

CVE-2022-28378: cms/ at develop · craftcms/cms

Craft CMS before 3.7.29 allows XSS.


Release Notes for Craft CMS 3.x****Unreleased****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::onlyContains().
  • Added craft\test\Craft::assertNotPushedToQueue(). (#10510)


  • Duplicated elements no longer have “copy” appended to the end of their titles. (#10707)
  • User queries’ group and groupId params now support passing an array that begins with and, to only return users that are in all of the subsequent user groups.


  • Fixed a bug where color pickers weren’t clickbale within Table fields. (#10775)
  • Fixed a bug where multi-site elements weren’t getting all of their titles duplicated correctly. (#10702)
  • Fixed deprecation errors that occurred when validating relational and Matrix fields. (#10815)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if field instructions contained any unclosed HTML tags. (#10290)
  • Fixed a bug where the selected volume subfolder would get included in folder drag-and-drop operations. (#10745)

3.7.37 - 2022-03-16****Changed

  • Improved the styling of copy buttons in the control panel. (#10732)
  • In-app Plugin Store purchases are now completed on rather than within the control panel.


  • Fixed a bug where two users could be created with the same username and email, if the Save button was double-clicked. (#9835, #10661)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating from an earlier version than Craft 3.5.6. (#10685)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when rendering an exception view for another error. (#10712)
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Spacebar on copy buttons in admin tables didn’t activate them.
  • Fixed a style issue for Safari. (#10748)

3.7.36 - 2022-03-03****Changed

  • {% js %} and {% css %} tags can now import URLs that don’t end in .js or .css, so long as they begin with https:// or http://. (#10666)
  • The plugin/list command now shows plugins’ package names. (#10667)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented moving assets between volumes. (#10668)

3.7.35 - 2022-03-01****Added

  • Added craft\errors\BusyResourceException.
  • Added craft\errors\StaleResourceException.


  • Improved Live Preview accessibility. (#7476)
  • Improved error reporting when trying to upload an Asset from a disallowed location. (#10633)
  • The resave/entries command now supports a --revisions flag. (#10634)


  • Fixed an error that occurred when initializing an element with custom field values that weren’t included in its field layout. (#10622)
  • Fixed a PHP 8 compatibility bug.
  • Fixed a bug where drafts weren’t getting propagated when a section was enabled for new sites. (#10634)
  • Fixed a bug where moving files and folders from the Assets index page wouldn’t ever resolve properly if there was an unexpected server error.
  • Fixed a bug where disclosure menus could be shorter than their contents. (#10639)
  • Fixed potential race conditions that could result in old project config data getting cached. (#7795)
  • Fixed a bug where numerically-indexed array keys weren’t always consecutive after the project config was rebuilt. (#10512)

3.7.34 - 2022-02-22****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\App::phpConfigValueAsPaths().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::normalizePhpPaths().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::isPathAllowed().


  • Improved date and time input accessibility. (#10575)
  • Craft no longer attempts to write a license key file when CRAFT_EPHEMERAL is set to true. (#10558)
  • Craft no longer attempts to write project config YAML files when CRAFT_EPHEMERAL is set to true. (#10558)
  • Craft no longer publishes asset bundles when CRAFT_EPHEMERAL is set to true. (#10558)


  • Fixed a bug where Date fields weren’t displaying properly.
  • Fixed a bug where some GraphQL API query arguments would break element queries. (#10580)
  • Fixed a PHP 8.1 compatibility bug. (#10594)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix action menus were causing horizontal scrollbars within Live Preview. (#10601)
  • Fixed a PHP warning that would occur when running Craft in Dev Mode, if the open_basedir PHP setting was set. (#10581)
  • Fixed a bug where the “View” button on Edit Category pages wasn’t getting linked to a tokenized preview page for disabled sites.
  • Fixed a bug where asset subfolder toggles weren’t visible when their source was focused. (#10617)
  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview would close when the Esc key was pressed, when a modal window was open. (#10623)


  • Craft now HTML-encodes user’ names in the default system email messages.

3.7.33 - 2022-02-15

{tip} The way CSRF tokens are generated has changed in this release, so all users will be logged out during the update.


  • Added support for PHP 8.1.
  • Added the users/logout-all console command.
  • Added Garnish.prefersReducedMotion().


  • Lightswitch inputs are no longer animated for browsers that have requested reduced motion. (#10532)
  • Reverted the 3.7.32 change to plugin settings. (#10533)
  • Improved accessibility for the Craft Support widget. (#7290)
  • The graphql/api controller action now supports passing the GraphQL bearer token via an X-Craft-Authorization header, in addition to Authorization. (#10539)
  • craft\helpers\App::parseBooleanEnv() now treats 0 and 1 as boolean values. (#10524)
  • Updated GraphiQL to 1.5.16.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.45.
  • Updated svg-sanitizer to 0.15.


  • Fixed a bug where admin tables would display the wrong handle values after an item was deleted. (#10538)
  • Fixed a bug where entries and Matrix blocks weren’t necessarily getting propagated from the primary site, when they were activated for a new site via a setting change. (#10561)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when testing queue jobs. (#10569)


  • Fixed a potential CSRF security issue.

3.7.32 - 2022-02-09****Added

  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getInputId().
  • Added craft\db\Migration::createIndexIfMissing().
  • Added craft\db\Migration::dropIndexIfExists().
  • Added craft\services\Users::canSuspend().
  • Added craft\validators\SiteIdValidator::$allowDisabled.


  • Improved element query performance. (#10418)
  • Improved asset transform eager-loading performance. (#10427)
  • The “Suspend” and “Unsuspend” user actions are now smarter about when they should be available, based on the selected users.
  • Plugin settings forms now display the values stored in the project config, even if they’ve been overridden by the plugin’s config file.
  • Improved the styling of field tips and warnings.
  • The Edit Field page will now instantiate a new field instance of the expected field type, if it had been previously saved while the field type was missing. (#10437)


  • Fixed a bug where Date and Time fields’ labels weren’t referencing the correct input IDs.
  • Fixed a bug where the last control panel breadcrumb could be collapsed under a “More…” menu when there was enough room to display it. (#10495)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for non-admins to suspend/unsuspend admins from the Users index page. (#10422)
  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/apply command output could get mangled. (#9900)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving an entry programmatically on a front-end request, if any sites were disabled. (#10499)
  • Fixed a bug where Date and Time inputs weren’t clearable on mobile. (#10500)
  • Fixed a bug where Date and Time fields created by JavaScript weren’t getting native date and time inputs on mobile.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error on the Edit User page. (#10509)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to save a custom field whose type was missing. (#10437)


  • Fixed a GraphQL API vulnerability.

3.7.31 - 2022-02-08****Added

  • Added the clear-deprecations command. (#10430)
  • Added the plugin/list command. (#10470)
  • Added the users/activation-url and users/password-reset-url commands. (#10482)
  • Added the revisionId field to drafts when queried via GraphQL. (#10462)
  • Added craft\web\View::registerJsWithVars().


  • Improved focus styles in the control panel. (#10398)
  • Improved Matrix field accessibility for screen readers. (#10480)
  • Improved Table field accessibility for screen readers. (#10502)
  • Handles within admin tables are now displayed as copy-buttons. (#10475)
  • Craft no longer sends a Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() header by default, as Google has abandoned its FLoC proposal.
  • Craft no longer attempts to create the cpresources folder when CRAFT_EPHEMERAL is set to true. (#10412)
  • Video assets’ focal points are no longer suppressed, if they were set by a plugin or module. (#10415)
  • Plugins are now consistently loaded in the same order across all environments. (#10441)
  • Element exporters’ export() methods can now return an array or generator function, even if isFormattable() returns true. (#10484)
  • Craft.BaseElementSelectorModal now supports a fullscreen setting.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft would not display an appropriate error message if a Local volume was pointing to a broken symlink. (#10396
  • Fixed an error that could occur when calling an element’s getUrl() method for a disabled site. (#10421)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred after saving an unpublished draft.
  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview wasn’t always showing changes for entries that weren’t live. (#10455)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to restore a soft-deleted global set with project config. (#10458)
  • Fixed right-to-left layout styling bugs. (#10459, #10439)
  • Fixed a bug where entry revision menus would show newly-added sites as enabled even if they were disabled by default.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Element::getCanonical() wasn’t memoizing its result based on the $anySite argument.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error. (#10428)
  • Fixed a bug where Dashboard widget flip animations weren’t always working in Firefox.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if an element’s getSupportedSites() method returned info for a site that didn’t exist or was soft-deleted.
  • Fixed GraphiQL layout issues for users with a RTL language set. (#10465) - 2022-01-21****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the “New category” button on the Categories index page wasn’t working. (#10399)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving an Assets field with a file that was in a temporary location within the storage/ folder, if the storage/ folder didn’t live within the project root. (#10401)

3.7.30 - 2022-01-20

{warning} The mutex component now uses a file-based driver by default. Load-balanced environments should switch to a different driver.


  • Added craft\mutex\Mutex.
  • Added craft\mutex\MutexTrait.
  • Added craft\mutex\NullMutex.


  • When a draft is published, Craft now automatically reloads other browser tabs that are opened to the same Edit Entry page. (#10381)
  • Improved modal and slideout accessibility for screen readers. (#10384, #10234)
  • The mutex component is now set to craft\mutex\Mutex by default, and should no longer be overridden directly. Its nested mutex property should be overridden instead.
  • craft\helpers\App::mutexConfig() is no longer deprecated.


  • Deprecated craft\helpers\App::dbMutexConfig(), as database-based mutex locking is no longer recommended.
  • Deprecated craft\mutex\DbMutexTrait.
  • Deprecated craft\mutex\MysqlMutex.
  • Deprecated craft\mutex\PgsqlMutex.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft could generate CustomFieldBehavior classes that were missing the available fields. (#6013)
  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview iframes weren’t full-height when useIframeResizer was disabled. (#10380)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if an Assets field was saved while set to a file stored in storage/runtime/assets/tempuploads/. (#10382)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to apply a numeric namespace to input names. (#6656)

3.7.29 - 2022-01-18****Added

  • resave/* commands now support bulk-setting an attribute/custom field value via new --set, --to, and --if-empty options. (#10356)
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::statusId().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::parseEnv() and parseBooleanEnv(), replacing their Craft class counterparts. (#10319)


  • The Users index page now updates the URL based on the selected source. (#10336)
  • Live Preview no longer reloads the iframe when the device type is changed. (#10353)
  • admins, all, and new are now reserved user group handles.
  • The content in the resourcepaths table is now excluded from database backups by default.
  • User caches are now invalidated after login attempts. (#10313)
  • Assets fields’ “Upload files” buttons now have aria-describedby attributes when appropriate.
  • Color fields’ hex inputs now have aria-label attributes.
  • Field status messages are now included in their aria-describedby attributes.
  • User queries will no longer exclude suspended users when status('pending') is passed. (#10361)
  • Template autosuggest fields now include suggestions for templates in custom site template roots. (#10372)


  • Deprecated Craft::parseEnv(). craft\helpers\App::parseEnv() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated Craft::parseBooleanEnv(). craft\helpers\App::parseBooleanEnv() should be used instead.


  • Fixed a bug where admin tables were displaying titles incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where aria-describedby attributes were getting namespaced incorrectly when they referenced multiple IDs.
  • Fixed a bug where “View” links on Edit Entry pages weren’t getting updated when the entry’s preview target URLs changed. (#10257)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsMultiSite() would return false on the front end, if there was only one enabled site, but additional disabled sites.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Element::getSite() would throw an exception on the front end, if the element belonged to a disabled site.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Sites::getEditableSiteIds() would exclude disabled sites on the front end.
  • Fixed a bug where validation errors referenced by aria-describedby attributes weren’t getting read out by VoiceOver. (#10355)
  • Fixed a bug where element queries’ withQueries properties were ignored. (#10359)
  • Fixed a bug where fatal PHP errors were not logged to stderr when the CRAFT_STREAM_LOG PHP constant was set to true. (#10366)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown fields with invalid data would not always display a blank option. (#10365)


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.

3.7.28 - 2022-01-05****Changed

  • Updated Yii to 2.0.44.


  • Fixed a Composer error that could occur if was missing an expected package/version, but Packagist knew about it. (#10311)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when querying for Matrix blocks. (#10315)
  • Fixed a bug where Single sections’ drafts would get deleted when their section settings were updated. (#10307)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on the Dashboard if there were any Quick Post widgets that included a Title field. (#10314) - 2022-01-06****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.7.28/Yii 2.0.44 from the control panel. - 2022-01-04****Fixed

  • Fixed a PHP error that would occur when creating a new user. (#10308)

3.7.27 - 2022-01-04****Added

  • Added the setSchemaOnConnect database connection setting. (#10273)
  • Added craft\errors\InvalidHtmlTagException.
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::encodeInvalidTags().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getCustomFieldElements().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::getLayoutsByIds().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Image::getContents(), getDataUrl(), getMimeType(), and getPath(). (#10268)


  • Improved the performance of the control panel, for installs with a large number of entry types.
  • A warning is now logged when a password-reset email could not be sent, if preventUserEnumeration is enabled.
  • The install/check, install/craft, and setup/db-creds commands now explicitly check if Craft is installed in the default schema on Postgres.
  • The setup/db-creds command now uses existing environment variable values for its default prompt values, if available.
  • The setup/db-creds command no longer prompts for the database schema on Postgres, unless setSchemaOnConnect is enabled. Instead it will determine the appropriate schema to use based on SHOW search_path. (#10273)
  • The web-based installation wizard no longer shows a field for the database schema on Postgres. (#10273)
  • Dashboard widgets’ data-colspan attributes are now updated when their colspan changes. (#10286)
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsInstalled() will now explicitly check if Craft is installed in the default schema on Postgres, when true is passed.
  • craft\helpers\Html::parseTag() now throws an InvalidHtmlTagException exception when an invalid tag is encountered. (Catching InvalidArgumentExceptions will still work.)
  • craft\services\Routes::getProjectConfigRoutes() now returns a numerically-indexed array of URL rule arrays, with pattern keys that define the URI patterns.
  • craft\services\Users::getUserPreferences() and getUserPreference() no longer accept null passed to the first argument.


  • Deprecated craft\elements\User::mergePreferences().


  • Fixed a bug where the details pane could jump down when scrolling on desktop browsers that are less than 974 pixels wide.
  • Fixed a bug where soft-deleted Matrix blocks nested within Neo blocks could become duplicated when restored from a prior revision. (#10256)
  • Fixed a bug where Color fields’ HSL values could be incorrect. (#10261)
  • Fixed a bug where <video>, <embed>, and <iframe> tags within field instructions could be wider than the field’s container. (#10264)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if the first control panel-defined route had a numeric URI pattern. (#10251)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a section didn’t have any entry types. (#10272)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Config::setDotEnvVar() wasn’t escaping backslashes when modifying the value of an existing environment variable. (#10274)
  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview could fail to load if opened while changes were being autosaved. (#10280)
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel layout could break if any field instructions/tips/warnings included an HTML tag that wasn’t closed properly. Such tags are now encoded so they appear as plain text. (#10290)
  • Fixed a bug where disabled plugins could cause duplicate database queries.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple calls to craft\services\Users::getUserPreferences() could cause duplicate database queries.


  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to identify valid usernames/user emails via password-reset forms when preventUserEnumeration was enabled. (#6000)

3.7.26 - 2021-12-15****Added

  • Added avif as a web-safe image format. (#10222)
  • Added avif to the allowed asset file extensions.
  • Added craft\fields\data\ColorData::getHsl(), getH(), getHue(), getL(), getLightness(), getS(), and getSaturation(). (#10235)
  • Added craft\services\Images::getSupportsAvif().


  • Reverted a 3.7.24 change where URL fields started encoding query string params. (#10193)
  • User verification and password-reset URLs for users with control panel access are no longer based on the front-end URL, when generated within the control panel. (#10224)
  • Element queries’ status arguments can now begin with not to return all elements except those with a given status or statuses. (#9541)
  • The previewTokenDuration config setting now defaults to the same value as defaultTokenDuration. (#2394)
  • Craft no longer requires the Portable UTF-8 library directly. (#10252)


  • Fixed a bug where Neo blocks could lose their content if Preparse resaved a provisional draft as it was being created.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Fields::getLayoutByType() could return an outdated field layout, if it had been updated in the same request. (#10237)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when querying for users via GraphQL.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when loading elements, if any custom fields were selected in the query before the element’s field layout ID. (#10205)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when searching for elements in the control panel. (#10238)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\db\ActiveRecord was JSON-encoding database expression objects. (#10239)
  • Fixed a bug where entry editor slideouts weren’t warning of losing unsaved changes after the entry type was changed. (#10243)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields weren’t getting reverted properly when reverting an entry’s content to a prior revision, if they were nested within a Neo or Super Table field. (#10253) - 2021-12-07****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::rootSource().


  • Fixed an error that could occur on element indexes.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to sort nested element sources by custom fields. (#10226)

3.7.25 - 2021-12-07****Changed

  • Improved the accessibility of the “Default Asset Location” and “Asset Location” Assets field settings.
  • Element indexes now keep track of recent sort selections and factor them into the new element order. (#10203)
  • The “View” button and “View” menu options on Edit Entry pages now use <a> tags. (#10220)
  • A describedBy variable is now available for input blocks rendered when embedding the _includes/forms/field control panel template.
  • craft\services\Tokens::createToken() and createPreviewToken() now have $token arguments, which accept pre-generated tokens.


  • Fixed an error that could occur if the field() macro in the _includes/forms control panel template was called withoun an input argument. (#10208)
  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/fresh command was erasing all migration history and attempting to reapply migrations. (#10209)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when pressing Return on an autosuggest input when no option was selected.
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Category pages could have two sets of “Preview” and “View” buttons. (#10215)
  • Fixed a bug where boolean menus weren’t showing the “No” option as selected when the value was false.

3.7.24 - 2021-12-02****Added

  • Added the parseBooleanEnv() Twig function.
  • Added craft\base\FieldTrait::$describedBy, which custom fields should reference when setting their input’s aria-describedby attribute. (#10183)
  • Added craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior::getUnparsedAttribute().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::errorsId().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::instructions().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::instructionsId().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::tipId().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::warningId().
  • Added craft\helpers\UrlHelper::encodeParams().
  • Added craft\i18n\Formatter::willBeMisrepresented().
  • Added craft\services\Config::setBooleanDotEnvVar().
  • Added craft\services\Security::isSensitive().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::field().


  • Improved the color contrast of UI controls throughout the control panel. (#10169)
  • Improved the accessibility of element select fields for screen readers. (#10169)
  • Improved built-in input descriptions for screen readers. (#10183)
  • URL fields now allow query strings to be appended to email addresses (e.g. [email protected]?subject=Check+this+out…). (#10193)
  • {% deprecated %} tags now log proper Craft deprecation warnings rather than triggering an E_USER_DEPRECATED error. (#10181)
  • Editable tables’ template columns now support suggestEnvVars and suggestAliases settings on the column definition. (#10143)
  • Editable tables now support an autosuggest column type, which support suggestEnvVars and suggestAliases settings on the column definition. (#10143)
  • The cp.assets.edit.meta, cp.categories.edit.meta, and cp.entries.edit.meta template hooks are now located after the native meta fields, rather than before. (#10172)
  • craft\helpers\Cp::fieldHtml() now supports headingPrefix and headingSuffix config keys.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when PHP’s set_time_limit() function was disabled. (#10152)
  • Fixed a bug where the _includes/forms/autosuggest template wasn’t respecting suggestEnvVars if suggestions was already defined.
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields could have an incorrect GraphQL input type definition. (#10173)
  • Fixed a bug where structure element query params weren’t working if the passed-in element was missing its structure data. (#10122)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Element::getChildren() and getDescendants() could return results for elements without an ID.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when opening the Timeline view in the Debug Toolbar. (#10176)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields’ Default Value, Min Value, and Max Value settings could show values formatted in the wrong locale, leading to an error on save. (#10184)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating a Table field. (#10186)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks within drafts could lose track of their canonical blocks when they were updated upstream, resulting in duplicated blocks. (#10130)
  • Fixed a bug where disabled site handles referenced in config/routes.php were being treated as URL patterns. (#10197)


  • Fixed a bug where sensitive-sounding environment variables’ values could be included in validation errors.
  • The “Sendmail Command” email setting no longer allows arbitrary values. Now it can only be set to a known sendmail command, an environment variable, or its current value.

3.7.23 - 2021-11-26****Added

  • Added craft\console\Controller::table().
  • Added craft\helpers\Console::table().


  • Reduced the amount of time it took for the GraphiQL IDE to initialize.
  • The plugin/install, plugin/uninstall, plugin/enable, and plugin/disable commands’ handle arguments are no longer required for interactive shells. When not passed, a plugin handle can be chosen from a list of applicable plugins. (#10158)
  • Select fields that include environment variable options now show a tip about that when an environment variable isn’t already selected.
  • Hyperlinks within tips are now always underlined.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.48.


  • Fixed a bug where GraphiQL Explorer wasn’t working. (#10153)
  • Fixed a bug where the last control panel breadcrumb could be collapsed under a “More…” menu when there was enough room to display it.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Create a new child category” action on the Categories index page resulted in a 404. (#10148)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to save an image transform when the Image Format setting was set to “Auto”. (#10150)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if any asset bundles’ js or css values were set to arrays. (#10154)
  • Fixed a bug where structure data wasn’t always present when duplicating a multi-site elements. (#10165)

3.7.22 - 2021-11-23****Added

  • Added the booleanMenu, booleanMenuField, selectize, and selectizeField macros to the _includes/forms.html control panel template. (#8866)
  • Added Craft::parseBooleanEnv().
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getWebpack().
  • Added craft\services\Webpack.
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getBooleanEnvOptions().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getEnvOptions().


  • The “System Status” and “Time Zone” general settings can now be set to environment variables. (#9855)
  • The “Use authentication” and “Encryption Method” SMTP mailer type settings can now be set to an environment variable. (#8989)
  • The timeZone and timeZoneField control panel form macros now support an includeEnvVars setting.


  • Fixed a bug where the entry-revisions/save-draft action wasn’t respecting the provisional param when creating a new entry and draft. (#10105)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving an element, if any custom field handles conflicted with magic properties on element queries. (#10099)
  • Fixed a bug where relational field thumbnails weren’t always loading for fields that weren’t on the initial tab.
  • Fixed a bug where previewing disabled Structure section entries or categories would return a 404 response. (#10121)
  • Fixed a bug where ancestor/sibling/descendant queries were yielding no results when previewing a draft or revision. (#10122)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields weren’t getting reverted properly when reverting an entry’s content to a prior revision. (#10106)

3.7.21 - 2021-11-16****Added

  • Added craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior::$canSetProperties.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::getFieldVersion().
  • Added craft\validators\DateCompareValidator.


  • Improved the accessibility of several field types. (#10085)
  • Entries now validate that their post date comes before their expiry date, if they have one. (#10074)
  • Entry post dates now default to the day before their expiry date, if they have one. (#10074)
  • Video assets’ dimensions are no longer suppressed, if they were set by a plugin or module. (#9038)
  • The GraphiQL IDE no longer updates the URL automatically as the query is modified. The query is now deep-linkable via a new “Share query” button. (#10064)
  • canSetProperties and hasMethods are now reserved field handles.
  • Improved the performance of entry queries. (#10095)
  • craft\base\Element::__set() now detects whether a custom field value is being set, and if so, passes the value through setFieldValue(). (#7726)
  • Updated GraphiQL to 1.4.7.


  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\FieldTrait::$required wasn’t getting set before custom fields’ getInputHtml() methods were called.
  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts and revisions were missing their structure info when previewed. (#10056)
  • Fixed a bug where “Customize” buttons on element index pages didn’t have a pointer cursor. (#10067)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages would warn about losing unsaved changes if the page was unloaded immediately after the entry type was changed. (#10076)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t able to resolve dynamic control panel resource requests if Craft was installed in a subdirectory.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to create a new entry and draft via the entry-revisions/save-draft action. (#10089)
  • Fixed a bug where entries’ descendants’ URIs weren’t always getting updated after a parent’s URI changed. (#10094)

3.7.20 - 2021-11-06****Changed

  • Non-admin users with permission to administrate other users can now require password resets for other users. (#10057)
  • The Plugin Store will now prevent installation of plugins that require a greater PHP version than what’s allowed by the environment.


  • Fixed a bug where focus rings weren’t visible on Safari. (#10058)
  • Fixed a 403 error that occurred when executing pending migrations from the control panel while logged out. (#9990) - 2021-11-04****Changed

  • craft\elements\Entry::setAuthor() now sets the entry’s $authorId property.


  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages weren’t preselecting the entry’s parent, if it didn’t exist on the primary site. (#10050)

3.7.19 - 2021-11-02

{tip} After updating, run the following command for each Structure section, to prune unneeded structure data for drafts and revisions.

php craft utils/repair/section-structure <sectionHandle>


  • Added craft\services\Structures::remove().


  • Entry drafts and revisions are no longer placed within the section’s structure (with the exception of unpublished drafts, and provisional drafts which have been assigned a new parent entry). (#9977, #9999)
  • The utils/repair/section-structure command now prunes unneeded structure data for drafts and revisions.
  • The utils/repair/section-structure command now appends entries to the structure root if they don’t have any supported sites in common with their parent.
  • craft\base\Elementinterface::getModifiedFields() and isFieldModified() now have $anySite attributes.
  • craft\services\Elements::duplicateElement() no longer places derivative elements in the structure.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.7.17+ from the control panel. (#9990)
  • Fixed a bug where Structure section entries would forget who their parent entry was, if it was an unpublished draft.
  • Fixed a bug where Structure sections’ structure data wasn’t getting soft-deleted when the section type was changed.
  • Fixed a bug where provisional drafts weren’t given a position within the structure when converting a Channel section to a Structure.
  • Fixed a bug where isset() checks on renamed config settings were always returning false.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when deleting image transforms. (#9957)
  • Fixed a bug where some Matrix sub-field changes could be discarded when applying a draft. (#10034)
  • Fixed an incompatibility with the Overflow plugin. (#10044)
  • Fixed a bug where Categories fields weren’t eager-loading their relations in the structure-defined order. (#10042)


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability. - 2021-10-27****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur if the CRAFT_STREAM_LOG PHP constant was set to true.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Save and continue editing” action and its Ctrl/Command + S keybord shortcut weren’t working for entry drafts, if the autosaveDrafts config setting was disabled. (#10029) - 2021-10-27****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL mutations to create new entries were returning null. (#10016)
  • Fixed a couple focus ring styling issues. (#10017, #10018)

3.7.18 - 2021-10-26****Added

  • Added craft\console\ErrorHandler. (#10006)


  • Craft no longer writes out informational log messages when it’s not installed yet or an update is pending, if Dev Mode is disabled.
  • Dropdown fields now prepend a blank option to their menu when the current value is invalid. (#9989)
  • Some control panel POST requests no longer disable database replica connections. (#9996)
  • Updated Axios to 0.21.4.
  • Updated jQuery UI to 1.13.0.


  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Html::parseTagAttributes() was ignoring tag attribute values if there were any whitespace characters surrounding the = character. (#9997)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Html::parseTagAttributes() was including trailing tabs, newlines, and other non-space whitespace characters in the parsed values of unquoted attributes. (#9997)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if the log component was configured with a custom log target and flushInterval set to 1.
  • Fixed a bug where plugin/* commands weren’t always handling failures properly. (#9984)
  • Fixed a bug where entry title changes could be overlooked when merging upstream changes into a draft. (#9966)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to query for draft or revision creators via GraphQL. (craftcms/gatsby-source-craft#56)
  • Fixed a bug where Super Table blocks could go missing when a draft was created, if their block type ID matched another Matrix/Super Table/Neo block’s ID on the same page. - 2021-10-21****Changed

  • Craft::dd() no longer defaults to including syntax highlighting in its output for console requests. (#9972)


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when uploading assets on some environments. (#9995)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when exporting elements on PHP 7.2 or 7.3. (#9958)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred in Safari. (#9976) - 2021-10-20****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating database backups on Windows. (#9978)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to upload assets if the storage/ folder was symlinked. (#9980)

3.7.17 - 2021-10-19****Added

  • Added the provisional argument for the remaining draft mutations via GraphQL. (#9946)
  • Added the notes and name arguments to the create draft mutation via GraphQL.
  • Added the is countable Twig test.
  • Added the is object Twig test.
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isCanonical().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isDerivative().
  • Added craft\services\Path::getSystemPaths().


  • Improved the accessibility of overflowing breadcrumbs and the “My account” menu. (#9945)
  • Logs now include the raw request body in place of the $_POST array, if the $_POST array is empty. (#9941)
  • It’s now possible to modify Entries fields to relate entry drafts. (#9963)
  • It’s now possible to set Matrix block queries’ field and owner params via config arrays. (#9968)
  • The _includes/forms/text.html control panel template now supports an orientation config value, which defines the dir input attribute.
  • Craft no longer logs a warning when the request path attempts to break out of the templates/ folder. (#9929)
  • Updated Composer to 2.1.9.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.47.


  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to create or publish a provisional draft via GraphQL. (#9946)
  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts weren’t getting propagated to other sites automatically after a section’s Propagation Method setting was changed. (#9944)
  • Fixed a bug where element indexes weren’t immediately showing changes after an element was restored.
  • Fixed a bug where user indexes weren’t immediately showing changes to users’ activation/suspension states. (#9947)
  • Fixed an element query performance issue. (#9806)
  • Fixed a bug where front-end action requests could resolve to disabled sites.
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields weren’t respecting their dynamic folder path settings for unpublished drafts. (#9619)
  • Fixed a bug where deprecation warnings weren’t getting logged if craft\services\Deprecator::$logTarget was set to 'logs'.
  • Fixed a bug where escaped quotes (\") in element export data were causing CSV cell values to end prematurely. (#9958)
  • Fixed a bug where HTML entities within nested field values weren’t getting encoded for Matrix block previews. (#9964)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on element edit pages if there weren’t any alternate form actions. (#9969)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to upload an asset via a data URL if its MIME type contained a period. (#9632)
  • Fixed a bug where the characters-left indicator was right-aligned for RTL Plain Text fields, for users with an LTR formatting locale. (#9967)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\ErrorHandler::EVENT_BEFORE_HANDLE_EXCEPTION wasn’t getting triggered for requests that accepted a JSON response. (#9973)


  • Assets fields now require temporary files to reside in temporary folders or somewhere within the project root, excluding system directories.
  • Fixed a potential RCE vulnerability.

3.7.16 - 2021-10-06****Added

  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getUrlsBySize(). (#9931)


  • Fixed a bug where the top-level “Enabled” lightswitch on Edit Entry pages wasn’t getting updated when adding a new site to an entry. (#9935)
  • Fixed a bug where entry indexes weren’t showing changes to unpublished drafts until a published entry was saved. (#9940)

3.7.15 - 2021-10-05****Added

  • Added the graphql/create-token command. (#9930)
  • Added the graphql/list-schemas command.
  • Added the users/impersonate command. (#9919)
  • Added the provisional argument for draft mutations via GraphQL.
  • Added the is array Twig test.
  • Added the is callable Twig test.
  • Added the is float Twig test.
  • Added the is integer Twig test.
  • Added the is numeric Twig test.
  • Added the is resource Twig test.
  • Added the is scalar Twig test.
  • Added the is string Twig test.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$isNewForSite.
  • Added craft\mutex\DbMutexTrait.


  • Mutex locks which are “released” during a database transaction are no longer actually released for other requests until the transaction is complete.
  • Username inputs now disable auto-capitalization on iOS devices.
  • Date and time fields now use native date and time input types on mobile. (#9903)
  • Improved the performance of eager-loading entry authors. (#9907)
  • Simultaneous entry-save requests are now executed once at a time.
  • Matrix block queries now factor in nested fields based on the type/typeId param, if set. (#9921)
  • The graphql/dump-schema and graphql/print-schema commands now support a --schema argument.
  • The users/delete and users/set-password commands now support passing a user ID.
  • craft\fields\Matrix::getBlockTypeFields() now has a $typeIds argument.


  • Deprecated craft\helpers\UrlHelper::baseRequestUrl(). Craft::getAlias('@web') should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\mutex\PrefixedMutexTrait. DbMutexTrait should be used instead.


  • Fixed a bug where the “Duplicate (with descendants)” element action would only partially duplicate multi-level structures. (#9889)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to mutate a provisional draft via GraphQL. (#9892)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to mutate a draft via GraphQL without passing all required custom fields. (#9893)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when merging upstream changes into a draft, if the canonical entry had been enabled for a new site and contained new Matrix blocks. (#9895)
  • Fixed a bug where sections’ Default Status settings weren’t being respected when adding a new site to an entry. (#9896)
  • Fixed a bug where the utils/repair/section-structure command was removing provisional drafts from the structure. (#9868)
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel header elements could become squished. (#9902)
  • Fixed a bug where collapsed structure elements weren’t getting included in exports. (#9913)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks weren’t getting propagated to sites that were added to a draft, when its changes were applied to the canonical entry. (#9910)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to revert Matrix blocks that had been soft-deleted. (#9928)
  • Fixed a styling conflict with Craft Commerce.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\AssetTransforms::getLocalImageSource() was trying to delete non-existent transform source files. (#9884)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Fields::getLayoutByType() wasn’t setting the type property when a field layout didn’t exist yet for the element type. (#9918)


  • Generated front-end URLs now begin with the @web alias value if the current site doesn’t have a base URL.
  • Password inputs now hide the password when their form is submitted.

3.7.14 - 2021-09-28****Added

  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_PREP_QUERY_FOR_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE. (#9862)
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsFresh().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setIsFresh().
  • Added craft\cache\ElementQueryTagDependency.
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\events\ElementIndexTableAttributeEvent.
  • Added craft\events\SearchEvent::$elementQuery.
  • Added craft\events\SearchEvent::getElementIds().
  • Added craft\events\SearchEvent::setElementIds().
  • Added craft\services\Search::searchElements().
  • Added the fullPane setting to Vue admin tables, which can be set to false if the table is not the only UI component in its content pane.


  • Enhanced the visibility of global navigation badges.
  • Enhanced the visibility of focused menu options.
  • Improved the performance of element query search params. (#9867)
  • Element queries’ cache() methods now create a cache dependency based on the element queries’ cache tags by default.
  • Element index queries are now cached.
  • The migrate/all command now includes plugins whose schema versions have changed, even if they don’t have any new migrations. (#9860)
  • It’s now possible to pass an array of Matrix block IDs into a Matrix field’s element query param. (#9875)
  • Improved GraphQL performance. (#9830)


  • Deprecated craft\base\Element::getHasFreshContent(). getIsFresh() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Search::filterElementIdsByQuery().


  • Fixed the control panel heading order for more intuitive navigation by screen reader users.
  • Fixed an uncaught error that could occur when saving a draft. (#9841)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when mutating an entry via GraphQL, if it belonged to any disabled sites. (#9842)
  • Fixed a bug where some field types wouldn’t use their configured default values on new entries, fields that weren’t included in the primary entry type. (#9852)
  • Fixed a bug where some action menus didn’t have a label for screen readers.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\Response::redirect() no longer supported passing an array to the $url argument. (#9857)
  • Fixed a bug where duplicated entries that were created via an “Applying new propagation method” job weren’t getting positioned correctly based on the original entries’ structure. (#9782)
  • Fixed a bug where unpublished drafts could disappear after clicking “Create entry” if the URI could not be made unique. (#9873)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when processing relatedTo* GraphQL arguments in some cases.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when an entry’s Title Format referenced a custom field with author in its handle. (#9891)


  • Fixed a potential CSV injection vulnerability.

3.7.13 - 2021-09-14****Added

  • Added the up command, which calls migrate/all and project-config/apply, wrapped in a mutex lock.
  • Added craft\services\Plugins::updatePluginVersionInfo().


  • Matrix fields are now fully highlighted when changed, rather than just the specific sub-field. (#9814)
  • When a draft is saved, Craft now automatically reloads other browser tabs that are opened to the same Edit Entry page.
  • Emoji characters are now stripped from search keywords. (#9813)
  • Control panel pages now send Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' headers.
  • Edit Entry pages now reveal some exception messages when drafts are unable to save.
  • Control panel pages now have a “Skip to content” link before the navigation, for screen readers. (#9832)
  • Live Preview now maintains the window’s original scroll position when closed. (#9828)
  • craft\console\Controller::run() now passes the --interactive, --color, and --silentExitOnException options to the sub-command.


  • Deprecated craft\services\Updates::setNewPluginInfo(). craft\services\Plugins::updatePluginVersionInfo() should be used instead.


  • Fixed an incompatibility with SEOmatic. (#9811)
  • Fixed a bug where the backup, install/plugin, restore, and setup commands weren’t passing the --interactive, --color, and --silentExitOnException options to their sub-commands.
  • Fixed a bug where drafts were getting autosaved when the site status toggles were expanded, if the entry was disabled for the current site but enabled for other sites.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for two provisional drafts to exist for the same entry and user.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a log target was configured with a low flush interval. (#9818)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on the Settings → General page if the system project config array was missing any values. (#7350)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages weren’t redirecting to the Current revision after reverting an entry to a prior revision. (#9821)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields were suppressing some exceptions while rendering the subpath, which weren’t related to template rendering. (#9824)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when setting an integer value on an active record attribute for a MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT column. (#9825)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pinch-zoom the control panel on Android devices. (#9833)

3.7.12 - 2021-09-08****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isOutdated().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE_SEARCH_INDEX. (#9801)


  • Improved the performance of applying drafts. (#9802)
  • Improved the performance of element queries. (#9806)
  • Live Preview is once again supported by entries when the autosaveDrafts config setting is disabled.
  • Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multi-select, and Radio Buttons fields now include the selected options’ labels in their search keywords. (#9799)
  • It’s now possible for field types to disable delta name registration for nested custom fields by calling Craft::$app->view->setIsDeltaRegistrationActive(false); before rendering them.
  • craft\events\ElementEvent now extends craft\events\CancelableEvent.
  • craft\models\FieldLayout::createForm() now accepts a registerDeltas key in its $config argument, which can be set to true or false to enable/disable delta name registration for any custom fields in the form.
  • craft\services\Elements::duplicateElement() now has a $placeInStructure argument.
  • The Craft.t() JS method now supports translation messages with select parameters.


  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getIsOutdated().


  • Fixed an error that occurred when merging upstream Matrix field changes into a draft, if the draft didn’t exist in all the same sites as its canonical entry. (#9774)
  • Fixed a bug where duplicated entries that were created via an “Applying new propagation method” job weren’t getting positioned correctly based on the original entries’ structure. (#9782)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField::formHtml() was always enabling delta name registration, unless the form was static.
  • Fixed an exception that could occur if an invalid alias was passed to the svg() Twig function.
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Category pages weren’t remembering changes or showing validation errors in the event that a category couldn’t be saved. (#9796)
  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/all command wasn’t running Craft and plugin migrations if the schema versions hadn’t changed.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was indexing search keywords for block elements that belonged to entry revisions. (#9801)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Elements::mergeCanonicalChanges() was doing more work than it needed to. (#9802)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to paste into a Number field on Windows. (#9803)

3.7.11 - 2021-08-31****Added

  • Added the canonicalUid field to entries queried via GraphQL.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCanonicalUid(). (#9757)


  • Edit Entry pages now show a “Save draft” button for users without the “Publish live changes” permission. (#9750)
  • Users without the “Delete entries” permission can now delete their own unpublished drafts.
  • All entries now have a canonicalId field when queried via GraphQL now; not just drafts.
  • craft\services\Matrix::validateBlockType() no longer has a $validateUniques argument.
  • Improved the performance of entry queries for installs with several hundred thousand entries or more.
  • Visible password inputs now prevent the browser from auto-capitalizing the input text.


  • Deprecated craft\records\MatrixBlockType::$validateUniques.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving Matrix fields, if the Type Linked Field and Expanded Singles plugins were both installed. (#9749)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Queue::push() wasn’t returning the job ID. (#9764)
  • Fixed a bug where code editors powered by Monaco Editor were showing focus rings on the text cursor. (#9772)

3.7.10 - 2021-08-19****Changed

  • It’s now possible to hook into the delete process of a Vue admin table row.
  • Dynamically-served control panel resources no longer get cache headers, and no longer validate that the URI hash matches. (#9738)


  • Fixed a bug where Tokenfield inputs weren’t getting sized correctly when the window was resized, if rendered within a field that used a fieldset. (#9734)
  • Fixed a bug where row headings that included a status were getting bold text in Vue admin tables. (#9704)
  • Fix a bug where GraphQL queries could fail if they included Date fields with empty values.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when installing Craft using whe web-based install wizard, if a database connection couldn’t be established. (#9740)

3.7.9 - 2021-08-17****Added

  • Added the utils/prune-provisional-drafts command, which prunes provisional drafts for entries that have more than one per user.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::supportsIdn().


  • Custom fields’ search keywords are now indexed for entry drafts.
  • Email fields now allow IDNA ASCII characters in the domain name, on servers with the Intl extension. (#9698)
  • Revved asset URLs now use a v query string param. (#9716)
  • Element sources’ badge counts are now kept up-to-date when performing bulk element actions. (#9728)
  • Date fields that are set to show the time zone now set their values to the selected time zone by default when queried via GraphQL, to be consistent with the PHP and Twig APIs. (#9719)
  • The utils/prune-revisions command now has a --dry-run flag.
  • The utils/prune-revisions command will now output how many excess revisions it could actually load for each entry, if it differed from the original estimate.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.43.


  • Deprecated craft\helper\App::isNitro(). (#9709)


  • Fixed a bug where custom fields’ search keywords weren’t getting indexed for newly-created entries. (#9699)
  • Fixed a bug where user email addresses would validate if they had IDNA ASCII characters in the local part, even though Swiftmailer doesn’t allow it. (#9096)
  • Fixed a bug where Date fields weren’t handling array values with datetime keys properly. (#9708)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Asset pages for top-level assets had an extra breadcrumb. (#9720)
  • Fixed a bug where the “New category” button on the Categories index page would link to a 404 when a non-primary site was selected. (#9722)
  • Fixed a bug where changing the site from an Edit Category page would go to a 404 when editing a new, unsaved category.
  • Fixed a bug where deep-linking to a volume’s subfolder that contained any non-ASCII characters would return a 404. (#9723)
  • Fixed a bug where the Assets index page wasn’t updating the URL when selecting a subfolder that had been renamed on the same page load.
  • Fixed a bug where the CLI installer would always save a PRIMARY_SITE_URL environment variable to the .env file, even if the initial site’s base URL was already set to an alias or environment variable. (#9724)
  • Fixed an UnsupportedSiteException error that could occur on Edit Entry pages for provisional drafts, if any upstream Matrix blocks needed to be merged in, whose Matrix field’s Propagation Method was set to something besides “Save blocks to all sites the owner element is saved in”. (#9664)
  • Fixed a bug where replacing an asset’s file from an Edit Asset page would seem to not take effect until the page was refreshed. (#9700)
  • Fixed a bug where upstream translatable field changes weren’t always getting merged into entry drafts properly. (#9729)

3.7.8 - 2021-08-06****Added

  • It’s now possible to bypass console warnings about running Craft as the root/super user by defining a CRAFT_ALLOW_SUPERUSER environment variable. (#7955)
  • Added craft\web\Request::setIsActionRequest().
  • Added craft\web\twig\CpExtension.
  • Added craft\web\twig\GlobalsExtension.


  • Craft’s global Twig variables (e.g. craft) can now be autocompleted within Twig templates when using PhpStorm with the Symfony Support plugin.


  • Fixed a bug where the site menu on Edit Category pages wasn’t working properly. (#9658)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Save and add another” action on Edit Category pages wasn’t retaining the currently-selected site or parent category selection. (#9677)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Discard changes” button on Edit Entry pages wasn’t retaining the currently-selected site. (#9663)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to change a global set’s handle, if its former handle was a reserved word.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to search for Matrix blocks by a specific sub-field’s handle using the search param. (#9679)
  • Fix a JavaScript error that occurred after moving a subfolder on the Assets index page. (#9686)
  • Fixed an infinite loop that could occur when handing a front-end set-password request, if there was a validation error on the submitted password. (#9684)
  • Fixed a bug where entries could lose other sites’ content when being saved from an unpublished draft, if their section’s Propagation Method was set to “Let each entry choose which sites it should be saved to”. (#9680)
  • Fixed a bug where entries that were created via the “Save as a new entry” action on an Edit Entry page didn’t include all content changes made in the original entries’ provisional draft. (#9681)
  • Fixed a bug where code blocks in field instructions could bleed into the subsequent field. (#9683)

3.7.7 - 2021-07-29****Added

  • Added the canonicalId GraphQL field for entries.


  • Deprecated the sourceId and sourceUid GraphQL fields for entries. canonicalId should be used instead.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating a new entry, if the section’s Entry URI Format contained {canonicalId}. (#6080)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Db::isTextualColumnType() was always returning false.
  • Fixed a bug where :empty: element query conditions weren’t working correctly for empty string values on Postgres. (#9641)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if an entry’s getSupportedSites() method was called on a front-end, non-action request. (#9649)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when running the “Find and Replace” utility. (#9651)
  • Fixed a bug where Date fields that were set to only show the time input weren’t saving new values properly. (#9650)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Fields::$oldFieldColumnPrefix wasn’t getting set properly when deleting a Matrix block type.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix sub-fields were getting new content columns whenever their block type’s handle was changed, when the existing columns should have been renamed.

3.7.6 - 2021-07-27****Added

  • Added the provisionalDrafts argument for entry GraphQL queries.


  • Fixed a bug where global set queries could contain fields that were supposed to be hidden.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() was interpreting year-only values as timestamps. (#9642)
  • Fixed a bug where blank Email field values were getting stored as empty strings rather than NULL. (#9641)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to clear out some entry field values, if their values were blank to begin with. (#9643)

3.7.5 - 2021-07-23****Added

  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$firstSave. (#9638)
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getOrientation().
  • Added craft\helpers\FieldHelper.


  • Field orientations are now based on the primary site’s language for single-site installs. (#9616)
  • Matrix block type handles are now limited to 47 characters. (#9636)


  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview stopped working when the device type was changed, for preview targets that had auto-refresh disabled. (#9610)
  • Fixed a 403 error that occurred when attempting to discard changes on an entry. (#9602)
  • Fixed a bug where opening the image editor would cause the page to scroll to the top. (#9612)
  • Fixed a bug where provisional drafts weren’t displaying a notice when upstream changes had been merged into them. (#9615)
  • Fixed a bug where entry titles were set to null before getting regenerated via their Title Format for new drafts.
  • Fixed SQL errors that could occur when updating Craft 3.7. (#9624, #9625)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\Request::getRawCookies() was returning hashed cookie values.
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when saving a site, if there were any event handlers on craft\services\Sites::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_SITE.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when deleting a route from the control panel if there were any event handlers on craft\services\Routes::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_ROUTE.
  • Fixed a bug where existing fields’ maximum handle lengths were nine characters less than they needed to be.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would send a X-Robots-Tag: none header on front-end Login pages. (#9621)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Singles” entry source showed the Author column by default. (#9627)
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel header could remain “stuck” after closing Live Preview in Firefox. (#9630)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur on Edit Entry pages. (#9631)
  • Fixed a bug where assets weren’t always getting moved out of the Temporary Uploads volume when saving an entry. (#9619)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to upload an asset via a data URL if its MIME type contained a dash. (#9632)

3.7.4 - 2021-07-19****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::shouldTrackChanges().


  • Improved the performance of delta form submissions. (#9605)


  • Fixed a bug where temporary volume folders couldn’t be created for console requests. (#9597)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Field::copyValue() wasn’t passing the source element to $this->serializeValue(). (sebastian-lenz/craft-linkfield#161)
  • Fixed a bug where entries were only tracking modified attributes for the site the changes were made on.
  • Fixed a bug where entries were only tracking modified relation fields for the site changes were made on. (#9596)
  • Fixed a bug where images within rich text fields’ static previews could bleed out of their container element. (#9603)
  • Fixed a bug where passing an empty value to relatedTo() and andRelatedTo() would yield no results on an element query. (#9599)
  • Fixed a bug where existing Matrix/Neo/Super Table blocks could lose their content when creating a provisional draft, if additional block changes were queued up before the draft was fully created. (#9601) - 2021-07-18****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages weren’t submitting changes to fields if they had been changed back to their original value they had on page load. (#9575) - 2021-07-17****Changed

  • Improved the performance of Edit Entry pages. (#9575)


  • Fixed styling issues in the control panel. (#9590, #9592)
  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts could label fields as being modified on the canonical entry, even when they weren’t.

3.7.3 - 2021-07-16****Added

  • Added the sendContentLengthHeader config setting.


  • Template requests no longer respond with a Content-Length header, unless the sendContentLengthHeader config setting is enabled. (#8070)
  • Edit Asset pages are now located at assets/edit/<id>-<filename> rather than assets/<volume>/<id>-<filename>.
  • edit is now a reserved volume handle.
  • Number fields no longer allow non-numeric input. (#9586)


  • Fixed a bug where object templates didn’t support string interpolation within normal Twig tags. (#9138)
  • Fixed an error that could occur after applying project config changes.
  • Fixed a bug where assets’ control panel URLs were getting routed to the Assets index page. (#9583)
  • Fixed a visual bug where field status indicators were overlapping the prior field in the same row. (#9585)

3.7.2 - 2021-07-15****Fixed

  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.7. (#9574)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entries pages were displaying a “Delete draft” action for provisional drafts.
  • Fixed a 404 error that occurred when linking to a volume’s subfolder on the Assets index page, if the subfolder contained a dash. (#9579)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was logging errors and warnings to stdout when Dev Mode was disabled, if the CRAFT_STREAM_LOG PHP constant was set. (#9572)

3.7.1 - 2021-07-14****Added

  • Added the transformSvgs config setting. (#9557)


  • Console requests no longer force Dev Mode to be enabled. (#5256)


  • Fixed deprecation warnings that occurred on some edit pages. (#9556)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating from Craft 3.6.7 or earlier.
  • Fixed a bug where progress bar labels weren’t always removed correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to filter by status on the Categories index page. (#9555)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Category pages didn’t have a “Save and add another” action.
  • Fixed a bug where moving an asset with an invalid file extension would be treated as if there was a conflicting asset in the destination directory. (#9147)
  • Fixed a bug where multiple tab bars could appear on Edit Entry pages, if the Entry Type had been changed multiple times. (#9562)
  • Fixed a bug where some control panel icons had unhelpful <title> tags and other cruft. (#9563)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Create a draft” button on Edit Entry pages wasn’t working properly for users that didn’t have permission to publish changes to the entry. (#9570)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages could show a provisional draft immediately after saving published changes to the entry, if the save was initiated at the same time that the provisional draft was getting created. (#9568)
  • Fixed a bug where entry slugs weren’t getting auto-generated on first save, if their title was generated based on a custom Title Format. (#9561)

3.7.0 - 2021-07-13

{tip} Read through the Upgrading to Craft 3.7 guide before updating.


  • The control panel now displays new feature announcements. (#8056)
  • Added the “Always show focus rings” user preference. (#7790)
  • The Entries index page now has “Create a new entry before” and “Create a new entry after” actions for entries within Structure sections. (#870)
  • The Entries index page now has a “Delete for site” action for entries whose section’s Propagation Method is set to “Let each entry choose which sites it should be saved to”. (#9119)
  • Edit Entry pages now treat unpublished drafts similarly to published entries, rather than drafts. (#7899)
  • Edit Entry pages no longer appear to create a draft when the Current revision is edited within Live Preview. Unsaved changes are now stored within a “provisional draft”, which is mostly hidden from the author. (#7899)
  • Category groups now have a “Default Category Placement” setting, which determines where new categories should be placed within the structure by default. (#7759)
  • Structure sections now have a “Default Entry Placement” setting, which determines where new entries should be placed within the structure by default. (#7759)
  • The Assets index page now remembers the selected subfolder between page loads. (#9546)
  • It’s now possible to deep-link to a specific subfolder on the Assets index page.
  • Edit Asset pages now redirect back to the subfolder the asset is located in on save.
  • It’s now possible to reorder global sets. (#8052)
  • Date fields now have a “Show Time Zone” setting, allowing authors to choose which time zone the date is set to, rather than using the system time zone.
  • Matrix fields can now be set to custom propagation methods, based on a propagation key template. (#7610)
  • Added a “Refresh” button to Live Preview, for preview targets whose “Auto-refresh” (formerly “Refresh”) setting is disabled.
  • Added the users/create and users/delete commands. (#8014)
  • Added the siteSettingsId element query and GraphQL API query parameter for all elements.
  • Added the preferSites GraphQL API query argument for all elements. (#8006)
  • Added the ancestors, descendants, drafts, draftCreator, revisions, currentRevision, and revisionCreator fields to entry GraphQL queries. (#7950)
  • Added the httpProxy config setting, which can be used instead of setting the proxy Guzzle request option. (#9105)
  • Added the previewTokenDuration config setting. (#2394)
  • Added the revAssetUrls config setting. (#7847)
  • Added the setGraphqlDatesToSystemTimeZone config setting. (#8016)
  • Added the useUnbufferedConnections database connection setting, which can be set to true when using MySQL to cause batched queries to be executed over separate, unbuffered database connections when using MySQL. (#7338)
  • Added the “Validate custom fields on public registration” user setting. (#4229)
  • Added the |removeClass Twig filter.
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getAnnouncements().
  • Added craft\base\ConfigurableComponent::EVENT_DEFINE_SETTINGS_ATTRIBUTES. (#8004)
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_IS_DELETABLE.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_IS_EDITABLE. (#8023)
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_METADATA.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_META_FIELDS_HTML.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_SIDEBAR_HTML.
  • Added craft\base\Element::cpEditUrl(), which should be overridden rather than getCpEditUrl().
  • Added craft\base\Element::hasFieldLayout().
  • Added craft\base\Element::isDeletable().
  • Added craft\base\Element::isEditable().
  • Added craft\base\Element::metaFieldsHtml().
  • Added craft\base\Element::metadata().
  • Added craft\base\Element::slugFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCanonical().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCanonicalId().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsCanonical().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsDerivative().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getMetadata().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getModifiedAttributes().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getModifiedFields().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getOutdatedAttributes().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getOutdatedFields().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getParentUri(). (#7932)
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getSidebarHtml().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isAttributeModified().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isAttributeOutdated().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isFieldModified().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isFieldOutdated().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::mergeCanonicalChanges().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setCanonical().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setCanonicalId().
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$dateLastMerged.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$isProvisionalDraft.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$mergingCanonicalChanges.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$updatingFromDerivative.
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::copyValue().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getStatus().
  • Added craft\base\FieldTrait::$columnSuffix.
  • Added craft\console\ControllerTrait::checkRootUser().
  • Added craft\console\ControllerTrait::createAttributeValidator(). (#8066)
  • Added craft\console\controllers\ResaveController::resaveElements().
  • Added craft\elements\User::EVENT_DEFINE_FRIENDLY_NAME. (#8027)
  • Added craft\elements\User::EVENT_DEFINE_NAME. (#8027)
  • Added craft\elements\User::setFriendlyName().
  • Added craft\elements\User::setName().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::provisionalDrafts().
  • Added craft\events\DefineHtmlEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineMetadataEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineValueEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DraftEvent::$provisional.
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::$propagationKeyFormat.
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::PROPAGATION_METHOD_CUSTOM.
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::autosuggestFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::dateTimeFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::editElementTitles().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::elementSelectFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::metadataHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::batch() and each(), which can be used instead of craft\db\Query::batch() and each(), to execute batched SQL queries over a new, unbuffered database connection (if using MySQL and useUnbufferedConnections is true). (#7338)
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::fieldColumn().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::fieldColumnFromField().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isDraft().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isRevision().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::parseTagAttribute().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::widont().
  • Added craft\mail\Message::$error. (#8091)
  • Added craft\models\CategoryGroup::$defaultPlacement.
  • Added craft\models\CategoryGroup::DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_BEGINNING.
  • Added craft\models\CategoryGroup::DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_END.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::$reservedFieldHandles.
  • Added craft\models\Section::$defaultPlacement.
  • Added craft\models\Section::DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_BEGINNING.
  • Added craft\models\Section::DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_END.
  • Added craft\models\SiteGroup::getName().
  • Added craft\models\SiteGroup::setName().
  • Added craft\services\Announcements.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_AFTER_MERGE_CANONICAL_CHANGES.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_BEFORE_MERGE_CANONICAL_CHANGES.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::mergeCanonicalChanges().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::updateCanonicalElement().
  • Added craft\services\Matrix::mergeCanonicalChanges().
  • Added craft\services\Tokens::createPreviewToken().
  • Added craft\web\Request::checkIfActionRequest().
  • Added craft\web\View::clearCssBuffer().
  • Added craft\web\View::clearScriptBuffer().
  • Added craft\web\View::getInitialDeltaValues().
  • Added craft\web\View::startCssBuffer().
  • Added craft\web\View::startScriptBuffer().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getTimeZoneOptions().
  • Added the timeZone and timeZoneField macros to the _includes/forms.html control panel template.
  • Added the Craft.Slideout JavaScript class.
  • Added the Craft.Tabs JavaScript class.
  • Added the JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.setFocusWithin() JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.trapFocusWithin() JavaScript method.


  • Changes from an entry’s Current revision are now automatically merged into drafts upon visiting drafts’ edit pages.
  • When changes from an entry’s Current revision are merged into a draft, Matrix field changes are now merged on a per-block basis. (#5503, #7710)
  • Inline element editors now use slideouts rather than HUDs, and include the element’s fully-rendered field layout (including tabs and custom UI elements), meta fields (Slug, Post Date, etc.) and metadata, plus a link to open the element’s dedicated edit page in a new browser tab. (#8017)
  • The “Publish draft” button has been relabelled to “Apply draft”.
  • Entries now retain their original IDs when created from an unpublished draft. (#9104)
  • Matrix blocks now retain their original IDs and UIDs when a draft is published. (#7710)
  • Improved the styling of field status indicators.
  • Field status indicators now appear immediately after a field’s value is changed and saved successfully to a draft.
  • Improved the design and accessibility of tabs in the control panel. (#7299)
  • Asset, category, and entry indexes now use “Asset”, “Category”, and “Entry” header column headings by default, rather than “Title”.
  • Improved the UI of the Time Zone input in Settings → General.
  • It’s now possible to toggle site-specific category statuses from the Edit Category page. (#7636)
  • Tag field layouts now include the Title field, allowing its placement and label to be customized.
  • Tag field layouts can now contain multiple tabs and UI elements.
  • Custom fields with a custom translation method are no longer labelled as translatable if the translation key is an empty string. (#7647)
  • Category and tag groups no longer validate if their field layout contains a field called group. (#2797)
  • Entry types no longer validate if their field layout contains a field called author, section, or type. (#2797)
  • Volumes no longer validate if their field layout contains a field called folder or volume. (#2797)
  • The user field layout no longer validates if it contains a field called groups or photo. (#2797)
  • The resave/entries command now has a --provisional-drafts option.
  • resave/* commands now have a --queue option. (#8040)
  • Entries no longer support Live Preview if the autosaveDrafts config setting is disabled.
  • Most text areas in the control panel will now submit the closest form when Ctrl/Command + Return is pressed. (#7999)
  • The defaultCpLanguage config setting no longer affects console requests. (#7747)
  • The {% cache %} tag now stores any JavaScript or CSS code registered with {% js %}, {% script %}, and {% css %} tags. (#7758)
  • The date() Twig function now supports arrays with date and/or time keys. (#7681)
  • Date query params now support passing in times relative to now (e.g. >= now). (#9117)
  • Object templates (such as redirect params and URI Format settings) now support string interpolation. (#9138)
  • Custom field column names now include a random string, preventing column name conflicts when deploying multiple project config changes at once. (#6922)
  • Custom fields can now store data across multiple columns in the content table.
  • Channel and Structure sections’ initial entry types are now named “Default” by default. (#7078)
  • Entries can now be eager-loaded with revisions.
  • Console commands now show a confirmation prompt when executed as the root user. (#7955)
  • Project config component UID/name mappings are now stored in the project config itself, making them portable across environments. (#7709)
  • Validation errors in the control panel are now parsed for Markdown syntax. (#8008)
  • Renamed the enableGraphQlCaching config setting to enableGraphqlCaching. (The old name still works but is deprecated.)
  • Admin tables can now include linked buttons in the toolbar.
  • Admin tables can now include single action buttons.
  • Admin tables now support separators in menu button lists.
  • Site group names can now be set to environment variables. (#8044)
  • Template requests now respond with a Content-Length header. (#8070)
  • Exceptions thrown by queue jobs are now logged. (#8060)
  • craft\base\Element::getCpEditUrl() now includes a draftId/revisionId query string param in the returned URL if the element is a draft or revision. (#7832)
  • craft\base\FieldInterface::getContentColumnType() can now return an array, if the field stores content across multiple columns.
  • craft\helpers\Cp::elementHtml() now has a $single argument.
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() now supports passing in 'now'. (#9117)
  • craft\services\AssetTransforms::normalizeTransform() now accepts transform configs arrays that specify a base transform which should be extended, via a transform key set to the stored transform’s handle. (#7892)
  • craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_AFTER_APPLY_DRAFT is no longer deprecated.
  • craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_DRAFT is no longer deprecated.
  • craft\services\Drafts::applyDraft() is no longer deprecated.
  • craft\services\Users::saveLayout() now has a $runValidation argument, which is true by default.
  • craft\web\View::clearJsBuffer() now has a $combine argument.
  • craft\web\View::namespaceInputs() now accepts a callback function for the first argument, which simplifies the process of setting and resetting the registered namespace before and after generating the to-be-namespaced HTML.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.46.


  • Deprecated craft\base\Element::ATTR_STATUS_CONFLICTED.
  • Deprecated craft\base\Element::getFieldStatus().
  • Deprecated craft\base\Element::getSourceId(). getCanonicalId() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\base\Element::getSourceUid(). getCanonical()->uid should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\base\VolumeInterface::folderExists(). directoryExists() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\BaseRevisionBehavior::$sourceId. craft\base\ElementInterface::getCanonicalId() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$dateLastMerged. craft\base\ElementTrait::$dateLastMerged should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$mergingChanges. craft\base\ElementTrait::$mergingCanonicalChanges should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$trackChanges.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getOutdatedAttributes(). craft\base\ElementInterface::getOutdatedAttributes() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getOutdatedFields(). craft\base\ElementInterface::getOutdatedFields() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isAttributeModified(). craft\base\ElementInterface::isAttributeModified() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isAttributeOutdated(). craft\base\ElementInterface::isAttributeOutdated() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isFieldModified(). craft\base\ElementInterface::isFieldModified() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isFieldOutdated(). craft\base\ElementInterface::isFieldOutdated() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\console\controllers\ResaveController::saveElements(). resaveElements() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\elements\Asset::KIND_FLASH.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Content::getContentRow().
  • Deprecated craft\services\Content::populateElementContent().
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_AFTER_MERGE_SOURCE_CHANGES.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_AFTER_PUBLISH_DRAFT. EVENT_AFTER_APPLY_DRAFT should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_BEFORE_MERGE_SOURCE_CHANGES.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_BEFORE_PUBLISH_DRAFT. EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_DRAFT should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::mergeSourceChanges().
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::publishDraft(). applyDraft() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\web\View::getInitialDeltaValue().


  • Removed support for the “Flash” file kind. (#7626)


  • Fixed a bug where Craft would place the beginBody() tag incorrectly if a template’s <body> tag had attribute values that included > characters. (#7779)
  • Fixed a bug where updated attributes and fields weren’t getting tracked when publishing a draft or reverting an entry to a revision.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t easily possible to submit forms to controller actions from Live Preview pages. (#7885)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to choose a different parent entry when editing a draft, even though the change wouldn’t stick when publishing the draft.
  • Fixed a bug where changing an entry’s parent wouldn’t update any of its drafts.
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when deleting a volume folder that had subfolders nested more than 15 levels deep. (#8073)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when hard-deleting a volume that had subfolders nested more than 15 levels deep. (#8073)
  • Fixed a bug where exported CSV files weren’t being imported with an UTF-8 encoding by Excel. (#8067)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown fields weren’t always saving properly within element editor slideouts, if left unchanged. (#8090)
  • Fixed a bug where value normalizers for GraphQL mutations would not be executed in nested field. (#9139)


  • The default allowedFileExtensions config setting value no longer includes xml.

3.6.18 - 2021-07-13****Added

  • Added craft\web\Response::redirect().
  • Added craft\gql\handlers\Site.


  • Increased the margin around the image editor on small viewports. (#9143)


  • Fixed a button styling issue in Safari. (#8076)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when running the db/restore command, if the info table was missing its row. (#7028)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when uninstalling a plugin via the plugin/uninstall command with --force, if the plugin didn’t have a row in the plugins table.
  • Fixed a bug where element thumbnails weren’t always getting lazy-loaded properly. (#6621)
  • Fixed a bug where control panel requests weren’t always redirecting to the control panel when they were supposed to. (#9081)
  • Fixed a bug where control panel URLs were getting empty hashes appended to them in Firefox, adding an extra element to the browser’s session history. (#9118)
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to use "*" as a value for the siteId argument when using the GraphQL API. (#9098)
  • Fixed a bug where dynamically-served control panel resources weren’t getting proper cache headers. (#9140)
  • Fixed a bug where dynamically-served control panel resources weren’t 404ing if the file hashes didn’t match. (#9140)
  • Fixed a bug where currency options weren’t sorted alphabetically within Number field settings. (#9141)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Db::isNumericColumnType() was always returning false.

3.6.17 - 2021-06-15****Changed

  • Mobile viewports no longer zoom into inputs on focus automatically.


  • Fixed a bug where missing plugin notices for Google Cloud Storage were linking to Amazon S3 instead. (#8012)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields’ Default Value, Min Value, and Max Value settings were getting formatted with decimal values when the Intl extension wasn’t installed, causing validation errors when saving the field. (#8007)
  • Fixed a type coercion related bug when passing an empty string as a dimension to Asset transforms. (#8025)
  • Fixed a bug where nested element sources weren’t showing source-specific sort options. (#8026)
  • Fixed a bug where volumes would lose their sort position when edited. (#8033)
  • Fixed a bug where unpublished drafts were getting ignored when lazy-loading additional entries in Structure sections.
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when indexing search keywords for a Table field with a Date or Time column. (#8061)

3.6.16 - 2021-06-01****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\Db::supportsTimeZones().


  • The control panel sidebar no longer shows delayed queue jobs until they’re actually executing. (#7998)


  • Fixed a bug where eager-loading entries’ authors wasn’t including pending and suspended authors. (#7963)
  • Fixed a bug where not all element types’ GraphQL queries supported a status argument. (craftcms/gatsby-source-craft#35)
  • Fixed JavaScript errors that could occur in the control panel.
  • Fixed a bug where the System Messages utility was showing default messages in the user’s preferred language, even if that wasn’t one of the sites’ languages. (#7992)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields were getting duplicate search keywords, making it difficult to perform exact match searching on their values. (#7984)
  • Fixed a bug where Structure section entries and categories would show “Create a new child” and “Delete (with descendants)” actions even if the structure was limited to a single level. (#7988)

3.6.15 - 2021-05-18****Added

  • Added craft\services\Updates::getIsUpdatePending(). (#7946)


  • The allowedFileExtensions config setting now includes dotx and dotm files by default. (#7935)
  • Craft now recognizes dotx files. (#7935)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.44. (#7940)


  • Fixed an error that occurred when running tests that use craft\test\fixtures\FieldLayoutFixture.
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when calling craft\records\Site::getGroup(). (#7914)
  • Fixed a bug where search terms that contained camelCased attribute names could yield no results. (#7927)
  • Fixed a bug where the browser would jump back to the top of the page when scrolling passed a Redactor field with a fixed toolbar. (#7888)
  • Fixed a bug where the My Drafts widget wasn’t showing drafts for entries that didn’t exist in the primary site. (#7942)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when switching an entry’s type from one that had multiple tabs to one with only one. (#7943)
  • Fixed a bug where nested GraphQL arguments could be parsed incorrectly. (#7534)
  • Fixed a bug where public GraphQL schemas could be unavailable on environments that didn’t allow admin changes. (#7925)

3.6.14 - 2021-05-11****Added

  • Added the permissionsPolicyHeader config setting. (#7915)
  • Added craft\helpers\App::defaultLogTargets().


  • The plugin/uninstall console command now has a --force flag. (#7907)
  • craft\services\Plugins::uninstallPlugin() now has a $force argument. (#7907)
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.42.
  • Updated yii2-queue to 2.3.2. (#7773)


  • Fixed an error that could occur if craft\web\View::registerAssetFlashes() was called after the PHP session had closed.
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel could show the wrong nag alert message for plugin licensing issues.
  • Fixed a bug where control panel pages would scroll down a bit on page load, if the location hash was set to a tab ID. (#7888)
  • Fixed a bug where autofocused inputs in the control panel were losing focus on page load.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to index some volume folders with dots in their name. (#7900)
  • Fixed a bug where editable tables within nested Matrix field settings were initially unresponsive when editing an existing Matrix field. (#7911)
  • Fixed a bug where duplicated entries’ slugs and URIs could be incremented when changing a section’s propagation method. (#7895)
  • Fixed a bug where the Permissions-Policy anti-FLoC header was being applied incorrectly. (#7896)
  • Fixed a MySQL error that could occur when indexing search keywords which contained certain Russian characters. (#7905)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\actions\Delete wasn’t hard-deleting elements when $hard was set to true, if the element index wasn’t already set to query soft-deleted elements. (#7901)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\actions\Delete wasn’t clearing search indexes when $hard was set to true. (#7901)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur if config/app.php was overriding the log component using craft\helpers\App::logConfig(), and expecting it to return an array with log target configs (as it used to before Craft 3.6).
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when calling craft\records\SiteGroup::getSites(). (#7914)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving a Number field with a non-numeric value. (#7917)


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.

3.6.13 - 2021-05-04****Changed

  • Improved the accessibility of Plain Text fields. (#6914)
  • Improved the accessibility of color inputs. (#7320)
  • Improved the accessibility of flash notices. (#7879)
  • Improved the tab focus behavior. (#7140)
  • The setPasswordPath and verifyEmailPath config settings can now be set to absolute URLs, which will cause them to be respected when running Craft in headless mode. (#6226)
  • Matrix block type settings modals now have “Apply” buttons instead of “Save”. (#7822)
  • Nag alerts now have a light red background color, improving the visibility of error notices that may show up on top of them. (#7627)
  • The globals/save-content action now accepts a fieldsLocation param. (#7870)
  • The users/save-user action now accepts a fieldsLocation param. (#7870)
  • craft\elements\Asset::getSrcset() now accepts an optional $transform argument. (#7839)
  • Improved the performance of craft\services\Elements::getElementById() and getElementByUid(). (#7846)
  • craft\services\TemplateCaches::getTemplateCache(), endTemplateCache(), and deleteCachesByKey() now throw an exception on console requests, if $global isn’t true. (#7862)
  • @method tags in CustomFieldBehavior now use $this as the return type instead of static. (#7873)


  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields’ Configuration settings weren’t expanding when nested field settings got taller. (#7827)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to create a new entry, if a unique URI for the entry could not be generated per its URI format. (#7863)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to click on breadcrumb links when a flash notice was present. (#7572)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to delete a volume folder if the physical directory didn’t exist. (#7868)
  • Fixed a race condition that could result in two assets getting saved with conflicting filenames if they were both moved to the same directory at the same time. (#7866)
  • Fixed an error that occurred on PHP 8. (#7848)
  • Fixed a SQL error when using PHP 7.4.18 or 8.0.5 and PostgreSQL. (#7874)


  • Craft now sets a Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() header for all requests, opting out of FLoC tracking due to security and privacy concerns.
  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability. - 2021-04-29****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where entry indexes weren’t showing the entries’ authors if they were pending or suspended.
  • Fixed a bug where renaming an empty volume folder would create a subfolder inside it. (#7721)
  • Fixed a bug where simultaneously-executed MySQL backups could result in a my.cnf conflict. (#7801)
  • Fixed a bug where radio button labels weren’t including custom container attributes passed to the input.
  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/all command was attempting to re-apply old content migrations when updating from Craft 3.4 or earlier. (#7818)
  • Fixed a bug where assets could cause n+1 queries even when eager-loaded. (#7812)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when executing a GraphQL query with nested relatedTo* arguments. (#7824)
  • Fixed a bug where selected tabs in the control panel weren’t getting focus rings.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to select tabs in the overflow menu via the keyboard. (#7813)
  • Fixed a bug where {% cache %} tags’ until params weren’t being respected. (#7826)
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel JavaScript was missing several ASCII character mappings. (#7828)
  • Fixed a bug where Single sections wouldn’t validate if one of their URI values contained any spaces. (#7834)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Show” link on password inputs wasn’t positioned correctly for RTL languages. (#7835)
  • Fixed a bug where entry queries were not returning all entries created within the last minute. (#7853)
  • Fixed a bug where the searchindex table wasn’t getting set to the MyISAM engine for fresh installs.


  • Updated Composer to 2.0.13, fixing a command execution vulnerability.

3.6.12 - 2021-04-13****Changed

  • Improved the focus styles throughout the control panel. (#6886)
  • User activation and password reset links now point to the control panel when running Craft in headless mode. (#6226)
  • Category indexes can now show a “Slug” column. (#7760)
  • “Generating pending image transforms” jobs are now deprioritized. (#7778)
  • Improved the performance of Recent Entries widgets. (#6655)
  • craft\helpers\UrlHelper::actionUrl() now has a $showScriptName argument, which can be set to false to prevent the script name (index.php) from being included in the generated URL. (Only recommended for URLs that will be used by GET requests.)
  • Updated Composer to 2.0.12.


  • Fixed a bug where restored entries could get deleted by garbage collection, if their authorId value was set to a soft-deleted author. (#7751)
  • Fixed a bug where indexing assets from the command line could work incorrectly in some cases. (#7741)
  • Fixed a MySQL error that could occur if a job in the queue failed and had a very long error message.
  • Fixed a bug where validation events would trigger when saving an element via craft\services\Elements::saveElement(), even if $runValidation was set to false. (#7756)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Html::parseTag() would parse child tags of <script> and <style> tags.
  • Fixed a bug where pagination labels below Vue admin tables weren’t using the translatable pagination message.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would place the beginBody() tag incorrectly if a template’s <body> tag included an inline arrow function (=>). (#7779)
  • Fixed a bug where action URLs were based on the current request’s host name rather than the control panel URL when running Craft in headless mode, unless the pathParam config setting had been set to null. (#7783)
  • Fixed a bug where the utils/repair/section-structure or utils/repair/category-group-structure commands could reposition elements in the wrong order. (#7784) - 2021-03-29****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Matrix field changes on the Current revision weren’t getting propagated to drafts when the “Merge changes into draft” button was clicked. (#7727)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when publishing a draft with an outdated Matrix field. (#7727)
  • Fixed a bug where renaming empty folders would delete them from the disk, instead. (#7721)
  • Fixed a bug where the inReverse element query param was getting ignored when eager-loading elements. (#7737)
  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/all command was attempting to re-apply old plugin migrations when updating from Craft 3.4 or earlier.
  • Fixed a bug where action requests weren’t getting X-Robots-Tag: none headers in their responses. (#7738) - 2021-03-24****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the cached project config data wasn’t getting invalidated after applying YAML changes.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when adding jobs to the queue with a custom priority, if the queue driver didn’t support priorities. (#7719)
  • Fixed a bug where some field name characters were getting double-encoded in validation errors. (#7718)

3.6.11 - 2021-03-23****Added

  • Added the andRelatedTo element query param, for adding additional relation criteria. (#5733)
  • Added the {% script %} tag, for outputting <script> tags with full control over the attributes. (#7676)
  • Added craft\web\User::getToken().
  • Added craft\test\Craft::mockDbMethods().


  • The Queue Manager utility now shows delayed jobs. (#7692)
  • The gc command can now delete unneeded rows from deprecated database tables, including templatecaches, entrydrafts, and entryrevisions. (#6434)
  • relatedTo element query params can now be set to multiple or relation criteria inclusively, without specifying the element/targetElement/sourceElement keys. (#5733)
  • craft\helpers\ElementHelper::setUniqueUri() now starts incrementing duplicate slugs with -2 instead of -1.
  • craft\helpers\Queue::push() now has $delay and $ttr arguments.
  • craft\queue\Queue::run() now has $repeat and $timeout arguments.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.41.


  • Deprecated craft\queue\Queue::listen(). run() can be used instead.


  • Fixed a bug where requests with an invalid action param would return a 500 status code instead of 400. (#7668)
  • Fixed a bug where asset, category, and entry queries could return results when they shouldn’t. (#7678)
  • Fixed a bug where users were getting logged out after changing their password. (#7682)
  • Fixed an infinite loop bug that could occur when saving an element with a non-unique URI over 255 bytes long. (#7684)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft.initUiElements() was adding rel="noopener" and target="_blank" to all external links, rather than just ones within the passed-in container. (#7686)
  • Fixed a bug where the queue/listen command wasn’t always respecting exit signals. (#7704)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when running the utils/repair/section-structure or utils/repair/category-group-structure commands. (#7699)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if the project config data contained any incomplete packed associative arrays.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Queue::push() wasn’t respecting its $priority argument.
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields weren’t showing all of the currently selected elements if the field’s limit had decreased, making it difficult to fix the validation error. (#7707)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred during garbage collection if the purgeUnsavedDraftsDuration config setting was set to a duration string. (#7714)
  • Fixed a bug where project config changes could be applied incorrectly for numerically-indexed arrays with 10 or more items. (presseddigital/linkit#88)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that would occur if any elements had a pill class. (#7705)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\test\Craft::mockMethods() and mockCraftMethods()$constructorParams arguments only accepted a single argument’s value, rather than an array of constructor arguments.

3.6.10 - 2021-03-09****Added

  • Added the |httpdate Twig filter, which can be used to format dates for HTTP headers such as Expires. (craftcms/docs#167)
  • Added craft\events\FormActionsEvent.
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::EVENT_REGISTER_FORM_ACTIONS. (#7660)
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::prepFormActions().


  • Fixed a bug where console requests were logging non-error/warning logs when Dev Mode was disabled. (#7659)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating Craft. (#7662)
  • Fixed a bug where search results could yield no results if any of the search terms were MySQL fulltext stop words. (#7642)
  • Fixed a bug where entries could return the wrong Matrix/Neo/Super Table blocks if the blocks were queried immediately after the entry was created via craft\services\Elements::duplicateElement().
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t updating the prior primary site’s project config when a new site was set as the primary in the control panel. (#7657)
  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/apply command output didn’t make any sense at times.
  • Fixed a race condition where the same queue job could get executed multiple times if there was more than one active queue worker and the database used read/write splitting.
  • Fixed a race condition that could result in a SQL error if two revisions were attempted to be created for the same entry at the same time if the database used read/write splitting. (#7598)

3.6.9 - 2021-03-05****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\Session, which provides methods for working with PHP session variables, without creating a new PHP session if one didn’t need to exist.


  • Updated Yii to 2.0.41.
  • Warning and error logs are no longer included in the stdout log target if the CRAFT_STREAM_LOG PHP constant is set to true.


  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts were retaining their former parent entry relationship, if the parent entry was removed and not replaced. (#7643)
  • Fixed an error that could occur during the update command on Windows. (#7644)
  • Fixed a bug where the utils/repair/project-config command was removing all packed arrays, not just double-packed arrays.
  • Fixed SQL errors that could occur when MySQL was running in ANSI/ANSI_QUOTES modes. (#5804)
  • Fixed a bug where 404s weren’t getting logged to web-404s.log. (#7653)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Assets::prepareAssetName() was appending a . to file names that did not have an extension.
  • Fixed a bug where all requests were creating PHP sessions, even if no CraftSessionId cookie was present.

3.6.8 - 2021-03-03****Added

  • Added the is boolean Twig test.
  • GraphQL schemas now include settings that determine whether inactive elements, drafts, and/or revisions should be included in query results. (#7590).
  • Added craft\gql\base\ElementArguments::getRevisionArguments().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::truncateTable().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canQueryDrafts().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canQueryInactiveElements().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canQueryRevisions().


  • Project config YAML files now include comments alongside UIDs, identifying the name of the component being referenced. (#7584)
  • Control panel requests now explicitly send no-cache headers. (#7631)
  • Plain Text fields’ Placeholder settings now support emoji on MySQL. (#7629)
  • deleteEntry GraphQL mutation queries now support siteId arguments. (#7611)


  • Fixed a bug where release dates shown in the Updates utility could be off by a day compared to the dates in the changelogs, for clients whose system clock was set to a time zone behind UTC. (#7612)
  • Fixed a bug where user sessions weren’t lasting the extended duration specified by the rememberedUserSessionDuration config setting when the rememberMe checkbox was ticked. (#7619)
  • Fixed a bug where the Ctrl + Alt + S “Publish draft” keyboard shortcut wasn’t working for unpublished drafts on Windows computers.
  • Fixed a bug where Redis connection exceptions were getting swallowed when Dev Mode was disabled, and Craft was falsely reporting that it wasn’t installed yet instead. (#7617)
  • Fixed a bug where Local volumes were creating extra directories in the web root when saved, if the File System Path was set to an environment variable.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when indexing the search keywords for an element in a disabled site. (#6383)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::cleanupConfig wasn’t handling packed aways properly. (#7630)
  • Fixed a bug where the _includes/forms/text.html control panel template and Craft.ui.createTextInput() JavaScript method weren’t respecting custom autocomplete values.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Save and continue editing” action on the Edit Entry page wasn’t retaining the currently-selected site.
  • Fixed a bug where non-admins weren’t able to impersonate inactive users. (#7475)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store wouldn‘t fully load when clicking the “Buy now” button on the “There are trial licenses that require payment” alert, if any of the trialled plugins were disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store’s cart was not showing the updates dropdown for plugin trial licenses.
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was showing a generic error when a credit card was declined, instead of a more detailed error.
  • Fixed an error where it wasn’t possible to delete entries from non-primary sites via GraphQL. (#7611)
  • Fixed a bug where the GraphQL API could return unexpected results if multiple relatedTo* arguments were used. (#7534)

3.6.7 - 2021-02-23****Added

  • Added craft\gql\base\ElementArguments::getStatusArguments().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::relatedArgumentComplexity().


  • The Updates utility and Plugin Store now identify abandoned plugins.
  • URLs within plain text email bodies are no longer wrapped with < and > characters, fixing a bug where they could be removed by email providers for looking like HTML tags.
  • The relatedToAssets, relatedToCategories, relatedToEntries, relatedToTags, and relatedToUsers GraphQL arguments now accept a list of multiple criteria sets. (#7528)
  • Adjusted GraphQL complexity values for relational fields.
  • craft\helpers\UrlHelper::getSchemeForTokenizedUrl() and urlWithToken() now have a $cp argument, indicating whether the method call is for a control panel URL.
  • Updated Composer to 2.0.10.


  • Removed all draft arguments for assets, categories, global sets, Matrix blocks, tags, and users when querying via the GraphQL API.
  • Removed the status, archived and trashed arguments for global sets when querying via the GraphQL API.
  • Removed the status argument for assets when querying via the GraphQL API.


  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred after saving an entry from the Quick Post widget, preventing the widget from being used to create a second entry. (#7582)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to access the homepage entry from /__home__. (#7585)
  • Fixed a bug where URL fields weren’t getting validated properly if their “Allowed URL Types” setting was set to only “Telephone” or “Email”. (#7588)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would set plugins’ base paths to the file system root directory, if they were configured with an invalid basePath in vendor/craftcms/plugins.php.
  • Fixed a bug where user verification and password-reset URLs would use https in some cases where they shouldn’t. (#7581)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to override the User-Agent header sent by Guzzle from config/guzzle.php. (#7597)
  • Fixed a bug where non-admin users weren’t able to replace files from the Edit Asset page, unless they had the “Remove files and folders” permission. (#7601)
  • Fixed a bug where links within info HUDs weren’t opening in a new window.


  • It’s no longer possible to save a Local volume with the File System Path setting set to a system directory (e.g. the templates/ or vendor/ folders).

3.6.6 - 2021-02-15****Added

  • Added the successMessageInput() and failMessageInput() Twig functions. (#7561)
  • Added the prefixGqlRootTypes config setting, which determines whether the gqlTypePrefix config setting should impact query, mutation, and subscription types. (#7552)
  • Added the savedDraftsOnly entry query param.
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$markAsSaved.
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::failMessageInput().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::successMessageInput().
  • Added craft\services\Gc::deletePartialElements().


  • The Entries index page no longer shows unpublished drafts that have never been updated with content.
  • It’s now possible to delete entries from the “All entries” source. (#7545)
  • Garbage collection now deletes unpublished drafts that were never updated with content, per the (no longer deprecated) purgeUnsavedDraftsDuration config setting.
  • Garbage collection now deletes orphaned rows in the drafts and revisions tables.
  • Garbage collection now deletes incomplete element data, for built-in element types. (#6434)


  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t deleting unpublished drafts when converting a Channel or Structure section to a Single. (#7542)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for admins to delete a Single entry from the Edit Entry page. (#7547)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to reposition an unpublished draft within a Structure section.
  • Fixed a CSS bug that prevented elements within relational fields from being easily reordered. (#7549)
  • Fixed a bug where the “My Drafts” dashboard widget wasn’t listing disabled drafts. (#7546)
  • Fixed a bug where unpublished drafts weren’t getting soft-deleted along with other entries when their section or entry type was deleted, causing an error on the Dashboard if there was a “My Drafts” widget. (#7550)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible for non-admins to rename, replace, edit, or delete their own temporary assets. (#7420)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t fully applying custom project configs when running tests. (#7412, #1953)
  • Fixed a bug where the config/project/ folder within the test directory wasn’t getting deleted after a test suite was run. - 2021-02-10****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where all fields were getting assigned to a field group on save, even if they weren’t global. (#7540)

3.6.5 - 2021-02-10****Added

  • Added the “My Drafts” dashboard widget. (#7517)
  • Users can now be hard-deleted. (#4420)
  • Added craft\controllers\UsersController::EVENT_INVALID_USER_TOKEN. (#7520)
  • Added craft\elements\actions\DeleteActionInterface.
  • Added craft\events\DefineSourceSortOptionsEvent. (#7515)
  • Added craft\events\DefineSourceTableAttributesEvent. (#7515)
  • Added craft\events\InvalidUserTokenEvent. (#7520)
  • Added craft\mail\Mailer::EVENT_BEFORE_PREP. (#7501)
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::generateDraftName().
  • Added craft\services\ElementIndexes::EVENT_DEFINE_SOURCE_SORT_OPTIONS. (#7515)
  • Added craft\services\ElementIndexes::EVENT_DEFINE_SOURCE_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES. (#7515)


  • The Entries index page no longer shows unpublished drafts when filtering by entry status.
  • The “Drafts” entry status now shows all entry drafts; not just unpublished drafts. (#6632, #7517)
  • Improved the styling of entry drafts within entry indexes. (#7517)
  • The Edit Entry page now notifies the author that they’re editing a draft after closing Live Preview, if a draft was auto-created for them. (#6681)
  • Field groups are now soft-deleted.
  • Color fields’ text inputs are now updated based on the color input’s input event rather than change. (#7529)
  • Entry drafts’ search keywords now get partially indexed.
  • The resave/entries command now supports a --drafts flag.


  • Fixed a bug where saving an entry to a site other than the primary via GraphQL would return null. (#7468)
  • Fixed a bug where some content could go missing when applying project config changes, if a field group had been deleted and its fields had been moved to a different group. (#7526)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when clickin on a color input. (#7529)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on element index pages. (#7535) - 2021-02-05****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where extra rows could be created in the drafts table. (#7542)

3.6.4 - 2021-02-05****Added

  • Added the accessibilityDefaults config setting, which determines users’ default accessibility preferences. (#7504)
  • Added the collation database config setting, which determines the default collation that should be used when creating tables, rather than leaving it up to the character set’s default collation. (MySQL only.)
  • Added the db/convert-charset command, which can be used to convert all database tables’ and textual columns’ character sets and collations in one fell swoop.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::uiLabel().
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::insertDraftRow().


  • Unpublished drafts with no titles are now labeled as “Untitled entry” rather than by their ID. (#7500)
  • Unpublished drafts no longer show a value for URL columns in entry indexes.
  • Entry selection modals no longer show unpublished drafts.
  • Entry drafts no longer get a status color in entry indexes.
  • craft\elements\User::getDirtyAttributes() now accurately reports changed attributes. (#7505)


  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur in the control panel. (#7492)
  • Fixed a bug where the Edit Site page’s title could be set to the raw site’s name setting, if it was set to an environment variable.
  • Fixed a bug where some ASCII character mappings included a trailing ' character. (#7491)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on the System Report utility. (#7493)
  • Fixed a bug where Number field inputs were slightly indented. (#7498)
  • Fixed a bug where built-in Composer features weren’t reading credentials from the global auth.json file. (#7466)
  • Fixed a bug where unpublished drafts were revealing their temporary slugs in the URI and Slug columns of entry indexes, if a slug hadn’t been chosen yet.
  • Fixed a bug that could break some autosuggest inputs.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t recording entry-specific attribute changes.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Html::namespaceAttributes() was ignoring url() references if multiple existed on the same line. (#7496)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when editing an element with a URL field without a value. (#7506)
  • Fixed a bug where duplicating an unpublished draft wouldn’t create a new row in the drafts table, so the two drafts would be joined at the hip. (#7508)

3.6.3 - 2021-02-03****Added

  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setUiLabel().
  • Added craft\fields\BaseRelationField::tableAttributeHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::elementPreviewHtml().


  • Entry indexes now include draft entries in the main entry listings. (#7401)
  • Entry indexes can now show a “Drafts” column, which lists the entries’ drafts. (#7473)
  • The “Publish draft” button on Edit Entry pages can now be activated using a Ctrl/Command + Alt/Option + S keyboard shortcut.
  • Entry queries’ drafts param can now be set to null, indicating that both normal entries and drafts can be included in the results.
  • Entries can now be eager-loaded with drafts.
  • craft\helpers\Cp::elementHtml now has a $showDraftBadge argument.


  • Removed craft\fields\BaseRelationField::elementPreviewHtml().


  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages would get a “Create a new entry” heading when editing an existing draft entry.
  • Fixed a bug where user impersonation URLs only worked for active users. (#7475)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::draftOf() didn’t accept passing in '*'. (#7470)

3.6.2 - 2021-01-29****Added

  • Added craft\gql\handlers\Site.
  • Added craft\service\Gql::handleQueryErrors().


  • The web-based installer now respects the postCpLoginRedirect config setting. (#5648)
  • Improved GraphQL error reporting.
  • craft\test\console\CommandTest::stdOut(), outputCommand(), and stderr() now accept an array of possible expected strings.
  • Downgraded webonyx/graphql-php to 14.4. (#7452)


  • Fixed a bug where any license key inputs on the Settings → Plugins page that were set to environment variable names would get replaced with the actual license key after a short period of time.
  • Fixed a bug where some GraphQL queries could not be executed when Dev Mode was disabled. (#7452)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL queries which set site: '*' would result in an error. (#5079)
  • Fixed a bug where sections’ Template setting values weren’t getting auto-generated based on the Name setting, for new sections.
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when running the update command if specific versions were requested.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a deprecation warning was logged before Craft was installed.

3.6.1 - 2021-01-27****Added

  • Added craft\console\ControllerTrait::checkTty().


  • The setup/welcome command that is run automatically after installing Craft via composer create-project craftcms/craft can now initiate the setup process automatically, if using Composer 2.
  • craft\console\Controller::$interactive is now set to false automatically for non-interactive shells.


  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/all command wasn’t working when executed from a Composer script in a non-interactive shell, unless --interactive=0 was explicitly passed. (#7381)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving a Categories field with a branch limit. (#7449) - 2021-01-26****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when validating dates. (#7443)

3.6.0 - 2021-01-26

{warning} Read through the Upgrading to Craft 3.6 guide before updating.


  • Craft now supports PHP 8. (#7050)
  • Craft now requires PHP 7.2.5 or later.
  • Commercial plugins now receive license keys automatically when installed as trials.
  • It’s now possible for admins to purchase Craft and plugin licenses when allowAdminChanges is disabled.
  • It’s now possible to browse the Plugin Store when allowAdminChanges is disabled.
  • Added tablet and phone viewport emulation to Live Preview (Craft Pro only.) (#1006)
  • Entries now begin life as “unpublished drafts” rather than “unsaved drafts”. They are no longer ephemeral; they will continue to exist until explicitly published or deleted. (#5661, #7216)
  • It’s now possible to delete entries for a specific site, if their section’s propagation method is set to “Let each entry choose which sites it should be saved to”. (#7190)
  • Added the “Copy impersonation URL” user action, which generates a URL that can be pasted into a private window to impersonate the user without losing the current session. (#7281)
  • User indexes can now include a “Groups” column. (#7211)
  • Volumes now have “Title Translation Method” and “Title Translation Key Format” settings, like entry types. (#7135)
  • It’s now possible to set sites’ Name settings to environment variables.
  • URL fields now have an “Allowed URL Types” setting, which adds the ability to accept telephone and email URLs. (#5497)
  • Added the “Captions/Subtitles” file kind. (#7304)
  • Added the users/list-admins and users/set-password commands. (#7067)
  • Added the disableGraphqlTransformDirective config setting. (#6466)
  • Added the enableGraphqlIntrospection config setting. (#6466)
  • Added the handleCasing config setting, which determines the default casing that should be used when autogenerating component handles. (#4276)
  • Added the maxGraphqlComplexity config setting. (#6466)
  • Added the maxGraphqlDepth config setting. (#6466)
  • Added the maxGraphqlResults config setting. (#6466)
  • Added the rasterizeSvgThumbs config setting. (#7146)
  • Added the sanitizeCpImageUploads config setting, which determines whether images uploaded via the control panel should be sanitized. (#3060)
  • Added the {% tag %} Twig tag.
  • Added the withGroups user query param.
  • Added the relatedToAssets, relatedToCategories, relatedToEntries, relatedToTags, and relatedToUsers arguments to GraphQL queries. (#7110)
  • Added the isUnpublishedDraft GraphQL field.
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getFormattingLocale(), which returns the locale that should be used for date/time formatting.
  • Added craft\base\ElementExporterInterface::isFormattable().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsUnpublishedDraft().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::includeInGqlSchema(). (#7244)
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::useFieldset(), which custom fields can override to return true if a <fieldset> and <legend> should be used, rather than a <div> and <label>.
  • Added craft\base\VolumeInterface::createDirectory().
  • Added craft\base\VolumeInterface::deleteDirectory().
  • Added craft\base\VolumeInterface::getDateModified().
  • Added craft\base\VolumeInterface::getFileSize().
  • Added craft\base\VolumeInterface::renameDirectory().
  • Added craft\base\VolumeTrait::$titleTranslationKeyFormat.
  • Added craft\base\VolumeTrait::$titleTranslationMethod.
  • Added craft\console\Controller::passwordPrompt().
  • Added craft\console\Request::getHadToken().
  • Added craft\console\Request::getSiteToken().
  • Added craft\console\Request::setToken().
  • Added craft\controllers\BaseEntriesController::enforceDeleteEntryPermissions().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::afterPopulate().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::createElement().
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::EVENT_DEFINE_ENTRY_TYPES. (#7136)
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::getAvailableEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\events\CreateFieldLayoutFormEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineEntryTypesEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlArgumentHandlersEvent.
  • Added craft\events\SearchEvent::$results. (#7237)
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\AssetTitleField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::useFieldset().
  • Added craft\fields\Url::TYPE_EMAIL.
  • Added craft\fields\Url::TYPE_TEL.
  • Added craft\fields\Url::TYPE_URL.
  • Added craft\gql\ArgumentManager.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ArgumentHandler.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ArgumentHandlerInterface.
  • Added craft\gql\base\Generator.
  • Added craft\gql\base\RelationArgumentHandler.
  • Added craft\gql\ElementQueryConditionBuilder::setArgumentManager().
  • Added craft\gql\handlers\RelatedAssets.
  • Added craft\gql\handlers\RelatedCategories.
  • Added craft\gql\handlers\RelatedEntries.
  • Added craft\gql\handlers\RelatedTags.
  • Added craft\gql\handlers\RelatedUsers.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\criteria\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\criteria\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\criteria\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\criteria\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\criteria\User.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::createFormattingLocale().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::phpSizeToBytes().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::checkboxFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::checkboxSelectFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::colorFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::editableTableFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::lightswitchFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::renderTemplate().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::selectFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::selectHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::textareaFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::textFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Diff.
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::eagerLoadComplexity().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::nPlus1Complexity().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::singleQueryComplexity().
  • Added craft\helpers\Template::paginateQuery().
  • Added craft\i18n\I18N::validateAppLocaleId().
  • Added craft\i18n\Locale::setDateTimeFormats(). (#7394)
  • Added craft\log\Dispatcher.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::EVENT_CREATE_FORM. (#7258)
  • Added craft\models\Site::getName().
  • Added craft\models\Site::setBaseUrl().
  • Added craft\models\Site::setName().
  • Added craft\mutex\MysqlMutex.
  • Added craft\mutex\PgsqlMutex.
  • Added craft\services\Assets::$generatePendingTransformsViaQueue. (#7360)
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_AFTER_APPLY_DRAFT.
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_DRAFT.
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::publishDraft().
  • Added craft\services\Globals::deleteSet().
  • Added craft\services\Globals::reset().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::GRAPHQL_COMPLEXITY_CPU_HEAVY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::GRAPHQL_COMPLEXITY_EAGER_LOAD.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::GRAPHQL_COMPLEXITY_NPLUS1.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::GRAPHQL_COMPLEXITY_QUERY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::GRAPHQL_COMPLEXITY_SIMPLE_FIELD.
  • Added craft\services\Structures::applyBranchLimitToElements().
  • Added craft\services\Structures::fillGapsInElements().
  • Added craft\test\ActiveFixture.
  • Added craft\test\DbFixtureTrait.
  • Added craft\test\fixtures\elements\BaseContentFixture.
  • Added craft\test\fixtures\elements\BaseElementFixture.
  • Added craft\test\TestSetup::SITE_URL.
  • Added craft\validators\UrlValidator::URL_PATTERN.
  • Added craft\web\Request::getHadToken().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getSiteToken().
  • Added craft\web\Request::setToken().
  • Added the Craft.index() JavaScript method.


  • Relational fields now include all related elements’ titles as search keywords, including disabled elements. (#7079)
  • Improved the performance of project config change diffs. (#7218)
  • Improved the accessibility of info icons.
  • Checkbox and radio button group fields now use <fieldset>s and <legend>s throughout the control panel.
  • Field containers no longer set the aria-describedby attribute, leaving it up to the actual inputs to do so. (#7365)
  • Number field settings and input values are now fully formatted, unless the Preview Format setting is set to “Unformatted”.
  • The Settings → Plugin page now shows which developer created each plugin. (#7254)
  • Field layout designers will no longer create a new tab if no tab name is entered in the prompt. (#7333)
  • Site URLs that are generated on the front-end of disabled sites now include the siteToken param, if one was passed to the current page. (#7264)
  • Mutex lock names are now prefixed with the application ID, to avoid lock conflicts if two Craft installs shared the same database. (#7384)
  • Action URLs are now always based on the control panel URL when running Craft in headless mode. (#5553)
  • Renamed the backup and restore commands to db/backup and db/restore. (#7023)
  • The migrate/all command now lists the migrations that will be applied. (#7381)
  • The project-config/apply command now displays a list of changes it is applying. (#7235)
  • The allowedFileExtensions config setting now includes several file extensions used by caption and subtitle file formats by default. (#7304)
  • When applying project config changes, Craft now installs new plugins before uninstalling removed plugins. (#7436)
  • The currency, filesize, number, percentage, and timestamp Twig filters now return the passed-in value verbatim if it wasn’t a valid number.
  • The withoutKey Twig filter can now accept an array, for removing multiple keys at once. (#7230)
  • It’s now possible to add new log targets by overriding components.log.targets in config/app.php, rather than the entire log component config.
  • The _includes/forms/field.html control panel template and craft\helpers\Cp::fieldHtml() now accept a fieldset variable/config key, which can be set to true to cause the resulting field to be a <fieldset> instead of a <div>, and the label to be a <legend> instead of a <label>.
  • The _includes/forms/field.html control panel template and craft\helpers\Cp::fieldHtml() now accept an instructionsPosition variable/config key, which can be set to 'after' to cause the field instructions to be rerdered after the input instead of before.
  • The _includes/forms/field.html control panel template and craft\helpers\Cp::fieldHtml() now accept a fieldLabel variable/config key, which will take precedence over label.
  • The checkboxField macro within the _includes/forms.html control panel template now returns a <fieldset> if a fieldLabel config key was passed.
  • craft\base\ElementExporterInterface::export() can now return raw response data, a callable, or a resource, if isFormattable() returns false. If a callable or resource is returned, it will be streamed to the browser. (#7148)
  • craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior::$attributes can now be set to an array with key/value pairs, where the key is the attribute name, and the value is the raw (unparsed) value, or a callable that returns the raw value.
  • craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior::$attributes can now be set to an array with key/value pairs, where the key is the attribute name, and the value is the raw (unparsed) value, or a callable that returns the raw value.
  • craft\db\Connection::getPrimaryKeyName(), getForeignKeyName(), and getIndexName() now generate completely random object names, rather than basing them on a table name, etc. (#7153)
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getLocale() now returns the same locale that the application language is set to.
  • craft\helpers\Cp::fieldHtml() now accepts a control panel template path, prefixed with template:.
  • craft\helpers\Gql::isSchemaAwareOf(), extractAllowedEntitiesFromSchema(), canSchema(), extractEntityAllowedActions(), canMutateEntries(), canMutateTags(), canMutateGlobalSets(), canMutateCategories(), canMutateAssets(), canQueryEntries(), canQueryAssets(), canQueryCategories(), canQueryTags(), canQueryGlobalSets(), and canQueryUsers() now have $schema arguments.
  • craft\models\Site::$baseUrl is now a magic property, which returns the parsed base URL. (#3964)
  • craft\models\Site::$name is now a magic property, which returns the parsed site name. (#3964)
  • craft\models\Site::getBaseUrl() now has a $parse argument, which can be set to false to return the raw (unparsed) base URL.
  • craft\services\Composer::install() no longer has an $allowlist argument.
  • craft\services\Gql::getValidationRules() now has an $isIntrospectionQuery argument.
  • Craft.formatNumber() and other D3-based number formatting now uses a dynamically-generated locale definition based on info pulled from the application’s formatting locale. (#7341)
  • Craft no longer reports PHP deprecation errors.
  • Exception JSON responses now include exception, file, line, and trace keys. (#7406)
  • GraphQL queries now support eager-loading for arguments provided as input objects.
  • Made it easier to extend Craft’s Codeception testing module with custom code. (#7339)
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.40.
  • Updated Guzzle to 7.x, for projects that don’t have any plugins that require Guzzle 6. (#6997)
  • Updated Composer to 2.0.8.
  • Updated LitEmoji to 2.x.
  • Updated the Symfony Yaml component to 5.x.
  • Updated svg-sanitizer to 0.14.
  • Updated webonyx/graphql-php to 14.x.


  • Deprecated the backup and restore commands.
  • Deprecated the purgeUnsavedDraftsDuration config setting.
  • Deprecated the siteName config setting. Sites’ Name settings should be set to environment variables instead.
  • Deprecated the siteUrl config setting. Sites’ Base URL settings should be set to aliases or environment variables instead. (#3205)
  • Deprecated the relatedToAll GraphQL query argument. relatedTo: ["and", ...ids] should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the isUnsavedDraft GraphQL field.
  • Deprecated craft\base\Element::getIsUnsavedDraft(). getIsUnpublishedDraft() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\base\VolumeInterface::createDir(). createDirectory() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\base\VolumeInterface::deleteDir(). deleteDirectory() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\base\VolumeInterface::getFileMetadata(). getFileSize() and getDateModified() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\base\VolumeInterface::renameDir(). renameDirectory() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\db\Connection::trimObjectName().
  • Deprecated craft\gql\base\Resolver::getArrayableArguments().
  • Deprecated craft\gql\base\Resolver::prepareArguments().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\App::logConfig().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\Template::paginateCriteria(). paginateQuery() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Categories::applyBranchLimitToCategories(). craft\services\Structures::applyBranchLimitToElements() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Categories::fillGapsInCategories(). craft\services\Structures::fillGapsInElements() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Composer::$disablePackagist.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::applyDraft(). publishDraft() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_AFTER_APPLY_DRAFT. EVENT_AFTER_PUBLISH_DRAFT should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_DRAFT. EVENT_BEFORE_PUBLISH_DRAFT should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Drafts::purgeUnsavedDrafts().
  • Deprecated craft\test\Fixture. craft\test\ActiveFixture should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\web\View::$minifyCss.
  • Deprecated craft\web\View::$minifyJs.
  • Deprecated craft\web\View::renderTemplateMacro().


  • Removed the “Placeholder” setting from URL fields. (#7303)
  • Removed craft\controllers\ElementIndexesController::actionCreateExportToken().
  • Removed craft\controllers\ExportController.
  • Removed craft\services\Api::getComposerWhitelist().
  • Removed craft\test\fixtures\elements\ElementFixture. craft\test\fixtures\elements\BaseElementFixture or BaseContentFixture should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\test\fixtures\FieldLayoutFixture::deleteAllByFieldHandle().
  • Removed craft\test\fixtures\FieldLayoutFixture::extractTabsFromFieldLayout().
  • Removed craft\test\fixtures\FieldLayoutFixture::getTabsForFieldLayout().
  • Removed craft\test\fixtures\FieldLayoutFixture::linkFieldToLayout().
  • Removed Minify and jsmin-php.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when a schema change was made within a transaction, if using MySQL and PHP 8. (#7174)
  • Fixed a bug where asset queries’ withTransforms param wasn’t being respected for eager-loaded assets. (#6140)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\db\Connection::getPrimaryKeyName(), getForeignKeyName(), and getIndexName() could generate non-unique object names. (#7153)
  • Fixed a bug where number strings were not correctly typecast to the right PHP numeric type when using the Number GraphQL type.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to save a Global set with a predefined UID.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Db::prepareValuesForDb() would omit or JSON-encode DateTime objects, depending on the PHP version, rather than converting them to ISO-8601-formatted strings.
  • Fixed a bug where info icons’ content was focusable before the icon was activated. (#7257)
  • Fixed a bug where generated URLs would include the token from the current request, even if it had expired or met its usage limit.
  • Fixed a bug where Number field settings and input values could be stored incorrectly if the user’s formatting locale used a different decimal character that the application language.
  • Fixed a MySQL deadlock error that could occur when running background jobs. (#7179)


  • The default allowedFileExtensions config setting value no longer includes htm or html. - 2021-01-28****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when validating dates. (#7459)

3.5.19 - 2021-01-26****Changed

  • The control panel is now fully translated in all supported languages.


  • Fixed a bug where Date fields with existing values were always considered dirty when saving an entry. (#7404)

3.5.18 - 2021-01-19****Changed

  • Improved the accessibility of lightswitches in the control panel. (#7313)
  • Improved the accessibility of the Login page. (#7268, #7287, #7288)
  • Improved the accessibility of Number fields. (#7367)
  • Added aria-label or aria-hidden attributes to control panel icons, where appropriate. (#7302)
  • Dynamic subfolder paths in Assets fields can now output :ignore: to avoid an invalid subpath error if no segment is intended. (#7353)
  • Improved the error message that is output when running the clear-caches/cp-resources command, if the @webroot alias isn’t explicitly set. (#7286)
  • craft\i18n\I18N::getFormatter() now instantiates the formatter via Craft::createObject(). (#7341)


  • Fixed a bug where auto-created Matrix blocks were taking over the focus when creating a new entry. (#7363)
  • Fixed an error that could occur due to a race condition when generating CustomFieldBehavior classes. (#7379)
  • Fixed a bug where field layout tabs’ settings buttons could become inaccessible if the tab name began with a long word without any hyphens. (#7298)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown, Multi-select, and Number fields’ inputs weren’t getting id attributes that matched their labels’ for attributes. (#7319)
  • Fixed a bug where week day and month names were being translated based on the current formatting locale, rather than the current language. (#7312)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks weren’t getting validated when autosaving entry drafts.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving elements with Matrix fields, if there were any custom fields whose handles conflicted with craft\elements\db\ElementQuery getter methods, such as criteria. (#7335)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to upload some file types via GraphQL mutations. (#7327)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on console requests if Craft didn’t think it was installed yet. (#7309)
  • Fixed a bug where clearing control panel resources would delete the .gitignore file as well. (#7361)
  • Fixed a bug where user registration forms could get a “Username cannot be blank” error even if the useEmailAsUsername config setting was enabled. (#7357)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\Asset::getSrcset() could return the wrong value if the asset had a named transform set on it. (#7352)
  • Fixed a bug where the “All” checkbox label was getting HTML-encoded when using Craft.ui.createCheckboxSelect().
  • Fixed a bug where Craft.formatNumber() could format numbers based on the user’s preferred language rather than the preferred formatting locale. - 2020-12-17****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where search keywords weren’t getting normalized based on the selected site when searching for elements in the control panel. (#3145)
  • Fixed a bug where element indexes’ custom header column headings weren’t translatable. (#7272)
  • Fixed a bug where the gc command would delete all soft-deleted items when --interactive=0 was passed. (#7280)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when uploading a file directly to an Assets field within a new Matrix block. (#7284)

3.5.17 - 2020-12-15****Added

  • Edit Section and Edit Entry Type pages now have a “Save and continue editing” Save menu option, and the Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut is now assigned to that. (#2872)
  • Added the fullSchema option to the graphql/dump-schema and graphql/print-schema commands. (#7226)


  • Improved accessibility throughout the control panel. (#7231)
  • The Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, and New Password fields on Edit User pages now prevent LastPass from autofilling them. (#7177)
  • Field layout elements’ settings HUDs now automatically set the focus on the first text input when opened. (#7175)
  • Field instructions within the details pane are now replaced with info icons. (#7180)
  • Panes with overflow: auto and no focusable content within them now have tabindex="0" attributes, so their content can be keyboard-scrollable on Chromium and WebKit-based browsers. (#7236)
  • The generateTransformsBeforePageLoad config setting is now automatically enabled when rendering emails. (#7267)
  • It’s now possible to pass arrays to relational fields’ element query params which begin with ':empty:', to fetch elements where the relational field is either empty or has a certain value. (#7256)
  • users/set-password requests now include a status key in JSON responses, set to the user’s status. (#7239)


  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Field::isFresh() could return the wrong result.
  • Fixed a bug where required Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multi-select, and Radio Button fields within Matrix blocks could cause validation errors. (#7205)
  • Fixed a bug where assets could be uploaded to a folder named after the primary site rather than the selected site, when uploaded via an Assets field in a global set, if the field had a dynamic upload path that contained {site.handle}. (#7213)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when running functional tests. (#7207)
  • Fixed a bug where the plugin installer wasn’t always handling plugins’ post-install redirects correctly. (#7204)
  • Fixed a bug where the siteName and siteUrl config settings could get hard-coded into the project config when the project config was rebuilt. (#7208)
  • Fixed a bug where sites’ Name setting would show the siteName config setting value rather than the stored value, if it was set.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\Asset::getSrcset() would not respect some of the properties of the transform set on the asset. (#7193)
  • Fixed a bug where WebP images were not transformable, even if the server was configured for it. (#7170)
  • Fixed a bug where the image editor could save an image incorrectly, if the upscaleImages config setting was set to false.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to install a plugin if it had a row in the plugins table, but it wasn’t in the project config. (#7229)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t always respecting plugins’ minVersionRequired. (#7191)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::getCriteria() wasn’t including custom field criteria values. (#7225)
  • Fixed a MySQL deadlock error that could occur when running background jobs. (#7179)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was responding to set-password requests for pending users as if they had been activated, even if something prevented them from being activated. (#7239)
  • Fixed a bug where the |attr Twig filter wasn’t removing class and style attributes when they were set to false or null. (#7234)
  • Fixed a bug where eager-loading would load incorrect elements in some cases when using GraphQL API.
  • Fixed a bug where select inputs could bleed out of their container divs. (#7183)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages would show “Save and add another” and “Save as a new entry” action options for users who didn’t have permission to create new entries in the section. (#7232)
  • Fixed a bug where some control panel SVG icons had conflicting IDs. (#7247)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to set multiple options on Checkboxes and Multi-select fields when saving elements via GraphQL mutations. (#7197)
  • Fixed a bug where users were able to delete entries if they had the “Delete other authors’ entries” permission but not the “Delete entries” permission. (#7233)
  • Fixed a bug where Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multi-select, and Radio Buttons fields’ values weren’t getting translated on element indexes. (#7271)

3.5.16 - 2020-11-24****Added

  • It’s now possible to save image transforms that generate WebP files, on environments that support it.
  • It’s now possible to send a X-Craft-Gql-Cache: no-cache header with GraphQL API requests, to bypass the GraphQL cache. (craftcms/gatsby-source-craft#8)
  • Added the setPasswordUrl global Twig variable.
  • Added craft\gql\GqlEntityRegistry::getPrefix().
  • Added craft\gql\GqlEntityRegistry::setPrefix().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::idnToUtf8Email().
  • Added craft\test\Craft::deleteElement().


  • Improved the wording of the user deletion confirmation dialog. (#5293)
  • Improved the accessibility of element source toggles.
  • The Settings → Users → Fields and Settings → Users → Settings pages no longer redirect the browser when saved. (#7131)
  • Editable table columns can now specify the <textarea rows> attribute value via a rows key on the column config. (#7124)
  • The GraphQL query relatedTo and relatedToAll arguments now also allow string values.
  • Editable tables no longer show their heading row if there aren’t any data rows yet. (#7158)
  • Relational fields’ “Show the site menu” settings are no longer enabled by default.
  • Relational fields’ element selection modals now always default to the source element’s site, if no target site is specified in the field’s settings. (#7164)
  • Controllers now run request and permission checks from beforeAction() rather than init(). (#7168)
  • Updated Imagine to 1.2.4.


  • Deprecated craft\fields\BaseRelationField::inputSiteId().


  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\Asset::getSrcset() would not respect the format of the transform set on the asset. (#6660)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could attempt to use the Imagick driver even if it wasn’t available.
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if a test called craft\test\fixtures\elements\ElementFixture::getModel(). (#7089)
  • Fixed a bug where 1x image transforms weren’t using the original image transform.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes Craft could not process an uploaded file if its extension was in uppercase.
  • Fixed a bug where progress bar was not removed correctly when using the Asset Indexes utility. (#7111)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if image size information could not be parsed from an image file. (#6898)
  • Fixed a bug where elements wouldn’t get fully saved if they were passed to craft\services\Elements::saveElement() from their EVENT_AFTER_PROPAGATE event. (#7108)
  • Fixed a bug where formatted dates could use the wrong timezone for certain format characters.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to discard pending project config YAML changes, or rebuild the project config, when allowAdminChanges was disabled, from the Project Config utility. (#7125)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to backup the database when the database connection used a Unix socket. (#7121)
  • Fixed a bug where IDNA ASCII emails and usernames weren’t getting converted back to Unicode. (#7103)
  • Fixed a bug where IDs returned by the GraphQL API could not be re-used in relatedTo and relatedToAll arguments without type-casting. (#7128)
  • Fixed a bug where entry and asset Title fields didn’t always have the correct text orientation. (#7152)
  • Fixed a bug where element indexes weren’t scrolling back to the top when switching views or navigating to the next/previous page. (#7154)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\events\UserGroupsAssignEvent::$removedGroupIds was getting set to the wrong IDs.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when attempting to delete an admin user when the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#7157)
  • Fixed a bug where template caches weren’t getting invalidated when global sets were saved. (#7166)
  • Fixed a bug where validation rules defined by fields’ getElementValidationRules() methods could lose their isEmpty and on keys. - 2020-11-04****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where error responses weren’t getting sent as HTML. (#7092)
  • Fixed a bug where the Updates utility wasn’t showing “Update” buttons. (#7091)

3.5.15 - 2020-11-03****Added

  • Assets now have a srcset field available via GraphQL. (#6660)
  • Entries’ and categories’ parent GraphQL fields now support passing criteria arguments. (#7036)
  • It’s now possible to update user photos with base64-encoded images. (#6520)
  • The restore command now supports restoring zipped database backups. (#7049)
  • Added craft\services\Updates::getAreMigrationsPending(). (#7068)
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::getExtensionByMimeType().
  • Added craft\helpers\Update.
  • Added craft\models\Update::$phpConstraint.
  • Added craft\services\Composer::getConfig().


  • aria-label attributes are now used more consistently across the control panel. (#6833)
  • Craft no longer optimizes the class autoloader when running Composer commands internally, as recommended for local development.
  • The built-in updater will now warn if the latest eligible Craft CMS release requires a PHP version that is greater than what the environment is running, or what the config.platform.php setting is set to in composer.json.
  • It’s now possible to query for assets ordered by their path. (#7085)
  • Updated Twig to 2.14, for environments running PHP 7.2.5 or later, and where the config.platform.php value in composer.json is at least 7.2.5. (#7044)


  • Fixed a bug where craft\events\UserGroupsAssignEvent::$groupIds was getting set incorrectly for the craft\services\Users::EVENT_BEFORE_ASSIGN_USER_TO_GROUPS event. (#7046)
  • Fixed a bug where the craft\base\Element::EVENT_SET_EAGER_LOADED_ELEMENTS event was being triggered as a class-level event rather than an instance-level event. (#7047)
  • Fixed some errors when running PHP 8.
  • Fixed an error when accessing draftNotes or draftName on a non-draft using the GraphQL API.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for users to delete assets they weren’t permitted to delete from the Assets index page. (#7059)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields weren’t always creating volume subfolders properly.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible for logged-out visitors to preview disabled categories. (#7060)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields were triggering the blockDeleted JavaScript event before the block was removed from the DOM. (#7064)
  • Fixed an error where dragging several assets at one could obscure the progress bar. (#6982)
  • Fixed a bug where job progress status labels weren’t getting styled properly in the control panel sidebar. (#7070)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to select assets located in subfolders within Assets fields that were restricted to a single folder, by ticking the “Search in subfolders” checkbox while searching. (#7071)
  • Fixed a bug where custom Content-Type headers were getting overridden if an {% exit %} tag was used. (#7074)
  • Fixed a bug where user photos’ filenames could be generated incorrectly when they were updated programatically.

3.5.14 - 2020-10-20****Added

  • Added the ul() and ol() Twig functions, which return the HTML for <ul> and <ol> tags for a passed-in array of strings.
  • Added the project-config/touch command, which updates the dateModified value in project.yaml, even if the dateModified line is currently part of a Git conflict. (#7002)
  • Added the setPasswordRequestPath config setting. (#7024)
  • Added craft\config\GeneralConfig::getSetPasswordRequestPath().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::touch().
  • Added craft\services\Assets::relocateUserPhoto().


  • Craft now ignores the requested template’s .twig file extension when determining the default Content-Type header value for the response. (#7025)
  • Date and Time fields’ Minute Increment settings now allow 5 and 10-minute increments. (#7029)
  • Tags field menus now support up and down arrow navigation. (#7031)
  • Tokenized user verification URLs no longer redirect to the user to the postLoginRedirect/postCpLoginRedirect when the token is invalid and the user is logged in, if they still have a verification token on their account. (#7006)
  • Craft now ensures user photos are saved in the right location when users are saved. (#7034)
  • Built-in class properties set to craft\base\MemoizableArray are now unset during serialization. (#7038)
  • Craft now passes --column-inserts flag to the pg_dump command by default when backing up a PostgreSQL database.


  • Fixed a styling bug with the hamburger menu on pages with breadcrumbs. (#7021)
  • Fixed a bug where new entries weren’t assigned a UID in time if their URI format contained a {uid} token. (#4364)
  • Fixed a bug where entries that were deleted along with their section/entry type weren’t getting restored properly when the section/entry type was restored, if they weren’t live or didn’t exist for the primary site.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when installing Craft, if an issue prevented Craft from using the existing project config data. (#7027)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when selecting entries or categories that supported the “Create a new child entry/category” action. - 2020-10-16****Fixed

  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur on element indexes for multi-site installs, resulting in no elements being shown. (#7017)
  • Fixed a bug where the purgeUnsavedDraftsDuration config setting didn’t actually accept non-integer values despite the docs claiming it did. (#7019) - 2020-10-15****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Checkboxes fields weren’t validating.

3.5.13 - 2020-10-15****Added

  • It’s now possible to disallow uploading files directly to Assets fields, as opposed to going through the selection modal. (#6954)
  • Reset Password pages are now discoverable by clients that support .well-known/change-password URLs, such as Google Chrome.
  • Craft now supports /admin/edit/X URLs to elements’ edit pages, where X is an element’s ID or UID, provided that the user has permission to edit the element. (#7000)
  • The System Report utility now lists all defined aliases. (#6992)
  • Added the project-config/write command, which write out the currently-loaded project config as YAML files to the config/project/ folder, discarding any pending YAML changes.
  • The project-config/diff command now has an --invert flag, which will treat the loaded project config as the source of truth, rather than the YAML files.
  • Added the dataUrl() Twig function, which generates a base64-encoded data URL for the passed-in file path or asset.
  • Added craft\controllers\EditController.
  • Added craft\controllers\RedirectController.
  • Added craft\controllers\UsersController::EVENT_AFTER_ASSIGN_GROUPS_AND_PERMISSIONS. (#6937)
  • Added craft\controllers\UsersController::EVENT_BEFORE_ASSIGN_GROUPS_AND_PERMISSIONS. (#6937)
  • Added craft\db\ActiveQuery.
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getDataUrl().
  • Added craft\events\UserGroupsAssignEvent::$newGroupIds. (#6937)
  • Added craft\events\UserGroupsAssignEvent::$removedGroupIds. (#6937)
  • Added craft\fields\Assets::$allowUploads.
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::dataUrl().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::dataUrlFromString().
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\PruneRevisions::$maxRevisions. (#6999)
  • Added craft\services\Elements::getElementByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::getElementTypeByUid().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::$writeYamlAutomatically, which can be set to false from config/app.php if you’d prefer Craft to not write project config YAML files to config/project/ automatically when they are missing or changes are made.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::getDoesYamlExist().
  • Added craft\services\Sites::refreshSites().
  • Added missing rel="noopener" to outbound links.


  • Improved color contrast throughout the control panel. (#6951, #6972)
  • The control panel viewport is now scalable for mobile browsers. (#6972)
  • The “Share” button on Edit Entry and Edit Category pages has been renamed to “View”. (#6963)
  • Edit Entry pages now show validation errors for the typeId attribute. (#6958)
  • Table fields now support emoji characters. (#7012)
  • The draftOf entry query parameter can now be set to '*', to match drafts of any source element, so long as they have one. (#6632)
  • resave/* commands now show a progress count in the output for each element. (#6936)
  • The on and off commands no longer update the dateModified project config value. (#6729)
  • It’s now possible to enable the Debug extension on a per-request basis when Dev Mode is enabled, by including a X-Debug: enable header on the request. (#6978)
  • The disabledPlugins config setting can now be set to '*' to disable all plugins. (#5106)
  • *Field() macros in the _includes/forms.html control panel template now define a default id value if none was provided.
  • craft\db\ActiveRecord::find() now returns a craft\db\ActiveQuery object.
  • craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::diff() now has an $invert argument.
  • craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::ensureAllSitesProcessed() now has a $force argument.
  • craft\services\Fields::saveLayout() now maintains existing field layout tab IDs.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::saveModifiedConfigData() now has a $writeYaml argument.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::set() now has an $updateTimestamp argument.


  • craft\services\Fields::assembleLayoutFromPost() now supports field layout data that was posted in the original (pre-3.5) format. (barrelstrength/sprout-forms#521)


  • Fixed an error that could occur when installing Craft with existing project config data. (#6943)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when propagating a Time field value to another site. (#6950)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when calling craft\web\View::renderTemplate() from a console request. (#6945)
  • Fixed a Twig error that would occur when rendering the _includes/forms/elementSelect.html template if no limit variable was passed. (#6953)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.5, if any Assets fields had an upload location set to {}. (#6818)
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases querying for Assets using GraphQL API could fail.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when joining two soft-deletable active record classes together. (#6957)
  • Fixed a bug where sub-fields queried via GraphQL could be aliased incorrectly. (#6874)
  • Fixed a bug where element selection modals could show no results if they were limited to a single source, and that source wasn’t available to the primary site. (#6968)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields weren’t identifying themselves as translatable on the Fields index page. (#6970)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Html::modifyTagAttributes() wasn’t working properly with custom elements with hyphenated names. (#6973)
  • Fixed a bug where elements that were eager-loaded via ancestors, children, and descendants handles weren’t getting loaded in the correct order by default. (#6974)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields could bleed out of view within element editor HUDs. (#6975)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating from Craft 2.
  • Fixed a bug where the on and off commands were discarding any pending pending changes in the project config YAML files. (#6984)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Db::reset() wasn’t closing the previous database connection. (#6998)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to access the selected preview target in Craft.Preview JavaScript events.
  • Fixed a styling bug with Checkboxes fields. (#7011) - 2020-10-02****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\StringHelper::toAscii() and the Craft.asciiString() JavaScript method weren’t handling decomposed umlauted characters properly, such as macOS filenames. (#6923)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when attempting to open or close Live Preview, after a file had been uploaded from an Assets field. (#6940)
  • Fixed a bug where deprecation warnings logged by the getCsrfInput(), getFootHtml(), getHeadHtml(), round(), and svg() Twig functions, and the |ucwords Twig filter, weren’t showing the template name and line number that the warning came from. (#6927)
  • Fixed some potential database timeout and sequence issues when running multiple suites of tests.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Upload files” button within Assets fields was visible if the field limit was already reached on page load. (#6939)

3.5.12 - 2020-10-01****Added

  • Added the “Time” field type. (#6775, #6842)
  • Assets fields now have an “Upload files” button, which will upload files to the field’s default upload location, just like files uploaded via drag-n-drop. (#2778)
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsDeletable(), which states whether the element can be deleted by the current user.
  • Added craft\elements\db\EagerLoadPlan::$all.
  • Added craft\elements\db\EagerLoadPlan::$when.
  • Added craft\errors\InvalidFieldException.
  • Added craft\validators\DateTimeValidator::$max.
  • Added craft\validators\DateTimeValidator::$min.
  • Added craft\validators\DateTimeValidator::$tooEarly.
  • Added craft\validators\DateTimeValidator::$tooLate.
  • Added craft\validators\TimeValidator.


  • “Date/Time” fields have been renamed to “Date”, and it’s no longer possible to create new Date fields that only display the time. (#6842)
  • Element editor HUDs will now close when clicked out of, or if the Esc key is pressed. If any content has changed, a confirmation dialog will be shown first. (#6877)
  • Entry indexes will now sort entries without a post date at the top when ordering by Post Date in descending order, and vise-versa. (#6924)
  • The field layout designer will now prompt for a tab name immediately when the “New Tab” button is clicked. (#1956)
  • It’s now possible to specify eager-loading plans as hashes with path, criteria, count, and when keys.
  • The users/save-user action now includes a csrfTokenValue key in its JSON responses, if the user’s password was changed. (#6283)
  • “Delete” element actions will now only enable themselves if all of the selected elements’ getIsDeletable() methods returned true.
  • Date/Time fields configured to only show the time no longer set the date to 1970-01-01. (#6842)
  • If a SQL error occurs when attempting to change a field’s content column type, Craft will now rename the old column (e.g. field_fieldHandle_old), and create a new column with the new type, rather than surfacing the SQL error. (#3605, #5266)
  • craft\gql\ElementQueryConditionBuilder::extractQueryConditions() now returns an array of craft\elements\db\EagerLoadPlan objects. (#6874, #6811)
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() now supports passing an array with a time key in the format of HH:MM:SS, rather than just HH:MM.
  • craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCachesByKey() is no longer deprecated, and now has $global and $siteId arguments. (#6932)
  • craft\web\View::hook() now has an $append argument, which can be set to false to cause the hook method to be called before other methods.
  • Callback methods passed to craft\web\View::hook() can now accept a $handled argument by reference, which can be set to false within the method body to prevent subsequent hook methods from getting triggered. (#6912)
  • Element types’ sortOptions() methods can now define the orderBy key as a callback method.
  • The _includes/forms/time.html control panel template now supports passing minTime, maxTime, disableTimeRanges, and forceRoundTime variables, which map to the corresponding jquery.timepicker settings.


  • Deprecated craft\errors\FieldNotFoundException.


  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Config::setDotEnvVar() wasn’t surrounding values with quotes if they contained a # character. (#6867)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL API queries could produce an incorrect eager-loading plan. (#6849)
  • Fixed a bug where eager-loading elements wasn’t working if also eager-loading the count of related elements for the exact same path.
  • Fixed a bug where the button to show all related elements for relational fields within element indexes was getting formatted with two decimal places on environments that didn’t have the Intl extension installed. (#6869)
  • Fixed a bug where element selection modals would show the source sidebar even if there was only one selectable source, if a source heading came before it. (#6871)
  • Fixed a bug where Plain Text fields with a limit set and line breaks allowed weren’t showing the remaining characters/bytes allowed indicator. (#6872)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to set an alias when eager-loading Matrix sub-fields.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to initiate a file upload to an Assets field via drag-n-drop, even if the user didn’t have permission to upload files to the default field volume.
  • Fixed a bug where Dashboard widget settings could receive focus even when not visible. (#6885)
  • Fixed a bug where Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multi-select, and Radio Button fields could show their default values in element indexes. (#6891)
  • Fixed a bug where Title fields were showing a translation indicator even on single-site Craft installs. (#6503)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to set date values using variables via GraphQL mutations.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\UrlHelper was removing empty URL parameters. (#6900)
  • Fixed a bug where Checkboxes and Multi-select fields’ getOptions() methods were only returning the selected options. (#6899)
  • Fixed a bug where Project Config files were not being applied running tests even though it was configured in codeception.yml. (#6879)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix block type settings weren’t saving properly if the Matrix field was nested within another Matrix field (via a Super Table or Neo field).
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible for users to delete their own entries from Entry Edit pages, if they didn’t have the “Publish live changes” permission. (#6908)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible for users to delete their own entries from the Entries index page, if they didn’t have the “Delete other authors’ entries” permission. (#6908)
  • Fixed a bug where components (such as fields) could be deleted if they were saved without any changes, and their corresponding config file was missing from the config/project/ folder. (#6913)
  • Fixed a bug where the user account menu button could be clipped by the scrollbar. (#6920)
  • Fixed a bug where Date/Time fields’ Min Date and Max Date settings weren’t being enforced.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to save a Date/Time field with a Max Date value that was set to an earlier date than the Min Date value.


  • Fixed a bug where Plain Text fields with line breaks allowed weren’t HTML-encoding their values. (#6935) - 2020-09-18****Changed

  • Craft now disables read/write splitting for all POST requests.


  • Fixed a bug where entries were getting a “Bad slug” validation error. (#6866)

3.5.11 - 2020-09-18****Added

  • Number fields now have a “Preview Format” setting, which determines whether values should be displayed as decimal numbers, currency values, or without any formatting, on element indexes. (#5873)
  • Assets fields now have a “Preview Mode” setting, which can be set to “Show thumbnails only” to only display related assets’ thumbnails within element indexes. (#6848)
  • Edit Field pages now have a “Delete” menu option. (#6846)
  • Added craft\fields\BaseRelationField::elementPreviewHtml().


  • Date/Time fields configured to only show the time now consistently set the date to 1970-01-01. (#6842)
  • It’s now possible for craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE_ELEMENT event handlers to replace the element that should be returned by createElement().
  • craft\helpers\elementHtml() now has $showStatus, $showThumb, and $showLabel arguments.


  • Fixed a bug where pending project config YAML changes could be unexpectedly applied rather than discarded when other project config changes were made.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong field values could be used when querying for elements via GraphQL, if an alias was used.
  • Fixed an error that could occur on the Dashboard if there was a custom field with the handle of author.
  • Fixed a 400 error that could occur when a route config’s template key was set to null.
  • Fixed a bug where validation errors within element editor HUDs and detail pains were getting displayed beside the input instead of below it. (#6853)
  • Fixed styling issues with UI elements within field layout designers. (#6854)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL could return incorrect results in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to set date values via GraphQL mutations.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating from Craft 2. - 2020-09-15****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where eager loading children would return incomplete results.

3.5.10 - 2020-09-15****Added

  • Edit Entry pages now have a field for entering revision notes, when editing the current revision.
  • Edit Field pages now have a “Save and continue editing” Save menu option, and the Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut is now assigned to that. (#2872)
  • Edit Section pages now have “Settings” and “Entry Types” tabs, providing quick access to edit a section’s entry types. (#6826)
  • New sections’ “Save” button is now labeled “Save and edit entry types”, and the browser is redirected to the section’s entry type index after save.
  • Added the |truncate Twig filter. (#6838)
  • Added the disallowRobots config setting, which can be set to true for development and staging environments, indicating that front end pages should not be indexed, and links should not be followed, by web crawlers.
  • Added craft\fields\data\OptionData::$valid.
  • Added craft\gql\ElementQueryConditionBuilder::setResolveInfo().
  • Added craft\web\Request::$generalConfig.
  • Added craft\web\Request::$sites.


  • The Username and Password inputs on the Login page now specify aria-label attributes.
  • The account menu button now specifies aria-label and title attributes.
  • The _includes/forms/textarea.html template now supports disabled, inputAttributes, inputmode, and title variables.
  • The _layouts/cp.html control panel template now defines a submitButton block.
  • craft\helpers\Gql::getFieldNameWithAlias() now has a $context argument to allow sharing context over a single GraphQL API call.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.38.
  • Updated Twig to 2.13, for environments running PHP 7.1.3 or later, and where the config.platform.php value in composer.json is at least 7.1.3.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.37.
  • Updated Vue to 2.6.12.


  • Fixed a bug where all fields were showing as searchable on the Settings → Fields page on MySQL installs. (#6808)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Multi-select fields weren’t getting validation errors if an invalid value was posted to them. (#6535)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t handling site requests properly if it was installed in a subfolder and the site’s base URL contained additional URI segments.
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Multi-select fields that had values that were empty, numeric or contained special characters, couldn’t be used in GraphQL mutations. (#6535)
  • Fixed a bug where eager loading elements’ children across multiple levels wasn’t working. (#6820)
  • Fixed a bug where aliased fields would sometimes not be assigned correctly when using GraphQL API. (#6811))
  • Removed vue, vue-router and vuex Plugin Store dependencies as they are already handled by Craft. (#6732, #6815)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL API requests could return 400 responses on an empty cache.
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL API queries weren’t getting cached based on the current site.


  • Fixed a bug where custom field labels weren’t getting HTML-encoded.

3.5.9 - 2020-09-08****Added

  • Added support for childless GraphQL schema components.
  • Added craft\migrations\Install::$applyProjectConfigYaml.


  • The craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior class is now saved to a file with a name based on the current field version, avoiding OPcache issues.
  • Asset filenames are now automatically shortened if they are longer than 255 characters. (#6766)
  • Improved the style of up/down/right/left angles in the control panel.
  • Built-in element types’ date sort options are now sorted in descending order by default when selected. (#1153)
  • It’s now possible for element sort options returned by craft\base\ElementInterface::sortOptions() and craft\base\Element::defineSortOptions() to include defaultDir keys, which specify the default sort direction that should be used when the option is selected. (#1153)
  • Replaced the icon that identifies translatable fields.
  • The Settings → Fields page now identifies which fields are searchable and translatable. (#5453)


  • Fixed a bug where update commands weren’t working if there was no config/license.key file yet. (#6777)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible for GraphQL resolvers to return arrays.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.5 if the migrations table had rows with broken pluginId foreign keys.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when deleting a Matrix block type, if it contained nested block-based fields that had existing content. (#6780)
  • Fixed a bug where the _includes/forms/select.html template wasn’t always setting the data-target-prefix attribute if toggle was set.
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields could return incorrect values via GraphQL. (#6743)
  • Fixe a bug where duplicating elements from their edit pages could result in the selected site’s content getting propagated to all other sites for the duplicated element. (#6804)
  • Fixed a 400 error that could occur when a section’s Template setting was blank.
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL queries for entry drafts weren’t getting invalidated when drafts were saved or deleted. (#6792)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when running the project-config/apply command, if there was a Single section that was enabled for a site that was disabled on the front end. (#6799)
  • Fixed a bug where the tests/setup command wasn’t working. (#6790)

3.5.8 - 2020-09-01****Added

  • Added the “Retry Duration” general setting, which defines the number of seconds that the Retry-After header should be set to for 503 responses when the system is offline.
  • Added the off and on commands, for toggling the system status. (#6729)
  • Added the utils/update-usernames command, for ensuring all usernames match users’ email addresses, if the useEmailAsUsername config setting is enabled. (#6312)
  • Added the configure() Twig function. (#6731)
  • Added craft\base\MemoizableArray.
  • Added craft\cache\FileCache.
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::whereIn().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::elementHtml().
  • Added craft\models\Site::getLocale().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::DIFF_CACHE_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\Sites::getGroupByUid().


  • Improved the styling of Lightswitch fields that have ON/OFF labels. (#6666)
  • The “System Status” setting now has “Offline” and “Online” labels.
  • Deprecation warnings can now contain Markdown formatting.
  • The Project Config utility now loads the comparison data over Ajax, and will only show the first 20 lines by default. (#6736)
  • Improved the wording of version compatibility issues when applying project config YAML changes. (#6755)
  • The GraphQL API now supports variables and operationName query string parameters. (#6728)
  • Mutation GraphQL queries should now specify an id field when defining Matrix blocks, set to the existing Matrix block ID or a newX string.
  • Improved system performance.
  • craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::where() now has a $keepKeys argument, which defaults to true.
  • craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::diff() now caches its results. (#6736)
  • craft\services\Config::setDotEnvVar() no longer surrounds the value with quotes unless it contains a space. (craftcms/docker#5)


  • Deprecated support for overriding volume settings via config/volumes.php. Environment variables or dependency injection should be used instead.
  • Mutating Matrix blocks via GraphQL without specifying an id field for each block is now deprecated.


  • Fixed a bug where the required field indicator wasn’t visible within the field layout designer, for fields with overflowing labels or hidden labels. (#6725)
  • Fixed a bug where user group names were getting double-encoded within the User Groups setting on Edit User pages. (#6727)
  • Fixed a bug where aliasing fields via GraphQL could break eager loading in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL API queries could break down when using complex fields that didn’t support eager loading. (#6723)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when accessing the “Globals” section in the control panel, for users that didn’t have permission to edit the first global set. (#6730)
  • Fixed a bug where various array-returning methods could return arrays with nonsequential keys beginning with 0.
  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts would get autosaved after creating new Matrix/Neo/Super Table blocks even if the autosaveDrafts config setting was disabled. (#6704)
  • Fixed a bug where field checkboxes in Quick Post widget settings were all disabled. (#6738)
  • Fixed a bug where assets uploaded by front-end entry forms weren’t getting saved with the uploaderId attribute. (#6456)
  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview wasn’t showing custom fields for categories.
  • Fixed a bug where rebuilding the Project Config would not persist the new config data to the loaded project config.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur when displaying certain prompts. (#6753)
  • Fixed a bug where the system.schemaVersion was not getting set when rebuilding the project config.
  • Fixed a bug where all file caches were being saved inside a single subdirectory of storage/runtime/cache/ based on the cache key prefix. (#6746)
  • Fixed a bug where field handles would get jumpy on hover if their increased size caused them to be too large to fit on the same line as the field name. (#6742)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Photo” field was shown on Edit User pages, even if the User Photos volume had been deleted. (#6752)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when passing an array to an entry query’s typeId param, with the first item set to 'not'. (#6754)
  • Fixed a bug where element queries with the siteId param set to * would query for elements in soft-deleted sites. (#6756)
  • Fixed a bug where Title fields weren’t identifying themselves as required. (#6763)
  • Fixed a bug where inline JavaScript code could stop working if it contained the string .js. (#6762)

3.5.7 - 2020-08-26****Changed

  • Improved the warning that is output for console commands if Craft can’t connect to the database, or isn’t installed yet. (#6718)
  • craft\helpers\Console::outputWarning() now has a $center argument.
  • The GraphiQL IDE now automatically loads the query passed by the URL, if present. (#6583)


  • Fixed a bug where Table field settings were displaying validation errors for the “Table Columns” setting under the “Default Values” setting.
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields were allowing columns to be defined with invalid handles. (#6714)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL schemas weren’t getting generated properly if there were any Table fields with empty column handles. (#6714)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to access entry drafts or revisions within Structure sections, if they were created before the section type was changed to Structure. (#4866)
  • Fixed a bug where the _includes/forms/select.html template wasn’t setting the data-target-prefix attribute properly. (#6721)
  • Fixed various SQL errors that could occur when running tests. (#6549)

3.5.6 - 2020-08-25****Added

  • Added the autosaveDrafts config setting. (#6704)
  • It’s now possible to pass a CSS file URL to the {% css %} tag. (#6672)
  • It’s now possible to pass a JavaScript file URL to the {% js %} tag. (#6671)
  • The Project Config utility now shows a comparison of the pending project config YAML changes and the loaded project project config.
  • The Project Config utility now has a “Discard changes” button, which will regenerate the project config YAML files based on the loaded project config, discarding any pending changes in them.
  • The Project Config utility now has a “Download” button. (#3979)
  • Added the app/health-check action, which will return a 200 status code even if an update is pending.
  • Added the project-config/diff command, which outputs a comparison of the pending project config YAML changes and the loaded project config.
  • Added craft\controllers\ProjectConfigController::actionDiscard().
  • Added craft\controllers\ProjectConfigController::actionDownload().
  • Added craft\controllers\ProjectConfigController::actionRebuild().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::showLabel().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::diff().
  • Added craft\helpers\Template::css().
  • Added craft\helpers\Template::js().
  • Added craft\services\Content::$db. (#6549)
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::$db. (#6549)


  • All buttons in the control panel are now actual <button> elements. (#6670)
  • Title fields now get autofocused if they are positioned on the first tab. (#6662)
  • Element edit pages now remember the selected tab when switching to a different site/revision. (#4018, #4164)
  • Craft now shows an alert at the top of the control panel if there are pending changes in the project config YAML files, rather than blocking access to the entire control panel.
  • Craft no longer requires the installed Craft and plugin versions to be compatible with the versions listed in the project config YAML files, except when applying changes.
  • The install command no longer prompts for a username if the useEmailAsUsername config setting is enabled. (#6669)
  • Spaces in asset URLs are now URL-encoded, avoiding parsing conflicts with srcset attributes. (#6668)
  • graphql/api requests now set the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header on non-preflight requests. (#6674)
  • The _includes/forms/field.html template now supports an inputContainerAttributes variable, rather than inputAttributes, as inputAttributes was conflicting with variables of the same name in _includes/forms/text.html and _includes/forms/checkbox.html.
  • The _includes/forms/select.html template now supports an inputAttributes variable. (#6696)


  • Removed craft\controllers\ProjectConfigController::actionIgnore().
  • Removed craft\controllers\TemplatesController::actionConfigSyncKickoff().
  • Removed craft\controllers\TemplatesController::actionIncompatibleConfigAlert().
  • Removed craft\controllers\UtilitiesController::actionProjectConfigPerformAction().


  • Fixed a bug where nested block content wasn’t getting updated properly when editing an entry draft, if the draft had been created since the initial page load. (#6480)
  • Fixed a bug where entry revision menus could show site group headings even if the user didn’t have permission to edit any sites within that group. (#6615)
  • Fixed a bug where entry revision menus weren’t showing the list of sites, if the entry was disabled across all of its sites. (#6679)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to trigger the “Clear Caches” and “Invalidate Data Caches” actions of the Caches utility, even if no options were selected. (#6661)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to select parent entries that didn’t belong to the same site. (#6667)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when selecting a parent entry if it didn’t belong to the primary site. (#6667)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to apply transform arguments to the width and height fields on assets via GraphQL. (#6660)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Save and continue editing” Save button option wasn’t working within Quick Post widgets.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Select all” checkbox within admin tables wouldn’t select all rows. (#6678)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\i18n\Formatter::asDatetime() and asTime() were ignoring certain formatting characters that aren’t supported by ICU, if the format string began with php:. (#6691)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when downloading an asset. (#6692)
  • Fixed a bug where fields with hidden labels would refer to themselves as __blank__ in validation errors. (#6699)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pass lists to GraphQL directive arguments. (#6693)
  • Fixed a bug where asset indexing didn’t work properly if no files were found on the selected volumes. (#6658)
  • Fixed a bug where project config files could get deleted if the casing of a component’s handle was changed, on case-insensitive file systems. (#6708)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when applying project config changes from the Project Config utility, if the logged-in user wasn’t an admin.
  • Fixed a bug where changes to the dateModified project config value weren’t getting applied.
  • Fixed a bug where rebuilding the project config would pull in any pending changes in the YAML files unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Localizing relations” job wouldn’t run if a relational field’s “Manage relations on a per-site basis” setting was enabled via the project config. (#6711)
  • Fixed a bug where autosuggest menus weren’t getting closed when the input was blurred via the keyboard. (#6710)

3.5.5 - 2020-08-17****Added

  • Added the useIframeResizer config setting, which defaults to false. (#6645)
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getHasCheckeredThumb().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getHasRoundedThumb().


  • Email fields now set inputmode="email" on their input.
  • URL fields now set inputmode="url" on their input.
  • Number fields now set inputmode="numeric" or inputmode="decimal" on their input, depending on whether they allow decimals.
  • Tightened up the top control panel headers.
  • Element thumbnails no longer have checkered backgrounds, except for PNG, GIF, and SVG assets. (#6646)
  • User photos are now circular, except in thumbnail view. (#6646)
  • Setting the previewIframeResizerOptions config setting to false is no longer a way to disable iFrame Resizer, now that useIframeResizer exists. (#6645)
  • The _includes/forms/text.html control panel template now supports passing an inputmode variable.
  • craft\models\FieldLayout::setFields() now accepts null to clear the currently memoized fields.


  • Fixed a couple styling issues with element editor HUDs.
  • Fixed a bug where the quality setting was being ignored for image transforms that were not in either JPG or PNG format. (#6629)
  • Fixed a bug where mail wouldn’t send if the testToEmailAddress config setting was set to false.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur in Safari 12. (#6635)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Globals::getAllSets(), getEditableSets(), getSetById(), and getSetByHandle() could return global sets in the wrong site, if the current site had been changed since the first time the global sets had been memoized. (#6636)
  • Fixed the styling of some control panel field instructions. (#6640)
  • Fixed a bug where field instructions weren’t getting escaped. (#6642)
  • Fixed a bug where the initial site created by the installer was still getting saved with its base URL set to $DEFAULT_SITE_URL, despite the base URL provided to the installer getting stored as an environment variable named PRIMARY_SITE_URL. (#6650)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to add a new custom field to a field layout and set a value on an element for that field in the same request. (#6651)

3.5.4 - 2020-08-13****Added

  • It’s now possible to hide field labels from within field layout designers. (#6608)
  • Lightswitch fields now have an “ON Label” and “OFF Label” settings. (#3741)
  • Edit Category pages now support a Shift + Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut for saving the category and creating a new one.
  • Added the “Show field handles in edit forms” admin user preference. (#6610)
  • Added craft\fields\Lightswitch::$offLabel.
  • Added craft\fields\Lightswitch::$onLabel.
  • Added craft\services\AssetTransforms::$db. (#6549)


  • All admin-only user preferences are now grouped under a single “Development” heading.
  • Improved system performance.
  • Stack traces within exception views now show source Twig templates rather than the compiled PHP classes.
  • The “Enabled everywhere” entry status label has been renamed to “Enabled”. (#6623)
  • error is now a reserved handle. (#6626)
  • The _includes/forms/checkbox.html control panel template now supports an inputAttributes variable.
  • The _includes/forms/field.html control panel template now supports overriding the heading HTML via a heading block.
  • craft\helpers\Db::idByUid() now has a $db argument.
  • craft\helpers\Db::idsByUids() now has a $db argument.
  • craft\helpers\Db::uidById() now has a $db argument.
  • craft\helpers\Db::uidsByIds() now has a $db argument.
  • craft\models\FieldLayout::createForm() now supports passing a namespace key into the $config argument, to namespace the tab contents.


  • Fixed an infinite redirect that could occur if Craft was installed within a subdirectory of the webroot. (#6616)
  • Fixed a bug where all Title fields within Quick Post widgets had the same input ID.
  • Fixed a bug where Title fields weren’t showing change status badges when editing an entry draft.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when using the formatDateTime GraphQL directive on environments that didn’t have the Intl PHP extension installed. (#6614)
  • Fixed a bug where template profiling was interfering with Twig’s ability to guess offending template lines in error reports.
  • Fixed a bug where soft-deleted categories and entries within Structure sections had two “Delete permanently” actions. (#6619)
  • Fixed a bug where field handles were being displayed within element editor HUDs. (#6620)

3.5.3 - 2020-08-11****Added

  • Fields in the control panel now always display their handle without needing to press the Option/ALT key, when Dev Mode is enabled, and they will be copied to the clipboard when clicked on. (#6532)
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::prepareTransformArguments().
  • Added the _includes/forms/copytextbtn.html control panel template.


  • It’s now possible to change a revision’s creator and source via craft\services\Revisions::EVENT_BEFORE_CREATE_REVISION. (#6600)


  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to use the transform argument in some cases via the GraphQL API.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was routing requests based on the full requested URI rather than just the URI segments that came after index.php. (#6579)
  • Fixed a bug where data-target-prefix attributes that specified a class name were getting namespaced. (#6604)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Json::isJsonObject() was returning false if the JSON string spanned multiple lines. (#6607)
  • Fixed a bug where the limit param wasn’t working when applied to eager-loaded elements. (#6596)
  • Fixed an error that would occur if Craft tried to make a database backup in a VM with Windows as the host OS.

3.5.2 - 2020-08-09****Added

  • Added craft\db\Command::deleteDuplicates().
  • Added craft\db\Migration::deleteDuplicates().
  • Added craft\db\mysql\QueryBuilder::deleteDuplicates().
  • Added craft\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder::deleteDuplicates().


  • Live Preview now attempts to maintain the iframe scroll position between page reloads even if the previewIframeResizerOptions config setting is set to false. (#6569)
  • language and localized are now reserved field handles. (#6564)
  • craft\base\Element::__get() now prioritizes field handles over getter methods. (#6564)
  • Data caches stored in storage/runtime/cache/ now get a cache key prefix based on the application ID.
  • Craft now clears the schema cache before running each migration, in addition to after. (#6552)
  • Renamed craft\base\ElementTrait::$elementSiteId to $siteSettingsId. (verbb/navigation#179, verbb/wishlist#56)


  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when setting a relatedTo param to an array that began with 'and'. (#6573)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.5 if the migrations table contained duplicate migration rows. (#6580)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur during public registration. (#6499)

3.5.1 - 2020-08-05****Fixed

  • Fixed an error where it wasn’t possible to create a GraphQL schema that had write-only access to a Single entry. (#6554)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur with certain versions of PHP. (#6544)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.5. (#6464)
  • Fixed errors in fixtures that prevented them from being used in tests.

3.5.0 - 2020-08-04

{warning} Read through the Upgrading to Craft 3.5 guide before updating.


  • It’s now possible to customize the labels and author instructions for all fields (including Title fields), from within field layout designers. (#806, #841)
  • It’s now possible to set Title fields’ positions within field layout designers. (#3953)
  • It’s now possible to set field widths to 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% (including Matrix sub-fields), and fields will be positioned next to each other when there’s room. (#2644, #6346)
  • It’s now possible to add headings, tips, warnings, horizontal rules, and custom UI elements based on site templates, to field layouts. (#1103, #1138, #4738)
  • It’s now possible to search for fields from within field layout designers. (#913)
  • Added the “Header Column Heading” element index source setting. (#3814)
  • Added the “Formatting Locale” user preference. (#6363)
  • Added the “Use shapes to represent statuses” user preference. (#3293)
  • Added the “Underline links” user preference. (#6153)
  • Added the “Suspend by default” user registration setting. (#5830)
  • Added the ability to disable sites on the front end. (#3005)
  • Entries within Structure sections and categories now have a “Delete (with descendants)” element action.
  • Soft-deleted elements now have a “Delete permanently” element action. (#4420)
  • Entry types can now change the Title field’s translation method, similar to how custom fields’ translation methods. (#2856)
  • Entry draft forms no longer have a primary action, and the Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut now forces a resave of the draft, rather than publishing it. (#6199)
  • Edit Entry pages now support a Shift + Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut for saving the entry and creating a new one. (#2851)
  • Assets now have a “Copy URL” element action. (#2944)
  • Entry indexes can now show “Revision Notes” and “Last Edited By” columns. (#5907)
  • Sections now have a new Propagation Method option, which gives entries control over which sites they should be saved to. (#5988)
  • User groups can now have descriptions. (#4893)
  • It’s now possible to set a custom route that handles Set Password requests. (#5722)
  • Field labels now reveal their handles when the Option/ALT key is pressed. (#5833)
  • Added the Project Config utility, which can be used to perform project config actions, and view a dump of the stored project config. (#4371)
  • Added “GraphQL queries” and “Template caches” cache tag invalidation options to the Caches (formerly “Clear Caches”) utility. (#6279)
  • Added the allowedGraphqlOrigins config setting. (#5933)
  • Added the brokenImagePath config setting. (#5877)
  • Added the cpHeadTags config setting, making it possible to give the control panel a custom favicon. (#4003)
  • Added the defaultCpLocale config setting. (#6363)
  • Added the enableBasicHttpAuth config setting. (#6421)
  • Added the gqlTypePrefix config setting, making it possible to prefix all GraphQL types created by Craft. (#5950)
  • Added the imageEditorRatios config setting, making it possible to customize the list of available aspect ratios in the image editor. (#6201)
  • Added the previewIframeResizerOptions config setting. (#6388)
  • Added the siteToken config setting.
  • Added the install/check command. (#5810)
  • Added the invalidate-tags command. (#6279)
  • Added the plugin/install, plugin/uninstall, plugin/enable, and plugin/disable commands. (#5817)
  • {% cache %} tags and GraphQL queries now use a new tag-based cache invalidation strategy. (No more “Deleting stale template caches” background jobs clogging up the queue!) (#1507, #1689)
  • Added the {% html %} Twig tag, which makes it possible to register arbitrary HTML for inclusion in the <head>, beginning of <body>, or end of <body>. (#5955)
  • Added the |diff Twig filter.
  • Added the |explodeClass Twig filter, which converts class names into an array.
  • Added the |explodeStyle Twig filter, which converts CSS styles into an array of property/value pairs.
  • Added the |namespaceAttributes Twig filter, which namespaces id, for, and other attributes, but not name.
  • Added the |push Twig filter, which returns a new array with one or more items appended to it.
  • Added the |unshift Twig filter, which returns a new array with one or more items prepended to it.
  • Added the |where Twig filter.
  • Added the raw() Twig function, which wraps the given string in a Twig\Markup object to prevent it from getting HTML-encoded.
  • Added support for eager loading elements’ current revisions, via currentRevision.
  • Added support for eager loading drafts’ and revisions’ creators, via draftCreator and revisionCreator.
  • Added support for the CRAFT_CP PHP constant. (#5122)
  • Added support for GraphQL mutations. (#4835)
  • Added the drafts, draftOf, draftId, draftCreator, revisions, revisionOf, revisionId and revisionCreator arguments to element queries using GraphQL API. (#5580)
  • Added the isDraft, isRevision, sourceId, sourceUid, and isUnsavedDraft fields to elements when using GraphQL API. (#5580)
  • Added the assetCount, categoryCount, entryCount, tagCount, and userCount queries for fetching the element counts to the GraphQL API. (#4847)
  • Added the locale argument to the formatDateTime GraphQL directive. (#5593)
  • Added support for specifying a transform on assets’ width and height fields via GraphQL.
  • Added the hasPhoto user query param/GraphQL argument. (#6083)
  • Added the localized field when querying entries and categories via GraphQL. (#6045)
  • Added the language field when querying elements via GraphQL.
  • Added support for GraphQL query batching. (#5677)
  • The GraphiQL IDE now opens as a fullscreen app in a new window.
  • Added the “Prettify” and “History” buttons to the GraphiQL IDE.
  • Added the Explorer plugin to GraphiQL.
  • Added support for external subnav links in the global control panel nav.
  • Added the fieldLayoutDesigner() and fieldLayoutDesignerField() macros to the _includes/forms.html control panel template.
  • Added the _includes/forms/fieldLayoutDesigner.html control panel template.
  • Added the _layouts/components/form-action-menu.twig control panel template.
  • Added the parseRefs GraphQL directive. (#6200)
  • Added the prev and next fields for entries, categories and assets when querying elements via GraphQL. (#5571)
  • Added the “Replace file” permission. (#6336)
  • Web requests now support basic authentication. (#5303)
  • Added support for JavaScript events on admin tables. (#6063)
  • Added the ability to enable/disable checkboxes on a per row basis in admin tables. (#6223)
  • Added craft\base\ConfigurableComponent.
  • Added craft\base\ConfigurableComponentInterface.
  • Added craft\base\Element::defineFieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_KEYWORDS. (#6028)
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_REGISTER_FIELD_LAYOUTS.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_SET_EAGER_LOADED_ELEMENTS.
  • Added craft\base\Element::searchKeywords().
  • Added craft\base\ElementActionInterface::isDownload().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::fieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsTitleTranslatable().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getLanguage().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getLocalized().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getTitleTranslationDescription().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getTitleTranslationKey().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isAttributeDirty().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isFieldEmpty().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setDirtyAttributes().
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$elementSiteId.
  • Added craft\base\Field::EVENT_DEFINE_INPUT_HTML. (#5867)
  • Added craft\base\Field::EVENT_DEFINE_KEYWORDS. (#6028)
  • Added craft\base\Field::inputHtml().
  • Added craft\base\Field::searchKeywords().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getContentGqlQueryArgumentType().
  • Added craft\base\FieldLayoutElement.
  • Added craft\base\FieldLayoutElementInterface.
  • Added craft\base\Model::EVENT_DEFINE_EXTRA_FIELDS.
  • Added craft\base\Model::EVENT_DEFINE_FIELDS.
  • Added craft\base\VolumeInterface::getFieldLayout().
  • Added craft\behaviors\BaseRevisionBehavior.
  • Added craft\config\GeneralConfig::getTestToEmailAddress().
  • Added craft\console\actions\InvalidateTagAction.
  • Added craft\console\controllers\InvalidateTagsController.
  • Added craft\console\controllers\MailerController::$to.
  • Added craft\console\controllers\MigrateController::EVENT_REGISTER_MIGRATOR.
  • Added craft\controllers\AppController::actionBrokenImage().
  • Added craft\controllers\BaseEntriesController::enforceSitePermissions().
  • Added craft\controllers\FieldsController::actionRenderLayoutElementSelector().
  • Added craft\controllers\UtilitiesController::actionInvalidateTags().
  • Added craft\controllers\UtilitiesController::actionProjectConfigPerformAction().
  • Added craft\db\MigrationManager::TRACK_CONTENT.
  • Added craft\db\MigrationManager::TRACK_CRAFT.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\CopyUrl.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\Delete::$hard.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\Delete::$withDescendants.
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::defineFieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getSrcset(). (#5774)
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getVolumeId().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::setVolumeId().
  • Added craft\elements\Category::defineFieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\elements\Category::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\Category::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Added craft\elements\db\AssetQuery::cacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\db\CategoryQuery::cacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\db\EagerLoadPlan.
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::cacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\db\EntryQuery::cacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\db\MatrixBlockQuery::cacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\db\TagQuery::cacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\db\UserQuery::$hasPhoto.
  • Added craft\elements\db\UserQuery::hasPhoto().
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::defineFieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Added craft\elements\GlobalSet::getConfig().
  • Added craft\elements\GlobalSet::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Added craft\elements\MatrixBlock::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\Tag::getCacheTags().
  • Added craft\elements\Tag::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Added craft\elements\User::getPreferredLocale().
  • Added craft\events\DefineAttributeKeywordsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineFieldHtmlEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineFieldKeywordsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineFieldLayoutElementsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineFieldLayoutFieldEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineFieldsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\EagerLoadElementsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\MutationPopulateElementEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterElementFieldLayoutsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlEagerLoadableFields.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlMutationsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlSchemaComponentsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterMigratorEvent.
  • Added craft\events\SetEagerLoadedElementsEvent.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseUiElement.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\EntryTitleField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\Heading.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\HorizontalRule.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\StandardField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\StandardTextField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\Template.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\Tip.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\TitleField.
  • Added craft\fields\BaseOptionsField::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\BaseRelationField::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\Date::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\Lightswitch::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\Lightswitch::getContentGqlQueryArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\Number::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\fields\Table::getContentGqlMutationArgumentType().
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\mutations\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\mutations\Draft.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\mutations\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\mutations\Structure.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ElementMutationArguments.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ElementMutationResolver.
  • Added craft\gql\base\InterfaceType::resolveElementTypeName().
  • Added craft\gql\base\MutationArguments.
  • Added craft\gql\base\MutationResolver.
  • Added craft\gql\base\SingleGeneratorInterface.
  • Added craft\gql\base\StructureMutationTrait.
  • Added craft\gql\ElementQueryConditionBuilder.
  • Added craft\gql\GqlEntityRegistry::prefixTypeName().
  • Added craft\gql\Mutation.
  • Added craft\gql\mutations\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\mutations\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\mutations\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\mutations\Ping.
  • Added craft\gql\mutations\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\mutations\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\mutations\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\mutations\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\mutations\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\mutations\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\File.
  • Added craft\gql\types\input\Matrix.
  • Added craft\gql\types\Mutation.
  • Added craft\gql\types\TableRow::prepareRowFieldDefinition().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::dbMutexConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::isNumeric().
  • Added craft\helpers\Assets::parseSrcsetSize().
  • Added craft\helpers\Component::iconSvg().
  • Added craft\helpers\Console::ensureProjectConfigFileExists().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::batchInsert().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::delete().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::insert().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::replace().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::update().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::upsert().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::generateSlug().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::normalizeSlug().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::translationDescription().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::translationKey().
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::addFilesToZip().
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::zip().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canMutateAssets().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canMutateCategories().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canMutateEntries().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canMutateGlobalSets().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::canMutateTags().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::extractEntityAllowedActions().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::explodeClass().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::explodeStyle().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::id().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::namespaceAttributes().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::namespaceHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::namespaceId().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::namespaceInputName().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::namespaceInputs().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::sanitizeSvg().
  • Added craft\helpers\Json::isJsonObject().
  • Added craft\helpers\MailerHelper::normalizeEmails().
  • Added craft\helpers\MailerHelper::settingsReport().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::ensureAllGqlSchemasProcessed().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::splitConfigIntoComponents().
  • Added craft\helpers\Queue.
  • Added craft\models\CategoryGroup::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\EntryType::$sortOrder.
  • Added craft\models\EntryType::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\FieldGroup::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::createForm().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::EVENT_DEFINE_STANDARD_FIELDS.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::EVENT_DEFINE_UI_ELEMENTS. (#6360)
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getAvailableCustomFields().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getAvailableStandardFields().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getAvailableUiElements().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getField().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::isFieldIncluded().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutForm.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutFormTab.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutTab::$elements.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutTab::createFromConfig().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutTab::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutTab::getElementConfigs().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutTab::updateConfig().
  • Added craft\models\GqlSchema::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\GqlToken::setSchema().
  • Added craft\models\MatrixBlockType::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\Section::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\Section::PROPAGATION_METHOD_CUSTOM.
  • Added craft\models\Site::$enabled.
  • Added craft\models\Site::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\SiteGroup::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\TagGroup::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\UserGroup::getConfig().
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\PruneRevisions.
  • Added craft\services\AssetTransforms::extendTransform(). (#5853)
  • Added craft\services\Composer::handleError().
  • Added craft\services\Composer::run().
  • Added craft\services\ElementIndexes::getFieldLayoutsForSource().
  • Added craft\services\ElementIndexes::getSourceSortOptions().
  • Added craft\services\ElementIndexes::getSourceTableAttributes().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::collectCacheTags().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::createEagerLoadingPlans().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::createElementQuery().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_BEFORE_EAGER_LOAD_ELEMENTS.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::getIsCollectingCacheTags().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::invalidateAllCaches().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::invalidateCachesForElement().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::invalidateCachesForElementType().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::startCollectingCacheTags().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::stopCollectingCacheTags().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::createLayoutElement().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::getLayoutsByType().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::CONFIG_GQL_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::CONFIG_GQL_PUBLIC_TOKEN_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getAllSchemaComponents().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getPublicToken().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::handleChangedPublicToken().
  • Added craft\services\Images::getSupportsWebP(). (#5853)
  • Added craft\services\Path::getProjectConfigPath().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::$folderName. (#5982)
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::FILE_ISSUES_CACHE_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::getHadFileWriteIssues().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::IGNORE_CACHE_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::ignorePendingChanges().
  • Added craft\services\Users::CONFIG_USERS_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\Volumes::createVolumeConfig().
  • Added craft\test\mockclasses\elements\MockElementQuery.
  • Added craft\utilities\ClearCaches::EVENT_REGISTER_TAG_OPTIONS.
  • Added craft\utilities\ClearCaches::tagOptions().
  • Added craft\utilities\ProjectConfig.
  • Added craft\web\Application::authenticate().
  • Added craft\web\AssetBundle\ContentWindowAsset.
  • Added craft\web\AssetBundle\IframeResizerAsset.
  • Added craft\web\Controller::setFailFlash().
  • Added craft\web\Controller::setSuccessFlash().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getAcceptsImage().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getFullUri().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getIsGraphql().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getIsJson().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getMimeType().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getRawCookies().
  • Added craft\web\Request::loadRawCookies().
  • Added craft\web\Response::getRawCookies().
  • Added craft\web\Response::setNoCacheHeaders().
  • craft\web\View::evaluateDynamicContent() can no longer be called by default. (#6185)
  • Added the _includes/forms/password.html control panel template.
  • Added the _includes/forms/copytext.html control panel template.
  • Added the copytext and copytextField macros to the _includes/forms.html control panel template.
  • Added the Craft.Listbox JavaScript class.
  • Added the Craft.SlidePicker JavaScript class.
  • Added the Craft.removeLocalStorage(), getCookie(), setCookie(), and removeCookie() JavaScript methods.
  • Added the Craft.submitForm() JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.cp.getSiteId() and setSiteId() JavaScript methods.
  • Added the Craft.ui.createCopyTextInput(), createCopyTextField(), and createCopyTextPrompt() JavaScript methods.
  • Added the iFrame Resizer library.


  • Craft now stores project config files in a new config/project/ folder, regardless of whether the (deprecated) useProjectConfigFile config setting is enabled, and syncing new project config file changes is now optional.
  • The public GraphQL schema’s access settings are now stored in the project config. (#6078)
  • Built-in system components now consistently store their settings in the project config with the expected value types. (#4424)
  • The account menu in the control panel header now includes identity info. (#6460)
  • User registration forms in the control panel now give users the option to send an activation email, even if email verification isn’t required. (#5836)
  • Activation emails are now sent automatically on public registration if the deferPublicRegistrationPassword config setting is enabled, even if email verification isn’t required. (#5836)
  • Craft now remembers the selected site across global sets and element indexes. (#2779)
  • The available table columns and sort options within element indexes now only list custom fields that are present in field layouts for the selected element source. (#4314, #4802)
  • The default account activation and password reset emails now reference the system name rather than the current site name. (#6089)
  • Craft will now regenerate missing transforms on local volumes. (#5956)
  • Asset, category, entry, and user edit pages now retain their scroll position when the Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut is used. (#6513)
  • Preview frames now maintain their scroll position across refreshes, even for cross-origin preview targets.
  • Preview targets that aren’t directly rendered by Craft must now include lib/iframe-resizer-cw/iframeResizer.contentWindow.js in order to maintain scroll position across refreshes.
  • The preview frame header no longer hides the top 54px of the preview frame when it’s scrolled all the way to the top. (#5547)
  • Element editor HUDs now warn before switching to another site, if there are any unsaved content changes. (#2512)
  • Improved the styling of password inputs in the control panel.
  • Improved the UI for copying user activation URLs, asset reference tags, and GraphQL tokens’ authentication headers.
  • Improved the wording of the meta info displayed in entry revision menus. (#5889)
  • Plain Text fields now have a “UI Mode” setting.
  • Plain Text fields are now sortable in the control panel. (#5819)
  • Relational fields now have a “Show the site menu” setting. (#5864)
  • Date/Time fields now have “Min Date” and “Max Date” settings. (#6241)
  • When creating a new field, the “Use this field’s values as search keywords?” setting is now disabled by default. (#6390)
  • Sections’ “Entry URI Format” settings now have placeholder text indicating that the the input should be left blank if entries don’t have URLs. (#6527)
  • Quick Post widgets now have a “Site” setting. (#5253)
  • Craft now supports running migrations for custom migration tracks. (#6172)
  • Extra entry revisions (per the maxRevisions config setting) are now pruned via a background job. (#5902)
  • Database backups created by the Database Backup utility are now saved as zip files. (#5822)
  • It’s now possible to specify aliases when eager loading elements via the with param. (#5793)
  • It’s now possible to use aliases when eager loading elements via GraphQL. (#5481)
  • It’s now possible to eager-load elements’ ancestors and parents. (#1382)
  • The cpTrigger config setting can now be set to null. (#5122)
  • The pathParam config setting can now be set to null. (#5676)
  • If the baseCpUrl config setting is set, Craft will no longer treat any other base URLs as control panel requests, even if they contain the correct trigger segment. (#5860)
  • The backup command now has an --overwrite flag that can be passed to overwrite existing backup files for non-interactive shells.
  • The backup command now has a --zip flag that can be passed to store the backup as a zip file. (#6335)
  • The mailer/test command now only supports testing the current email settings.
  • The project-config/sync command has been renamed to project-config/apply.
  • migrate commands now have a --track option, which can be set to craft, content, or a custom migration track name.
  • Reference tags can now provide a fallback value to be used if the reference can’t be resolved. (#5589)
  • Front-end asset forms can now set a hashed assetVariable param, to customize the name of the variable that the asset should be passed back to the template as, if it contains any validation errors. (#6240)
  • Front-end category forms can now set a hashed categoryVariable param, to customize the name of the variable that the category should be passed back to the template as, if it contains any validation errors. (#6240)
  • Front-end entry forms can now set a hashed entryVariable param, to customize the name of the variable that the entry should be passed back to the template as, if it contains any validation errors. (#6240)
  • Front-end user forms can now set a hashed userVariable param, to customize the name of the variable that the user should be passed back to the template as, if it contains any validation errors. (#6240)
  • It’s no longer necessary to append the |raw filter after the |namespace filter.
  • The |namespace Twig filter now namespaces ID selectors within <style> tags. (#5921)
  • The |namespace Twig filter now has a withClasses argument, which if set to true causes class attributes and class name CSS selectors within <style> tags to be namespaced. (#5921)
  • The {% namespace %} Twig tag can now have a withClasses flag, which causes class attributes and class name CSS selectors within <style> tags to be namespaced. (#5921)
  • Element queries’ siteId params can now be set to an array that begins with 'not' to exclude specific site IDs.
  • The withTransforms asset query param can now include srcset-style sizes (e.g. 100w or 2x), following a normal transform definition.
  • The QueryArgument GraphQL type now also allows boolean values.
  • Improved eager loading support when querying for image transforms via GraphQL.
  • Users’ photos are now eager-loaded when queried via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to register template roots without a template prefix. (#6015)
  • It’s now possible to register multiple directories per template root. (#6015)
  • It’s now possible to pass type, status, title, slug, postDate, expiryDate, and custom field query string params to the new entry URL, to set the default entry values (e.g. /admin/entries/locations/new?phone=555-0123).
  • Lightswitch inputs can now have labels, like checkboxes.
  • Clicking on a Lightswitch field’s label will now set focus to the lightswitch.
  • Improved the focus styling for relational fields. (#6002)
  • Matrix blocks’ action menus now include “Move up” and “Move down” options. (#1035)
  • Improved support for eager loading elements across multiple sites at once.
  • All built-in success/fail flash messages are now customizable by passing a hashed successMessage/failMessage param with the request. (#6192)
  • “Resaving elements” jobs no longer ignore the offset, limit, and orderBy params specified by the criteria.
  • Craft now uses yii\mutex\MysqlMutex or yii\mutex\PgsqlMutex for mutex locking by default.
  • Database backups are now named in the format system-name--YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS--vX.Y.Z.sql. (#6231)
  • The app/migrate action no longer applies project config file changes by default, unless ?applyProjectConfigChanges=1 is passed.
  • The graphql/api and live-preview/preview actions no longer add CORS headers that were already set on the response. (#6355)
  • craft\base\ConfigurableComponent::getSettings() now converts DateTime attributes returned from datetimeAttributes() into ISO-8601 strings.
  • craft\base\Element::getRoute() now returns the route defined by craft\events\SetElementRouteEvent::$route even if it’s null, as long as SetElementRouteEvent::$handled is set to true.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::sortOptions() now allows the returned orderBy key to be set to an array of column names.
  • craft\base\SavableComponent::isSelectable() has been moved into the base component class, craft\base\Component.
  • craft\base\SavableComponentInterface::isSelectable() has been moved into the base component interface, craft\base\ComponentInterface.
  • craft\base\SortableFieldInterface::getSortOption() now allows the returned orderBy key to be set to an array of column names.
  • craft\behaviors\SessionBehavior::setNotice() and setError() now store flash messages using cp-notice and cp-error keys when called from control panel requests. (#5704)
  • craft\db\ActiveRecord now unsets any empty primary key values when saving new records, to avoid a SQL error on PostgreSQL. (#5814)
  • craft\elements\Asset::getImg() now has a $sizes argument. (#5774)
  • craft\elements\Asset::getUrl() now supports including a transform key in the $transform argument array, which specifies a base transform. (#5853)
  • craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$enabledForSite is now set to false by default, leaving it up to elements’ status conditions to factor in the site-specific element statuses. (#6273)
  • craft\helpers\Component::createComponent() now creates component objects via Craft::createObject(). (#6097)
  • craft\helpers\ElementHelper::supportedSitesForElement() now has a $withUnpropagatedSites argument.
  • craft\helpers\StringHelper::randomString() no longer includes capital letters or numbers by default.
  • craft\i18n\Formatter::asTimestamp() now has a $withPreposition argument.
  • craft\services\ElementIndexes::getAvailableTableAttributes() no longer has an $includeFields argument.
  • craft\services\Fields::getFieldByHandle() now has an optional $context argument.
  • craft\services\Gql::setCachedResult() now has a $dependency argument.
  • craft\services\Gql now fires a registerGqlMutations event that allows for plugins to register their own GraphQL mutations.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::areChangesPending() now has a $force argument.
  • craft\services\Sites::getAllSiteIds(), getSiteByUid(), getAllSites(), getSitesByGroupId(), getSiteById(), and getSiteByHandle() now have $withDisabled arguments.
  • craft\services\TemplateCaches::startTemplateCache() no longer has a $key argument.
  • craft\web\Controller::requireAcceptsJson() no longer throws an exception for preflight requests.
  • Improved data/aria tag normalization via craft\helpers\Html::parseTagAttributes() and normalizeTagAttributes().
  • Control panel form input macros and templates that accept a class variable can now pass it as an array of class names.
  • Radio groups in the control panel can now toggle other UI elements, like select inputs.
  • Control panel templates can now set a formActions variable, which registers alternative Save menu actions, optionally with associated keyboard shortcuts.
  • Control panel templates that support the Ctrl/Command + S keyboard shortcut can now have the browser retain its scroll position on the next page load by setting retainScrollPosOnSaveShortcut = true, or including retainScroll: true in a formActions object. (#6513)
  • The _layouts/base template now supports a bodyAttributes variable.
  • Control panel settings pages registered via craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::EVENT_REGISTER_CP_SETTINGS can now specify their icon path with an iconMask key, which will have it filled in with the same color as Craft’s built-in settings icons.
  • The Craft.cp.submitPrimaryForm() method now accepts an options argument for customizing the form submit.
  • New installs now set the primary site’s base URL to a PRIMARY_SITE_URL environment variable, rather than DEFAULT_SITE_URL.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.36.
  • Updated Composer to 1.10.10. (#5925)
  • Updated PrismJS to 1.20.0.
  • Updated voku/stringy to ^6.2.2. (#5989)


  • Deprecated the project-config/sync command. project-config/apply should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the useCompressedJs config setting.
  • Deprecated the useProjectConfigFile config setting.
  • Deprecated the install/plugin command. plugin/install should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the |filterByValue Twig filter. |where should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the |ucwords Twig filter. |title should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the class argument of the svg() Twig function. The |attr filter should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the --type option on migrate commands. --track or --plugin should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\db\Table::TEMPLATECACHEELEMENTS.
  • Deprecated craft\db\Table::TEMPLATECACHEQUERIES.
  • Deprecated craft\db\Table::TEMPLATECACHES.
  • Deprecated craft\elements\actions\DeepDuplicate.
  • Deprecated craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$enabledForSite.
  • Deprecated craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::enabledForSite().
  • Deprecated craft\events\RegisterGqlPermissionsEvent. craft\events\RegisterGqlSchemaComponentsEvent should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\gql\base\Resolver::extractEagerLoadCondition(). ElementQueryConditionBuilder should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\App::mutexConfig().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\ElementHelper::createSlug(). normalizeSlug() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\Stringy.
  • Deprecated craft\queue\jobs\DeleteStaleTemplateCaches.
  • Deprecated craft\services\ElementIndexes::getAvailableTableFields(). getSourceTableAttributes() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Fields::assembleLayout().
  • Deprecated craft\services\Gql::getAllPermissions(). craft\services\Gql::getAllSchemaComponents() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_ALL_KEY.
  • Deprecated craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_KEY.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteAllCaches(). craft\services\Elements::invalidateAllCaches() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCacheById().
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCachesByElement(). craft\services\Elements::invalidateCachesForElement() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCachesByElementId(). craft\services\Elements::invalidateCachesForElement() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCachesByElementQuery(). craft\services\Elements::invalidateCachesForElementType() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCachesByElementType(). craft\services\Elements::invalidateCachesForElementType() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteCachesByKey().
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteExpiredCaches().
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::deleteExpiredCachesIfOverdue().
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_CACHES.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_CACHES.
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::handleResponse().
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::includeElementInTemplateCaches().
  • Deprecated craft\services\TemplateCaches::includeElementQueryInTemplateCaches().
  • Deprecated craft\web\AssetBundle::dotJs().
  • Deprecated craft\web\AssetBundle::useCompressedJs().
  • Deprecated craft\web\User::destroyDebugPreferencesInSession().
  • Deprecated craft\web\User::saveDebugPreferencesToSession().
  • Deprecated craft\web\View::formatInputId(). craft\helpers\Html::namespaceHtml() should be used instead.


  • Removed the “Template caches” option from the Clear Caches tool and clear-caches command.
  • Removed the Interactive Shell Extension for Yii 2, as it’s now a dev dependency of the craftcms/craft project instead. (#5783)
  • Removed support for the import directive in project config files.
  • Removed the cacheElementQueries config setting.
  • Removed the entries/_fields.html control panel template.
  • Removed the entries/_titlefield.html control panel template.
  • Removed craft\controllers\UtilitiesController::actionDbBackupPerformAction().
  • Removed craft\db\MigrationManager::TYPE_APP.
  • Removed craft\db\MigrationManager::TYPE_CONTENT.
  • Removed craft\db\MigrationManager::TYPE_PLUGIN.
  • Removed craft\models\EntryType::$titleLabel.
  • Removed craft\models\Info::$configMap.
  • Removed craft\records\Migration.
  • Removed craft\records\Plugin::getMigrations().


  • Fixed a bug where the mailer/test command wasn’t factoring in custom mailer configurations in its settings report. (#5763)
  • Fixed a bug where some characters were getting double-encoded in Assets fields’ “Default Upload Location”/“Upload Location” setting. (#5885)
  • Fixed a bug where the svg() Twig function wasn’t namespacing ID and class name CSS selectors that didn’t have any matching id/class attribute values. (#5922)
  • Fixed a bug where users/set-password and users/verify-email requests weren’t responding with JSON when requested, if an invalid verification code was passed. (#5210)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to filter elements using a Lightswitch field via GraphQL. (#5930)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving template caches. (#2674)
  • When previewing an image asset on a non-public volume, the image is no longer published to the cpresources folder. (#6093
  • Fixed a bug where Entry Edit pages would start showing a tab bar after switching entry types, even if the new entry type only had one content tab.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when applying project config changes due to unique constraints. (#5946)
  • Fixed a bug where element actions weren’t always getting configured properly if an element type defined multiple actions of the same type.
  • Fixed a browser console warning about not loading. (#6506)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating to Craft 3 from Craft 2.6.2984 or later, if there were multiple routes with the same URI pattern.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was exiting with a 200 status code if the license.key file didn’t contain a valid license key, and wasn’t writable. (#6475)
  • Fixed a PHP error that would occur when calling craft\web\User::guestRequired() if a user was logged in. (#6497)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if a user photo was deleted and replaced in the same request. (#6491)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\Request::getFullPath() wasn’t including any URI segments defined by the site’s base URL. (#6546)


  • The _includes/forms/checkbox.html, checkboxGroup.html, and checkboxSelect.html control panel templates now HTML-encode checkbox labels by default, preventing possible XSS vulnerabilities. If HTML code was desired, it must be passed through the new raw() function first.
  • craft\web\View::evaluateDynamicContent() can no longer be called by default. (#6185)

3.4.30 - 2020-07-28****Changed

  • Improved support for nesting Matrix fields within other fields.


  • Fixed a bug where assets uploaded by front-end entry forms weren’t getting saved with the uploaderId attribute. (#6456)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks weren’t always propagating to newly-enabled sites right away. - 2020-07-22****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the entries/save-entry action wasn’t working for updating existing entries on front-end forms. (#6430)

3.4.29 - 2020-07-21****Added

  • Added craft\errors\ElementException.
  • Added craft\errors\UnsupportedSiteException.
  • Added craft\services\Path::getTestsPath().


  • craft\services\Elements methods now throw craft\errors\UnsupportedSiteException errors when attempting to perform an element operation for an unsupported site.


  • Fixed a bug where entry data could get corrupted when a newly-created draft was autosaved. (#6344)
  • Fixed a PHP error that would occur when using the craft fixture console command. (#6331)
  • Fixed a bug where requesting an asset transform via GraphQL API would ignore the transformGifs config setting. (#6407)
  • Fixed a bug where “Applying new propagation method to Matrix blocks” jobs could fail if a Matrix block existed for a site that its owner didn’t support. - 2020-07-16****Fixed

  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when attempting to create a volume folder that already exists.

3.4.28 - 2020-07-16****Added

  • Added the inlineOnly argument to the markdown GraphQL directive, which can be used to specify that only inline element markdown should be processed. (#6353)
  • Added craft\services\AssetIndexer::deleteStaleIndexingData().


  • Craft no longer throws an exception when attempting to create a volume folder that already exists. (#6394)
  • Improved error handling when asset transform generation fails. (#6357)


  • Fixed compatibility with MySQL 8.0.21. (#6379)
  • Fixed an error that would occur when backing up a MySQL 5 database using mysqldump v8. (#6368)
  • Fixed a bug where rebuilding the project config without an existing project.yaml file could result in data loss. (#6350)
  • Fixed a bug where eager loading relations across multiple sites wasn’t working. (#6366)
  • Fixed a bug where it was not always possible to use the relatedToAll argument with GraphQL queries. (#6343)
  • Fixed a bug where orphan rows could be left in the elements table after deleting an asset folder. (#6326)
  • Fixed a bug where the asset indexer would wasn’t skipping files with disallowed file extensions.
  • Fixed a bug where the asset indexer wasn’t handling missing volume folders properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the asset indexer wasn’t cleaning up after itself.
  • Fixed a bug where the Asset Indexes utility could display a “Delete them” button even if there were no files or folders to delete.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Drafts” status option wasn’t showing up on the Entries index page, if unsaved entry drafts only existed in a non-primary site. (#6370)
  • Fixed a bug where Live Preview wouldn’t open after it had been previously closed, if the active target was configured with refresh: false. (#6356)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to change a disabled plugin’s license key. (#4525)
  • Fixed a bug where all Title fields within Quick Post widgets had the same input ID.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\FileHelper::getMimeType() could return the wrong MIME type for SVG files. (#6351)
  • Fixed a bug where the setup/db-creds command was ignoring the port option. (#6339)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to install a plugin via the install/plugin command when the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#6329)
  • Fixed a bug where site-specific tests were not able to properly use craft\test\fixtures\elements\AssetFixture. (#6309)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when using craft\test\TestMailer in some scenarios. (#6259)

3.4.27 - 2020-07-03****Changed

  • Improved the performance of structured element index views.


  • Fixed a bug where Structure section entries would get repositioned after a revision was reverted. (#6313)
  • Fixed an unexpected PHP error that could occur if craft\helpers\FileHelper::writeToFile() was unable to acquire a lock. (#6315)
  • Fixed a bug where eager loading from GraphQL could break if using named fragments inside matrix fields. (#6294)
  • Fixed a bug where associative array values within the project config could get duplicated. (#6317)

3.4.26 - 2020-07-01****Added

  • Added the utils/repair/project-config command, which repairs double-packed associative arrays in the project config. (#5533)


  • The graphql/api action now checks for the access token in all Authorization headers, as well as all comma-separated values in each individual Authorization header.
  • The users/set-password and users/save-user actions now include a csrfTokenValue key in their JSON responses for Ajax requests, if the user was logged in during the request. (#6283)
  • Improved performance when handling asset uploads that conflict with an existing file. (#6253)
  • craft\elements\User::getCpEditUrl() no longer returns myaccount for the currently logged-in user when the method is called from the front end. (#6275)
  • craft\elements\Asset::getUrl() now has a $generateNow argument. (#2103)


  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when clicking the “Export…” button, on a view that had no bulk actions. (#6183)
  • Fixed a bug where custom field values could be autosaved incorrectly. (#6258)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when saving a GraphQL schema, if there were any validation errors.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft’s TestMailer class was not available for tests under some cicrumstances. (#6263)
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the info icons on the Clear Caches utility would toggle their checkbox’s state.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks could be duplicated after a new site was added, when they should have been propagated from a preexisting site instead. (#6244)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to revoke all permissions from a user. (#6292)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t saving new search indexes after a new site was added to a section. (#6296)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for associative arrays in the project config to get double-packed, resulting in nested __assoc__ keys. (#5533)
  • Fixed a bug where index-assets commands would error out if a file was moved/deleted within the volume after the index process had started. (#6291)

3.4.25 - 2020-06-23****Added

  • Added the setup/app-id command. (#6249)
  • Added craft\db\PrimaryReplicaTrait, which adds primary/replica properties and methods to craft\db\Connection, as alternatives to master/slave. (yiisoft/yii2#18102)


  • Element query title params are now case-insensitive.
  • craft\helpers\Db::escapeParam() now escapes operators.
  • The templatecacheelements table now has a primary key on new installs. (#6246)


  • Fixed a bug where new user groups weren’t getting set on user accounts in time for activation email templates to reference them. (#6225)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when adding multiple tags that began with the word “not”.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to create two tags with the same title, but different casing. (#6229)
  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/all command would create a migrations/ folder for no good reason. (#6220)
  • Fixed an error that could occur during installation, if an old database schema data was cached.
  • Fixed a bug where transform aspect ratios could be ignored. (#6084)
  • Fixed a bug where no sections or category groups were considered “editable”, and no volumes were considered “viewable” for console requests. (#6237)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing the project config, if a Single entry didn’t validate due to a duplicate URI. (#4369)
  • Fixed a bug where a “Couldn’t change Craft CMS edition” notice would be displayed after successfully switching the Craft edition.
  • Fixed a bug where Structure section entries would get repositioned after their draft was published. (#6250)

3.4.24 - 2020-06-16****Added

  • Added the utils/repair/section-structure and utils/repair/category-group-structure commands, which can be used to repair structure data, or apply a new Max Levels setting to existing elements.
  • Added craft\console\controllers\utils\RepairController.
  • Added craft\controllers\DashboardController::actionCacheFeedData().
  • Added craft\fields\BaseOptionsField::options().


  • graphql/api preflight requests now include X-Craft-Token in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers response header. (#6207)
  • craft\services\Elements::duplicateElements() no longer attempts to insert duplicated elements into the source element’s structure, if the duplicated element doesn’t have a structureId. (#6205)


  • Deprecated support for passing a userRegisteredNotice param to users/save-user actions. A hashed successMessage param should be passed instead. (#6192)
  • Deprecated craft\controllers\DashboardController::actionGetFeedItems().
  • Deprecated craft\fields\BaseOptionsField::optionLabel().
  • Deprecated craft\services\Feeds.


  • Fixed a bug where new entries that were saved with a disabled parent entry wouldn’t get added to the structure, resulting in a 404 error when accessing their edit page. (#6204)
  • Fixed a bug where the system could become unresponsive while loading feed data, if the feed’s server was unresponsive.
  • Fixed a styling issue with the query dropdown menu in the GraphiQL client. (#6215)
  • Fixed a bug where “Deselect All” buttons in user permission lists could enable group-defined permission. (#6211)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when replacing an asset that conflicted with an existing file that was missing from the index. (#6216)


  • Fixed potential XSS vulnerabilities.

3.4.23 - 2020-06-09****Added

  • Added Craft.DraftEditor::pause() and resume(), which should be called on the window.draftEditor instance (if it exists) before and after making DOM changes that don’t happen immediately (e.g. after an animation has completed). (#6154)


  • Improved the styling of Live Preview.
  • Local volumes now respect the defaultFileMode and defaultDirMod config settings. (#4251)
  • Craft no longer logs unnecessary warnings when loading remote images’ thumbnails. (#6166)
  • Matrix fields no longer create default blocks if the field has any validation errors. (#6173)
  • The setup command and web-based installer now set DB_DRIVER, DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, and DB_DATABASE environment variables, if a DB_DSN environment variable isn’t already defined. (#6159)


  • Fixed a race condition that could result in lost Matrix content when a new Matrix block was added from Live Preview, under very specific conditions. (#6154)
  • Fixed a bug where the built-in GraphQL client would not work on some environments.
  • Fixed a bug where newly-added entries and entry drafts wouldn’t remember their new parent entry selection when published. (#6168)
  • Fixed a bug where switching the site within an element selection modal would affect which site is shown by default on element index pages. (#6174)
  • Fixed a bug where setup and clear-caches commands weren’t respecting the --color option. (#6178)
  • Fixed a bug where an exception message would be shown instead of the web-based installer on Craft Nitro.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when uploading an asset that conflicted with an existing file that was missing from the index. (#6193)


  • Fixed a server path disclosure bug in the control panel. - 2020-05-30****Added

  • Added craft\image\SvgAllowedAttributes.


  • SVG sanitization now allows the filterUnits attribute.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when rendering field type settings, if the field’s getSettingsHtml() method was expecting to be called from a Twig template.

3.4.22 - 2020-05-29****Added

  • Added craft\controllers\FieldsController::actionRenderSettings().
  • Added craft\web\assets\fieldsettings\FieldSettingsAsset.


  • Field settings are now lazy-loaded when the Field Type selection changes, improving the up-front load time of Edit Field pages. (#5792)
  • The URL of the conflicting asset is now returned when uploading a file via the assets/upload action. (#6158)
  • Craft no longer minifies JavaScript and CSS by default. (#5792)


  • Deprecated craft\web\assets\positionselect\PositionSelectAsset.


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when editing a non-image asset. (#6162)
  • Fixed a bug where asset thumbnails could never load from Live Preview.

3.4.21 - 2020-05-28****Added

  • Table fields and other editable tables now support pasting in tabular data. (#1207)
  • Added the “Allow self relations” advanced setting to relational fields. (#6113)
  • Added craft\helpers\Assets::scaledDimensions().
  • Added craft\services\Structures::MODE_AUTO.
  • Added craft\services\Structures::MODE_INSERT.
  • Added craft\services\Structures::MODE_UPDATE.


  • Thumbnails now use the same aspect ratio as the source image. (#5518, #5515)
  • Thumbnails now get a checkered background to reveal image transparency. (#6151)
  • Thumbnails in the control panel now only load once they are in view, or close to it. (#6104)
  • Modal backdrops no longer blur the page content. (#5651)
  • Date + time inputs now have a close button when they have a value. (#6124)
  • The suggested filename is now returned when uploading a file via the assets/upload action. (#6099)
  • Table fields now support setting cell values by column handle, rather than just by column ID. (#6119)
  • craft\services\Structures::append() now allows an integer to be passed to its $parentElement argument.
  • craft\services\Structures::moveAfter() now allows an integer to be passed to its $prevElement argument.
  • craft\services\Structures::moveBefore() now allows an integer to be passed to its $nextElement argument.
  • craft\services\Structures::prepend() now allows an integer to be passed to its $parentElement argument.
  • craft\config\DbConfig::$url, $driver, $server, $port, $unixSocket, and $database are no longer deprecated. (#6159)


  • Deprecated craft\db\Connection::getVersion(). yii\base\Schema::getServerVersion() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\events\GlobalSetContentEvent.


  • Fixed a bug where non-sortable fields could be listed as element index sort options, and sortable fields could be listed twice, for element types that didn’t override the defineSortOptions() method.
  • Fixed a bug where asset custom field values could go unsaved. (#6086)
  • Fixed a bug where the upscaleImages config setting wasn’t applying properly. (#6084)
  • Fixed a bug where image thumbnails in the control panel could stop loading if three thumbnails failed to load properly.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the color preview within Color fields wasn’t opening the browser’s color picker in Safari. (#6107)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Publish changes” button label was not getting translated after clicking “Save as a draft” on an Edit Entry page. (#6112)
  • Fixed a couple errors that could occur when running console commands via Cron. (#6102)
  • Fixed a bug in test fixtures where primary keys were not being detected for relational fields. (#6103)
  • Fixed a bug where duplicated Structure entries wouldn’t retain the original entries’ structure when a new propagation method was being applied to the section. (#6115)
  • Fixed a bug where assets would cause n+1 queries even when eager-loaded. (#6140)
  • Fixed a validation error that could occur when saving an element with a Dropdown field, if the value of the Dropdown field’s first option had changed. (#6148)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was serving 503 errors instead of 403 when the system was online and an action was requested that didn’t allow anonymous access. (#6149)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was not correctly encoding rounded float values for storage in project config. (#6121)
  • Fixed a bug where progress bars in a pending state appeared to be fully complete. (#6156)

3.4.20 - 2020-05-18****Changed

  • The users/login action no longer adds a random delay to the request for successful login attempts. (#6090)
  • craft\web\View::renderObjectTemplate() now supports wrapping function calls in single curly brace delimiters (e.g. {clone(variable)}).
  • Element fixtures now support the field:handle syntax when generating element queries. (#5929)
  • “First draft” is now translatable. (#6096)


  • Fixed a bug where custom field names weren’t getting translated in element index sort menus. (#6073)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store could incorrectly report license key statuses. (#6079)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating a new entry, if the section’s Entry URI Format contained {sourceId}. (#6080)
  • Fixed a bug where some UI elements were sized incorrectly while being dragged.
  • Fixed a bug where custom aliases were not automatically registered for tests. (#5932) - 2020-05-13****Changed

  • Entries no longer apply their dynamic titles if the result of the Title Format is an empty string. (#6051)


  • Fixed a bug where the site selector wasn’t working when adding related elements to a relational field.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when adding related elements to a relational field.

3.4.19 - 2020-05-12****Added

  • Added craft\fields\BaseRelationField::inputSiteId().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::isNitro().


  • The web-based installer now defaults the database server to instead of localhost.
  • The web-based installer and setup command now skip asking for the database server name/IP, username, and password, if they are able to detect that Craft is running within Nitro.
  • craft\web\View::renderObjectTemplate() now injects {% verbatim %} tags around inline code and code blocks, preventing their contents from being parsed by Twig.
  • Updated jQuery to 3.5.1. (#6039)


  • Fixed a 403 error that occurred when a user double-clicked on an asset immediately after selecting it in an Assets field, if they didn’t have access to the primary site. (#5949)
  • Fixed a bug where resave/* commands’ output didn’t take the limit into account. (#6036)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when processing project config changes that included deleted user groups. (#6011)
  • Fixed a bug where Date/Time fields weren’t taking their “Show date”/“Show time” settings into account when displaying their values in element indexes. (#6038)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when requesting the GraphQL API with a token that didn’t have a schema assigned to it. (#6043)
  • Fixed a bug where Single sections’ entry type handles weren’t getting updated if both the section name and handle changed at the same time. (#6044)
  • Fixed a bug where updating a transform would not bust the generated transform caches on volumes with the expires setting set.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to create new Dashboard widgets that had settings.
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields weren’t always showing related elements in the selected site on element indexes. (#6052)
  • Fixed various UI bugs related to breaking changes in jQuery 3.5. (#6049, #6053)
  • Fixed a bug where disabled multi-site entries would become enabled if they became single-site entries per a change to their section’s Propagation Method setting. (#6054)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to double-click on Single entries to edit them. (#6058)
  • Fixed a bug where querying for disabled elements wouldn’t include elements that were disabled for the current site.


  • Fixed a bug where database connection details were getting cached. (#6047)

3.4.18 - 2020-05-05****Added

  • Added the “Delete asset” option to the Save menu on Edit Asset pages. (#6020)
  • Added craft\helpers\App::env(). (#5893)


  • Template autosuggest fields no longer suggest files within node_modules/ folders. (#4122)
  • Matrix fields now ensure that they have at least one block type on validation. (#5996)
  • Number fields’ Default Value, Min Value, and Max Value settings now support localized number formats. (#6006)
  • Element select inputs’ selectElements events now contain references to the newly created element, rather than the one in the element selector modal.
  • Users are now redirected back to the Assets index page after saving an asset from its edit page.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.35.
  • Updated jQuery to 3.5.0.


  • Fixed a bug where relational fields wouldn’t eager load some relations if the field was set to manage relations on a per-site basis, and the source elements were from a variety of sites.
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields wouldn’t eager load cross-site relations even if a target site had been selected in the field settings. (#5995)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields weren’t showing cross-site relations in element indexes.
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields weren’t showing custom asset sources. (#5983)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t clearing the database schema cache after migrations were run.
  • Fixed a bug where Structure entry drafts were including the current entry in the Parent selection options.
  • Fixed a bug where users’ emails could be overridden by a previously-entered, unverified email, if an admin overwrote their email after it was set. (#6001)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t ensuring that their Default Value setting was a number. (#6006)
  • Fixed a bug where checkboxes’ state persisted after an admin table row was deleted. (#6018)
  • Fixed a bug where the autoLoginAfterAccountActivation and activateAccountSuccessPath config settings weren’t being respected after users verified their email. (#5980)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Preview file” asset action wasn’t available if any other elements were being displayed in the table row (e.g. the file’s uploader or any relations). (#6012)
  • Fixed a bug where update commands could time out when running migrations or reverting Composer changes. (#6021)
  • Fixed a bug where source/owner elements could be selectable in relational fields. (#6016)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields weren’t ignoring disabled and soft-deleted elements when :empty: or :notempty: were passed to their element query params. (#6026)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields weren’t ignoring disabled blocks when :empty: or :notempty: were passed to their element query params. (#6026) - 2020-04-25****Fixed

  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when attempting to save an asset from an element editor HUD. (#5970)

3.4.17 - 2020-04-24****Added

  • The control panel is now translated for Swiss German. (#5957)


  • Craft now fully logs migration exceptions.


  • Fix a bug where Project Config would not rebuild GraphQL schemas correctly. (#5961)
  • Fixed an error that would occur when uploading an asset, if its getUrl() method was called before it was fully saved.
  • Fixed a bug where the relatedTo element query param wasn’t filtering out relations that belonged to disabled Matrix blocks, if the relations were being fetched by the target element. (#5951)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Element::getDescendants() would return all descendants if they had been eager-loaded, even if the $dist argument was set.
  • Fixed a bug where element editor HUDs could forget to submit content changes if a validation error occurred. (#5966)

3.4.16 - 2020-04-20****Added

  • Added craft\events\ElementCriteriaEvent.
  • Added craft\fields\BaseRelationField::EVENT_DEFINE_SELECTION_CRITERIA. (#4299)
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::unlink(), ensuring that it always returns false rather than throwing unexpected exceptions.


  • Improved Plugin Store performance.
  • Asset indexes now show the “Link” column by default. (#5910)
  • Element editors no longer close automatically when the Esc key is pressed or the shade is clicked on.
  • Element editors now support Ctrl/Command + S save shortcuts.
  • Static element views now show custom fields’ instructions. (#5928)
  • When upgrading to Craft 3, sites now maintain the same UIDs as the Craft 2 locales they replace. (#5914)
  • Craft now sets the access-control-allow-origin header to * rather than the incoming request’s origin, for graphql/api and live-preview/preview requests. (#4830)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.36.


  • Fixed a bug where users weren’t getting activated after verifying their email address, if a password was already set on their account. (#5911)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing a project.yaml file that restored a soft-deleted global set. (#5915)
  • Fixed a bug where the app/get-plugin-license-info action was not parsing license key environment variables.
  • Fixed a bug where PHP would get itself into an infinite loop when minifying CSS with an unclosed block. (#5912)
  • Fixed a bug where Ctrl/Command + S save shortcuts would apply even if a modal or HUD was currently visible, potentially resulting in lost content changes. (#5916)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when a user without permission to publish live entries attempted to create a new entry within an Entries field. (#5917)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Assets::getFolderTreeByFolderId() would ignore children folders. (#5939)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t clear when a GraphQL token didn’t have a selected schema, if its previous schema had been deleted. (#5942)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was not showing checkout errors.

3.4.15 - 2020-04-09****Added

  • Categories now have a url field when queried via GraphQL.


  • Entry revision menus now list drafts sorted by date updated in descending order, and show the drafts’ update timestamps. (#5889)


  • Fixed a bug where craft\i18n\Formatter::asTimestamp() and the |timestamp filter weren’t returning weekday names for dates within the past 3-7 days.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Element::getCurrentRevision() would return null when called on a draft or revision.
  • Fixed a bug where entry revision menus could list revisions out of order.

3.4.14 - 2020-04-06****Added

  • Added the setup/db-cache-table command.
  • Added craft\cache\DbCache, which should be used instead of yii\caching\DbCache if storing data caches in the database. (#5884)
  • Added craft\db\Table::CACHE.
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::parseBooleanParam().


  • Craft now disables read/write splitting before applying new project.yaml changes. (#5802)


  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when running the project-config/rebuild command, if no project.yaml file existed yet. (#5888)
  • Fixed a bug where passing 'not 1' or :empty: to a Lightswitch field’s element query param would have the opposite effect that was intended. (#5896)

3.4.13 - 2020-04-02****Added

  • Added craft\models\GqlToken::getIsValid().


  • Improved the 400 response messages returned by the graphql/api controller action, if the bearer token was missing or invalid.
  • Ajax requests sent with Craft.sendActionRequest() now have an X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest header. (#5868)
  • craft\helpers\Db::parseParam() no longer assumes that null values within boolean columns should equate to false.


  • Fixed a bug where Lightswitch element query params were filtering out entries that hadn’t been saved since the Lightswitch field was added, if the field’s default value was enabled. (#5866)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if the graphql/api controller action wasn’t able to determine which GraphQL schema to use.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when transforming images to exactly the same size. (#5772)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when adding “Updating search indexes” jobs to the queue, if the queue didn’t support custom push priorities. (#5876)

3.4.12 - 2020-03-31****Added

  • Added the utils/ascii-filenames command, which converts all non-ASCII asset filenames to ASCII.
  • Added craft\services\Deprecator::storeLogs().


  • “Updating search indexes” jobs now get a lower priority than other jobs.
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsConnectionValid() now logs exceptions thrown by craft\db\Connection::open().
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsInstalled() now logs exceptions thrown by getInfo().
  • The $siteId argument of craft\services\Elements::getElementById() now accepts the same value types as element query siteId params. (#5861)
  • It’s no longer necessary to manually apply craft\behaviors\SessionBehavior to custom-defined session components, if using craft\helpers\App::sessionConfig() as a starting point.


  • Fixed a bug where the relatedTo element query param wasn’t filtering out relations that belonged to disabled Matrix blocks. (#5849)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t ensuring that a project.yaml file exists before rebuilding the project config.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to create multiple tags with the same title. (#5865)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if any deprecated config settings were set.
  • Fixed a bug where the debug toolbar wasn’t showing deprecation warnings if craft\services\Deprecator::$logTarget was set to 'logs'.

3.4.11 - 2020-03-26****Changed

  • Updated Yii to 2.0.34.


  • Fixed an error that could occur during garbage collection if there were any unsaved drafts due to be purged, whose entry type had been deleted. (#5820)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Console::outputWarning() was mangling its output if the input text contained a line break.
  • Fixed a bug where activation emails were getting sent after user registration regardless of the “Send an activation email now?” setting, if the logged-in user didn’t have permission to administrate users.
  • Fixed a bug where removing two elements from a relation field in rapid succession could trigger an element editor HUD. (#5831)
  • Fixed a bug where setting a field’s translation method to “Translate for each site group” wouldn’t work if the field type was changed at the same time. (#5832)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when installing Craft via the craft setup command, if using PostgreSQL. (#5757)
  • Fixed a bug where content wasn’t getting transferred correctly when deleting a user from the Users index page. (#5838) - 2020-03-18****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving an asset. (#5801)
  • Fixed a bug where field types’ afterSave() methods weren’t getting called if no top-level field settings had changed. (#5803)

3.4.10 - 2020-03-17****Added

  • Added craft\base\Elements::markAsDirty().
  • Added craft\services\Search::$useFullText. (#5696)


  • Category groups’ category URI format settings are now shown when running Craft in headless mode. (#5786)
  • Reduced the likelihood of a race condition that can result in a PHP error, if a request comes in between the time a field is saved with a new field handle, and the info.fieldVersion value is updated in the database. (#5742)
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsInstalled() now has a $refresh argument.
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::saveInfo() now has an $attributeNames argument.
  • The $siteElement argument of craft\services\Elements::propagateElement() can now be set to false to indicate that the element is known to not exist for the target site yet.
  • XML element exports now call all generic nodes <item>, instead of being named after the element type that is getting exported.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.34.


  • Fixed a bug where a SQL deadlock could occur if two elements’ relational field values were being saved simultaneously. (#5745)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was not showing validation errors during the payment process. (#5728)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when processing project config changes that included newly created sites. (#5790)
  • Fixed a bug where table cells with the thin class were wrapping. (#5746)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could think it was already installed after running the setup command, if it had been installed at the beginning of the request.
  • Fixed an error where applying changes to Matrix fields from the project.yaml file could result in the file being re-saved.
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL cache was not invalidated when structured elements were rearranged. (#5761)
  • Fixed a bug where lightswitch inputs would be unresponsive if they had been configured with disabled set to an empty, non-boolean value.
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages would often create a draft when clicking the “Preview” button even if nothing had changed, if there was a Redactor field or other field that was doing its own value normalization on page load.
  • Fixed a bug where Redactor fields weren’t getting autofocused when a new Matrix block was added. (#5773)
  • Fixed a “Division by zero” error that occurred if an image didn’t have a width or height.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix and relational fields weren’t getting propagated correctly for global sets, assets, categories, and tags, when a new site was added. (#5775)
  • Fixed a bug where the request component could be loaded recursively in the event that a fatal error occurred during its initialization. (#5788, #5791)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to delete an autocreated Matrix block if the Min Blocks and Max Blocks settings were both set to the same value, and there was only one block type. (#5781)
  • Fixed a bug where elements weren’t styled correctly while dragging.

3.4.9 - 2020-02-28****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where relational fields weren’t validating that their Limit setting was set to an integer. (#5709)
  • Fixed a bug where structure data was getting joined into entry queries even if the section param was set to a non-Structure section. (#5707)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when attempting to set the cropping constraint using the image editor. (#5718)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when running the utils/prune-revisions command when using PostgreSQL. (#5712)
  • Fixed a bug where root-level classes weren’t properly namespaced in CustomFieldBehavior.php docblocks. (#5716)
  • Fixed an error that could occur while installing Craft with an existing project.yaml file. (#5697)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a deprecation warning was logged with a message longer than 255 characters. (#5738)

3.4.8 - 2020-02-21****Added

  • Added the withTransforms argument to asset GraphQL queries, which can be used to specify image transforms that should be eager-loaded.
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::asBrokenImage(). (#5702)
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::requirePeerVolumePermissionByAsset(). (#5702)
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::requireVolumePermission(). (#5702)
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::requireVolumePermissionByAsset(). (#5702)
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::requireVolumePermissionByFolder(). (#5702)
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\ApplyNewPropagationMethod.


  • When a section’s Propagation Method setting changes, the section’s entries are now duplicated into any sites where their content would have otherwise been deleted.
  • Craft now sends X-Robots-Tag: none headers back for all tokenized requests. (#5698)


  • Deprecated craft\queue\jobs\ApplyMatrixPropagationMethod.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft could get itself in an unrecoverable state if a custom field’s handle and type were changed at the same time, but the new field type’s content column was incompatible with the existing field data.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when displaying some charts in the control panel. - 2020-02-20****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur on the Dashboard if there was a Quick Post widget that contained a Matrix field which contained an Assets field.

3.4.7 - 2020-02-20****Added

  • Plugins can now modify GraphQL query variables and the operation name using the craft\services\Gql::EVENT_BEFORE_EXECUTE_GQL_QUERY event.


  • Improved the look of Matrix fields. (#5652)


  • Fixed an error that could occur in some cases when updating Craft from a previous 3.4.x version.
  • Fixed an error where the dateModified key would be missing from the project config when installing from scratch.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to use GraphQL variables in sub-queries. (#5645)
  • Fixed a bug where scalar database queries weren’t reverting the query’s select, orderBy, limit, and offset params back to their original values if an exception was thrown. (#5690)
  • Fixed a bug where element titles within table views weren’t wrapping. (#5681)
  • Fixed a bug where element queries could return duplicate results on single-site installs that had a soft-deleted site. (#5678)
  • Fixed an error that could occur during garbage collection if any unsaved entry drafts were missing their row in the entries table. (#5684)
  • Fixed JavaScript errors that occurred in Safari 9 and 10. (#5671)
  • Fixed a bug where some fields’ default values weren’t getting saved when creating new entries. (#5455) - 2020-02-18****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating Craft on a server that had already applied the same update before.

3.4.6 - 2020-02-18****Added

  • Added craft\controllers\ElementIndexesController::actionCountElements().
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\OptionField.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\OptionField.
  • Added craft\web\View::getInitialDeltaValue().
  • Added craft\web\View::setInitialDeltaValue().
  • Added the boolean label argument to the Checkbox, Dropdown, and Multi-select GraphQL API fields which can be used to specify the label(s) of selected option(s) should be returned instead. (#5514)
  • Added the nextSiblingOf, prevSiblingOf, positionedAfter, and positionedBefore arguments to Entry and Category GraphQL queries. (#5627)
  • Added the Craft.sendActionRequest() JavaScript method, which is a Promise-based, cancelable alternative to Craft.postActionRequest().


  • Improved the performance of element indexes.
  • Element indexes now cancel current Ajax requests before sending new ones. (#5655)
  • Improved the performance of element queries on single-site installs.
  • Improved the performance of loading the stored project config data. (#5630)
  • Relational fields’ element selection modals now default to the source element’s site. (#5643)
  • The Edit Entry page now has a “Create” button rather than “Save”, if the entry has never been fully saved. (#5661)
  • Assets, categories, entries, and users can now be sorted by their IDs in the control panel.
  • Element URIs are now longer required to be unique for disabled elements.
  • Duplicated elements are now automatically saved as disabled, if a unique URI cannot be generated for them. (#5510)
  • It’s now possible to query for elements by their Checkboxes/Multi-select field values using a simplified query param syntax. (#5639)
  • Environment variable autosuggestions in the control panel are now based on $_SERVER rather than $_ENV.
  • The _includes/forms/text.html template now supports an inputAttributes variable.
  • craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsMultiSite() now has a $withTrashed argument.


  • Deprecated craft\controllers\ElementIndexesController::$paginated.
  • Deprecated the Craft.postActionRequest() JavaScript method.


  • Fixed a bug where content would not be loaded correctly for some parts of queries when using GraphQL API in some instances. (#5548)
  • Fixed a bug where the built-in GraphQL client would not work on some environments.
  • Fixed a bug where text cells weren’t wrapping in static editable tables. (#5611)
  • Fixed a bug where header cells weren’t wrapping in editable tables. (#5656)
  • Fixed a bug where search keywords weren’t being extracted from HTML field values properly. (#5631)
  • Fixed an error that could occur after updating to Craft 3.4. (#5633)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown field values weren’t getting saved if the first option was selected. (#5632)
  • Fixed a bug where sections’ preview targets weren’t getting saved in the user-defined order. (#5634)
  • Fixed a bug where querying for Matrix blocks on a newly-created element’s Matrix field value would yield no results. (#5618)
  • Fixed a bug where changing the focal point on an Asset would not invalidate its cached transforms. (#3685)
  • Fixed a migration error that could occur when updating from prior to Craft 3.2.6.
  • Fixed a bug where element labels could wrap multiple lines in the control panel. (#5646)
  • Fixed a bug where meta field labels weren’t aligned with their values. (#5647)
  • Fixed a bug where saving an asset from an Edit Asset page would save the content for the primary site, regardless of which site was selected. (#5659)
  • Fixed a validation error that occurred when duplicating an entry, if the URI format was based on a custom field value. (#4759)
  • Fixed a deprecation warning when accessing the children field using GraphQL in some cases. (#5642)
  • Fixed a bug where element search indexes weren’t getting updated for propagated saves. (#5654)

3.4.5 - 2020-02-07****Added

  • Added craft\models\GqlToken::getIsExpired().


  • craft\services\Gql::getPublicSchema() now returns null if the public schema doesn’t exist yet and allowAdminChanges is disabled.
  • Tightened up the horizontal padding on text inputs. (#5608)
  • Improved the look of Matrix blocks.
  • Improved the look of editable tables. (#5615)
  • URL and Email fields now trim leading/trailing whitespace from their values before validating. (#5614)
  • Table fields now trim leading/trailing whitespace from textual cell values before validating.
  • Improved GraphQL API performance. (#5607)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.33.


  • Deprecated craft\gql\base\Arguments::buildContentArguments().


  • Fixed an error that occurred when working with GraphQL on an environment with allowAdminChanges disabled, if the public schema didn’t exist yet. (#5588)
  • Fixed a bug where static Matrix blocks weren’t getting any top padding. (#5609)
  • Fixed a bug where static text cells within editable tables were getting cut off. (#5611)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving an element with an Assets field set to restrict files to a single folder, if any of the selected assets’ files didn’t exist.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to export elements. (#5617)
  • Fixed a bug where HTTP exceptions were getting lost if triggered from a template via an {% exit %} tag. - 2020-02-06****Changed

  • Plugins can now modify the params sent with element index Ajax requests by hooking into the new registerViewParams event triggered by Craft.BaseElementIndex.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when searching for elements from element indexes. (#5599)

3.4.4 - 2020-02-05****Added

  • Added the ability to limit multiple selections in admin tables.
  • Added an event to admin tables when selections are changed.
  • Added an event to admin tables to retrieve currently visible data.
  • Added craft\controllers\ElementIndexesController::actionExport().
  • Added the Craft.downloadFromUrl() JavaScript method.


  • Deprecated craft\controllers\ElementIndexesController::actionCreateExportToken().
  • Deprecated craft\controllers\ExportController.


  • Fixed a bug where data tables weren’t getting horizontal scrollbars in Firefox. (#5574)
  • Fixed a bug where HTML was being escaped twice in some admin tables. (#5532)
  • Fixed a 404 error that would occur when attempting to preview a PDF file in a volume that didn’t have a base URL. (#5581)
  • Fixed a bug where the Asset Indexes utility could leave the progress bar visible after it was done.
  • Fixed a bug where the _count field would sometimes not work correctly when using GraphQL. (#4847)
  • Fixed a bug where assets that had been drag-uploaded to an Assets field would be hyperlinked. (#5584)
  • Fixed a bug where CustomFieldBehavior.php was getting created with restricted permissions. (#5570)
  • Fixed a bug where element exporting would redirect the browser window if the export request didn’t immediately return the export data. (#5558)
  • Fixed a “Division by zero” error that occurred if an image transform didn’t specify a width or a height. (#5590)
  • Fixed a bug where elements weren’t always retaining their positions in element indexes between pages.

3.4.3 - 2020-02-03****Added

  • It’s now possible to preview video files. (#5565)
  • Added the --no-backup option to the migrate/all command.


  • Craft now logs full exception reports when an exception is thrown from a queue job.


  • Fixed a bug where the update command was backing up the database twice.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Duplicate” element action was available for users who didn’t have permission to create new entries in the section. (#5566)
  • Fixed a bug where using directives in GraphQL could make the field return unexpected results. (#5569)
  • Fixed a bug where the active queue job could be missing from the global sidebar and Queue Manager if there were 50 or more pending jobs with higher priorities. (#5506)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wouldn’t detect requests to non-primary sites if their base URL only contained one extra character than the primary site. (#5575)

3.4.2 - 2020-01-31****Added

  • Added the ability to pass a custom failure message to the delete action on admin tables. (#5507)
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::processConfigChanges() now has a $force argument that defaults to false.
  • Added the ability for admin table actions to restrict usage if multiple items are selected.
  • Edit Asset pages now have cp.assets.edit, cp.assets.edit.details, cp.assets.edit.settings, and cp.assets.edit.meta template hooks. (#5560)
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\ResaveElements::$updateSearchIndex.


  • Edit Asset pages now show a “View” button for image, PDF, and text assets. (#5555)
  • Edit Asset pages now show the asset’s location in the meta pane.
  • The generateTransformsBeforePageLoad config setting is now automatically enabled for GraphQL API requests. (#5553)
  • Brought back the _elements/indexcontainer.html template (though it is deprecated). (Dolphiq/craft3-plugin-redirect#108)


  • Fixed a couple errors that could have occurred when updating to Craft 3.4. (#5527)
  • Fixed a bug where HTML was being escaped twice in some admin tables. (#5532)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when processing new Project Config values.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving Project Config values that contained 4+ byte characters.
  • Fixed a bug where asset previews weren’t working on Craft Solo. (#5517)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields weren’t always showing validation errors.
  • Fixed a bug where unsaved Matrix blocks could be lost if an entry was saved with validation errors, and any unsaved Matrix blocks weren’t modified before reattempting to save the entry. (#5544)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields weren’t getting initialized properly unless they were located on the initially-selected content tab. (#5549)
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel’s login form was off-center vertically when a login page logo was used. (#5552)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pass variables into GraphQL directive arguments. (#5543)
  • Fixed a bug where users with permission to create entries would get a 403 error when attempting to save a new entry.
  • Fixed a styling issue on the Login page if the rememberedUserSessionDuration config setting was set to 0. (#5556)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when viewing trashed elements in an element index and then changing the selected source. (#5559)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would update the search index for Matrix blocks and other nested elements, even if the owner element was saved with $updateSearchIndex = false.

3.4.1 - 2020-01-29****Changed

  • Craft now only logs errors and warnings for console requests, when Dev Mode isn’t enabled. (#5256)
  • Improved the styling of the system name in the global sidebar. (#5524)
  • The default MySQL backup command will now set the --default-character-set argument to the value of the charset database config setting. (#5529)


  • Fixed a bug where plugin settings would get mangled when installing Craft using an existing project.yaml file.
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields’ selection modals could be blank if the Default Upload Location setting specified an unpermitted volume. (#5520)
  • Fixed a bug where users’ Week Start Day preference was being ignored if set to Sunday. (#5513) - 2020-01-28****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where installing Craft from the terminal wasn’t setting the DB_DSN environment variable in .env.
  • Fixed a bug where sections could lose their preview targets when updating to Craft 3.4. (#5519)
  • Fixed a bug where preview target URLs weren’t being normalized to site URLs. (#5519) - 2020-01-28****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.4.
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields’ selection modals could be blank if limited to a single folder. (#5516)

3.4.0 - 2020-01-28

{warning} If useProjectConfigFile is enabled and you are using the GraphQL API, restore a fresh database backup from your production environment before updating your development environment. Otherwise you may lose your GraphQL schema data when updating production.

{warning} There have been some changes in behavior that plugin developers should be aware of! See Updating Plugins for Craft 3.4 for details.

{tip} Element search indexing is a little smarter in Craft 3.4. It’s recommended that you resave all your entries from your terminal after you’ve finished updating.

> ./craft resave/entries --update-search-index


  • Improved the overall look and feel of the Control Panel. (#2883)
  • Added an overflow menu for Control Panel tabs that don’t fit into the available space. (#3073)
  • Added support for delta element updates. (#4064)
  • Elements now track which field values have changed since the element was first loaded. (#4149)
  • Entry drafts now show which fields and attributes have changed within the draft, and which are outdated.
  • If an entry draft contains outdated field and attribute values, it’s now possible to merge the latest source entry values into the draft manually, and they will be automatically merged in when the draft is published. (#4642)
  • “Set Status” element actions no longer have the option to disable multi-site elements globally; only for the currently selected site. (#2817, #2899)
  • Multi-site entries’ edit pages no longer have the option to set the entry’s global status. Instead, only the current site’s status is shown by default, and that setting can be expanded to show all sites that the user has permission to edit, for bulk-editing the entry’s status across multiple sites. (#2817, #2899)
  • It’s now possible to see all of the elements selected by relation fields from element indexes. (#3030)
  • Assets now have their own dedicated edit pages in the control panel. (#1249)
  • Asset volumes’ field layouts can now define multiple tabs.
  • Assets now keep track of which user account was logged-in when the asset was uploaded. (#3553)
  • Asset indexes can now have an “Uploaded by” column.
  • It’s now possible to eager-load assets with their uploader value.
  • Added new “View files uploaded by other users”, “Edit files uploaded by other users”, “Replace files uploaded by other users”, “Remove files uploaded by other users”, and “Edit images uploaded by other users” user permissions.
  • Assets fields now have a “Show unpermitted volumes” setting, which determines whether the field should show volumes that the user doesn’t have permission to view (disabled by default for new fields; enabled by default for existing fields). (#887)
  • Assets fields now have a “Show unpermitted files setting, which determines whether the field should show files that the user doesn’t have permission to view per the new “View files uploaded by other users” permission.
  • It’s now possible to download multiple assets at once as a zip file. (#5259)
  • It’s now possible to preview text and PDF assets, and plugins can add support for additional file types. (#5136)
  • It’s now possible to set a custom aspect ratio when cropping images with the image editor. (#4359)
  • It’s now possible to change the the aspect ratio orientation when cropping images with the image editor. (#4359)
  • Added the Queue Manager utility. (#2753, #3489)
  • It’s now possible to define additional queues using craft\queue\Queue, with custom channel values. (#5492)
  • Added the queue/release action. (#4777)
  • Added the utils/prune-revisions action. (#4851)
  • Added the verifyEmailPath config setting.
  • Added the maxBackups config setting. (#2078)
  • Added the upscaleImages config setting. (#844)
  • Added the “Reply-To Address” email setting. (#5498)
  • Added the {% requireGuest %} Twig tag, which redirects a user to the path specified by the postLoginRedirect config setting if they’re already logged in. (#5015)
  • Added the combine() Twig function.
  • Added the |contains Twig filter.
  • Added the |purify Twig filter. (#5184)
  • Public registration forms can now customize the flash notice displayed on successful registration by passing a userRegisteredNotice param. (#5213)
  • It’s now possible to query for Matrix blocks by their field handle, via the new field param. (#5218)
  • It’s now possible to filter element query results by their related elements using relational fields’ element query params (e.g. publisher(100) rather than relatedTo({targetElement: 100, field: 'publisher'})). (#5200)
  • It’s now possible to query for elements by their custom field values via GraphQL. (#5208)
  • It’s now possible to eager-load the count of related elements, by setting 'count' => true on the eager loading criteria.
  • GraphQL access tokens are now managed separately from schema definitions, making it possible to create multiple tokens for the same schema.
  • GraphQL schemas are now stored in the project config (sans tokens). (#4829)
  • Added a new “Expanded” element exporter type, which includes expanded custom field values, including Matrix and relational fields. (#4484)
  • It’s now possible to export elements as CSV, JSON, or XML files.
  • Added support for plugin-supplied element exporters. (#5090)
  • Control panel pages can now implement Vue-based admin tables that support bulk actions, search, and pagination.
  • Elements now have a _count field when queried via GraphQL, which returns the total number of related elements for a given relational field handle.
  • It’s now possible to filter users by their groups when querying for them via GraphQL. (#5374)
  • Added the asset, category, entry, globalSet, tag, and user queries to fetch single elements via GraphQL. (#5363)
  • It’s now possible to apply the transform GraphQL directive to entire assets. (#5425)
  • The Image Editor now displays the resulting image size when cropping. (#4551)
  • Improved the crop behavior when dragging along the edges of an image in the Image Editor.
  • The Sendmail mailer transport now has a “Sendmail Command” setting. (#5445)
  • Added support for the CRAFT_EPHEMERAL PHP constant, which can be defined as true when Craft is running on an environment with ephemeral storage.
  • Added the setup/php-session-table command for creating a database table to store PHP sessions.
  • Added craft\assetpreviews\Image.
  • Added craft\assetpreviews\Pdf.
  • Added craft\assetpreviews\Text.
  • Added craft\base\AssetPreviewHandler.
  • Added craft\base\AssetPreviewHandlerInterface.
  • Added craft\base\Element::ATTR_STATUS_CONFLICTED.
  • Added craft\base\Element::ATTR_STATUS_MODIFIED.
  • Added craft\base\Element::ATTR_STATUS_OUTDATED.
  • Added craft\base\Element::defineExporters().
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_REGISTER_EXPORTERS.
  • Added craft\base\ElementExporter.
  • Added craft\base\ElementExporterInterface.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::exporters()
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getAttributeStatus().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getDirtyAttributes().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getDirtyFields().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getEagerLoadedElementCount().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getEnabledForSite().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getFieldStatus().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::isFieldDirty().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::markAsClean().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setAttributeStatus().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setEagerLoadedElementCount().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setEnabledForSite().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::trackChanges().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getTranslationDescription().
  • Added craft\base\Model::defineRules(). Models that define a rules() method should use defineRules() instead, so EVENT_DEFINE_RULES event handlers have a chance to modify them.
  • Added craft\base\UtilityInterface::footerHtml().
  • Added craft\base\UtilityInterface::toolbarHtml().
  • Added craft\base\WidgetInterface::getSubtitle().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$dateLastMerged.
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$mergingChanges.
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::$trackChanges.
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getIsOutdated().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getOutdatedAttributes().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getOutdatedFields().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isAttributeModified().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isAttributeOutdated().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isFieldModified().
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::isFieldOutdated().
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::actionEditAsset().
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::actionSaveAsset().
  • Added craft\controllers\DraftsController.
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController::actionDeleteToken().
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController::actionEditPublicSchema().
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController::actionEditPublicSchema().
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController::actionEditToken().
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController::actionSaveToken().
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController::actionViewToken().
  • Added craft\controllers\UsersController::actionSessionInfo(). (#5355)
  • Added craft\db\ActiveRecord::behaviors(), which now gives plugins a chance to define their own behaviors.
  • Added craft\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS.
  • Added craft\db\Connection::DRIVER_MYSQL.
  • Added craft\db\Connection::DRIVER_PGSQL.
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::$uploaderId.
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getDimensions().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getFormattedSize().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getFormattedSizeInBytes().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getPreviewThumbImg().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getUploader().
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::setUploader().
  • Added craft\elements\db\AssetQuery::$uploaderId.
  • Added craft\elements\db\AssetQuery::uploader().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::clearCachedResult().
  • Added craft\elements\db\MatrixBlockQuery::field().
  • Added craft\elements\exporters\Expanded.
  • Added craft\elements\exporters\Raw.
  • Added craft\elements\MatrixBlock::$dirty.
  • Added craft\events\AssetPreviewEvent.
  • Added craft\events\BackupEvent::$ignoreTables. (#5330)
  • Added craft\events\DefineGqlTypeFieldsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineGqlValidationRulesEvent.
  • Added craft\events\ExecuteGqlQueryEvent::$schemaId.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterElementExportersEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlPermissionsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\TemplateEvent::$templateMode.
  • Added craft\fields\Assets::$showUnpermittedVolumes.
  • Added craft\gql\TypeManager.
  • Added craft\gql\types\Number.
  • Added craft\helpers\AdminTable.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::isEphemeral().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::append().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::contains().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::isOrdered().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::prepend().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::parseDsn().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::url2config().
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::invalidate().
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::writeGitignoreFile().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfigHelper::flattenConfigArray().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfigHelper::packAssociativeArray().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfigHelper::packAssociativeArrays().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfigHelper::unpackAssociativeArray().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfigHelper::unpackAssociativeArrays().
  • Added craft\mail\Mailer::$replyTo.
  • Added craft\migrations\CreatePhpSessionTable.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayoutTab::elementHasErrors().
  • Added craft\models\GqlToken.
  • Added craft\models\MailSettings::$replyToEmail.
  • Added craft\queue\Command::actionRelease().
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\UpdateSearchIndex::$fieldHandles.
  • Added craft\queue\Queue::$channel.
  • Added craft\queue\Queue::$db.
  • Added craft\queue\Queue::$mutex.
  • Added craft\queue\Queue::$tableName.
  • Added craft\queue\QueueInterface::getJobDetails().
  • Added craft\queue\QueueInterface::getTotalJobs().
  • Added craft\queue\QueueInterface::releaseAll().
  • Added craft\queue\QueueInterface::retryAll().
  • Added craft\records\Asset::getUploader().
  • Added craft\records\GqlToken.
  • Added craft\services\Assets::EVENT_REGISTER_PREVIEW_HANDLER.
  • Added craft\services\Assets::getAssetPreviewHandler().
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_AFTER_MERGE_SOURCE_CHANGES.
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::EVENT_BEFORE_MERGE_SOURCE_CHANGES.
  • Added craft\services\Drafts::mergeSourceChanges().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::createExporter().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::CONFIG_GQL_SCHEMAS_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::deleteSchema().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::deleteTokenById().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::EVENT_REGISTER_GQL_PERMISSIONS.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getSchemaByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getTokenByAccessToken().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getTokenById().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getTokenByName().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getTokenByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getTokens().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getValidationRules().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::GRAPHQL_COUNT_FIELD.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::handleChangedSchema().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::handleDeletedSchema().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::saveToken().
  • Added craft\services\Path::getConfigDeltaPath().
  • Added craft\services\Plugins::$pluginConfigs. (#1989)
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::$maxDeltas.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_ALL_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_ASSOC_KEY.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::CONFIG_DELTA_FILENAME.
  • Added craft\utilities\QueueManager.
  • Added craft\web\assets\admintable\AdminTableAsset.
  • Added craft\web\assets\queuemanager\QueueManagerAsset.
  • Added craft\web\Controller::requireGuest().
  • Added craft\web\CsvResponseFormatter.
  • Added craft\web\twig\nodes\RequireGuestNode.
  • Added craft\web\twig\tokenparsers\RequireGuestTokenParser.
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Paginate::getDynamicRangeUrls(), making it easy to create Google-style pagination links. (#5005)
  • Added craft\web\User::guestRequired().
  • Added craft\web\View::$minifyCss.
  • Added craft\web\View::$minifyJs.
  • Added craft\web\View::getDeltaNames().
  • Added craft\web\View::getIsDeltaRegistrationActive().
  • Added craft\web\View::registerDeltaName().
  • Added craft\web\View::setIsDeltaRegistrationActive().
  • Added the Craft.ui.createDateRangePicker() JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.VueAdminTable JavaScript class.
  • Added the beforeUpdateIframe and switchTarget events to the Craft.Preview JavaScript class. (#5359)
  • The Craft.t() JavaScript method is now capable of parsing number and plural formatted params (e.g. {num, plural, =1{item} other{items}}).
  • Added the cp.users.edit.prefs template hook to the Edit User page. (#5114)
  • The _layouts/elements.html control panel layout template can now be used for elements that don’t support drafts or revisions.
  • Added the Interactive Shell Extension for Yii 2. (#5228)
  • Added the Minify PHP package.


  • Control panel requests are now always set to the primary site, regardless of the URL they were accessed from.
  • The control panel no longer shows the tab bar on pages with only one tab. (#2915)
  • The queue info in the global sidebar no longer shows an HUD with job details when clicked; the user is now brought to the new Queue Manager utility, if they have permission to view it. (#4040)
  • Element indexes now load up to 100 elements per page/batch, rather than 50. (#4555)
  • The Assets index page now updates the URL when the selected volume changes.
  • Sections’ entry URI format settings are now shown when running Craft in headless mode. (#4934)
  • The “Primary entry page” preview target is now user-customizable alongside all other preview targets in sections’ settings. (#4520)
  • Sections’ “Preview Targets” setting now has a “Refresh” checkbox column, which can be unchecked to prevent preview frames from being refreshed automatically when content changes. (#5359)
  • Entry drafts are no longer auto-created when the “Preview” button is clicked, unless/until the content has changed. (#5201)
  • Unsaved entries’ URIs are now updated on each autosave. (#4581)
  • Edit Entry pages now show the entry’s status in the meta pane.
  • Plain Text fields can now specify a maximum size in bytes. (#5099)
  • Plain Text fields’ Column Type settings now have an “Automatic” option, which is selected by default for new fields. (#5099)
  • Matrix fields now show an accurate description of their propagation behavior in the translation icon tooltip. (#5304)
  • The Clear Caches utility now has info icons next to most cache options with more details about what the cache option refers to. (#5418)
  • The users/login action no longer sets a “Logged in.” flash notice. (#5383)
  • Local asset volumes now ensure that their folder exists on save, and if it doesn’t, a .gitignore file will be added automatically to it, excluding the directory from Git. (#5237)
  • Set Password and Verify Email links now use the setPasswordPath and verifyEmailPath config settings. (#4925)
  • Craft now uses the slugWordSeparator when generating URI formats. (#5315)
  • The loginPath and logoutPath config setings can now be set to false to disable front-end login/logout. (#5352)
  • The loginPath, logoutPath, setPasswordPath, and verifyEmailPath config settings are now ignored when Craft is running in headless mode.
  • ImageMagick is no longer used when the imageDriver config setting is set to auto, if Imagick::queryFormats() returns an empty array. (#5435)
  • CSS registered with craft\web\View::registerCss() or the {% css %} tag is now minified by default. (#5183)
  • JavaScript code registered with craft\web\registerJs() or the {% js %} tag is now minified per the useCompressedJs config setting. (#5183)
  • resave/* commands now have an --update-search-index argument (defaults to false). (#4840)
  • The installer now requires config/db.php to be setting the dsn database config setting with a DB_DSN environment variable, if a connection can’t already be established.
  • The full GraphQL schema is now always generated when Dev Mode is enabled.
  • Punctuation is now removed from search keywords and search terms, rather than being replaced with a space. (#5214)
  • The _includes/forms/field.html template now supports fieldAttributes, labelAttributes, and inputAttributes variables.
  • The _includes/field.html template now supports a registerDeltas variable.
  • The _layouts/cp.html template now supports mainAttributes and mainFormAttributes variables.
  • Plugins can now modify the GraphQL schema via craft\gql\TypeManager::EVENT_DEFINE_GQL_TYPE_FIELDS.
  • Plugins can now modify the GraphQL permissions via craft\services\Gql::EVENT_REGISTER_GQL_PERMISSIONS.
  • Number fields now return the Number type when queried via GraphQL, which can be an integer, a float, or null. (#5344)
  • Renamed theQueryParameter GraphQL type to QueryArgument.
  • If any elements are selected while exporting, only the selected elements will be included in the export. (#5130)
  • Craft now sorts the project.yaml file alphabetically by keys. (#5147)
  • The project config is now stored in its own projectconfig table, rather than a config column within the info table.
  • Project config event handlers are now triggered in order of specificity (from least-to-most specific).
  • Active record classes now normalize attribute values right when they are set.
  • Entry queries no longer factor in seconds when looking for currently live entries. (#5389)
  • Editable tables now set existing row’s cell values to their column’s default value, if the cell is missing from the row data.
  • Preview targets can now opt out of being automatically refreshed when content changes, by setting refresh to false on their target definition. (#5359)
  • The old craft\controllers\AssetsController::actionSaveAsset() method has been renamed to actionUpload().
  • Assets fields now open their asset selection modals to the field’s Default Upload Location, if it exists. (#2778
  • The |merge filter now has a recursive argument. (#1465)
  • craft\config\GeneralConfig::getLoginPath() and getLogoutPath() may now return non-string values.
  • craft\elements\Asset::getImg() now has an optional $transform argument. (#3563)
  • craft\helpers\Db::prepDateForDb() now has a $stripSeconds argument (defaults to false).
  • craft\i18n\Formatter::asShortSize() now capitalizes the size unit.
  • craft\mail\Message::setReplyTo() can now be set to a craft\elements\User object, or an array of them.
  • craft\models\GqlSchema::$scope is now read-only.
  • craft\services\Elements::resaveElements() now has an $updateSearchIndex argument (defaults to false). (#4840)
  • craft\services\Elements::saveElement() now has an $updateSearchIndex argument (defaults to true). (#4840)
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::areChangesPending() will now return true if the path was updated but not processed yet.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::processConfigChanges() now has a $message argument to specify the reason for config changes.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::remove() now has a $message argument to specify the reason for config changes.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::set() now has a $message argument to specify the reason for config changes.
  • craft\services\Search::indexElementAttributes() now has a $fieldHandles argument, for specifying which custom fields’ keywords should be updated.
  • craft\web\Controller::renderTemplate() now has a $templateMode argument.
  • craft\web\View::renderTemplate(), renderPageTemplate(), renderTemplateMacro(), doesTemplateExist(), and resolveTemplate() now have $templateMode arguments. (#4570)
  • The ContentBehavior and ElementQueryBehavior behavior classes have been replaced by a single CustomFieldBehavior class.
  • Matrix fields now trigger a blockDeleted JavaScript event when a block is deleted. (#5329)
  • The afterUpdateIframe event fired by the Craft.Preview JavaScript class now includes target and $iframe data properties.
  • Replaced the deprecated zend-feed library with laminas-feed. (#5400)
  • The index-assets/* commands now have a --deleteMissingAssets option, which deletes the records of Assets that are missing their files after indexing. (#4928)
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.32.
  • Updated yii2-queue to 2.3.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.32.


  • Deprecated the url, driver, database, server, port, and unixSocket database config settings. dsn should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\config\DbConfig::DRIVER_MYSQL.
  • Deprecated craft\config\DbConfig::DRIVER_PGSQL.
  • Deprecated craft\config\DbConfig::updateDsn().
  • Deprecated craft\controllers\UsersController::actionGetRemainingSessionTime(). actionSessionInfo() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\elements\Asset::getSupportsPreview(). Use craft\services\Assets::getAssetPreviewHandler() instead.
  • Deprecated craft\events\ExecuteGqlQueryEvent::$accessToken. Use craft\events\ExecuteGqlQueryEvent::$schemaId instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\ProjectConfig::$maxBackups. $maxDeltas should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Search::indexElementFields().


  • Removed craft\events\SetStatusEvent.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::PUBLIC_TOKEN.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::$accessToken.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::$enabled.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::$expiryDate.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::$lastUsed.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::$dateCreated.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::$isTemporary.
  • Removed craft\models\GqlSchema::getIsPublic().


  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur if the info table has more than one row. (#5222)
  • Fixed a bug where the control panel UI could come to a grinding halt if a large number of jobs were in the queue. (#4533)
  • Fixed a layout issue where the control panel footer would be hidden if the Debug Toolbar was shown. (#4591)
  • Fixed a bug where the image editor would not immediately apply new aspect ratio selections when cropping images.
  • Fixed a bug where the maxBackups config setting wasn’t getting applied if a custom backupCommand was set.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to use aliases for Matrix fields when querying via GraphQL. (#5008)
  • Fixed a bug where Lightswitch column values within Table fields weren’t returning boolean values when queried via GraphQL. (#5344)
  • Fixed a bug where deactivating the Crop tool in the Image Editor would not set the image zoom correctly for straightened images.
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when running jobs from the queue in some PostgreSQL installations. (#2715)
  • Fixed a bug where some classes didn’t support EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS.
  • Fixed a bug where directives applied to object fields would be ignored when using GraphQL.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when merging an element that belonged to a structure into another element that didn’t. (#5450)
  • Fixed a bug where eager-loaded relational fields would fetch elements from other sites by default. (#5451)
  • Fixed a bug where Project Config event handlers weren’t getting triggered if a parent config path had been updated in the same request. (#5440)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when searching for elements, if MySQL was used and the searchindex table was using InnoDB. (#3862)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when a dynamically generated class was loaded before it was finished being written. (#5434)
  • Fixed an error that occurred after disabling a section for the primary site, while its existing entries were being resaved. (#5489)
  • Fixed a bug where radio buttons within radio groups were getting id attributes even if no id was passed. (#5508) - 2020-01-14****Fixed

  • Fixed a PHP error that would occur when running console commands. (#5436)

3.3.20 - 2020-01-14****Changed

  • The control panel will now display an alert if useProjectConfigFile is enabled, but the project.yaml file isn’t writable. (#4319)
  • Browser-based form validation is now disabled for element editor HUDs. (#5433)


  • Fixed a bug where entry revision menus could list sites that the entry didn’t support. (#5387)
  • Fixed a PHP warning that occurred when creating a new database backup. (#5393)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving a Table field. (#5398)
  • Fixed a bug where an unknown error was displayed when attempting to create an Asset folder without proper permissions. (#5223)
  • Fixed a PHP warning that occurred sometimes when Craft was attempting to list resized versions of asset images. (#5399)
  • Fixed a bug where preview target URLs weren’t getting generated correctly if they contained an anchor. (#5404)
  • Fixed couple bugs related to entry preview frames maintaining their scroll position between refreshes. (#5404)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks weren’t getting updated correctly when their field’s Propagation Method setting was changed via project.yaml. (#5295)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing the project config if a Matrix field had been changed to something else. (#5419)
  • Fixed a bug where changes to an entry draft’s name or notes weren’t getting saved until the next draft autosave. (#5432)


  • Fixed XSS vulnerabilities.

3.3.19 - 2019-12-30****Changed

  • Improved the performance of craft\helpers\StringHelper::containsMb4(). (#5366)
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.31.


  • Fixed an information exposure vulnerability. - 2019-12-21****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where “Updating search indexes” jobs would show inaccurate progress bars. (#5358)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when using the |attr filter on an HTML element that had an existing attribute with an empty value. (#5364)
  • Fixed a race condition that could result in a PHP error when generating ElementQueryBehavior.php. (#5361)


  • Fixed a bug where Craft was renewing the identity cookie each time it checked on the user’s remaining session time. (#3951) - 2019-12-17****Changed

  • Slug fields’ translation icon tooltips now clarify that their values are translated for each site. (#2064)


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when craft\services\Elements::getElementById() was called with an element whose class didn’t exist. (#5345)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when autoloading the ContentBehavior class in some environments. - 2019-12-15****Changed

  • Autosuggest inputs now restore focus to the input field when an alias is chosen. (#5338)
  • The Guzzle requirement now excludes Guzzle 6.5.0. (#5326) - 2019-12-10****Fixed

  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur if Craft didn’t have a license key yet.

3.3.18 - 2019-12-10****Added

  • Added craft\queue\jobs\ApplyMatrixPropagationMethod.
  • Added craft\services\Matrix::getSupportedSiteIds().


  • When a Matrix field’s Propagation Method setting changes, the field’s blocks are now duplicated into any sites where their content would have otherwise been deleted. (#5182)
  • Title fields’ translation icon tooltips now clarify that their values are translated for each site. (#2064)


  • Deprecated craft\services\Matrix::getSupportedSiteIdsForField(). getSupportedSiteIds() should be used instead.


  • Fixed a bug where the page URL could change when interacting with element selection modals. (#5254)
  • Fixed a bug where entry draft changes could go unnoticed if they were made while another change was being saved. (#5305)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when using the |group filter, if a function name was passed in (e.g. date).
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\FileHelper::writeToFile() wasn’t waiting until a lock could be acquired before writing to the file.
  • Fixed an issue where the Plugin Store was not creating a new cart when it was not able to retrieve an existing one. (#5318)

3.3.17 - 2019-12-03****Added

  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::lowerDisplayName() and pluralLowerDisplayName(). (#5271)


  • Error templates now have a statusCode variable even if the originating exception wasn’t an instance of yii\web\HttpException. (#5273)
  • Number fields now normalize their numbers to integers or floats, if the value that came from the database is a numeric string. (#5268)
  • Craft no longer throws an UnknownPropertyException if a Local asset volume was converted to a different volume type from config/volumes.php. (#5277)


  • Fixed an issue where string encoding might not behave as expected in some environments running PHP 7.3 or greater. (#4239)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when editing an entry if one of its past revisions used an entry type that was soft-deleted. (#5270)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when previewing assets via the “Preview file” action. (#5272)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pass null values to GraphQL field arguments. (#5267)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wouldn’t update the search indexes for non-localized element types (like Users) when the primary site was changed. (#5281)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to change images’ focal points on mobile. (#3669)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to crop images on mobile. (#5279)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if a token route didn’t specify any params. (#5282)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when calling the deprecated craft.session.getRememberedUsername() template method, if the username cookie wasn’t set. (#5291)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if the path param (p) was set to an array. (#5292)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when viewing trashed entries, if any of them had been deleted along with a user account. (#5287) - 2019-11-26****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when an element query’s indexBy param was set id, dateCreated, dateUpdated, or uid. - 2019-11-26****Fixed

  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when an element query’s indexBy param set to a column from a table besides elements. (#5216)
  • Fixed an issue where the edition was not taken into account when clicking “Buy Now” buttons on Settings → Plugins. - 2019-11-22****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred if Stringy 5.2 was installed.

3.3.16 - 2019-11-22****Added

  • Added craft\models\GqlSchema::getAllScopePairs().
  • Added craft\models\GqlSchema::getAllScopePairsForAction().
  • Added craft\web\assets\axios\AxiosAsset.php.


  • Improved Plugin Store performance.
  • Craft now makes most of its API requests from JavaScript rather than PHP, so servers with maxed-out HTTP connections won’t get hung up waiting for the API response before serving additional requests. (#5194, #5232)
  • errorSummary is now a reserved field handle. (#3032)
  • The project-config/rebuild command now ignores the allowAdminChanges config setting.
  • Improved the error message when failing to sync global set. (#5257)
  • It’s now easier to send JSON requests with Craft.postActionRequest(), by passing contentType: 'json' in the options argument.
  • Updated svg-sanitizer to 0.13.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.30.


  • Deprecated craft\web\assets\graphiql\VendorAsset.


  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when using PostgreSQL.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when calling an element query’s ids() method with indexBy('id') set on it. (#5216)
  • Fixed a layout issue with the GraphQL → Explore page on narrow browser windows. (#5219)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\UrlHelper::buildQuery() would remove array param index numbers. (#5233)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when autoloading the ContentBehavior and ElementQueryBehavior classes in some environments.
  • Fixed an error where it wasn’t possible to query by Date/Time field values via GraphQL. (#5240)
  • Fixed an error where GraphQL caches weren’t getting invalidated when an element was deleted. (#5238)
  • Fixed an error where rebuilding the project config would omit sections’ preview targets. (#5215)
  • Fixed an error that occurred whet attempting to preview an entry revision. (#5244)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when the relatedTo param was set to an element query that would yield no results. (#5242)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving a Matrix field. (#5258)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would sometimes fail to generate a correct GraphQL schema when Matrix fields were involved. (#5255)


  • Craft now requires Portable UTF-8 5.4.28 or later, fixing a security vulnerability.

3.3.15 - 2019-11-05****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to apply project config changes that removed a Matrix block type which contained a nested Super Table field, if allowAdminChanges was set to false. (#5078)
  • Fixed a bug where the nag alert that was shown when the wrong Craft edition was installed was including a “Resolve” link even if the user didn’t have access to the Plugin Store. (#5190)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when saving an element, if it had a Dropdown field that had been programmatically saved with integer option values. (#5172)
  • Fixed a bug where “Updating search indexes” jobs could fail. (#5191)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if an invalid PHP interval string was passed to craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::isValidIntervalString(). (#5193)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to access categories’ and tags’ groupId property via GraphQL. (#5199)


  • Fixed a bug where rows in the sessions table weren’t getting deleted when a user was logged out.

3.3.14 - 2019-10-30****Added

  • GraphQL entry queries now support an authorGroupId argument.
  • Added craft\gql\types\QueryArgument.


  • It’s now possible to provide multiple values for the height, width, and size arguments when querying or filtering assets via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to provide multiple values for the expiryDate and postDate arguments when querying for elements via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to use the not keyword in the id argument when querying for elements via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to use the not keyword in the folderId and volumeId arguments when querying or filtering assets via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to use the not keyword in the groupId argument when querying or filtering tags or categories via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to use the not keyword in the sectionId, typeId, and authorId arguments when querying or filtering entries via GraphQL.
  • It’s now possible to use the not keyword in the fieldId, ownerId, and typeId when filtering Matrix blocks via GraphQL.
  • Craft no longer bundles Bootstrap, as the Debug Extension now provides its own copy.
  • Updated the bundled locale data based on ICU 64.1.
  • Formatted dates now include two-digit months and days if that’s what’s called for by the ICU date formats. (#5186)


  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages would often warn authors when leaving the page even if nothing had changed, if there was a Redactor field or other field that was doing its own value normalization on page load. (craftcms/redactor#161)
  • Fixed a bug where assets could remain in their temporary upload location after an entry was first published. (#5139
  • Fixed a bug where the update command could run out of memory. (#1852)
  • Fixed a bug where saving a new GraphQL schema would not populate the UID property.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t clearing search keywords for custom fields that weren’t searchable anymore. (#5168)
  • Fixed a bug where relatedTo element query params weren’t returning elements that were related to the source element when previewing a draft or revision.
  • Fixed a bug where importing project config changes would break if they contained a changed global set and orphaned Matrix block types. (#4789

3.3.13 - 2019-10-23****Added

  • It’s now possible to pass arrow functions to the |group filter. (#5156)


  • Underscores are now stripped from search keywords before being saved to the database.


  • Fixed a bug where translation message parameters weren’t getting parsed correctly if the installed ICU library was less than version 4.8. (#4995)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL caches were not being invalidated on element save. (#5148)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL type generators provided by plugins were not getting invoked when building introspection schemas. (#5149)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when using the |json_encode Twig filter on console requests. (#5150)
  • Fixed a bug where editable table rows could get taller than they should. (#5159)

3.3.12 - 2019-10-22****Added

  • GraphQL query results are now cached.
  • The GraphQL → Explore page now lists a “Full Schema” option before the Public Schema and any custom-defined schemas.
  • Added the “GraphQL caches” option for the Clear Caches utility.
  • Added the gql() Twig function, which executes a GraphQL query and returns the result.
  • Added the enableGraphQlCaching config setting.
  • Added the transform GraphQL parameter for asset URLs (alias of handle).
  • Added the url field to the EntryInterface GraphQL type. (#5113)
  • Added the relatedTo and relatedToAll arguments for all GraphQL element queries. (#5071)
  • Added support for multi-site GraphQL element queries. (#5079)
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::createFullAccessSchema().
  • Added craft\models\GqlSchema::$isTemporary.
  • Added the $invalidateCaches argument to craft\services\Gql::saveSchema().


  • Matrix blocks now maintain the same display style when expanded as they had before they were initially collapsed. (#5075)
  • It’s no longer necessary to register GraphQL type loaders when creating types.
  • Improved the performance of downloading remote assets. (#5134)
  • The craft\services\Gql::executeQuery() method now expects an active schema object, instead of a GraphQL Schema object.
  • The users/save-user action no longer copies unverifiedEmail validation errors over to the email attribute if the email attribute already has its own errors.
  • users/set-password requests now respond with JSON if the request accepts a JSON response. (#5138)


  • Deprecated the $checkToken argument for craft\gql\base\Query::getQueries(). craft\helpers\Gql::getFullAccessSchema() should be used instead to ensure all queries are returned.


  • Fixed a bug that could occur when using plugin specific config files while running functional tests. (#5137)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when loading a relational field’s selection modal, if no sources were visible.
  • Fixed a bug where required relational fields would get a validation error if only elements from other sites were selected. (#5116)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Profile Twig templates when Dev Mode is disabled” admin preference wasn’t saving. (#5118)
  • Fixed a bug where failed queue jobs were losing their dateReserved, timeUpdated, progress, and progressLabel values.
  • Fixed a PHP error occurred when viewing the PHP Info utility if register_argc_argv was set to On in php.ini. (#4878)
  • Fixed a bug where the craft\queue\jobs\UpdateSearchIndex was ignorning the siteId property.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could attempt to perform transforms on element URLs for elements that were not Assets when using GraphQL.


  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pass * to site arguments via GraphQL. (#5079)

3.3.11 - 2019-10-16****Added

  • Added craft\events\ExecuteGqlQueryEvent.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::EVENT_BEFORE_EXECUTE_GQL_QUERY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::EVENT_AFTER_EXECUTE_GQL_QUERY.
  • Added craft\services\Gql::executeQuery().


  • Dropdown and Multi-select fields can now have duplicate option labels, as long as they are in different optgroups. (#5105)


  • Fixed a bug where user email changes were going through email verification even if someone with permission to administrate users was making the change. (#5088)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when duplicating entries with Matrix blocks. (#5097)

3.3.10 - 2019-10-15****Added

  • Added the allowOwnerDrafts and allowOwnerRevisions Matrix block query params.
  • Added the ability to skip refreshing the project config before running individual tests. (#5072)
  • Added craft\test\Craft::resetProjectConfig().


  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t passing assets’ MIME types to cloud storage services when saving them. (#5052)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields’ image thumbnails weren’t getting refreshed after images were edited. (#4212)
  • Fixed a bug where the index-assets command would bail as soon as it came across a file with a disallowed file extension. (#5086)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to eager-load Matrix blocks that belong to a draft or revision. (#5031)
  • Fixed a bug where the setup command would think that Craft was installed when it wasn’t. (#5093)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing the project config if a Matrix field had been changed to something else. (#4015)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields weren’t always showing the “Edit” button for images when they should. (#4618)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Elements::duplicateElement() wasn’t ensuring that the duplicate had a valid slug on all sites. (#5097)
  • Fixed a bug where querying for elements by their Lightswitch field value could only return elements that had been saved since the Lightswitch field was added, when using PostgreSQL. (#5073)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when querying for Matrix blocks.
  • Fixed a bug where entries that were disabled globally would still get a green status indicator within the entry context menu on Edit Entry pages.

3.3.9 - 2019-10-10****Changed

  • The project-config/sync command now correctly returns an error code on failure. (#4153)
  • User queries now include the unverifiedEmail value by default. (#5019)


  • Fixed a bug where updating a draft might delete content on other sites in a multisite setup on certain PHP versions. (#5048)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when running console commands before Craft was installed. (#5083)

3.3.8 - 2019-10-09****Added

  • Added craft\web\Request::getNormalizedContentType().


  • Eliminated a SHOW TABLES SQL query that was getting executed on every request.
  • Craft no longer routes requests based on action params in the request body, if the request’s content type is application/json.
  • Added support for the text/vtt MIME type. (#5052)
  • Updated Twig to 2.12.


  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when deleting an entry or category with three or more nested levels of elements. (#3456)
  • Fixed a bug where querying for elements by their Lightswitch field value wasn’t working properly on PostgreSQL. (#5046)
  • Fixed a bug where deleting an entry or category with nested elements could leave the structure in a jumbled state.
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields would attempt to handle the same uploaded files multiple times if an element was saved multiple times in the same request. (#5061)
  • Fixed a PHP error occurred when viewing the PHP Info utility if register_argc_argv was set to On in php.ini. (#4878)
  • Fixed a bug where the resave/matrix-blocks command would wittingly resave Matrix blocks even if they hadn’t been loaded with their content, resulting in lost content. (#5030)
  • Fixed some RTL display issues. (#5051)


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.

3.3.7 - 2019-10-03****Changed

  • When saving a user, email validation errors are now copied over to the email attribute from the unverifiedEmail attribute. (#5019)
  • craft\web\View::renderString() and renderObjectTemplate() now have $templateMode arguments. (#5020)


  • Fixed a bug where the Edit User page would list a “Copy activation URL” action for publicly-registered users who already had a password set.
  • Fixed a bug where the list and structure icons were missing on element index pages for RTL languages. (#5018)
  • Fixed a bug where the prevSiblingOf and nextSiblingOf element query params weren’t working reliably. (#4997)
  • Fixed a bug where the descendantOf element query param wasn’t working when previewing a draft or revision. (#5021)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when saving a Dropdown or Multi-select field with optgroups. (#5014)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields that were managing relations on a per-site basis would forget other sites’ relations when duplicated. (#5038)

3.3.6 - 2019-09-27****Added

  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsHomepage(). (#4993)
  • Added craft\base\Element::HOMEPAGE_URI.


  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.31.


  • Fixed a bug where some HTML in the Control Panel was getting improperly encoded. (#5002)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helper\UrlHelper wasn’t encoding + and & characters in query param values.
  • Fixed an error where GraphQL would sometimes not return a proper error message. (#4999)
  • Fixed a bug where HUDs could be positioned incorrectly when first opened. (#5004)
  • Fixed a bug where HUD tip images could be pointing the wrong way for RTL languages.

3.3.5 - 2019-09-25****Added

  • The Control Panel is now translated into Persian. (#4969)
  • Added craft\test\fixtures\elements\ElementFixture::$unload.


  • All users with permission to register users can now choose to not have an activation email sent immediately, when registering a new user. (#4981)
  • Craft now shows validation errors when attempting to save a Dropdown, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, or Multi-select field with duplicate option labels or values. (#4983)
  • Live Preview requests now have an x-craft-live-preview query string param, rather than x-craft-preview. (#4950)
  • The _includes/pagination.html template can now be passed itemLabel and itemsLabel variables.
  • Any migrations applied during testing are now recorded as content migrations.
  • Added the option to automatically apply all content migrations when setting up the test environment. (#4904)
  • craft\helpers\Html::parseTagAttributes() now has a $decode argument.
  • craft\test\fixtures\elements\GlobalSetFixture now has the option to load the active record instance. (#4947)


  • Fixed a bug where checkbox inputs were positioned incorrectly for RTL languages.
  • Fixed a bug where the updater and project.yaml sync pages weren’t always handling error responses correctly. (#4988)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing the project config, if a volume was being deleted that didn’t exist in the database to begin with. (#4990)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a project config value changed from scalar to an array. (#4932)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would not recognize certain block types when using the GraphQL API. (#4961)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() was double-encoding preexisting attributes. (#4984) - 2019-09-17****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where elements with enabled Lightswitch fields weren’t getting returned in element queries. (#4951)

3.3.4 - 2019-09-17****Changed

  • It’s now possible to run the migrate/create install command for uninstalled plugins.
  • Improved the button labels in the confirmation dialog that can appear after running the Asset Indexes utility. (#4943)


  • Fixed a bug where asset queries’ withTransforms param wasn’t working for eager-loaded assets. (#4931)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Edit Image” asset action could be missing even if the user had the required permissions. (#3349)
  • Fixed a bug where querying for elements by their Lightswitch field value could only return elements that had been saved since the Lightswitch field was added. (#4939)
  • Fixed a bug where the Updates utility wasn’t showing the “Update all” button when multiple updates were available. (#4938)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Updating search indexes” job could fail when updating search indexes for a Matrix block that contained a relational field.
  • Fixed a bug where category groups’ site settings weren’t being added to the project config when a new site was created.
  • Fixed a bug where the Translation Method setting wasn’t immediately shown for Matrix sub-fields, if the field type was changed from one that didn’t have multiple translation methods to one that does. (#4949)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to query for entries by author ID using the GraphQL API.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to query for Matrix blocks directly using the GraphQL API.

3.3.3 - 2019-09-12****Changed

  • The GraphQL API now prebuilds the schema for all introspection queries, regardless of whether Dev Mode is enabled.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft was ignoring the invalidUserTokenPath request when it was set to an empty string. (#1998)
  • Fixed a bug where the invalidUserTokenPath was affecting Control Panel requests.
  • Fixed a bug where revisions weren’t being sorted correctly in Structure sections.
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages weren’t working with certain versions of PHP if the user’s preferred language was set to French. (#4930)

3.3.2 - 2019-09-11****Added

  • Added the graphql/dump-schema and graphql/print-schema commands. (#4834)
  • It’s now possible to access a parent field on entries and categories when querying the GraphQL API. (#4880)
  • It’s now possible to apply transforms to assets via url field arguments when querying the GraphQL API.


  • Craft now resets the dateCreated attribute when duplicating elements. (#4906)
  • It’s no longer possible to access the author field for entries when querying the GraphQL API, if the schema doesn’t include user data.
  • It’s no longer possible to access the photo field for users when querying the GraphQL API, if the schema doesn’t include the user photo volume.


  • Fixed a bug where Lightswitch fields weren’t returning a boolean value for the GraphQL API.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\View::renderString() and renderObjectTemplate() could leave Craft set to the site template mode if an error occurred when preparing or rendering the template. (#4912)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store wasn’t applying edition upgrade pricing for plugins if the higher edition was already installed as a trial. - 2019-09-08****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred after saving an element with a validation error. (#4898) - 2019-09-06****Changed

  • graphql/api preflight responses now explicitly allow Authorization headers. (#4830)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.30.


  • Fixed a bug where selecting Matrix blocks would cause the content container to scroll. (#3762)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if Stringy 5.2 was installed.

3.3.1 - 2019-09-06****Added

  • Added support for setting offset and limit params to individual paths’ criteria when eager loading elements.
  • Added the enableGql config setting. (#4836)
  • Added the children field to the EntryInterface and CategoryInterface GraphQL types. (#4843)
  • Added the markdown GraphQL directive. (#4832)


  • Preview target URIs can now be set to environment variables (e.g. $NEWS_INDEX) or URLs that begin with an alias (e.g. @rootUrl/news or @rootUrl/news/{slug}).
  • Templates passed to craft\web\View::renderString() and renderObjectTemplate() can now include front-end templates.
  • Element queries with the revisions param set will now return revisions ordered by num DESC by default. (#4825)
  • graphql/api responses now set the Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type header for preflight requests.
  • Craft no longer forces preview target URLs to use https if the current request is over SSL. (#4867)


  • Removed craft\elements\MatrixBlock::getField(). (#4882)


  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t showing validation errors when non-numeric values were entered. (#4849)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when accessing the GraphQL section in the Control Panel if the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#4884)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when executing a GraphQL query if a Matrix field had been converted to a different field type. (#4848)
  • Fixed a deprecation warning when running tests in PhpStorm. (#4772)
  • Fixed an SQL error that occurred when eager loading children for an element that wasn’t in a structure.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause queue jobs to fail when they were run automatically by Craft, if the enableCsrfProtection config setting was disabled. (#4854)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if the select clause had been completely overridden on an element query, but the asArray param wasn’t enabled. (#4886)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t always respecting the site-specific status when saving new entries. (#4892) - 2019-08-27****Changed

  • graphql/api responses now send CORS headers to allow crossdomain requests. (#4830)


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when editing an existing GraphQL schema. (#4827)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when using PostgreSQL. (#4828)

3.3.0 - 2019-08-27****Added

  • Added a built-in, autogenerated GraphQL API for content (Craft Pro only). (#4540)
  • Added “Headless Mode”, which optimizes the system and Control Panel for headless CMS implementations.
  • It’s now possible to create Single sections without URLs. (#3883)
  • Added the hiddenInput() Twig function, which generates a hidden input tag.
  • Added the input() Twig function, which generates an input tag.
  • Added the tag() Twig function, which generates an HTML tag.
  • Added the |attr Twig filter, which modifies the attributes on an HTML tag. (#4660)
  • Added the |append and |prepend Twig filters, which add new HTML elements as children of an HTML tag. (#3937)
  • Added the headlessMode config setting.
  • Added the purgeStaleUserSessionDuration config setting.
  • Admin users can now opt into getting the full stack trace view when an uncaught exception occurs when Dev Mode isn’t enabled. (#4765)
  • Admin users can now opt into having Twig templates profiled when Dev Mode isn’t enabled.
  • Added the graphql/api controller action.
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getGql().
  • Added craft\base\EagerLoadingFieldInterface::getEagerLoadingGqlConditions().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getGqlTypeName().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::gqlScopesByContext().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::gqlTypeNameByContext().
  • Added craft\base\Field::getEagerLoadingGqlConditions().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getContentGqlType().
  • Added craft\base\GqlInlineFragmentFieldInterface.
  • Added craft\base\GqlInlineFragmentInterface.
  • Added craft\controllers\GraphqlController.
  • Added craft\errors\GqlException.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlDirectivesEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlQueriesEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterGqlTypesEvent.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\arguments\elements\User.
  • Added craft\gql\base\Arguments.
  • Added craft\gql\base\Directive.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ElementArguments.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ElementResolver.
  • Added craft\gql\base\GeneratorInterface.
  • Added craft\gql\base\GqlTypeTrait.
  • Added craft\gql\base\InterfaceType.
  • Added craft\gql\base\ObjectType.
  • Added craft\gql\base\Query.
  • Added craft\gql\base\Resolver.
  • Added craft\gql\base\StructureElementArguments.
  • Added craft\gql\directives\FormatDateTime.
  • Added craft\gql\directives\Transform.
  • Added craft\gql\GqlEntityRegistry.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\Element.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\elements\User.
  • Added craft\gql\interfaces\Structure.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\Ping.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\queries\User.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\resolvers\elements\User.
  • Added craft\gql\TypeLoader.
  • Added craft\gql\types\DateTime.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\Asset.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\Category.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\Element.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\Entry.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\GlobalSet.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\Tag.
  • Added craft\gql\types\elements\User.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\AssetType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\CategoryType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\ElementType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\EntryType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\GlobalSetType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\MatrixBlockType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\TableRowType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\TagType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\generators\UserType.
  • Added craft\gql\types\Query.
  • Added craft\gql\types\TableRow.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::webResponseConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::whereMultiple().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::sourceElement().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql.
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::a().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::actionInput().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::appendToTag().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::csrfInput().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::modifyTagAttributes().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::normalizeTagAttributes().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::parseTag().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::parseTagAttributes().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::prependToTag().
  • Added craft\helpers\Html::redirectInput().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::afterFirst().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::afterLast().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::append().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::appendRandomString().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::appendUniqueIdentifier().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::at().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::beforeFirst().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::beforeLast().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::capitalizePersonalName().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::count().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::dasherize().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::endsWithAny().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::escape().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::extractText().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::htmlDecode().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::htmlEncode().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::humanize().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::is().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isBase64().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isBlank().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isHexadecimal().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isJson().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isSerialized().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isUtf8().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::isWhitespace().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::lastSubstringOf().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::lineWrapAfterWord().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::pad().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::padBoth().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::padLeft().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::padRight().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::removeHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::removeHtmlBreak().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::repeat().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::replaceAll().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::replaceBeginning().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::replaceEnding().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::replaceFirst().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::replaceLast().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::safeTruncate().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::shortenAfterWord().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::shuffle().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::slice().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::slugify().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::split().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::startsWithAny().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::stripCssMediaQueries().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::stripEmptyHtmlTags().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::stripHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::stripWhitespace().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::substringOf().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::surround().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::tidy().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::titleizeForHumans().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::toBoolean().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::toSpaces().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::toTabs().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::toTransliterate().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::trimLeft().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::trimRight().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::upperCamelize().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::upperCaseFirst().
  • Added craft\helpers\Template::beginProfile().
  • Added craft\helpers\Template::endProfile().
  • Added craft\helpers\UrlHelper::buildQuery().
  • Added craft\model\MatrixBlockType::getField().
  • Added craft\models\GqlSchema.
  • Added craft\records\GqlSchema.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::getGroupByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Gql.
  • Added craft\services\Matrix::getAllBlockTypes().
  • Added craft\services\Sections::getAllEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\web\assets\graphiql\GraphiqlAsset.
  • Added craft\web\assets\graphiql\VendorAsset.
  • Added craft\web\twig\nodes\ProfileNode.
  • Added craft\web\twig\nodevisitors\Profiler.


  • Relational fields without a specific target site will now only return related elements from the same site as the source element by default, as they did before Craft 3.2. (#4751)
  • Element arrays no longer include hasDescendants or totalDescendants keys by default. (#4820)
  • Matrix block queries no longer include blocks owned by drafts or revisions by default. (#4790)
  • Entries’ drafts and revisions are now soft-deleted and restored along with their source elements. (#4797)
  • Global set reference tags can now refer to the global set by its handle. (#4645)
  • Improved Twig template profiling to include blocks and macros.
  • Twig template profiling no longer occurs when Dev Mode isn’t enabled, unless an admin user is logged in and has opted into it.
  • The actionInput(), csrfInput(), and redirectInput() Twig functions now support an options argument for customizing the HTML tag attributes.
  • The _layouts/forms/field.html template now supports label, instructions, tip, warning, and input blocks that can be overridden when including the template with an {% embed %} tag.
  • Editable tables now support a fullWidth setting, which can be set to false to prevent the table from spanning the full width of the page.
  • Editable tables now support thin column settings.
  • Editable tables now support headingHtml column settings.
  • Craft no longer overrides the base Twig template class, unless the now-deprecated suppressTemplateErrors config setting is enabled. (#4755)
  • Edit Entry pages now get updated preview target URLs after saving a draft, in case the URLs have changed.
  • The confirmation dialog that can appear after running the Asset Indexes utility no longer will close by pressing the Esc key or clicking outside of the modal. (#4795)
  • Section and Matrix “Propagation Method” settings now display warnings about the potential for data loss when appropriate.
  • Site group settings now display a warning about the potential for data loss.
  • Control Panel subnav items can now have badge counts. (#4756)
  • Improved the performance of element duplication on multi-site installs.
  • Improved the performance of craft\web\View::renderString() for templates that don’t contain any Twig code.
  • craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getCreator() can now return null.
  • craft\helpers\Db::parseParam() now has an optional $columnType argument. (#4807)
  • craft\test\TestSetup::setupCraftDb() no longer accepts a second argument. Ensure that craft\test\Craft::$testConfig is set before calling this function. (#4804)
  • craft\web\Request::post() and getBodyParam() will now work with posted JSON data, if the request’s content type is set to application/json.
  • Switched from the stringy/stringy library to voku/stringy. (#4753)


  • Deprecated the suppressTemplateErrors config setting.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Sections::isSectionTemplateValid().
  • Deprecated craft\web\twig\Template.


  • Removed craft\base\ElementInterface::getSource(). (#4754)
  • Removed craft\web\twig\Extension::actionInputFunction().
  • Removed craft\web\twig\Extension::csrfInputFunction().
  • Removed craft\web\twig\Extension::redirectInputFunction().


  • Fixed an error that could occur if garbage collection was run while Craft 3.2 migrations were pending. (#4720)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Publish live changes for other authors’ entries” permission was being enforced when saving another author’s entry as a new entry. (#4758)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\UrlHelper methods would strip out array params in the query string. (#4778)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when a {% cache %} tag was used on a page with a 4-byte character in the URI. (#4780)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could show a nondescript error when navigating away from a Control Panel page if an Ajax request was currently in progress. (#4796)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when editing an entry with a draft that was created by a soft-deleted user. (#4800)
  • Fixed a bug where entry revisions and drafts would be deleted when the user that created them was hard-deleted.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when executing an element query that had custom JOIN and WHERE clauses if the search param was also set. (#4788)
  • Fixed a bug where default field values weren’t being applied to Matrix blocks that were autocreated per the Min Blocks setting. (#4806)
  • Fixed Plugin Store dropdowns which were not working properly with Windows Edge browsers.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when :empty: or not :empty: was passed to a date param on an element query when running MySQL 8. (#4808)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown and Multi-select fields’ Dropdown Options settings weren’t autofocusing on the first input when adding a new row with the keyboard. (#4823)

3.2.10 - 2019-08-13****Added

  • Added craft\fields\BaseRelationField::settingsTemplateVariables(). (#4732)
  • Added craft\services\Search::deleteOrphanedIndexes().
  • Added craft\validators\UriFormatValidator::$disallowTriggers.
  • Added the Craft.startsWith() JavaScript method.


  • Improved garbage collection performance when hard-deleting hundreds of thousands of elements. (#4735)
  • Element queries’ title param will now accept a value of '0'.
  • craft\services\Elements::deleteElementById() now has a $hardDelete argument. (#4747)
  • It’s no longer possible to save routes or URI formats that begin with the actionTrigger or cpTrigger config settings. (#4154)
  • Categories fields’ selection modals now show the site menu. (#4749)


  • Removed craft\records\Route.


  • Fixed a bug where Entry fixtures wouldn’t get unloaded. (#4663)
  • Fixed a bug where entry content wouldn’t get propagated to other sites if an entry was created and then saved before Craft had finished autosaving the draft. (#4423)
  • Fixed a bug where entry forms could miss the fact that a Matrix block had been deleted. (#4727)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur on environments where the Intl PHP extension was installed but the IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII or INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 constants weren’t defined. (#4722)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur if a plugin was configured with settings even though it didn’t support settings. (#4706)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when a validation error occurred on an entry while it was being created or updated from a draft. (#4733)
  • Fixed an infinite recursion bug that could occur when validating circular relations. (#4482)
  • Fixed a bug where elements with a title of “0” would show their ID instead of their title in element indexes and relational fields. (#4745)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was redirecting to the Dashboard when attempting to export elements, if the tokenParam config setting was set to something besides token. (#4737)

3.2.9 - 2019-08-06****Added

  • Added the ignorePlaceholders element query param.
  • Added the cp.entries.edit.meta and cp.entries.edit.settings template hooks to the Edit Entry page.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getSource().
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$newSiteIds.
  • Added craft\models\Site::$dateCreated and $dateUpdated. (#4703)


  • Improved the Control Panel header styling for mobile and on pages with long titles. (#4548)
  • Element references in the Control Panel now reveal the site the element was fetched from in their tooltips, on multi-site installs. (#4690)
  • Element editor HUDs now always show a header with the element’s site name on multi-site installs, even if the element is only editable in one site. (#4690)
  • Entry preview tokens now respect the defaultTokenDuration config setting, rather than always expiring after 24 hours. (#4683)
  • Improved disabled select field styling. (#4709)


  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior::getSource().
  • Deprecated craft\behaviors\RevisionBehavior::getSource().


  • Fixed a bug where elements listed in a Structure view could be missing their descendant toggles even if all of their descendants were disabled. (#4685)
  • Fixed a bug where element CSV exports were limited to 50 elements if no limit was set. (#4692)
  • Fixed a 400 error that occurred when submitting an entry form that didn’t have an entryId param. (#4693)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\base\Element::getDescendants() and other structure methods could return the wrong results when called on a draft. (#4694)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks weren’t getting duplicated to newly-enabled sites for elements if the field’s Propagation Method setting wasn’t set to “Save blocks to all sites the owner element is saved in”. (#4698)
  • Fixed a bug where the Database Backup could result in a 404 error on load-balanced environments. (#4699)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Current” entry revision link wouldn’t always work. (#4705)
  • Fixed a bug where the craft\services\Search::EVENT_AFTER_SEARCH event wasn’t always firing. (#4710)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Users::purgeExpiredPendingUsers() was attempting to delete already-trashed users.


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.

3.2.8 - 2019-07-30****Added

  • Element indexes with unsaved drafts now show a “Drafts” option in the status menu.
  • Added the utils/fix-element-uids command, which ensures all elements have unique UIDs. (#4653)


  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to create a homepage Single section if a prior entry revisions’ URI had been set to __home__. (#4657)
  • Fixed a bug where the user deletion confirmation dialog was including revisions and drafts when counting entries for the content summary.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when deleting a user, if another user had been chosen to inherit their content. (#4670)
  • Fixed a bug where users could be warned about losing unsaved changes when updating an entry from a draft, while the draft was being autosaved. (#4614)
  • Fixed a bug where Categories fields weren’t always getting updated when a category they were related to got moved under another category. (#4672)
  • Fixed an error that occurred on the Settings → Routes page, if one of the routes didn’t have a URI pattern. (#4676)
  • Fixed some styling and behavior issues on the Settings → Routes page.

3.2.7 - 2019-07-25****Fixed

  • Fixed an error where it wasn’t possible to scale SVGs using only height. (#4643)
  • Fixed a bug where the content area of some Control Panel pages weren’t getting any bottom padding. (#4644)
  • Fixed a bug where installing a plugin immediately after installing Craft from the console could corrupt the project config if useProjectConfigFile was enabled. (#3870)
  • Fixed a bug where entry forms could overlook changes made to Categories fields. (#4648)
  • Fixed a bug where element search indexes weren’t being updated right away after an element was created or updated from an element editor HUD.
  • Fixed a bug where back-end slug validation wasn’t working correctly for slugs with some Unicode characters. (#1535)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was attempting to delete template caches even when saving a draft or revision.

3.2.6 - 2019-07-23****Changed

  • When enabling a new site for a Single section, Craft now uses the primary site’s content as the starting point for the new site’s content, if the section was already enabled for it.
  • Swapped the position of the “Save as a Draft” and “Save Entry” buttons. (#4622)
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() now supports arrays created from DateTime objects. (#4627)
  • Plugin license key inputs are no longer limited to 29 characters, to make room for long environment variable names. (#4393)
  • Updated Imagine to


  • Fixed a bug where Craft could load the same JavaScript and CSS files multiple times when opening element editor HUDs. (#4620)
  • Fixed a bug where each animated GIF frame would still be parsed when generating a thumbnail, even if the transformGifs setting was set to false. (#4588)
  • Fixed a bug where back-end slug validation wasn’t working correctly for slugs with Unicode characters. (#4628)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to create new entries if the section handle matched the pageTrigger config setting, and the pageTrigger config setting had a trailing slash. (#4631)
  • Fixed a bug where the sections.previewTargets database column was getting created as a varchar instead of text column for new Craft installs. (#4638)


  • Fixed a bug where the preserveExifData config setting wasn’t being respected on image upload. - 2019-07-19****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred if a plugin license key was set to an environment variable, which was set to an invalid key. (#4604)
  • Fixed an error that prevented image thumbnails from generating in the Control Panel when using ImageMagick. (#4609)

3.2.5 - 2019-07-19****Added

  • Added craft\services\Elements::getPlaceholderElements().


  • If an invalid entry draft or revision edit URL is accessed, but the source entry does exist, Craft now redirects the browser to the source entry’s edit page. (#4574)
  • Preview requests now include the previewed entry in element queries even if the status, drafts, or revisions parameters are set to exclude it. (#4581)
  • Back-end slug generation now follows the same rules as JavaScript. (#4607)
  • Unsaved entry drafts now get assigned a new ID when they are fully saved, so they are treated as new elements. (#4589)


  • Fixed some bugs with the “Save Entry” menu options, when editing an unsaved draft. (#4614)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could forget which site was being edited when updating an entry from a draft. (#4615) - 2019-07-17****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to share a disabled entry. (#4596)
  • Fixed a bug where new Email and URL cells in Table fields weren’t getting the correct input type. (#4595)

3.2.4 - 2019-07-17****Changed

  • Brought back the “Preview” button for the Current revision of entries, which now creates a draft before activating the entry preview. (#4584)
  • The “Save as a Draft” button now creates the draft over Ajax, when it’s not the primary submit button for the page.
  • When Craft isn’t able to sync incoming project.yaml changes due to schema version conflicts, Craft now lists which packages are conflicting… (#4568)


  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur after uploading a file directly onto an Assets field when editing the Current revision of an entry.
  • Fixed a bug where draft forms could become unresponsive if the user attempted to navigate away from the page or submit the form in the middle of an autosave. (#4578)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when passing :empty: or :notempty: to a relational field’s element query param. (#4529)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t getting set to their default values for new entries. (#4586)
  • Fixed a bug query string parameters were getting URL-encoded when applied to generated pagination URLs.
  • Fixed a bug where Single entries had the option to be duplicated or deleted. (#4590)

3.2.3 - 2019-07-16****Added

  • Added craft\controllers\EntriesController::actionDuplicateEntry().
  • Added craft\web\UrlManager::setMatchedElement().


  • Craft no longer creates drafts automatically when editing entries. The user must click a “Save as a Draft” button to create one. (#4549)
  • Entries are now immediately savable, whether or not any changes were made. (#4535)
  • The “Save Entry” button now redirects the user to the Entries index page. (#4575)
  • Brought back the “Save and continue editing” and “Save and add another” options for entries.
  • It’s no longer possible to preview entries’ Current revision. A draft must be created first.


  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to delete Matrix blocks if Min Blocks and Max Blocks were set to the same value, and an element already had more than that many blocks. (#4562)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\UrlManager::getMatchedElement() could return the incorrect result on preview requests. (#4542)
  • Fixed an error that occurred on the Settings → Email page if email settings were missing from the project config. (#4552)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to toggle site-specific entry statuses when editing drafts. (#4577)

3.2.2 - 2019-07-14****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isTempSlug().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::tempSlug().
  • Added craft\helpers\UrlHelper::removeParam().


  • Craft no longer ensures a recent revision exists before creating a draft for an element.
  • Element exports are limited to CSV files now, to avoid the GD requirement imposed by the PHPSpreadsheet library. (#4553)


  • Fixed a bug where multi-site element queries with the unique and offset params set weren’t returning any results. (#4560)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating a draft. (#4515)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t generating a new slug for entries that were saved with a blank Slug field. (#4518)
  • Fixed a bug where disabled select options could lose their disabled text styling in Firefox. (#4526)
  • Fixed a bug where entry forms could miss the fact that a file had been uploaded to an Assets field. (#4534)
  • Fixed a bug where selecting “Create a new child entry” in a Structure section on a multi-site install would result in a 404 error. (#4541)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to set test-specific config settings. (#4539)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when exporting elements if Limit was set to 0. (#4547)
  • Fixed a bug where the {% paginate %} tag wouldn’t generate links to the first page correctly when using query string pagination. (#4550)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when indexing assets from a console request, if no volumes were defined yet. (#2798)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Delete” link could show up in the draft meta HUD for unsaved drafts. (#4557)

3.2.1 - 2019-07-11****Added

  • Added craft\console\Request::getIsPreview().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getIsPreview().


  • If a draft can’t be saved, an alert icon is now shown in the Control Panel header, which can be clicked on to reveal more information.
  • Element revisions no longer store snapshot data.


  • Fixed a bug where Feed widget items weren’t getting hyperlinked.
  • Fixed a bug where the app/migrate controller wasn’t applying new project.yaml changes if there were no pending migrations.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when saving an entry or entry draft. (#4508)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields set to restrict uploads to a single folder could have empty selector modals. (#4522)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a template was accessing the deprecated locale property of an element query, but siteId wasn’t set to an integer. (#4531)
  • Fixed a bug where users without the “Publish live changes” permission for a section weren’t able to create new entries. (#4528)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when uploading files to Assets fields on the front end. (#4382)
  • Fixed a bug where elements listed in a Structure view could show descendant toggles even if they had no descendants. (#4504)
  • Fixed a backwards compatibility issue. (#4523)

3.2.0 - 2019-07-09

{warning} If you’ve ever run the project-config/rebuild command, it’s highly recommended that you run it again with Craft, before updating to Craft 3.2.

{warning} Custom login controllers must now explicitly set their $allowAnonymous values to include self::ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_OFFLINE if they wish to be available when the system is offline.

{tip} If you have Super Table or Neo installed, you should update those at the same time as Craft, to avoid unnecessary search index jobs from being added to the queue.


  • All element types now have the option to support drafts and revisions.
  • Drafts are now autocreated when content is modified, and autosaved whenever the content changes. (#1034)
  • Drafts and revisions now store content across all sites supported by the element. (#2669)
  • Content previewing is now draft-based, and drafts are stored as specialized elements, so it’s no longer necessary to add special cases in templates for preview requests. (#1787, #2801)
  • Sections now have a “Preview Targets” setting when running Craft Pro, which can be used to configure additional locations that entries can be previewed from. (#1489)
  • Sections now have a “Propagation Method” setting, enabling entries to only be propagated to other sites in the same site group, or with the same language. (#3554)
  • Matrix fields now have a “Propagation Method” setting, enabling blocks to only be propagated to other sites in the same site group, or with the same language. (#3554)
  • Single entries now have editable slugs. (#3368)
  • Headless content previewing is now possible by forwarding request tokens off to content API requests. (#1231)
  • Preview iframes are now created with a src attribute already in place, improving SPA support. (#2120)
  • Entry “Share” buttons are now visible on mobile. (#4408)
  • Added the “Temp Uploads Location” system setting (available from Settings → Assets → Settings), which makes it possible to choose the volume and path that temporary asset uploads should be stored. (#4010)
  • Added the maxRevisions config setting. (#926)
  • Added the purgeUnsavedDraftsDuration config setting, which determines how long unsaved drafts should be allowed to exist before getting deleted via garbage collection.
  • Added the “Edit images” permission. (#3349)
  • Added the “Impersonate users” permission. (#3501)
  • Added the drafts, draftId, draftOf, draftCreator, revisions, revisionId, revisionOf, and revisionCreator element query params.
  • The site element query params now support passing multiple site handles, or '*', to query elements across multiple sites at once. (#2854)
  • Relational fields now have a “Validate related elements” setting, which ensures that the related elements pass validation before the source element can be saved with them selected. (#4095)
  • Table fields can now have Dropdown, Email, and URL columns. (#811, #4180)
  • Dropdown and Multi-select fields can now have optgroups. (#4236)
  • Date/Time, Dropdown, Lightswitch, Number, and Radio Buttons fields are now listed as sort options in element indexes. (#2818)
  • Asset, category, entry, and user indexes can now have “UID” columns. (#4433)
  • Added the unique element query param, which can be used to prevent duplicate elements when querying elements across multiple sites.
  • Added the preferSites element query param, which can be used to set the preferred sites that should be used for multi-site element queries, when the unique param is also enabled.
  • Element index pages are now paginated for non-Structure views. (#818)
  • Element index pages now have an “Export…” button that will export all of the elements in the current view (across all pages) or up to a custom limit, in either CSV, XLS, XLSX, or ODS format. (#994)
  • Added the {% dd %} Twig tag. (#4399)
  • Added the attr() Twig function, which can generate a list of HTML/XML attributes. (#4237)
  • Added the |withoutKey Twig filter.
  • Added the resave/matrix-blocks console command.
  • The index-assets/* commands now support a --create-missing-assets=0 option, which prevents Craft from creating asset records when they don’t exist yet, and offers an opportunity to fix the location of any asset records that are missing their associated files, when the filename matches one of the files missing an index.
  • Added the mailer/test command. (#4020)
  • Added the tests/setup command, which generates a test suite for the current Craft project.
  • Jobs can now set progress labels, which will be shown below their description and progress bar in the queue HUD. (#1931)
  • Added the _layouts/element template, which can be extended by element edit pages that wish to support drafts, revisions, and content previewing.
  • Added the _special/sitepicker template.
  • It’s now possible for plugins and modules to define custom actions on console controllers.
  • Added a testing framework for Craft and plugins, powered by Codeception. (#3382, #1485, #944)
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getInstalledSchemaVersion().
  • Added craft\base\BlockElementInterface.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_AFTER_PROPAGATE.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_REGISTER_PREVIEW_TARGETS.
  • Added craft\base\Element::previewTargets().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::afterPropagate().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCurrentRevision().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsDraft().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsRevision().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getIsUnsavedDraft().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getPreviewTargets().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getSourceId().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getSourceUid().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getUiLabel(), which is now used to define what an element will be called in the Control Panel. (#4211)
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::pluralDisplayName(), which element type classes can use to define the plural of their display name.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setRevisionCreatorId().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setRevisionNotes().
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$dateDeleted. (#4493)
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$draftId.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$hardDelete.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$previewing.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$propagateAll.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$revisionId.
  • Added craft\base\Field::EVENT_AFTER_ELEMENT_PROPAGATE.
  • Added craft\base\Field::getSortOption().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::afterElementPropagate().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::valueType(). (#3894)
  • Added craft\base\SortableFieldInterface, which can be implemented by field classes that should be sortable in element indexes.
  • Added craft\behaviors\DraftBehavior.
  • Added craft\behaviors\RevisionBehavior.
  • Added craft\console\CallableAction.
  • Added craft\console\Controller.
  • Added craft\console\controllers\ResaveController::saveElements().
  • Added craft\console\ControllerTrait.
  • Added craft\console\Request::getToken().
  • Added craft\controllers\PreviewController.
  • Added craft\errors\MissingAssetException.
  • Added craft\events\BatchElementActionEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineConsoleActionsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\ElementQueryEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RegisterPreviewTargetsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\RevisionEvent.
  • Added craft\helpers\Component::validateComponentClass().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::isDraftOrRevision().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::rootElement().
  • Added craft\models\Section::$propagationMethod.
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\UpdateSearchIndex.
  • Added craft\services\Drafts, accessible via Craft::$app->drafts.
  • Added craft\services\Matrix::duplicateBlocks().
  • Added craft\services\Matrix::getSupportedSiteIdsForField().
  • Added craft\services\Revisions, accessible via Craft::$app->revisions.
  • Added craft\services\Users::canImpersonate().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getIsLoginRequest() and craft\console\Request::getIsLoginRequest().
  • Added craft\web\UrlManager::$checkToken.
  • Added the Craft.isSameHost() JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.parseUrl() JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.randomString() JavaScript method.
  • Added the Craft.DraftEditor JavaScript class.
  • Added the Craft.Preview JavaScript class.


  • Relational fields are now capable of selecting elements from multiple sites, if they haven’t been locked down to only related elements from a single site. (#3584)
  • Element selector modals now always show source headings, and list sources in the configured order. (#4494)
  • Reference tags can now specify the site to load the element from. (#2956)
  • Improved the button layout of Edit Entry pages. (#2325)
  • Improved the performance of saving elements.
  • The Control Panel now shows the sidebar on screens that are at least 1,000 pixels wide. (#4079)
  • The _layouts/cp template now supports a showHeader variable that can be set to false to remove the header.
  • The _layouts/cp Control Panel template now supports a footer block, which will be output below the main content area.
  • Renamed craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::filterByValue() to where().
  • Anonymous/offline/Control Panel access validation now takes place from craft\web\Controller::beforeAction() rather than craft\web\Application::handleRequest(), giving controllers a chance to do things like set CORS headers before a ForbiddenHttpException or ServiceUnavailableHttpException is thrown. (#4008)
  • Controllers can now set $allowAnonymous to a combination of bitwise integers self::ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LIVE and self::ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_OFFLINE, or an array of action ID/bitwise integer pairs, to define whether their actions should be accessible anonymously even when the system is offline.
  • Improved the error message when Project Config reaches the maximum deferred event count.
  • Craft now deletes expired template caches as part of its garbage collection routine.
  • Craft no longer warns about losing unsaved changes when leaving the page while previewing entries, if the changes were autosaved. (#4439)
  • fieldValues is a now reserved field handle. (#4453)
  • Improved the reliability of craft\helpers\UrlHelper::rootRelativeUrl() and cpUrl().
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::eagerLoadingMap() and craft\base\EagerLoadingFieldInterface::getEagerLoadingMap() can now return null to opt out of eager loading. (#4220)
  • craft\db\ActiveRecord no longer sets the uid, dateCreated, or dateUpdated values for new records if they were already explicitly set.
  • craft\db\ActiveRecord no longer updates the dateUpdated value for existing records if nothing else changed or if dateUpdated had already been explicitly changed.
  • craft\helpers\UrlHelper::siteUrl() and url() will now include the current request’s token in the generated URL’s query string, for site URLs.
  • craft\events\MoveElementEvent now extends craft\events\ElementEvent. (#4315)
  • craft\queue\BaseJob::setProgress() now has a $label argument.
  • craft\queue\jobs\PropagateElements no longer needs to be configured with a siteId, and no longer propagates elements to sites if they were updated in the target site more recently than the source site.
  • craft\queue\QueueInterface::setProgress() now has a $label argument.
  • craft\services\Assets::getUserTemporaryUploadFolder() now returns the current user’s temporary upload folder by default if no user is provided.
  • craft\services\Elements::deleteElement() now has a $hardDelete argument.
  • craft\services\Elements::deleteElement() now has a $hardDelete argument. (#3392)
  • craft\services\Elements::getElementById() now has a $criteria argument.
  • craft\services\Elements::propagateElement() now has a $siteElement argument.
  • craft\services\Elements::saveElement() now preserves existing elements’ current dateUpdated value when propagating or auto-resaving elements.
  • craft\services\Elements::saveElement() now preserves the uid, dateCreated, and dateUpdated values on new elements if they were explicitly set. (#2909)
  • craft\services\Elements::setPlaceholderElement() now throws an exception if the element that was passed in doesn’t have an ID.
  • craft\services\Matrix::saveField() is no longer is responsible for duplicating blocks from other elements.
  • craft\web\twig\variables\CraftVariable no longer triggers the defineComponents event. (#4416)
  • craft\web\UrlManager::setRouteParams() now has a $merge argument, which can be set to false to completely override the route params.
  • It’s now possible to pass a behaviors key to the $newAttributes argument of craft\services\Elements::duplicateElement(), to preattach behaviors to the cloned element before it’s saved.


  • Removed the Search Indexes utility. (#3698)
  • Removed the --batch-size option from resave/* actions.
  • Removed the craft.entryRevisions Twig component.
  • Removed craft\controllers\EntriesController::actionPreviewEntry().
  • Removed craft\controllers\EntriesController::actionShareEntry().
  • Removed craft\controllers\EntriesController::actionViewSharedEntry().
  • Removed craft\events\VersionEvent.
  • Removed craft\records\Entry::getVersions().
  • Removed craft\records\EntryDraft.
  • Removed craft\records\EntryVersion.
  • Removed craft\services\EntryRevisions::saveDraft().
  • Removed craft\services\EntryRevisions::publishDraft().
  • Removed craft\services\EntryRevisions::deleteDraft().
  • Removed craft\services\EntryRevisions::saveVersion().
  • Removed craft\services\EntryRevisions::revertEntryToVersion().
  • Removed the Craft.EntryDraftEditor JavaScript class.


  • Deprecated the ownerSite and ownerSiteId Matrix block query params.
  • Deprecated craft\controllers\EntriesController::EVENT_PREVIEW_ENTRY.
  • Deprecated craft\controllers\LivePreviewController.
  • Deprecated craft\elements\MatrixBlock::$ownerSiteId.
  • Deprecated craft\events\DefineComponentsEvent.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::filterByValue(). Use where() instead.
  • Deprecated craft\models\BaseEntryRevisionModel.
  • Deprecated craft\models\EntryDraft.
  • Deprecated craft\models\EntryVersion.
  • Deprecated craft\models\Section::$propagateEntries. Use $propagationMethod instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Assets::getCurrentUserTemporaryUploadFolder().
  • Deprecated craft\services\EntryRevisions.
  • Deprecated craft\web\Request::getIsLivePreview().
  • Deprecated craft\web\Request::getIsSingleActionRequest() and craft\console\Request::getIsSingleActionRequest().
  • Deprecated the Craft.LivePreview JavaScript class.


  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\UrlHelper methods could add duplicate query params on generated URLs.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks weren’t getting duplicated for other sites when creating a new element. (#4449) - 2019-08-21****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/rebuild command wasn’t discarding unused user groups or user field layouts in the project config. (#4781) - 2019-07-23****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/rebuild command was discarding email and user settings. - 2019-07-22****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/rebuild command was ignoring entry types that didn’t have a field layout. (#4600)

3.1.34 - 2019-07-09****Changed

  • The project-config/rebuild command now rebuilds the existing project config wherever possible, instead of merging database data with the existing project config.

3.1.33 - 2019-07-02****Added

  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::saveInfoAfterRequest().


  • Craft no longer strips some punctuation symbols from slugs.
  • Improved the performance of saving project config updates. (#4459)
  • Improved the performance of saving fields. (#4459)
  • The craft update command no longer updates Craft or plugins if not specified.


  • Removed craft\services\ProjectConfig::saveDataAfterRequest().
  • Removed craft\services\ProjectConfig::preventSavingDataAfterRequest().


  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when deleting an asset transform. (#4473)


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.
  • Fixed a path disclosure vulnerability. (#4468)
  • Added the sameSiteCookieValue config setting. (#4462) - 2019-06-25****Fixed

  • Fixed a couple Windows compatibility issues.

3.1.32 - 2019-06-25****Changed

  • Project Config now sorts arrays when all of the keys are UIDs. (#4425)


  • Fixed a bug where Craft might not match a domain to the proper site if it had a non-ASCII character in the host name.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when using the |filter Twig filter. (#4437)
  • Fixed a bug where pagination URL could get repeated page params added to the query string if using query string-based pagination.

3.1.31 - 2019-06-18****Added

  • It’s now possible to set plugin license keys to environment variables using the $VARIABLE_NAME syntax. (#4393)
  • Added craft\services\Elements::mergeElements(). (#4404)


  • Pagination URLs now include any query string parameters set on the current request.
  • The default email template no longer sets text or background colors, so emails look better in dark mode. (#4396)
  • Improved the error message that gets logged when Craft isn’t able to finish processing project config changes, due to unresolved dependencies.
  • Craft will no longer log errors and warnings arising from yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource. (#4109)
  • Improved the performance and reliability of user queries when the group param is set to a user group with a large number of users.
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.21.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft::dd() wouldn’t work properly if output buffering was enabled. (#4399)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft::alias() wasn’t working on Windows servers. (#4405)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t parsing the dsn DB connection setting properly if it was supplied.


  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.

3.1.30 - 2019-06-11****Changed

  • Improved query performance. (yiisoft/yii2#17344, yiisoft/yii2#17345, yiisoft/yii2#17348)
  • craft\services\Elements::saveElement() now always propagates elements regardless of the $propagate argument value, when saving new elements. (#4370)


  • Fixed a bug where new elements weren’t assigned a UID in time if their URI format contained a {uid} token. (#4364)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was modifying custom log target configs before executing queue jobs. (#3766)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\ChartHelper::getRunChartDataFromQuery() assumed that the value would be integers. (craftcms/commerce#849)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Security::validateData() was returning an empty string instead of false when the data didn’t validate. (#4387)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could inject unexpected JavaScript into front-end requests. (#4390)

3.1.29 - 2019-06-04****Added

  • Added the restore command, which restores a database backup.
  • Added the Craft.escapeRegex() JavaScript method.


  • Asset indexes now sort assets by Date Uploaded in descending order by default. (#1153)
  • craft\db\Paginator no longer assumes that the application’s database connection should be used.
  • Updated Twig to 2.11. (#4342)


  • Fixed a bug where the Status menu wasn’t visible for the “All users” source on user indexes. (#4306)
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the Esc key in the setup wizard would close the modal window. (#4307)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\validators\ArrayValidator::validate() didn’t work. (#4309)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when rendering templates with a loop.parent.loop reference in a nested for-loop. (#4271)
  • Fixed a bug where publishing a Single entry’s draft, or reverting a Single entry to a prior version, would overwrite its title to the section name. (#4323)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t invalidating existing asset transforms when changing the dimensions of a named transform.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Fields::getFieldsByElementType() would return duplicate results if a field was used in more than one field layout for the element type. (#4336)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t respecting the allowUppercaseInSlug config setting when generating slugs in the Control Panel. (#4330)
  • Fixed a bug where Control Panel Ajax requests weren’t working if a custom pathParam config setting value was set. (#4334)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur when saving a new entry, if the selected entry type didn’t have a Title field. (#4353)

3.1.28 - 2019-05-21****Added

  • Added the “Customize element sources” user permission. (#4282)
  • Matrix sub-fields now have a “Use this field’s values as search keywords?” setting. (#4291)
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Paginate::setBasePath(). (#4286)


  • Craft now requires Yii 2.0.19.


  • Fixed a bug where slugs could get double-hyphenated. (#4266)
  • Fixed an error that would occur when installing Craft if the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#4267)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields would return the wrong set of Matrix blocks on new or duplicated elements, immediately after they were saved.
  • Fixed a bug where users could not assign additional user groups to their own account if their permission to do so was granted by another user group they belonged to.
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields would attempt to save non-numeric values. (craftcms/feed-me#527)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to assign a Structure entry or category to a new parent, even if that would cause its descendants to violate the Max Levels setting. (#4279)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when rendering a template from a console request, if the template contained any non-global {% cache %} tags. (#4284)

3.1.27 - 2019-05-14****Added

  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::EVENT_SET_FIELD_BLOCK_TYPES. (#4252)


  • Pressing Shift + Return (or Shift + Ctrl/Command + Return) when a textual cell is focused in an editable table will now change the focus to the same cell in the previous row (after creating a new row if necessary.) (#4259)
  • Craft no longer shows the status menu for element sources that define a status. (#4249)
  • Element URI formats can now conditionally output an empty string, opting the element out of getting its own system URI. (#4254)
  • Table fields now get validation errors if any column handles are entered in the format of “colX”.
  • Craft no longer clear out users’ verification codes after login. (#4257)
  • The users/upload-user-photo and users/delete-user-photo actions are now available to front-end requests. (#3932)


  • Fixed a bug where rebuilding the project config could set an incorrect value for the user field layout.
  • Fixed a bug Craft wouldn’t allow users to edit their own photos if they didn’t have upload/remove asset permissions.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t removing newline characters when pasting text into some single-line Table column types.
  • Fixed a bug where project config syncing could have inconsistent results on load-balanced environments. (#4136)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was not able to load developer details. (#4241)
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when Craft generated URLs with multi-byte characters in the query string.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get some character encoding issues in some environments when using PHP 7.3.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t attempting to set a unique URI on duplicated elements. (#4253)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields could copy cell values to other cells if a column had a handle in the format of “colX”. (#4200)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on the Login page if a custom Login Page Logo was selected. (#4261)

3.1.26 - 2019-05-08****Changed

  • The “Update all” button on the Updates utility is now shown even if the page contains some uninstallable updates. (#4230)
  • Craft now stores the Default User Group’s UID in the project config, in case the group’s ID is different across environments.
  • craft\services\Assets::EVENT_BEFORE_REPLACE_ASSET event handlers can now change the filename of the replaced asset before it is saved.
  • Improved the performance of background jobs. (#4219)
  • Improved the Plugin Store’s screenshots with arrows for navigation and pinch-to-zoom capability for touch devices.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving a Single section if one of its sites had been disabled.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when deleting a site.
  • Fixed a PHP compile error that could occur when paginating a query. (#4208)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on the Settings → Users → Settings page if the project config was missing its users key. (#4206)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t requiring email verification for new user accounts if the project config was missing its users key.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t eager loading elements in the same site as the source element, if that was different than the currently requested site. (#3954)

3.1.25 - 2019-04-30****Added

  • Added the |ascii Twig filter. (#4193)


  • Craft now registers its project config event handlers before loading plugins. (#3943)
  • The Control Panel now uses jQuery 3.4.0. (#4183)
  • behavior and behaviors are now reserved field handles. (#4184)
  • The Updates utility no longer shows notices for expired plugins if no updates are actually available. (#4186)


  • Fixed an error where rebuilding the project config would not typecast the propagateEntries and enableVersioning section settings correctly. (#3695)
  • Fixed a bug where the Edit Draft HUD would include the current site name in the default Draft Name value for multi-site entries. (#4171)
  • Fixed a bug where resource requests could send a 500 response if the resource didn’t exist. (#4197)

3.1.24 - 2019-04-23****Added

  • Added craft\services\Fields::getFieldIdsByLayoutId().


  • Craft now correctly typecasts all core boolean and integer values saved to the project config. (#3695)
  • Craft now saves new entry versions every time an entry is saved, unless it’s being propagated or resaved.
  • users/save-user and users/start-elevated-session requests now check for a currentPassword body param in addition to password, when looking for the user’s current password. (#4169)
  • craft\services\Path::getStoragePath() now has a $create argument.
  • Updated Twig to 2.8.


  • Fixed an error where re-saving a site would reset its sorting order. (#4147)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.1. (#3663)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when an SVG with / characters in its id attributes was passed to the svg() Twig function. (#4155)
  • Fixed a bug where passing :empty: or :notempty: to a Matrix field param on an element query could return incorrect results for fields that had soft-deleted blocks. (#4161)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t returning a 1 exit code for console requests if the server was running under PHP 7. (#4153)
  • Fixed a “World-writable config file ‘my.cnf’ is ignored” warning that could occur when creating a database backup. (#4163)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Elements::duplicateElements() would only ignore non-safe attributes passed to the $newAttributes argument.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::exists() and offsetExists() were ignoring cached query results.

3.1.23 - 2019-04-16****Added

  • The project-config/sync command now has a --force option, which forces the project config to treat all preexisting config values as new. (#4126)
  • Added craft\base\LogTargetTrait, which can be used by custom log components, to gain security and privacy features provided by Craft’s built-in file target. (#4127)


  • When creating a new site, global sets are now propagated to it before other element types. (#3446)
  • Locked Twig down to 2.7, to avoid a bug in 2.8.0. (twigphp/Twig#2942)


  • Fixed an error that occurred when installing a missing plugin from the Settings → Plugins page. (#4140)
  • Fixed PHP type errors that could occur when calling some deprecated craft.request methods in templates. (#4124)
  • Fixed performance issues that could occur where uploading GIFs in the Control Panel. (#4131)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to create a new global set with the same name or handle as a soft-deleted one. (#4091)
  • Fixed a bug where pending users’ verification codes were getting deleted if they were impersonated by an admin. (#4130)

3.1.22 - 2019-04-10****Added

  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$resaving, which indicates whether the element is currently being resaved via a ResaveElements job or a resave command. (#3482)
  • Added craft\db\Paginator::setPageResults(). (#4120)


  • Changed the way Craft updates search indexes, to reduce the likelihood of a deadlock. (#3197)
  • Improved styles and behavior of the Plugin Store.
  • The Settings → Plugins page now notes which plugins are expired, with links to renew them on
  • Improved the styling of info HUDs that contain long text or tables. (#4107)


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur during asset indexing in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts weren’t showing previous changes to Matrix fields on the draft. (#4105)
  • Fixed a bug where project.yaml changes weren’t always getting picked up. (#4028)
  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/rebuild command would restore soft-deleted components. (#4100)
  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/sync command was not performing schema checks.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when backing up the database if the database password contained a $ character. (#4115) - 2019-04-04****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where underscores were getting stripped from element slugs. (#4096)

3.1.21 - 2019-04-03****Added

  • Added the backup command, which creates a new database backup. (#4075)
  • Added the queue/retry command, which can be passed a failed job ID, or all to retry all failed jobs. (#4072)
  • Added craft\queue\Queue::retryAll().
  • Added craft\services\Sections::$autoResaveEntries, which can be set to false from config/app.php to prevent Craft from auto-resaving entries after sections and entry types are updated. (#3482)


  • It’s now possible to double-click on asset sources to expand/collapse their subfolders. (#4070)
  • Craft no longer auto-resaves entries after saving a section or entry type if nothing changed of any significance to entries. (#3482)
  • Craft now formats filesizes using metric units (e.g. MB instead of MiB).
  • The updater is now capable of handling package name changes.
  • Craft now requires Yii 2.0.17.


  • Fixed a bug where the Asset Indexes utility wasn’t logging exceptions.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when using the Asset Indexes utility, if any filenames contained 4+ byte characters.
  • Fixed a bug where entry queries could return duplicate results for any entries that belong to a section that has soft-deleted structures associated with it. (#4066)
  • Fixed a bug where rebuilding project config would not work with Matrix fields with no block types. (#4074
  • Fixed an error that occurred when sending emails if the testToEmailAddress config setting was set. (#4076)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to pass the --element-id option on resave/* commands.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields were including disabled blocks if any changes had been made to the Matrix block query params.
  • Fixed SQL errors that could occur if the table prefix had ever changed. - 2019-03-27****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when regenerating the project config, if there were any fields without settings. (#4062)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when loading the _includes/forms/date template without passing a value variable. (#4063)

3.1.20 - 2019-03-27****Added

  • Added the project-config/rebuild console command.
  • Added the verifyEmailSuccessPath config setting.
  • Added the “Prefix” and “Suffix” settings for Number fields. (#4055)
  • Added the “Max Length” setting for URL fields. (#4019)
  • Added the devMode global Twig variable. (#4038)
  • Added craft\config\GeneralConfig::getVerifyEmailSuccessPath().
  • Added craft\events\RebuildConfigEvent.
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::rebuild().
  • Added craft\services\Sections::pruneDeletedField().


  • Textareas within the Control Panel can now be manually vertically resized. (#4030)
  • The Craft Support widget now includes a “More Resources” section. (#4058)
  • The _includes/forms/text Control Panel template now supports step, min, and max attributes.
  • Users without access to the Control Panel are now redirected according to the verifyEmailSuccessPath config setting after verifying a new email address. (#1998)
  • The _includes/forms/text Control Panel template now supports passing autocorrect: false and autocapitalize: false, to disable autocorrect and auto-capitalization on iOS devices.
  • iOS autocorrect and auto-capitalization has been disabled for all core “Handle” and “Slug” fields in the Control Panel. (#4009)
  • Number fields now format their values for element index tables. (#4059)
  • When installing Craft using a project.yaml, Craft now backups the existing config to the config backup folder if there are errors. (#4017)
  • Craft now prunes entry type layouts when deleting a field.
  • Craft no longer modifies the DSN string if set explicitly with the dsn database config setting.
  • Craft no longer throws an InvalidConfigException when the dsn database config setting is set and contains an unexpected parameter.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t removing hyphens and other symbols from auto-generated asset titles. (#4011)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when calling craft\services\EntryRevisions::getDraftById() or getVersionById() for a draft/version that belonged to a soft-deleted entry. (#4013)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t respecting the site selection for routes defined in Settings → Routes. (#4021)
  • Fixed a bug where the project-config/sync command wasn’t logging exceptions. (#4015)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to use Live Preview with a pending user account. (#4025)
  • Fixed an error when displaying a date input in the Control Panel if the value passed wasn’t a DateTime object. (#4041)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when passing an array of craft\elements\User objects to craft\mail\Message::setTo(). (#4048)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was applying the offset param to both ends of the result set when paginating queries. (#4052)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if true or false was passed to the third argument of craft\db\Command::upsert(). (#4054)
  • Fixed a bug where deleting fields via project.yaml could prevent other changes from being applied.
  • Fixed a bug where field UIDs could be overwritten in some cases.

3.1.19 - 2019-03-19****Added

  • Added the _includes/pagination Control Panel template.
  • Added craft\db\Paginator.
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Paginate::create().


  • The {% paginate %} tag now accepts any query object, not just element queries.
  • The _includes/forms/autosuggest template now has data and methods blocks that can be overridden by sub-templates to customize the autosuggest behavior.


  • Fixed a bug where sidebar badge counts in the Control Panel were getting formatted with two decimals if the Intl extension wasn’t loaded. (#4002)
  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts would forget that certain field values had been cleared out, and continue using the live revision’s content instead. (#3981)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if a Table field was created with a Date or Time column and no rows in the Default Values setting. (#4005)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields would forget that they had been saved without any rows in the Default Values setting.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when saving non-UTF-8 characters to the project config. (#4007)

3.1.18 - 2019-03-14****Added

  • Added craft\services\Deprecator::$throwExceptions. (#3972)


  • Craft::parseEnv() will now boolean values for environment variables set to true or false. (#3975)
  • Nested project config keys are no longer sorted alphabetically.
  • Craft now requires Twig 2.7+.


  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when using a token with a usage limit, if using PostgreSQL. (#3969)
  • Fixed a bug where the Edit User page would forget user group selection changes if there was a validation error. (#3971)
  • Fixed a bug where the updater would get an unexpected response when updating from 3.1.14 - 3.1.16 to 3.1.17+.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to switch plugin editions when the allowUpdates config setting was disabled. (#3987)
  • Fixed a bug where multiple consecutive newlines in field instructions would result in multiple <br> tags rather than new paragraphs.
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields weren’t always remembering the sort order for their Default Values settings. (#3947)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields weren’t always remembering the sort order for their Table Columns settings. (#3997) - 2019-03-12****Changed

  • Craft now requires Twig 2.6. - 2019-03-08****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::ensureNonAssociative().


  • Fixed a bug where commercial plugin editions weren’t showing up in the Plugin Store.
  • Fixed a bug where installing a plugin from the Plugin Store would not respect the selected edition.
  • Fixed a bug where plugins with free and commercial editions weren’t getting license key inputs on the Setting → Plugins page.
  • Fixed a bug where the Setting → Plugins page wasn’t linking plugins’ edition badge to their page in the Plugin Store for plugins with free and commercial editions, if the free edition was currently active.

3.1.17 - 2019-03-08****Changed

  • When installing Craft using a project.yaml, Craft now processes all sites before installing any plugins. (craftcms/commerce#752)
  • The Plugin Store now shows “Report an issue” links on plugin screens.
  • The Plugin Store now includes a “Package Name” section on plugin screens. (#2757)
  • The Plugin Store now shows discounted upgrade prices for plugins when a lower edition is already licensed.
  • Craft now requires Yii


  • Fixed a bug where the positionedBefore element query param was not including direct ancestors in the results.
  • Fixed a bug where HTML in plugin-supplied field instructions was getting encoded. (#3928)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would prompt for a user’s current password when registering a new user, even if they weren’t assigning any groups or permissions to that user
  • Fixed a bug where asset indexing could yield inconsistent results in some cases. (#3450)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was showing info icons in the feature matrix of multi-edition plugins, even for features that didn’t have an extended description.
  • Fixed a bug where entries weren’t getting new versions when edited from element editor HUDs. (#3959)

3.1.16 - 2019-03-05****Added

  • The Plugin Store now shows Repository links on plugin screens.
  • Added the create() Twig function. (#3921)
  • Added the --type option to the resave/entries command. (#3939)
  • Added craft\helers\Assets::getAllowedFileKinds().


  • Line breaks in field instructions now get converted to <br> tags. (#3928)
  • Assets field settings no longer list file kinds that aren’t allowed to be uploaded, per the allowedFileExtensions and extraAllowedFileExtensions config settings. (#3917)
  • The {% exit %} tag now throws a more specific exception depending on the status code passed to it (e.g. yii\web\NotFoundHttpException for 404s). (#3915)
  • craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::dropAllIndexesOnTable() is no longer deprecated.
  • The --id option on resave/* console commands is now named --element-id. (#3940)
  • The _includes/forms/autosuggest.html template now supports passing disabled: true. (#3925)


  • Fixed a bug where Control Panel content areas weren’t getting their bottom padding applied in Firefox. (#3874)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred on the front end if two routes defined in Settings → Routes had the same URI pattern. (#3922)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t always preselecting the correct tab on Control Panel pages if the tab name contained non-ASCII characters. (#3923)
  • Fixed a bug where the --uid option on resave/* console commands wasn’t working. (#3941)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when running resave/* console commands.
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when calling the deprecated getError() method on a model that had no errors. (#3934)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t sanitizing new asset subfolder names. (#3689)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields weren’t remembering the sort order for their Default Values settings. (#3947)

3.1.15 - 2019-02-26****Added

  • Added the resave/assets, resave/categories, resave/entries, resave/tags, and resave/users console commands.


  • Craft now sends system messages authored for the same root language as the requested language, if an exact language match can’t be found. (#3888)
  • Element source definitions can now include a badgeCount key.
  • Login requests no longer enforce CSRF validation if someone is already logged in.
  • Craft now throws an InvalidConfigException when updating the project config if any unexpected data types are encountered.
  • The testToEmailAddress config setting can now be set to false. (#3910)


  • Fixed a bug where the System Messages utility wouldn’t update message previews after editing a message for the primary site’s language, if the user had a different preferred language selected.
  • Fixed a bug where structures weren’t getting deleted and unassigned from their sections properly after converting a Structure section to a Channel or Single. (#3895)
  • Really fixed a bug where Craft could update the dateModified value in the project config even when nothing had changed. (#3792)
  • Fixed a bug where the Settings → Routes page wasn’t listing routes in the user-defined order. (#3892)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when viewing trashed entries, if the “Entry Type” column was shown and one of the trashed entries’ entry types had been deleted. (#3899)

3.1.14 - 2019-02-21****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::cleanupConfig().
  • Added craft\web\Request::$maxPageNum, which determines the maximum page number Craft should accept (100,000 by default). (#3880)


  • Deprecated craft\mutex\FileMutex.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft could update the dateModified value in the project config even when nothing had changed. (#3792)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when running the “Localizing relations” task if using PostgreSQL. (#3877)
  • Fixed a bug where file locking wasn’t working on Windows. (#3879)


  • Fixed a bug where sensitive environment variable values weren’t getting redacted correctly.

3.1.13 - 2019-02-20****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::replaceMb4().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::defer().


  • The users/login and users/logout actions now include a csrfTokenValue key in JSON responses. (#3858)
  • Craft no longer deletes search indexes when soft-deleting an element, until the element gets hard-deleted. (#3863)
  • Updated Yii to 2.0.16.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft could auto-place the {{ beginBody() }} and {{ endBody() }} tags in the wrong places.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t storing custom volume sort orders. (#3764)
  • Fixed a SQL error that would occur when uploading a file with emojis in its name, if using MySQL. (#3852)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields weren’t respecting their View Mode setting when files were drag-uploaded to them. (#3578)
  • Fixed a bug where asset queries’ kind param wasn’t working for custom file kinds defined by the extraFileKinds config setting, for file extensions that were already associated with another file kind. (#3869)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\FileHelper::sanitizeFilename() could return inconsistent results.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing project.yaml if it introduced a new Super Table field with a nested Matrix field.

3.1.12 - 2019-02-15****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the relatedTo element query param could include results for elements that were related via soft-deleted Matrix blocks. (#3846)
  • Fixed a bug where some search queries were not returning results when they should, if using MySQL.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing project.yaml changes if the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#3823)
  • Fixed an InvalidConfigException that was thrown if a user’s photo was soft-deleted. (#3849)

3.1.11 - 2019-02-14****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\UrlHelper::rootRelativeUrl().


  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store wouldn’t load if the baseCpUrl config setting was set to a URL with a different scheme than Craft believed the request had.
  • Fixed a validation error that would occur on non-required Checkboxes and Multi-select fields if no options were selected. (#3844)
  • Fixed a validation error that would occur on Dropdown and Radio Buttons fields if the selected option’s value was 0. (#3842)
  • Fixed a bug where the Value column for Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multi-select, and Radio Buttons fields’ Options settings weren’t auto-populating if the Option Label column was set to a number.
  • Fixed an error on the Settings → Users page if users.photoVolumeUid was not defined in the project config. (#3303)

3.1.10 - 2019-02-13****Changed

  • craft\helpers\FileHelper::writeToFile() now invalidates the OPcache for the file. (#3838)
  • The serve command now uses @webroot as the default docroot option value. (#3770)


  • Fixed a bug where the users/save-user action wasn’t deleting user photos properly.
  • Fixed a bug where changes to Matrix block type fields’ settings weren’t always saving. (#3832)
  • Fixed a bug where non-searchable fields were still getting search keywords stored when using the Search Indexes utility. (#3837) - 2019-02-12****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Craft::alias() wasn’t beginning the response string with an @ character if no @ was passed into Craft::setAlias() to begin with.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if there were any HTML entities in the project config.

3.1.9 - 2019-02-12****Added

  • Added the disabledPlugins config setting. (craftcms/webhooks#4)
  • Added the $language argument to craft\helpers\StringHelper::toAscii().
  • Added craft\validators\SlugValidator::$language.
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getAsciiCharMap().


  • The operating system name & version are now shown in the System Report utility. (#3784)
  • Craft’s installer no longer applies the current project.yaml file if the installed schema version doesn’t match the one in the file. (#3783)
  • Control Panel settings no longer warn about using the @web alias, if it was defined by the aliases config setting. (#3798)
  • The clear-caches console command now clears CP resource files if the @webroot alias was defined by the aliases config setting. (#3787)
  • craft\models\VolumeFolder::getVolume() now throws an InvalidConfigException if its $volumeId property is set to an invalid volume ID, rather than returning null.
  • Craft now checks if all files in project config mapping are valid and regenerates the map if they are not.
  • Craft now auto-generates slugs using an ASCII char map based on the language of the current entry/category, rather than the logged-in user. (#3820)


  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when deleting an asset. (#3786)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when customizing element indexes if the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#3788)
  • Fixed a bug where Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multi-select, and Radio Buttons fields wouldn’t pass validation if the selected option value was true or false.
  • Fixed an error that occurred on the Settings → Plugins page, if there were any plugins in the database that weren’t Composer-installed.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if an Assets field was configured to upload to a deleted volume. (#3799)
  • Fixed a bug where sections’ Default Status settings weren’t always being respected. (#3791)
  • Fixed a bug where only users with the “Edit users” user permission were allowed to upload a new user photo. (#3735)
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a Matrix block type’s handle would result in new content columns being created in the database, and existing Matrix blocks losing their content. (#3809)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.1 if any system messages contained emoji characters.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when working with elements, if a site had been created earlier in the same request. (#3824)

3.1.8 - 2019-02-05****Changed

  • Craft now automatically logs users in after resetting their password, if the autoLoginAfterAccountActivation config setting is enabled. (#1025)


  • Fixed a bug where pressing the Return key on editable tables with a static number of rows would add a new row. (#3765)
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the Return key on editable tables would select the next row’s cell even if the cell was disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the Return key on an editable table wouldn’t move the focus to the next row’s sell if it had an <input> instead of a <textarea>.
  • Fixed an error that could occur in the Control Panel if any environment variable values began with an @ character. (#3769)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() was mistaking year-only values for Unix timestamps. (#3772)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when a non-admin user attempted to edit a system message, or when the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#3775)
  • Fixed a bug where it was hard to see error notifications on pages with a licensing alert. (#3776)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when adding a new row to a custom editable table that contained a time column, if no rows existed on page load. (#3780)

3.1.7 - 2019-01-31****Added

  • Added all the things that came in Craft 3.0.40.
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::canTrustMimeType().
  • Added craft\web\UploadedFile::getMimeType().


  • The “Port” SMTP mail transport setting can now be set to an environment variable. (#3740)
  • craft\web\Controller::requireAdmin() now has a $requireAdminChanges argument, which dictates whether the allowAdminChanges config setting must also be enabled (true by default).
  • The project-config/sync console command now creates a project.yaml file, if it’s missing. (#3736)
  • Querying for active users no longer excludes locked users.
  • craft\helpers\FileHelper::getMimeType() now returns application/x-yaml for .yaml and .yml files.
  • Updated Craft UI to 0.2.0.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if a plugin or module was calling craft\records\User::find().
  • Fixed a bug where cross-domain Live Preview requests could fail due to CORS restrictions.
  • Fixed a 403 error that would occur when an admin attempted to log in as another user on an environment where the allowAdminChanges config setting was disabled. (#3749)
  • Fixed a bug where asset index toolbar items would be misaligned when searching in a volume or folder with subfolders.
  • Fixed a bug where asset indexes could show multiple view mode toggles if a different volume or subfolder was selected while at least one asset was checked. (#3702)
  • Fixed a bug where Plugin Store screenshots were not showing properly. (#3709)
  • Fixed a bug where zoomed Plugin Store screenshots would not close when hitting the browser’s Back button. (#3754)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was not working properly when Dev Mode was enabled.


  • User accounts are now locked after multiple failed password attempts in current-password modals, per the maxInvalidLogins config setting.
  • Users are no longer signed out of active sessions when their account becomes locked.
  • Database backup/restore exception messages now redact the database password when using PostgreSQL. - 2019-01-29****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when creating a Table field with a Date column. (#3748)

3.1.6 - 2019-01-29****Added

  • It’s now possible to update disabled plugins.


  • craft\web\Controller::requireAdmin() now sends a 403 (Forbidden) response if the allowAdminChanges config setting has been set to false. (#3728)
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() now supports passing an array with a date key set to the YYYY-MM-DD format, in addition to the current locale’s short date format.
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() now supports passing an array with a time key set to the HH:MM format, in addition to the current locale’s short time format.
  • craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::toDateTime() now supports passing an array with a datetime key, which will be handled the same way strings passed to the method are handled (except that the datetime key can be paired with a timezone key).


  • Fixed an error that occurred when using the json_decode filter. (#3722)
  • Fixed a bug a bug where plugin screenshots in the Plugin Store were not rendering correctly. (#3709)
  • Fixed an error where the index-assets/one and index-assets/all console commands were creating . folders in each volume.
  • Fixed a bug where the Settings → Plugins page was showing extra “Missing” rows for any unlicensed plugins that were Composer-installed but not Craft-installed. (#3726)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when viewing trashed elements.
  • Fixed a bug where many system message translations were missing line breaks. (#3737)
  • Fixed a bug where unparsed markdown code was present in the Control Panel error message displayed when the system was offline. (#3746)

3.1.5 - 2019-01-25****Changed

  • Control Panel settings that can be set to environment variables now show a tip about that if the value is not already set to an environment variable or alias.
  • Control Panel form fields can now be configured with a tip property, which will be displayed below the field.
  • Control Panel templates can now pass suggestEnvVars: true and suggestAliases: true to autosuggest fields, rather that supplying the suggestions array.


  • Fixed a bug where the “Duplicate” action wasn’t available on the Entries index page for non-admin users. (#3705)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to rename an asset’s filename from the Assets index page. (#3707)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving a user that had a first or last name set.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to apply project config changes. (#3713)
  • Fixed a bug where the Password field on SMTP and Gmail mail transport settings could be set to an encoded and encrypted password. (#3699)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to remove the Primary Site status from the primary site, without offering a new primary site. (#3720)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if PHP’s memory_limit was set to a higher size (in bytes) than PHP_INT_MAX. (#3717)


  • Control Panel settings that can be set to an alias now show a warning if the current value begins with the @web alias.

3.1.4 - 2019-01-24****Added

  • Added all the things that came in Craft 3.0.38.
  • The System Name setting can now be set to an environment variable. (#3529)
  • Added the index-assets/one console command, which can now be used to index a single subfolder.
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getSystemName().


  • Craft now ensures that installed schema versions match the schema versions in project.yaml before syncing project config changes.
  • The project-config/sync console command now bails if there are pending Craft or plugin migrations.


  • Fixed a bug where site translations were falling back to English if the translated message was identical to the source message. (#3692)
  • Fixed a bug where syncing Matrix field changes to the project config would result in new changes to the project config. (#3695)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when indexing assets in an empty volume.
  • Fixed a bug where soft-deleted assets would show up as missing after indexing.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur on the Settings → Plugins page.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft::parseEnv() was throwing an InvalidConfigException if the given string began with @ but was not an alias. (#3700)


  • URLs are no longer allowed in users’ first or last names.

3.1.3 - 2019-01-21****Added

  • Added the |json_decode Twig filter. (#3678)


  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if a plugin or module was calling any soft-deletable records’ find() methods.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating from Craft 2 to Craft 3.1 if there were any RichText fields. (#3677)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to create duplicate tags by searching for and selecting the same tag name twice in the same Tags field. (#3676)
  • Fixed a bug where system messages were getting sent with the message keys (e.g. “forgot_password_subject” and “forgot_password_body”) if Craft didn’t provide a default message translation for the site language, and the message hadn’t been translated for the user’s preferred language. (#3673)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\Request::getIsLivePreview() was returning false on Live Preview requests when called from an yii\base\Controller::EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION event handler. (#3680) - 2019-01-19****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if a plugin or module was calling any craft\services\Sections methods. - 2019-01-19****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if there were any Matrix sub-fields that had their type set to a non-existing class. (#3662)
  • Fixed a bug where the project config could be in an unexpected state if a project.yaml file existed already when initially updating to Craft 3.1.

3.1.2 - 2019-01-18****Added

  • Added the index-assets <volume> and index-assets/all console commands. (#3595)
  • Added craft\base\FieldTrait::$oldSettings.
  • Added craft\helpers\Install.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::prepFieldForSave().
  • Added craft\services\Path::getProjectConfigFilePath().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::$muteEvents.


  • The installer now checks project.yaml when determining the default site name, handle, base URL, and language values. (#3661)
  • The Base URL field in the web-based installer now autouggests environment variable names and aliases.
  • Craft now creates a .gitignore file in the storage/config-backups/ folder, preventing any other files within it from getting tracked by Git.
  • Craft no longer prevents changes in project.yaml from being synced if a plugins’ schema version in project.yaml doesn’t match up with its installed schema version, if one of them is blank.


  • Deprecated craft\services\Fields::$ignoreProjectConfigChanges.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Matrix::$ignoreProjectConfigChanges.


  • Fixed a PHP notice that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if there were any plugins installed without settings.
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if a plugin or module was calling any craft\services\Fields methods. (#3663)
  • Fixed a bug where element indexes would forget their source settings after updating to Craft 3.1. (#3659)
  • Fixed a bug where commercial plugins weren’t installable from the Plugin Store.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix block type fields’ beforeSave() methods weren’t getting called.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields could forget their content table name if they were created with a non-global context.
  • Fixed a bug where links to the Plugin Store from Settings → Plugins were 404ing. (#3664)
  • Fixed a bug where soft-deleted sections and entry types were still showing up in the Control Panel. (#3648)
  • Fixed a bug where an update to Craft 3.1 would fail with a database error in some scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug where Plugin Store’s Try buttons would appear as disabled when they should be enabled. (#3619)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if there were any relational fields that were missing some expected settings. (#3641)


  • Fixed two XSS vulnerabilities.

3.1.1 - 2019-01-16****Added

  • Added support for the CRAFT_LOG_PHP_ERRORS PHP constant. (#3619)
  • Added craft\web\User::generateToken().


  • System error message templates no longer parse exception messages as Markdown.


  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Volumes::getVolumeByHandle() wasn’t working. (#3633)
  • Fixed a bug where the clear-caches/cp-resources command could clear out the wrong directory if the resourceBasePath config setting began with @webroot. (#3637)
  • Fixed a bug where eager loading Matrix blocks would come up empty. (#3644)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if there were any Matrix blocks without any sub-fields. (#3635)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if there were any Matrix block types left over from a Matrix field that had been converted to something else.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if there were any Assets fields that were missing some expected field settings. (#3641)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3.1 if anything was calling craft\services\Fields::getLayoutById() or getLayoutByType() before the update was applied.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when logging deprecation errors on PostgreSQL. (#3638)
  • Fixed a bug where users would get logged out while updating to Craft 3.1, causing a “User is not permitted to perform this action” error.
  • Fixed a bug where “JavaScript must be enabled” and “Cookies must be enabled” messages weren’t getting positioned correctly. (#3639)
  • Fixed a “Variable “message” does not exist.” error that could occur in the Control Panel.
  • Fixed a bug where free plugins weren’t installable from the Plugin Store. (#3642)


  • The Request panel in the Debug Toolbar now redacts any sensitive information. (#3619)
  • Fixed two XSS vulnerabilities.

3.1.0 - 2019-01-15

{warning} This is a more complex update than usual, and failed update attempts are not uncommon. Please ensure you have a recent database backup, and we recommend you test the update on a local/staging environment before updating your production server.


  • Added the Project Config, a portable and centralized configuration for system settings. (#1429)
  • Category groups, elements, entry types, field layouts, global sets, sections, sites, site groups, structures, tag groups, and volumes are now soft-deleted. (#867)
  • Entries, categories, and users can now be restored within the Control Panel by selecting “Trashed” from the status menu on element index pages, and clicking the “Restore” button.
  • Added the System Messages utility for editing system messages, replacing the Settings → Email → System Messages page. (#3421)
  • Some Site settings (Base URL), volume settings (Base URL and File System Path), and email settings (System Email Address, Sender Name, HTML Email Template, Username, Password, and Host Name) can now be set to environment variables using a $VARIABLE_NAME syntax. (#3219)
  • The installer now checks whether a project.yaml file exists and applies any changes in it. (#3291)
  • Control Panel settings that support environment variables now autosuggest environment variable names (and aliases when applicable) while typing.
  • Control Panel settings that define a template path now autosuggest existing template files.
  • Added cross-domain support for Live Preview. (#1521)
  • Plugins can now have multiple editions.
  • Custom fields can now opt out of being included in elements’ search keywords. (#2600)
  • Added the allowAdminChanges config setting.
  • Added the softDeleteDuration config setting.
  • Added the storeUserIps config setting. (#3311)
  • Added the useProjectConfigFile config setting.
  • Added the gc console command, which can be used to run garbage collection tasks.
  • Added the project-config/sync console command. (#3510)
  • Added the trashed element query param, which can be used to query for elements that have been soft-deleted.
  • Added the expression() Twig function, for creating new yii\db\Expression objects in templates. (#3289)
  • Added the parseEnv() Twig function.
  • Added the plugin() Twig function.
  • Added the _includes/forms/autosuggest.html include template for the Control Panel.
  • Added Craft::parseEnv().
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsLive().
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_AFTER_RESTORE.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_BEFORE_RESTORE.
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_EAGER_LOADING_MAP.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::afterRestore().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::beforeRestore().
  • Added craft\base\Field::EVENT_AFTER_ELEMENT_RESTORE.
  • Added craft\base\Field::EVENT_BEFORE_ELEMENT_RESTORE.
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::afterElementRestore().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::beforeElementRestore().
  • Added craft\base\Model::EVENT_DEFINE_RULES.
  • Added craft\base\Plugin::editions().
  • Added craft\base\Plugin::is().
  • Added craft\base\SavableComponentInterface::beforeApplyDelete().
  • Added craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior.
  • Added craft\controllers\LivePreviewController.
  • Added craft\db\ActiveRecord::prepareForDb().
  • Added craft\db\Command::restore().
  • Added craft\db\Command::softDelete().
  • Added craft\db\Migration::restore().
  • Added craft\db\Migration::softDelete().
  • Added craft\db\SoftDeleteTrait, which can be used by Active Record classes that wish to support soft deletes.
  • Added craft\db\Table.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\Restore, which can be included in elements’ defineActions() methods to opt into element restoration.
  • Added craft\events\ConfigEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DeleteElementEvent, which provides a $hardDelete property that can be set to true to force an element to be immediately hard-deleted. (#3403)
  • Added craft\helpers\App::editionHandle().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::editionIdByHandle().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::mailSettings().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::firstWhere().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::idByUid().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::idsByUids().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::uidById().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::uidsByIds().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig.
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::toWords().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::createFromConfig().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getConfig().
  • Added craft\models\Section::setEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\models\Site::getBaseUrl().
  • Added craft\services\AssetTransforms::getTransformByUid().
  • Added craft\services\AssetTransforms::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_TRANSFORM_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Categories::getGroupByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Categories::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_GROUP_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::restoreElement().
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_AFTER_RESTORE_ELEMENT.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_BEFORE_RESTORE_ELEMENT.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::applyFieldDelete().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::applyFieldSave().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::createFieldConfig().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::deleteFieldInternal().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::restoreLayoutById().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::saveFieldInternal().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_FIELD_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_GROUP_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Gc for handling garbage collection tasks.
  • Added craft\services\Path::getConfigBackupPath().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig.
  • Added craft\services\Routes::deleteRouteByUid()
  • Added craft\services\Sections::getSectionByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Sections::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_ENTRY_TYPE_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Sections::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_SECTION_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Sites::restoreSiteById().
  • Added craft\services\Sites::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_GROUP_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Sites::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_SITE_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Tags::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_GROUP_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\UserGroups::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_GROUP_DELETE.
  • Added craft\services\Volumes::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_VOLUME_DELETE.
  • Added craft\validators\TemplateValidator.
  • Added craft\web\Controller::requireCpRequest().
  • Added craft\web\Controller::requireSiteRequest().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::EVENT_REGISTER_CP_SETTINGS. (#3314)
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getEnvSuggestions().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getTemplateSuggestions().
  • Added the ActiveRecord Soft Delete Extension for Yii2.
  • Added the Symfony Yaml Component.
  • The bundled Vue asset bundle now includes Vue-autosuggest.


  • The defaultWeekStartDay config setting is now set to 1 (Monday) by default, to conform with the ISO 8601 standard.
  • Renamed the isSystemOn config setting to isSystemLive.
  • The app/migrate web action now applies pending project.yaml changes, if the useProjectConfigFile config setting is enabled.
  • The svg() function now strips <title>, <desc>, and comments from the SVG document as part of its sanitization process.
  • The svg() function now supports a class argument, which will add a class name to the root <svg> node. (#3174)
  • The {% redirect %} tag now supports with notice and with error params for setting flash messages. (#3625)
  • info buttons can now also have a warning class.
  • User permission definitions can now include info and/or warning keys.
  • The old “Administrate users” permission has been renamed to “Moderate users”.
  • The old “Change users’ emails” permission has been renamed to “Administrate users”, and now comes with the ability to activate user accounts and reset their passwords. (#942)
  • All users now have the ability to delete their own user accounts. (#3013)
  • System user permissions now reference things by their UIDs rather than IDs (e.g. editEntries:<UID> rather than editEntries:<ID>).
  • Animated GIF thumbnails are no longer animated. (#3110)
  • Craft Tokens can now be sent either as a query string param (named after the tokenParam config setting) or an X-Craft-Token header.
  • Element types that support Live Preview must now hash the previewAction value for Craft.LivePreview.
  • Live Preview now loads each new preview into its own <iframe> element. (#3366)
  • Assets’ default titles now only capitalize the first word extracted from the filename, rather than all the words. (#2339)
  • All console commands besides setup/* and install/craft now output a warning if Craft isn’t installed yet. (#3620)
  • All classes that extend craft\base\Model now have EVENT_INIT and EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS events; not just classes that extend craft\base\Component.
  • craft\db\mysql\Schema::findIndexes() and craft\db\pgsql\Schema::findIndexes() now return arrays with columns and unique keys.
  • craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::filterByValue() now defaults its $value argument to true.
  • craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::doesIndexExist() no longer has a $foreignKey argument, and now has an optional $db argument.
  • craft\mail\Mailer::send() now swallows any exceptions that are thrown when attempting to render the email HTML body, and sends the email as plain text only. (#3443)
  • craft\mail\Mailer::send() now fires an afterSend event with yii\mail\MailEvent::$isSuccessful set to false if any exceptions were thrown when sending the email, and returns false. (#3443)
  • craft\services\Routes::saveRoute() now expects site and route UIDs instead of IDs.
  • craft\services\Routes::updateRouteOrder() now expects route UIDs instead of IDs.
  • The craft\helpers\Assets::EVENT_SET_FILENAME event is now fired after sanitizing the filename.


  • Removed craft\elements\User::authData().
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::getOldContentTable().
  • Removed craft\services\Routes::deleteRouteById()


  • Deprecated craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsSystemOn(). getIsLive() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::dropAllIndexesOnTable().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::dropAllUniqueIndexesOnTable().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::dropIndex().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::restoreForeignKey().
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::restoreIndex().
  • Deprecated craft\models\Info::getEdition(). Craft::$app->getEdition() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\models\Info::getName(). Craft::$app->projectConfig->get('') should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\models\Info::getOn(). Craft::$app->getIsLive() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\models\Info::getTimezone(). Craft::$app->getTimeZone() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\Routes::getDbRoutes(). craft\services\Routes::getProjectConfigRoutes() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\services\SystemSettings. craft\services\ProjectConfig should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\validators\UrlValidator::$allowAlias. craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior should be used instead.


  • Fixed a bug where the Dashboard could rapidly switch between two column sizes at certain browser sizes. (#2438)
  • Fixed a bug where ordered and unordered lists in field instructions didn’t have numbers or bullets.
  • Fixed a bug where switching an entry’s type could initially show the wrong field layout tab. (#3600)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating to Craft 3 if there were any Rich Text fields without any stored settings.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t saving Dashboard widget sizes properly on PostgreSQL. (#3609)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur if the primary site didn’t have a base URL. (#3624)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::dropIndexIfExists() wasn’t working if the index had an unexpected name.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a plugin attempted to register the same Twig extension twice in the same request.


  • The web and CLI installers no longer suggest @web for the site URL, and now attempt to save the entered site URL as a DEFAULT_SITE_URL environment variable in .env. (#3559)
  • Craft now destroys all other sessions associated with a user account when a user changes their password.
  • It’s no longer possible to spoof Live Preview requests. - 2019-03-12****Changed

  • Craft now requires Twig 2.6.

3.0.41 - 2019-02-22****Changed

  • System error message templates no longer parse exception messages as Markdown.


  • Database backup/restore exception messages now redact the database password when using PostgreSQL.
  • URLs are no longer allowed in users’ first or last names.
  • The Request panel in the Debug Toolbar now redacts any sensitive information. (#3619)
  • Fixed XSS vulnerabilities. - 2019-02-21****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t always aware of plugin licensing issues. (#3876)

3.0.40 - 2019-01-31****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\App::testIniSet().


  • Craft now warns if ini_set() is disabled and memory_limit is less than 256M or max_execution_time is less than 120 before performing Composer operations.
  • craft\helpers\App::maxPowerCaptain() now attempts to set the memory_limit to 1536M rather than -1.

3.0.39 - 2019-01-29****Changed

  • It’s now possible to update disabled plugins.


  • Fixed an error that could occur if PHP’s memory_limit was set to a higher size (in bytes) than PHP_INT_MAX. (#3717)

3.0.38 - 2019-01-24****Added

  • Added the update command, which can be used to update Craft from the terminal.
  • Craft now warns if PHP is running in Safe Mode with a max_execution_time of less than 120 seconds, before performing Composer operations.
  • Craft now stores backups of composer.json and composer.lock files in storage/composer-backups/ before running Composer operations.
  • Added craft\db\Connection::getBackupFilePath().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::phpConfigValueInBytes().
  • Added craft\helpers\Console::isColorEnabled().
  • Added craft\helpers\Console::outputCommand().
  • Added craft\helpers\Console::outputWarning().
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::cycle().
  • Added craft\services\Composer::$maxBackups.
  • Added craft\services\Path::getComposerBackupsPath().


  • The migrate/all console command now supports a --no-content argument that can be passed to ignore pending content migrations.
  • Craft now attempts to disable PHP’s memory and time limits before running Composer operations.
  • Craft no longer respects the phpMaxMemoryLimit config setting if PHP’s memory_limit setting is already set to -1 (no limit).
  • Craft now respects Composer’s classmap-authoritative config setting.
  • Craft now links to the Troubleshooting Failed Updates guide when an update fails.
  • craft\services\Composer::install() can now behave like the composer install command, if $requirements is null.
  • craft\services\Composer::install() now has a $whitelist argument, which can be set to an array of packages to whitelist, or false to disable the whitelist.

3.0.37 - 2019-01-08****Added

  • Routes defined in the Control Panel can now have a uid token, and URL rules defined in config/routes.php can now have a {uid} token. (#3583)
  • Added the extraFileKinds config setting. (#1584)
  • Added the clear-caches console command. (#3588)
  • Added craft\feeds\Feeds::getFeed().
  • Added craft\helpers\StringHelper::UUID_PATTERN.


  • Pressing the Return key (or Ctrl/Command + Return) when a textual cell is focused in an editable table will now change the focus to the same cell in the next row (after creating a new row if necessary.) (#3576)
  • The Password input in the web-based Craft setup wizard now has a “Show” button like other password inputs.
  • The Feed widget now sets the items’ text direction based on the feed’s language.
  • Matrix blocks that contain validation errors now have red titles and alert icons, to help them stand out when collapsed. (#3599)


  • Fixed a bug where the “Edit” button on asset editor HUDs didn’t launch the Image Editor if the asset was being edited on another element type’s index page. (#3575)
  • Fixed an exception that would be thrown when saving a user from a front-end form with a non-empty email or newPassword param, if the password param was missing or empty. (#3585)
  • Fixed a bug where global set, Matrix block, tag, and user queries weren’t respecting fixedOrder params.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::renameColumn() was only restoring the last foreign key for each table that had multiple foreign keys referencing the table with the renamed column.
  • Fixed a bug where Date/Time fields could output the wrong date in Live Preview requests. (#3594)
  • Fixed a few RTL language styling issues.
  • Fixed a bug where drap-and-drop uploading would not work for custom asset selector inputs. (#3590)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t enforcing thein Min Value and Max Value settings if set to 0. (#3598)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when uploading assets with filenames that contained emoji characters, if using MySQL. (#3601)


  • Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability.
  • Fixed a remote code execution vulnerability.

3.0.36 - 2018-12-18****Added

  • Added the {{ actionInput() }} global Twig function. (#3566)


  • Suspended users are no longer shown when viewing pending or locked users. (#3556)
  • The Control Panel’s Composer installer now prevents scripts defined in composer.json from running. (#3574)


  • Fixed a bug where elements that belonged to more than one structure would be returned twice in element queries.


  • Fixed a self-XSS vulnerability in the Recent Entries widget.
  • Fixed a self-XSS vulnerability in the Feed widget.

3.0.35 - 2018-12-11****Added

  • Added craft\models\Section::getHasMultiSiteEntries().


  • Field types that extend craft\fields\BaseRelationField now pass their $sortable property value to the BaseElementSelectInput JavaScript class by default. (#3542)


  • Fixed a bug where the “Disabled for Site” entry status option was visible for sections where site propagation was disabled. (#3519)
  • Fixed a bug where saving an entry that was disabled for a site would retain its site status even if site propagation had been disabled for the section.
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when saving a field layout with 4-byte characters (like emojis) in a tab name. (#3532)
  • Fixed a bug where autogenerated Post Date values could be a few hours off when saving new entries with validation errors. (#3528)
  • Fixed a bug where plugins’ minimum version requirements could be enforced even if a development version of a plugin had been installed previously.

3.0.34 - 2018-12-04****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where new Matrix blocks wouldn’t remember that they were supposed to be collapsed if “Save and continue editing” was clicked. (#3499)
  • Fixed an error that occurred on the System Report utility if any non-bootstrapped modules were configured with an array or callable rather than a string. (#3507)
  • Fixed an error that occurred on pages with date or time inputs, if the user’s preferred language was set to Arabic. (#3509)
  • Fixed a bug where new entries within sections where site propagation was disabled would show both “Enabled Globally” and “Enabled for [Site Name]” settings. (#3519)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t reducing the size of elements’ slugs if the resulting URI was over 255 characters. (#3514)

3.0.33 - 2018-11-27****Changed

  • Table fields with a fixed number of rows no longer show Delete buttons or the “Add a row” button. (#3488)
  • Table fields that are fixed to a single row no longer show the Reorder button. (#3488)
  • Setting in config/app.php will now append keywords to the default array craft\services\Security::$sensitiveKeywords array, rather than completely overriding it.
  • When performing an action that requires an elevated session while impersonating another user, admin must now enter their own password instead of the impersonated user’s. (#3487)
  • The System Report utility now lists any custom modules that are installed. (#3490)
  • Control Panel charts now give preference to ar-SA for Arabic locales, de-DE for German locales, en-US for English locales, es-ES for Spanish locales, or fr-FR for French locales, if data for the exact application locale doesn’t exist. (#3492)
  • “Create a new child entry” and “Create a new child category” element actions now open an edit page for the same site that was selected on the index page. (#3496)
  • The default allowedFileExtensions config setting value now includes webp.
  • The Craft Support widget now sends composer.json and composer.lock files when contacting Craft Support.
  • It’s now possible to create element select inputs that include a site selection menu by passing showSiteMenu: true when including the _includes/forms/elementSelect.html Control Panel include template. (#3494)


  • Fixed a bug where a Matrix fields’ block types and content table could be deleted even if something set $isValid to false on the beforeDelete event.
  • Fixed a bug where a global sets’ field layout could be deleted even if something set $isValid to false on the beforeDelete event.
  • Fixed a bug where after impersonating another user, the Login page would show the impersonated user’s username rather than the admin’s.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Sections::getAllSections() could return stale results if a new section had been added recently. (#3484)
  • Fixed a bug where “View entry” and “View category” element actions weren’t available when viewing a specific section or category group.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would attempt to index image transforms.
  • Fixed a bug where the Asset Indexes utility could report that asset files were missing even though they weren’t. (#3450)


  • Updated jQuery File Upload to 9.28.0.

3.0.32 - 2018-11-20****Added

  • The seq() Twig function now has a next argument, which can be set to false to have it return the current number in the sequence without incrementing it. (#3466)
  • Added craft\db\MigrationManager::truncateHistory().
  • Added craft\helpers\Sequence::current().


  • Edit Entry pages now show the entry’s site in the revision menu label so long as the section is enabled for multiple sites, even if “Propagate entries across all enabled sites?” isn’t checked. (#3471)
  • Exact-match search terms (using ::) now disable subLeft and subRight attributes by default, regardless of the defaultSearchTermOptions config setting says. (#3474)


  • Deprecated craft\validators\StringValidator::$trim. Yii’s 'trim' validator should be used instead.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when querying for Matrix blocks if both the with and indexBy parameters were set.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when running the migrate/fresh console command. (#3472)

3.0.31 - 2018-11-13****Added

  • Added the seq() Twig function, for outputting sequential numbers.
  • Added craft\helpers\Sequence.


  • Control Panel templates can now customize #main-form HTML attributes by overriding the mainFormAttributes block. (#1665)
  • The default PostgreSQL backup command no longer includes database owner, privilege or ACL information in the backup.
  • Craft now attempts to reset OPcache after installing/uninstalling things with Composer. (#3460)
  • Gmail and SMTP mail transport types now trim whitespace off of their Username, Password, and Host Name settings. (#3459)


  • Fixed an error that could occur when duplicating an element with a Matrix field with “Manage blocks on a per-site basis” disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks wouldn’t retain their content translations when an entry was duplicated from the Edit Entry page.
  • Fixed a bug where system message modals could have the wrong language selected by default. (#3440)
  • Fixed a bug where an Internal Server Error would occur if a users/login request was missing the loginName or password parameters. (#3458)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\validators\StringValidator was trimming whitespace off of strings after performing string length validation.
  • Fixed an infinite recursion bug that could occur if config/general.php had any deprecated config settings, and the database connection settings were invalid.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving a new entry or category, if its URI format referenced the level attribute. (#3465) - 2018-11-08****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that could occur on servers running PHP 7.0.32. (#3453) - 2018-11-07****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving an element with a new Matrix block, if the Matrix field was set to manage blocks on a per-site basis. (#3445)

3.0.30 - 2018-11-06****Added

  • Added “Duplicate” and “Duplicate (with children)” actions to the Entries and Categories index pages. (#1291)
  • Added craft\base\ElementAction::$elementType, which element action classes can use to reference their associated element type.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\DeepDuplicate.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\Duplicate.
  • Added craft\elements\actions\SetStatus::$allowDisabledForSite, which can be used by localizable element types to enable a “Disabled for Site” status option.


  • Entries’ “Enabled” setting is now labeled “Enabled Globally” on multi-site installs. (#2899)
  • Entries’ “Enabled for site” setting now includes the site name in its label, and only shows up if the “Enabled Globally” setting is checked. (#2899)
  • The Set Status action on the Entries index page now includes a “Disabled for Site” option. (#2899)
  • Edit Category pages now have edit-category and site--<SiteHandle> classes on the <body>. (#3439)
  • Edit Entry pages now have edit-entry and site--<SiteHandle> classes on the <body>. (#3439)
  • Edit Global Set pages now have edit-global-set and site--<SiteHandle> classes on the <body>. (#3439)
  • Edit User pages now have an edit-user class on the <body>. (#3439)


  • Fixed a bug where the Edit User page could forget which permissions were selected when saving a user with validation errors, if the Username, First Name, and Last name fields were all blank. (#3412)
  • Fixed a bug where the Edit User Group page could forget which permissions were selected when saving a user group with validation errors, if the Name field was blank.
  • Fixed a bug where the {% paginate %} tag wasn’t factoring the offset element query param into its total page calculation. (#3420)


  • Fixed a bug where sensitive info could be displayed in the Craft log files if there was a problem connecting to the email server.

3.0.29 - 2018-10-30****Added

  • Email and URL fields now have “Placeholder Text” settings. (#3397)


  • The default HTML Purifier configuration now allows download attributes in <a> tags. (craftcms/redactor#86)


  • Fixed a bug where the ContentBehaviour and ElementQueryBehavior classes could be missing some field properties. (#3400)
  • Fixed a bug where some fields within Matrix fields could lose their values after enabling the “Manage blocks on a per-site basis” setting. (verbb/super-table#203)
  • Fixed a bug where HTML Purifier wasn’t being initialized with HTML 5 element support.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to save Assets fields with the “Restrict allowed file types?” setting enabled, but no specific file types selected. (#3410)

3.0.28 - 2018-10-23****Added

  • Structure sections now have the ability to disable entry propagation, like Channel sections. (#2386)


  • craft\base\Field::supportedTranslationMethods() now defaults to only returning none if the field type doesn’t have a content column. (#3385)
  • Craft.EntryTypeSwitcher now fires a beforeTypeChange event before swapping the Edit Entry form tabs. (#3375)
  • Craft.MatrixInput now fires an afterInit event after initialization. (#3375)
  • Craft.MatrixInput now fires an blockAdded event after adding a new block. (#3375)
  • System messages sent from front-end requests are now sent using the current site’s language. (#3388)


  • Fixed an error that could occur when acquiring a lock for a file path, if the mutex component was swapped out with yii\mutex\MysqlMutex. - 2018-10-12****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when deleting an entry from the Edit Entry page. (#3372)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when changing a Channel section to Structure. (#3373)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving Matrix content from console requests.

3.0.27 - 2018-10-11****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::findForeignKey().
  • Added the cp.globals.edit and cp.globals.edit.content template hooks to the Edit Global Set page. (#3356)


  • It’s now possible to load a Create Entry page with a specific user preselected in the Author field, using a new authorId query string param. (#3326)
  • Matrix fields that are set to manage blocks on a per-site basis will now duplicate Matrix blocks across all of the owner element’s supported sites when the element is first created. (#3082)
  • Disabled Matrix blocks are no longer visible when sharing an entry draft or version. (#3338)
  • Control Panel tabs that have errors now have alert icons.
  • The Debug Toolbar is no longer shown in Live Preview iframes.
  • The Plugin Store now requires browsers with ES6 support.
  • Updated jQuery Touch Events to 2.0.0.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.29.


  • Fixed a bug where enabling the “Propagate entries across all enabled sites?” setting for an existing Channel section (or converting the section to a Structure) wouldn’t update entries that had been created for the non-primary site.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t detecting and retrying queue jobs that had timed out.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft::$app->locale could return the wrong locale during Live Preview requests. (#3336)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when upgrading to Craft 3, if a foreign key had an unexpected name.
  • Fixed a bug where page titles in the Control Panel could be blank when showing validation errors for things that were missing their name or title. (#3344)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a component’s settings were stored as null. (#3342)
  • Fixed a bug where details panes weren’t visible on browser windows sized between 999 and 1,223 pixels wide.
  • Fixed an error that occurred if a Quick Post widget contained a Matrix field that had Min Blocks set and only had one block type.
  • Fixed a bug where disabled Matrix blocks were getting validated as live. (#3354)
  • Fixed a bug where the EVENT_AFTER_ACTIVATE_USER event wasn’t getting triggered on user registration when email verification isn’t required. (craftcms/commerce-digital-products#18)
  • Added garbage collection for offline storage of remote assets. (#3335)
  • Fixed a bug where Twig could end up in a strange state if an error occurred when preparing to render an object template. (#3364)


  • The svg() Twig function no longer sanitizes SVGs or namespaces their IDs or class names by default when a file path (or alias) was passed in. (#3337) - 2018-09-29****Changed

  • Changed the yiisoft/yii2-queue version requirement to 2.1.0. (#3332)

3.0.26 - 2018-09-29****Changed

  • ancestors, descendants, nextSibling, parent, and prevSibling are now reserved field handles.
  • The svg() Twig function namespaces class names in addition to IDs now.
  • Changed the yiisoft/yii2-queue version requirement to 2.0.1. (#3332)


  • Fixed a validation error that could occur when saving an entry as a new entry if the URI format didn’t contain a {slug} tag. (#3320)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur if a deprecation error occurred when attempting to upgrade a Craft 2 project. (#3324)

3.0.25 - 2018-09-18****Added

  • Added craft\log\FileTarget::$includeUserIp which determines whether users’ IP addresses should be included in the logs (false by default). (#3310)


  • Fixed an error that could occur when installing or updating something within the Control Panel if composer.json required the roave/security-advisories package.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when searching elements on PostgreSQL installs.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would ignore the last segment of template paths that ended in /0. (#3304)
  • Fixed a Twig Template Loading Error that would occur when testing email settings, if a custom email template was used and an error occurred when rendering it. (#3309)

3.0.24 - 2018-09-11****Added

  • Added the extraAppLocales config setting.


  • The defaultCpLanguage config setting no longer needs to be a language that Craft is translated into, as long as it is a valid locale ID.
  • Resave Elements jobs that are queued up after saving an entry type now include the section name in the job description. (#3290)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.28.


  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when an element query’s orderBy parameter was set to dateCreated or dateUpdated.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating to v3.0.23+ if multiple Matrix fields existed with the same handle, but they had no content tables, somehow.
  • Fixed a bug where links in activation and forgot-password emails weren’t hyperlinked, leaving it up to the mail client to hopefully be smart about it. (#3288) - 2018-09-04****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields would get new content tables each time they were saved.

3.0.23 - 2018-09-04****Changed

  • Browser-based form validation is now disabled for page forms. (#3247)
  • craft\base\Model::hasErrors() now supports passing an attribute name with a .* suffix, which will return whether any errors exist for the given attribute or any nested model attributes.
  • Added json to the default allowedFileExtensions config setting value. (#3254)
  • Exception call stacks now collapse internal Twig methods by default.
  • Twig exception call stacks now show all of the steps leading up to the error.
  • Live Preview now reloads the preview pane automatically after an asset is saved from the Image Editor. (#3265)


  • Deprecated craft\services\Matrix::getContentTableName(). craft\fields\Matrix::$contentTable should be used instead.


  • Removed craft\services\Matrix::getParentMatrixField().


  • Fixed a bug where element selection modals could be initialized without a default source selected, if some of the sources were hidden for not being available on the currently-selected site. (#3227)
  • Fixed a bug where edit pages for categories, entries, global sets, and users weren’t revealing which tab(s) had errors on it, if the errors occurred within a Matrix field. (#3248)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when saving a Matrix field with new sub-fields on PostgreSQL. (#3252)
  • Fixed a bug where custom user fields weren’t showing up on the My Account page when running Craft Solo edition. (#3228)
  • Fixed a bug where multiple Matrix fields could share the same content table. (#3249)
  • Fixed a “cache is corrupted” Twig error that could occur when editing or saving an element if it had an Assets field with an unresolvable subfolder path template. (#3257)
  • Fixed a bug where the Dev Mode indicator strip wasn’t visible on Chrome/Windows when using a scaled display. (#3259)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when validating an attribute using craft\validators\UniqueValidator, if the target record’s find() method joined in another table.

3.0.22 - 2018-08-28****Changed

  • The “Deleting stale template caches” job now ensures all expired template caches have been deleted before it begins processing the caches.
  • Text inputs’ autocomplete attributes now get set to off by default, and they will only not be added if explicitly set to null.
  • Improved the error response when Composer is unable to perform an update due to a dependency conflict.
  • Email fields in the Control Panel now have type="email".
  • craft\helpers\Db::parseParam() now has a $caseInnensitive argument, which can be set to true to force case-insensitive conditions on PostgreSQL installs.
  • craft\validators\UniqueValidator now has a $caseInsensitive property, which can be set to true to cause the unique validation to be case-insensitive on PostgreSQL installs.
  • The CLI setup wizard now detects common database connection errors that occur with MAMP, and automatically retests with adjusted settings.
  • The CLI setup wizard now detects common database authentication errors, and lets the user retry the username and password settings, skipping the others.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.27.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t reverting composer.json to its original state if something went wrong when running a Composer update.
  • Fixed a bug where string casing functions in craft\helpers\StringHelper were adding extra hyphens to strings that came in as Upper-Kebab-Case.
  • Fixed a bug where unique validation for element URIs, usernames, and user email address was not case-insensitive on PostgreSQL installs.
  • Fixed a bug where element queries’ uri params, and user queries’ firstName, lastName, username, and email params, were not case-insensitive on PostgreSQL installs.
  • Fixed a bug where the CLI setup wizard was allowing empty database names.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to clear template caches if template caching was disabled by the enableTemplateCaching config setting. (#3229)
  • Fixed a bug where element index toolbars weren’t staying fixed to the top of the content area when scrolling down the page. (#3233)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when updating Craft if the system was reliant on the SSL certificate provided by thecomposer/ca-bundle package.

3.0.21 - 2018-08-21****Added

  • Most element query parameters can now be set to ['not', 'X', 'Y'], as a shortcut for ['and', 'not X', 'not Y'].


  • The “New Password” input on the My Account page now has a “Show” button, like other password inputs in the Control Panel.
  • Plugin settings pages now redirect to the Settings index page after save. (#3216)
  • It’s now possible to set autofill detail tokens on the autocomplete variable when including the _includes/forms/text.html template (e.g. 'name').
  • Username and password inputs now have the correct autocomplete values, increasing the likelihood that tools like 1Password will handle the form correctly. (#3207)


  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when saving a user if a craft\elements\User::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE event listener was setting $event->isValid = false. (#3206)
  • Fixed a bug where password inputs’ jQuery data was getting erased when the “Show” button was clicked.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when upgrading to Craft 3. (#3208)
  • Fixed a bug where non-image assets’ file extension icons could bleed out of the preview area within asset editor HUDs. (#3209)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t saving a new entry version when reverting an entry to a previous version. (#3210)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when a Matrix block was saved by a queue job. (#3217)


  • External links in the Control Panel now set rel="noopener". (#3201)

3.0.20 - 2018-08-14****Added

  • Added craft\services\Fields::refreshFields().


  • Fixed a bug where DateTime model attributes were getting converted to ISO-8601 date strings for craft\web\View::renderObjectTemplate(). (#3185)
  • Fixed a bug where timepicker menus had a higher z-index than session expiration modal shades. (#3186)
  • Fixed a bug where users could not log in after upgrading to Craft 3, if there was a custom field named owner.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to set non-integer values on asset queries’ width, height, or size params. (#3195)
  • Fixed a bug where all Asset folders were being initiated at once, resulting in performance issues.

3.0.19 - 2018-08-07****Added

  • Added the craft.query() template function, for creating new database queries.
  • Added craft\services\Structures::$mutexTimeout. (#3148)
  • Added craft\services\Api::getComposerWhitelist().


  • Removed craft\services\Api::getOptimizedComposerRequirements().


  • Craft’s console commands now return the correct exit codes. (#3175)
  • Fixed the appearance of checkboxes in IE11 on element index pages. (#3177)
  • Fixed a bug where composer.json could end up with a bunch of extra dependencies in the require object after a failed update or plugin installation.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when viewing an entry revision, if it had a Matrix field and one of the sub-fields within the Matrix field had been deleted. (#3183)
  • Fixed a bug where thumbnails weren’t loading in relational fields when viewing an entry version.

3.0.18 - 2018-07-31****Added

  • Added craft\helpers\App::assetManagerConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::cacheConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::dbConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::mailerConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::mutexConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::logConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::sessionConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::userConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::viewConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::webRequestConfig().
  • Added craft\validators\StringValidator::$trim, which will cause leading/trailing whitespace to be stripped from model attributes.


  • User verification and password-reset emails now link them back to the same site they were on when the email was sent, if it was sent from a front-end request. (#3029)
  • Dynamic app component configs are now defined by methods on craft\helpers\App, making it easier to modify them from config/app.php. (#3152)
  • Structure operations now ensure that no other operations are being performed on the same structure, reducing the risk of corrupting the structure. (#3148)
  • The {% js %} tag now supports the following position params: at POS_HEAD, at POS_BEGIN, at POS_END, on POS_READY, and on POS_LOAD (e.g. {% js at POS_END %}).
  • Craft once again checks for X-Forwarded-For headers when determining the user’s IP. (#3036)
  • Leading/trailing whitespace characters are now stripped from element titles on save. (#3020)
  • Updated svg-sanitizer to 0.9.


  • Deprecated craft\db\Connection::createFromConfig(). craft\helpers\App::dbConfig() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\MailerHelper::createMailer(). craft\helpers\App::mailerConfig() should be used instead.


  • Fixed a bug where collapsing structure elements would only hide up to 50 of their descendants.
  • Fixed a bug where Date/Time fields could lose their value if they were used in an entry type’s Title Format, and the entry’s site’s language was different than the user’s preferred language. (#3151)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown fields could show an incorrect selected value in limited circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown fields on an element index view could show an incorrect selected value in limited circumstances. - 2018-07-24****Fixed

  • Really fixed a PHP error that could occur if the PHP’s set_time_limit() was added to the php.ini disable_functions list.

3.0.17 - 2018-07-24****Added

  • The Control Panel is now translated for Norwegian Nynorsk. (#3135)
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::anyStatus(), which can be called when the default status and enabledForSite filters aren’t desired. (#3117)


  • The addTrailingSlashesToUrls config setting no longer applies to URLs that end with a segment that has a dot (.). (#3123)
  • Craft now redirects install requests back to the Dashboard if it’s already installed. (#3143)


  • Fixed a bug where the Settings → Email → System Messages page would show messages in the current application language rather than the primary site’s language.
  • Fixed a bug where system message modals on the Settings → Email → System Messages page would initially show messages in the current application language rather than the primary site’s language, even if the application language wasn’t in use by any sites. (#3115)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if craft\web\View::registerAssetFlashes() was called on a console request. (#3124)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur if the PHP’s set_time_limit() was added to the php.ini disable_functions list.
  • Fixed a bug where expanding a disabled element within a structure index view in the Control Panel wouldn’t reveal any descendants. (#3126)
  • Fixed a bug thumbnails weren’t loading for element index rows that were revealed after expanding a parent element.
  • Fixed an error that occurred if an element’s getRoute() method returned a string. (#3128)
  • Fixed a bug where the |without filter wasn’t working if an object was passed in. (#3137)
  • Fixed a bug where users’ Language preference would default to Deutsch if the current application language wasn’t one of the available language options. (#3142) - 2018-07-18****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the orderBy element query param wasn’t being respected when used in conjunction with a with param to eager-load elements in a specific order. (#3109)
  • Fixed a bug where underscores were getting removed from slugs. (#3111)

3.0.16 - 2018-07-17****Added

  • The progress bar on the Asset Indexes utility now shows how many files have been indexed, and how many there are in total. (#2934)
  • Added craft\base\PluginInterface::beforeSaveSettings().
  • Added craft\base\PluginInterface::afterSaveSettings().
  • Added craft\base\Plugin::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_SETTINGS.
  • Added craft\base\Plugin::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_SETTINGS.


  • Craft no longer relies on ImageMagick or GD to define the image formats that should be considered manipulatable. (#2408)
  • Removed the showBetaUpdates config setting as it’s no longer being used.
  • When uploading a file to an Assets field, Craft will automatically sort the file list to show the latest uploads first. (#2812)
  • dateCreated, dateUpdated, postDate, expiryDate, after, and before element query params can new be set to DateTime objects.
  • Matrix fields now auto-focus the first text input within newly-created Matrix blocks. (#3104)
  • Updated Twig to 2.5.0.
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.26.
  • Updated Selectize to 0.12.6.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when sending emails to international domains if the Intl extension wasn’t enabled.
  • Fixed an exception that was thrown if the securityKey config setting was changed and Craft was set to use either the SMTP or Gmail mailer transport type. (#3083)
  • Fixed a bug where Asset view was not being refreshed in some cases after using Image Editor. (#3035)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wouldn’t warn before leaving an edit page with unsaved changes, if Live Preview was active. (#3092)
  • Fixed a bug where entries, categories, and global sets’ getCpEditUrl() methods could omit the site handle on multi-site installs. (#3089)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when closing Live Preview. (#3098)
  • Fixed a bug where Dashboard widgets could be spaced incorrectly if there was only one grid column. (#3100)
  • Fixed a bug where modal windows with Field Layout Designers could cause the browser to crash. (#3096)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\services\Fields::getAllGroups() and getGroupById() could return incorrect results. (#3102)

3.0.15 - 2018-07-09****Changed

  • It’s now possible to fetch only non-admin users by setting craft\elements\db\UserQuery::$admin to false.
  • Craft.EntryTypeSwitcher now triggers a typeChange event after switching the entry type. (#3067)
  • Reduced the left and right padding in the Control Panel for screens less than 768 pixels wide. (#3073)
  • Removed the useXSendFile config setting as it’s no longer being used.
  • craft\helpers\StringHelper::toKebabCase(), toCamelCase(), toPascalCase(), and toSnakeCase() now treat camelCase’d and PascalCale’d strings as multiple words. (#3090)


  • Fixed a bug where craft\i18n\I18N::getPrimarySiteLocale() and getPrimarySiteLocaleId() were returning locale info for the first site, rather than the primary one. (#3063)
  • Fixed a bug where element index pages were loading all elements in the view, rather than waiting for the user to scroll to the bottom of the page before loading the next batch. (#3068)
  • Fixed a bug where sites listed in the Control Panel weren’t always in the correct sort order. (#3065)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when users attempted to create new entries within entry selector modals, for a section they didn’t have permission to publish peer entries in. (#3069)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Save as a new asset” button label wasn’t getting translated in the Image Editor. (#3070)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to set the filename of assets when uploading them as data strings. (#2973)
  • Fixed a bug where the Field Type menu’s options within new Matrix block type settings weren’t getting sorted alphabetically. (#3072)
  • Fixed an exception that was thrown when testing email settings if the Template setting was invalid. (#3074)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown fields’ bottom margin could jump up a bit when an empty option was selected. (#3075)
  • Fixed a bug where main content containers in the Control Panel could become too wide in Firefox. (#3071)

3.0.14 - 2018-07-03****Changed

  • craft\events\SiteEvent now has a $oldPrimarySiteId property, which will be set to the previous primary site ID (which may stil be the current site ID, if it didn’t just change).
  • craft\helpers\Search::normalizeKeywords() now has a $language argument, which can be set if the character mappings should be pulled from a different language than the current app language.
  • craft\services\Sites::getEditableSiteIds() and getEditableSites() now return the same things as getAllSiteIds() and getAllSites() when there’s only one site. (#3049)


  • Fixed a bug where user verification links could get mangled when emails were parsed as Markdown, if the verification code contained two or more underscores.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was misinterpreting X-Forwarded-For headers as the user’s IP instead of the server’s IP. (#3036)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t auto-scrolling the content container when dragging items near a window edge. (#3048)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when loading a Debug Toolbar panel on a page that contained serialized Checkboxes or Multi-Select field data. (#3034)
  • Fixed a bug where elements’ normalized search keywords weren’t always using the correct language-specific character mappings. (#3046)
  • Fixed a bug where the <html lang> attribute was hard-set to en-US rather than the current application language. (#3053)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when entering an invalid number into a Number field that was set to have decimal digits. (#3059)


  • Craft no longer shows the installer when it can’t establish a database connection if Dev Mode isn’t enabled. - 2018-06-27****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when deleting users from the Users index page. - 2018-06-26****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Delete User modals weren’t showing the total number of entries that will be transferred/deleted.

3.0.13 - 2018-06-26****Added

  • Craft now includes a summary of the content that will be transferred/deleted in Delete User modals. (#875)
  • |date, |time, and |datetime filters now support a locale argument, for specifying which locale’s formatter should be doing the date/time formatting. (#3006)
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getIsInitialized().
  • Added craft\base\ClonefixTrait.
  • Added craft\controllers\AssetsController::actionThumb().
  • Added craft\controllers\UsersController::actionUserContentSummary().
  • Added craft\controllers\UsersController::EVENT_DEFINE_CONTENT_SUMMARY.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::backtrace().
  • Added craft\queue\jobs\PropagateElements.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::propagateElement().


  • Editable tables now submit an empty string when they have no rows.
  • Reduced the overhead when adding a new site by only resaving existing assets, categories, global sets, and tags once for the newly-created site, rather than for all sites.
  • Web-based queue workers now call craft\helpers\App::maxPowerCaptain() before running the queue. (#3011)
  • The PHP Info utility no longer displays the original values for settings and only the current environment value. (#2990)
  • Loosened up most of Craft’s Composer dependency constraints.
  • Craft no longer publishes asset thumbnails to the cpresources/ folder.
  • attributes, error, errors, and scenario are now reserved field handles. (#3032)
  • Improved the look of Control Panel tabs.
  • craft\web\UrlManager::createUrl(), createAbsoluteUrl(), and getMatchedElement() now log warnings if they’re called before Craft has been fully initialized. (#3028)


  • Deprecated craft\controllers\AssetsController::actionGenerateThumb().


  • Fixed a bug where sidebar meta info on Edit User pages was bleeding over the edge of the page’s content area.
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields wouldn’t remember if they had no rows in their Default Values setting. (#2979)
  • Fixed a bug where passing timezone=false to the |date, |time, and |datetime filters would not preserve the given date’s time zone.
  • Fixed a bug where AM/PM strings in formatted dates weren’t respecting the casing specified by the A/a character in the date format. (#3007)
  • Fixed a bug you could get an invalid license warning in cases where web API calls returned a 500 response code.
  • Fixed a bug where cloning models and queries would lose any associated behaviors. (#2857)
  • Fixed a bug where custom field params were getting forgotten when calling getNext() and getPrev(), if an element query object was passed in. (#3019)
  • Fixed a bug where datepickers were getting scrollbars.
  • Fixed a bug where volumes’ field layouts weren’t getting deleted when volumes were deleted. (#3022)
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a section or an entry type wouldn’t delete any associated entries that didn’t exist in the primary site. (#3023)
  • Fixed a bug where the svg() Twig function could convert id attributes within the SVG contents to invalid IDs. (#3025)
  • Fixed a bug where asset thumbnails wouldn’t load reliably in the Control Panel on load-balanced environments. (#3026)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when validating Assets fields if a file was uploaded but no longer exists at the temp location. (#3033)

3.0.12 - 2018-06-18****Added

  • Added a leaves element query param that limits the selected elements to just the leaves in the structure (elements without children).
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::deleteIfExists().
  • Added craft\services\Categories::deleteGroup(). (#3000)
  • Added craft\services\Tags::deleteTagGroup(). (#3000)
  • Added craft\services\UserGroups::deleteGroup(). (#3000)


  • Improved Control Panel styling. (#2883)


  • Removed craft\services\Fields::updateFieldVersionAfterRequest().


  • Fixed a caching bug where the Fields service could still think a field existed after it had been deleted. (#2985)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would not invalidate the dynamically-generated craft\behaviors\ContentBehavior and craft\behaviors\ElementQueryBehavior after saving/deleting a custom field, if the request didn’t end normally. (#2999)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when saving entries with a URI format that contained certain Twig filters. (#2995)
  • Fixed a bug where {shorthand} variables in templates rendered by craft\web\View::renderObjectTemplate() could end up referencing global variables, if the variable wasn’t a property of the object. (#3002)
  • Fixed a bug where the Find and Replace utility wasn’t updating element titles. (#2996)
  • Fixed some wonky behavior if one of the custom user profile tabs was called “Account”. (#2998)
  • Fixed a bug where dragging a folder on the Assets index page could have unexpected results. (#2873)
  • Reduced the likelihood of SQL deadlock errors when saving elements. (#3003)

3.0.11 - 2018-06-12****Changed

  • Sort options defined by element types’ sortOptions() / defineSortOptions() methods can now be specified as sub-arrays with label, orderBy, and attribute keys.
  • Entries and categories can now be sorted by their slugs.
  • The “Cache remote images?” option in the Asset Indexes utility is now enabled by default. (#2977)


  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to order search results by search score, if the element type didn’t specify any sort options.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on “Date Created” and “Date Updated” column headers on element indexes wouldn’t update the sort order. (#2975)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Entry pages were listing more than the 10 most recent versions. (#2976)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when upgrading from Craft 2 to 3 via the terminal. (#1347)
  • Fixed the alignment of expand/collapse toggles in asset index sidebars. (#2981) - 2018-06-07****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the “New Entry” menu on the Entries index page would not contain any options on single-site installs, running MySQL. (#2961)
  • Fixed a bug where the siteName config setting wasn’t working as expected when set to an array. (#2968) - 2018-06-07****Changed

  • Improved the output of craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::humanDurationFromInterval().
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.24.


  • Fixed JavaScript errors that could occur in the Control Panel on pages with Ajax requests. (#2966)
  • Fixed a bug where the “New Entry” menu on the Entries index page would not contain any options on single-site installs. (#2961)
  • Fixed a bug where JavaScript files registered with craft\web\View::registerJsFile() would be ignored if the depends option was set. (#2965) - 2018-06-06****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t converting empty strings to null when saving data to non-textual columns.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft would show a Database Connection Error on Install requests, if it couldn’t connect to the database.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft wasn’t keeping track of element queries that were executed within {% cache %} tags. (#2959)

3.0.10 - 2018-06-05****Added

  • Added support for a CRAFT_LICENSE_KEY PHP constant, which can be set to the project’s license key, taking precedence over the license.key file.
  • Added craft\helpers\Stringy::getLangSpecificCharsArray().
  • Added craft\web\View::setRegisteredAssetBundles().
  • Added craft\web\View::setRegisteredJsFiles().


  • Generated site URLs now always include full host info, even if the base site URL is root/protocol-relative. (#2919)
  • Variables passed into craft\web\View::renderObjectTemplate() can now be referenced using the shorthand syntax (e.g. {foo}).
  • craft\helpers\StringHelper::asciiCharMap() now has $flat and $language arguments.
  • Craft no longer saves new versions of entries when absolutely nothing changed about them in the save request. (#2923)
  • Craft no longer enforces plugins’ minVersionRequired settings if the currently-installed version begins with dev-.
  • Improved the performance of element queries when a lot of values were passed into a param, such as id, by using IN() and NOT IN() conditions when possible. (#2937)
  • The Asset Indexes utility no longer skips files with leading underscores. (#2943)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.23.


  • Deprecated the customAsciiCharMappings config setting. (Any corrections to ASCII char mappings should be submitted to Stringy.)


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when craft\fields\Number::normalizeValue() was called without passing an $element argument. (#2913)
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to fetch Matrix blocks with the relatedTo param if a specific custom field was specified.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\UrlHelper::url() and siteUrl() were not respecting the $scheme argument for site URLs.
  • Fixed a bug where {id} tags within element URI formats weren’t getting parsed correctly on first save. (#2922)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\MigrationHelper::dropAllForeignKeysToTable() wasn’t working correctly. (#2897)
  • Fixed a “Craft is not defined” JavaScript error that could occur on the Forgot Password page in the Control Panel and Dev Toolbar requests.
  • Fixed a bug where rotating the screen on iOS would change how the page was zoomed.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\helpers\StringHelper::toAscii() and the Craft.asciiString() JS method weren’t using language-specific character replacements, or any custom replacements defined by the customAsciiCharMappings config setting.
  • Fixed a bug where the number 0 would not save in a Plain Text field.
  • Fixed a bug where Craft could pick the wrong current site if the primary site had a root-relative or protocol-relative URL, and another site didn’t, but was otherwise an equal match.
  • Fixed a bug where Control Panel Ajax requests could cause some asset bundles and JavaScript files to be double-registered in the browser.
  • Fixed a bug where the “New entry” menu on the Entries index page was including sections that weren’t available in the selected site, and they weren’t linking to Edit Entry pages for the selected site. (#2925)
  • Fixed a bug where the |date, |time, and |datetime filters weren’t respecting their $timezone arguments. (#2926)
  • Fixed a bug where element queries weren’t respecting the asArray param when calling one(). (#2940)
  • Fixed a bug where the Asset Indexes utility wouldn’t work as expected if all of a volume’s assets had been deleted from the file system. (#2955)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when a {% cache %} tag had no body. (#2953)

3.0.9 - 2018-05-22****Added

  • Added a default plugin icon to plugins without an icon in the Plugin Store.
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::without() and withoutValue().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::modifyElementIndexQuery().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::andWith().


  • Fixed a bug where Craft was checking the file system when determining if an asset was a GIF, when it should have just been checking the file extension.
  • craft\base\Plugin now sets the default $controllerNamespace value to the plugin class’ namespace + \controllers or \console\controllers, depending on whether it’s a web or console request.
  • Improved the contrast of success and error notices in the Control Panel to meet WCAG AA requirements. (#2885)
  • fieldValue is now a protected field handle. (#2893)
  • Craft will no longer discard any preloaded elements when setting the with param on an element query, fixing a bug where disabled Matrix blocks could show up in Live Preview if any nested fields were getting eager-loaded. (#1576)
  • Improved memory usage when using the {% cache %} tag. (#2903)


  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was listing featured plugins (e.g. “Recently Added”) in alphabetical order rather than the API-defined order. (pixelandtonic/craftnet#83)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when programmatically saving a field layout, if the field’s required property wasn’t set.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur when multiple Assets fields were present on the same page.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when running the setup command on some environments.
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when calling craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::addOrderBy() if $columns normalized to an empty array. (#2896)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to access custom field values on Matrix blocks via matrixblock reference tags.
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields with only disabled elements selected would get empty table cells on element indexes. (#2910)

3.0.8 - 2018-05-15****Added

  • Number fields now have a “Default Value” setting. (#927)
  • Added the preserveCmykColorspace config setting, which can be set to true to prevent images’ color spaces from getting converted to sRGB on environments running ImageMagick.


  • Error text is now orange instead of red. (#2885)
  • Detail panes now have a lighter, more saturated background color.


  • Fixed a bug where Craft’s default MySQL backup command would not respect the unixSocket database config setting. (#2794)
  • Fixed a bug where some SVG files were not recognized as SVG files.
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields could add the wrong number of default rows if the Min Rows setting was set, and the Default Values setting had something other than one row. (#2864)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when parsing asset reference tags. (craftcms/redactor#47)
  • Fixed a bug where “Try” and “Buy” buttons in the Plugin Store were visible when the allowUpdates config setting was disabled. (#2781)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields would forget their Min/Max Value settings if they were set to 0.
  • Fixed a bug where entry versions could be displayed in the wrong order if multiple versions had the same creation date. (#2889)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when installing Craft on a domain with an active user session.
  • Fixed a bug where email verification links weren’t working for publicly-registered users if the registration form contained a Password field and the default user group granted permission to access the Control Panel.


  • Login errors for locked users now factor in whether the preventUserEnumeration config setting is enabled.

3.0.7 - 2018-05-10****Added

  • Added the transformGifs config setting, which can be set to false to prevent GIFs from getting transformed or cleansed. (#2845)
  • Added craft\helpers\FileHelper::isGif().


  • Craft no longer logs warnings about missing translation files when Dev Mode isn’t enabled. (#1531)
  • Added craft\services\Deprecator::$logTarget. (#2870)
  • craft\services\Deprecator::log() no longer returns anything.


  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to upload new assets to Assets fields using base64-encoded strings. (#2855)
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields would ignore all submitted asset IDs if any new assets were uploaded as well.
  • Fixed a bug where SVG files that were using single quotes instead of double quotes would not be recognized as SVGs.
  • Fixed a bug where translated versions of the “It looks like someone is currently performing a system update.” message contained an HTML-encoded <br/> tag.
  • Fixed a bug where changing an entry’s type could skip adding the new entry type’s tabs, if the previous entry type didn’t have any tabs. (#2859)
  • Fixed warnings about missing SVG files that were logged by Control Panel requests.
  • Fixed a bug where the |date filter would ignore date formatting characters that don’t have ICU counterparts. (#2867)
  • Fixed a bug where the global currentUser Twig variable could be set to null and global sets and could be missing some custom field values when a user was logged-in, if a plugin was loading Twig during or immediately after plugin instantiation. (#2866)

3.0.6 - 2018-05-08****Added

  • Error messages about missing plugin-supplied field and volume types now show an Install button when possible.
  • Added craft\base\MissingComponentTrait::getPlaceholderHtml().
  • Added craft\db\Migration::EVENT_AFTER_UP and EVENT_AFTER_DOWN events.
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::getContents().


  • Edit User pages will now warn editors when leaving the page with unsaved changes. (#2832)
  • Modules are once again loaded before plugins, so they have a chance to register Twig initialization events before a plugin initializes Twig. (#2831)
  • craft\helpers\FileHelper::isSvg() now returns true for files with an image/svg MIME type (missing the +xml). (#2837)
  • The svg() Twig function now accepts assets to be passed directly into it. (#2838)
  • The “Save and add another” save menu option on Edit Entry and Edit Categories pages now maintain the currently-selected site. (#2844)
  • PHP date patterns that are only a month name or week day name character will now format the date using the stand-alone month/week day name value. (For example, 'F' will format a date as “Maggio” instead of “maggio”.)
  • Servers without the Intl extension will now use location-agnostic locale data as a fallback if locale data for the specific locale isn’t available.
  • The |date Twig filter always goes through craft\i18n\Formatter::asDate() now, unless formatting a DateInterval object.
  • The Settings → Plugins page now shows “Buy now” buttons for any commercial plugins that don’t have a license key yet.


  • Deprecated craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::translateDate(). craft\i18n\Formatter::asDate() should be used instead.


  • Removed the translate argument from the |date, |time, and |datetime Twig filters; the resulting formatted dates will always be translated now. (Use myDate.format() to avoid translations.)


  • Fixed an error that could occur in the Plugin Store.
  • Fixed a bug where myDate|date('F') was returning the short “May” translation rather than the full-length one. (#2848)

3.0.5 - 2018-05-01****Changed

  • Fields’ translation icons now reveal the chosen Translation Method in their tooltip. (#2808)
  • Improved the error messages displayed when an Assets field has an invalid Upload Location setting. (#2803)
  • Craft now logs errors that occur when saving and replacing assets. (#2814)
  • Single sections’ entry types’ handles are now updated to match their section’s handle whenever the section is saved. (#2824)
  • The Control Panel background color was lightened up a bit.


  • Fixed an error that would occur on servers without the Phar PHP extension enabled.
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a Matrix block was deleted by a queue job. (#2813)
  • Fixed a bug where Twig could be configured to output times in UTC rather than the system timezone, if a bootstrapped module was loading Twig. (#2761)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when upgrading from Craft 2 to Craft 3 with an active user session.
  • Fixed various SQL errors that could occur when upgrading from Craft 2 to Craft 3, if there were any lingering Craft 3 database tables from a previous upgrade attempt.
  • Fixed a bug where the Clear Caches tool was deleting the .gitignore file inside web/cpresources/. (#2823)
  • Fixed the vertical positioning of checkboxes in the Control Panel. (#2825)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur if an element type’s class name contained \u. (#2826)

3.0.4 - 2018-04-24****Added

  • Added the craft.globalSets() template function. (#2790)
  • Added the hasDescendants element query param. (#2786)
  • Added craft\elements\User::$hasDashboard.


  • Sections and category groups now ignore posted Template settings for sites that don’t have URI Formats.
  • Control Panel resources are once again eager-published. (#2763)
  • entries/save-entries and categories/save-category actions now include the slug for responses that accept JSON. (#2792)
  • Most craft\services\Path methods now have a $create argument, which can be set to false to prevent the directory from being created if it doesn’t exist yet.
  • Craft no longer creates directories when it just needed to clear it. (#2771)
  • craft\services\Config::setDotEnvVar() now sets the environment variable for the current request, in addition to updating the .env file.
  • Removed craft\controllers\AssetsController::actionDownloadTempAsset().
  • User now must be logged in to use the Asset Preview File functionality.


  • Fixed a bug where users would regain all default Dashboard widgets if all widgets were removed. (#2769)
  • Fixed a bug where you would get a “not a valid language” error message when creating a new site using certain languages.
  • Fixed a bug where database connection settings that were set by the setup command weren’t always taking effect in time for the CLI installer. (#2774)
  • Fixed a bug where empty Plain Text fields were getting empty string values rather than null.
  • Fixed a bug where elements within relational fields could have two thumbnails. (#2785)
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to pass a --table-prefix argument to the setup/db-creds command. (#2791)
  • Fixed an error that occurred for users without permission to perform updates, if available update info wasn’t cached.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when craft\elements\Asset::sources() was called in a console request. (#2798)
  • Fixed JavaScript errors that could occur on the front end after deleting Matrix blocks. (#2799) - 2018-04-18****Fixed

  • Fixed an error that occurred when editing an entry if any of the entry’s revisions were created with an entry type that no longer exists.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving an asset. (#2764)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft assumed an asset was missing if there was an error when indexing it. (#2763)

3.0.3 - 2018-04-17****Added

  • Added craft\elements\Entry::updateTitle().
  • Added Yii::alias().


  • New sites’ Base URLs now default to @web/.
  • Textual custom fields now ensure that they don’t contain 4+ byte characters. (#2725)
  • It is no longer expected that all of the defaultSearchTermOptions config setting options will be set if any of the default option values need to be overridden. (#2737)
  • Control Panel panes now have at least 48 pixels of bottom padding. (#2744)
  • Craft now intercepts 404-ing resource requests, and publishes the resources on the fly.
  • The Clear Caches utility now has a “Control Panel resources” option.
  • The Clear Caches utility now sorts the cache options alphabetically.
  • When enabling new sites for a section, the new sites’ content is now based on the primary site’s content, if the section was and still is enabled for the primary site. (#2748)
  • Improved the responsiveness of element indexes.
  • Craft.BaseElementIndexView now has a loadMoreElementsAction setting. (#2762)


  • Fixed a bug where the Clear Caches utility was not deleting template caches. (#2720)
  • Fixed a bug where the Plugin Store was not displaying payment errors on checkout.
  • Fixed a bug where Control Panel-defined routes that contained special regular expression characters weren’t working. (#2721)
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to save system messages in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where static translations within dynamic entry title formats were getting translated using the current site’s language, rather than the entry’s language. (#2722)
  • Fixed a bug where deprecation errors for some date formatting methods were not escaping backslashes.
  • Fixed a bug where plugins’ “Last update” timestamps in the Plugin Store weren’t getting formatted correctly in Safari. (#2733)
  • Fixed references to a nonexistent Craft.eot file in the Control Panel CSS. (#2740)
  • Fixed a bug where the default PostgreSQL database restore command wasn’t setting the PGPASSWORD environment variable. (#2741)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if the system time zone was not supported by the ICU library, on environments with the Intl extension loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where several administrative fields had translatable icons. (#2742)
  • Fixed a bug where craft\controllers\PluginStoreController::actionSavePluginLicenseKeys() was trying to set a plugin license key for plugins which were not installed.


  • Fixed a bug assets were not getting cleansed on upload. (#2709)

3.0.2 - 2018-04-10****Added

  • Added the EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_CACHES and EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_CACHES events to craft\services\TemplateCaches.
  • Added craft\events\DeleteTemplateCachesEvent.


  • Craft now deletes all compiled templates whenever Craft or a plugin is updated. (#2686)
  • The Plugin Store now displays commercial plugins’ renewal prices. (#2690)
  • The Plugin Store no longer shows the “Upgrade Craft CMS” link if Craft is already running (and licensed to run) the Pro edition. (#2713)
  • Matrix fields now set $propagating to true when saving Matrix blocks, if the owner element is propagating.
  • craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::toArray() no longer throws a deprecation error when a string without commas is passed to it. (#2711)
  • Editable tables now support an html column type, which will output cell values directly without encoding HTML entities. (#2716)
  • Craft.EditableTable instances are now accessible via .data('editable-table') on their <table> element. (#2694)
  • Updated Composer to 1.6.3. (#2707)
  • Updated Garnish to 0.1.22. (#2689)


  • Fixed an error that could occur in the Control Panel if any plugins with licensing issues were installed. (#2691)
  • Fixed a bug on the Plugin Store’s Payment screen where the “Use a new credit card” radio option would not get selected automatically even if it was the only one available.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\web\assets\vue\VueAsset didn’t respect the useCompressedJs config setting.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving a Single entry over Ajax. (#2687)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when disabling a site on a Single section. (#2695)
  • Fixed an error that could occur on requests without a content type on the response. (#2704)
  • Fixed a bug where the includeSubfolders asset query param wasn’t including results in the parent folder. (#2706)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when querying for users eager-loaded with their photos, if any of the resulting users didn’t have a photo. (#2708)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields within Matrix fields wouldn’t save relations to elements that didn’t exist on all of the sites the owner element existed on. (#2683)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields were ignoring disabled related elements in various functions, including required field validation and value serialization.
  • Fixed an error that would occur if a new custom field was created and added to an element’s field layout, and its value was accessed, all in the same request. (#2705)
  • Fixed a bug where the id param was ignored when used on an eager-loaded elements’ criteria. (#2717)
  • Fixed a bug where the default restore command for MySQL wouldn’t actually restore the database. (#2714)

3.0.1 - 2018-04-04****Deprecated

  • Brought back and deprecated the Craft::Personal and Craft::Client constants.


  • Fixed a bug where elements’ getNext() and getPrev() methods were modifying the element query passed into them. (#2160)
  • Fixed a bug where Table fields could be pre-populated with one too many rows. (#2680)


  • Craft no longer sends exception messages to error templates, unless the exception is an instance of yii\base\UserException. - 2018-04-04****Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Craft Pro installs were getting identified as Craft Solo in the Control Panel.

3.0.0 - 2018-04-04****Added

  • The codebase has been completely rewritten and refactored to improve performance, maintainability, and extensibility.
  • Craft can now be installed via Composer in addition to a zip file. (#895)
  • Craft’s setup wizard is now available as a CLI tool in addition to the web-based one.
  • Plugins are now loaded as Composer dependencies, and implemented as extensions of Yii modules.
  • Added multi-site support.
  • Added the Plugin Store, where plugins can be discovered, trialled, and purchased. (#808)
  • Plugins can now be updated and removed from within the Control Panel.
  • Asset sources are now called “volumes”, and plugins can supply their own volume types.
  • Added the Image Editor, which can be used to rotate, crop, and flip images, as well as set focal points on them.
  • Added asset previews, which can be triggered via a “Preview file” action on the Assets index, or with a Shift + Spacebar keyboard shortcut throughout the Control Panel.
  • Asset editor HUDs now show image previews. (#837)
  • Added the “Utilities” section to the Control Panel, replacing the Tools area of the Settings page.
  • Added the Debug Toolbar, powered by the Debug Extension for Yii 2.
  • Added support for Content Migrations.
  • Added support for PostgreSQL.


  • The Control Panel has been redesigned for better usability, readability and responsiveness.
  • Renamed all “URL Format” things to “URI Format”, in the Control Panel UI and in the code.
  • Added the “Propagate entries across all enabled sites?” section setting. If disabled, entries will only be associated with the site they were created on. (#2330)
  • Structure sections and category groups no longer have Nested URL Format settings. (It’s still possible to achieve the same result with a single URI Format setting.)
  • When an entry type is updated, Craft now re-saves all entries of that type.
  • When a category is deleted, its nested categories are no longer deleted with it.
  • Craft no longer re-saves all localizable elements after a new site is created; entries and Matrix blocks are skipped, and plugins that supply custom element types must now re-save their elements manually as well.
  • The “New entry” and “New category” buttons on Entries and Categories index pages now load the Edit page for the currently-selected site. (#2236)
  • Elements now validate that custom field values will fit within their database columns, for fields with textual or numeric column types.
  • User photos are now assets. (#933)
  • Assets now have a “Link” table attribute option.
  • Volumes’ “Base URL” settings can now begin with @web, which is an alias for the root URL that Craft is running from.
  • Local volumes’ “File System Path” settings can now begin with @webroot, which is an alias for the path to the directory that index.php lives in.
  • Global Sets’ field layouts can now have custom tabs.
  • Color inputs can now be left blank.
  • Color values within Table fields are now represented by craft\fields\data\ColorData objects.
  • Element titles now get a validation error if they contain any 4+ byte characters (like emoji), on servers running MySQL. (#2513)
  • Lightswitch fields that don’t have a value yet will now be assigned the default field value, even for existing elements. (#2404)
  • The system installer now sets the initial admin account’s preferred language to the site language selected in the installation wizard. (#2480)
  • Table fields now have “Min Rows”, “Max Rows”, and “Add Row Label” settings. (#2372)
  • Table fields now have “Date”, “Time”, “Lightswitch”, and “Color” column type options.
  • Color fields now return a craft\fields\data\ColorData object, with hex, rgb, red, green, blue, r, g, b, and luma properties.
  • Matrix fields now have “Manage blocks on a per-site basis”, “Min Blocks”, and “Max Blocks” settings.
  • Matrix fields with only one block type, and equal values for the Min Blocks and Max Blocks settings, now hide the UI for adding and deleting blocks.
  • Matrix fields with only one block type will now auto-create the minimum number of blocks required by the field, per the Min Blocks setting, for new elements. (#850)
  • The migrate/up console command will now update the appropriate schema version in the database after successfully completing all migrations. (#1907)
  • Users can now set their preferred language to any supported application language. (#847)
  • Users are no longer logged out when verifying a new email address on their own account. (#1421)
  • Users no longer get an exception or error message if they click on an invalid/expired email verification link and are already logged in. Instead they’ll be redirected to wherever they would normally be taken immediately after logging in. (#1422)
  • If anything prevents a user from being deleted, any changes that were made in preparation for deleting the user are now rolled back.
  • Added webp as a web-safe image format.
  • Craft now checks if the current installation can manipulate an image instead of checking against a predefined list. (#1648, #1545)
  • The getCsrfInput() global function has been renamed to csrfInput(). (getCsrfInput() still works but produces a deprecation error.)
  • The {% cache %} tag no longer includes the query string when storing the cache URL.
  • Added the |timestamp Twig filter, for formatting a date as a user-friendly timestamp.
  • Added the |datetime Twig filter, for formatting a date with a localized date+time format.
  • Added the |time Twig filter, for formatting a date with a localized time format.
  • Added the |multisort Twig filter, which duplicates an array and sorts it with craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::multisort().
  • Added the |atom and |rss Twig filters, for formatting dates in Atom and RSS date formats, respectively.
  • Added the |column Twig filter, for capturing the key/property values of a series of arrays/objects.
  • Added the |index Twig filter, for indexing an array of arrays/objects by one of their keys/values.
  • Added the |filterByValue Twig filter.
  • Added the |duration Twig filter, which converts a DateInterval object into a human-readable duration.
  • The t filter now always defaults to translating the given string using the site category unless it is otherwise specified (e.g. myString|t('pluginhandle')).
  • The |date filter can be passed 'short', 'medium', 'long', and 'full', which will format the date with a localized date format.
  • It is now possibly to customize the SQL of element queries, and there are more choices on how the data should be returned.
  • Element queries are no longer limited to 100 results by default.
  • The “Failed” message in the queue HUD in the Control Panel now shows the full error message as alt text. (#855)
  • Added the convertFilenamesToAscii config setting.
  • Added the preserveExifData config setting, false by default and requires Imagick. (#2034)
  • Added the aliases config setting, providing an easy way to define custom aliases.
  • Removed support for automatically determining the values for the omitScriptNameInUrls and usePathInfo config settings.
  • It’s now possible to override Craft’s application config via config/app.php.
  • It’s now possible to override volume settings via config/volumes.php.
  • It’s now possible to override all plugins’ settings via config/<plugin-handle>.php.
  • Renamed the runTasksAutomatically config setting to runQueueAutomatically.
  • The translationDebugOutput config setting will now wrap strings with @ characters if the category is app, $ if the category is site, and % for anything else.
  • All user-defined strings in the Control Panel (e.g. section names) are now translated using the site category, to prevent translation conflicts with Craft’s own Control Panel translations.
  • Routes can now be stored on a per-site basis, rather than per-locale.
  • Web requests are now logged to storage/logs/web.log.
  • Web requests that result in 404 errors are now logged to storage/logs/web-404s.log.
  • Console requests are now logged to storage/logs/console.log.
  • Queue requests are now logged to storage/logs/queue.log.
  • Craft 3 now requires PHP 7.0.0 or later.
  • Craft 3 now requires MySQL 5.5+ or PostgreSQL 9.5+.
  • Craft now takes advantage of the PHP Intl extension when available.
  • Craft now uses Stringy for better string processing support.
  • Craft now uses Flysystem for better asset volume support.
  • Craft now uses Swiftmailer for better email sending support.
  • Craft now uses the Yii 2 Queue Extension for managing background tasks.
  • Craft now uses the Zend Feed library for better RSS and Atom processing support.
  • Updated Yii to
  • Updated Twig to 2.4.
  • Updated Guzzle to 6.3.


  • Many things have been deprecated. See Changes in Craft 3 for a complete list.


  • Fixed a bug where a PHP session would be started on every template rendering request whether it was needed or not. (#1765)


  • Craft uses OpenSSL for encryption rather than mcrypt, which is far more secure and well-maintained.

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda