source component with a filter and pager was used on a page, the pager failed to reset to the page 1 after applying a different filter. This resulted in empty pages being displayed.


  • Users - Global administrators unable to create users with site prefixes

    With the ‘Use site prefix for user names’ setting enabled, global administrators couldn’t create new site-specific users with a prefix in the ‘Users’ application. Global administrators can now add users with the prefix of the current site by selecting the ‘assign to site’ checkbox in the user creation form.


  • User interface - Overflowing text of error messages

    Error messages with very long text overflowed out of the message box in the administration interface.


  • Security - reCAPTCHA not working in certain cases

    The reCAPTCHA validator didn’t work correctly on pages containing multiple components with reCAPTCHA support (if the first reCAPTCHA instance was hidden, other instances on the page weren’t initialized correctly).


  • Page types - The UI didn’t display certain inherited page types as inherited

    When inheriting from certain page types, the user interface didn’t show that the created page type was inherited, even though it was inherited properly. This was caused by an incorrect site binding check.


  • On-line forms - Online forms generated invalid emails into the email queue

    The ‘Email notification’ and ‘Autoresponder’ features of forms generated invalid emails into the email queue if the recipient’s email address wasn’t valid, resulting in a blocked sending queue.


  • Macros - Equality macro operator not working correctly for decimal numbers

    The equality operator in macro expressions (and Equals macro method) didn’t work correctly for decimal numbers. An error occurred when resolving such expressions in certain cases.


  • Licensing - License limitation when using workflow for Blog post pages

    When using certain license editions, workflow actions weren’t allowed for ‘Blog post’ type pages under workflow with the ‘Use check-in/check-out’ setting enabled. The system displayed an error message informing about an exceeded license limit for the ‘Social marketing’ feature.


  • Forums - Forum unsubscription link not working

    The unsubscription link contained in the email the user received after subscribing to a forum post didn’t work.


  • Form controls - Password value lost after saving other fields

    Fields using the ‘Encrypted password’ form control lost their value when a postback occurred in the editing form (for example when editing SMTP server settings).


  • Debug - High memory usage when debugging in web farm environments

    Using Kentico debugs in a web farm environment with database notification synchronization caused very high memory consumption. The debug memory usage was optimized.


  • Blogs - Duplicated blog months when creating blog posts

    When creating blog posts, automatically created blog months were created incorrectly if the database culture was different than English.


  • Workflow - Disabled Check out, Reset, and Archive buttons in IE9

    The 'Check out’, ‘Reset’ and ‘Archive’ buttons were disabled in Internet Explorer 9 when using workflows with the check in and check out functionality.


  • User interface - Viewing online users didn’t work correctly

    Errors could occur when viewing online users while another user logged in. This only happened when online users weren’t stored in the database.


  • Personas - Automatically created global contacts could get assigned to personas

    When a new global contact was automatically created, it could get incorrectly assigned to a persona.


  • Pages - An incorrect ‘PageInfo’ could be retrieved in certain cases

    When system retrieved a ‘PageInfo’ for a certain page, a wrong value was returned by the database in certain cases.


  • Pages - Master page was not inherited on the Page and Design tab of a page

    The visual inheritance of page templates used for a page was not interpreted correctly on the Page and Design tab. This happened on pages that were moved to a different section of the content tree.


  • Newsletters - Links in dynamic newsletters didn’t work in certain cases

    Port was removed from links in dynamic newsletters.


  • Newsletters - Incorrectly encoded dynamic newsletter link text

    Dynamic newsletter link text may have been encoded incorrectly if the ‘charset’ attribute was missing from the HTML page.


  • Newsletters - Issues sent to a large number of contact subscribers weren’t processed correctly

    Sending newsletter issue to a large amount of contact subscribers may have resulted in some of the e-mails not being processed correctly.


  • Microsoft Azure - Web farm servers weren’t removed on Microsoft Azure

    Web farm servers were not automatically removed from the database when scaling down instances on Microsoft Azure.


  • Media library - Media library preselection did not work correctly in the ‘URL selector’ form control

    Media library preselection did not work correctly in the ‘URL selector’ form control.


  • Hotfix - Improved project selection validation in KIM, Installer and Hotfix utility

    KIM, Installer and Hotfix utility allowed to select incomplete Kentico projects and apply hotfixes and upgrades to them.


  • Content editing - PDF preview wasn’t resized correctly in Internet Explorer

    PDF preview was not resized correctly in Internet Explorer when Device profiles were enabled.


  • Contact management - Macros dependent on site context were not evaluated correctly in certain scenar

    Macros dependent on site context were not evaluated correctly in certain scenarios.


  • Search - Last update time of smart search indexes not updated on Microsoft Azure

    The ‘Last update’ time displayed when editing smart search indexes wasn’t updated correctly when running on Microsoft Azure.


  • Page types - Predefined ‘Root page template category’ didn’t work in certain cases

    The ‘Root page template category’ did not work correctly when creating a new page. Users could select from all page template categories if a postback occurred.


  • Newsletters - Tracking links did not work if their URL contained a whitespace character

    When whitespace was inserted before or after a URL in newsletter, and ‘Track clicked links’ was enabled, the generated tracking link did not work.


  • Marketing automation - Contacts got occasionally stuck in an action step

    Contacts got occasionally stuck in the ‘pending’ state of an action step.


  • Macros - Localization macros weren’t correctly resolved in menu web parts and master page header

    Localization macros were not correctly resolved in menu web parts and master page header


  • Hotfix - Hotfixing of setup files failed when running from the default location

    When running the Hotfix utility from the default location in the Kentico setup file folder, it wasn’t possible to hotfix the setup files.


  • Cultures - Culture aliases weren’t validated for uniqueness

    When editing cultures in the ‘Localization’ application, it was possible to set a ‘Culture alias’ already used by another culture. Culture aliases must be unique among all cultures.


  • CSS - Removing of object CSS styles didn’t work in source control mode

    Removing of CSS styles set for specific objects (such as page templates or web parts) didn’t work correctly when storing virtual objects on the file system using Deployment or Source control mode.


  • Code generation - The code generated for custom tables and forms had an incorrect class name

    The code generated for custom tables and forms had a class name that incorrectly contained the ‘Item’ suffix.


  • Attachments - Image links inserted via the text editor didn’t work with extension-less URLs

    Links to attached images inserted via the text editor that were used together with extension-less URLs could result in a 404 error message.


  • Windows Live ID - Windows LiveID authentication didn’t work.

    Windows LiveID authentication didn’t work due to URL changes in the LiveID authentication process.


  • Widgets - Widget properties were not styled correctly in certain cases

    The ‘Select path’ control in widgets incorrectly displayed an additional text box and the confirmation message in widgets placed on a widget dashboard was not styled correctly.


  • Web parts - Certain web parts weren’t cloned together with their physical file

    Web parts with ‘File name’ on their General tab starting with a slash sign ‘/’ were not cloned together with their physical file.


  • Transformations - DataItemIndex resolved incorrectly in certain cases

    The value of ‘DataItemIndex’ was not resolved correctly if used in a transformation that was processed by the ‘ApplyTransformation’ macro method.


  • Staging - Staging of global objects failed on multisite instances with mixed license types

    Staging license requirements weren’t checked correctly if staging was enabled for a site on a domain with a sufficient license, but the instance also contained a site using a lower license edition without staging support. A licensing error occurred when working with global objects via the domain name of the site where staging wasn’t supported.


  • Scoring - Scoring rule ‘Validity’ option selector wasn’t retaining values

    When an ‘Activity’ type score had its ‘Validity’ set to a value different than 'Until’, the radio list was always set to ‘Until’ when editing the rule again.


  • Personas - Rules with a set expiration time didn’t work correctly

    Persona rules with a set expiration time did not work correctly due to an incorrect comparison operator in a stored procedure.


  • Page types - The ‘Show template selection’ option didn’t work for the 'Page (menu item)' page type

    The ‘Show template selection’ option did not work for the 'Page (menu item)' page type.


  • Newsletters - Certain dialogs opened from the editor toolbar didn’t have padding

    Certain dialogs opened from the editor toolbar did not have padding.


  • Microsoft Azure - Incorrect handling of remote desktop certificate values in KIM

    KIM now creates new remote desktop configuration keys including the thumbprint certificate with every deployment of a project to Microsoft Azure.


  • Macros - Macro console field hidden behind a scroll bar

    Text in the ‘Expression’ field of the Macro console page was hidden behind a horizontal scroll bar.


  • Form controls - ‘Numeric up/down’ form control not working with a high minimum value

    The ‘Numeric up/down’ form control didn’t work correctly if the minimum value was set to a high value (a JavaScript error occurred when changing the field’s value in the resulting form).


  • E-commerce - The ‘OrderAddressInfo’ class ignored custom fields when creating new orders

    When creating a new order, values from custom fields in the ‘AddressInfo’ class and the ‘ShoppingCartInfo’ class were not passed to custom fields in the ‘OrderAddressInfo’ class.


  • Controls - The ‘UniButton’ control incorrectly encoded ‘LinkURL’ properties twice

    The ‘UniButton’ control incorrectly encoded ‘LinkURL’ properties twice.


  • Content editing - Localization macros in Page titles weren’t correctly resolved

    Localization macros in Page titles were not correctly resolved.


  • Contact management - The ‘CurrentContact’ cookie was set on every access

    The ‘CurrentContact’ cookie was set on every access even if the current value did not differ. This prevented caching of the requests.


  • AD Import - AD Import not assigning users to roles for primary groups

    When importing users and primary groups, the AD Import failed to assign imported users to roles created for the primary groups.


  • WYSIWYG editor - Different editor toolbars can now be set as default

    You can now use the ‘CKEditor:DefaultToolbarSet’ web.config key to set the default toolbar when using the ‘default’ option for toolbar sets on a page.


  • Widgets - Pages with hash tags weren’t refreshed after placing a widget

    Placing a user widget onto a page that contained a hash tag in its URL did not reload the page.


  • Web parts & controls - Error when using repeaters with the ‘TopN’ or ‘SelectTopN’ properties

    In a repeater, specifying the ‘TopN’ or ‘SelectTopN’ properties to be larger than the available number of pages resulted in an error.


  • Web parts - Broken preview mode UI in the Web part containers application

    The layout of the preview mode of the Web part containers application user interface was broken.


  • Web parts - Viewer web parts with a special settings combination didn’t recieve correct data

    When a viewer web part had the ‘Combine with default culture’ and ‘Check permissions’ properties enabled, and was set up to ‘Select top N pages’, it received incorrect columns from the database.


  • UI cultures - Error when saving forms with default values in date fields while using a non-English U

    An error occurred when saving editing forms with the default values left in date and time fields while using a user interface culture different than English (for example when creating product options). Caused by ##TODAY## and ##NOW## macros in the default field values.


  • Staging - Synchronizing the ‘Clone template as ad-hoc’ action for linked pages

    Synchronization of the ‘Clone as Ad-hoc template’ action via the staging service didn’t work correctly for linked pages (the pages on the target server didn’t have templates set).


  • Sample sites - Incorrect styles of workflow action buttons for the E-commerce sample site

    When editing pages of the E-commerce sample site on the Page tab in the Pages application, workflow action buttons had incorrect styling.


  • REST - Where parameter not applied when loading site objects

    The ‘where’ URL query string parameter wasn’t applied for REST requests that loaded data of objects belonging to a specific site.


  • REST - Invalid PUT/POST response data for objects without a GUID column

    When sending PUT or POST requests for objects without a GUID column, the response data was invalid. The REST service no longer attempts to include the GUID value in the response data for such objects.


  • Portal engine - Repeater control did not load its view state data correctly after postback

    Repeater control placed in a web part did not load its view state data correctly after postback.


  • Pages - Stylesheets linked in the master page <head> section not applied in the Pages application

    When a stylesheet link was added to the <head> section of a Master page, the styles weren’t applied when viewing descendant pages in the Pages application.


  • Pages - Page title macros were resolved incorrectly in certain scenarios

    Using a non-existing field in Page title macros resulted in the whole macro not getting resolved.


  • Macros - Incorrect result when comparing two decimal numbers in macros

    Comparison operators in macro expressions returned an incorrect result in special cases if the parameters were two decimal numbers.


  • Form engine - Failed validation for required fields with macro values

    When a macro was added into a form field with a required value through the ‘Edit value’ dialog, the field was considered empty and validation failed (for example when configuring web parts with required properties).


  • Dialogs - Selector dialog was too small

    The dialog window used for object selection was too small in certain locations, resulting in an unnecessary scrollbar.


  • Dashboards - Dashboard trying to serve the aspx file for download in certain environments

    When using SSL (https) and the Google Chrome browser, the system dashboard served the aspx page file for download instead of rendering the web page in some cases.


  • Dashboards - Dashboard customization not working in certain environments

    When using SSL (https) and the Google Chrome browser, adding and removing applications on the system dashboard didn’t work correctly.


  • AD Import - AD Import not assigning users to roles for distribution groups

    When importing users and distribution groups (in which the users participate), the AD Import failed to assign the imported users to the roles created for the distribution groups. In special cases, this also caused an error when selecting users and groups in the AD Import wizard.


  • AD Import - Inefficient importing of users from specific AD groups

    The AD Import utility always processed all users, even when the ‘Import only new users with selected groups’ option was enabled, resulting in decreased performance. The import settings now provide a new option - 'Import all users from selected groups and ignore other users’, which allows more efficient import of users from specific AD groups.


  • E-commerce - Payment result was “Method:” when editing an unpaid order

    When editing an unpaid order, the Payment result field on the Billing tab displayed “Method:” until the cache was cleared.


  • REST - JSON requests with binary data not processed correctly

    Binary data wasn’t processed correctly for requests using the JSON format. For JSON requests, binary data must be submitted as a byte array value.


  • Installation - Installer stopped working when the installation was canceled

    The Kentico Installer application stopped working if a running installation was canceled by the user.


  • Dialogs - Error in the Select link dialog with the Community module uninstalled

    An error occurred in the Select link dialog if the ‘Community’ module was removed from the installation.


  • Widgets - Youtube video widget buttons not visible in Internet Explorer

    The widget buttons weren’t displayed correctly for the ‘Youtube video’ widget when editing pages in the Internet Explorer 11 browser.


  • Custom tables - Unhandled error when using custom tables with an insufficient license

    An unhandled error was displayed when working with custom tables with an insufficient license.


  • E-commerce - Discount export leaves the Status column empty

    When exporting the data of discounts into Excel/CSV, the Status column was empty.


  • Categories - Error when creating global categories with a site selected

    An error occurred when saving a new global category while having a site selected in the site selector.


  • E-commerce - Wrong preselected items in the Select available options dialog

    The Select available options dialog in product option categories preselected the wrong items.


  • Transformations - Error when creating new transformations from web part properties

    An error occurred when creating new transformations from the web part properties dialog.


  • Dialogs - Image preview in the media selection dialog not working on Microsoft Azure

    The image preview in the media selection dialog didn’t work when running in a Microsoft Azure environment.


  • Scheduler - Unhandled error when saving a deleted scheduled task

    An unhandled error was displayed when attempting to save a scheduled task that was previously deleted (for example in a different tab).


  • Workflow - Incorrect administration interface after creating workflow actions

    After creating a new Workflow action, the system opened the administration interface for Marketing automation actions.


  • Search - Multi-word search didn’t work correctly on Microsoft Azure

    When running in a Microsoft Azure environment, searching for multiple words at once resulted in an error without returning any results.


  • Form engine - Editing the Data source setting for fields without the ‘Edit SQL Queries’ permission

    The ‘Data source’ setting used when configuring fields that provide a list of selectable options incorrectly allowed users without the ‘Edit SQL Queries’ permission to change the selection from ‘SQL Query’ to another option.


  • Documents - Error when saving pages with an ASPX template and editable regions in special cases

    When saving pages based on an ASPX page template containing an editable region, an error occurred in special scenarios.


  • Web farms - Web farm synchnozation consumed a lot of computing power

    Using the database updater as the synchronization mechanism for web farms caused very high CPU usage.


  • Microsoft Azure - Deploy to Azure using KIM didn’t configure ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg

    When deploying a Windows Azure project using KIM, the tool configured only the ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg file of the project and not the ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg file. This subsequently caused errors in Visual Studio.


  • Microsoft Azure - Added an option for uploading a remote desktop certificate in KIM

    When deploying a project using KIM, it is now possible to select and upload a pfx certificate for remote desktop connections to the Azure cloud service.


  • Dialogs - Broken height of dialog headers

    The height of the header in dialogs containing a selector wasn’t calculated correctly.


  • Security - Security improvements

    Added security improvements to the application.


  • Widgets - Incorrect default value in the ‘OutputConvertTablesToDivs’ system property

    The ‘OutputConvertTablesToDivs’ system property of widgets had an incorrect default value in the ‘Data source’ setting. This prevented making of modifications to the property.


  • Web parts - E-mail address in the username field of the Logon form web part after using the password

    The username field of the ‘Logon form’ web part was incorrectly prefilled with a user’s e-mail address when returning after using the forgotton password functionality.


  • Web analytics - Query strings can now be preserved in Referrals and Referring sites

    You can now preserve query string parameters in the Referrals and Referring sites statistics. The ‘CMSWebAnalyticsRemoveReferralQuery’ web.config key has been added and enables this behavior when set to 'false’.


  • Translation services - The <target> tag was missing in the generated XLIFF file in certain cases

    When a translation via the service was requested for a document in a workflow, the generated XLIFF file did not contain the <target> tag.


  • Transformations - Null reference for advanced Eval within transformations

    Using the Eval method in transformations for multiple members separated by dots caused a null reference exception if the data source wasn’t a DataTable.


  • Staging - Incorrect behavior when staging customized UI elements

    When staging customized UI elements, the UI element type of elements belonging to the affected module was set incorrectly on the target server. This resulted in incorrect behavior in the given parts of the administration interface.


  • Search - Smart search index files not deleted when running on Microsoft Azure

    When deleting smart search indexes, the corresponding index files weren’t removed if external storage was used as the file system.


  • On-line forms - The ‘BasicForm.SaveData’ method ignored the ‘redirectUrlAfterSave’ parameter

    The ‘BasicForm.SaveData’ method ignored the ‘redirectUrlAfterSave’ parameter and the specified redirect did not work.


  • Macros - Certain document macros weren’t resolved correctly.

    The 'NodeClass’, 'NodeACL’, 'NodeOwner’, 'NodeTemplate’, 'NodeWireframeTemplate’, and ‘NodeLinkedNodeSite’ document instance macros were not resolved correctly.


  • General - Forgotten password functionality not working when using non-unique e-mails

    The forgotten password functionality didn’t work correctly if the system was configured to not require unique e-mail addresses for user accounts.


  • General - Recycle bin filter not working correctly

    Filtering of content in the ‘Recycle bin’ application didn’t work when the user interface culture was set differently than the database culture (usually English).


  • Form controls - Country selector field value lost when submitting the form

    If a form field using the ‘Country selector’ form control had a default value set, the value of the field was lost when the resulting form was submitted.


  • Files - Importing files from server disk didn’t work

    File import did not work on the ‘Import from server disk’ tab after applying hotfix 8.0.8 or higher.


  • E-commerce - PayPal IPN failed when using a comma as a decimal mark

    The verification of the PayPal IPN notification failed when the default UI culture was set to a culture using a comma as a decimal mark.


  • E-commerce - SKU inventory wasn’t updated if modified in the product’s edit form

    If a product was under workflow, the ‘SKUAvailableItems’ and ‘SKUTrackInventory’ fields weren’t updated after modifying the product in the edit form.


  • Documents - Listing mode didn’t display linked documents correctly

    Listing mode did not display linked documents correctly. This was caused by MultiDocumentQuery not retrieving all linked documents from the database in certain scenarios.


  • Document types - The ‘Generate default transformation’ button was missing

    The ‘Generate default transformation’ button was missing when creating a new Document type transformation.


  • Document Library - Workflow step information in the ‘Document library’ web part

    The ‘Document library’ web part didn’t display the workflow step information correctly in some cases.


  • Dialogs - Media dialogs didn’t list documents with no published version

    Media dialogs did not list documents with no published version in the right section of the dialog. The documents were visible only in the document tree of the dialog.


  • Dialogs - The ‘Insert image or media’ and ‘Insert link’ dialogs couldn’t be opened

    The ‘Insert image or media’ and ‘Insert link’ dialogs could not be opened when using the latest version of Internet Explorer 11 (11.0.11).


  • Categories - Creating global categories resulted in an error in certain cases

    Creating global categories resulted in an error when the ‘Allow global categories’ setting was disabled.


  • ASPX templates - Incorrect link resolving with enabled CSS minification

    Image link tags in ASPX templates were incorrectly resolved when the ‘Allow CSS minification’ setting was enabled.


  • Workflow - The Published step was sometimes skipped when processing a workflow

    Publishing a document in the ‘Listing mode’ could lead to skipping the ‘Published step’ when the step was situated right after an action step.


  • Wireframes - Error when using the ‘Checkbox’ wireframe web part in preview mode

    A JavaScript error occurred when changing the value of the ‘Checkbox’ wireframe web part outside of Design mode. Setting the wireframe checkbox value is now only allowed in Design mode.


  • Web parts & controls - Nested controls placed in transformations weren’t working correctly

    Nested controls placed in transformations were not working correctly.


  • Web parts - The Lightbox gallery web part didn’t display content correctly

    The ‘Lightbox gallery’ web part did not display content correctly and users were not able to switch between the displayed the content.


  • Translation services - Translating a large amount of documents at once didn’t work

    Translating a large amount of documents at once did not work due to an error in a SQL statement.


  • Macros - Licensing error in the macro report

    The macro report displayed a licensing error page if the results contained a macro whose resolving was limited by the current license.


  • Form controls - Custom table item selector didn’t support the ‘Has depending field’ setting

    The ‘Custom table item selector’ form control didn’t work correctly for fields that had the ‘Has depending field’ setting enabled.


  • E-mail engine - Error when editing e-mail templates

    An error occurred when editing or creating e-mail templates in special cases (“The ‘rules’ start tag does not match the end tag of 'rule’.”).


  • E-commerce - Error logged and invoice generating failed when submitting an order

    When a user’s session expired before submitting an order in the last step of the checkout process, an unhandled error occurred and invoice generating failed.


  • E-commerce - Custom field on the Shipping tab in Order details failed to save its value

    When a custom field was added to the Order class and the field was displayed only in an alternative form for shipping, the field didn’t save its value to the database.


  • Web parts - Caching didn’t take Category names in listing web parts into account

    Caching did not take Category names in listing web parts into account. This resulted in incorrect documents being displayed in certain cases.


  • Social Media - ‘Facebook comments’ web part on pages that support multiple protocols (https)

    When using the ‘Facebook comments’ web part, posted comments were registered to different URLs based on the used protocol, resulting in separate comment threads. To fix the issue, apply the hotfix, import the new version of the web part (Sites -> Import site or objects) and configure your web part instances to enforce a specific URL protocol.


  • REST - Retrieving data from a custom table without the ‘ItemOrder’ column via REST didn’t work

    Data from custom tables without the ‘ItemOrder’ column couldn’t be retrieved using REST.


  • On-line forms - Error when cloning forms containing a dot

    Dots were allowed in on-line form code names. This caused an error when cloning forms that contained dots in their code name.


  • Import/Export - Incorrect merging of custom fields with changed names when importing classes (system

    When importing existing classes (system tables) containing custom fields with changed names (different than the same field on the target instance), the fields were merged incorrectly, resulting in multiple fields in the form definition.


  • E-commerce - Customers could shop with a disabled currency

    When an administrator disabled a user selected or user preferred currency, the user could still shop with the disabled currency.


  • E-commerce - Wrong product options count calculation in the “Select available options” dialog

    When paging was enabled in the “Select available options” dialog on the option categories page of products, the selected options were counted incorrectly under certain circumstances.


  • Custom tables - Errors in custom tables created based on existing database tables

    When creating a new custom table with the ‘Use an existing database table’ option, the resulting table didn’t work correctly if the original table’s primary key column didn’t have the ‘Identity’ property enabled. The system now validates that the Identity property is enabled for the primary key before creating the table.


  • Contact management - Circular reference when merging contacts

    When automatically merging site contacts into global contacts, the child contact was also merged to another site contact in special cases. This could cause circular referencing of one merged contact to the other, leading to errors and timeouts.


  • Chat - Support chat popup window blocked in Chrome even if enabled

    The message ‘Popup window was blocked. Please check your browser’s settings.’ appeared in the Chrome browser even if popup windows were not blocked.


  • AB testing - Couldn’t create an A/B variant from an existing page in special cases

    Creating an A/B variant from a page that shared its page template containing an MVT variant with a different page caused an error.


  • On-line Marketing - “Contact is registered for specified event” macro rule not working with a separa

    The “Contact is registered for specified event” macro rule (Contact.RegisteredForEvent macro method) didn’t work correctly if the on-line marketing database was separated.


  • On-line forms - Autoresponder not sending attachments

    The autoresponder emails of forms didn’t include attachments on instances configured to store files in the file system.


  • Macros - Macro rules disabled after upgrading

    After upgrading to Kentico 8, all original macro rules were disabled by default. The hotfix enables all macro rules whose ‘Enabled’ flag wasn’t set manually.


  • Import/Export - Imported classes missing default field values

    The default values of fields weren’t included when exporting and importing module classes.


  • General - Threading errors under high website load

    Unhandled threading errors occurred during heavy website load in special cases.


  • E-commerce - Where condition not applied for the Products data source web part

    The ‘Products data source’ web part only worked with the Where condition set up in the Document filter section. The Where condition property in the Products filter section was ignored.


  • E-commerce - SKU stock information was not excluded from workflow

    If a product was under a workflow, data in the product UI was taken from the version history table (CMS_VersionHistory), causing inconsistencies in stock information when the product document was published.


  • Documents - Error when saving pages with editable regions

    When saving documents containing editable regions on the ‘Page’ tab, an unhandled error (System.ArgumentNullException) occurred in special cases.


  • Workflow - Translating a versioned document from another language version caused an error

    Translating a versioned document from another language version caused an error.


  • Web parts & controls - CMSRepeater control not working correctly with a custom data source

    The ‘CMSRepeater’ control didn’t work correctly if a custom data source was assigned using data of a different type than ‘DataSet’ or ‘DataTable’.


  • Web parts - Localization expressions in web part zone containers weren’t resolved correctly

    Localization expressions used in web part zone containers were always resolved in the default culture.


  • User interface - Error when viewing UI elements on the Design tab

    An error occurred when viewing certain object editing elements of the ‘Project management’ and ‘Social marketing’ modules on the Design tab in Modules -> User interface.


  • Reporting - Error when using report parameters with macros in the default value

    If a report parameter contained a macro in the default value, a data type conversion error occurred in some cases when working with the parameter (for example when using certain date formats in ‘Date and Time’ fields).


  • On-line Marketing - The ‘Contact has searched for specified keywords in the last X days’ macro rule

    The ‘Contact has searched for specified keywords in the last X days’ macro rule did not work.


  • Media library - The ‘Media selection’ control didn’t load previously selected values correctly

    The ‘Media selection’ control didn’t load previously selected values correctly when the selection dialog was opened again.


  • Macros - Incorrect unindentation in the macro rule designer

    When editing macro conditions in the Rule designer, using the ‘Unindent’ action for the first rule of an indented level removed the preceding operator, resulting in an invalid condition.


  • E-commerce - Changing an order item’s price modified the actual product price

    When an administrator changed the price of an item during the creation of an order, the price of the actual SKU (product) was also modified.


  • Documents - Performance issue when generating document aliases

    Renaming a document with a large number of child documents could lead to timeout issues when the ‘Remember original URLs when moving documents’ setting was enabled.


  • Document types - Incorrect value in the ‘Document name source’ field when creating a new document ty

    The system automatically assigned required fields that used the ‘Media selection’ form control as the default ‘Document name source field’ and ‘Document alias source field’ when creating a new document type. This could cause an invalid URL to be created for documents of this type.


  • Custom tables - Error when creating custom tables based on an existing database table

    When creating a new custom table with the ‘Use an existing database table’ option, an error occurred if the table contained a column with an unsupported data type. The page now handles the error and informs the user about the data type problem.


  • Categories - Adding categories to a document under a workflow with content locking didn’t work

    Adding categories to a document under a workflow with content locking did not save the entered categories.


  • Widgets - Documents with a document alias containing ‘°’ caused an error

    Documents with a document alias containing a degree sign (°) caused an error in widget properties due to an encoding issue.


  • Search - Search field settings not saved correctly for new document types

    Newly created document types didn’t have the default search field settings saved correctly, resulting in problems with the search in some scenarios.


  • Newsletters - Opening an issue incorrectly created a new contact in certain cases

    When a contact assigned to a visitor was sent a newsletter and then merged into a different contact before opening the newsletter, a new contact was incorrectly created upon opening the newsletter.


  • Newsletters - Macros in hyperlinks and images were not resolved correctly

    Macros inside ‘<a>’ and ‘<img>’ tags were not resolved in newsletter issues.


  • Macros - Invalid macro signatures after resigning with the old salt specified

    After updating macro signatures with the ‘Old salt’ value specified (in the System application), certain types of macros had invalid signatures.


  • Macros - Broken path macros after importing packages from previous Kentico versions

    When importing site or object packages from previous versions of Kentico, the conversion of obsolete path macros, such as {& /Products/% &}, didn’t work correctly for expressions stored in XML fields.


  • Import/Export - Invalid macro signatures for documents after importing a new site

    Macro signatures for documents weren’t refreshed when importing a new site using the New site wizard.


  • General - Multiple page placeholders didn’t work correctly with layout web parts and widgets

    Pages with multiple page placeholder web parts did not work correctly with layout web parts and widgets.


  • Forums - Forum post subscription not working under certain circumstances

    If a user subscribed to a post in a forum and later wanted to subscribe to another post within the same forum thread but under a different branch of replies, the system informed them that they’d already subscribed.


  • E-commerce - The CartItem.BundleItems property was empty for bundle products when used in the shoppi

    The ‘CartItem.BundleItems property’ was empty when used in the OnPreRender handler of the CMSCheckoutWebPart class.


  • E-commerce - Price detail in the Shopping cart content web part did not work correctly

    The Shopping cart content web part did not link the modaldialog.js file, preventing the price detail dialog from appearing.


  • Document types - Incorrect behavior when saving document editing forms

    When creating new document types, the system incorrectly allowed the dot character (.) in the code name. Having a dot in the code name resulted in invalid behavior on the editing form of the documents. If you have document types with a dot in the code name, please manually update the value.


  • Content Personalization - Widget variants with the same Display name caused an error in certain case

    Creating a widget variant with a Display name that already existed on a page with the same Page template caused an error.


  • Contact management - Error on the Contact properties and Account properties UI element’s Design tab

    An error was displayed when editing the ‘Contact properties’ and ‘Account properties’ UI elements in the Modules application on the Design tab.


  • Banner management - Banner clicks limitation changed to unlimited in certain cases

    The ‘Clicks left’ property in a banner incorrectly changed to ‘Number of clicks is not limited’ when visitors clicked more than the allowed number of times.


  • Web analytics - Browser type statistics when logging analytics using JavaScript

    If the ‘Log via JavaScript snippet’ setting was enabled for web analytics, logging of the browser type statistics didn’t work correctly.


  • Tags - Wrong tag group when displaying tags in transformations

    When using the ‘BlogFunctions.GetDocumentTags’ method in transformations to display document tags as links on a multilingual site, the tag group IDs in the link URL were incorrect for non-default languages.


  • REST - Supported SQL syntax in REST where conditions

    When loading multiple objects using the REST service, the ‘where’ URL parameter didn’t work correctly with certain types of SQL syntax (for example the BETWEEN keyword) if the user account used for authorization wasn’t a global administrator.


  • On-line Marketing - Missing Variants tab in document properties when using content personalization

    The ‘Properties -> Variants’ tab didn’t appear after adding content personalization variants for a document in the Pages application.


  • On-line Marketing - Incorrect widget variants were displayed on documents with shared page templates

    A cached document ID was incorrectly used in widget variant selection on pages that shared the same page template. This resulted in certain variants displaying incorrect content.


  • Newsletters - Sending issues that contained links with long description failed

    An exception was thrown when sending newsletter issues that contained links with description longer than 400 characters.


  • MVC - Setting a specific URL wildcard in custom URL path caused an error

    Setting a wildcard in the ‘{*name;value*}’ format in the ‘Path or pattern’ custom URL path property caused an exception on the Page tab.


  • Macros - Broken macros after importing packages from previous Kentico versions

    When importing site or object packages from previous versions of Kentico, the conversion of unsupported macros didn’t work correctly for expressions stored in XML fields, leading to invalid macro or XML syntax in some cases.


  • Form controls - ValueForValidation property of form controls

    If the ‘ValueForValidation’ property was overridden in the code of custom form controls, the value wasn’t used during form validation.


  • E-mail engine - Saving e-mail templates with macros in the Subject field

    E-mail templates with macros in the Subject field couldn’t be saved.


  • E-commerce - Localization of shipping and payment options

    Language localization didn’t work for the names of payment methods and shipping options.


  • Custom tables - The ‘Items’ property of the ‘CustomTableInfo’ class didn’t work in macro expressions

    An error was logged when the ‘Items’ property of a ‘CustomTableItem’ instance was evaluated in a macro expression for a custom table that didn’t contain any data items.


  • Avatars - User avatar selector validation error for required fields

    When using the ‘User avatar selector’ form control for fields with a required value, validation failed if the field was empty and a new avatar image was uploaded.


  • Attachments - Missing filter above the attachment list

    The ‘Properties -> Attachments’ tab in the Pages application didn’t display a filter when editing documents with a large number of attachments.


  • E-commerce - Error in the checkout process when using on-line marketing

    When on-line marketing was enabled, an error occurred for anonymous customers after selecting a country without states in the address during the checkout process.


  • E-commerce - Form input validation not triggered for the Payment form web part

    The ‘Payment form’ web part didn’t trigger form input validation when the payment was submitted.


  • E-commerce - Checking if products belong to the shopping cart in macros

    The ‘Shopping cart contains product’ order discount macro rule does not work for more than one product. For multiple products, manually create your own order rule using the new ‘ShoppingCartContainsAllOfProducts’ or ‘ShoppingCartContainsAnyOfProducts’ macro methods.


  • Macros - Cache macro method didn’t work correctly

    When using the ‘Cache’ method in macros, the cached expression was evaluated even if the result was available in the cache.


  • Newsletters - Editing an issue with too large an editable region threw an exception

    An exception was thrown when editing an issue that had an editable region with too large dimensions.


  • WYSIWYG editor - HTML encoding on postback

    The content of the editor was HTML encoded whenever a postback occurred on the page.


  • Web parts & controls - The Custom table data source web part caused an error in certain cases

    Connecting the Custom table data source web part to the Basic Bing maps or Basic Google maps web part caused an exception.


  • User interface - Version number tooltip in the help toolbar

    The version number in the help toolbar had a tooltip with incorrect information. This tooltip was removed.


  • Transformations - Incorrect documentation link in Strands transformations

    There was an incorrect documentation link in Strands transformations.


  • Transformations - The ‘CMS55Compatibility’ web.config key caused errors

    The ‘CMS55Compatibility’ web.config key caused transformation errors.


  • Tags - The tag selector autocomplete function returned multi-word tags in a wrong format

    The tag selector autocomplete function returned multi-word tags in a wrong format.


  • Settings - Debug settings not applied immediately

    When the settings search was used to find and configure the debug settings, the results didn’t take effect until the application’s cache was cleared.


  • Security - Password policy not applied for the ‘Password’ form control

    Fields using the ‘Password’ form control didn’t validate input according to the password policy defined in 'Settings -> Security & Membership -> Passwords’.


  • Search - Documents missing from the search index after a rebuild

    When building document smart search indexes, processing of documents without a published version could prevent the system from indexing the remaining documents.


  • Scoring - The ‘State’ value in the ‘Country’ attribute wasn’t saved correctly

    The ‘State’ value was not saved when creating a scoring rule with the ‘Country’ attribute.


  • Polls - Error when changing the code name of a poll

    An error occurred when changing the code name of a poll.


  • Performance - High memory usage

    The Worker thread debug was inefficient, leading to high memory consumption in certain scenarios.


  • On-line forms - Submit button text not set for forms with a custom ASCX layout

    The submit button of forms with a custom ASCX layout didn’t use the text caption configured via the form’s ‘Submit button text’ setting.


  • Macros - Macros with invalid signatures missing in the macro report

    When using the ‘Report problems’ option of the macro report (System -> Macros -> Report), the system didn’t correctly detect all macros with invalid signatures.


  • Macros - Missing macro methods

    Registration of macro methods failed in certain cases (when multiple threads attempted to resolve the same method under heavy load). This resulted in missing methods and errors in the event log.


  • Integration bus - Integration tasks weren’t logged when documents were reordered or sorted

    Integration bus tasks were not logged for documents that were reordered or sorted.


  • Documents - Incorrect document order after creating new documents

    The order of documents within a section was incorrectly recomputed after creating a new document.


  • Content editing - Content editing actions fired validators in custom controls

    Content editing actions fired validators in custom controls in certain cases.


  • Chat - Support chat user online status

    When a user left or closed a support chat window, their online status wasn’t updated correctly for the support staff on the other side of the conversation.


  • Chat - Reopening the support chat window in IE9

    When using support chat in Internet Explorer 9, it wasn’t possible to reopen the chat window after closing until the page was refreshed.


  • Caching - Caching for custom module classes

    When generating Info code for custom module classes, the ‘TouchCacheDependencies’ property wasn’t set in the TypeInfo definition. As a result, editing objects of the class didn’t correctly clear the given data from the cache. The property is now set to true by default for new classes.


  • Newsletters - The ‘ConvertToAbsolute’ method resolved absolute links as ‘http’ links

    The ‘ConvertToAbsolute’ method did not take protocol into account and incorrectly converted absolute links to the ‘http’ protocol.


  • Widgets - Disabling viewstate for inline widgets didn’t work

    The ‘Disable viewstate’ system property did not work in inline widgets.


  • Web parts - Google Sitemap web part generated an incorrect set of documents in certain cases

    When the Google Sitemap web part was set to generate documents from all cultures using the ##ALL## macro, all the resulting documents had the default culture prefix instead. This happened when the ‘Use language prefix for URLs’ setting was enabled.


  • User interface - Selectors not displaying data if more than 1000 items were selected

    Selectors in the user interface (for example the Users tab when editing Roles) displayed a “No data found” message if more than 1000 items were selected.


  • Staging - Error when creating synchronization tasks for documents if the parent document’s alias was

    Synchronizing a document with a modified alias could result in an error when creating synchronization tasks for child documents.


  • Staging - Published documents not published on the target staging server

    When a workflow was applied to an existing document and this document was then synchronized to staging server, it wasn’t published on the target even though it was published on the source server.


  • On-line Marketing - JavaScript errors logged when using the Strands recommendations web part

    Javascript errors were logged in the browser console when manipulating with the Strands recommendations web part in certain cases.


  • Message boards - Incorrect author of edited messages

    When an existing message on a board was modified, the editor was saved as the author of the message.


  • Macros - Macro rule designer didn’t load complex rules correctly

    The macro rule designer used for editing conditions didn’t load complex rules correctly in some cases (when the condition contained nested rule levels).


  • Macros - Path macros not being resolved

    Macros containing path expressions {% Path[“<path_expression>”] %} weren’t resolved.


  • General - Error when using fields with a name matching a reserved SQL keyword

    An error occurred when working with custom fields (for example of classes or document types) whose name matched a reserved SQL keyword, such as 'From’.


  • Files - Streaming of physical media files didn’t work correctly

    Streaming of physical media files didn’t work correctly in special cases.


  • E-commerce - Catalog discounts were not applied correctly when sessionState mode was set to “InProc”

    Prices of discounted products were not updated when the applied catalog discount changed.


  • Documents - An XML comment was missing in ‘MultiDocumentQueryBase’

    An XML comment was missing in 'MultiDocumentQueryBase’, which resulted in a warning being displayed.


  • Documents - Inserting a linked document into a section led to wrong document order

    The order of documents within a section was incorrectly recomputed after inserting a linked document.


  • Documents - Documents retrieved via collections managed incorrectly using the API

    When working with document collections in the API, management methods for the latest document version handled documents as the published version instead. For example, this resulted in staging tasks not being created correctly for changes made to documents loaded using 'DocumentHelper.GetDocuments’.


  • Documents - Ad-hoc page templates were deleted from different sites in certain cases

    When an ad-hoc page template was deleted from a site, ad-hod page templates from other sites that shared the same GUID were deleted as well.


  • Dialogs - Unable to type the password in the screen lock dialog

    When the screen lock dialog was displayed above another modal dialog (for example web part properties), it wasn’t possible to enter the password and unlock the system.


  • E-commerce - Product coupons were accepted, but not applied for product variants.

    When a product variant was in the shopping cart, any product coupon related to the product could be successfully added. However, the appropriate discount was not applied to the product variant.


  • Widgets - Content in the Tabs layout widget disappeared in certain cases

    Content inserted into the Tabs layout widget disappeared when the value of the ‘Tabs’ property was increased.


  • Web parts & controls - RenderedHTML property of the CMSListMenu control

    The ‘RenderedHTML’ property of the ‘CMSListMenu’ control didn’t contain the correct value during the PreRender page event.


  • Web parts & controls - Edit mode buttons of listing controls

    Editing documents via the edit mode buttons of listing web parts or controls opened the given document’s Page tab instead of the Form tab.


  • Web parts - Unable to insert HTML tags as text into the Editable text web part

    Users were unable to insert HTML tags as text into the Editable text web part.


  • Staging - Data loss on the target server after renaming custom table fields

    When synchronizing custom tables, renaming a custom table field resulted in data loss of the field’s values on the target server.


  • Social Marketing - Facebook permissions changed according to the Facebook 2.0 API

    Facebook permissions changed according to the Facebook 2.0 API.


  • Search - Incorrect processing for search box text containing macros

    Search box components didn’t correctly process text containing macro expressions.


  • REST - IN and NOT IN keywords in REST where conditions

    When loading multiple objects using the REST service, the ‘where’ URL parameter didn’t work with values containing the ‘IN’ or ‘NOT IN’ keywords if the user account used for authorization wasn’t a global administrator.


  • On-line Marketing - The ‘Contact has purchased number of items’ macro rule didn’t evaluate correctly

    The ‘Contact has purchased number of items’ macro rule didn’t evaluate correctly when the contact bought more items in one purchase.


  • Newsletters - Contact macros weren’t resolved correctly in certain cases

    If a persona or contact group subscriber contained a contact without e-mail, contact macros in the newsletter issue body could have been resolved for a different contact than the one shown in the preview header.


  • Multilingual content - Caching in language selector web parts didn’t work correctly

    Language selector web parts did not cache query string parameters correctly in some specific scenarios.


  • Marketing automation - Marketing automation process triggers not cloned correctly

    When cloning marketing automation processes, site-specific triggers of the process weren’t cloned correctly.


  • Hotfix - False positives in the modified file report when applying hotfixes

    The hotifx utility reported some of the hotfixed files as modified even if they weren’t modified in the given project.


  • Groups - Custom fields in community groups not displayed

    Community group custom fields weren’t displayed when editing a group.


  • Form engine - Custom registration form web part with an ASCX form layout

    The ‘Custom registration form’ web part didn’t work if the assigned alternative form used an ASCX layout.


  • Documents - Specifying a document type in the Listing mode lead to an exception

    An exception was shown when documents in the Listing mode were filtered based on a document type different than the 'Page (menu item)'.


  • Documents - Context menu in the content tree didn’t display tree actions to content editors

    Context menu in the content tree did not display tree actions to content editor due to incorrect permission checks.


  • Documents - MultiDocumentQuery filtered duplicates incorrectly in certain cases

    MultiDocumentQuery used to filter duplicate documents together with the ‘Top N’ parameter returned incorrect data.


  • Documents - Child document alias path wasn’t updated in certain scenarios

    Child document alias paths were not updated when a non-default culture parent document was created before the default culture version of the document.


  • Documents - Redundant query calls in the Pages application UI

    Redundant query calls were made when displaying documents in the Pages application.


  • Documents - DocumentQuery didn’t reflect certain parametrizations correctly

    DocumentQuery did not correctly reflect the ‘CombineWithDefaultCulture’ and ‘FilterDuplicities’ parametrizations.


  • Documents - Preview mode not accessible for users with only document ACL permissions

    Users who had access to documents only via document ACL permissions couldn’t view the content in the ‘Preview’ mode of the Pages application.


  • Dialogs - Dialog position ‘absolute’ in IE10 and later

    Dialogs opened in IE10 (and later) had position ‘absolute’ instead of position 'fixed’.


  • Debug - Incorrect hotfix version on the System objects tab

    The ‘System objects’ tab of the ‘Debug’ application didn’t display the current hotfix version correctly.


  • Attachments - Documents with a large amount of attachments couldn’t be published

    Documents with a large amount of attachments could not be published due to an SQL error.


  • API - SessionManager.IsUserOnline() method always returning a true value

    If the ‘Monitor on-line users’ and ‘Store on-line users in database’ settings were enabled, the SessionManager.IsUserOnline() method returned a true value even for users who already logged out.


  • Widgets - Missing category title in widget properties

    When configuring the properties of widgets, the title of the first category was missing for some widgets.


  • Web parts - Google maps in certain languages didn’t display locations correctly

    Google maps displayed in languages that use a comma as a decimal mark did not display locations properly.


  • Web parts - ‘Show navigation control’ and ‘Show scale control’ in Google maps didn’t work

    The ‘Show navigation control’ and ‘Show scale control’ in the Google maps web parts did not work due to changes in the Google maps API.


  • Web analytics - Exception occurred when evaluating contacts in certain cases

    An arithmetic overflow exception occurred when evaluating the most active contact in a given collection.


  • Search - Search results in the Pages application incorrectly redirected to dashboard

    Clicking on a search result in the Pages application incorrectly redirected the user to dashboard instead of the particular tree node.


  • On-line forms - Online forms weren’t hidden after being submitted

    Online forms with the ‘Display text after the form is submitted’ option enabled were not hidden after being submitted.


  • Microsoft Azure - ‘Update within request’ synchronization method on Microsoft Azure

    Projects running on Microsoft Azure incorrectly allowed the ‘Update within request’ web farm synchronization mechanism. Azure projects need to use the web farm database updater instead.


  • Macros - Conditions using ‘AutomationState’ didn’t work outside of Marketing Automation

    Macro rules that make use of ‘AutomationState’ objects did not work outside of Marketing Automation.


  • Macros - Certain macro rules using ‘has not’ in their condition didn’t work

    Certain macro rules using ‘has not’ in their condition did not work.


  • Macros - Indexing of ‘OrderCustomData’ required lower case values

    When accessing macro collections based on XML data using an index, for example OrderCustomData[“fieldName”], the index name was processed in a case sensitive way and only worked for lower case values.


  • General - Creating queries for module classes

    The user interface didn’t work correctly when creating new queries for module classes. It is only possible to create queries for classes under custom modules that are currently in development (before the module is exported) or in the ‘Custom’ module.


  • General - Misleading administrator status message in the Permissions application

    When using the ‘Report for user’ feature in the Permissions application, the system incorrectly referred to users with the ‘Administrator’ privilege level as global administrators. The Administrator privilege level bypasses permissions checks, but does not give full access to global actions.


  • Form engine - Publishing category title wasn’t displayed in Pages -> Form

    If the editing form of a document type contained categories, the ‘Publish from/to’ fields weren’t displayed inside the ‘Publishing’ category on the Pages -> Form tab.


  • Documents - New documents weren’t sorted correctly in certain cases

    Documents created in a section that contained more than one document type were not ordered correctly.


  • CSS - Stylesheet bookmarks containing the dash character not displayed

    Bookmarks in CSS stylesheets that contained the dash character in their name weren’t displayed in the bookmark list.


  • Documents - Document URL generated incorrectly for child documents when the parent document was renamed

    When using the ‘Use name path for URL path’ setting, the URL of child documents was updated incorrectly after a parent document was renamed.


  • Widgets - Custom widget thumbnails weren’t displayed in editable regions

    Custom widget thumbnails for inline widgets were not displayed when the widget was placed into the ‘Editable text’ web part.


  • Web parts & controls - Update panel in web parts

    An error occurred when the ASP.NET UpdatePanel control was placed into web parts or controls.


  • Tags - Tags weren’t assigned to the preset tag group

    Tags created through a field with the ‘Tag selector’ form control weren’t assigned to the tag group selected in the field’s ‘Tag group ID’ property.


  • Staging - Synchronization of new document types and custom tables failed

    When a new document type or custom table was created, the resulting synchronization task failed.


  • Search - Document crawler indexes showing deleted documents

    Document crawler smart search indexes weren’t updated when documents were deleted from the indexed content.


  • Multilingual content - Preferred language settings of browsers not working correctly

    The content culture wasn’t switched correctly according to the preferred language settings of the visitor’s browser.


  • Macros - Open macros not resolved in HTML editor fields

    Macros with open conditions or loops weren’t resolved correctly when placed into an HTML editor field (for example editable regions on the Page tab in the Pages application).


  • Macros - Broken field validation macros

    Re-signing macros after applying hotfix 8.0.6 caused macros in field validation rules to become invalid. Applying the hotfix fixes both the macro re-signing process and all occurrences of broken field validation macros.


  • Import/Export - Queries not included when exporting custom modules

    Queries created for classes under custom modules weren’t included in the module’s export package.


  • Form controls - Incorrect accessibility of input elements in the ‘Password with confirmation’ form c

    The ‘for’ attribute of the label in the ‘Password with confirmation’ form control didn’t contain the ID of the correct input element.


  • Form controls - ‘Schedule Interval’ form control

    The ‘Schedule Interval’ control was incorrectly registered in the system as a form control. This control is not designed to be used as a form control.


  • E-commerce - Transformation method ‘IsSKUAvailableForSale’ for products with variants

    The 'IsSKUAvailableForSale()' transformation method returned a false value for products with inventory tracked using variants, even when the variants were in stock.


  • Documents - Inefficient filtering of duplicate documents from DocuemntQuery results

    On sites with a large number of documents, filtering of duplicate documents was inefficient, leading to slow performance (for example when using the ‘Filter out duplicate documents’ property of web parts).


  • Documents - Error in the Pages application

    An error occurred in the Pages application when opened after running the ‘New site wizard’ in certain cases.


  • Documents - Exception when viewing the product tree with a limited products starting path

    When viewing the products tree in the administration interface, a stack overflow exception was displayed if the ‘Products starting path’ setting was applied and the URL contained the nodeID parameter of a product document not under the selected path.


  • Documents - Document aliases not created for child documents in non-default cultures

    Document aliases weren’t created for child documents in non-default cultures when the parent document’s name was modified with the ‘Remember original URLs when moving documents’ and ‘Use name path for URL path’ settings enabled.


  • Dialogs - Drop-down with autocomplete overflow in dialogs

    When opening drop-down lists with autocomplete support inside dialogs, the content overflowed outside of the dialog page in some cases.


  • Custom tables - The ‘Custom table form’ web part didn’t display an error message in certain cases

    The ‘Custom table form’ web part did not display an error message when the user had insufficient permissions to modify or create a new item.


  • Code generation - Invalid code generated for module classes with File fields

    The Info code generated for custom module classes with ‘File’ type fields contained invalid constants in the default values of the properties representing the given fields.


  • Code generation - Inconsistent letter case in provider method names generated for binding classes

    The Provider code generated for binding classes under custom modules contained method names with inconsistent letter case.


  • Code generation - Inefficient provider code generated for binding classes

    The implementation of the “GetInfo” methods generated in the Provider code for binding classes under custom modules wasn’t optimal (called unnecessary queries).


  • API - DocumentQuery not returning all documents when the root section was requested

    When loading documents using DocumentQuery parametrized by the .Path("/", PathTypeEnum.Section) method, only the root document was returned without child documents.


  • AD Import - AD Import failed to process circular group relationships

    When loading an Active Directory structure containing circular group relationships (groups that are members of each other in a way that forms a cycle), an exception occurred.


  • Widgets - Inserting a layout widget into another layout widget caused an error in certain cases

    Inserting a layout widget into another layout widget caused 'Service unavailable (503)' error on the Page tab in certain cases.


  • Widgets - YouTube widget didn’t work correctly when the URL contained an underscore

    The YouTube widget didn’t work correctly when the URL contained an underscore character.


  • Web parts - Redirect in a web part caused an error in certain cases

    An exception was thrown when ‘URLHelper.RedirectPermanent’ was called in the ‘OnInit’ event of a web part.


  • URL rewriting & SEO - ‘Page not found’ page not displayed correctly when refreshed

    Reloading of ‘Page not found’ pages didn’t work correctly when using output caching and output compression.


  • Marketing automation - Triggers not fired correctly when logging multiple activities at once

    Marketing automation triggers weren’t fired correctly in some cases when logging multiple activities at once.


  • Marketing automation - Triggers weren’t deleted from cache when deleting a Marketing automation proc

    Marketing automation triggers were not deleted from cache when deleting the Marketing automation process in which they were defined.


  • Macros - String representations of object collections ended with an empty line

    Strings returned by object collection macros, such as {% CurrentDocument.Categories %}, ended with an empty line, resulting in an invalid value for certain scenarios.


  • Import toolkit - Importing product documents

    The import failed when importing product documents without the ‘Import as a product’ check box selected. Furthermore, an error occurred when updating existing product documents selected by a custom Where condition.


  • General - Applications weren’t opened correctly in certain cases

    Opening an application from another application caused incorrect initialization of the newly opened application.


  • General - Culture in query string caused malfunction in certain Page application actions

    Culture in query string caused malfunction in certain Page application actions because the culture stored in a cookie was overwritten.


  • Form engine - Error when deleting ‘File’ type fields from classes

    Deleting a ‘File’ type field from a class in the Modules application caused an error.


  • Form controls - Error on the View tab of the ‘Upload file’ form control

    An error occurred when viewing the ‘Upload file’ form control on the ‘View’ tab in the Form controls application.


  • Field editor - Error when creating new fields

    The field editor didn’t work correctly when creating new fields if the Field type was changed and the ‘Display field in the editing form’ option was toggled.


  • E-commerce - Customer’s shipping address is not pre-filled

    If a customer selected a previous shipping address during the check out process, the address fields were not pre-filled in the form.


  • E-commerce - ‘ShowWishlistLink’ property of the ‘ShoppingCartItemSelector’ control

    Setting the ‘ShowWishlistLink’ property didn’t affect the behavior of the ‘ShoppingCartItemSelector’ control.


  • E-commerce - Global variants could not be created from global products

    An error occurred when generating product variants for global products and categories.


  • Documents - The ‘CMSMaxNodeAliasLength’ web.config key wasn’t applied correctly for new documents

    The ‘CMSMaxNodeAliasLength’ web.config key was not applied correctly when inserting new documents.


  • Documents - The value of the ‘TreeNode.HasChanged’ property was misleading

    The value of the ‘HasChanged’ property was set to ‘true’ even if no changes were made to the given ‘TreeNode’ instance.


  • API - Integration test base classes didn’t initialize the application

    The base classes for integration tests (IntegrationTests, IsolatedIntegrationTests) didn’t correctly initialize the application for the test methods.


  • Windows Azure - Error logged when starting the application

    When starting the application on Windows Azure (or in the emulator), a threading error was logged into the Event log.


  • Web parts & controls - The ‘GoogleSitemap’ control generated duplicate items

    The site map generated by the ‘GoogleSitemap’ control contained duplicate items.


  • Web parts - Automatic code name generation for personalization variants

    Creating a new personalization variant with the ‘Code name’ field left empty resulted in the code name being set to ‘AUTO’.


  • Web parts - Invalid macro condition in the ‘Div element’ web part container

    The HTML of the ‘Div element’ web part container contained an invalid macro expression.


  • Web parts - Custom fields in inherited web parts couldn’t be removed

    If custom properties were programatically deleted from a web part (for example during the upgrade procedure), these properties couldn’t be removed from inherited web parts that modified the property settings. You can now remove the properties using the ‘Reset field’ button.


  • Translation services - The list of submission items didn’t display a filter in certain cases

    The list of submission items didn’t display a filter when more than one page was available. Also, the ‘File type’ column was not necessary as only one file type is supported.


  • Translation services - Bulk translation of documents also included child documents

    When submitting ‘all’ documents for translation on the Listing page, all child documents were incorrectly included in the translation data.


  • Scoring - The ‘Message board’ selector didn’t display the selected ‘all’ value correctly

    The ‘Message board’ selector for the ‘Message board comment’ activity did not display the selected ‘all’ value correctly.


  • Scoring - Scoring macro rules were not reevaluated in certain cases

    Scoring macro rules were not reevaluated by a logged activity or an attribute change.


  • Scoring - Improved memory usage when recalculating macro scoring rules

    Memory usage when recalculating macro type scoring rules for a large number of contacts has been optimized.


  • Personas - Persona macro rules were not reevaluated in certain cases

    Persona macro rules were not reevaluated by a logged activity or an attribute change.


  • On-line forms - Form inconsistency after making fields required in the Form builder

    Making a field required in the Form builder after form records had already been created without a value in the given field created an inconsistency, leading to potential errors when working with the form.


  • Licensing - Entering a new license caused JavaScript errors

    Entering a new license caused JavaScript errors.


  • Installation - Installation failed if special characters were used in the Target location

    The installation failed if certain special characters were used in the Target location path. Unsupported characters are now automatically converted to underscores.


  • Hotfix - Installing sample sites reversed hotfix changes

    When one of the default sample sites was installed on a hotfixed project, the imported objects overwrote changes introduced by the hotfix. Applying the hotfix now also updates the data of the sample site templates.


  • General export - Advanced export with ‘Export raw database data’ enabled

    When using the advanced export feature for product or document data listed in the administration interface, the export didn’t work if the ‘Export raw database data’ option was enabled.


  • Field editor - Uniselector based form controls didn’t work correctly in the field editor

    Form controls based on the Uni selector didn’t work correctly in the simple mode of the ‘Editing control settings’ section in the field editor.


  • Field editor - Error when creating binary type fields for classes

    When creating a new class for a custom module with a visible ‘Binary’ type field, an exception occurred, since no form controls exist for the binary field type. If you need a binary field in your class, we recommend keeping the field hidden in the editing form.


  • Documentation - Invalid “How to” links in the Banned IPs application

    The “How to” links in the help section of the Banned IPs application pointed to invalid pages in the documentation.


  • Document types - Document type scopes didn’t work for documents with unicode characters in their nam

    Document type scopes did not apply to documents with unicode characters in the document name.


  • - Implementation of changes in the API

    The implementation has been updated to correspond with the new API.


  • Content editing - The ‘Master page’ tab wasn’t accessible with enabled UI Personalization

    The ‘Master page’ tab was not accessible due to wrong permission check when UI Personalization was enabled.


  • Content editing - Saving changes on a master page caused JavaScript errors

    Saving changes on a master page caused JavaScript errors.


  • Chat - Chat room users listing

    When the number of chat room users exceeded 25, a filter with no fields was displayed in the chat room users listing.


  • API - The ‘DocumentNodeDataInfo’ and ‘DocumentNodeDataInfoProvider’ classes were set as ‘public’

    The ‘DocumentNodeDataInfo’ and ‘DocumentNodeDataInfoProvider’ classes were incorrectly set as ‘public’ instead of 'internal’.


  • Web analytics - Conversion data couldn’t be deleted in certain cases

    Data from a conversion with an underscore in its ‘code name’ could not be deleted.


  • Tags - The ‘Select tags’ dialog didn’t preselect the already assigned tags

    The ‘Select tags’ dialog did not preselect the tags already assigned to the document.


  • Newsletters - Subscription confirmation didn’t work for personas

    Subscription confirmation did not work for subscribers of the type 'Persona’.


  • Metafiles - Unnecessary cms.class metafile

    The default metafiles of the ‘cms.class’ class contained an unnecessary file.


  • Macros - Corrupted macros after re-signing

    When re-signing macros, expressions added via macro rules became invalid in certain locations. The hotfix removes the problem in the re-signing process, but you need to manually fix the broken macros by inserting the macro rules again into the appropriate fields.


  • Licensing - Incorrect license expiration format

    When using a user interface culture or environment regional format different than en-US, licenses entered into the system weren’t saved in the correct format.


  • Licensing - Incorrect license requirements when deleting objects

    The system incorrectly required licensing for the Personas module when deleting objects with metafiles (for example Manufacturers with a thumbnail image).


  • Licensing - Publishing of documents with the Base license

    Publishing of documents didn’t work for sites using the Base license. The following error occurred: “The license limit for feature SocialMarketing was exceeded. Please check event log to get more details.”


  • General - Incorrect design of information messages on the live site

    Information and warning messages generated by components on the live site contained unwanted markup and were displayed incorrectly.


  • General - Right Alt + S keyboard input triggered the Ctrl + S action

    When using certain keyboard input languages (for example Czech or Polish), pressing ‘right Alt + s’ triggered the ‘Ctrl + s’ save action.


  • General - Loading indicator in Internet Explorer 10

    When viewing the administration interface in Internet Explorer 10, the loading indicator remained on the page even after the content was loaded.


  • Form engine - Form controls (selectors) not working correctly on the live site

    Certain form controls (for example selectors) didn’t work correctly in forms displayed on the live site, such as in user contribution editing dialogs or on-line forms.


  • Form engine - Validation error when saving documents via user contributions

    Document editing forms couldn’t be saved via user contributions if the used alternative form contained hidden fields that were visible in the main document type form.


  • Form controls - Form controls not working when editing documents via user contributions

    Certain form controls (for example File upload, Calendar) didn’t work correctly in the document editing forms used for user contributions.


  • Form controls - Incorrect Text CAPTCHA validation

    When using the ‘Text CAPTCHA’ form control, the field always evaluated the input as invalid in the resulting form.


  • Form controls - Empty button in the ‘Upload file’ control

    The ‘Upload file’ form control rendered an empty button in forms used on the live site.


  • E-commerce - OrderItemUnitPrice not reflecting customizations of the GetSKUPrice method

    The ‘OrderItemUnitPrice’ column of the ‘COM_OrderItem’ table always contained the SKUPrice value of the purchased product, ignoring custom overrides of the ‘SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUPrice’ method.


  • Documents - Underscore in document type’s ‘ClassName’ caused documents to be queried incorrectly

    Documents based on document types with an underscore in their ‘ClassName’ were not queried correctly.


  • Documents - Synchronizing a document to a target server led to data inconsistency in certain cases

    Synchronizing a document to a target server led to data inconsistency when a document with the same name was created in the same location on the target server before. This scenario is not supported.


  • Deployment mode - Saving virtual objects to the disk failed

    Saving of virtual objects to the disk failed on certain license editions.


  • Code generation - Invalid code generated for module classes

    The Info code generated for custom module classes couldn’t be compiled if the class contained certain types of fields with default values.


  • General - Possible stack overflow when processing long-running tasks

    Long-running scheduled tasks whose execution took longer than the task interval caused inefficiencies and potentially a stack overflow in certain cases. This problem could occur when logging of page view activities was enabled under heavy load.


  • General - Memory consumption on sites with heavy traffic

    Sites with a lot of traffic didn’t free up memory correctly in some cases, leading to heavy memory consumption on the server.


  • On-line Marketing - Creating an A/B test variant page led to an error in certain cases

    Creating an A/B test variant under a document that did not have its type allowed as a child type led to an error.


  • Web parts - Default values missing for system properties of custom web parts imported from older ver

    Custom web parts imported from older versions didn’t contain the default values entered for system properties.


  • Web analytics - Macros for recognizing returning visitors didn’t work correctly in certain cases

    Macro methods for recognizing returning visitors did not work correctly when using JavaScript logging in Web Analytics.


  • Transformations - Specific errors caused by transformations weren’t handled correctly

    Calling obsolete code in transformations resulted in an error that was not handled correctly and threw an exception.


  • Social networking - Validation error when using Facebook or Twitter autopost in required fields

    Using the Facebook or Twitter autopost form control in combination with the ‘Required’ field setting caused the field to fail during form validation.


  • Social networking - Error when saving Twitter channels

    Certain Twitter channels couldn’t be saved due to changes in the Twitter API. The hotfix updates the LinqToTwitter library to resolve the issue.


  • Security - Object versioning permissions

    Versioning permissions weren’t evaluated correctly for certain types of objects, which prevented users from rolling back versions.


  • Scheduler - Scheduled tasks not working with the Windows service

    The Windows service for scheduling tasks stopped working under certain circumstances. To fix the issue, you need to reinstall the scheduling service after applying the hotfix.


  • Newsletters - The ‘Custom subscription form’ web part did not work correctly

    When subscribing to newsletters using a form displayed by the ‘Custom subscription form’ web part, an error was thrown and no subscription was made.


  • Import/Export - Error when importing a site with cross-site document relationships

    Importing a site that had document relationships to a different site resulted in an error.


  • Hotfix - Applying a hotfix manually didn’t update the hotfix version number

    Applying a hotfix manually on the setup files did not update the hotfix version number.


  • Hotfix - Path to setup files in the Hotfix utility

    When running the Hotfix utility from KIM, users were prompted to manually enter the path to the Kentico setup files. The tool now automatically loads the path from KIM.


  • General - Errors on machines with only .NET 4.0 installed

    When running in an environment with only .NET 4.0 installed, errors occurred in certain parts of the system (for example when creating new document types).


  • E-mail engine - E-mails with a blank recipient address blocked the e-mail queue

    E-mails with a blank recipient address blocked the e-mail queue, preventing the system from sending other e-mails.


  • E-commerce - Custom invoice number resets when billing information is changed

    If a user generated an invoice with a custom invoice number and changed order billing details, the order’s invoice number reset to default value.


  • E-commerce - GetProduct.aspx always does 302 redirects

    The page GetProduct.aspx did not reflect the ‘Allow permanent (301) redirection’ SEO setting.


  • E-commerce - The back button did not work when editing a product option category

    If a user clicked the Tax classes tab when editing a product option category, the Back button in the left tab menu stopped working.


  • Documents - Workflow e-mail notifications couldn’t be disabled on the ‘Page’ tab

    When performing a document workflow action the ‘Page’ tab, the workflow e-mail notifications could not be disabled using the ‘Send notification e-mails’ check-box.


  • Documents - Document ‘Listing mode’ incorrectly queried the database for all documents

    Document ‘Listing mode’ did not use paged query to retrieve documents from the database. This resulted in all documents from the current level being queried regardless of the number of documents displayed in the grid.


  • Documents - Changing the ‘Analytics’ tab settings required a check-out

    Making changes on the ‘Analytics’ tab of a document incorrectly required the document to be checked-out first.


  • Web parts - Performance for map web parts has been improved

    Performance of the ‘Google maps’ and ‘Bing maps’ web parts has been improved.


  • Validators - Not all parts of CSS stylesheets were validated

    CSS styles included through ‘WebResource’ links were not validated. The validation caused a ‘Page not found’ warning in the event log.


  • User interface - UI elements were saved under a wrong parent element in some cases

    When a parent UI element was moved to a new location, the children elements had old values stored in cache. After an update, the cached values were saved to the database.


  • Membership - Invalid logon attempts not reset when the users log in via the screen lock dialog

    Invalid logon attempts weren’t reset when the users successfully logged in via the screen lock dialog.


  • Membership - Users were not filtered correctly based on their roles

    If two roles with the same code name were created and assigned to different sites, a user who was assigned only to one role was always filtered based on code name of their role and it appeared in filter results as if they were in both of the roles.


  • Groups - Empty ‘View’ tab when editing forum groups in community groups

    The ‘View’ tab didn’t work when editing forum groups under a community group.


  • Forums - Posting with attachments on moderated forums didn’t display approval notifications

    When the users added posts with attachments to moderated forums, the system didn’t inform them about the need of the forum moderator’s approval.


  • E-commerce - Order shipping address could not be edited

    Order shipping address could not be edited if tax calculation was based on shipping address.


  • Documents - Document couldn’t be created under a workflow with content locking turned on

    Document could not be created under a document that had both workflow and content locking applied to it.


  • Documents - Managing documents led to database deadlocks in certain cases

    Managing documents, especially inserting documents, under a heavy load led to database deadlocks. The deadlocks were caused by updating child node count, updating tags or by computing default node order.


  • On-line Marketing - A/B test ‘Overview’ tab displayed no data in certain cases

    The ‘Overview’ tab of the ‘A/B tests’ application displayed no data in certain cases.


  • Code generation - Generated code for binding classes was invalid in some cases

    When a binding class was created for a class that had a special character in its friendly name, the generated code had this special character in method names. This made the code syntactically incorrect.


  • Contact management - The ‘Country’ and ‘State’ fields in ‘User’ to ‘Contact’ mapping didn’t work

    The ‘Country’ and ‘State’ fields did not provide any options when changing ‘User’ to ‘Contact’ mapping.


  • Widgets - Autocomplete didn’t work when editing widgets in certain cases

    When editing widgets in Internet Explorer 11, the autocomplete of the ‘Category’ field did not work. A ‘No data found’ message was shown instead.


  • Installation - Error when modifying existing installations

    An error occurred when using the installer to modify or uninstall Kentico web projects with hotfix 8.0.2 applied.


  • Hotfix - Unable to hotfix projects running on .NET 4.5.1

    The Hotfix utility failed to recognize projects running on .NET 4.5.1, resulting in errors.


  • Hotfix - KIM and Hotfix utility errors when detecting the .NET version

    When using <location> elements to limit the path and override options of settings in the web.config, the KIM and Hotfix utilities weren’t able to detect the .NET version of the application, resulting in errors.


  • Forums - Posting on a moderated forum prevented the user from using attachments

    When the user posted on a moderated forum, they could not use attachments because the 'Attach file(s)' checkbox was hidden.


  • Field editor - Incorrect options in the field editor for custom classes

    When editing the fields of custom classes, the field editor incorrectly contained options intended for document type fields.


  • API - Document type specific classes didn’t initialize the ‘NodeClassID’ field

    Instance constructors in document type specific classes did not initialize the ‘NodeClassID’ field, which led to an exception.


  • Windows Azure - Deployment of an Azure project from KIM didn’t work properly

    When deploying a Windows Azure project from KIM, the process failed on building the Azure solution.


  • Windows Azure - Enabling SQL debug in a windows Azure project required saving the settings twice

    SQL debug settings in a Windows Azure project were not set after saving the settings once - another save action was required.


  • WebDAV - A specific scenario in the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog resulted in an exception

    On the ‘Content’ tab of the ‘Insert image or media’ dialog, when changing a site and selecting a node whose children were editable in the WebDav edit mode, an exception was logged.


  • Web parts - Document type selector in the ‘Repeater’ web part didn’t work correctly

    It was not possible to select multiple document types in the ‘Show for document types’ property of the ‘Repeater’ web part.


  • Web parts - The ‘CSS List Menu’ web part didn’t behave correctly in certain scenarios

    Using the ‘CSS List Menu’ web part with the ‘Hide if no record found’ property set to false and leaving the ‘No record found text’ property empty resulted in an error.


  • Scoring - Recalculating contact macros consumed large amounts of memory

    Recalculating contact macros consumed too large an amount of system memory while recalculating a big number of contacts.


  • Media library - Image URL wasn’t changed correctly after its dimensions were updated in some cases

    Image URL was not changed correctly after its dimensions were updated in some cases.


  • Macros - Open macro condition not resolved correctly for different cultures

    Culture context was not correctly passed to inner macros within an open condition macro.


  • Macros - Incorrect encoding of special characters inserted via macro tree

    Items inserted using the macro tree of the ‘Insert macro’ dialog that contained certain special characters were not encoded correctly.


  • Installation - KIM did not check new web projects’ file structure correctly

    KIM allows registering new web projects in an incomplete directory structure (i.e., the content of the CMS folder only) causing the selected path to be trimmed and point to a wrong directory.


  • Import toolkit - Import Toolkit failed to overwrite existing documents in some cases

    When importing documents using Kentico Import Toolkit, the tool failed to overwrite existing documents if the custom where condition identifying the existing documents contained columns specific for the particular document type.


  • Hotfix - Hotfixing a source code installation didn’t work in some cases

    When trying to hotfix a source code installation without a connection string in the web.config file, the process failed with an error "Connection string must not be empty".


  • General - Missing using directive in code generator output

    The code generator for classes generated code without the ‘System.Collections.Generic’ using directive and with the ‘true’ and ‘false’ keywords in wrong letter casing.


  • Form controls - Some form controls didn’t work properly in the ‘On-line form’ web part

    Radio buttons and drop-down list form controls caused a validation error when displayed on a page by the ‘On-line form’ web part.


  • Controls - The ‘CMSListMenu’ control didn’t work correctly in certain scenarios

    Setting the ‘DisplayOnlySelectedPath’ property to ‘true’ did not display the selected document. Setting ‘Path’ to ‘/{0}/%’ resulted in an error.


  • Blogs - ‘Post archive’ web part

    The ‘Post archive’ web part didn’t display blog months related to the Blog document if used directly on the Blog document page (not on a subpage).


  • Win Services - Error after starting a Windows service under IIS Express and LocalDB

    A ‘Login failed for user’ error message was logged when a Windows service was started on an application installed under IIS Express with a LocalDB.


  • Widgets - The ‘Editable text’ widget lost its content when moved

    The content in the ‘Editable text’ widget was lost after moving the widget to a different location.


  • Transformations - Creating a hierarchical transformation via a web part did not work

    Creating a hierarchical transformation via a web part did not work.


  • Staging - Wrong URL was generated after document synchronization in certain cases

    When a document was synchronized to the production server, the document URL was not generated correctly if the ‘Use name path for URL path’ setting was enabled.


  • Staging - The ‘DocumentGUID’ field value was changed after document staging

    The ‘DocumentGUID’ field value of staged documents differed after synchronization to a target server.


  • Settings - The menu frame scrollbar in the Settings application wasn’t visible after a postback

    The menu frame scrollbar in the Settings application was not visible after a postback.


  • Security - The on-site editing toolbar did not check UI permissions correctly

    The on-site editing toolbar did not check UI permissions for the ‘CMS’ and ‘CMS On-site editing’ UI elements.


  • Scoring - Recalculation failed when contact was deleted

    Recalculation of scores or personas failed when a contact that was to be recalculated had been deleted.


  • On-line forms - Certain tabs in the ‘Forms’ application used incorrect field names

    The fields on the ‘Autoresponder’, ‘E-mail notification’, and ‘Layout’ tabs of the ‘Forms’ application used automatically generated field names instead of field captions.


  • Newsletters - Deleting a newsletter didn’t remove its scheduled tasks

    Deleting a newsletter did not remove the tasks responsible for sending scheduled issues.


  • Newsletters - The send button wasn’t displayed properly in some scenarios

    With the ‘Enable resending’ option set to false and scheduling an issue to be sent later, the ‘Send’ button was not displayed anymore.


  • Newsletters - Certain subscriber macros weren’t resolved in sent newsletters

    The 'FirstName’, ‘LastName’ and ‘Email’ macros were not resolved in sent newsletters.


  • Membership - Bad description in Role editing UI

    Field indicating that role is domain role didn’t have correct label.


  • Media library - The ‘Media libraries’ application was not available under the Base license

    The ‘Media libraries’ application was not available under the Base license.


  • Licensing - The Ultimate license was incorrectly named

    The Ultimate license for Kentico 8 was displayed in the user interface as 'Ultimate v7’.


  • Licensing - Global administrator account was also counted as an editor account, which caused problem

    In the free edition, a user with the global administrator privilege level was also included in the number of editors, which prevented creating another user with the editor privilege level (due to license limitations).


  • Installation - Testing database rows were present in the installation

    Testing 'Workflow’, ‘’Reporting’ and ‘UIElement’ rows have been removed from the database.


  • Geomapping - Geolocation didn’t work on a site published from Visual Studio

    Geolocation didn’t work properly when using the ‘Publish’ function in Visual Studio to publish the website to a server (including Windows Azure). Set Build Action to ‘Content’ for ‘CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/WebAnalytics/MaxMind/GeoLiteCity.dat’ file.


  • General - The ‘Live site’ button container was visible even if the ‘Live site’ button was not presen

    The ‘Live site’ button container was visible even if the ‘Live site’ button was not present.


  • General - Incorrect behavior of a drop-down list in the ‘Smart search’ application

    The drop-down list on the ‘Tasks’ tab of the ‘Smart search’ application did not display web farm server names correctly.


  • General - UI templates weren’t visible in the ‘Select page template’ dialog

    When creating a new element in the ‘Modules’ application, UI templates were not visible in the ‘Select page template’ dialog.


  • E-commerce - Order address was not exported after selection in export tree

    If order address was selected under site export tree, it was not exported. Order address export moved under global part of the export tree.


  • E-commerce - YSOD while deleting a country used in an order

    If a country was used in an order, deleting the country led to an un-captured error returned to the user’s browser.


  • Documents - Moving document across sites didn’t work in some cases

    Moving document across sites did not work in some cases.


  • Documents - Moving or renaming documents failed with licences other than EMS

    On licenses other than EMS, moving or renaming a document failed with a “License for feature ‘ABTesting’ is not found” error being logged.


  • Documents - Extra column in the export of linked documents

    A redundant column was exported when using general export in the grid of the ‘Linked docs’ properties tab.


  • Documents - Wrong information shown after removing a related document

    ‘The relationship was added’ info message was shown after removing a related document.


  • Documents - Adding a cross-site related document didn’t work

    Related document from a different site could not be added to a document.


  • Custom tables - Custom tables couldn’t be created from an existing table

    Existing database tables were not offered in the ‘Database table name’ drop-down list when creating a new custom table.


  • Contact management - The ‘All contacts’ option in Contact groups disregarded applied filters

    Performing an action on ‘All contacts’ in the ‘Contact groups’ application did not take the filters applied to the contacts into consideration.


  • Chat - The Chat application not working when using MooTools

    The Chat application didn’t work when using the MooTools JavaScript framework.


  • Attachments - Moving documents across sites caused binary data loss in special cases

    Moving documents from a site that had the ‘Store files in file system’ setting turned on to a site had the ‘Store files in database’ setting turned on led to attachment binary data loss.


CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda