

CVE-2021-36865: Quiz And Survey Master – Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Plugin for WordPress

Insecure direct object references (IDOR) vulnerability in ExpressTech Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.4 at WordPress allows attackers to change the content of the quiz.

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Try Demo ➡️ Get a personal sandbox demo with QSM


  • Sample Quiz
  • Sample Survey
  • Personality Quiz
  • Quiz with Leaderboard
  • Popup Quiz
  • Flashcards
  • Paid Quiz


  • Theme Breeze
  • Theme Fragrance
  • Theme Ivory
  • Theme Pool

Easily Create Quiz or Surveys For Your Users

Quiz and Survey Master is the easiest WordPress Quiz Plugin which can be used to create engaging content to drive traffic and increase user engagement. Everything from viral quiz, trivia quiz, customer satisfaction surveys to employee surveys. This plugin is the ultimate marketing tool for your website.

Customize Text

You can customize anything your users will see and engage with. Everything from the text blocks throughout the quiz or survey to the submit button. You can even use “template variables” to generate personalized text for your users.

Question Types

You can have multiple choice (radio buttons), true and false, open answer question, drop down, multiple response (checkboxes), fill in the blank, number, captcha, polar (slider) and accept. We release more questions types with every major release.

Customize Results Based on Score

Using our quiz builder plugin, you can customize the results page based on the user’s score.

Emails After Quiz

After the user takes a quiz or survey, you can have the plugin email you and the user with results. This too can be customized with your own text.


Your quiz or survey can be graded with an incorrect/correct system or a points-based system. Or not at all. You ask for contact information at the beginning or the end and you decide which contact fields are required. You can decide to use all the questions or only a select few chosen at random. You can also set the number of questions per page or have all the questions on one page.


You can assign categories to your questions using our quiz maker plugin. You can then show the user their score in a particular category or an average score of the categories.

Countdown Timer

Add countdown timer to your quizzes and effectively create skills assessment or online exams on your website.

Lead Generation

You can integrate Mailchimp, Activecampaign, Zapier, Campaign Monitor, Get Response to your quiz or surveys in order to create drip email campaigns and reachout to your audience. Checkout our integrations.

Other Useful Features

  • Allow the user to share the results on social networks
  • Show all questions on one page or have only a set number of questions per page
  • Require user to be logged in
  • Schedule when the quiz or survey should be active
  • Require certain or all questions to be answered
  • Limit amount of total entries to quiz or survey
  • Can set amount of tries a user has to take the quiz or survey
  • Can enable comment boxes for each question and/or comment section at the end of the quiz or survey
  • Can enable hints for questions
  • Can show user why the answer is the correct answer
  • Questions can be in predetermined order or random
  • Keep track how long a user takes on the quiz or survey
  • Able to set up time limits on the quiz or survey
  • Create and display math formulas
  • Compatible with WPML and its extensions
  • And Much More…

QSM Addons

Quiz And Survey Master is fully functional and is packed with tons of features that will meet the needs of most, we do offer various extra features including:

Free Add-ons

  • Certificates
  • Leaderboards

Premium Add-ons

  • Reporting & Analysis
  • Export Results
  • Logic
  • User Dashboard
  • URL Parameters
  • Google Analytics Tracking
  • Landing Page
  • MailChimp Integration
  • And many more available in our Quiz And Survey Master Addon Store

Reachout to us

  • You can contact our pro support via our Contact Form or use the WordPress form for free plugin support. We are equally active on both places.
  • Join our official FB group.
  • Quiz And Survey Master on GitHub!

🌐Our themes and plugins

If you like this plugin, consider exploring our other themes and plugins:

🧱 Gutena – Block Based Theme for WordPress includes over 50 free block patterns with new patterns added every week.

☰ Responsive Menu – Best WordPress Menu Builder Plugin to create awesome and interactive mobile & desktop menus for WordPress websites.

📙 Projectopia – Project Management & Invoicing plugin for WordPress. Generate invoices, send quotes, generate leads, manage clients, provide support – all inside your WordPress website.

📅 Booking Ultra – Appointment Booking plugin for WordPress – Show a quick form to accept bookings for your services with pre-set booking slots. Ideal for salons, medical professionals, lawyers, consultants, etc.

⚡ InstaWP – Launch a quick WordPress site with this sandbox service. Create New WordPress instance within a second.

This plugin provides 1 block.

  • QSM Block

  • Navigate to Add New Plugin page within your WordPress

  • Search for Quiz And Survey Master

  • Click Install Now link on the plugin and follow the prompts

  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

How do you use that feature?

We have extensive documentation and videos for the plugin. You can view the documentation here: Documentation. If you still need assistance, feel free to reach out to us!

I want to edit the output for %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS%. Can I do that?

Yes, it is possible to edit the output of the variable %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS%. When editing your quiz, go to the “Text” tab. Once on the “Text” tab scroll almost all the way down the page and you will see a text area that allows you to edit the contents of %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS%.

I want to remove the “Correct Answer” part of my results page, or I want to display the “Correct Answer Info” part on my results page. How can I do that?

To make these changes, you will edit the %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% variable. To do that, simply look at the answer to the previous question.

My preview looks different than my quiz. What can I do?

This is usually a theme conflict. You can checkout out our common conflict solutions or feel free to contact us.

very easy to work with and applicable to most quiz and survey’s!!

Это самый классный плагин для викторин и тестов я попробовал больше 10 других разных плагинов, и остановился на этом так как он работает без проблем настройка очень понятная и удобная! Отдельно хочу сказать про поддержку, хотя плагин и бесплатный, поддержка работает на все 100%! Спасибо ребята вам за такой хороший плагин! Всем рекомендую моя оценка 10 звезд из 5 🙂 This is the coolest plugin for quizzes and tests, I tried more than 10 other different plugins, and stopped at this because it works without problems, the setup is very clear and convenient! Separately, I want to say about the support, although the plugin is free, the support works 100%! Thank you guys for such a good plugin! I recommend to everyone my rating of 10 stars from 5 🙂

I was so happy to find a quiz for my site (so I thought). Everything worked fined the 1st day, and then I noticed results not coming in. I checked and it turns out after you submit, you get an error called “nonce validation failed.” I checked support and they said they can’t get rid of that code which basically means you can’t even use this plugin! I wish they would fix this… so beware if you use this you may not be getting the results.

You can design almost any type of quiz with 15 different kind of questions solely or in a blended manner.

I have started working with the QSM plugin and I am really impressed about how useful is. Also I had a situation and I have connected the support guy and I was very happy for his help. Quick and straight to the point.

Did well in hard times of online teaching 🙂

Read all 1,162 reviews

“Quiz And Survey Master – Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Plugin for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


8.0.4 (September 29, 2022)

  • Feature: Added captions for image answer on result page
  • Bug: Fixed issue with themes list in style tab
  • Bug: Fixed issue with quiz end date
  • Bug: Fixed issue with labels for opt-in question type
  • Bug: Fixed PHP warning and errors with inactive quiz themes
  • Enhancement: Minor UI improvements
  • Enhancement: Improved Image alignment in image type answers

8.0.3 (July 26, 2022)

  • Feature: Added option to enable/disable case sensitive answer for fill-in blank question
  • Feature: Added option to enable/disable MathJax
  • Feature: Added option to enable/disable emails notifications
  • Feature: Added option to set images size for image type answers
  • Feature: Added %ANSWER_X% variables to show user’s answer to a specific question
  • Feature: Added translation support for all Javascript string messages
  • Feature: Added image answer support for polar question type
  • Bug: Fixed display issue with leaderboard customization block
  • Bug: Fixed issue with questions count in quiz list page
  • Bug: Fixed issue with %QUESTION_ANSWER_X% variables
  • Bug: Fixed issue while deleting/duplicating old quizzes
  • Bug: Fixed issue with timer while using pagination
  • Enhancement: Improved UI for image type answers options

8.0.2 (June 23, 2022)

  • Bug: Fixed scoring issue while using random questions
  • Bug: Fixed issue with file question type validation settings
  • Bug: Fixed issue with video player in rich text answer type

8.0.1 (June 17, 2022)

  • Hotfix: Fixed issues while using random questions with question limit

8.0 (June 13, 2022)

  • Feature: Added WPML compatibility
  • Feature: Added option to select correct answer logic
  • Feature: Added option to show and hide Opt-in question type on result page
  • Feature: Added validation options in contact form fields
  • Enhancement: Improved UI for question editor in admin panel
  • Enhancement: Redesigned contact tab interface in admin panel
  • Enhancement: Autosave last question when user creates new question
  • Enhancement: Added column to show the number of questions in quiz list
  • Enhancement: Added qsm_results_css_inliner hook to edit email template
  • Bug: Fixed issue with quiz links
  • Bug: Fixed deletion issue with trash quizzes
  • Bug: Fixed issues with random questions order
  • Bug: Fixed %AMOUNT_INCORRECT% & %AMOUNT_ATTEMPTED% variables
  • Bug: Fixed issue while updating quiz title
  • Bug: Fixed issue with duplicate question while importing from question bank
  • Bug: Fixed JS issue with polar question type
  • Bug: Fixed several PHP warning and errors
  • Bug: Fixed issue with HTML tags in answer text editor

7.3.14 (April 5, 2022)

  • Bug: Fixed issue with paragraph question type
  • Bug: Fixed issue with qmn_register_my_templates hook
  • Bug: Fixed issue with %CATEGORY_POINTS_X% template variable
  • Bug: Fixed issue with question numbers in email
  • Bug: Fixed issue with elementor popup
  • Bug: Issue fixed with touch devices
  • Feature: Added option to set default number of answers
  • Feature: Added option to search questions from question bank
  • Enhancement: Made UI improvements in polar question

7.3.13 (March 14, 2022)

  • Bug: Fixed issue with comments field UI
  • Bug: Fixed issue with support Link
  • Bug: Fixed issue with %CATEGORY_SCORE_X% template variable
  • Bug: Fixed issue while using multiple quiz shortcodes
  • Bug: Fixed issue with qmn_register_my_templates hook
  • Bug: Fixed issue with answer text limit
  • Bug: Fixed issue while using limit questions with random questions
  • Feature: Added option to customize the label of Retake Quiz Button

7.3.12 (February 18, 2022)

  • Hotfix: Fixed compatibility issues with php 8

7.3.11 (February 17, 2022)

  • Bug: Fixed validation issues with limit multiple choice option
  • Bug: Fixed issue while creating new quiz
  • Bug: Fixed issue where empty answers are marked as correct
  • Bug: Fixed issue with quiz dashboard
  • Bug: Fixed issue with random questions & answers
  • Bug: Fixed issue with template variable %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS_EMAIL%
  • Bug: Fixed validation issues with dropdown field
  • Bug: Fixed issue while importing questions from question bank
  • Bug: Fixed issue while saving multiple results pages
  • Bug: Fixed various security vulnerabilities
  • Feature: Added new template variable %FINISHED_TIME%
  • Enhancement: Made UI improvements in question numbers

7.3.10 (January 28, 2022)

  • Checked compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Bug: Fixed UI issues in QSM dashboard banner
  • Bug: Fixed CURRENT_DATE template variable with certificate addon
  • Bug: Fixed CATEGORY_SCORE_X template variable
  • Bug: Fixed incorrectly marked answers in survey & simple form
  • Bug: Fixed translation issues
  • Bug: Fixed issues with global default settings
  • Bug: Fixed issues with multiple response question type

7.3.9 (January 20, 2022)

  • Hotfix: Issues with markup in email
  • Hotfix: Issues with quiz review for blank submissions
  • Hotfix: Issues with question/average points/score template variable
  • Hotfix: Issues with result items on admin dashboard= 7.3.8 (January 18, 2022) =
  • Bug: Fixed issues while taking quiz with logic questions.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with category selection on email page.
  • Bug: Fixed the issues with category points and score template variables.
  • Bug: Fixed issues when contact form is set to appears at end of the quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with multiple quiz shortcode on a same page.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with number of questions per category and random questions logic.
  • Bug: Fixed security issues.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with date and current date format in template variable.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with QSM Theme.
  • Enhancement: Added option to edit quiz in admin bar.
  • Enhancement: Added option to disable first page on quiz.
  • Enhancement: Made UI improvements in QSM.
  • Enhancement: Made improvements in answer matching logic.

7.3.7 (December 27, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed issues in fill in the blanks question type
  • Bug: Fixed issues with category selection on result page
  • Bug: Fixed issues with deletion and duplication capabilities for non admin users
  • Bug: Fixed issue where url parameters are being translated
  • Bug: Fixed the issues with category points and score template variables
  • Feature: Added a feature to hide/show columns in admin results page
  • Enhancement: Introduced Page Name and Page URL columns to admin results table
  • Enhancement: Made UI improvements in polar question type slider
  • Enhancement: Made UI improvements in template variable popup
  • Enhancement: Made improvements in Audit Logs

7.3.6 (December 10, 2021)

  • Hotfix: Issues with survey form type Fixed
  • Hotfix: Issues with simple form fixed
  • Hotfix: Issues with random questions feature Fixed
  • Hotfix: Issues with comment form and hints fixed
  • Hotfix: Issues with deselect option fixed

7.3.5 (November 17, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed issue while permanently deleting bulk quizzes
  • Bug: Fixed issue while editing questions imported from question bank
  • Bug: Fixed issue with question categories
  • Bug: Fixed various security vulnerabilities
  • Bug: Fixed Authenticated SQL injection
  • Bug: Fixed issues with polar question type
  • Bug: Fixed issue where multiple popups were appearing
  • Bug: Fixed issues where refreshing the page resets answered questions
  • Bug: Fixed issues with QSM block
  • Bug: Fixed issue with autofill for contact input
  • Bug: Fixed issues with polar question type slider on admin results page
  • Feature: Added support for webp file format
  • Feature: Added new template variable %MINIMUM_POINTS%
  • Enhancement: Replaced shortened urls with original urls
  • Enhancement: Refactored code to enqueue JS and CSS files as per coding standards
  • Enhancement: Refactored code to utilise libraries bundled with WordPress core
  • Enhancement: Updated out of date libraries
  • Enhancement: Removed CDN and third party server scripts
  • Enhancement: Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated all variable, file uploads and data
  • Enhancement: Moved inline scripts to wp_enqueue_script and wp_add_inline_script

7.3.4 (October 1, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed the issue with validation of date field for contact section

7.3.3 (October 1, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed the issue where %AVERAGE_CATEGORY_POINTS_X% was calculating total instead of average.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue where no category found for questions imported from question bank.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue where the limit number of questions per category was not working.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue with “Limit question per category” setting when “Random” option is enabled
  • Bug: Fixed the issue where timer was not showing on single page quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue when recaptcha button not showing when question per page quiz options is enabled.
  • Bug: Fixed the issues while duplicating a quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue where date question type shows date in reverse order on the results page and in emails.
  • Feature: Added date field in quiz contact tab.
  • Enhancement: Added Correct/Incorrect answers in different color in email.

7.3.2 (September 06, 2021)

  • Bug: Added Translation for Time is up and Cancel button.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of category name not visible.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of limit number of questions per category is not working.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of results page and email showing only 1 question and its answer multiple times.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of %POLL_RESULT_X% not displaying images while using rich answers.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of %AVERAGE_CATEGORY_POINTS_X% variable not working.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of validation errors appearing on the questions before entering the responses.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of timer not showing on the quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed security issue to prevent Cross-Site Scripting attacks.

7.3.1 (August 13, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed the error on updating database.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of everything displayed in the same line in the results page.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of fill in the blank question type not showing user answer and correct answer in the results page and email.
  • Feature: Added global default settings for quiz options.
  • Enhancement: Added option to deny quiz submission after end date/time
  • Enhancement: Made order of random questions same on the results page and the quiz frontend.

7.3.0 (July 29, 2021)

  • Feature: Added option to add multiple categories to single question.
  • Feature: Added option to display quiz results based on category points.
  • Enhancement: Extended category based template variables to support multiple categories.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with quiz duplication.

7.2.3 (July 15, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed issue fatal error on php version below 7.3.

7.2.2 (July 14, 2021)

  • Feature: Implemented multiple fill in the blanks support.
  • Feature: Implemented new template variable %TIMER_SECONDS% to show left over seconds.
  • Feature: Implemented new option to limit number of questions per category.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with template variable %AMOUNT_INCORRECT%.
  • Bug: Fixed issue of undefined index notice of facebook app id.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with saving conditions in email and results tab.
  • Bug: Fixed issue of wordpress database error notice on fresh installation.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with validation on retake quiz

7.2.1 (June 25, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed layout issues with rtl languages.
  • Bug: Fixed issue of user comments not appearing on admin result page.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with recaptcha not appearing on random quiz.

7.2.0 (June 21, 2021)

  • Feature: Introduced QSM Themes.
  • Feature: Introduced image type answers.
  • Bug: Fixed issue where there is an empty last page while using auto pagination.

7.1.19 (June 3, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed security issue related to IP address sanitization.

7.1.18 (May 31, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed recently discovered security issues.

7.1.17 (May 28, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed the issue where page title shows Nan:Nan:Nan on reload.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue when editing duplicate questions updates original questions.

7.1.16 (April 29, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed the issue with Facebook share.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with timer starting on intro page.
  • Bug: Fixed pagination issue with multiple quizzes on same page.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with tiny-mce causing conflict with other plugins.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of logic rules not being copied when duplicating quiz.
  • Feature: Added rich textbox for correct answer information.
  • Feature: Added additional condition for Email template for different answers.

7.1.15 (April 13, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed SQL errors due to which questions were disappearing from some old quizzes.
  • Bug: Fixed [qsm_result] shortcode format in results page.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue with incorrect points while using Latex commands along with the anchor tags in the rich answers.

7.1.14 (March 25, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed security and Vulnerability issues.
  • Bug: Fixed the inability to recognize correct answer for Question type Paragraph.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of question not displaying when randomizing questions by category.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of [latex] shortcode not working on retake quiz.
  • Enhancement: Added the feature to Unlink questions from quiz.
  • Enhancement: UI improvements for Quiz Editor.

7.1.13 (March 9, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed several security issues.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of audio and video player not showing in question content
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of [latex] shortcode not showing Red cross mark for incorrect option.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue required field getting surpassed by spaces in contact form.

7.1.12 (February 22, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed prevention of SQL injection while using result shortcode and question bank.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of broken [latex] shortcode in result and user dashboard page.
  • Enhancement: Added option to end the quiz if answer is wrong.
  • Enhancement: Added option to turn off the HTML auto complete.
  • Enhancement: Modified background color to fix contrast ratios from SEO perspective.

7.1.11 (January 27, 2021)

  • Bug: Fixed jquery issue while editing the result page.
  • Bug: Added string translation for %POLL_RESULTS_X% variable.
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect score while using point value with decimal.
  • Enhancement: Added link support in contact field label.
  • Enhancement: Added HTML support in email tab.
  • Enhancement: Added option to add link in Hint field.
  • Enhancement: Added support for HTML tags in Correct answer info field.
  • Enhancement: Added option to view roadmap.
  • Enhancement: Added option to delete questions from database.
  • Enhancement: Changed the quiz status by default to Draft.

7.1.10 (December 29, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed the inconsistency between no of participants and available results.
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect pagination in results page.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue with interchanging of settings while using two quiz on same page.
  • Bug: Fixed shortcode not working while using rich answer.
  • Bug: Fixed ID and Class names not showing on result page while using rich answer.
  • Bug: Fixed selected options not being shown while using Polar question type.
  • Enhancement: Changed the captcha validation message.
  • Enhancement: Added the option to round off Score of correct/incorrect answer to a whole number.

7.1.9 (December 14, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed the issue where answers with apostrophe’s are not being recognized as correct.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue where inline are shown twice when Random Questions are enabled.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue with point score and maximum point variable
  • Bug: Fixed the issue where only last answer display as correct when all the answers were marked correct.
  • Enhancement: Added Limit Text option for paragraph question type.
  • Enhancement: Added an option for inserting a link in the Correct info.

7.1.8 (November 18, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed required field not working while using Date question type.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of right answers containing apostrophes marked as incorrect in Multiple Response/ Multiple Choice questions
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect message while using rich answer type while using Show results inline option.
  • Bug: Fixed CSS overlapping issue for quiz_section class while using auto pagination.
  • Bug: Fixed continuous loading of result page while using landing page addon.
  • Bug: Fixed number question type not being recorded while using Force submit after timer expires.
  • Enhancement: Allowed plus, dash, bracket and slash in phone contact field.
  • Enhancement: Added option to limit the characters in Number question type.

7.1.7 (November 10, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed math formula not showing on result page.
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect results while using %POLL_RESULTS_X% template variable.
  • Bug: Fixed advanced timer not showing while questions per page option.
  • Bug: Fixed translation issue with string ‘No Answer Provided’.

7.1.6 (October 29, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed division by zero error while limiting number of questions.
  • Bug: Fixed inclusion of file upload question type in calculation of average point and average category point.

7.1.5 (October 26, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed logic addon rules not being copied while duplicating quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed vietnamese accents and special characters not being recognized in quiz result page.
  • Bug: Fixed apostrophe and double quotes not working with Dropdown question type.
  • Bug: Fixed apostrophe being marked as incorrect for %USER_ANSWERS_DEFAULT% template variable.
  • Bug: Fixed question’s answers being case sensitive while using %USER_ANSWERS_DEFAULT% template variable.
  • Bug: Fixed HTML codes appearing in email while using rich answer type.
  • Bug: Fixed Polar question type scoring being rounded off to integers incorrectly.
  • Bug: Fixed timer not appearing while using retaking a quiz on result page.

7.1.4 (October 06, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed point score issues when answer type is Rich Answer with HTML tags.
  • Enhancement: Added JS hook for quiz to enhance JS event.
  • Enhancement: Added .pot file to translate string into any language.
  • Enhancement: Added %POINT_SCORE% variable support in %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% template variable.
  • Enhancement: Added option to display Correct Answer Info with inline result.

7.1.3 (September 22, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed issues when email templates were not showing if classic editor was disabled.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of Certificate Addon link not showing in admin result detail page issue.
  • Bug: Fixed point score calculation issue for rich answers.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of question title not showing on front while using captcha question type.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of Comment Field showing placeholder text when the comment field is blank.
  • Bug: Removed unnecessary gap between question and answers in quiz result page.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of text showing in the next line on mobile while using Fill in the blank question type.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of apostrophes showing backslash in email content.
  • Bug: Fixed the issue of cloning of the question which was creating a blank answer
  • Bug: Fixed conflict between %QUESTION_ANSWER_X% variable and Extra Template Variables.
  • Bug: Fixed %QUESTION_ANSWER_X% variable content issue in email.
  • Enhancement: Implemented %CORRECT_SCORE% template variable score to round figure.
  • Enhancement: Added the option to disable scroll on click of next and previous button.
  • Enhancement: Added the option of Deleting a question from question bank while deleting the quiz.
  • Enhancement: Added a message when multiple choice limits are reached while using Multiple Response and Horizontal Multiple Response question type.

7.1.2 (September 04, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed admin results page to make it compatible with new variable %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS_DEFAULT%.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS_DEFAULT% variable in quiz result while using point based quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed validation issue on front end while using Deselect Answer option.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with inline results when there is extra spacing between words.
  • Enhancement: Added feature to show the uploaded file into media library for File Upload question type.

7.1.1 (September 02, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed problem with questions on front end while using random questions option.
  • Bug: Fixed submit button overlapping issue with progress bar for auto pagination.
  • Bug: Fixed the UI of meta boxes on Dashboard Page, Tools Page and Help Page.

7.1.0 (August 31, 2020)

  • Enhancement: Added a new variable %USER_ANSWERS_DEFAULT% to improve default result page. All new quizzes will have this variable by default.
  • Enhancement: Created new %AMOUNT_INCORRECT% and %AMOUNT_ATTEMPTED% template variable to enhance the quiz result page.
  • Enhancement: Added time( hours and minute ) support in quiz start and end date.
  • Enhancement: Added option in setting menu to delete data related to QSM on deletion of plugin.
  • Enhancement: Added option in setting menu to enable/disable the Background Quiz Email Process.
  • Enhancement: Added qsm prefixes to email classes.
  • Enhancement: Added feature to view uploaded file in admin result page for File Upload question type.
  • Enhancement: Added option to show only title in quiz result page.
  • Enhancement: Added a button to view uploaded file in quiz result page and replaced the empty spaces in the uploaded file slug with dashes.
  • Enhancement: Added a check box to select/deselect question in Question Bank Popup.
  • Bug: Fixed issues where questions were not showing up in admin when there is no pages in quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed jquery error when editor is changed to text in Quiz text tab.
  • Bug: Fixed PHP 7.4 Sentry Issues while creating new quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with Allowed file types while question editing.
  • Bug: Fixed submit button position for auto pagination.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with quiz loading when pagination is enabled.

7.0.2 (August 18, 2020)

  • Enhancement: Checked compatibility with WordPress 5.5.
  • Enhancement: Added option to customize the inline correct/incorrect messages.
  • Enhancement: Added video, audio, youtube and gallery support while displaying message before quiz.
  • Enhancement: Added support of template variables when redirecting to result page.
  • Enhancement: Added new template variable %MAXIMUM_POINTS% to display the maximum possible points per quiz.
  • Enhancement: Added option to select quiz in Gutenberg block editor.
  • Enhancement: Email and name fields will be captured automatically for logged in user.
  • Enhancement: Upgraded user interface of addons settinga page.
  • Bug: Fixed score calculation issues.
  • Bug: Fixed issues while editing quiz’s text tab.
  • Bug: Fixed issue where question title not showing for Polar question type.
  • Bug: Fixed calculation issues while using Polar question type.
  • Bug: Fixed validation issues with phone field in contact tab.
  • Bug: Fixed issue where option to limit choices was not working for horizontal multiple response question type.
  • Bug: Fixed security vulnerability (discovered by NinTechNet).
  • Bug: Fixed issue where number of items per page was not working on Quizzes/Surveys page.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with required checkbox while editing questions.
  • Bug: Fixed extra contact field were not showing in admin result new template.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with the title while retaking a quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed issue where category not assigning while editing the question.

7.0.1 (August 05, 2020)

  • Enhancement: Added option to set items per page while adding questions from question bank.
  • Enhancement: Hide question description by default or when empty.
  • Enhancement: Fixed the question number position while displaying questions.
  • Enhancement: Added new option to skip validations when timer expires.
  • Enhancement: Redesigned addons setting page.
  • Enhancement: Renamed the question type for better understanding Read Documentation.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with storing results when questions are more than 100.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with force submit option after timer expiry.
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect data issue in email when using %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS%.
  • Bug: Fixed broken layout when editing or adding question.
  • Bug: Fixed security vulnerability (discovered by Wordfence).

7.0.0 (July 22, 2020)

  • Enhancement: Complete UI overhaul QSM admin view including new Dashboard
  • Enhancement: A new wizard to create quizzes effortlessly
  • Enhancement: Separate field for question title when you edit questions
  • Enhancement: Updated UI of several pages in admin panel
  • Enhancement: Added new template for results page in admin panel
  • Enhancement: Added background email feature to improve performance while displaying results.
  • Bug: Fixed issue where recaptcha appears on every page
  • Bug: Fixed a database error where some users were not able to create a quiz (Error Code: 0001)
  • Bug: Fixed cross-site scripting vulnerability (discovered by Vishnupriya Ilango of Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs.)
  • Bug: Fixed issues while duplicating a quiz

6.4.12 (June 22, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed validation issue in email with spaces.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with settings related to number of times a user can take quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed missing time calculation while retaking quiz.
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect calculation of %QUESTION_ANSWER_CORRECT% and %QUESTION_ANSWER_INCORRECT% variables.
  • Bug: Fixed time up popup with advanced timer on retaking quiz.
  • Bug: Removed irrelevant queries running behind the scene on each admin page.
  • Bug: Removed duplicate column name database error.
  • Bug: Removed orphaned plugin settings on its deletion.
  • Bug: Fixed issues with fill in the blank question type when using polylang.
  • Enhancement: Added user notification for collecting and storing IP addresses setting.
  • Bug: Fixed inconsistent polar question type title.

6.4.11 (May 22, 2020)

  • Bug: Removed static data from about us page.
  • Bug: Fixed progress bar JS error and its calculation issues.
  • Bug: Fixed issue with spaces before tables in questions.
  • Bug: Fixed scroll to top issue for pagination.
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect calculation with %AMOUNT_CORRECT% and %POINT_SCORE% variables.
  • Bug: Removed unnecessary query repetitions.
  • Enhancement: Added filter to add additional data to email content.
  • Enhancement: Trim white space at the end of text answers.
  • Enhancement: Created new function to check whether plugin is activated or not (
  • Enhancement: Added progress bar support for options tab pagination.
  • Enhancement: Added new variable %QUESTION_ANSWER_X% to show specific question’s answer.

6.4.10 (May 05, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed issue while using quotes in CSS (
  • Bug: Fixed issue where text label overrides checkbox.
  • Bug: Fixed duplicate messages when login is required.
  • Bug: Fixed unwanted appearance of timer popup (
  • Bug: Fixed issue with latex syntax on result page.
  • Enhancement: Added pagination while importing questions from question bank to increase performance

6.4.9 (April 21, 2020)

  • Bug: Fixed popup design issues.

6.4.8 (April 20, 2020)

  • Bug: Changed the quiz post type slug to solve the conflict with LMS plugin
  • Feature: Added the button to remove the result data permanent
  • Feature: Added supporting code for new advanced timer
  • Feature: Option to select categories for random questions
  • Enhancement: JavaScript error messages will show up only for WordPress admins.

6.4.7 (April 07, 2020)

  • Bug: Solved jquery UI error
  • Bug: Customized text using the “Text tab” and remove from “Options Tab” for user is not logged in
  • Bug: Fixed share Quizz’s results on Social Media ( )
  • Bug: For polar question type added the validation while creating option
  • Bug: Solved phone number field validation
  • Bug: Solved User Dashboard addon issue for first row
  • Feature: Special capabilities #810 ( )
  • Feature: Added Show JS Error library to show the JS Error in quiz page
  • Feature: Changed type of quiz_results to MEDIUMTEXT (16M size) ( )

6.4.5 (March 16, 2020)

  • Bug: Hint not readable
  • Bug: Full html of the option is being output in the ID of wrapper div and in the value of the option ( )
  • Bug: QSM not picking up user select answer when empty spaces at the end
  • Feature: Added checkbox for selecting questions from question bank ( )
  • Feature: Take to quiz edit after creating a new quiz
  • Feature: added ‘deselect answer’ button for multiple choice and horizontal multiple choice question type

6.4.4 (Feb 24, 2020)

  • Bug: Security Issues reported by WORDFENCE
  • Bug: Change text in Get a Free Addon page
  • Feature: Change sendy to sendinblue in free addon page
  • Feature: Added sorting functionality on name and last activity

6.4.3 (Feb 6, 2020)

  • Bug: Solved user limit issue with ip address
  • Bug: Solved Search input issue on Quizzes/Surveys
  • Added: added question type help link and changed the old documentation in whole plugin
  • Feature: Added polar question type

6.4.2 (Jan 27, 2020)

  • Bug: Solved Email without (

6.4.1 (Jan 24, 2020)

  • Bug: Solve vulnerability issues reported by wordfence
  • Bug: PHP notices in Settings page
  • Bug: Audio files does not show and play in the Question
  • Bug: Unable to rename quiz
  • Bug: Thumbnail and Medium size image does not show up in Question
  • Bug: PHP warnings in get free adon page
  • Bug: Video Shortcode does not work in Question
  • Feature: WordPress 5.3 compatability

6.4 (Jan 1, 2020)

  • Bug: Result summary page is not displaying Math problems
  • Feature: Client wants users to upload images/attachments to the survey
  • Bug: Edit question popup not working
  • Bug: PHP Warnings
  • Bug: Quiz post setting not working properly
  • Bug: Broken links to documentation pages in quiz setting
  • Bug: Export & Import addon bug
  • Bug: Customising form with CSS is not easy
  • Bug: Bug Regarding Pagination Feature
  • Feature: User wants a logic to work in the same way for Checkbox & Multiple choice questions
  • Feature: Provide an export button on top of quiz index

6.3.6 (Nov 28, 2019)

  • Included all the suggestions made by team
  • Made external files loading from local website
  • Security updates – type safe for all $_GET and $_POST vars
  • Update out of date library (Chart.min.js)

6.3.5 (Nov 22, 2019)

  • New Design Elements
  • Show page count for multipage quizzes
  • Get Quiz and Survey Data Using WordPress API (
  • Filters and hooks listed on documentation
  • Animations/transition options for questions (
  • Bug: WordPress embed shortcode does not work in question
  • Remove advertisement from top bar in quizzes
  • Results table design change
  • XSS Vulnerability (

6.3.4 (Oct 24, 2019)

  • Massive overhaule for being responsive in admin panel.
  • Checkbox limit ([Issue #743]
  • Logic addon bug ([Issue #760]
  • Add filter to results array ([Issue #785]

6.3.3 (Oct 04, 2019)

  • Option to disable “retake” quiz option.
  • Mouse pointer over the FB / TW buttons
  • Translate for “Retake Quiz” ([Issue #773]
  • Radio buttons hard to select ([WP Issue] (
  • Results page enhancements

6.3.2 (July 06, 2019)

  • UI Changes
  • Addons Pricing Page Update
  • Free Addon Page Added
  • Show results of quiz in realtime – #646
  • Timer Enhacements – Auto submit at expiry and show message on expiry
  • Personality Quiz Enhancements – Show category on frontend and Show results per category
  • Retake Quiz – #661
  • Question Bank Enhacements – #39
  • Facebook Button Icons

6.3.1 (May 19, 2019)

  • Closed Bug: Duplicate post issue (Issue #758)
  • Closed Enhancement: Option to turn off autofill (WP Issue)
  • Added Feature: Preview quiz within the quiz edit page.
  • Added Feature: Auto save quiz and questions
  • Closed Enhancement: Disable autofill for contact fields (Issue #718)
  • Closed Enhancement: Added %POLL_RESULTS_X% tag for results page to show poll results (Issue #458)
  • Closed Bug: Facebook Share not working properly (WP Issue)

6.3.0 (April 20, 2019)

  • Massive UI update
  • Closed Enhancement: Support for Image and Rich answers
    (Issue #146)

6.2.2 (March 14, 2019)

  • Security update as suggested by WordPress team.

6.2.1 (February 20, 2019)

  • Fixes cut off submit button on mobile phone issue
  • Switches “Frank Corso” with “QSM Team” in relevant places

6.2.0 (January 31, 2019)

  • Closed Enhancement: Create new alert system on quiz options page (Issue #754)
  • Closed Bug: No access allowed when clicking “Support” from plugins page (Issue #753)
  • Closed Bug: To many redirects (Issue #745)
  • Closed User Request: Allow default email to be deleted or turned off (Issue #735)
  • Closed Enhancement: Rewrite emails to allow for different conditions (Issue #379)
  • Closed Enhancement: Rewrite results pages to allow for different conditions (Issue #378)

(Read Full Changelog)

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda